Title of Invention


Abstract A method of operating a transport interface for at least one local Fibre Channel/FICON port, said method comprising receiving at the transport interface Fibre Channel/FICON data from the at least one local Fibre Channel/FICON port; inserting (32) a special latency instruction message into the Fibre Channel/FICON data comprising a control character field, a special control character field, and a latency sequence number, wherein said control character field indicates that said special control character field contains a special control character; encapsulating said Fibre Channel/FICON data in a generic framing procedure (GFP) client data frame; sending (34) said GFP client data frame over a SONET/SDH transport network to a remote Fibre Channel/FICON port; starting (34) a timer concurrently with said sending of said GFP client data frame for timing a return of said special latency instruction message over said SONET/SDH transport network to produce a round trip time; calculating (41) a number of buffers needed for receiving GFP client data frames from said remote Fibre Channel/FICON port in order to maximise throughout over said SONET/SDH network and reduce latency based on said round trip time; and allocating (42) said number of buffers in said transport interface.
Full Text

The present invention relates generally to digital communication networks, and
more specifically, to methods and systems for efficiently transporting Fibre
Channel/FICON client data over a SONET/SDH network path.
SONET/SDH and optical fiber have emerged as significant technologies for
building large scale, high speed, IP (Internet Protocol)-based networks. SONET, an
acronym for Synchronous Optical Network, and SDH, an acronym for Synchronous
Digital Hierarchy, are a set of related standards for synchronous data transmission over
fiber optic networks. SONET/SDH is currently used in wide area networks (WAN) and
metropolitan area networks (MAN). A SONET system consists of switches, multiplexers,
and repeaters, all connected by fiber. The connection between a source and destination is
called a path.
One network architecture for the network interconnection of computer devices is
Fibre Channel, the core standard of which is described in ANSI (American National
Standards Institute) X3.230-1994. Arising out of data storage requirements, Fibre
Channel currently provides for bi-directional gigabits-per-second transport over Storage
Area Networks (SANs) in Fibre Channel frames that consist of standardized sets of bits
used to carry data over the network system. Fibre Channel links are limited to no more
than 10 kilometers. Similar to Fibre Channel is FICON, a proprietary I/O channel which
was developed by IBM for the data storage requirements for main frame computers.
New standards and protocols have emerged to combine the advantages of the
SONET/SDH and Fibre Channel/FICON technologies. For example, it is sometimes
desirable to link two SANs, which operate with Fibre Channel or FICON protocols, over a
MAN (Metropolitan Area Network), or even a WAN (Wide Area Network), which
typically operate under SONET or SDH standards. This extension of SANs from 100
kilometers to over several hundred, or even thousand, kilometers, is made by mapping
Fibre Channel/FICON ports to a SONET/SDH path for transport across a SONET/SDH
network. One way to perform this function is to encapsulate Fibre Channel/FICON client
data frames into transparent Generic Framing Protocol (GFP-T) frames and then map the

