Title of Invention


Abstract Provided are oligonucleotides for isolating human antibody cDNAs from cells or cell lines, such as hybridomas. The invention also provides cDNAs that encode at least one provided CDR of heavy chain or a light chain of a human monoclonal antibody that binds to B. anthracis protective antigen; and cDNAs that encode at least one provided CDR of a heavy chain or a light chain of a human monoclonal antibody that binds to B. anthracis lethal factor. The invention further provides expression vectors that contain one or more cDNAs isolated according to the methods of the invention, host cells expressing one or more inventive cDNAs, and transgenic plants and animals that express one or more inventive cDNAs. In certain embodiments of the invention the expression system is a plant-based expression system. The invention further provides antibody compositions comprising one or more antibodies produced by expressing a cDNA isolated according to the methods of the invention in a suitable expression system. Additionally encompassed in the invention are kits containing one or more of provided compositions, as well as methods of production and use of provided compositions.
[0001] This application claims priority to and the benefit of U.S. Provisional application no.
60/705,653, filed August 3,2005, the contents of which are hereby incorporated by reference in their
[0002] Anthrax is a well-characterized infectious disease caused by the sporulating bacteria
Bacillus anthracis. The disease is historically associated with animal infections, especially herbivores
such as cows, sheep, and goats, and is not typically found in humans. However, humans working with
animal products where infection occurs are at risk of contracting anthrax. Some regions of the Middle
East and sub-Saharan Africa are hyperendemic for anthrax, though the organism can often be found in
many areas of the world. The disease manifests in three different ways: cutaneous, gastrointestinal
and inhalation anthrax result from exposure of an open wound to spores, ingesting spores in
contaminated meat products, or inhaling spores, respectively. While cutaneous anthrax has a fatality
rate of up to 25 percent, gastrointestinal or inhalation anthrax results in nearly 100 percent fatalities.
Definitive diagnosis of anthrax infection often comes too late to provide resuscitative care.
[0003] The principal virulence factor of B. anthrads is a multi-component toxin secreted by the
organism. The toxin consists of three proteins designated protective antigen (PA), lethal factor (LF)
and edema factor (EF), which are encoded by the genes pag, lef, and cya, respectively. PA is a 735
ammo acid protein of molecular weight 83 kDa. It binds to the anthrax toxin receptor (ATR) on a
mammalian cell surface, and subsequently undergoes a furin-mediated cleavage to yield a 63 kDa
receptor-bound product The 63 kDa PA fragment forms a heptameric complex on the cell surface
which is capable of interacting with either LF or EF, and this complex is subsequently internalized.
LF is a zinc metalloprotease that cleaves several isoforms of MAP kinase kinase, thereby disrupting
signal transduction events within a cell, eventually leading to cell death. LF is considered responsible
for the lethal outcome of anthrax infection. EF is a calmodulin-dependent adenylate cyclase that
causes deregulation of cellular physiology, leading to clinical manifestations that include edema. PA
and LF together are referred to as lethal toxin.
[0004] The CDC lists anthrax as a category A disease agent and estimates the cost of an anthrax
attack to exceed $26 billion per 100,000 persons exposed. Presently, the only vaccine licensed for
human use in the U.S., Biothrax (formerly Anthrax vaccine adsorbed, or AVA), is an aluminum
hydroxide-adsorbed, formalin-treated subunit vaccine based on protective antigen, PA. It is delivered
by subcutaneous injection and induces immunity against lethal toxin secreted by the bacillus. The
vaccine is produced from the filtered culture supernatant fraction of the V77O-"NP1-R strain of B.
anthrads. The production process is complex, there is variation from batch-to-batch in vaccine
preparation lots, and the precise composition of the vaccine is undetermined. Furthermore, since alum

is included as an adjuvant with the current vaccine, a cold chain must be maintained during vaccine
storage and distribution, adding inconvenience and cost. The vaccine is administered by injection,
which can complicate the logistics of mass treatments. Thus, it would be desirable to have additional
reagents capable of countering the infectious potential of an anthrax outbreak or attack.
[0005] Monoclonal antibodies are of increasing importance for a variety of therapeutic as well as
diagnostic, industrial, and research purposes. For example, several animal studies have demonstrated
anthrax toxin-specific antibodies from vaccinated animals can passively protect recipients from lethal
effects of infection. However, animal-derived sera has obvious drawbacks which prevent widespread
use as therapeutics. Monoclonal antibodies produced by hybridomas must be harvested from medium
in which the hybridomas are cultured or harvested from mouse ascites fluid. Unfortunately, these
production systems are expensive, labor-intensive, and have other significant disadvantages. For
these reasons and others it would be desirable to be able to utilize alternative production systems for
monoclonal antibodies such as production systems involving recombinant DNA technology.
[0006] Concerns regarding sufficient access and limited supply of reagents, product cost, and
reagent purity underscore the urgent need for improved products and reagents. Thus, there exists a
clear need and urgency for improved approaches to counter potential anthrax infection, as well as for
improved methods of diagnostic detection, and research tools useful in examination of anthrax
infection mechanism. Furthermore, it is desireable to provide production methods that allow for
mass-production of products useful in such applications at reasonable cost.
Summary of the Invention
[0007] The present invention provides nucleic acid and protein sequences useful in the
preparation of antibodies in recombinant systems. In particular, provided are oligoucleotide primer
sequences useful for preparation of nucleic acid sequences encoding a light chain antibody sequence
and a heavy chain antibody sequence. Additionally provided are an antibody nucleic acid sequence
encoding a polypeptide consisting of at least one heavy chain polypeptide or functional fragment
thereof; and an antibody nucleic acid sequence encoding at least one light chain polypeptide or
functional fragment thereof. Also provided are heavy and light chain polypeptides and functional
fragment(s) thereof. The invention additionally provides antibody sequences of PA-1 and LF-1
antibodies each independently comprising at least one CDR heavy chain polypeptide and at least one
CDR light chain polypeptide. Also provided are antibody sequences of PA-1 and LF-1 antibodies
each independently comprising one or more CDRs having at least one amino acid substitution, where
the PA-1 or LF-1 binding activity is enhanced. Nucleic acids encoding PA-1 and LF-1 heavy and light
chains as well as nucleic acids encoding PA-1 and LF-1 antibodies are additionally provided.
Functional fragments of such encoding nucleic acids are similarly provided. Mehtods of production
and use of provided compositions are also provided herein.

Brief Description of the Drawing
[0008] Figure 1 is a photograph of a gel showing SDS-PAGE analysis of PA and PANG
(nonglycosylated) plant-produced antibodies. IgG standards are purified total human IgG. Positions
of the heavy (H) and light (L) chains are indicated by arrows.
[0009] Figure 2 is a graph depicts results of rat half life studies of plant produced PA (PA), or
PANG (PANG), LF (LF) antibody.
[0010] The terms "antibody", "antibody chain", "variable region or domain", "constant region or
domain", "gamma chain", "kappa chain", "lambda chain", "heavy chain", "light chain", and other
terms relevant to antibodies are used herein in accordance with their art-accepted meanings as
described, e.g., in Goldby, R.A., Kuby Immunology, supra, and/or Harlow, supra.
[0011] The term "cDNA" refers to a single-stranded DNA molecule that is complementary to an
mRNA or to a double-stranded DNA molecule that comprises a strand that is complementary to an
mRNA. The other strand of the double-stranded cDNA will have the same sequence as the mRNA
and will thus encode the same polypeptide as the mRNA.
[0012] An "expression vector" is a vector that contains regulatory sequences (e.g., promoters
and/or other expression signals and, optionally, 3' sequences, such as 3' regulatory sequences or
termination signals sufficient to drive transcription of a nucleic acid segment to which they are
operably linked. The expression vector may also comprise operably linked sequences required for
proper translation of the nucleic acid segment. The nucleic acid segment may, but need not be, a
protein coding sequence. The nucleic acid segment may be chimeric, meaning that it includes more
than one sequence of distinct origin that are joined together by recombinant DNA techniques,
resulting in a nucleotide sequence that does not occur naturally. The term "expression vector" can
refer to a vector either before or after insertion of the operably linked nucleic acid segment. Certain
expression vectors allow the shuttling of DNA between hosts such as bacteria-yeast, or bacteria-
animal cells, or bacteria-fungal cells, or bacteria-invertebrate cells, or bacteria-plant cells. A typical
expression vector will contain an origin of replication for autonomous replication in host cells, one or
more selectable markers, one or more (typically several) useful restriction enzyme sites, frequently a
potential for high copy number, and one or more promoters.
[0013] "Identity" refers to the extent to which the sequence of two or more nucleic acids is the
same. The percent identity between first and second nucleic acids over a window of evaluation may
be computed by aligning the nucleic acids, determining the number of nucleotides within the window
of evaluation that are opposite an identical nucleotide allowing the introduction of gaps to maximize
identity, dividing by the total number of nucleotides in the window, and multiplying by 100. When

computing the number of identical nucleotides needed to achieve a particular % identity, fractions are
ro be rounded to the nearest whole number. When two or more sequences are compared, any of them
may be considered the reference sequence.
[0014] Percent identity can be calculated using a variety of computer programs known in the art.
For example, computer programs such as BLASTN, BLASTP, Gapped BLAST, etc., generate
alignments and provide % identity between a sequence of interest and sequences in any of a variety of
public databases. The algorithm of Karlin and Altschul (Karlin and Altschul, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
USA 87:22264-2268,1990) modified as in Karlin and Altschul, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 90:5873-
5877,1993 is incorporated into the NBLAST and XBLAST programs of Altschul et al. (Altschul, et
al.,J. Mol. Biol. 215:403-410, 1990). To obtain gapped alignments for comparison purposes, Gapped
BLAST is utilized as described in Altschul et al. (Altschul, et al. Nucleic Acids Res. 25: 3389-3402,
1997). When utilizing BLAST and Gapped BLAST programs, the default parameters of the respective
programs are used. See the Web site having URL www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. A PAM250 or
BLOSUM62 matrix may be used.
[0015] The term "isolated" means 1) separated from at least some of the components with which
it is usually associated in nature; 2) prepared or purified by a process that involves the hand of man;
and/or 3) not occurring in nature. A nucleic acid that is excised from or amplified from a larger
nucleic acid (e.g., a chromosome, episome, viral or bacterial genome) in which it is naturally found is
considered isolated. In some embodiments the excised or amplified nucleic acid is no longer joined to
non-coding regions (but may be joined to its native regulatory regions or portions thereof), or to other
genes, which are located upstream or downstream from the isolated nucleic acid as found in the larger
nucleic acid. Isolated nucleic acids include nucleic acids inserted into plasmids, cosmids, artificial
chromosomes, viral vectors, and the like, i.e., a nucleic acid that forms part of a recombinant nucleic
acid construct is considered isolated. An isolated nucleic acid can be an amplification product (e.g., a
PCR product), an isolated mRNA, a cDNA, a restriction fragment, etc. An isolated polypeptide can
be a polypeptide expressed in a heterologous expression system, i.e., expressed by a cell that does not
express the polypeptide in nature. An isolated antibody can be an antibody that is present in a
composition other than blood or serum. An antibody that is expressed from an isolated nucleic acid is
considered to be an isolated antibody. Any of the nucleic acids, antibody chains, or antibodies of the
invention can be provided in isolated form.
[0016] The terms "nucleic acid", "polynucleotide", and "oligonucleotide" are used
interchangeably herein to refer to a polymer of at least three nucleotides. A nucleoside comprises a
nitrogenous base linked to a sugar molecule. In a polynucleotide, phosphate groups covalently link
adjacent nucleosides to form a polymer. The polymer may include natural nucleosides (e.g.,
adenosine, thymidine, guanosine, cytidine, uridine, deoxyadenosine, deoxythymidine,
deoxyguanosine, and deoxycytidine), nucleoside analogs, chemically modified bases, biologically

modified bases (e.g., methylated bases), intercalated bases, modified sugars (e.g, modified purines or
pyrimidines). See Kornberg and Baker, DNA Replication, 2nd Ed. (Freeman, San Francisco, 1992),
Scheit, Nucleotide Analogs (John Wiley, New York, 1980), and U.S. Patent Publication No.
20040092470 and references therein for further discussion of various nucleotides, nucleosides, and
backbone structures that can be used in the polynucleotides described herein, and methods for
producing them. Analogs such as peptide nucleic acids, locked nucleic acids, etc., are also within the
scope of the invention. A polynucleotide may be of any size or sequence and may be single- or
double-stranded. An oligonucleotide is typically less than 100 nucleotides in length. Any nucleic
acid disclosed herein can be in single or double-stranded form. Where the invention provides a
nucleic acid sequence, the complementary sequence is also provided. Furthermore, where a sequence
is provided as DNA, the corresponding RNA sequence (i.e., the sequence in which T is replaced by U,
is also provided).
[0017] The term "nucleic acid construct" is used to refer to a nucleic acid that has been modified
by the hand of man or is derived from such a nucleic acid. For example, a nucleic acid construct can
contain a mutation, deletion, or substitution relative to a naturally occurring nucleic acid molecule. A
nucleic acid construct can comprise two or more nucleic acid segments that are derived from or
originate from different sources such as different organisms, e.g., a recombinant polynucleotide. The
sequence of one or more portions of a nucleic acid construct may be entirely invented by man.
[0018] The term "nucleic acid sequence" as used herein can refer to the nucleic acid material
itself and is not restricted to the sequence information (i.e. the succession of letters chosen among the
five base letters A, G, C, T, or U) that biochemically characterizes a specific nucleic acid, e.g., a DNA
or RNA molecule.
[0019] "Operably linked" or "operably associated" refers to a functional relationship between
two nucleic acids, wherein the expression, activity, localization, etc., of one of the sequences is
controlled by, directed by, regulated by, modulated by, etc., the other nucleic acid. The two nucleic
acids are said to be operably linked or operably associated. "Operably linked" or "operably
associated" also refers to a relationship between two polypeptides wherein the expression of one of
the polypeptides is controlled by, directed by, regulated by, modulated by, etc., the other polypeptide.
The two nucleic acids are said to be operably linked or operably associated. For example,
transcription of a nucleic acid is directed by an operably linked promoter; post-transcriptional
processing of a nucleic acid is directed by an operably linked processing sequence; translation of a
nucleic acid is directed by an operably linked translational regulatory sequence such as a translation
initiation sequence; transport, stability, or localization of a nucleic acid or polypeptide is directed by
an operably linked transport or localization sequence such as a secretion signal sequence; and post-
translational processing of a polypeptide is directed by an operably linked processing sequence.
Preferably a first nucleic acid sequence that is operably linked to a second nucleic acid sequence, or a

