Title of Invention


Abstract Methods and systems for controlling an electric motor are provided. A signal comprising at least first and second cycles is provided to the electric motor. A first flux value for the electric motor associated with the first cycle of the signal is calculated. A second flux value for the electric motor associated with the second cycle of the signal is calculated based on the first flux value.
[0001] The present invention generally relates to the control of electric
motors. More specifically, the present invention relates to a method and
system for sensorless control of an electric motor, such as one in used in a
drive system of an automobile.
[0002] In recent years, advances in technology, as well as ever evolving
tastes in style, have led to substantial changes in the design of automobiles.
One of the changes involves the complexity of the electrical and drive systems
within automobiles, particularly alternative fuel vehicles, such as hybrid,
electric, and fuel cell vehicles. Such alternative fuel vehicles typically use an
electric motor, perhaps in combination with another actuator, to drive the
[0003] Traditional motor control systems normally include a feedback
device or position sensor, such as a resolver or encoder, to provide speed and
position information about the motor. Feedback devices and associated
interface circuits increase the costs of a motor control system, and these costs
may become prohibitive in high volume applications such as the production of
automobiles. Additionally, a position sensor and its associated wiring harness
increase the complexity and assembly time of an electric drive system in a
[0004] Electric vehicles powered by fuel cells, batteries and hybrid
systems that include electric motors are becoming more common in the
automotive market. As production volumes for electric vehicles increase, the
cost of feedback devices and associated interface circuits will become
significant. Automakers are therefore always striving to cut costs and reduce

the number of parts for a vehicle. The removal of a feedback device for an
electric motor control system will lead to significant cost reductions for an
electric vehicle.
[0005] Hybrid electric and electric vehicles today utilize numerous electric
motor control technologies such as the vector control of electric motors. A
vector motor control scheme is a computationally intensive motor control
scheme that maps the phase voltages/currents of a three-phase motor into a
two axis coordinate system. The structure used to excite an electric motor
using a vector control scheme is a typical three-phase power source inverter
including six power transistors that shape the output voltage to an electric
motor. Vector control requires rotor position information, which is normally
obtained via a feedback device or position sensor. The objective of the
position sensorless control is to obtain the rotor position information utilizing
electromagnetic characteristics of an AC machine, eliminating the position
sensor and its associated interface circuits.
[0006J Accordingly, it is desirable to provide an improved method and
system for sensorless control of an electric motor. Furthermore, other
desirable features and characteristics of the present invention will become
apparent from the subsequent detailed description and the appended claims,
taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings and the foregoing
technical field and background.
[0007] A method for controlling an electric motor is provided. A signal
including at least first and second cycles is provided to the electric motor. A
first flux value for the electric motor associated with the first cycle of the
signal is calculated. A second flux value for the electric motor associated with
the second cycle of the signal is calculated based on the first flux value.
[0008] A method for controlling an automotive electric motor having a
winding is provided. A signal including first and second cycles is provided to
the electric motor. A winding flux error is determined based on a measured

winding flux and an estimated winding flux. A first flux value of the electric
motor is calculated based on the winding flux error. The first flux value
includes flux linkage, a back electromotive force (BEMF) generated by the
motor, or a combination of the flux linkage and the BEMF.
[0009] An automotive drive system is provided. The automotive drive
system includes an electric motor, a direct current (DC) power supply coupled
to the electric motor, a power inverter coupled to the electric motor and the
DC power supply to receive DC power from the DC power supply and provide
alternating current (AC) power to the electric motor, and a processor in
operable communication with the electric motor, the DC power supply, and
the power inverter. The processor is configured to provide a signal including
at least first and second cycles to the electric motor, calculate a first flux value
for the electric motor associated with the first cycle of the signal, and calculate
a second flux value for the electric motor associated with the second cycle of
the signal based on the first flux value.
[0010] The present invention will hereinafter be described in conjunction
with the following drawing figures, wherein like numerals denote like
elements, and
[0011] FIG. 1 is a schematic view of an exemplary automobile according
to one embodiment of the present invention;
[0012] FIG. 2 is a block diagram of an inverter system within the
automobile of FIG. 1;
[0013] FIG. 3 is a schematic view of a power inverter within the
automobile of FIG. 1;
[0014] FIG. 4 is a block diagram of a method and/or system for estimating
the rotor position and speed of a motor according to one embodiment of the
present invention;
[0015] FIG. 5 is a schematic block diagram of a motor model block within
the system of FIG. 4;