GFP-T frames into SONET/SDH frames for transport across the SONET/SDH network.
In this manner two Fibre Channel/FICON ports can communicate with each other over a
SONET/SDH network as though the intervening network links are part of a Fibre
Channel/FICON network. The Fibre Channel/FICON ports remain "unaware" of the
SONET/SDH transport path. For example, see U.S. Patent Application No. 10/390,813,
entitled, "Method and System for Emulating a Fibre Channel Link Over a Sonet/SDH
Path," filed March 18, 2003 and assigned to the present assignee.
For the effective movement of data across SAN networks, these network systems
have two types of flow control: 1) end-to-end, and 2) buffer-to-buffer credit. In both
types of flow control, two Fibre Channel/FICON ports report to each other how many
frames is available at the reporting port's buffer to receive Fibre Channel/FICON frames
from the other port. In end-to-end flow control, the source and destination ports are the
two ports and the ports signal each other the reception of a transmitted frame by an ACK
Link Control frame. In buffer-to-buffer credit, the two ports on opposite sides of a link are
the two ports and the ports communicate the reception of a transmitted frame with an
R_Rdy Primitive signal. But flow control remains within the SAN network and is based
on counting Fibre Channel/FICON frames which can vary. Flow control may also be
extended across SONET/SDH transport networks which connect frame-based protocol
networks, such as Fibre Channel/FICON and gigabit Ethernet. See, for example, U.S.
Patent Application No. 10/613,426, entitled, "Method and System For Efficient Flow
Control For Client Data Frames Over GFP Across a SONET/SDH Transport Path," filed
July 3,2003 and assigned to the present assignee.
Nonetheless, for SAN extensions, i.e., interconnecting SANs by SONET/SDH
transport networks, the SAN extension devices (the Fibre Channel/FICON ports
communicating over a SONET/SDH network) usually provide a large amount of buffering
in order to maintain a 100% throughput over very long distances. Because of the large
number of buffers in the SAN extension devices, a great deal of latency can be created for
the frames passing through the devices. It is possible that sometimes the latency
introduced by extra buffering can be a significant portion of the total latency, even
compared to the latency of the long distance communication.
The present invention addresses this problem of inappropriate buffering with
buffer management which is dynamic and intelligently selective for the particular SAN

The present invention provides for a method of operating a transport interface for
at least one local Fibre Channel/FICON port, the transport interface having buffers for
Fibre Channel/FICON data encapsulated in GFP frames transported over a SONET/SDH
network from a remote Fibre Channel/FICON port. The method has the steps of inserting
a special latency instruction message into Fibre Channel/FICON data to be encapsulated in
a GFP frame for transmission to the remote Fibre Channel/FICON port; sending the GFP .
frame over the SONET/SDH transport network to the remote Fibre Channel/FICON port;
timing a return of the special latency number over the said SONET/SDH transport
network; determining an appropriate amount of buffers in the transport interface for GFP
frames from the remote Fibre Channel/FICON port from the timing step; and allocating
the appropriate amount of buffers in the transport interface for GFP frames from the
remote Fibre Channel/FICON port; whereby sufficient buffering is ensured in the transport
interface to provide maximum throughput over the SONET/SDH network and any
additional latency due to buffering in the transport interface is reduced.
Furthermore, the inserting, sending, timing, determining and allocating steps are
repeated periodically so that the amount of allocated buffers is adjusted even if the latency
of GFP frames transported over said SONET/SDH network between the local and remote
Fibre Channel/FICON ports changes. A period of about J second is used for the described
embodiment of the present invention. The special latency instruction message, which is
inserted in a Client Payload Information field of the Payload Area of the GFP frame,
includes a latency sequence number to identify one sequence of inserting, sending, timing,
determining and allocating steps from another sequence of inserting, sending, timing,
determining and allocating steps; a special character encoded in a 4-bit mapping of the
64B/65B control characters as Fh; and a command to a transport interface for the remote
Fibre Channel/FICON port to resend said special latency instruction message back to the
transport interface for the at least one local Fibre Channel/FICON port upon receiving the
special latency instruction message.
In a network system for transporting GFP-encapsulated Fibre Channel/FICON data
across a SONET/SDH transport network between first and second Fibre Channel/FICON
ports, the first Fibre Channel/FICON port connected to the SONET/SDH transport
network through a first transport interface and the second Fibre Channel/FICON port