first polypeptide that is operativeiy linked to a second polypeptide, is covalently linked, either directly
or indirectly, to such a sequence, although any effective three-dimensional association is acceptable.
One of ordinary skill in the art will appreciate that multiple nucleic acids, or multiple polypeptides,
may be operably linked or associated.
[0020] The term "primer" refers to a single-stranded oligonucleotide which acts as a point of
initiation of template-directed DNA synthesis under appropriate conditions (e.g., in the presence of
four different nucleoside triphosphates and a polymerization agent, such as DNA polymerase, RNA
polymerase or reverse transcriptase) in an appropriate buffer solution containing any necessary
cofactors and at a suitable temperature. The appropriate length of a primer depends on the intended
use of the primer, but typically ranges from approximately 10 to approximately 50 nucleotides. A
primer need not be perfectly complementary to the template but should be sufficiently complementary
to hybridize with it. A primer can be provided in double-stranded form, i.e., hybridized to its
[0021] "Purified", as used herein, means that an entity or substance is separated from one or
more other entities or substances with which it was previously found before being purified. An entity
or substance may be partially purified, substantially purified, or pure. A substance or entity such as a
nucleic acid or polypeptide is considered pure when it is removed from substantially all other
compounds or entities other than a solvent and any ions contained in the solvent, i.e., it constitutes at
least about 90%, more preferably at least about 91%, 92%, 93%, 94%, 95%, 96%, 97%, 98%, 99%, or
greater than 99% of the dry weight of the composition. A partially or substantially purified compound
or entity such as a nucleic acid or polypeptide may be removed from at least 50%, at least 60%, at
least 70%, or at least 80% of the material with which it is naturally found, e.g., cellular material such
as cellular proteins and/or nucleic acids. In certain embodiments the of a purified nucleic acid or
polypeptide constitutes at least 10%, 2Q%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 95%, 99% or even
more, by dry weight, of the total nucleic acid or polypeptide, respectively, in a composition. Methods
for assessing purity are known in the art and include chromatrographic methods, immunological
methods, electrophoretic methods, etc.
[0022] The term "regulatory element" or "regulatory sequence" in reference to a nucleic acid is
generally used herein to describe a portion of nucleic acid that directs or controls one or more steps in
the expression (particularly transcription, but in some cases other events such as splicing or other
processing) of nucleic acid sequence(s) with which it is operativeiy linked. The term includes
promoters and can also refer to enhancers, silencers, and other transcriptional control elements.
Promoters are regions of nucleic acid that include a site to which RNA polymerase binds before
initiating transcription and that are typically necessary for even basal levels of transcription to occur.
Generally such elements comprise a TATA box. Enhancers are regions of nucleic acid that
encompass binding sites for protein(s) that elevate transcriptional activity of a nearby or distantly

located promoter, typically above some basal level of expression that would exist in the absence of the
enhancer. In some embodiments of the invention, regulatory sequences may direct constitutive
expression of a nucleotide sequence, e.g., expression may occur in most or all cell types and/or under
most or all conditions; in other embodiments, regulatory sequences may direct cell or tissue-specific
and/or inducible expression. For example, expression may be induced by the presence or addition of
an inducing agent such as a hormone or other small molecule, by an increase in temperature, etc.
Regulatory elements may also inhibit or decrease expression of an operatively linked nucleic acid.
Regulatory elements that behave in this manner will be referred to herein as "negative regulatory
[0023] In general, the level of expression may be determined using standard techniques for
measuring mRNA or protein. Such methods include Northern blotting, in situ hybridization, RT-
PCR, sequencing, immunological methods such as immunoblotting, immunodetection, or
fluorescence detection following staining with fluorescently labeled antibodies, oligonucleotide or
cDNA microarray or membrane array, protein array analysis, mass spectrometry, etc. A convenient
way to determine expression level is to place a nucleic acid that encodes a readily detectable marker
(e.g., a fluorescent or luminescent protein such as green fluorescent protein or luciferase, an enzyme
such as alkaline phosphatase, etc.) in operable association with the regulatory element in an
expression vector, introduce the vector into a cell type of interest or into an organism, maintain the
cell or organism for a period of time, and then measure expression of the readily detectable marker,
taking advantage of whatever property renders it readily detectable (e.g., fluorescence, luminescence,
alteration of optical property of a substrate, etc.). Comparing expression in the absence and presence
of the regulatory element indicates the degree to which the regulatory element affects expression of an
operatively linked sequence.
[0024] "Specific binding" generally refers to a physical association between a target polypeptide
(or, more generally, a target molecule) and a binding molecule such as an antibody or ligand. The
association is typically dependent upon the presence of a particular structural feature of the target such
as an antigenic determinant or epitope recognized by the binding molecule. For example, if an
antibody is specific for epitope A, the presence of a polypeptide containing epitope A or the presence
of free unlabeled A in a reaction containing both free labeled A and the binding molecule that binds
thereto, will reduce the amount of labeled A that binds to the binding molecule. It is to be understood
that specificity need not be absolute but generally refers to the context in which the binding occurs.
For example, it is well known in the art that numerous antibodies cross-react with other epitopes in
addition to those present in the target molecule. Such cross-reactivity may be acceptable depending
upon the application for which the antibody is to be used. One of ordinary skill in the art will be able
to select antibodies or ligands having a sufficient degree of specificity to perform appropriately in any
given application (e.g., for detection of a target molecule, for therapeutic purposes, etc). It is also to
be understood that specificity may be evaluated in the context of additional factors such as the affinity

of the binding molecule for the target versus the affinity of the binding molecule for other targets, e.g.,
competitors. If a binding molecule exhibits a high affinity for a target molecule that it is desired to
detect and low affinity for nontarget molecules, the antibody will likely be an acceptable reagent.
Once the specificity of a binding molecule is established in one or more contexts, it may be employed
in other, preferably similar, contexts without necessarily re-evaluating its specificity. Binding of two
or more molecules may be considered specific if the affinity (equilibrium dissociation constant, Kd) is
at least 10-3 M, preferably l0-4M, more preferably 10-5 M, e.g., 10-6M, 1(T-7M, 10-8M, or i(r M under
the conditions tested, e.g., under physiological conditions.
[0025] "Subject", as used herein, refers to an individual to whom an antibody composition is to
be delivered, e.g., for experimental, diagnostic, and/or therapeutic purposes. Preferred subjects are
mammals, particularly domesticated mammals (e.g., dogs, cats, etc.), primates, or humans.
[0026] "Treating", as used herein, can generally include reversing, alleviating, reducing,
inhibiting the progression of, or reducing the likelihood of the disease, disorder, or condition to which
such term applies, or one or more symptoms or manifestations of such disease, disorder or condition.
"Preventing" refers to causing a disease, disorder, condition, or symptom or manifestation of such, or
worsening of the severity of such, not to occur.
[0027] "Vector" is used herein to refer to a nucleic acid or a virus, viral genome, or portion
thereof (e.g., a viral capsid or a component of a viral genome) capable of mediating entry of, e.g.,
transferring, transporting, etc., a nucleic acid molecule into a cell. Where the vector is a nucleic acid,
the nucleic acid molecule to be transferred is generally linked to, e.g., inserted into, the vector nucleic
acid molecule. A nucleic acid vector may include sequences that direct autonomous replication
within suitable host cells (e.g., an origin of replication), or may include sequences sufficient to allow
integration of part of all of the nucleic acid into host cell DNA. Useful nucleic acid vectors include,
for example, DNA or RNA plasmids, cosmids, and naturally occurring or modified viral genomes or
portions thereof or nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) that can be packaged into viral capsids. Plasmid
vectors typically include an origin of replication and one or more selectable markers. Plasmids may
include part or all of a viral genome (e.g., a viral promoter, enhancer, processing or packaging signals,
etc.). Viruses or portions thereof (e.g., viral capsids) that can be used to introduce nucleic acid
molecules into cells are referred to as viral vectors. Useful animal viral vectors include adenoviruses,
retroviruses, lentiviruses, vaccinia virus and other poxviruses, herpex simplex virus, and others.
Useful plant viral vectors include those based on tobamoviruses, ilarviruses, etc. Viral vectors may or
may not contain sufficient viral genetic information for production of infectious virus when
introduced into host cells, i.e., viral vectors may be replication-defective, and such replication-
defective viral vectors may be preferable for certain embodiments of the invention. Where sufficient
information is lacking it may, but need not be, supplied by a host cell or by another vector introduced
into the cell.

Detailed Description of Certain Embodiments of the Invention
[0028] The invention is directed to nucleic acids encoding the monoclonal antibody (MAb) PA,
and nucleic acids encoding the monoclonal antibody LF. Antibodies encoded by the nucleic acids, and
functional fragments thereof, specifically recognize the anthrax proteins PA and LF, respectively, and
inhibit activity, and productive anthrax infection. The invention is also directed to nucleic acids
encoding and to polypeptides comprising modified forms of PA and/or LF, and functional fragments
thereof. These antibodies and functional fragments retain the binding specificity and inhibitory
activity of the parent murine antibody PA and/or LF. The invention is additionally directed to
optimized forms of PA and/or LF antibodies that exhibit increased binding affinity and specificity
compared to the parental forms of the PA and/or LF antibody,
[0029] The hybridoma method, first described by Kohler & Milstein, Nature 256: 495,1975, is
widely used for the identification of monoclonal antibodies that exhibit desired binding properties.
Briefly, the techique generally involves isolating lymphocytes from an immunized mammal, fusing
the lymphocytes with myeloma cells, and isolating clonal cell lines (hybridomas) generated from the
fusion. These cell lines are screened to identify those that produce an antibody that binds to the
polypeptide of interest or to a particular portion or antigenic determinant thereof. Lines can also be
screened to identify ones that produce an antibody having a desired affinity for the target polypeptide.
The immunized mammal may have been deliberately immunized, e.g., vaccinated, or may have been
infected by an infectious organism, exposed to an antigen, etc. Thus an "immunized mammal" refers
to any mammal that produces an antibody that specifically binds to a polypeptide of interest. In a
preferred embodiment of the present invention the mammal is a human being, e.g., a human being
who has been vaccinated against an infectious agent, exposed to an infectious agent, etc.
[0030] The present invention provides oligonucleotide primers and primer sets for use in
isolating cPNAs that encode antibody heavy or light chains from hybridomas, e.g., using polymerase
chain reaction (PCR).
[0031] In one embodiment, an oligonucleotide comprises any of SEQ ID NOs: 1-44. In
another embodiment, an oligonucleotide consists of any of SEQ ID NOs: 1-44. In other aspects, the
restriction enzyme site provided in certain primers may be modified to any preferred restriction
enzyme site, in order to adapt the primers to desirable vector insert sites.
[0032] In another aspect, the invention provides a method of isolating a nucleic acid that encodes
an antibody chain or portion thereof. In one embodiment, the method comprises the steps of: (a)
contacting nucleic acids obtained from an antibody-producing cell with at least one oligonucleotide
primer selected from the group consisting of SEQ ID NOs: 1-44; and (b) performing an amplification
reaction. The amplification reaction is typically a polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In certain
embodiments of the invention step (a) comprises containct the nucleic acids with at least two

oligonucleotide primers selected from the group consisting of SEQ ID NOs: 1-44. It will be
appreciated that while the primers and methods of the present invention may have particular use for
cloning antibody chain cPNAs (i.e., cDNAs that encode an antibody chain) from hybridomas, they
are in no way limited to that purpose but can be used for cloning antibody chain cDNAs from any
antibody producing cell, cell line, etc. Preferably the antibody chain is a human antibody chain.
[0033] In another aspect, the invention provides nucleic acid compositions encoding antibody
polypeptide chains, or functional fragments thereof which bind an anthrax protein. In one
embodiment, nucleic acid compositions encoding antibody polypeptide chain or a functional fragment
thereof comprise a functional protein which binds B. anthracis protective antigen. In one
embodiment provided is a nucleic acid that encodes a kappa light chain of a monoclonal antibody, or
a functional fragment thereof, that binds to B. anthracis protective antigen. In one embodiment the
nucleic acid is or comprises the sequence of a cDNA. In another embodiment, provided is a nucleic
acid that encodes a gamma heavy chain of a monoclonal antibody, or a functional fragment thereof,
that binds to B. anthracis protective antigen. In one embodiment the nucleic acid is or comprises the
sequence of a cDNA.
[0034] In one embodiment, nucleic acid compositions encoding antibody polypeptide chain or a
functional fragment thereof comprise a functional protein which binds B. anthracis lethal factor. In
one embodiment, provided is a nucleic acid that encodes a kappa light chain of a monoclonal
antibody, or a functional fragment thereof, that binds to B. anthracis lethal factor. In one embodiment
the nucleic acid is or comprises the sequence of a cDNA. In another embodiment, provided is a
nucleic acid that encodes a gamma heavy chain of a monoclonal antibody, or a functional fragment
thereof, that binds to B. anthracis lethal factor. In one embodiment the nucleic acid is or comprises
the sequence of a cDNA.
[0035] Further provided is a variety of nucleic acid constructs comprising one or more inventive
nucleic acids, e.g., a nucleic acid that encodes an antibody heavy chain or light chain, wherein said
nucleic acid was isolated from a cell or cell line that expresses the antibody heavy or light chain using
one or more of the inventive primers. For example, the invention provides vectors, e.g., expression
vectors, containing one or more inventive nucleic acids. In certain embodiments a vector is a binary
vector suitable for Agrobacterium-Tnediatod transformation. In certain embodiments a vector is a
plant virus. In certain embodiments a vector is based on a plant virus, i.e., it contains one or more
genomic components of a plant virus.
[0036] The invention further provides host cells that express one or more of provided nucleic
acids and produce a heavy or light chain of a monoclonal antibody, or functional fragments thereof.
[0037] The invention further provides a method of producing an antibody heavy or light chain
comprising: (i) providing an expression system that contains a nucleic acid that encodes a heavy or
light chain of a monoclonal antibody, or a functional fragment thereof, wherein said nucleic acid was