[0016] FIG. 6 is a schematic block diagram of a flux model within the
system of FIG. 4;
[0017] FIGS. 7 and 8 are schematic block diagrams of portions of a flux
observer within the system of FIG. 4;
[0018] FIG. 9 is a temporal view of a pulse width modulation (PWM)
signal utilized by the inverter system of FIG. 2;
[0019] FIGS. 10 and 11 are schematic block diagrams of portions of a
coordinate conversion block within the system of FIG. 4;
[0020] FIG. 12 is a schematic block diagram of a speed and position
observer within the system of FIG. 4;
[0021] FIG. 13 is a schematic block diagram of a sensorless electric motor
drive system, including the system shown in FIG. 4, according to one
embodiment of the present invention;
[0022] FIG. 14 is a graphical illustration of the root locus of a prior art
sensorless electric motor control system; and
[0023] FIG. 15 is a graphical illustration of the root locus of a sensorless
electric motor control system according to an embodiment of the present
[0024] The following detailed description is merely exemplary in nature
and is not intended to limit the invention or the application and uses of the
invention. Furthermore, there is no intention to be bound by any expressed or
implied theory presented in the preceding technical field, background, brief
summary or the following detailed description. Additionally, although the
schematic diagrams shown herein depict example arrangements of elements,
additional intervening elements, devices, features, or components may be
present in an actual embodiment. It should also be understood that FIGS. 1-15
are merely illustrative and may not be drawn to scale.
[0025] FIG. 1 to FIG. 15 illustrate a method and system for controlling an
electric motor. The system includes a digitally controlled flux observer that is

implemented in a discrete time domain. More particularly, the flux observer
utilizes the signal (e.g., a pulse width modulation signal) which is used to
drive the electric motor to time the updates made to flux and back
electromotive force (BEMF) measurements.
[0026] For example, in one embodiment, a signal including at least first
and second cycles is provided to the electric motor. A first flux value for the
electric motor and associated with the first cycle of the signal is calculated. A
second flux value for the electric motor and associated with the second cycle
is calculated based on (or derived from) the first flux value. The process is
then repeated. The first and second flux values may be, for example,
estimated flux linkages, estimated BEMF strengths, estimated flux increments,
estimated BEMF increments, or any combination thereof.
[0027] The current flowing through the electric motor may also be
measured during the second cycle, and the second flux value may also be
based on the measured current. The signal may also include a third cycle that
occurs before the first and second cycles, during which a current flowing
through the electric motor may be measured. The second flux value may also
be based on the current measured during the third cycle.
[0028] In another embodiment, a winding flux error is determined based
on a measured winding flux and an estimated winding flux. A flux value (e.g.,
flux linkage and/or BEMF) of the electric motor is calculated based on the
winding flux error.
[0029] FIG. 1 illustrates a vehicle 20, or "automobile," according to one
embodiment of the present invention. The automobile 20 includes a chassis
22, a body 24, four wheels 26, and an electronic control system (or electronic
control unit (ECU)) 28. The body 24 is arranged on the chassis 22 and
substantially encloses the other components of the automobile 20. The body
24 and the chassis 22 may jointly form a frame. The wheels 26 are each
rotationally coupled to the chassis 22 near a respective corner of the body 24.
[0030] The automobile 20 may be any one of a number of different types
of automobiles, such as, for example, a sedan, a wagon, a truck, or a sport

utility vehicle (SUV), and may be two-wheel drive (2WD) (i.e., rear-wheel
drive or front-wheel drive), four-wheel drive (4WD) or all-wheel drive
(AWD). The automobile 20 may also incorporate any one of, or combination
of, a number of different types of engines (or actuators), such as, for example,
a gasoline or diesel fueled combustion engine, a "flex fuel vehicle" (FFV)
engine (i.e., using a mixture of gasoline and alcohol), a gaseous compound
(e.g., hydrogen and/or natural gas) fueled engine, or a fuel cell, a
combustion/electric motor hybrid engine, and an electric motor.
[0031] In the exemplary embodiment illustrated in FIG. 1, the automobile
20 is a hybrid vehicle, and further includes an actuator assembly (or
powertrain) 30, a battery 32, a power inverter (or inverter) 34, and a radiator
36. The actuator assembly 30 includes an internal combustion engine 38 and
an electric motor/generator (or motor) system (or assembly) 40. The electric
motor system 40, in one embodiment, includes one or more sinusoidally-
wound, three-phase alternating current (AC) motor/generators (or motors)
(e.g., permanent magnet) such as commonly used in automotive vehicles (e.g.,
traction drive control systems, and the like). As will be appreciated by one
skilled in the art, each of the electric motors includes a stator assembly
(including conductive coils), a rotor assembly (including a ferromagnetic
core), and a cooling fluid (i.e., coolant). The stator assembly and/or the rotor
assembly within the electric motors may include multiple (e.g., sixteen)
electromagnetic poles, as is commonly understood.
[0032] Still referring to FIG. 1, and as described in greater detail below,
the combustion engine 38 and the electric motor system 40 are integrated such
that both are mechanically coupled to at least some of the wheels 26 through
one or more drive shafts 42. The radiator 36 is connected to the frame at an
outer portion thereof and although not illustrated in detail, includes multiple
cooling channels therethough that contain a cooling fluid (i.e., coolant) such as
water and/or ethylene glycol (i.e., "antifreeze) and is coupled to the engine 38
and the inverter 34. Referring again to FIG. 1, in the depicted embodiment,
the inverter 34 receives and shares coolant with the electric motor 40. The