connected to the SONET/SDH transport network through a second transport interface, the
present invention also provides for the first transport interface which has at least one
integrated circuit adapted to insert a special latency instruction message into Fibre
Channel/FICON data from the first Fibre Channel/FICON port and to encapsulate the
Fibre Channel/FICON data in a GFP frame, to send the GFP frame over the SONET/SDH
transport network to the second transport interface of the second Fibre Channel/FICON
port, to time a return of the special latency instruction message over the SONET/SDH
transport network, to determine an appropriate amount of buffers in the first transport
interface from a time interval of the special latency instruction message to return, and to
allocate the appropriate amount of buffers in the first transport interface for GFP frames
from the second Fibre Channel/FICON port so that sufficient buffering is ensured in the
first transport interface to provide maximum throughput over the SONET/SDH network
and any additional latency due to buffering in the transport interface is reduced.
The at least one integrated circuit is further adapted to insert the special latency
instruction message, to encapsulate the Fibre Channel/FICON data in a GFP frame, to
send the GFP frame, to time the return of the special latency instruction message, to
determine the appropriate amount of buffers and to allocate the appropriate amount of
buffers periodically so that the amount of allocated buffers is adjusted as the actual latency
of GFP frames transported over the SONET/SDH network between the first and second
Fibre Channel/FICON ports changes.

Fig. 1 is a diagram illustrating an exemplary network employing the present
Fig. 2A is a flow chart of operations of a local transport interface, in the exemplary
network of Fig. 1 in the transmission of a special latency instruction message to a remote
transport interface, according to one embodiment of the present invention; Fig. 2B is a
flow chart of operations of the local transport interface after receiving a response from the
remote transport interface;
Fig. 3A is a representative diagram of a GFP frame; Fig. 3B illustrates the special
latency instruction message with latency sequence number which is inserted into a GFP
frame and sent by the local transport interface in Fig. 2A, according to one embodiment of
the present invention; and
Fig. 4 is a block diagram of a portion of a port card of Fig. 1, according to one
embodiment of the present invention.
Corresponding reference characters indicate corresponding parts throughout the
several views of the drawings.

The following description is presented to enable one of ordinary skill in the art to
make and use the invention. Descriptions of specific embodiments and applications are
provided only as examples and various modifications will be readily apparent to those
skilled in the art. The general principles described herein may be applied to other
embodiments and applications without departing from the scope of the invention. Thus,
the present invention is not to -be limited to the embodiments shown, but is to be accorded
the widest scope consistent with the principles and features described herein. For purpose
of clarity, details relating to technical material that is known in the technical fields related
to the invention have not been described in detail.
Fig. 1 illustrates an exemplary network of Fiber Channel/FICON ports are
connected over a SONET/SDH transport network 10 in which an embodiment of the
present invention can operate. In the present example, it is assumed that the ports operate
under Fibre Channel or FICON protocols, though the ports may also operate under other
frame-based protocols, such as gigabit Ethernet, in accordance with the present invention.
In the exemplary network Fibre Channel/FICON ports 16 and 18 are connected by
Fibre Channel/FICON links 15 and 17 respectively to a multi-port Fibre Channel/FICON
card 14. Likewise, a second Fibre Channel/FICON port card 24 is connected by Fibre
Channel/FICON links 25 and 27 to Fibre Channel/FICON ports 26 and 28 respectively.
The Fibre Channel/FICON ports 16, 18, 26 and 28 are associated with elements which are
interconnected by Fibre Channel/FICON protocols in SANs. These elements include data
storage elements, including disk drive arrays, RAIDs, disk farms, or possibly Fibre
Channel network elements, such as routers, switches, or other Fibre Channel network
elements. In Fig.l each Fibre Channel/FICON port card 14 and 24 is connected to a pair
of Fibre Channel/FICON ports for purposes of illustration, and more ports may be
connected to each Fibre Channel/FICON port card.
The SONET/SDH network 10 provides a transport path to connect the Fibre
Channel/FICON ports 16 and 18 with the Fibre Channel ports 26 and 28 so that Fibre
Channel/FICON client data can be transferred between the ports 16, 18 and 26,28.
Optical transport platforms 12 and 22, such as ONS 15454 (available from Cisco Systems,
Inc. of San Jose, California), provide the interface between the Fibre Channel/FICON and
SONET/SDH networks. The Fibre Channel/FICON ports 16 and 18 are connected to the

