Title of Invention


Abstract It is described a membrane electrolysis cell comprising an anodic compartment and a cathodic compartment, wherein at least one of the two compartments contains a gas-diffusion electrode, and a planar porous element traversed by an electrolyte flow is interposed between membrane and gas-diffusion electrode. The electric current transmission to the gas-diffusion electrode is effected through a current distributor provided with elastic conductive protrusions pushing the electrode against the porous element.
The invention relates to a cell for industrial electrolytic processes, and in particular to a
cell comprising an anodic compartment and a cathodic compartment separated by an
ion-exchange membrane, wherein one or both compartments are equipped with gas-
diffusion electrodes and the process electrolyte flows across a percolator or equivalent
porous element.
In the following description, reference will be made to a cell suitable for depolarised
chlor-alkali electrolysis, that is to the process of alkali chloride brine electrolysis wherein
the hydrogen evolution cathodic reaction is inhibited in favour of the reaction of oxygen
consumption on a gas-diffusion cathode, for instance as disclosed in EP 1033419; the
invention is nevertheless not limited to chlor-alkali cells, being applicable to any
industrial electrochemical process making use of gas-diffusion electrodes.
There are known in the art depolarised chlor-alkali cells of particularly advanced type
wherein the process electrolyte flows across a suitable porous planar element or
percolator under the action of gravity: a cell of such kind is for instance disclosed in
WO/0157290. In this kind of cell, there are typically present an anodic compartment
obtained from a titanium shell, fed with an alkali chloride concentrated brine and
containing a titanium anode provided with a catalytic coating for chlorine evolution, and
a cathodic compartment delimited by a nickel cathodic shell; the two compartments are
separated by a cation-exchange membrane. The caustic soda produced in the process
flows by gravity across a porous element inserted in the cathodic compartment
contacting on one side the ion-exchange membrane, on the other side a gas-diffusion
cathode. In other words, while the anode is a stiff metallic element which is electrically
and mechanically connected to the anodic shell by means of a suitable metal structure
selected among those known in the art, for instance an array of ribs, the cathode is a
thin porous element obtained from a silver net, a carbon cloth or other type of non self-
standing equivalent structure. For this reason, the current transmission from the back-
wall of the cathodic shell to the gas-diffusion electrode must be effected by means of a

structure providing a more delocalised contact and capable of mechanically supporting
the electrode. In order to improve the electrochemical features, it is also necessary that
the cathode be pushed against the percolator with a certain pressure, indicatively 0.1 to
0.5 kg/cm2, so as to allow the electrical continuity while contributing to the confinement
of the circulating liquid electrolyte. To satisfy all of the above conditions, the cells of the
prior art are provided with an electric current feed system relying on two distinct
elements: firstly, a rigid current collector integral to the cathodic shell which may for
instance consist of a rib array, as in the anodic side; secondly, a metal mattress
positioned between the rigid current collector and the gas-diffusion electrode, which is
capable, in conditions of suitable compression, to transmit a sufficient pressure to the
gas-diffusion electrode thereby ensuring the required electrical continuity. An equivalent
solution is applied for the retrofitting of chlor-alkali cells of the traditional type, to adapt
the same to a percolation-type depolarised process, for instance as illustrated in figure 2
of WO 03/102271: in this case, the original cell cathode, which is a metallic electrode for
hydrogen evolution made of nickel or steel, as known in the art, takes the role of the
current collector, while a nickel mattress (elastic current collector) acts as the
intermediate element for current transmission between the rigid current collector and the
gas-diffusion electrode.
The above indicated solution entails however a few inconveniences hampering the
commercialisation of this type of cells: the two-component type current transmission
system involves in fact excessive costs and thicknesses, difficulties of installation and of
dimensional control of the mattress (especially in the peripheral zone), difficulty of
controlling the deformations and the elastic forces, besides of course adding a contact
interface not particularly favourable in terms of ohmic drop, such as the one between
mattress and gas-diffusion electrode.
It is one object of the present invention to provide an electrolytic cell separated by an
ion-exchange membrane and equipped with gas-diffusion electrode and percolator
element for electrolyte circulation overcoming the limitations of the prior art.
Under another aspect, it is one object of the present invention to provide an improved
electric current feed system for an electrolytic cell provided with gas-diffusion electrode
and percolator.