radiator 36 may be similarly connected to the inverter 34 and/or the electric
motor 40.
[0033] The electronic control system 28 is in operable communication
with the actuator assembly 30, the battery 32, and the inverter 34. Although
not shown in detail, the electronic control system 28 includes various sensors
and automotive control modules, or electronic control units (ECUs), such as
an inverter control module and a vehicle controller, and at least one processor
and/or a memory which includes instructions stored thereon (or in another
computer-readable medium) for carrying out the processes and methods as
described below.
[0034] Referring to FIG. 2, a voltage source inverter system (or electric
drive system) 44 is shown in accordance with an exemplary embodiment of
the present invention. The voltage source inverter system 44 includes a digital
controller 46, the inverter 34 coupled to an output of the controller 46, the
motor 40 coupled to a first output of the inverter 34, and a modulator 48
having an input coupled to a second output of the inverter 34 and having an
output coupled to an input of the controller 46. The controller 46 and the
modulator 48 may be integral with the electronic control system 28 shown in
FIG. 1.
[0035] FIG. 3 illustrates the inverter 34 of FIGS. 1 and 2 in greater detail.
The inverter 34 includes a three-phase circuit coupled to the motor 40. More
specifically, the inverter 34 includes a switch network having a first input
coupled to a voltage source Vdc (e.g., the battery 32) and an output coupled to
the motor 40. Although a single voltage source is shown, a distributed direct
current (DC) link with two series sources may be used.
[0036] The switch network comprises three pairs (a, b, and c) of series
switches with antiparallel diodes (i.e., antiparallel to each switch)
corresponding to each of the phases. Each of the pairs of series switches
comprises a first switch, or transistor, (i.e., a "high" switch) 50, 52, and 54
having a first terminal coupled to a positive electrode of the voltage source 32
and a second switch (i.e., a "low" switch) 56, 58, and 60 having a second

terminal coupled to a negative electrode of the voltage source 32 and having a
first terminal coupled to a second terminal of the respective first switch 50, 52,
and 54.
[0037] Still referring to FIG. 1, the automobile 20 is operated by providing
power to the wheels 26 with the combustion engine 38 and the electric motor
40 in an alternating manner and/or with the combustion engine 38 and the
electric motor 40 simultaneously. In order to power the electric motor 40, DC
power is provided from the battery 32 to the inverter 34, which converts the
DC power into AC power, before the power is sent to the electric motor 40.
As will be appreciated by one skilled in the art, the conversion of DC power to
AC power is substantially performed by operating (i.e., repeatedly switching)
the switches 50 - 60 within the inverter 34 at a "switching frequency," such as,
for example, 12 kilohertz (kHz).
[0038] Referring again to FIG. 2, generally, the controller 46 produces
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signals, including multiple cycles, for
controlling the switching action of the inverter 34, and thus the motor 40. In a
preferred embodiment, the controller 46 preferably produces continuous PWM
(CPWM) signals where each upper and lower switch conducts for a portion of
each switching cycle of the inverter 34. The inverter 34 then converts the
PWM signals to a modulated voltage waveform for operating the motor 40.
[0039] In accordance with one aspect of the present invention, a method
(or algorithm) and system for estimating rotor position of a permanent magnet
AC machine (e.g., the motor 40) are provided. This algorithm may be used
during high speed motor operation. The motor flux (or flux linkage) and
BEMF increment are calculated or estimated based on currents and voltages
(i.e., commanded or measured) within the motor. The estimated flux is
compared with a measured flux. The flux and BEMF estimation is updated
based on the flux and BEMF increment from the motor model and the flux
[0040] FIG. 4 is a block diagram illustrating a method and/or system 62
for estimating the rotor position and speed of a motor according to one