multi-port Fibre Channel/FICON card 14 which is adapted to fit into the optical transport
platform 12; the Fibre Channel/FICON ports 26 and 28 are connected to the multi-port
Fibre Channel/FICON card 24 which adapted to fit into the optical transport platform 22.
Through the Fibre Channel/FICON port caids 14 and 24, which function as transport
interfaces with the platforms 12 and 22 respectively, the Fibre Channel/FICON ports 16
and 18 are interconnected*to the Fibre Channel/FICON ports 26 and 28 across the
SONET/SDH network transport path. The result is that there are two virtual wires for the
connection between a representative Fibre Channel/FICON port at one end of the
SONET/SDH network 10, say, port 18, and a representative Fibre Channel port at the
other end, say, port 28. As explained above, GFP-T, transparent Generic Framing
Procedure, is conventionally used as the framing protocol for such a network to
encapsulate the Fibre Channel/FICON payloads at one end of the SONET/SDH network
10 for transmission across the SONET/SDH network and to decapsulate the Fibre
Channel/FICON data at the other end. By GFP-T protocol, the GFP-T frames have fixed
While the port cards 14 and 24 and their respective optical platforms 12 and 22 are
the transport interfaces for the exemplary network of Fig- 1, the transport interfaces can be
considered to be located in the port cards 14 and 24 for the described embodiment of the
present invention. The cards 14 and 24 each have FIFO (First-In First-Out) buffers to hold
the GFP frames received from the SONET/SDH transport network 10 before the
encapsulated Fibre Channel/FICON frames of the described embodiment of the present
invention, are stripped out of the GFP-encapsulation frames and passed on to their Fibre
Channel port destinations.
The port cards 14 and 24, which extend the SANs so that they are interconnected,
operate as intermediate transparent devices on a SAN network. Heretofore, such SAN
extension devices typically have a configuration mechanism by which the user could
select the number of FIFO buffers for the frames transported across the SONET/SDH
network. The mechanism helps the user choose the number of buffers required for the
SAN extension over a long distance and in order to maintain a 100% throughput over the
long distances of SONET/SDH transport network 10, the mechanism typically selects a
large amount of buffering usually provided in the SAN extension devices. However, a
large amount of latency is added for the frames passing through the devices, because of
the large number of buffers in the SAN extension devices.

These configuration mechanisms may not be accurate nor appropriate for the
particular SONET/SDH transport path. Also, changes can occur in a transport network,
e.g., an increased path delay because of a SONET/SDH switchover, thus changing the
buffering requirements for the SAN extension devices.
To address these problems, the present invention accurately determines the round
trip delay (a measure of distance) from one SAN extension device across a SONET/SDH.
transport network fo another SAN extension device and back. Once the latency is
accurately determined, the number of buffers required in the first SAN extension device is
calculated and programmed into the hardware of the device. Since the number of required
buffers are configured for the current distance between the two SAN extension devices,
any additional latency due to extra buffering is avoided. Only the required number of
buffers on the SAN extension devices is allocated to reduce latency. For example, 1G
(base clock rate of 1.0625 GHz for Fibre Channel/FICON data transfer) Fibre
Channel/FICON client data sent over a 1200Km (one-way) transport path requires 600
(2Kbyte) buffers for a sustained 100% throughput. However, if the same 600 buffers are
used for a 200Km circuit, the extra 500 buffers add an unwanted latency of about 5ms,
thereby making the solution unsuitable for certain applications. Due to the inherent bursty
nature of Fibre Channel/FICON traffic, the extra buffering can be filled with an additional
500 frames to add undesired latency. By limiting the number of buffers used, traffic is
backpressured all the way to the Fibre Channel/FICON source and thereby reduces
unwanted latency on all traffic.
It should be noted that although a 1G Fibre Channel/FICON client operation speed
is mentioned above, the present invention works effectively with Fibre Channel/FICON
clients operating at 2G (double base clock rate or 2.125 GHz ) or any other Fibre Channel/
FICON speed.
Also, with the present invention any SONET/SDH switchover or protection event
which leads to a new SONET/SDH path and new distance is automatically detected and
the amount of buffers is adjusted accordingly. The buffer adjustments are performed
without any hits or errors to the SAN traffic.
In accordance with the present invention, a special latency instruction message
with an incrementing latency sequence number is periodically inserted into the GFP
Client Payload Information field of the GFP-T frames encapsulating (lie Fibre
Channel/FICON payload frames that are to be transported across SONET/SDH transport