isolated using oneor more primers of the invention, wherein said nucleic acid is operably linked to a
regulatory element such as a promoter that directs expression of the nucleic acid in the expression
system; (ii) maintaining the expression system under conditions in which expression occurs. The
method may further comprise (iii) harvesting the antibody, or functional fragment thereof. The
antibody or functional fragment thereof may be purified using any of a variety of techniques known in
the art. The expression system can be any suitable expression system, e.g., a cell culture, transgenic
plant or animal, clonal root or plant line, etc. A complete antibody can be produced by allowing the
heavy and light chains to associate with one another.
[0038] The invention further provides a method of producing an antibody comprising a heavy
chain and a light chain, or functional fragments thereof comprising: (i) providing an expression
system that contains a nucleic acid that encodes an antibody heavy chain or functional fragment
thereof and further contains a nucleic acid that encodes an antibody light chain or functional fragment
thereof, wherein either or both of said nucleic acids was isolated using one or more primers of the
present invention, and wherein each of said nucleic acids is operably linked to a regulatory element
such as a promoter that directs expression in the expression system; (ii) maintaining the expression
system under conditions in which expression occurs. The antibody chains are both produced by the
expression system and can associate with one another in the expression system. The method may
further include a step of harvesting the antibody. Any suitable expression system can be used.
[0039] The invention further provides a method of treating a subject comprising administering an
antibody comprising a heavy and light chain, or functional fragments thereof, wherein either or both
chains were produced according to an inventive method described herein.
[0040] This application refers to various patents, patent applications, journal articles, and other
publications, all of which are incorporated herein by reference. In addition, the following standard
reference works are incorporated herein by reference: Ausubel, F., (ed.), Current Protocols in
Molecular Biology, Current Protocols in Immunology, Current Protocols in Protein Science, and
Current Protocols in Cell Biology, John Wiley & Sons, N.Y., edition as of July 2002; Sambrook,
Russell, and Sambrook, Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, 3rd ed., Cold Spring Harbor
Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, 2001; Harlow, E., et al., Antibodies: A Laboratory Manual,
(Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2nd ed. 1988); Goldsby, R.A., et al., (eds.), Ruby Immunology,
4th ed., W.H. Freeman & Company, New York, 2000; and Goodman and Gilman 's The
Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 10* Ed. .McGraw Hill, 2001. In the event of a conflict or
inconsistency between any of the incorporated references and the instant specification or the
understanding of one or ordinary skill in the art, the specification shall control, it being understood
that the determination of whether a conflict or inconsistency exists is within the discretion of the
inventors and can be made at any time.

[0041] The present invention provides novel oligonucleotide primers and primer sets for use in
isolating nucleic acids, e.g., cDNAs. that encode antibody heavy or light chains from hybridomas,
e.g., using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). PCR is well known in the art and is described, e.g.,
in PCR Primer: A Laboratory Manual, Dieffenbach, C.W. and Dveksler, G. S. (Eds.); PCR Basics:
From Background to Bench, Springer Verlag, 2000; M. J. McPherson, et ah Mattila et al., Nucleic
Acids Res., 19:4967 (1991); Eclcert et al., PCR Methods and Applications, 1:17 (1991); PCR (eds.
McPherson et al., IRL Press, Oxford); and U.S. Pat. No. 4,683,202. In certain embodiments of the
invention RNA, e.g., mRNA, is isolated from a cell or from a cell line such as a hybridoma. The
RNA is subjected to reverse transcription to produce cDNA. A nucleic acid that encodes an antibody
heavy or light chain is amplified using one or more oligonucleotide primers or primer sets of the
invention. The inventive primers can be used for amplification using other amplification techniques
as well.
[0042] Oligonucleotides of the invention are listed in Table 1, which also indicates the portion of
the antibody gene or cDNA to which the primer hybrizes, e.g., the constant region of a gamma chain
(CG), the constant region of a lambda chain (CL), the constant region of a kappa chain (CK), the
variable region of a heavy chain (VG), the variable region of a lambda chain (VL), or the variable
region of a kappa chain (VK). It will be appreciated that certain primers hybridize to a coding or
noncoding strand, therefore "hybridizes to" is intended to encompass either of these possibilities.
Table 1 also indicates the number of individual sequences available from GenBank which can be
grouped in a "family" which it should be possible to amplify using a particular primer. Certain of the
primers, indicated as "short" do not contain engineered restriction sites. The other primers, which are
longer, contain a restriction site for Sfil located 5' with respect to the portion that hybridizes to the
antibody gene or cDNA. These primers also contain either CTC or CTCGC at the 5' end to improve
efficiency of cleavage by the restriction enzyme. The invention encompasses additional
oligonucleotides that comprise a portion having the sequence of a "short" primer of Table 1 and
further comprise a restriction site located 5' with respect to the portion having the sequence of a short
primer. The primers that comprise an Sfil site (indicated in bold) provide an example of how the
short primers of the invention can be modified to incorporate a restriction site.
[0043] Thus in one aspect, the invention provides an oligonucleotide whose sequence comprises
or consists of any of SEQ ID NOs; 1-44. In another aspect, the invention provides a primer mix
containing at least two oligonucleotides selected from the group consisting of: SEQ ID NOs: 1-44. In
another aspect, the invention provides a primer mix containing at least three oligonucleotides selected
from the group consisting of: SEQ ID NOs: 1-44. In another aspect, the invention provides a primer
mix containing at least four oligonucleotides selected from the group consisting of: SEQ ID NOs: 1-
44. In another aspect, the invention provides a primer mix containing at least five oligonucleotides
selected from the group consisting of: SEQ ID NOs: 1-44. In another aspect, the invention provides a

primer mix containing at least six oligonucleotides selected from the group consisting of: SEQ ID
NOs: 1-44. In certain embodiments of the invention at least one primer in a primer mix is a constant
region primer and at least one primer in the primer mix is a variable region primer.
[0044] In some embodiments the primer mix contains at least one primer that hybridizes to a
sequence that encodes at least a portion of the constant region of a gamma chain (a CG primer) and at
least one primer that hybridizes to a sequence that encodes at least a portion of the variable region of a
heavy chain (a VG primer). In some embodiments the primer mix contains at least one primer that
hybridizes to a sequence that encodes at least a portion of the constant region of a lambda chain (a CL
primer) and at least one primer that hybridizes a sequence that encodes at least a portion of the
variable region of a lambda chain (a VL primer). In some embodiments the primer mix contains at
least one primer that hybridizes to a sequence that encodes at least a portion of the constant region of
a kappa chain (a CK) and at least one primer that hybridizes to a sequence that encodes at least a
portion of the variable region of a kappa chain (a VK primer). In some embodiments of the invention
the primer mix contains at least 2 or 3 VG primers and at least one CG primer. In some embodiments
of the invention the primer mix contains at least 2 or 3 VL primers and at least one CL primer. In
some embodiments of the invention the primer mix contains at least 2 or 3 VK primers and at least
one CK primer. In any of the foregoing embodiments, the primers may be short or long. In some
embodiments of the invention a first PCR reaction is performed using a primer set or pair of short
primers and a second PCR reaction is performed suing a primer set or pair or primers that contain a
restriction site (long primers). The long primers may comprise a sequence of a short primer as
described in Example 1.

[0045] Table 1. RT-PCR primers
Primer in
Name Fam. Degeneracy DNA sequence
Gamma CG 4 none
CG-short 4 none 5'-
Lambda CL 4 2
CL-short 5'-
Kappa CK 1 none 5'-

Heavy VG1+7 8 4 5'-

VG6 1 none
ort 8 4
short 3 4
short 21 24
short 7 none
short 1 none
(SEQ ID NO: 14)
(SEQ ID NO: 15)
(SEQ ID NO: 16)
(SEQ ID NO: 17)
(SEQ ID NO: 18)
Lambda VL1 5 24 5'-
TCTC-3'(SEQ ID NO: 19)
(SEQ ID NO: 21)
(SEQ ID NO: 23)

VL7 2 none TCTCTT-3' (SEQ ID NO: 25)
8-61 2 8 GCTTCT-3' (SEQ ID NO: 26)
short 5 24 (SEQ ID NO: 27)
short 5 none (SEQ ID NO: 28)
short 8 24 (SEQ ID NO: 29)
short 1 none (SEQ ID NO: 30)
short 3 2 (SEQ ID NO: 31)
short 2 none (SEQ ID NO: 32)
short 2 none (SEQ ID NO: 33)
10-54 +
-short 2 8 (SEQ ID NO: 34)
Variable 5'-
Kappa VK1 16 2 CCYCGC-3' (SEQ ID NO: 35)
' 5'-
1.8 10 4 TCAGCT-3' (SEQ ID NO: 36)
VK3 6 2 GCAGCT-3' (SEQ ID NO: 37)
VK4 1 none CCAGGT-3' (SEQ ID NO: 38)
VK5 1 none TCACCT-3' (SEQ ID NO: 39)
short 16 2 (SEQ ID NO: 40)
1.8-short 10 4 (SEQ ID NO: 41)
short 6 2 (SEQ ID NO: 42)
short 1 none (SEQ ID NO: 43)
short 1 none (SEQ ID NO: 44)
[0046] It will be appreciated that the sequences listed in Table 1 represent either i
oligonucleotide molecule having the listed sequence or a population of oligonucleotidt

each of which has the listed sequence. Certain of the primers listed in Table 1 are degenerate, i.e., the
population of oligonucleotide molecules represented by the sequence contains individual members
whose sequence differs at the degenerate position. The term "position" refers to a numerical value
that is assigned to each nucleoside in a polynucleotide, generally with respect to the 5' end.
[0047] The concept of degenerate primers is well known in the art and is used herein consistently
with the understanding in the art. Table 2 contains the IUPAC ambiguity code, which lists
abbreviations that represent the nucleotides that may be present at a degenerate position. For
example, K represents G or T.

[0048] Table 2: Ambiguity Code
[0049] If there are "N" possible nucleotides at a given position in an oligonucleotide, the position
is said to be N-fold degenerate. Thus primer sequence "CG", i.e., 5'-
population of oligonucleotides containing some members in which position 29 is occupied by a G and
some members in which position 29 is occupied by a T. The invention includes oligonucleotides in
which the degenerate position is occupied by any of the alternatives possible at that position. For
example, the invention encompasses an oligonucleotide having the sequence of SEQ ID NO: 1,
wherein position 29 is occupied by a G and also encompassess an oligonucleotide having the
sequence of SEQ ID NO: 1, wherein position 29 is occupied by a T. All possibilities are
encompassed. For example, primer "VG1+7 short" (SEQ ID NO: 13) is 2-fold degenerate at positions
9 and 11. Thus the invention encompasses 4 non-degenerate variants of SEQ ID NO: 13 in addition
to encompassing the degenerate oligonucleotide represented by SEQ 3D NO: 13, which contains
oligonucleotide molecules having any of 4 different sequences. The invention also encompasses
embodiments in which fewer of the positions are degenerate than indicated in Table 1. For example,
the invention encompasses embodiments in which only position 9 of SEQ ID NO: 13 is degenerate
(and position 11 is either of the nucleotides represented by Y) and embodiments in which only
position 11 of SEQ ID NO: 13 is degenerate (and position 9 is either of the oligonucleotides
represented by S).
[0050] The proportion of the different oligonucleotides in the oligonucleotide population of a
degenerate oligonucleotide can vary. Typically each sequence is represented approximately equally

in the population. However, it may be desirable to bias the composition of the mixture. Any specific
percentage composition of a degenerate oligonucleotide listed in Table 1 is within the scope of the
invention. The overall degeneracy of an oligonucleotide is the total number of different sequences
that may be present in the oligonucleotide population. For example, if there are 3 degenerate
positions, each of which is 2-fold degenerate, the degeneracy of the oligonucleotide population is 23 =
Expression Systems and Antibody Production
[0051] A nucleic acid encoding an antibody heavy or light chain isolated using any of the
inventive oligonucleotide primers can be expressed in any of a wide variety of expression systems.
An expression system is any suitable biological system such as a cell line or transgenic animal or
plant capable of synthesizing a polypeptide. Typically the nucleic acid is inserted into an expression
vector of which a wide variety are known. Suitable methods for expressing a polynucleotide of
interest are known in the art and are described in Ausubel, supra, and in Sambrook, supra. See also,
U.S. Pat. No. 4,816,567 and 6,331,415. Any prokaryotic or eukaryotic expression system can be
used. In certain embodiments of the invention the expression system is not a hybridoma and is not a
human being, i.e., the expression system is one that does not naturally produce the antibody chain.
[0052] In certain embodiments of the invention a plant-based expression system is used. A
plant-based expression system is any expression system that employs cells of a plant or portion
thereof. The expression system may be a plant cell line, whole plant, clonal root line, etc. The plant
cell line, whole plant, clonal root line, etc., and may be transgenic or non-transgenic.
[0053] Methods and vectors for expressing a polynucleotide of interest, e.g, an antibody heavy or
light chain in a plant-based expression system are well known in the art. See, e.g., U.S. Pat. No.
6,852,319. In certain embodiments of the invention a vector based on a plant viral genome is used.
Without limitation, the invention encompasses the use of any vector based on a plant virus or viral
genome, e.g., an RNA plant virus or viral genome, a DNA plant virus or viral genome, etc. See, e.g.,
U.S. Pat, Nos. 5,602,242, 5,500,360, and 5,846,795.
[0054] In certain embodiments of the invention transgenic or nontransgenic sprouts are used as
an expression system. See, e.g,. U.S.Pub. No. 20040093643 and U.S.S.N. 60/652,186, filed February
11, 2005, entitled "Production of Foreign Nucleic Acids and Polypeptides in Sprout Systems" by
Ensley, et al. In certain embodiments of the invention a clonal root line or other clonal line is used.
See, e.g., U.S.S.N. 11/061,980, filed Feb.18, 2005, entitled "SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR
CLONAL EXPRESSION IN PLANTS". Other patent applications containing relevant information
for expressing a polynucleotide of interest include U.S. Pub. Nos. 20050026291, 20050114920,
WO2005026375, WO0046350, WO0025574, WO2005049839, and U.S. Pat. No. US6448070.