The invention consists of an electrolysis cell with an anodic compartment and a cathodic
compartment separated by an ion-exchange membrane, wherein at least one of the two
compartments is equipped with a gas-diffusion electrode having two major surfaces, a
first major surface facing the membrane being in contact with a percolator traversed by
an electrolyte flow, and a second major surface, opposed to the first major surface,
being in contact with a current distributor comprising a multiplicity of elastic conductive
protrusions suitable for compressing the gas-diffusion electrode against the percolator.
As percolator it is intended any porous planar element suitable for being traversed by
gravity by a liquid flow, as disclosed in WO/0157290. In one preferred embodiment, the
current distributor, which replaces the rigid current collector-elastic current collector
assembly of the prior art, is obtained by cutting and shaping of a single metal sheet, for
instance a nickel sheet in the case of a cathodic collector for chlor-alkali cells. In this
case, the nickel sheet is a sheet of thickness typically comprised between 0.5 and 1.5
mm, preferably provided with a coating suitable for reducing the contact resistance. The
nickel material of the sheet may be variously alloyed and for instance selected from the
assortment of commonly available products; the choice of a nickel material of grade and
mechanical characteristics suitable for the manufacturing of springs, for instance with
superior elastic features, will prove particularly advantageous. In one particularly simple
and effective embodiment, the conductive protrusions capable of imparting a sufficient
pressure to the electrode are spring tags arranged in couples so that two adjacent
spring tags protrude in opposite direction from the major plane of the metal sheet from
which they are obtained. In this way a more effective and homogeneous support of the
whole electrode surface is obtained. The above indicated solution is suited to an
optimum cell design in almost every process condition; nevertheless, the use of the
mattress according to the prior art as a contact element at high current density has the
advantage of allowing an effective gas circulation (for the case of depolarised chlor-
alkali electrolysis for example, an effective supply of oxygen to the gas-diffusion
electrode) which could fall short with a simple lamellar structure. In this case, a
particularly preferred embodiment provides the conductive protrusions to be in form of
individual tiles, in their turn comprising one or more spring tags for providing the
electrical contact but also one or more openings to favour the gas passage. The

conductive protrusions may for instance be disposed in parallel rows distributed along
the whole electrode surface.
The current distributor in accordance with the invention is suitable for achieving an
efficient electrical contact directly on the gas-diffusion electrode surface, at a pressure
preferably comprised between 0.1 and 0.5 kg/cm2, thereby getting rid of a contact
interface with respect to the system of the prior art in which a rigid current collector is
coupled to an elastic current collector; on the other hand, in one embodiment of the
invention an additional element for distributing the mechanical compression force may
be inserted between current distributor and gas-diffusion electrode, for example
consisting of a thin mesh, or of an expanded or punched sheet. In such case the
number of contact interfaces is equivalent to that of the prior art, nevertheless the
corresponding resistance is substantially lower than what would be obtained with the
scarcely elastic mattress of the prior art directly in contact with a gas-diffusion electrode.
Moreover, as it will be easily appreciated by one skilled in the art, the overall thickness
of the cell is substantially lower.
The invention will be described more in detail with the aid of the attached drawings,
which have a merely exemplifying purpose and are not intended to limit the invention.
- Figure 1 represents a percolation type depolarised chlor-alkali cell according to the
prior art.
- Figure 2 represents a percolation type depolarised chlor-alkali cell according to the
present invention.
- Figure 3 represents a first embodiment of the current distributor according to the
- Figure 4 represents a second embodiment of the current distributor according to the
- Figure 5 represents a third embodiment of the current distributor according to the
In figure 1 it is shown a percolation type depolarised chlor-alkali cell according to the
prior art, comprising one anodic and one cathodic compartment separated by an ion-
exchange membrane (500). The cathodic compartment is delimited by a cathodic back-
wall (101), in contact with an electric current feed system relying on two distinct

