Title of Invention


Abstract A series spark gap is triggered such that in parallel with partial spark gaps (1 , 2) of the series spark gap there are coupled first voltage distribution means. Further, at least in one partial spark gap (1 , 2) there is arranged an additional electrode (10) whose voltage is set to a given level by means of second voltage distribution means. The voltage level of the additional electrode (10) is changed by disturbing the voltage distribution of the second voltage distribution means. Thus the spark gap between the main electrode (6a, 6b) of the partial spark gap (1) and the additional electrode (10) will be ignited. Capacity of the second voltage distribution means is lower than that of the first voltage distribution means and consequently the voltage acting over the first voltage distribution means does not change significantly. Thus the voltage determined by the first voltage distribution means acts over the spark gap that is between the additional electrode (10) and the second main electrode (6a, 6b) of the partial spark gap (1) and that will also ignite, which further results in the supply voltage (U) acting only over the second partial spark gap (2), whereby a spark-over will also occur therein.
Full Text 1
[0001] The invention relates to a method for triggering a series
spark gap, in which there are in series at least two partial spark gaps, and
supply voltage is distributed over the partial spark gaps by means of first volt-
age distribution means.
[0002] The invention also relates to an arrangement for triggering a
series spark gap, the series spark gap comprising at least two partial spark
gaps in series, and the arrangement comprising first voltage distribution means
for distributing supply voltage over the partial spark gaps.
[0003] For instance, in connection with high-voltage lines there are
employed series capacitor batteries to compensate for line inductance. In par-
allel with the capacitor battery, in protection thereof, there is generally coupled
a metal oxide varistor and/or a spark gap. The current-voltage characteristic of
the metal oxide varistor is highly non-linear and as battery current rises, the
metal oxide varistor limits capacitor voltage. A typical limiting voltage UKm is
2.3 pu = 2.3 Un, i.e. 2.3 times the nominal capacitor voltage (case-specifically
the voltage may also be selected to be something else). This voltage passes
over the capacitor with the maximum short-circuit current of the line. In a line
short circuit the metal oxide varistor protects the capacitor by limiting its volt-
age to the value 2.3 pu. Thus, some of the current in the line passes through
the metal oxide varistor that gets warm. In parallel with the capacitor and the
metal oxide varistor there is coupled a so-called forced-triggered spark gap
that is ignited if the varistor heats excessively.. If the short circuit occurs in the
same line sector where the series capacitor is located, forced-triggering of the
spark gap is always attempted. Due to spark gap settings the typical lowest
voltage at which the forced-triggering of the spark gap will succeed is about 2
pu using the conventional technology.
[0004] In a line short circuit line breakers switch the current off. If
the line short circuit current is low, the varistor voltage does not always rise to
the value 2 pu or higher. In that case the forced-triggering of the spark gap will
not succeed. In case the capacitor battery has not been bypassed with a spark
gap prior to opening the line breakers, a transient recovery voltage TRV of the
line breakers rises. Therefore it is necessary for the forced-triggering of the

spark gap to succeed with lower line current and capacitor voltage than 2 pu. A
typical empirical requirement is about 1.7 to 1.8 pu.
[0005] SE publication 8 205 236 discloses an arrangement for
forced triggering of a spark gap. The arrangement employs a separate pulse
transformer that feeds a high-voltage pulse igniting the spark gap. By means of
the high-voltage pulse there is ignited one of the auxiliary spark gaps arranged
in parallel with the main spark gap, whereby these auxiliary spark gaps will be
ignited eventually triggering the main spark gaps. It is necessary, however, to
synchronize the ignition pulse with spark "gap voltage so as to enable forced
triggering. The synchronization and generation of energy needed by a high-
voltage pulse and supply thereof to the pulse transformer require suitable
means. These means make the structure of the forced-triggering device com-
plicated, increase its costs and liability to damage and thus undermine the
overall reliability of the forced-triggering device.
[0006] Fl patent 80812 discloses an arrangement for forced-
triggering a spark gap with voltage lower than autoignition. The spark gap is
divided into at least two partial spark gaps in series. In parallel with the partial
spark gaps there are coupled capacitors to provide mutual voltage distribution
of the partial spark gaps. In series with the capacitors there is arranged a
member controllably adopting a low impedance or high impedance state. On
shifting to the high impedance state said member changes the mutual voltage
distribution of the spark gaps such that the partial spark gap in parallel
therewith ignites. The member adopting a high impedance or a low impedance
state is a transformer, for instance. Strength of said member leaves a great
deal to be desired. Moreover, the arrangement does not necessarily operate
sufficiently fast. -
[0007] There is further known an arrangement according to Figure 1
for triggering a series spark gap. In the solution of Figure 1 the main spark gap
is divided into two partial spark gaps in series, i.e. a first partial spark gap 1
and a second partial spark gap 2. In parallel with the first partial spark gap 1
there are coupled capacitors Ca and Cb. In parallel with the second partial
spark gap 2 there is coupled a capacitor Cc. The capacitors Ca, Cb and Cc are
designed such that in a normal situation they distribute the voltage such that
there is an equal voltage over both partial spark gaps 1 and 2. In parallel with
the capacitor Cc there is coupled a first auxiliary spark gap 3. In series with the
first auxiliary spark gap 3 there is coupled a first current limiting resistor R1. In