[0055] The present invention expressly contemplates the expression of a nucleic acid that
encodes a light chain or heavy chain of an antibody, wherein said nucleic acid is isolated using a
method and/or primer disclosed herein using the expression systems and methods described in or
referenced in any of the patent applications and publications listed in this section. Any specific plant,
plant virus, plant viral replicon, etc., described therein can be used. In some embodiments the viral
replicon contains sufficient sequence elements that it can be replicated in a plant cell, optionally
utilizing components such as an RNA polymerase supplied by the plant in trans (e.g., the plant is
transgenic or comprises another vector that expressed the RNA polymerase). The replicon may or
may not include a coat protein gene or movement protein gene. Any particular method of introducing
a plant virus or replicon into a plant or plant cell or plant part can be used. Examples include
application to a plant part such as a leaf, abrasion (e.g., to introduce a viral transcript into a leaf),
agroinfiltration, Agi-obacterium-mediated transformation, biolistics, etc. The invention encompasses
any plant viral vector or replicon that comprises a nucleic acid isolated according to a method -
described herein, e.g, a recombinant plant viral vector or replicon, and further encompasses a plant,
plant part, or clonal culture derived from a plant, comprising the vector. The invention further
encompasses a transgenic plant whose genome comprises the nucleic acid.
[0056] In some embodiments of the invention nucleic acid sequences that encode a heavy chain
and a light chain are co-expressed so that the chains can associate with one another to form a complete
antibody prior to harvest.
[0057] Any suitable method can be used to harvest and optionally purify an antibody chain or
antibody produced according to the inventive methods.
[0058] Of course a heavy or light chain of an antibody can also be chemically synthesized.
Having the nucleotide sequence that encodes the heavy or light chain provides the amino acid
[0059] A nucleic acid encoding an antibody heavy or light chain isolated using any of the
inventive oligonucleotide primers can be modified in any of a variety of ways. For example, it may
be modified so as to disrupt a glycosylation event or other post-translational processing event that
would otherwise occur in eukaryotic cells. For example, a mutation that alters an amino acid that
would be glycosylated or an adjacent or nearby site may be made. As is well known in the art, Asn-
X~(Ser/Thr) is a sequence that can be recognized by eukaryotic W-linked glycosylation machinery.
The particular site(s) to be modified may be selected taking into account the particular glycosylation
machinery found in the expression system to be used. It may be modified to include a portion that
encodes a polypeptide tag (e.g., to facilitate purification), a sequence that targets the antibody chain to
a particular organelle, etc. A wide variety of alterations may be employed without interfering with the
specific antigen binding properties of the antibody and are within the scope of the invention. In

certain embodiments the alteration(s) result in an antibody that is at least 80% identical, at least 85%
identical, at least 90% identical, at least 95% identical in sequence to the naturally occurring antibody.
[0060] An antibody produced according to the methods of the invention may be an antibody
fragment such as an Fab', F(ab')2, scFv (single-chain variable) or other fragment that retains an
antigen binding site. The fragment may either be expressed as a fragment, i,e., a nucleic acid that
encodes only the fragment may be expressed, or a complete antibody can be processed to produce a
fragment using known techniques, e.g., cleavage or digestion.
[0061] As mentioned above, a cDNA isolated using the inventive primers and methods can be
inserted into a wide variety of vectors and expressed in a wide variety of cell types and expression
systems. The invention provides additional vectors suitable for insertion of a nucleic acid isolated
using the inventive primers that comprise a restriction site. The vector contains the same restriction
site as present in the primers. The restriction site is present at one or more locations in the vector. In
some embodiments a restriction site at an undesired location of the vector is removed, e.g., using site-
directed mutagenesis. In some embodiments the restriction site is a restriction site for Sfil.
[0062] In a specific embodiment the invention provides a modified version of the binary vector
pBI121, suitable for Agrobacterium-modiated transformation, in which the internal Sfil site at
position 11031 is mutagenized and in which one or more new sites for Sfil is created. Briefly,
pBI121 carries the neomycin phosphotransferase (NPTII) gene and a-glucuronidase (GUS) gene
(Jefferson et ah, EMBOJ, 6: 3901-3907,1987). The neomycin phosphotransferase (NPTII) gene is
under the control of the nopaline synthase {nos) promoter and the terminator from nopaline synthase
(nos) which provides polyadenylation signal. The neomycin phosphotransferase {NPTII) gene confers
kanamycin resistance. The a-glucuronidase (GUS) activity is under the control of the cauliflower
mosaic virus 35S promoter and the terminator from nopaline synthase (nos) provides polyadenylation.
The invention provides a modified form of pBI121 in which the original Sfil site is mutagenized and
in which two new Sfil sites are introduced to allow for convenient insertion of a heterologous nucleic
acid such as a nucleic acid that encodes an antibody heavy or light chain.
[0063] The invention provides a kit comprising one or more oligonucleotides listed in Table 1.
Preferably the kit contains at least two oligonucleotides. In specific embodiments the kit contains at
least any number of oligonucleotides between 3 and 44. In general, the kit contains a pair or set of
oligonucleotides suitable for amplifying a nucleic acid that encodes a heavy chain, e.g., a gamma
heavy chain, and/or a pair or set of oligonucleotides suitable for amplifying a nucleic acid that
encodes a light chain, e.g., a kappa or lambda light chain. In some embodiments the kit contains a

pair or set of oligonucleotides suitable for amplifying a gamma heavy chain, a pair or set of
oligonucleotides suitable for amplifying a kappa light chain, and a pair or set of oligonucleotides
suitable for amplifying a lambda light chain. Any pair or set of oligonucleotides described above can
be included in the kit. The kit will typically include instructions for using the kit to isolate nucleic
acids that encode one or more chains of an antibody from a cell or cell line such as a hybridoma.
[0064] In addition to one or more oligonucleotides, the kit may further comprise any of a number
of additional reagents. For example, the kit may contain reagents for performing a PCR reaction, e.g.,
an RT-PCR reaction. The kit may therefore contain, e.g., a reverse transcriptase, a thermostable
DNA polymerase, nucleotides, buffers, etc. The kit may contain reagents for purifying RNA from a
hybridoma or other cellular source of RNA.
[0065] The kit may contain one or more vectors into which a nucleic acid amplified using the kit
can be inserted. The vector may be an expression vector that contains regulatory elements, e.g., a
promoter, sufficient to direct expression in a cell, e.g., a plant cell, bacterial cell, fungal cell, insect
cell, mammalian cell, etc. Other appropriate elements such as transcriptional terminators, etc., can
also be included. A wide variety of expression vectors are available in the art, and any of these can be
included in the kit. In one embodiment the vector is a binary vector suitable for Agrobacterium-
mediated transformation.
[0066] The vector may contain one or more convenient restriction sites such that cleavage of the
vector with a restriction enzyme results in a "sticky end" that is compatible with, i.e., hybridizes to, a
restriction site present in one or more of the oligonucleotide primers present in the kit. In some
embodiments the vector contains one or more restriction sites for an enzyme that recognizes an 8
nucleotide recognition site. The 8 nucleotides may be continuous or may be separated by one or more
other nucleotides (e.g., 1-10 nucleotides) that are not specifically recognized, though the spacing may
be essential for recognition. For example, in certain embodiments the enzyme cuts within
XXXXNNNNNXXXX, where N stands for any nucleotide and X stands for any specific nucleotide
(i.e., each X is independently selected). Such sites can be advantageous as they allow one to perform
directional cloning using only one enzyme by having a different sequence of 5 nucleotides at the 5'-
and 3'-ends of the insert. In some embodiments the vector contains one or more restriction sites for
Sfil, which cuts within the site GGCCNNNNNGGCC. The vector can be provided in linearized or
circular form. A restriction enzyme for cleaving the vector may also be provided. Reagents for
performing a ligation, e.g., ligase, ligase buffer, etc., can be included.
[0067] An identifier, e.g., a bar code, radio frequency ID tag, etc., may be present in or on the kit.
The identifier can be used, e.g., to uniquely identify the kit for purposes of quality control, inventory
control, tracking, movement between workstations, etc.
[0068] Kits will generally include one or more vessels or containers so that certain of the
individual reagents may be separately housed. The kits may also include a means for enclosing the

individual containers in relatively close confinement for commercial sale, e.g., a plastic box, in which
instructions, packaging materials such as styrofoam, etc., may be enclosed.
Nucleotide Sequences Encoding Human Monoclonal Antibodies to Anthrax Antigens and Isolated
Heavy and Light Chains
[0069] As described in more detail in Example 1, the primers listed in Table 1 were used to
isolate cDNA sequences encoding the gamma heavy chain and the kappa light chain of two different
human monoclonal antibodies (huMAbs). Isolation of these cDNAs is exemplary of the use of the
oligonucleotide primers of the invention. One of the huMAbs specifically binds to domain 4 of the
Bacillus anthracis protective antigen (PA) polypeptide, designated PA-1. The other huMAb
specifically binds to the Bacillus anthracis lethal factor (LF) polypeptide, designated LF-1. Bacillus
anthracis is the causative agent of anthrax. The roles of PA and LF in bacterial pathogenesis and in
the immune response are well known in the art. cDNA sequences were isolated from hybridoma cell
lines that were obtained by fusing lymphocytes from an individual who had received an anthrax
vaccination with myeloma cells and screening for antibodies specific for B. anthracis using standard
[0070] Provided are isolated nucleic acids comprising a DNA sequence of the PA-1 huMAb
Kappa light chain cDNA (SEQ ID NO: 45), a DNA sequence of PA-1 huMAb Gamma heavy chain
cDNA (SEQ ID NO: 47), a DNA sequence of LF-1 huMAb Kappa light chain cDNA (SEQ ID NO:
49), or a DNA sequence of LF-1 huMAb Gamma heavy chain cDNA (SEQ ID NO: 51). The
invention also provides corresponding RNA sequences, in which T is replaced by U.
[0071] The invention also provides an isolated polypeptide encoded by any one of SEQ ID NOs
45, 47, 49, or 51. The ammo acid sequences of these polypeptides are set forth in SEQ ID NOs 46,
48, 50, and 52. The invention also provides an isolated polypeptide that is at least 80%, at least 85%.
at least 90%, at least 95%, or more identical to a polypeptide of SEQ ID NOs 46, 48, 50, or 52. The
invention also provides antibody compositions in which one or more of SEQ ID NOs 45,47,49, or 51
is expressed in an expression system other than a hybridoma or human being.
[0072] DNA sequence of PA-1 huMAb Kappa light chain cDNA: 5'-

NO: 45)
[0073] Ammo acid sequence of PA-1 huMAb Kappa light chain:
[0074] The CDR sequences of PA-1 huMAb Kappa light chain are depicted in bold, and
correspond to amino acid residues 50-61 (PA-1CDR1), amino acid residues 77-83 (PA-1CDR2), and
and amino acid residues 116-124 (PA-1CDR3) of SEQ ID NO:46. Isolated, each of the CDR
sequences consist of:
[0075] DNA sequence of PA-1 huMAb Gamma heavy chain cDNA: 5'-

[0076] Amino acid sequence of PA-1 huMAb Gamma heavy chain:
[0077] The CDR sequences of PA-1 huMAb Gamma heavy chain are depicted in bold, and
correspond to amino acid residues 51-60 (PA-hCDRl), amino acid residues 75-90 (PA-hCDR2), and
and amino acid residues 124-133 (PA-hCDR3) of SEQ IDNO:48.
[0078] In certain embodiments, an isolated antibody or functional fragment thereof is provided,
wherein the antibody comprises one or more light chain (LC) complementary determining regions
(CDRs) selected from (i) a light chain CDR1 with at least 90% sequence identity to PA-1CDR1;
RASQSVSYSSLA (SEQ ID NO:59); (ii) a light chain CDR2 with at least 90% sequence identity to
PA-1CDR2: GASSRAT (SEQ ID NO:60); and (iii) a light chain CDR3 with at least 90% sequence
identity to PA-1CDR3: QHYGNSPYT (SEQ ID NO:61), and the antibody or functional fragment
thereof can bind specifically to B. anthracis protective antigen. In some embodiments, an isolated
antibody or functional fragment thereof is provided, wherein the antibody comprises two or more light
chain (LC) complementary determining regions (CDRs) selected from (i) a light chain CDR1 with at
least 90% sequence identity to PA-1CDR1: RASQSVSYSSLA (SEQ ID NO:59); (ii) a light chain
CDR2 with at least 90% sequence identity to PA-1CDR2: GASSRAT (SEQ ID NO:60); and (iii) a
light chain CDR3 with at least 90% sequence identity to PA-1CDR3: QHYGNSPYT (SEQ ID
NO:61), and the antibody or functional fragment thereof can bind specifically to B. anthracis
protective antigen. In some embodiments, an isolated antibody or functional fragment thereof is
provided, wherein the antibody comprises three light chain (LC) complementary determining regions