elements, a rigid current collector (201) integral thereto, and an elastic current collector
(210) consisting of a mattress, for instance made of nickel. The cathode (301) consists
of a porous gas-diffusion electrode fed with oxygen, contacting on one side the mattress
(210), on the other side a percolator (400) consisting of a planar porous element
traversed by the electrolyte flow under the action of gravity. The ion-exchange
membrane (500) acting as the separator has a cathodic surface in contact, with the
percolator (400) and an anodic surface facing an anode (302) which may be in contact
therewith or kept at a small predetermined distance. The anode (302) is normally
comprised of a titanium substrate consisting of a mesh or of an expanded or punched
sheet, or optionally of a juxtaposition of two such elements; the anodic substrate is
provided with a catalytic coating for chlorine evolution as known in the art. The electrical
continuity between anode (302) and anodic compartment back-wall (102) is ensured by
a rigid current collector (202). The cathodic (201) and anodic (202) rigid current
collectors may consist of rib arrays, undulated sheets, sheets provided with suitably
spaced gophers or other types of current collectors as known by those skilled in the art.
In figure 2 it is shown a percolation type depolarised chlor-alkali according to the
present invention, wherein the elements in common with the cell of figure 1 are
indicated by the same reference numerals.
The electric current feed system consists of a multiplicity of conductive protrusions
(220), for instance an assembly of springs or elastic spring tags suitable for
compressing the gas-diffusion electrode (301) against the percolator (400); between the
assembly of conductive protrusions (220) and the gas-diffusion electrode (301) an
optional element for distributing the mechanical compression force (230) is inserted, for
instance a thin mesh, or an expanded or punched sheet.
Figure 3 shows one embodiment of the multiplicity of conductive protrusions obtained
from a single metal sheet and consisting in this case of an assembly of elastic spring
tags (221) disposed in parallel according to a comb-like geometry: the spring tags are
arranged in couples, so that each two spring tags protrude in opposite directions from
the major plane of the original metal sheet. Depending on the cell size, a single row of
spring tags (221) may cover the whole active surface, or more rows may be arranged
side by side, as will be evident to one skilled in the art.

Figure 4 shows a preferred embodiment of the multiplicity of conductive protrusions
obtained from a single metal sheet: in this case the protrusions are preferably
quadrangular individual tiles (222) obtained by cutting and shaping of a sheet, optionally
welded directly to the rigid current collector (201), each of them comprising elements
performing different functions: for example, by means of a suitable folding step, each tile
is provided with edges with a curvature angle of about 90° (223) in order to impart the
required stiffness. A multiplicity of suitably spaced apart spring tags (224) acts as the
contact element with the gas-diffusion electrode (301), and a multiplicity of holes (225)
favours the gas supply and circulation, in this case with particular reference to the
oxygen required for the cathodic reaction. The various tiles welded to the rigid current
collector (201) are preferably arranged on optionally off-set parallel rows.
Figure 5 shows a variation of the preferred embodiment shown in figure 4 of the
multiplicity of conductive protrusions obtained from a single metal sheet: in this case the
original metal sheet is a punched sheet, and the multiplicity of holes (225') extends on
the whole body of the tile (222), including the spring tags (224). In this way an enhanced
gas supply is obtained, also effective when the spring tags (224) are compressed until
the end of stroke, coming in contact with the sheet from whence they are projected. An
albeit marginal saving in the manufacturing phase is also obtained, consisting of the
independent execution of holes (225) indicated on tile (222) of figure 4. The tile
configuration also presents a further mechanical advantage: in case of a sudden high
cathode counterpressure (for instance due to errors in the control of process conditions,
or to element handling and assembling mistakes), the spring tags do not undergo a
permanent deformation in view of the abutment of the GDE on the whole tile surface. In
this case, the fact that the tiles are obtained from a punched sheet is even more
important to guarantee the correct gas supply in any case, as is it evident to one skilled
in the art.
A lab experimental electrolysis cell of 0.16 m2 active area was equipped according to
the scheme of figure 2 with a titanium DSA® anode (302) provided with a ruthenium and

titanium oxide-based catalytic coating, a Nafion N982 ion-exchange membrane (500)
commercialised by Dupont/USA, a nickel foam percolator, a gas-diffusion electrode
consisting of a silver net activated with a silver-based catalyst.
The electric current feed system was comprised of a multiplicity of elastic conductive
protrusions each consisting of a tile (222) as illustrated in figure 5, obtained from a 1
mm thick nickel punched sheet.
The cell anodic compartment was fed with a circulating sodium chloride brine having a
concentration of 210 g/l, at a current density of 4 kA/m2 and at a temperature of 90°C.
The cathodic product consisted of 32% by weight caustic soda flowing downwards
across the percolator. In these conditions, after stabilising the process conditions on the
plant for ten days, a cell voltage comprised between 2.00 and 2.05 V was detected.
The test of example 1 was repeated in analogous conditions, making use of a cell of the
prior art. The only substantial difference consisted therefore in the cathodic current feed
system, comprising a rigid current collector structure consisting of a nickel rib array
welded to the cathodic back-wall coupled to a commercial nickel mattress.
In the same process conditions of example 1, after ten days of stabilisation a cell
voltage comprised between 2.10 and 2.15 V was detected.
The foregoing description is not intended to limit the invention, which may be used
according to different embodiments without departing from the scopes thereof, and
whose extent is univocally defined by the appended claims.
Throughout the description and claims of the present application the term "comprise"
and variations thereof such as "comprising" and "comprises" are not intended to
exclude the presence of other elements or additives.