parallel with the capacitor Cb there is coupled a second auxiliary spark gap 4
and in series therewith there is coupled a second current limiting resistor R2.
The auxiliary spark gaps 3 and 4 are gas-pressure spark gaps, i.e. trigatrons.
They are hermetically closed, and therefore their autoignition voltage is con-
stant, in principle. There is, however, a slight spread in their ignition voltage,
and thus, to be on the safe side, their autoignition voltage is set to a value that
is about 10 % higher than the highest voltage over them, which is 2.3 pu/4 =
0.575. In said example the setting is thus 1,1 * 2.3/4 = 0.633 pu. When the se-
ries spark gap is to be triggered, the procedure is as follows. A trigger pulse is
fed to the first auxiliary spark gap. This provokes ignition in the first spark gap,
and consequently the capacitor Ca is discharged through the current limiting
resistor R1. The voltage is then distributed such that one third of the voltage
acting over the whole arrangement acts over the capacitor Cb and thus over
the second auxiliary spark gap 4.
[0008] Autoignition voltage of the second auxiliary spark gap is set
to value 1.1 * 2.3 /4 = 0.633 pu. This voltage passes over said second auxiliary
spark gap if the voltage acting over the whole spark gap is 3 * 0.633 pu = 1.9
pu. In view of the tolerance of the auxiliary spark gap the required voltage over
the whole spark gap is 2 pu.
[0009] In series with the current limiting resistor R1 there is a trans-
former 5 that gives a trigger pulse to the second auxiliary spark gap 4. The trig-
ger pulse expedites ignition, but does not necessarily decrease the ignition
voltage, because the trigger pulse has very short duration. When the second
auxiliary spark gap 4 ignites, the capacitor Cb discharges through the resis-
tance R2. This results in the whole voltage acting over the second partial spark
gap that will ignite. Thereafter the first partial spark gap will also ignite.
[0010] Autoignition of the auxiliary spark gaps 3 and 4 may not be
set excessively low so that they would not ignite on their own without forced
triggering. As described above, the whole spark gap will be ignited at voltage
2.0 pu, if the limiting voltage of the varistor is 2.3 pu. In all cases the value 2.0
pu is not sufficiently low, however. The arrangement is also relatively compli-
cated and consequently expensive.
[0011] The object of the present invention is to provide a method
and an arrangement of a novel type for triggering a series spark gap.