(CDRs) consisting of (i) a light chain CDR1 with at least 90% sequence identity to PA-1CDR1:
RASQSVSYSSLA (SEQ ID NO:59); (ii) a light chain CDR2 with at least 90% sequence identity to
PA-1CDR2: GASSRAT (SEQ ID NO:60); and (iii) a light chain CDR3 with at least 90% sequence
identity to PA-1CDR3: QHYGNSPYT (SEQ ID NO:61), and the antibody or functional fragment
thereof can bind specifically to B. anthracis protective antigen. Nucleic acid compositions encoding
the foregoing antibody or fragment sequences are further provided.
[0079] In certain embodiments, an isolated antibody or functional fragment thereof is provided,
wherein the antibody comprises one or more heavy chain (HC) complementary determining regions
(CDRs) selected from (i) a heavy chain CDR1 with at least 90% sequence identity to PA-hCDRl:
GYTFTSNAIQ (SEQ ID NO:62); (ii) a heavy chain CDR2 with at least 90% sequence identity to
PA-hCDR2: WINGGDGNTKYSQKFQG (SEQ ID NO.63); and (iii) a heavy chain CDR3 with at
least 90% sequence identity to PA-hCDR3: HRLQRGGFDP (SEQ ID NO:64), and the antibody or
functional fragment thereof can bind specifically to B. anthracis protective antigen. In some
embodiments, an isolated antibody or functional fragment thereof is provided, wherein the antibody
comprises two or more heavy chain (HC) complementary determining regions (CDRs) selected from
(i) a heavy chain CDR1 with at least 90% sequence identity to PA-hCDRl: GYTFTSNAIQ (SEQ ID
NO:62); (ii) a heavy chain CDR2 with at least 90% sequence identity to PA-hCDR2:
WINGGDGNTKYSQKFQG (SEQ ED NO:63); and (iii) a heavy chain CDR3 with at least 90%
sequence identity to PA-hCDR3: HRLQRGGFDP (SEQ ID NO:64), and the antibody or functional
fragment thereof can bind specifically to B. anthracis protective antigen. In some embodiments, an
isolated antibody or functional fragment thereof is provided, wherein the antibody comprises three
heavy chain (HC) complementary determining regions (CDRs) consisting of (i) a heavy chain CDR1
with at least 90% sequence identity to PA-hCDRl: GYTFTSNAIQ (SEQ ID NO:62); (ii) a heavy
chain CDR2 with at least 90% sequence identity to PA-hCDR2: WINGGDGNTKYSQKFQG (SEQ
ID NO:63); and (iii) a heavy chain CDR3 with at least 90% sequence identity to PA-hCDR3:
HRLQRGGFDP (SEQ ID NO:64), and the antibody or functional fragment thereof can bind •
specifically to B. anthracis protective antigen. Nucleic acid compositions encoding the foregoing
antibody or fragment sequences are further provided.
[0080] In some embodiments, an isolated antibody or functional fragment is provided wherein
the antibody comprises three light chain (LC) complementary determining regions (CDRs) consisting
of: (i) a light chain CDR1 with at least 90% sequence identity to PA-1CDR1: RASQSVSYSSLA
(SEQ ID NO:59), (ii) a light chain CDR2 with at least 90% sequence identity to PA-1CDR2:
GASSRAT (SEQ ID NO.60), and (iii) a light chain CDR3 with at least 90% sequence identity to PA-
1CDR3: QHYGNSPYT (SEQ ID NO:61); and three heavy chain complementary determining
regions (CDRs) consisting of (i) a heavy chain CDR1 with at least 90% sequence identity to PA-

hCDRl: GYTFTSNAIQ (SEQ ID NO:62), (ii) a heavy chain CDR2 with at least 90% sequence
identity to PA-hCDR2: WINGGDGNTKYSQKFQG (SEQ ID NO:63); and (iii) a heavy chain
CDR3 with at least 90% sequence identity to PA-hCDR3: HRLQRGGFDP (SEQ ID NO:64); and the
antibody or functional fragment thereof can bind specifically to B. anthracis protective antigen.
[0081] In certain embodiments, an isolated antibody or functional fragment thereof is provided,
wherein the antibody comprises one or more light chain (LC) complementary determining regions
(CDRs) selected from (i) a light chainPA-1CDR1: RASQSVSYSSLA (SEQ IDNO:59); (ii) alight
chain PA-1CDR2: GASSRAT (SEQ ED NO:60); and (iii) a light chain PA-1CDR3: QHYGNSPYT
(SEQ ID NO:61), and the antibody or functional fragment thereof can bind specifically to B. anthracis
protective antigen. In some embodiments, an isolated antibody or functional fragment thereof is
provided, wherein the antibody comprises two or more light chain (LC) complementary determining
regions (CDRs) selected from (i) a light chain PA-1CDR1: RASQSVSYSSLA (SEQ ID NO:59); (ii)
a light chain PA-1CDR2: GASSRAT (SEQ ID NO:60); and (iii) a light chain PA-1CDR3:
QHYGNSPYT (SEQ ID NO:61), and the antibody or functional fragment thereof can bind
specifically to B. anthracis protective antigen. In some embodiments, an isolated antibody or
functional fragment thereof is provided, wherein the antibody comprises three light chain (LC)
complementary determining regions (CDRs) consisting of (i) a light chain PA-1CDR1:
RASQSVSYSSLA (SEQ ID NO:59); (ii) a light chain PA-1CDR2: GASSRAT (SEQ ID NO:60); and
(iii) a light chain PA-1CDR3: QHYGNSPYT (SEQ ID NO:61), and the antibody or functional
fragment thereof can bind specifically to B. anthracis protective antigen. Nucleic acid compositions
encoding the foregoing antibody or fragment sequences are further provided.
[0082] In certain embodiments, an isolated antibody or functional fragment thereof is provided,
wherein the antibody comprises one or more heavy chain (HC) complementary determining regions
(CDRs) selected from (i) a heavy chain PA-hCDRl: GYTFTSNAIQ (SEQ ID NO:62); (ii) a heavy
chain PA-hCDR2: WINGGDGNTKYSQKFQG (SEQ ID NO:63); and (iii) a heavy chain PA-
hCDR3: HRLQRGGFDP (SEQ ID NO:64). and the antibody or functional fragment thereof can bind
specifically to B. anthracis protective antigen. In some embodiments, an isolated antibody or
functional fragment thereof is provided, wherein the antibody comprises two or more heavy chain
(HC) complementary determining regions (CDRs) selected from (i) a heavy chain PA-hCDRl:
ID NO:63); and (iii) a heavy chain PA-hCDR3: HRLQRGGFDP (SEQ ID NO:64), and the antibody
or functional fragment thereof can bind specifically to B. anthracis protective antigen. In some
embodiments, an isolated antibody or functional fragment thereof is provided, wherein the antibody
comprises three heavy chain (HC) complementary determining regions (CDRs) consisting of (i) a
heavy chain PA-hCDRl: GYTFTSNAIQ (SEQ ID NO:62); (ii) a heavy chain PA-hCDR2:

WINGGDGNTKYSQKFQG (SEQ ID NO:63); and (iii) a heavy chain PA-hCDR3: HRLQRGGFDP
(SEQ ID NO:64), and the antibody or functional fragment thereof can bind specifically to B. anthracis
protective antigen. Nucleic acid compositions encoding the foregoing antibody or fragment
sequences are further provided.
[0083] In some embodiments, an isolated antibody or functional fragment is provided wherein
the antibody comprises three light chain (LC) complementary determining regions (CDRs) consisting
of: (i) a light chain PA-1CDR1: RASQSVSYSSLA (SEQ ID NO:59), (ii) a light chain PA-1CDR2:
GASSRAT (SEQ ID NO:60), and (iii) a light chain PA-1CDR3: QHYGNSPYT (SEQ ID NO:61);
and three heavy chain complementary determining regions (CDRs) consisting of (i) a heavy chain
PA-hCDRl: GYTFTSNAIQ (SEQ ID NO:62), (ii) a heavy chain PA-hCDR2:
WINGGDGNTKYSQKFQG (SEQ ID NO:63); and (iii) a heavy chain PA-hCDR3: HRLQRGGFDP
(SEQ ID NO:64); and the antibody or functional fragment thereof can bind specifically to B. anthracis
protective antigen.
[0084] In certain embodiments, a PA-1 antibody functional fragment is any one of an Fv, Fab,
F(ab)2 or an scFV functional fragment.
[0085] DNA sequence of LF-1 huMAb Kappa light chain cDNA:
[0086] Amino acid sequence of LF-1 huMAb Kappa light chain:

[0087] The CDR sequences of LF-1 huMAb Kappa light chain are depicted in bold, and
correspond to amino acid residues 51-60 (LF-1CDR1), amino acid residues 75-90 (LF-1CDR2), and
and amino acid residues 124-133 (LF-1CDR3) of SEQ ID NQ:50.
[0088] DNA sequence of LF-1 huMAb Gamma heavy chain cDNA:
[0089] Amino acid sequence of LF-1 hulvlAb Gamma heavy chain:

[0090] The CDR sequences of LF-1 huMAb Gamma heavy chain are depicted in bold, and
correspond to ammo acid residues 51-60 (LF-hCDRl), amino acid residues 75-90 (LF-hCDR2), and
and amino acid residues 124-133 (LF-hCDR3) of SEQ ED NQ:52.
[0091] In certain embodiments, an isolated antibody or functional fragment thereof is provided,
wherein the antibody comprises one or more light chain (LC) complementary determining regions
(CDRs) selected from (i) a light chain CDR1 with at least 90% sequence identity to LF-1CDR1:
RASQSVGSSLH (SEQ ID NO:65), (ii) a light chain CDR2 with at least 90% sequence identity to
LF-1CDR2: YASQSFS (SEQ ID NO:66); and (iii) a light chain CDR3 with at least 90% sequence
identity to LF-1CDR3: HQSSSLPLT (SEQ ID NO:67), and the antibody or functional fragment
thereof can bind specifically to B. anthracis lethal factor. In some embodiments, an isolated antibody
or functional fragment thereof is provided, wherein the antibody comprises two or more light chain
(LC) complementary determining regions (CDRs) selected from (i) a light chain CDR1 with at least
90% sequence identity to LF-1CDR1: RASQSVGSSLH (SEQ ID NO:65), (ii) a light chain CDR2
with at least 90% sequence identity to LF-1CDR2: YASQSFS (SEQ ID NO:66), and (iii) a light
chain CDR3 with at least 90% sequence identity to LF-1CDR3: HQSSSLPLT (SEQ ID NO:67), and
the antibody or functional fragment thereof can bind specifically to B. anthracis lethal factor. In some
embodiments, an isolated antibody or functional fragment thereof is provided, wherein the antibody
comprises three light chain (LC) complementary determining regions (CDRs) consisting of (i) a light
chain CDRI with at least 90% sequence identity to LF-1CDR1: RASQSVGSSLH (SEQ ID NO:65),
(ii) a light chain CDR2 with at least 90% sequence identity to LF-1CDR2: YASQSFS (SEQ ID
NO:66), and (iii) a light chain CpR3 with at least 90% sequence identity to LF-1CDR3:
HQSSSLPLT (SEQ ID NO:67);, and the antibody or functional fragment thereof can bind specifically
to B. anthracis lethal factor. Nucleic acid compositions encoding the foregoing antibody or fragment
sequences are further provided.
[0092] In certain embodiments, an isolated antibody or functional fragment thereof is provided,
wherein the antibody comprises one or more heavy chain (HC) complementary determining regions
(CDRs) selected from (i) a heavy chain CDRI with at least 90% sequence identity to LF-hCDRl:
GFMFSSYAMS (SEQ ID NO:68); (ii) a heavy chain CDR2 with at least 90% sequence identity to

LF-hCDR2: GISGSGGTTNYADSVKG (SEQ ID NO:69); and (iii) a heavy chain CDR3 with at
least 90% sequence identity to LF-hCDR3: DGVYGRLGGSDY (SEQ ID NO:70), and the antibody
or functional fragment thereof can bind specifically to B. anthracis lethal factor. In some
embodiments, an isolated antibody or functional fragment thereof is provided, wherein the antibody
comprises two or more heavy chain (HC) complementary determining regions (CDRs) selected from
(i) a heavy chain CDR1 with at least 90% sequence identity to LF-hCDRl: GFMFSSYAMS (SEQ
ID NO:68); (ii) a heavy chain CDR2 with at least 90% sequence identity to LF-hCDR2:
GISGSGGTTNYADSVKG (SEQ ID NO:69); and (iii) a heavy chain CDR3 with at least 90%
sequence identity to LF-hCDR3: DGVYGRLGGSDY (SEQ ID NO:70), and the antibody or
functional fragment thereof can bind specifically to B. anthracis lethal factor. In some embodiments,
an isolated antibody or functional fragment thereof is provided, wherein the antibody comprises three
heavy chain (HC) complementary determining regions (CDRs) consisting of (i) a heavy chain CDR1
with at least 90% sequence identity to LF-hCDRl: GFMFSSYAMS (SEQ ID NO.68); (ii) a heavy
chain CDR2 with at least 90% sequence identity to LF-hCDR2: GISGSGGTTNYADSVKG (SEQ ID
NO:69); and (iii) a heavy chain CDR3 with at least 90% sequence identity to LF-hCDR3:
DGVYGRLGGSDY (SEQ ID NO:70), and the antibody or functional fragment thereof can bind
specifically to B. anthracis lethal factor. Nucleic acid compositions encoding the foregoing antibody
or fragment sequences are further provided.
[0093] In some embodiments, an isolated antibody or functional fragment is provided wherein
the antibody comprises three light chain (LC) complementary determining regions (CDRs) consisting
of: (i) a light chain CDR1 with at least 90% sequence identity to LF-1CDR1: RASQSVGSSLH (SEQ
ID NO:65), (ii) a light chain CDR2 with at least 90% sequence identity to LF-1CDR2: YASQSFS
(SEQ ID NO:66); and (iii) a light chain CDR3 with at least 90% sequence identity to LF-1CDR3:
HQSSSLPLT (SEQ ID NO:67), and three heavy chain complementary determining regions (CDRs)
consisting of (i) a heavy chain CDR1 with at least 90% sequence identity to LF-hCDRl:
GFMFSSYAMS (SEQ ID NO:68); (ii) a heavy chain CDR2 with at least 90% sequence identity to
LF-hCDR2: GISGSGGTTNYADSVKG (SEQ ID NO:69); and (iii) a heavy chain CDR3 with at
least 90% sequence identity to LF-hCDR3: DGVYGRLGGSDY (SEQ ID NO:70); and the antibody
or functional fragment thereof can bind specifically to B. anthracis lethal factor.
[0094] In certain embodiments, an isolated antibody or functional fragment thereof is provided,
wherein the antibody comprises one or more light chain (LC) complementary determining regions
(CDRs) selected from (i) a light chain LF-1CDR1: RASQSVGSSLH (SEQ ID NO:65), (ii) a light
chain LF-1CDR2: YASQSFS (SEQ ID NO:66); and (iii) a light chain LF-1CDR3: HQSSSLPLT
(SEQ ID NO:67), and the antibody or functional fragment thereof can bind specifically to B. anthracis
lethal factor. In some embodiments, an isolated antibody or functional fragment thereof is provided,