1. Electrolysis cell of the type comprising an anodic compartment and a cathodic
compartment separated by an ion-exchange membrane, at least one of said
compartments equipped with a gas-diffusion electrode having two major surfaces, the
first major surface of said gas-diffusion electrode facing the membrane and being in
contact with a planar porous element suitable to be traversed by an electrolyte flow, the
second major surface of said gas-diffusion electrode being in contact with a current
distributor comprising a multiplicity of elastic conductive protrusions suitable for
compressing said gas-diffusion electrode against said planar porous element.
2. The cell of claim 1 wherein said multiplicity of conductive protrusions exerts a
pressure of 0.1 to 0.5 kg/cm2 on the gas-diffusion electrode.
3. The cell of claim 1 or 2 wherein said current distributor comprising said multiplicity
of conductive protrusions is obtained by cutting and shaping of a metal sheet.
4. The cell of claim 3 wherein said conductive protrusions are spring tags arranged
according to a comb-like geometry.
5. The cell of claim 4 wherein said spring tags are arranged in adjacent pairs and the
spring tags of each of said pairs protrude in opposite directions from the major plane of
said metal sheet.
6. The cell of claim 3 wherein said conductive protrusions are optionally quadrangular
individual tiles comprising a multiplicity of spring tags and at least one opening for gas
7. The cell of claim 6 wherein said tiles are welded to a rigid current collector in
optionally off-set parallel rows.
8. The cell of any one of claims 3 to 7 wherein said metal sheet has a thickness of
0.5 to 1.5 millimetres.
9. The cell of any one of claims 3 a 6 wherein said metal sheet is a punched sheet.
10. The cell of any one of claims 3 a 9 wherein said metal sheet is made of nickel.
11. The cell of claim 10 wherein said nickel sheet is provided with a coating suitable
for reducing the electric contact resistance in correspondence of said protrusions.
12. The cell of any one of the previous claims comprising an additional element for

distributing the; mechanical compression force selected from the group of meshes,
punched sheets and expanded sheets inserted between said current distributor and
said gas-diffusion electrode.

It is described a membrane electrolysis cell comprising an anodic compartment and a
cathodic compartment, wherein at least one of the two compartments contains a gas-diffusion
electrode, and a planar porous element traversed by an electrolyte flow is
interposed between membrane and gas-diffusion electrode.
The electric current transmission to the gas-diffusion electrode is effected through a
current distributor provided with elastic conductive protrusions pushing the electrode
against the porous element.




02672-kolnp-2008-correspondence others.pdf

02672-kolnp-2008-description complete.pdf


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02672-kolnp-2008-international exm report.pdf

02672-kolnp-2008-international publication.pdf

02672-kolnp-2008-international search report.pdf


02672-kolnp-2008-pct request form.pdf

02672-kolnp-2008-translated copy of priority document.pdf






2672-KOLNP-2008-(15-05-2014)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf


2672-KOLNP-2008-(28-10-2013)-ANNEXURE TO FORM 3.pdf



2672-KOLNP-2008-(28-10-2013)-DESCRIPTION (COMPLETE).pdf






2672-KOLNP-2008-CORRESPONDENCE 1.1.pdf


2672-KOLNP-2008-FORM 18.pdf

2672-KOLNP-2008-OTHER PCT FORM.pdf

2672-KOLNP-2008-OTHERS 1.1.pdf

2672-KOLNP-2008-PCT REQUEST FORM-1.1.pdf


Patent Number 264320
Indian Patent Application Number 2672/KOLNP/2008
PG Journal Number 52/2014
Publication Date 26-Dec-2014
Grant Date 22-Dec-2014
Date of Filing 02-Jul-2008
Name of Patentee UHDENORA S. P. A.
Applicant Address VIA BISTOLFI, 35 20134 MILAN
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C25B 9/04,C25B 9/08
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP2007/050362
PCT International Filing date 2007-01-15
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 MI2006A000054 2006-01-16 Italy