[0012] The method of the invention is characterized by arranging an
additional electrode in at least one partial spark gap between main electrodes
thereof, setting voltage of the additional electrode to a given level by means of
second voltage distribution means, arranging the capacity of the second volt-
age distribution means to be lower than the capacity of the first voltage distri-
bution means and triggering the series spark gap by disturbing voltage distribu-
tion of the second voltage distribution means, whereby the spark gap between
the main electrode of the partial spark gap and the additional electrode will ig-
nite, and consequently the voltage determined by the first voltage distribution
means acts over the spark gap that is between the additional electrode and the
second main electrode of the partial spark gap and that will also ignite, which
further leads to the fact that supply voltage only acts over the second partial
spark gap, and consequently a spark-over also occurs therein.
[0013] The arrangement of the invention is further characterized by
comprising an additional electrode arranged in at least one partial spark gap
between main electrodes thereof, second voltage distribution means for setting
voltage of the additional electrode to a given level, the capacity of the second
voltage distribution means being lower than the capacity of the first voltage
distribution means, and means for disturbing voltage distribution of the second
voltage distribution means.
[0014] The basic idea of the invention is that the arrangement com-
prises at least two partial spark gaps in series. In parallel with the partial spark
gaps there are coupled first voltage distribution means. In at least one partial
spark gap there is arranged an additional electrode whose voltage is set to a
given level by means of second voltage distribution means. The voltage level
of the additional electrode is changed by disturbing the voltage distribution of
the second voltage distribution means. Thus the spark gap between the elec-
trode of the partial spark gap and the additional electrode will be ignited. The
capacity of the second voltage distribution means is clearly lower than the ca-
pacity of the first voltage distribution means and consequently the voltage act-
ing over the first voltage distribution means will not change significantly. So,
the voltage determined by the first voltage distribution means only acts over
the spark gap which is between the second additional electrode and the elec-
trode of the partial spark gap and which will also ignite. This leads further to
the whole supply voltage acting over the second partial spark gap alone,
whereby a spark-over also occurs therein. The disclosed solution permits igni-

' 5
tion of the partial spark gaps with voltage that is considerably lower than their
autoignition voltage. Consequently it is possible to protect other components
very efficiently and reliably with the spark gap. The basic idea of one embodi-
ment is that voltage distribution of voltage distribution means is disturbed by
short-circuiting a gap between poles of one voltage distribution means in the
second voltage distribution means, for instance, by means of a gas-pressure
spark gap, i.e. a trigatron. The basic idea of a second embodiment is that volt-
age distribution of others is disturbed by feeding a current pulse by means of a
pufse transformer. This leads to a change in the voltage of the additional elec-
trode and further to a spark-over.
[0015] In the following the invention wil! be described in greater de-
tail in connection with the attached drawings, in which
Figure 1 shows a prior art arrangement for triggering a series spark
Figure 2 shows a solution in accordance with an embodiment of the
invention for triggering a series spark gap;
Figure 3 shows a solution in accordance with a second embodiment
of the invention for triggering a series spark gap; and
Figure 4 shows a solution in accordance with a third embodiment of
the invention for triggering a series spark gap.
[0016] For the sake of clarity the invention is shown in a simplified
manner in the figures. Like reference numerals refer to like parts in the figures.
[0017] Figure 2 shows a solution, in which a main spark gap is di-
vided into two partial spark gaps in series, i.e. into a first partial spark gap 1
and a second partial spark gap 2. In parallel with the first partial spark gap
there is coupled a capacitor C1. In parallel with the second partial spark gap
there is coupled a capacitor C2. These so-called first capacitors C1 and C2 are
designed in this example such that in a normal situation they distribute the
voltage in equal amounts over each one of the partial spark gaps 1 and 2.
[0018] In the first partial spark gap 1 there are main electrodes 6a
and 6b in a manner known per se. Correspondingly, in the second partial spark
gap 2 there are main electrodes 7a and 7b. Further, the first partial spark gap 1