path. The special latency instruction message with latency sequence number includes a
special K character that is not used in the Fibre Channel/FICON protocol and is never
forwarded to the Fibre Channel/FICON client. It is only used between the Fibre
Charmel/FICON-Over-SONET/SDH equipment, such as the transport interfaces, i.e., the
port cards 14 and 24, with the interconnecting SONET/SDH transport network 10 in the
Fig. 1 network, for example. Upon sending the Fibre Channel/FICON frames
encapsulated in the GFP frame with the special latency number, the local transport
interface, i.e., the GFP transmitter, starts a timer.
At the remote or receiving transport interface, i.e., the GFP receiver, immediately
responds to the special latency number by sending it back to the GFP transmitter across
the SONET/SDH transport network.
Upon receiving the special latency instruction message and latency sequence
number, the local transport interface reads its timer and has an accurate determination of
the latency in sending frames across the SONET/SDH network to and from the GFP
receiver. From the latency determination, the number of buffers required in the local
transport interface, the port card 14 in this embodiment, is calculated and programmed into
the hardware of the device. The local transport interface monitors the latency in the
SONET/SDH transport path to the remote transport interface continually by repeating the
procedure described above periodically. In the described embodiment this period is 1
Figs. 2A and 2B are flow charts which illustrate the steps of operation of an
exemplary local transport interface, the port card 14 in this case, in transmitting and
receiving encapsulating GFP frames to and from a remote transport interface, the port card
24, in accordance with the present invention. In this manner the local and remote transport
interfaces effectively extend their respective SANs to each other's SAN.
As shown in Fig. 2A, after the initialization of the local and remote transport
interfaces and initial communication is established over the SONET/SDH transport path,
as indicated by a dotted arrow, a Timer 1 in the port card 14 is started in step 30. After
engaging in different operations not directly related to the present operations, the port card
14 reaches a decision step 31. Has the Timer 1 reached a value Tl, in this example, one
second? If not, other operations between steps 30 and 31 not directly related to the present
invention are resumed. For example, the transfer of GFP superblock frames may be

resumed. If so, on the other hand, then a special latency sequence number from a special
latency counter in the port card 14 is inserted into the next GFP frame by step 32. In step
33 the special latency counter is incremented and the GFP frame is sent by step 34 from
the port card 14 to the port card 24 across the SONET/SDH transport network 10 and at
the same time, the port card 14 also starts a Timer 2. In step 36 the Timer 1 is reset and
the process returns back to the operations between steps 30 and 31.
Fig. 3A illustrates an exemplary GFP-T frame 50 with the special latency
instruction message and latency sequence number which is assembled and sent by the
local port card 14. The special instruction message and latency sequence number is placed
in the GFP Client Payload Information field 54, such as found in the exemplary GFP
frame 50 with its component Core Header 51 and Payload Area 52. Within the Payload
Area 52 is a Payload Header field 53 and the Client Payload Information field 54. Fig. 3B
illustrates the 36-bit special latency instruction message and latency sequence number
which is inserted into the 10B/8B client data stream from the Fibre Channel/FICON port
18 at the Fibre Channel/FICON port card 14. In accordance with GFP-T procedures (see
clause 8 of the ITU-T Generic Framing Procedure standard G.7041/Y.1303, for example),
the decoded 10B/8B client data is mapped into 65B/64B block code and then into
65B/64B superblocks for placement into a GFP Client Payload Information field. In the
special latency instruction message, the 4-bit "8h" (8 in hexadecimal) defines the
data[31:24] as a control word; the 8-bit "44h" within the control word is a special control
character to the Fibre Channel/FICON receiving port card, the port card 24 in this
example. The 20-bit incrementing latency sequence number identifies each latency
determining operation. It should be noted that, as other Fibre Channel/FICON control
characters, the special latency control character "44h" is encoded in a 4-bit mapping of
65B/64B control characters. The special latency control character is mapped as Fh
("1111"), with the associated command in the following 4 bits to instruct the receiving
port card to send back the special latency instruction message and back over the
SONET/SDH transport network to the initial transmitter port card.
Thus, across the SONET/SDH transport network 10, the remote port card 24 upon
receipt of the GFP frame sent by the port card 14 by step 35, immediately sends a GFP
frame with the special latency instruction message with its latency sequence number back
across the SONET/SDH transport network 10 to the port card 14. Upon receiving the GFP
Frame in step 38 shown in Fig. 2B, the port card 14 determines by step 39 whether the
GFP frame contains the special latency sequence number. If not, the process returns to