wherein the antibody comprises two or more light chain (LC) complementary determining regions
(CDRs) selected from (i) a light chain LF-1CDR1: RASQSVGSSLH (SEQ ID NO:65), (ii) a light
chain LF-1CDR2: YASQSFS (SEQIDNO:66), and (iii) a light chain LF-1CDR3: HQSSSLPLT
(SEQ ED NO:67), and the antibody or functional fragment thereof can bind specifically to B. anthracis
lethal factor. In some embodiments, an isolated antibody or functional fragment thereof is provided,
wherein the antibody comprises three light chain (LC) complementary determining regions (CDRs)
consisting of (i) a light chain LF-1CDR1: RASQSVGSSLH (SEQ ID NO:65), (ii) a light chain LF-
1CDR2: YASQSFS (SEQ ID NO:66), and (iii) alight chainLF-1CDR3: HQSSSLPLT (SEQ ID
NO:67);, and the antibody or functional fragment thereof can bind specifically to B. anthracis lethal
factor. Nucleic acid compositions encoding the foregoing antibody or fragment sequences are further
[0095] In certain embodiments, an isolated antibody or functional fragment thereof is provided,
wherein the antibody comprises one or more heavy chain (HC) complementary determining regions
(CDRs) selected from (i) a heavy chain LF-hCDRl: GFMFSSYAMS (SEQ ID NO:68); (ii) a heavy
chain LF-hCDR2: GISGSGGTTNYADSVKG (SEQ ID NO:69); and (iii) a heavy chain LF-hCDR3:
DGVYGRLGGSDY (SEQ ID NO:70), and the antibody or functional fragment thereof can bind
specifically to B. anthracis lethal factor. In some embodiments, an isolated antibody or functional
fragment thereof is provided, wherein the antibody comprises two or more heavy chain (HC)
complementary determining regions (CDRs) selected from (i) a heavy chain LF-hCDRl:
EDNO:69);and(iii) a heavy chain LF-hCDR3: DGVYGRLGGSDY (SEQ ID NO:70), and the
antibody or functional fragment thereof can bind specifically to B. anthracis lethal factor. In some
embodiments, an isolated antibody or functional fragment thereof is provided, wherein the antibody
comprises three heavy chain (HC) complementary determining regions (CDRs) consisting of (i) a
heavy chain LF-hCDRl: GFMFSSYAMS (SEQ ID NO:68); (ii) a heavy chain LF-hCDR2:
GISGSGGTTNYADSVKG (SEQ ID NQ:69): and (iii) a heavy chain LF-hCDR3:
DGVYGRLGGSDY (SEQ ID NO:70), and the antibody or functional fragment thereof can bind
specifically to B. anthracis lethal factor. Nucleic acid compositions encoding the foregoing antibody
or fragment sequences are further provided.
[0096] In some embodiments, an isolated antibody or functional fragment is provided wherein
the antibody comprises three light chain (LC) complementary determining regions (CDRs) consisting
of: (i) a light chain LF-1CDR1: RASQSVGSSLH (SEQ ED NO:65), (ii) a light chain LF-1CDR2;
YASQSFS (SEQ ID NO:66); and (iii) a light chain LF-1CDR3: HQSSSLPLT (SEQ ID NO:67), and
three heavy chain complementary determining regions (CDRs) consisting of (i) a heavy chain LF-
hCDRi: GFMFSSYAMS (SEQ ED NO:68); (ii) a heavy chain LF-hCDR2:

GISGSGGTTNYAPSVKG (SEQ ID NQ:69); and (iii) a heavy chain LF-hCDR3:
DGVYGRLGGSDY (SEQ ID NO:70), and the antibody or functional fragment thereof can bind
specifically to B. anthracis lethal factor.
[0097] In certain embodiments, a LF-1 antibody functional fragment is any one of an Fv, Fab,
F(ab)2 or an scFV functional fragment.
Antibody Compositions and Delivery Vehicles and Methods
[0098] The invention provides antibody compositions comprising one or more antibodies
prepared according to the methods of the invention. An "antibody composition" refers to a
composition comprising one or more antibodies or functional fragment(s) thereof and, optionally, any
components of the production system that are not removed during the process of purifying the
antibody. Thus it will be appreciated that a first antibody composition comprising an antibody or
functional fragment thereof prepared by expressing a cDNA isolated using the oligonucleotide
primers of the invention in an expression system of choice, e.g., a plant-based expression system, may
not be identical to a second antibody composition comprising the same antibody wherein the second
antibody composition is prepared using a different expression system. For example, an antibody
composition comprising an antibody produced by a hybridoma maintained in tissue culture may
contain residual components found in the tissue culture medium, whereas an antibody produced using
a plant-based expression system would generally not contain certain of these components. Thus in
certain embodiments the antibody compositions of the invention are distinct from other antibody
compositions containing the same antibody or antibodies.
[0099] In some embodiments one or more antibodies prepared according to the methods of the
invention is provided in a pharmaceutical composition suitable for administration to a subject for
diagnostic and/or therapeutic purposes, where "therapeutic purposes" are understood to include
prophylactic purposes (i.e., administration before any sign or symptom of a disease or condition has
occurred) and treatment purposes (i.e., adminstration after one or more signs or symptoms of a disease
or condition has occurred). Antibodies of the invention may, without limitation, be used
diagnosticaly, prophylactically, and/or for treatment of infectious diseases (e.g., bacterial, viral,
fungal, or parasitic disease), cancer (which term encompasses carcinomas, sarcomas, lymphoma,
leukemia, myelodysplastic syndromes, benign tumors, etc.), inflammatory conditions, disorders
characterized by undesirable angiogenesis, transplant rejection, graft vs host disease, etc. Other
applications for antibodies of the invention include in vitro immunodepletion of undesired cells such
as cancer cells, lymphocytes, etc. The antibodies can also be used to target other agents (e.g., a
diagnostic or therapeutic agent) to a site in the body where the antigen recognized by the antibody is

[00100] Suitable preparations, e.g., substantially pure preparations of the antibodies may be
combined with pharmaceutically acceptable carriers, diluents, solvents, etc., to produce an appropriate
pharmaceutical composition. The invention therefore provides a variety of pharmaceutically
acceptable compositions for administration to a subject comprising (i) an antbody; and (ii) a
pharmaceutically acceptable carrier, adjuvant, or vehicle. It is to be understood that the
pharmaceutical compositions of the invention, when administered to a subject, are preferably
administered for a time and in an amount sufficient to treat or prevent the disease or condition for
whose treatment or prevention they are administered.
[00101] In various embodiments of the invention an effective amount of the pharmaceutical
composition is administered to a subject by any suitable route of administration including, but not
limited to, intravenous, intramuscular, by inhalation, by catheter, intraocularly, orally, rectally,
intradermally, by application to the skin, etc.
[00102] Inventive compositions may be formulated for delivery by any available route including,
but not limited to parenteral, oral, by inhalation to the lungs, nasal, bronchial, opthalmic, transdermal
(topical), transmucosal, rectal, and vaginal routes. The term "parenteral" as used herein includes
subcutaneous, intravenous, intramuscular, intra-articular, intra-synovial, intrasternal, intrathecal,
intrahepatic, intralesional and intracranial injection or infusion techniques.
[00103] The term "pharmaceutically acceptable carrier, adjuvant, or vehicle" refers to a non-toxic
carrier, adjuvant, or vehicle that does not destroy the pharmacological activity of the compound with
which it is formulated. Pharmaceutically acceptable carriers, adjuvants or vehicles that may be used
in the compositions of this invention include, but are not limited to, ion exchangers, alumina,
aluminum stearate, lecithin, serum proteins, such as human serum albumin, buffer substances such as
phosphates, glycine, sorbic acid, potassium sorbate, partial glyceride mixtures of saturated vegetable
fatty acids, water, salts or electrolytes, such as protamine sulfate, disodium hydrogen phosphate,
potassium hydrogen phosphate, sodium chloride, zinc salts, colloidal silica, magnesium trisilicate,
polyvinyl pyrrolidone, cellulose-based substances, polyethylene glycol, sodium
carboxymethylcellulose, polyacrylates. waxes, polyethylene-polyoxypropylene-block polymers,
polyethylene glycol and wool fat. Solvents, dispersion media, coatings, antibacterial and antifungal
agents, isotonic and absorption delaying agents, and the like, compatible with pharmaceutical
administration may be included. Supplementary active compounds, e.g., compounds independently
active against the disease or clinical condition to be treated, or compounds that enhance activity of a
compound, can also be incorporated into the compositions.
[0001] Pharmaceutically acceptable salts of the compounds of this invention include those
derived from pharmaceutically acceptable inorganic and organic acids and bases. Examples of
suitable acid salts include acetate, adipate, alginate, aspartate, benzoate, benzenesulfonate, bisulfate,
butyrate, citrate, camphorate, camphorsulfonate, cyclopcntanepropionate. digluconate, dodecylsulfate,

ethanesulfonate, formate, fumarate, glucoheptanoate, glycerophosphate, glycolate, hemisulfate,
heptanoate, hexanoate, hydrochloride, hydrobromide, hydroiodide, 2-hydroxyethanesulfonate, lactate,
maleate, malonate, methanesulfonate, 2-naphthalenesulfonate, nicotinate, nitrate, oxalate, palmoate,
pectinate, persulfate, 3-phenylpropionate, phosphate, picrate, pivalate, propionate, salicylate,
succinate, sulfate, tartrate, thiocyanate, tosylate and imdecanoate. Other acids, such as oxalic, while
not in themselves pharmaceutically acceptable, may be employed in the preparation of salts useful as
intermediates in obtaining the compounds of the invention and their pharmaceutically acceptable acid
addition salts.
[0002] Salts derived from appropriate bases include alkali metal (e.g., sodium and potassium),
alkaline earth metal (e.g., magnesium), ammonium andN+(Cl-4 alkyl)4 salts. This invention also
envisions the quatemization of any basic nitrogen-containing groups of the compounds disclosed
herein. Water or oil-soluble or dispersible products may be obtained by such quatemization.
[00104] A pharmaceutical composition is formulated to be compatible with its intended route of
administration. Solutions or suspensions used for parenteral (e.g., intravenous), intramuscular,
intradermal, or subcutaneous application can include the following components: a sterile diluent such
as water for injection, saline solution, fixed oils, polyethylene glycols, glycerine, propylene glycol or
other synthetic solvents; antibacterial agents such as benzyl alcohol or methyl parabens; antioxidants
such as ascorbic acid or sodium bisulfite; chelating agents such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid;
buffers such as acetates, citrates or phosphates and agents for the adjustment of tonicity such as
sodium chloride or dextrose. pH can be adjusted with acids or bases, such as hydrochloric acid or
sodium hydroxide. The parenteral preparation can be enclosed in ampoules, disposable syringes or
multiple dose vials made of glass or plastic.
[00105] Pharmaceutical compositions suitable for injectable use typically include sterile aqueous
solutions (where water soluble) or dispersions and sterile powders for the extemporaneous preparation
of sterile injectable solutions or dispersion. For intravenous administration, suitable carriers include
physiological saline, bacteriostatic water, Cremophor EL™ (BASF, Parsippany, NJ), phosphate
buffered saline (PBS), or Ringer's solution.
[00106] Sterile, fixed oils are conventionally employed as a solvent or suspending medium. For
this purpose, any bland fixed oil may be employed including synthetic mono- or di-glycerides. Fatty
acids, such as oleic acid and its glyceride derivatives are useful in the preparation of injectables, as are
natural pharmaceutically-acceptable oils, such as olive oil or castor oil, especially in their
polyoxyethylated versions. These oil solutions or suspensions may also contain a long-chain alcohol
diluent or dispersant, such as carboxymethyl cellulose or similar dispersing agents that are commonly
used in the formulation of pharmaceutically acceptable dosage forms including emulsions and
suspensions. Other commonly used surfactants, such as Tweens, Spans and other emulsifying agents

or bioavailability enhancers which are commonly used in the manufacture of pharmaceutically
acceptable solid, liquid, or other dosage forms may also be used for the purposes of formulation.
[00107] In all cases, the composition should be sterile, if possible, and should be fluid to the
extent that easy syringability exists.
[00108] Preferred pharmaceutical formulations are stable under the conditions of manufacture and
storage and must be preserved against the contaminating action of microorganisms such as bacteria
and fungi. In general, the relevant carrier can be a solvent or dispersion medium containing, for
example, water, ethanol, polyol (for example, glycerol, propylene glycol, and liquid polyetheylene
glycol, and the like), and suitable mixtures thereof. The proper fluidity can be maintained, for
example, by the use of a coating such as lecithin, by the maintenance of the required particle size in
the case of dispersion and by the use of surfactants. Prevention of the action of microorganisms can
be achieved by various antibacterial and antifungal agents, for example, parabens, chlorobutanol,
phenol, ascorbic acid, thimerosal, and the like. In many cases, it will be preferable to include isotonic
agents, for example, sugars, polyalcohols such as manitol, sorbitol, sodium chloride in the
composition. Prolonged absorption of injectable compositions can be brought about by including in
the composition an agent which delays absorption, for example, aluminum monostearate and gelatin.
Prolonged absorption of oral compositions can be achieved by various means including encapsulation.
[00109] Sterile injectable solutions can be prepared by incorporating the active compound in the
required amount in an appropriate solvent with one or a combination of ingredients enumerated
above, as required, followed by filtered sterilization. Preferably solutions for injection are free of
endotoxin. Generally, dispersions are prepared by incorporating the active compound into a sterile
vehicle which contains a basic dispersion medium and the required other ingredients from those
enumerated above. In the case of sterile powders for the preparation of sterile injectable solutions, the
preferred methods of preparation are vacuum drying and freeze-drying which yields a powder of the
active ingredient plus any additional desired ingredient from a previously sterile-filtered solution
[00110] Oral compositions generally include an inert diluent or an edible carrier. For the purpose
of oral therapeutic administration, the active compound can be incorporated with excipients and used
in the form of tablets, troches, or capsules, e.g., gelatin capsules. Oral compositions can also be
prepared using a fluid carrier for use as a mouthwash. Pharmaceutically compatible binding agents,
and/or adjuvant materials can be included as part of the composition. The tablets, pills, capsules,
troches and the like can contain any of the following ingredients, or compounds of a similar nature: a
binder such as microcrystalline cellulose, gum tragacanth or gelatin; an excipient such as starch or
lactose, a disintegrating agent such as alginic acid, Primogel, or corn starch; a lubricant such as
magnesium stearate or Sterotes; a glidant such as colloidal silicon dioxide; a sweetening agent such as
sucrose oi saccharin; or a flavoring agent such as peppermint, methyl salicylate. or orange flavoring.