embodiment of the present invention. The method and/or system 62 includes
a motor model block 64, a flux model block 66, a flux observer block 68, a
coordinate conversion block 70, and a speed and position observer block 72.
In one embodiment, the system 62 utilizes the calculations of flux and back
electromotive force (BEMF) implemented at the synchronously rotating
reference frame (or synchronous frame) made by the flux observer block (or
flux observer) 68.
[0041] The motor model block (or motor model) 64 receives a motor
voltage and a motor current as input, along with an estimated flux and BEMF
from the flux observer block 68. The motor model block 64 generates
increments of the flux and the BEMF for each sampling time (or each cycle of
the PWM signal) which are sent to the flux observer block 68. The flux model
block (or flux model) 66 receives the motor current as an input and generates a
measure of the motor flux from, for example, a flux table. A flux error is
calculated from the difference of the estimated flux from the flux observer
block 68 and the measured flux from the flux model block 66 at summation
circuit (or summer) 73. The measured flux, or flux quantity, is also used as a
feedforward control (or decoupling current) of the current control for the
motor. The flux error and the increments from the motor model block 64 are
received as input by the flux observer block 68, which estimates the motor
flux and BEMF.
[0042] In one embodiment, the estimated flux accounts for the flux
generated by the windings in the stator of the motor 40, while the flux
generated by the permanent magnets in the motor 40 is excluded. One
advantage of this method is that the estimated flux is not dependent on the
temperature of the motor magnets, as it is determined by the geometry of the
motor and the material properties of the stator and rotor core. The estimated
BEMF corresponds to the voltage induced by the permanent magnet flux, and
its angle contains the position estimation error.
[0043] The estimated position error is then sent to the speed and position
observer block 72 to estimate the rotor position and speed. Because the

magnitude of the estimated BEMF is not used in the position and speed
estimation, the temperature variation of the rotor, especially the permanent
magnet, does not affect the estimation of the rotor position and speed.
[0044] FIG. 5 illustrates the motor model block 64 in greater detail. The
motor model block 64 includes summers 74-84, resistor value blocks 86,
operating frequency value blocks 88, and sampling time value blocks 90. As
shown, synchronous reference frame voltages, and are
subtracted by the voltage drops at the stator resistor at summers 74 and 76,
respectively. The voltage drops are determined by multiplying measured
synchronous frame currents, by the resistance value of the
stator resistor As will be described in greater detail below, the value k
corresponds to a particular cycle in the PWM signal.
[0045] The resulting net voltages contribute to the stator fluxes. At
summers 78 and 80, respectively, voltages induced by estimated winding
fluxes, are subtracted after being multiplied by the
operating frequency While at summers 82 and 84, estimated BEMF
values, are subtracted. The remaining voltage
values are multiplied by the sampling periods of calculation, , and result in
the expected flux increment of the winding fluxes at the k-th sampling period,

[0046] FIG. 6 illustrates the flux model block 66 in greater detail. The
flux model block 66 includes flux table blocks 92, 94, and 96 and summers 98,
100, and 102. In one embodiment, the flux tables 92, 94, and 96 are two-
dimensional flux tables, similar to those used for decoupling in a saturated
motor. It is assumed that the permanent-magnet flux is separable from
the d-axis flux table , and it is also assumed that q-axis flux is independent
of the permanent magnet flux. Flux table blocks 92 and 94 are from the same
d-axis table, and the d-axis flux is assumed to be the permanent magnet flux