is arranged in a housing 8.The second partial spark gap 2 is also arranged in a
housing 9 in a manner known per se.
[0019] Apart from the main electrodes 6a and 6b there is an addi-
tional electrode 10 in the first partial spark gap 1. The distance between the
main electrode 6a and the additional electrode 10 is shorter than the distance
between the main electrodes 6a and 6b. Preferably the additional electrode 10
is arranged such that its distance from the main electrodes 6a and 6b is about
half, or less, of the distance between the main electrodes 6a and 6b. The ar-
rangement further comprises-second capacitors C3'and C4, by which the volt-
age of the additional electrode 10 is set to a desired level in a normal situation.
The structure constituted by the main electrodes 6a and 6b and the additional
electrode 10 may be symmetrical, and consequently the second capacitors C3
and C4 are equal. The second capacitors C3 and C4 maintain the voltage of
the additional electrode 10 halfway between the voltages of the main elec-
trodes 6a and 6b such that the electric field strength between the main elec-
trode 6a and the additional electrode 10 is equal to that between the main
electrode 6b and the additional electrode 10. If the structure is not symmetrical,
i.e. said gaps are not equal, the values of the capacitors C3 and C4 are de-
signed such that the field strength is equal in both gaps.
[0020] Typically the distances between the first partial spark gap 1
and the second partial spark gap are farmed such that the field strengths are
equal. The first capacitors C1 and C2 are typically equal in size, whereby the
voltage is distributed evenly between each partial spark gap 1 and 2 in a nor-
mal situation. Even in this case, if the partial spark gaps 1 and 2 are formed
different, the capacitances of capacitors C1 and C2 are designed such that the
field strength in each partial spark gap 1 and 2 is equal.
[0021] The spark gaps are designed to endure normal operating
voltage. Typically the spark gaps are designed such that autoignition of the
partial spark gaps 1 and 2 occurs, for instance, the voltage being 75% of the
supply voltage Unm to which the metal oxide varistor limits the voltage. Typi-
cally this voltage U|jm = 2.3 x UN, where UN is the nominal voltage.
[0022] The series spark gap shown in Figure 2 allows forced trigger-
ing with a voltage lower than the above-mentioned autoignition voltage such
that voltage distribution provided by the second capacitors C3 and C4, i.e. the
voltage level of the additional electrode 10, is disturbed sufficiently. In the case
of Figure 2 the voltage distribution is disturbed by means of an auxiliary spark

gap 3. The auxiliary spark gap 3 is a gas-pressure spark gap, i.e. a trigatron.
By means of the auxiliary spark gap 3 the spark gap between the main elec-
trode 6a and the additional electrode 10 and the capacitor C3 in parallel
therewith are thus short-circuited. For instance, an ignition coil or a semi-
conductor switch may be used for triggering the auxiliary spark gap 3 in a
manner known per se. The current limiting resistor R1 that is in series with the
auxiliary spark gap 3 limits the current passing through the auxiliary spark gap
[0023] When the auxiliary spark gap 3 has been triggered, the ca-
pacitor C3 will discharge. Further, the voltage level of the additional electrode
10 decreases and part of the supply voltage U determined by the capacitor C1
acts over the additional electrode 10 and the main electrode 6b. In a symmetri-
cal case said voltage is thus about half of the supply voltage U. Thus a spark-
over occurs between the main electrode 6b and the additional electrode 10.
The capacitor C4 in parallel with said spark gap then discharges. The capaci-
tances of the capacitors C3 and C4 are significantly lower than that of the ca-
pacitor C1. So the voltage over the capacitor C1 does not reduce considerably.
Said voltage acts now between the additional electrode 10 and the main elec-
trode 6a, whereby a spark-over also occurs in said spark gap. This in turn will
result in the supply voltage U acting almost completely over the second spark
gap 2, whereby a spark-over will also occur therein.
[0024] Thus, the operation of the arrangement requires that the ca-
pacitance in series connection of the capacitors C3 and C4 be lower than that
of the capacitor C1. Preferably the capacitance of the capacitor C1 is more
than twice higher than the capacitance in series connection of the capacitors
C3 and C4. According to a preferred embodiment the capacitance of the ca-
pacitor C1 is more than five times higher than that in series connection of the
capacitors C3 and C4. Particularly preferably the capacitance of the capacitor
C1 is more than ten times higher than that in series connection of the capaci-
tors C3 and C4.
[0025] It may be mentioned in some numerical values that the
nominal value UN of the supply voltage U may be, for instance, in the order of
40 kilovolts. The capacitance of the capacitors C1 and C2 may be 1.5 nano-
farad, for instance, and the capacitance of the capacitors C3 and C4 may then
be less than 1 nanofarad, for instance. The distance between the main eiec-