Formulations for oral delivery may advantageously incorporate agents to improve stability within the
gastrointestinal tract and/or to enhance absorption.
[00111] For administration by inhalation, the inventive compositions are preferably delivered in
the form of an aerosol spray from a pressured container or dispenser which contains a suitable
propellant, e.g., a gas such as carbon dioxide, or a nebulizer. Liquid or dry aerosol (e.g., dry powders,
large porous particles, etc.) can be used. The present invention also contemplates delivery of
compositions using a nasal spray.
[00112] For topical applications, the pharmaceutically acceptable compositions may be
formulated in a suitable ointment containing the active component suspended or dissolved in one or
more carriers. Carriers for topical administration of the compounds of this invention include, but are
not limited to, mineral oil, liquid petrolatum, white petrolatum, propylene glycol, polyoxyethylene,
polyoxypropylene compound, emulsifying wax and water. Alternatively, the pharmaceutically
acceptable compositions can be formulated in a suitable lotion or cream containing the active
components suspended or dissolved in one or more pharmaceutically acceptable carriers. Suitable
carriers include, but are not limited to, mineral oil, sorbitan monostearate, polysorbate 60, cetyl esters
wax, cetearyl alcohol, 2Doctyldodecanol, benzyl alcohol and water.
[00113] For local delivery to the eye, the pharmaceutically acceptable compositions may be
formulated as micronized suspensions in isotonic, pH adjusted sterile saline, or, preferably, as
solutions in isotonic, pH adjusted sterile saline, either with or without a preservative such as
benzylalkonium chloride. Alternatively, for ophthalmic uses, the pharmaceutically acceptable
compositions may be formulated in an ointment such as petrolatum.
[00114] The pharmaceutically acceptable compositions of this invention may also be administered
by nasal aerosol or inhalation. Such compositions are prepared according to techniques well-known
in the art of pharmaceutical formulation and may be prepared as solutions in saline, employing benzyl
alcohol or other suitable preservatives, absorption promoters to enhance bioavailability,
fluorocarbons, and/or other conventional solubilizing or dispersing agents.
[00115] Systemic administration can also be by transmucosal or transdermal means. For
transmucosal or transdermal administration, penetrants appropriate to the barrier to be permeated are
used in the formulation. Such penetrants are generally known in the art, and include, for example, for
transmucosal administration, detergents, bile salts, and fusidic acid derivatives. Transmucosal
administration can be accomplished through the use of nasal sprays or suppositories. For transdermal
administration, the antibodies are formulated into ointments, salves, gels, or creams as generally
known in the art.
[00116] The antibody compositions can also be prepared in the form of suppositories (e.g., with
conventional suppository' bases such as cocoa butter and other glycerides) or retention enemas for
rectal delivery.

[00117] In addition to the agents described above, in certain embodiments of the invention, the
antibody compositions are prepared with carriers that will protect the antibodies against rapid
elimination from the body, such as a controlled release formulation, including implants and
microencapsulated delivery systems. Biodegradable, biocompatible polymers can be used, such as
ethylene vinyl acetate, polyanhydrides, polyglycolic acid, collagen, polyorthoesters, polyethers, and
poly lactic acid. Methods for preparation of such formulations will be apparent to those skilled in the
art. Certain of the materials can also be obtained commercially from Alza Corporation and Nova
Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Liposomal suspensions can also be used as pharmaceutically acceptable
carriers. These can be prepared according to methods known to those skilled in the art, for example,
as described in U.S. Patent No. 4,522,811 and other references listed herein. Liposomes, including
targeted liposomes (e.g., antibody targeted liposomes) and pegylated liposomes have been described
(Hansen CB, et al., Biochim BiophysActa. 1239(2):133-44,1995; Torchilin VP, et al., Biochim
BiophysActa, 1511(2):397-411, 2001; IshidaT, et al., FEBS Lett. 460(l):129-33, 1999). One of
ordinary skill in the art will appreciate that the materials and methods selected for preparation of a
controlled release formulation, implant, etc., should be such as to retain activity of the antibody. For
example, it may be desirable to avoid excessive heating of polypeptides such as antibodies, which
could lead to denaturation and loss of activity.
[00118] It is typically advantageous to formulate oral or parenteral compositions in dosage unit
form for ease of administration and uniformity of dosage. Dosage unit form as used herein refers to
physically discrete units suited as unitary dosages for the subject to be treated; each unit containing a
predetermined quantity of antibody calculated to produce the desired therapeutic effect in association
with the required pharmaceutical carrier.
[00119] Toxicity and therapeutic efficacy of such compositions can be determined by standard
pharmaceutical procedures in cell cultures or experimental animals, e.g., for determining the LD50
(the dose lethal to 50% of the population) and the ED50 (the dose therapeutically effective in 50% of
the population). The dose ratio between toxic and therapeutic effects is the therapeutic index and it
can be expressed as the ratio LD50/ EDso- Compositions which exhibit high therapeutic indices are
preferred. While compositions that exhibit toxic side effects can be used, care should be taken to
design a delivery system that targets such compositions to the site of affected tissue in order to
minimize potential damage to uninfected cells and, thereby, reduce side effects.
[00120] The data obtained from cell culture assays and animal studies can be used in formulating
a range of dosage for use in humans. The dosage lies preferably within a range of circulating
concentrations that include the ED50 with little or no toxicity. The dosage can vary within this range
depending upon the dosage form employed and the route of administration utilized. For any antibody
or other compound used in the method of the invention, the therapeutically effective dose can be
estimated initially from cell culture assays. A dose can be formulated in animal models to achieve a

circulating plasma concentration range that includes the ED50 as determined in cell culture. Such
information can be used to more accurately determine useful doses in humans. Levels in plasma can
be measured, for example, by high performance liquid cnromatography.
[00121] A therapeutically effective amount of a pharmaceutical composition typically ranges from
about 0.001 to 100 mg/kg body weight, preferably about 0.01 to 25 mg/kg body weight, more
preferably about 0.1 to 20 mg/kg body weight, and even more preferably about 1 to 10 mg/kg, 2 to 9
mg/kg, 3 to 8 mg/kg, 4 to 7 mg/kg, or 5 to 6 mg/kg body weight. The pharmaceutical composition
can be administered at various intervals and over different periods of time as required, e.g., multiple
times per day, daily, every other day, once a week for between about 1 to 10 weeks, between 2 to 8
weeks, between about 3 to 7 weeks, about 4, 5, or 6 weeks, etc. The skilled artisan will appreciate
that certain factors can influence the dosage and timing required to effectively treat a subject,
including but not limited to the severity of the disease or disorder, previous treatments, the general
health and/or age of the subject, and other diseases present. Generally, treatment of a subject with an
inventive composition can include a single treatment or, in many cases, can include a series of
treatments. It will be appreciated that a range of different dosage combinations (i.e., doses of two or
more antibodies or one or more antibodies and one or more additional active agents) can be used.
[00122] Exemplary doses include milligram or microgram amounts of the antibodies per kilogram
of subject or sample weight (e.g., about 1 microgram per kilogram to about 500 milligrams per
kilogram, about 100 micrograms per kilogram to about 5 milligrams per kilogram, or about 1
microgram per kilogram to about 50 micrograms per kilogram.) For local administration (e.g.,
intranasal), doses much smaller than these may be used. It is furthermore understood that appropriate
doses depend upon the potency of the agent, and may optionally be tailored to the particular recipient,
for example, through administration of increasing doses until a preselected desired response is
achieved. It is understood that the specific dose level for any particular subject may depend upon a
variety of factors including the activity of the specific compound employed, the age, body weight,
general health, gender, and diet of the subject, the tune of administration, the route of administration,
the rate of excretion, any drug combination, and the degree of expression or activity to be modulated.
[00123] The invention further provides pharmaceutical compositions comprising two or more
antibodies of the invention and, optionally, one or more additional active agents.
[00124] The below Examples describe cDNAs were cloned from human hybridoma cell lines
which produce antibodies which specifically bind B. anthracis PA or LF protein. cDNAs for the
- human heavy and light chain of monoclonal antibody specifically recognizing PA (designated herein
PA) or LF (designated herein LF) were isolated from hybridoma cell lines which were generated from
cells isolated from a human patient immunized with a licensed anthrax vaccine.

Example 1: Isolation of cDNAs that Encode Human Monoclonal Antibodies from Hybridomas
[00125] This example describes use of certain of the oligonucleotide primers listed in Table 1 to
isolate cDNAs encoding human monoclonal antibodies. All kits were used according to the
manufacturer's directions.
[00126] RNA-purification from hybridoma cell lines.
[00127] Total RNA was purified from 105 cells of any given hybridoma cell line using the RNeasy
Mini Kit (Qiagen). The RNA was cluted in 50 ill water (no yield was calculated) and 5 ul was used in
each RT-PCR reaction.
[00128] Reverse Transcription-PCR.
[00129] The primers used for RT-PCR are listed in Table 1. RT-PCR was performed with
Superscript One-Step RT-PCR with Platinum Taq DNA polymerase (Invitrogen). To efficiently target
all possible variable regions in any given heavy or light chain sequence a combination of primers
were used for each RT-PCR reaction and several RT-PCR reactions were performed simultaneously
for amplification of each antibody gene.
[00130] For heavy chains, 2 uM each of the primers VG1+7 short, VG2 short and VG3 short were
combined with 2 uM of the constant gamma short (CG short) primer in one reaction and 2 uM each of
the primers VG4-short, VG5-short and VG6-short were combined with 2 uM of the constant gamma
short (CG-short) primer in a second reaction. Any product was then purified using Qiaex II (Qiagen)
and, if the product came from the first initial reaction, re-amplified with 2 uM each of the primers
VG1, VG2, and VG3 in combinations with 2 uM of primer CG, or, if the product came from the
second RT-PCR reaction, re-amplified with 2 uM each of the primers VG4, VG5, and VG6 in
combinations with 2 uM of primer CG using Platinum PCR SuperMix High Fidelity (Invitrogen) to
introduce different 5' and 3' Sfi I restriction sites.
[00131] For light chains, the RT-PCR product yield was always sufficient for immediate
subcloning of the product, thus eliminating the need for an initial RT-PCR reaction with short
primers. Instead 2 uM each of three variable region primers were combined with 2 uM of the constant
region primer (Table 1), resulting in three separate reactions for lambda and two separate reactions for
kappa light chains. Specifically, the reactions contained 2 or 3 variable primers, as follows:
CK + VKl,2+1.8and3
CK + VK4and5
CL + VLl,2and3
CL + VL4, 5 and 6+9
CL + VL7 and 10+8
It will be appreciated that other combinations could have been used.
[00132] PCR cycling conditions were adapted from Krebber, A., Bornhauser, S., Burmester, L,
Honegger, A., Wiliuda, J., Bosshard, H.R., and Pluckthun, A. (1997). Reliable cloning of functional

antibody variable domains from hybridomas and spleen cell repertoires employing a reengineered
phage display system. JImmunol Methods 201, 35-55. For RT-PCR the cycling conditions were as
follows: 30 min at 45 °C, 2 min at 94 °C; seven cycles of: 1 min at 94 CCJ 30 sec at 63 °C, 50 sec at 58
°C, 3 min at 72 °C, and 33 cycles of: 1 min at 94 °C, 1 min at 63 °C, and 3 min at 72 °C5 followed by 7
min at 72 °C. For regular PCR (not RT-PCR) the initial steps of 30 min at 45 °C and 2 min at 94 °C
were omitted.
[00133] The amplification products were cloned into the binary vector pBISfi, whose construction
is described in Example 2.
Example 2: Construction of vector pBISfi
[00134] This example describes modification of the binary vector pBI121 to facilitate its use for
expression of antibodies in plants. First, the internal Sfi I site at 11031 bp of vector pBI121 was
mutagenized as follows: the vector was digested with Sfi I and the resulting single stranded overhangs
were filled in using Klenow and the resulting blunt ends were re-ligated. To create a 5' unique Sfi I
site the oligonucleotides BamSfi 1 (5>-GATCCGGCCCAGCCGGCCG-3'; SEQ ID NO: 53) and
BamSfi 2 (5'-GATCCGGCCGGCTGGGCCG-3'; SEQ ID NO: 54) were annealed to each other and
ligated into the BamH I site of the vector pBI121 (lacking the internal Sfi I site). Similarly, annealing
oligonucleotides SacSfi 1 (5'-GCCTCGGGGGCCGAGCT-3'; SEQ ID NO: 55) and SacSfi 2 (5'-
GCCCCCGAGGCCGAGCT-3'; SEQ ID NO: 56) and ligating into the Sac I site of pBI121 (lacking
the internal Sfi I site) created a 3' unique Sfi I site.
Example 3: Mutagenesis ofcDNA Encoding PA antibody heavy chain.
[00135J The cDNA that encodes the PA gamma chain was mutagenized using Invitrogen's
GeneTailor kit according to the manufacturer's recommendations so as to alter the iV-glycosylation
site at position 318 of the PA gamma chain. The following mutant primer was used: 5'-
ccgcgggaggagcagtacCAAagcacgtaccgt-3' (SEQ ID NO: 57). The reverse primer was:
gtactgctcctcccgcggctttgtcttggca (SEQ ID NO: 58) As a result of the mutagenesis, the AAC codon was
replaced by a CAA codon. resulting in an Asn->GIn alteration.
Example 4: Production of Glycosylated and Nongfycosylated PA antibody in plants.
[00136] Glycosylated and non-glycosylated PA antibody (PA and PANG, respectively) were
purified from the leaves of Nicotiana benthamiana plants after agro-infiltration with a 1:1 mixture of
Agrobacterial cultures carrying light or heavy chain cDNAs under the 35S promoter in pBISfil. The
antibodies were purified using protein A- and T-gel chromatography and compared using SDS-PAGE.
Figure 1 shows an image of the gel, which clearly demonstrates a difference in the electrophoretic
mobility of PANG heavy chains due to the lack of glycosylation, i.e., the PANG heavy chain migrates