handle the GFP frame as a transmission of data from the remote port card 24 to the local
port card 14. If the GFP frame does have the special latency sequence number, then by
step 4012 from Timer 2 indicates the time required for a GFP frame from the local port
card 14 to traverse the SONET/SDH network 10 to the remote port card 24 and back
The appropriate number of buffers for transmission of GFP frames are calculated
from T2 time interval in step 41 and in step 42 that number of buffers is allocated in the
local port card 14 for the GFP frames from the transmitting port card 24. For a 100%
throughput and a minimum transmission latency, it has been found that the allocation of a
buffer of 2Kbytes of memory for every 2Km is effective. Thus as stated previously, for a
determined time T corresponding to a 1200Km one-way trip across the SONET/SDH
transport network 10, it is determined that 600 buffers, each buffer having a memory
capacity of 2Kbytes, is appropriate. For a 200Km circuit, 100 buffers are appropriate
based on the speed of light and a maximum Fibre Channel/FICON frame size of 2148
bytes. This calculation in step 41 is straightfoward to those skilled in the card and can be
substituted with a simple look-up table. Finally., Timer 2 is reset to be restarted by step 35
shown in Fig. 2A.
The distances and hence the roundtrip time T2 may change with failovers in the
SONET/SDK network 10. The individual links in the network 10 may change with
various failures in the links of the network 10 and the path rerouted. To accommodate
these changes, the Timer 1 assures that the local port card 14 constantly monitors the
latency between the local port card 14 and the remote port card 24 with a period Tl, one
second in this embodiment As the distance between the port cards 14 and 24 change,
measured in roundtrip time, the appropriate number of buffers is continually evaluated and
set in the local port card 14. In a similar fashion, the remote port 24 sets the appropriate
number of buffers for GFP frames from the local port card 14.
The embodiment of the present invention described above is best implemented in
the port cards 14 and 24 in the exemplary network of Fig. 1. The operations described
above require a timer and counter, besides logic. A hardware implementation in an ASIC
(Application Specific Integrated Circuit) or an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) is
preferred for a high-speed implementation of the present invention for optimal
transmission of the client data frames across the SONET/SDH transport network.

Where throughput is not necessarily paramount, the present invention might be
implemented in firmware, such as the ROM (Read-Only Memory) of a microcontroller, or
in software which offers certain advantages. For instance, the processor unit instructed by
the software might also perform operations other than those described, or upgrades can be
made easily in software. Fig. 4 shows a block diagram of a representative computer
system 60 that may be used to execute the software of an embodiment of the invention.
The computer system 60 includes memory 62 which can store and retrieve software
programs incorporating computer code that implements aspects of (he invention, data for
use with the invention, and the like. Exemplary computer readable storage media include
CD-ROM, floppy disk, tape, flash memory, semiconductor system memory, and hard
drive. The computer system 60 further includes subsystems such as a central processor
61, fixed storage 64 (e.g., hard'drive), removable storage 66 (e.g., CD-ROM drive), and
one or more network interfaces 67, all connected by a system bus 68. Other computer
systems suitable for use with the invention may include additional or fewer subsystems.
For example, computer system 60 may include more than one processor 61 (i.e., a multi-
processor system) or a cache memory. The computer system 60 may also include a
display, keyboard, and mouse (not shown) for use as a host. Therefore, while the
description above provides a full and complete disclosure of the preferred embodiments of
the present invention, various modifications, alternate constructions, and equivalents will
be obvious to those with skill in the art. Thus, the scope of the present invention is limited
solely by the metes and bounds of the appended claims.