trades 6a and 6b and the distance between the main electrodes 7a and 7b
may be in the order of 15 to 20 mm, for instance.
[0026] Voltage distribution of the capacitors C3 and C4 may also be
disturbed without the auxiliary spark gap 3. One solution of this kind is shown
in Figure 3. The solution of Figure 3 corresponds mainly to that of Figure 2, but
instead of the auxiliary spark gap 3, a pulse transformer 11, for instance a
Tesla transformer, is employed for disturbing the voltage distribution. The
pulse transformer 11 is coupled in series with the capacitor C3. A trigger pulse
is fed to a primary of'the pulse transformer 11. To generate a trigger pulse for
the primary it is possible to use an ignition coil or a semi-conductor switch, for
instance, in a manner known per se. When the trigger pulse is fed to the pulse
transformer 11, it produces a high-voltage pulse whose voltage is distributed to
the capacitors C3 and C4. Because in parallel with these capacitors C3 and C4
there is a considerably greater capacitor C1, the voltage between the elec-
trodes 6a and 6b will not change considerably, however. Disturbance of volt-
age distribution caused by the pulse transformer 11 results in triggering either
the spark gap 6a - 10 or the spark gap 6b - 10, depending on the polarities of
the momentary values of the pulse and the alternating voltage. The capacitor
C3 or C4 in parallel with the spark gap that sparked over will discharge. Thus,
because the capacitance in series connection of the capacitors C3 and C4 is
lower than that of the capacitor C1, the voltage acting over the capacitor C1
does not decrease substantially. Said voltage thus acts over the spark gap that
is between the additional electrode 10 and the main electrode 6a or 6b and
that will also spark over. Further, as described in connection with Figure 2,
subsequently a spark-over will occur over the main electrodes 7a and 7b of the
partial spark gap 2.
[0027] Voltage level of the additional electrode 10 may also be
changed by arranging the pulse transformer 11 between the midpoint of the
capacitors and the additional electrode 10 as shown in Figure 4. An advantage
with this coupling is a lower voltage stress of the capacitors C3 and C4. The
primary of the pulse transformer 11 may be against the ground, or it may be
coupled to the midpoint of the capacitors as in Figure 4. In the latter case the
energy required for triggering the primary may be generated by utilizing auxil-
iary capacitors C5 and C6, a diode D1 and a switch K1 in accordance with
Figure 4.

[0028] The autoignition voltage of the spark gap depends on ambi-
ent conditions, such as temperature and air humidity. Thus, in practice, the
autoignition voltage of the spark gap is not set so low as it could be set in the-
ory. The autoignition voltage of the spark gap shall be higher than the one to
which the metal oxide varistor limits the voltage. Typically this voltage, i.e. U|jm,
is 2.3 x nominal voltage UN. Notation 2.3 pu (per unit) may also be used. In
theory, the autoignition voltage of one spark gap 1 or 2 shall thus be higher
than 0.5 x 2.3 pu. However, in order to prevent autoignition from occurring at
an excessively low voltage, it was found" that aufoignition of the partial spark
gap 1 and 2 occurring with value 0.75 x Urm would provide a good safety fac-
tor/margin. In the presented solution the magnitude of a lower limit for the
forced triggering, i.e. successful forced triggering, is determined by autoignition
voltages of the partial spark gaps 1 and 2. Air temperature and air pressure are
also to be considered. If the autoignition voltages of the partial spark gaps are
set to value 0.75 x Uiim, forced triggering of the series spark gap will still suc-
ceed the voltage being 1.73 pu, if U|jm is 2.3 pu.
[0029] In some cases features set forth in the present document
may be used as such, irrespective of other features. On the other hand, fea-
tures set forth in the present document may be combined to provide various
[0030] The drawings and the relating description are only intended
to illustrate the inventive idea. The details of the invention may vary within the
scope of the claims. Consequently, the series spark gap may comprise two
partial spark gaps in series as shown in the attached figures, or there may be a
plurality of partial spark gaps in series. Instead of capacitors, the voltage distri-
bution means may be, for instance, resistances or other adequate voltage dis-
tribution means. It is preferable, however, to use capacitors as the voltage dis-
tribution means, because their structure is relatively simple and additionally the
switching can utilize their ability to store energy. Naturally one capacitor may
be replaced by coupling a plurality of capacitors in parallel or in series in a cor-
responding manner.