faster than the PA~Eeavy chain since it is lighter. Western blot and ELISA analysis confirmed the
specific binding activity of PA, PANG and LF antibodies for PA and LF, respectively, indicating that
production in plants did not impair the specificity of antibody binding.
Example 5: Half-life Study ofanti-PA and anti-LF Human Monoclonal Antibodies in Rats
[00137] Male Fischer rats were injected intraperitoneally with 50ug of either plant produced PA,
plant produced PANG, or plant produced LF. Serum samples were taken pre-injection, as well as at
2hrs, and at 1,2,3,4,5,10,15, and 20 days post-injection. Serum was analyzed with either PA- or LF-
specific binding ELISA. Plant produced PA and PANG showed similar half-lifes, while LF
antibodies had somewhat lower half life as compared to both plant produced PA antibodies.
Example 6: Animal Protection Studies
[00138] The ability of plant produced PA to protect A/J mice against challenge with spores of the
Sterne strain of B. anthracis was determined according to the method of Beedham and colleagues. A
group of five mice were given 180u.g of plant produced PA mAb by intraperitoneal route in PBS.
Control mice received PBS. 2.5 hours after passive immunization, animals received spores of B.
anthracis at a dose of 1 X 104 spores in Q.lmL of PBS (approximately 30 median lethal dose).
Following challend, animals were monitored daily for 14 days for evidence of morbidity or mortality.
Animals receiving plant produced mAb did not develop disease symptoms, remained healthy, and
survived the challenge, while all the control animals developed disease and died within 3 days post-
[00139] Those skilled in the art will recognize, or be able to ascertain using no more than routine
experimentation, many equivalents to the specific embodiments of the invention described herein.
The scope of the present invention is not intended to be limited to the above Description, but rather is
as set forth in the appended claims. In the claims articles such as "a,", "an" and "the" may mean one
or more than one unless indicated to the contrary or otherwise evident from the context. Claims or
descriptions that include "or" between one or more members of a group are considered satisfied if
one, more than one, or all of the group members are present in, employed in, or otherwise relevant to
a given product or process unless indicated to the contrary or otherwise evident from the context.
Furthermore, it is to be understood that the invention encompasses all variations, combinations, and
permutations in which one or more limitations, elements, clauses, descriptive terms, etc., from one or
more of the listed claims is introduced into another claim. In particular, any claim that is dependent
on another claim can be modified to include one or more limitations found in any other claim that is
dependent OR the same base claim. In addition, it is to be understood that any particular embodiment
of the present invention that falls within the prior art may bs explicitly excluded from the claims.

Since such embodiments are deemed to be known to one of ordinary skill in the art, they may be
excluded even if not set forth explicitly herein. For example, any specific oligonucleotide, cDNA,
nucleic acid, or antibody, can be excluded from the claims.

We claim:
1. An isolated antibody or functional fragment thereof, comprising: (a) one or more light chain
(LC) complementary determining regions (CDRs) selected from the group consisting of:
(i) a light chain CDR1 with at least 90% sequence identity to PA-1CDR1:
(ii) a light chain CDR2 with at least 90% sequence identity to PA-1CDR2: GASSRAT (SEQ
ID NO:60);and
(iii) a light chab CDR3 with at least 90% sequence identity to PA-1CDR3: QHYGNSPYT
(SEQ ID NO:61);and
(b) one or more heavy chain (HC) complementary determining regions (CDRs) selected
from the group consisting of:
(iv) a heavy chain CDR1 with at least 90% sequence identity to PA-hCDRl:
(v) a heavy chain CDR2 with at least 90% sequence identity to PA-hCDR2:
(vi) a heavy chain CDR3 with at least 90% sequence identity to PA-hCPR3:
wherein the antibody or functional fragment thereof can bind specifically to B. anthracis
protective antigen.
2. The antibody or functional fragment of claim 1, comprising: (a) two or more light chain
(LC) complementary determining regions (CDRs) selected from the group consisting of:
(i) a light chain CDR1 with at least 90% sequence identity to PA-1CDR1: RASQSVSYSSLA (SEQ
ED NO:59);
(ii) a light chain CDR2 with at least 90% sequence identity to PA-1CDR2: GASSRAT (SEQ ID
(iii) a light chain CDR3 with at least 90% sequence identity to PA-1CDR3: QHYGNSPYT (SEQ
(b) two or more heavy chain complementary determining regions (CDRs) selected from the
group consisting of:
(iv) a heavy chain CDR1 with at least 90% sequence identity to PA-hCDRl: GYTFTSNAIQ (SEQ
(v) a heavy chain CDR2 with at least 90% sequence identity to PA-hCPR2:
(vi) a heavy chain CDR3 with at least 90% sequence identity to PA-hCDR3: HRLQRGGFDP (SEQ
ID NO:64);

wherein the antibody or functional fragment thereof can bind specifically to B. anthracis
protective antigen.
3. The antibody or functional fragment of claim 1, comprising: (a) three light chain (LC)
complementary determining regions (CDRs) consisting of:
(i) a light chain CDR1 with at least 90% sequence identity to PA-1CDR1: RASQSVSYSSLA (SEQ
(ii) a light chain CDR2 with at least 90% sequence identity to PA-1CDR2: GASSRAT (SEQ ID
NO:60); and
(iii) a light chain CDR3 with at least 90% sequence identity to PA-1CDR3: QHYGNSPYT (SEQ
(b) three heavy chain complementary determining regions (CDRs) consisting of:
(iv) a heavy chain CDR1 with at least 90% sequence identity to PA-hCDRl: GYTFTSNAIQ (SEQ
ID NO.62);
(v) a heavy chain CDR2 with at least 90% sequence identity to PA-hCDR2:
(vi) a heavy chain CDRS with at least 90% sequence identity to PA-hCDR3: HRLQRGGFDP (SEQ
wherein the antibody or functional fragment thereof can bind specifically to B. anthracis
protective antigen.
4. An isolated antibody or functional fragment thereof, comprising: (a) one or more light chain
(LC) complementary determining regions (CDRS) selected from the group consisting of:
(i) a light chain CDR1 with at least 90% sequence identity to LF-1CDR1: RASQSVGSSLH (SEQ
(ii) a light chain CDR2 with at least 90% sequence identity to LF-1CDR2: YASQSFS (SEQ ID
NO:66); and
(iii) a light chain CDR3 with at least 90% sequence identity to LF-1CDR3: HQSSSLPLT (SEQ ID
and (b) one or more heavy chain (HC) complementary determining regions (CDRS) selected
from the group consisting of:
(iv) a heavy chain CDR1 with at least 90% sequence identity to LF-hCDRl: GFMFSSYAMS (SEQ
(v) a heavy chain CDR2 with at least 90% sequence identity to LF-hCDR2:
(vi) a heavy chain CDR3 with at least 90% sequence identity' to LF-hCDR3: DGVYGRLGGSDY
(SEQ ID NO:70);

wherein the antibody or functional fragment thereof can bind specifically to B. anthracis
lethal factor.
5. The antibody or functional fragment thereof of claim 4, comprising: (a) two or more light
chain (LC) complementary determining regions (CDRS) selected from the group consisting
(i) a light chain CDR1 with at least 90% sequence identity to LF-1CDR1: RASQSVGSSLH (SEQ
ID NO:65);
(ii) a light chain CDR2 with at least 90% sequence identity to LF-1CDR2: YASQSFS (SEQ ID
NO:66); and
(iii) a light chain CDR3 with at least 90% sequence identity to LF-1CPR3: HQSSSLPLT (SEQ ID
and (b) two or more heavy chain (HC) complementary determining regions (CDRS) selected
from the group consisting of:
(iv) a heavy chain CDR1 with at least 90% sequence identity to LF-hCDRl: GFMFSSYAMS (SEQ
ED NQ:68);
(v) a heavy chain CDR2 with at least 90% sequence identity to LF-hCDR2:
(vi) a heavy chain CDR3 with at least 90% sequence identity to LF-hCDR3: DGVYGRLGGSDY
(SEQ ID NO:70);
wherein the antibody or functional fragment thereof can bind specifically to B. anthracis
lethal factor.
6. The antibody or functional fragment thereof, of claim 4, comprising: (a) three light chain
(LC) complementary determining regions (CDRS) consisting of:
(i) a light chain CDR1 with at least 90% sequence identity to LF-1CDR1: RASQSVGSSLH (SEQ
(ii) a light chain CDR2 with at least 90% sequence identity to LF-1CDR2: YASQSFS (SEQ TD
NO:66); and
(iii) a light chain CDR3 with at least 90% sequence identity to LF-1CDR3: HQSSSLPLT (SEQ ID
and (b) three heavy chain (HC) complementary determining regions (CDRS) consisting of:
(iv) a heavy chain CDR1 with at least 90% sequence identity to LF-hCDRl: GFMFSSYAMS (SEQ
ID NO:68);
(v) a heavy chain CDR2 with at least 90% sequence identity to LF-hCDR2:

(vi) a heavy chain CDR3 with at least 90% sequence identity to LF-hCDR3: DGVYGRLGGSDY
(SEQ ID NO:70);
wherein the antibody or functional fragment thereof can bind specifically to B. anthracis
lethal factor.
7. The antibody, or functional fragment thereof, of any one of claims 1-3, wherein said
functional fragment is selected from the group consisting of Fv, Fab, F(ab)2 and scFV.
8. A nucleic acid encoding the antibody or functional fragment of claim 1.
9. A composition comprising the antibody or functional fragment of claim 1 and a
pharmaceutically acceptable carrier.
10. The antibody, or functional fragment thereof, of claim 4, wherein said functional fragment is
selected from the group consisting of Fv, Fab, F(ab)2 and scFV.
11. A nucleic acid encoding the antibody or functional fragment of claim 4.
12. A composition comprising the antibody or functional fragment of claim 4 and a
pharmaceutically acceptable carrier.
13. An isolated polypeptide comprising a polypeptide sequence consisting of any of SEQ ID
NOs: 46, 48, 50, or 52.
14. An isolated polypeptide consisting of a polypeptide sequence of any one of SEQ ID NO: 46,
48, 50, or 52.
15. A polypeptide of claim 13 or claim 14, wherein said polypeptide is not glycosylated.
16. An isolated nucleic acid that encodes a polypeptide of claim 13.
17. The isolated nucleic acid of claim 16, wherein said nucleic acid sequence is not a naturally
occurring sequence.
18. An oligonucleotide primer whose sequence consists of or comprises any of SEQ ID NOs: 1-
19. A primer mix containing at least two oligonucleotide primers of claim 18.
20. The primer mix of claim 19, containing at least two primers, wherein the at least two primers
are, of use in an amplification reaction to amplify an antibody heavy chain or light chain.

21. A nucleic acid amplified from an antibody-producing cell or cell line using a primer of claim
22. An expression vector, cell, transgenic animal, or transgenic plant containing the nucleic acid
of claim 21.
23. A plant viral vector or replicon comprising the nucleic acid of claim 21.
24. A method of producing an antibody chain comprising expressing the nucleic acid of claim
21 in a suitable expression system.
25. The method of claim 24, wherein the expression system is a plant-based expression system.
26. A method of isolating a nucleic acid that encodes an antibody heavy chain or light chain
comprising amplifying said nucleic acid from a cell or cell line that produces the antibody
heavy chain or light chain using one or more primers selected from the group consisting of
SEQ ID NOs: 1-44.
27. An isolated nucleic acid comprising a nucleic acid sequence consisting of any of SEQ ID
NOs: 45, 47,49, or 51.
28. An isolated nucleic acid consisting of a nucleic acid sequence of any one of SEQ ID NOs:
45, 47, 49, or 51.
29. An expression vector comprising the nucleic acid of claim 27 or claim 28.
30. A host ceil comprising the expression vector of claim 29.
31. The host cell of claim 30, which is a plant cell.
32. A method of producing an antibody or functional fragment thereof, comprising culturing the
host cell of claim 30 or claim 31 under conditions sufficient for antibody production, and
purifying the produced antibody.

Provided are oligonucleotides for isolating human antibody cDNAs from cells or cell lines, such as hybridomas. The invention also provides cDNAs that encode at least one provided CDR of heavy chain or a light chain of a human monoclonal antibody that binds to B. anthracis protective antigen; and cDNAs that encode at least one provided CDR of a heavy chain or a light chain of a human monoclonal antibody that binds to B. anthracis lethal factor. The invention further provides expression vectors that contain one or more cDNAs isolated according to the methods of the invention, host cells expressing one or more inventive cDNAs,
and transgenic plants and animals that express one or more inventive cDNAs. In certain embodiments of the invention the expression
system is a plant-based expression system. The invention further provides antibody compositions comprising one or more antibodies
produced by expressing a cDNA isolated according to the methods of the invention in a suitable expression system. Additionally
encompassed in the invention are kits containing one or more of provided compositions, as well as methods of production and use of provided compositions.




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392-KOLNP-2008-FORM 3-1.1.pdf


Patent Number 264079
Indian Patent Application Number 392/KOLNP/2008
PG Journal Number 49/2014
Publication Date 05-Dec-2014
Grant Date 03-Dec-2014
Date of Filing 28-Jan-2008
Name of Patentee IBIO, INC.
Applicant Address 9 INNOVATION WAY, SUITE 100, NEW ARK, DE 19711, USA
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C12N 15/00, C12N 15/29
PCT International Application Number PCT/US2006//030545
PCT International Filing date 2006-08-03
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 60/705653 2005-08-03 U.S.A.