1. A method of operating a transport interface for at least one local Fibre
Channel/FICON port, said method comprising:
receiving at the transport interface Fibre Channel/FICON data from the at
least one local Fibre Channel/FICON port;
inserting (32) a special latency instruction message into the Fibre
Channel/FICON data comprising a control character field, a special control
character field, and a latency sequence number, wherein said control
character field indicates that said special control character field contains a
special control character;
encapsulating said Fibre Channel/FICON data in a generic framing
procedure (GFP) client data frame;
sending (34) said GFP client data frame over a SONET/SDH transport
network to a remote Fibre Channel/FICON port;
starting (34) a timer concurrently with said sending of said GFP client data
frame for timing a return of said special latency instruction message over
said SONET/SDH transport network to produce a round trip time;
calculating (41) a number of buffers needed for receiving GFP client data
frames from said remote Fibre Channel/FICON port in order to maximise
throughout over said SONET/SDH network and reduce latency based on
said round trip time; and

allocating (42) said number of buffers in said transport interface.
2. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein said inserting comprises
inserting said special latency instruction message into said Fibre
Channel/FICON data periodically, and comprising:
adjusting said number of buffers when a new round trip time differs from
said round trip time; and
allocating said number of buffers in said transport interface based on said
new round trip time.
3. The method as claimed in claim 2, wherein said inserting is repeated with
a period of about 1 second.
4. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein said special latency instruction
message is inserted in a Client Payload Information field of a Payload Area
of said GFP client data frame.
5. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein said sequence number is
incremented each time said special latency instruction message is inserted
into said Fibre Channel /FICON data.
6. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein said special latency instruction
message comprises a four bit special mapped control character, wherein
said special control character is an eight bit control character that is
mapped to said special mapped control character as a 4-four bit 64B/65B
control characters.

7. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein said special control character
is configured to command a transport interface for said remote Fibre
Channel/FICON port to resend said special latency instruction message
back to said transport interface for said at least one local Fibre
Channel/FICON port upon receiving said special latency instruction
8. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein said special control character
is a special K character not defined for Fibre Channel/FICON protocols.
9. An apparatus comprising:
a. first transport interface (67) to receive Fibre Channel/FICON data
across a SONET/SDH transport network from a local Fibre
Channel/FICON port;
a second transport interface (67) configured to send and receive generic
framing procedure (GFP) client data frames;
a processor (61) configured to:
receive Fibre Channel/FICON data from the local Fibre
Channel/FICON port via the first transport interface;
insert a special latency instruction message into said Fibre
Channel/FICON data comprising a control character field, a special
control character field, and a latency sequence number, wherein
said control character field indicates that said special control
character field contains a special control character ;

encapsulate said Fibre Channel/FICON data in a GFP client data
- send said GFP client data frame over said SONET/SDH transport
network to a remote Fibre Channel/FICON port via said second
transport interface;
- start a timer concurrently with said sending of said GFP client
data frame for timing a return of said special latency instruction
message over said SONET/SDH transport network to produce a
round trip time at said second interface;
- calculate a number of buffers needed at said second transport
interface for receiving GFP client data frames from said remote
Fibre Channel/FICON port maximise reduce latency based on
said round trip time; and
- allocate said number of buffers at said second transport
10. The apparatus as claimed in claim 9, wherein said processor is cofigured
to :
- insert said special latency instruction message into said Fibre
Channel/FICON data periodically;
- adjust said of buffer when a new round trip time differs from
said round trip time; and