1. A method for triggering a series spark gap; in which there are in series at least two partial
spark gaps (1,2), and supply voltage (U) is distributed over the partial spark gaps (1, 2) by means
of first capacitors means (CI, C2), characterized by arranging an additional electrode
(10) in at least one partial spark gap (1) between main electrodes (6a, 6b) thereof, setting voltage
of the additional electrode (10) to a given level by means of second capacitors (C3, C4),
arranging the capacitance of the second capacitors (C3, C4) to be lower than the capacitance of
the first capacitors (CI, C2) and triggering the series spark gap by disturbing the voltage
distribution of the second capacitors (C3, C4), whereby the spark gap "between the main electrode
(6a) of the partial spark gap (1) and the additional electrode (10) will ignite, and consequently the
voltage determined by the first capacitors (CI, C2) acts over the spark gap that is between the
additional electrode (10) and the second main electrode (6b) of the partial spark gap (1) and that
will also ignite, which further-leads to the fact that supply voltage (U) acts over the second partial
spark gap (2) alone, and consequently a spark-over also occurs therein.
2. The method of claim 1,characterized in that disturbance of voltage distribution is
carried out by short-circuiting the spark gap between the additional electrode (10) and the main
electrode (6a, 6b).
3. The method of claim 2, characterized in that the short-circuit is implemented by
means of a trigatron (3);
4. The method of claim ^characterized in that the disturbance of the voltage
distribution is carried out by means of a pulse transformer (11).
5. The method of any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the capacitance
of the first capacitors (CI, C2) is more than twice higher than the capacitance in series
connection of the second capacitors (C3, C4).
6. The method of any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the capacitance
of the first capacitors (CI, C2) is more than five times higher than the capacitance in series
connection of the second capacitors (C3, C4).
7. An arrangement for triggering a series spark gap, which series spark gap comprises at least two
partial spark gaps (1, 2) in series, and which arrangement comprises first capacitors (CI, C2) for
distributing supply voltage (U) over the partial spark gaps (1,2), characterized by
comprising an additional electrode (10) arranged in at least one partial spark gap (1) between
main electrodes (6a, 6b) thereof, second capacitors (C3, C4) for setting voltage of the additional
electrode (10) to a given level, the capacitance of the second capacitors (C3, C4) being lower
than the capacitance of the first capacitors (CI, C2), and means for disturbing voltage
distribution of the second capacitors (C3, C4).

-11 -
8. The arrangement of claim 7, characterized by comprising means for short-circuiting
the spark gap between the additional electrode (10) and the main electrode (6a, 6b).
9. The arrangement of claim 8, characterized in that the means for short-circuiting the
spark gap between the additional electrode (10) and the main electrode (6a, 6b) is a trigatron (3).
10. The arrangement of claim 7, c h a r a c t e r i z e d by comprising a pulse transformer (11)
for feeding a current pulse to disturb the voltage distribution of the second voltage distribution-
11. The arrangement of any one of the claims 7 to 10, characterized in that the
capacitance of the first capacitors (CI, C2) is more than twice higher than the capacitance in
series connection of the second capacitors (C3, C4).
12. The arrangement of any one of the claims 7 to 10, characterized in that the
capacitance of the first capacitors (CI, C2) is more than five times higher than the capacitance in
series connection of the second capacitors (C3, C4).

A series spark gap is triggered such that in parallel with partial spark gaps (1 , 2) of the series spark gap there are
coupled first voltage distribution means. Further, at least in one partial spark gap (1 , 2) there is arranged an additional electrode (10)
whose voltage is set to a given level by means of second voltage distribution means. The voltage level of the additional electrode
(10) is changed by disturbing the voltage distribution of the second voltage distribution means. Thus the spark gap between the
main electrode (6a, 6b) of the partial spark gap (1) and the additional electrode (10) will be ignited. Capacity of the second voltage
distribution means is lower than that of the first voltage distribution means and consequently the voltage acting over the first voltage
distribution means does not change significantly. Thus the voltage determined by the first voltage distribution means acts over the
spark gap that is between the additional electrode (10) and the second main electrode (6a, 6b) of the partial spark gap (1) and that will
also ignite, which further results in the supply voltage (U) acting only over the second partial spark gap (2), whereby a spark-over
will also occur therein.


Patent Number 264440
Indian Patent Application Number 5079/KOLNP/2007
PG Journal Number 01/2015
Publication Date 02-Jan-2015
Grant Date 29-Dec-2014
Date of Filing 28-Dec-2007
Applicant Address KAAPELIKATU 3, FI-33330 TAMPERE
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H01T 2/02,H01T 15/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/FI2006/050296
PCT International Filing date 2006-06-29
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 20055377 2005-07-01 Finland