- allocate said number of buffers for said second transport
interface based on said new round trip time.
11.The apparatus as claimed in claim 10, wherein said configured to insert
said special latency instruction message into said Fibre Channel/FICON
data with a period of about 1 second.
12. The apparatus as claimed in claim 9, wherein said processor is configured
to insert said special latency instruction message in a Client Payload
Information field of a Payload Area of said GFP client data frame.
13. The apparatus as claimed in claim 10, wherein said processor is
configured to increment said a latency sequence number each time said
special latency instruction message is inserted into said Fibre
Channel/FICON data.
14. The apparatus as claimed in claim 9, wherein said processor is configured
to map said special control character into a special mapped control
character in said special latency instruction message, wherein said special
control character is an eight bit control character that is mapped to said
special mapped control character as a 4-four bit 64B/65B control
15. The apparatus as claimed in claim 9, wherein said processor is configured
to insert said special control character that is configured to command said
second transport interface for said remote Fibre Channel/FICON port to
resend said special latency instruction message back to said second
transport interface upon receiving said special latency instruction

16. The apparatus as claimed in claim 9, wherein said processor is configured
to insert said special control character as a special K character not defined
for Fibre Channel/FICON protocols.


A method of operating a transport interface for at least one local Fibre
Channel/FICON port, said method comprising receiving at the transport interface
Fibre Channel/FICON data from the at least one local Fibre Channel/FICON port;
inserting (32) a special latency instruction message into the Fibre Channel/FICON
data comprising a control character field, a special control character field, and a
latency sequence number, wherein said control character field indicates that said
special control character field contains a special control character; encapsulating
said Fibre Channel/FICON data in a generic framing procedure (GFP) client data
frame; sending (34) said GFP client data frame over a SONET/SDH transport
network to a remote Fibre Channel/FICON port; starting (34) a timer
concurrently with said sending of said GFP client data frame for timing a return
of said special latency instruction message over said SONET/SDH transport
network to produce a round trip time; calculating (41) a number of buffers
needed for receiving GFP client data frames from said remote Fibre
Channel/FICON port in order to maximise throughout over said SONET/SDH
network and reduce latency based on said round trip time; and allocating (42)
said number of buffers in said transport interface.





02402-kolnp-2007-correspondence 1.1.pdf

02402-kolnp-2007-correspondence others.pdf

02402-kolnp-2007-description complete.pdf


02402-kolnp-2007-form 1.pdf

02402-kolnp-2007-form 2.pdf

02402-kolnp-2007-form 3.pdf

02402-kolnp-2007-form 5.pdf

02402-kolnp-2007-international publication.pdf

02402-kolnp-2007-pct request form.pdf

02402-kolnp-2007-priority document.pdf





2402-KOLNP-2007-(30-09-2013)ANNEXURE TO FORM 3.pdf








2402-KOLNP-2007-(30-09-2013)PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf






2402-KOLNP-2007-FORM 18-1.1.pdf

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2402-KOLNP-2007-FORM 26.pdf





2402-KOLNP-2007-GRANTED-FORM 1.pdf

2402-KOLNP-2007-GRANTED-FORM 2.pdf

2402-KOLNP-2007-GRANTED-FORM 3.pdf

2402-KOLNP-2007-GRANTED-FORM 5.pdf









Patent Number 264317
Indian Patent Application Number 2402/KOLNP/2007
PG Journal Number 52/2014
Publication Date 26-Dec-2014
Grant Date 22-Dec-2014
Date of Filing 29-Jun-2007
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H04L 12/56,H04J 3/06
PCT International Application Number PCT/US2006/001363
PCT International Filing date 2006-01-12
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 11/036,596 2005-01-14 U.S.A.