when there is no d-axis current, as is determined by flux table block 94. As
indicated in FIG. 6, the synchronous frame currents, , are
received by the flux table blocks 92, 94, and 96 to generate the flux in the d-
axis and the q-axis. The d-axis flux is generated by flux table block 92, from
which the permanent magnet flux is subtracted at summer 98, resulting in the
d-axis winding flux . The q-axis winding flux is directly
obtained from flux table block 96. In one embodiment, the winding fluxes
determined by the flux table blocks 92, 94, and 96 are
assumed to be measured fluxes. Estimated fluxes, , are then
subtracted from the measured winding fluxes, , at summers
100 and 102, respectively. The resulting flux errors, , are
used to drive the flux observer 68 as described below.
[0047] FIGS. 7 and 8 illustrate a flux estimation portion 104 and a BEMF
estimation portion 106, respectively, of the flux observer 68. Referring to
both FIGS. 7 and 8, the flux estimation portion 104 and the BEMF estimation
portion 106 include flux observer gain blocks 108-118, sampling time blocks
120, delay blocks 122, and summers 124-134 .
[0048] As shown in FIG. 7, the flux estimation portion 104 receives the
flux increments, and from the motor model block 64 and
the flux errors, from the flux model block 66. The flux
errors are multiplied by flux observer gains, , at the flux observer gain
blocks 108-114 and added at summers 124 and 126, respectively. The outputs
of the summers 124 and 126 are multiplied by the sampling time at sampling
time blocks 114 before being sent to summers 128 and 130. The flux
increments, , are also received by summers 128 and 130,
respectively, to contribute to the correction of the estimated winding fluxes,
which are fed back into the summers 128 and 130 after
being delayed one PWM cycle by the delays blocks 122.

[0049] As shown in FIG. 8, in one embodiment, the BEMF estimation
portion 106 uses only the flux errors, and , to build up the BEMF
estimations, The flux errors, are
multiplied by flux observer gains, , along with the sampling time, Ts, at
flux observer gain blocks 116 and 118 before being received by summers 132
and 134, respectively. The BEMF estimations, , are fed
back into the summers 132 and 134 after being delayed one PWM cycle by the
delay blocks 122.
[0050] FIG. 9 illustrates a portion of a PWM signal 136 generated by the
controller 46 and used to control the motor 40, according to one embodiment
of the present invention. The portion of the PWM signal 136 includes a first
cycle 138, a second cycle 140, and a third cycle 142. Although the cycles in
the signal 136 generally follow a sequential order (i.e., k-1, k, k+1, etc.), for
illustrative purposes, the third cycle 142 is described as occurring immediately
before the first cycle 138, and the first cycle 138 is described as occurring
immediately before the second cycle 140.
[0051] The digital controller 46 has an inherent one-cycle delay caused by
the PWM, which may result in the error of control and estimation. FIG. 9
illustrates an example of the timing of PWM and current sampling used in the
motor drive system, according to one embodiment of the present invention.
The voltage applied to the motor 40 during the first (or k-th) cycle 138 is
calculated during the third (or (k-l)-th) cycle 142. For each cycle, the new
voltage is applied at the beginning thereof, and at the same time, the motor
current is sampled. For example, at the beginning of the first cycle 138, the
motor current may be represented as The voltage applied to build ia (k)
is the voltage applied during the third (or (k-l)-th) cycle 142,
which is calculated during the (k-2)-th cycle (not shown).
[0052] As such, a two-cycle delay occurs between a commanded voltage
and the observance of that commanded voltage by the flux observer 68.

Additionally, although every variable besides stationary voltage may be
updated as shown in FIG. 9 (i.e., at the beginning of each cycle), the actual
average voltage sought by the PWM signal 136 occurs at the mid-point of
each cycle (or sampling period). This results in a delay of the voltage angle of
the motor 40.
[0053] FIGS. 10 and 11 illustrate a voltage transformation portion 144 and
a current transformation portion 146, respectively, of the coordinate
conversion block 70. The voltage transformation portion 144 shown in FIG.
10 includes delay blocks 148, a voltage compensation block 150, a summer
152, and a coordinate conversion block 154. As shown, the stationary
voltages, and are received, and delayed two-cycles (i.e., ), by the
delay blocks 148 to account for the two-cycle lag between commanded
voltages and the observance of the associated flux and then sent to the
coordinate conversion block 154. The voltage compensation block 150
compensates for the delay of the voltage angle and is proportional to the
operating speed. Summer 152 subtracts the estimated position from the output
of the voltage compensation block 150 and sends its output to the coordinate
conversion block 154. The coordinate conversion block 154 changes the
stationary voltages, and into the synchronous voltages, and
[0054] The current transformation portion 146 shown in FIG. 11 includes
a current compensation block 156, a summer 158, and a conversion block 160.
The current compensation block 156, in one embodiment, is used to
compensate for a delay caused from use an analog filter.
[0055] FIG. 12 illustrates the speed and position observer block 72 in
greater detail. The speed and position observer 72 includes a BEMF limiter
block 162, a position error block 164, gain blocks 166, 168, and 170, delay
blocks 172, sampling time blocks 174, a position limiter block 176, and
summers 178-186. The gain blocks 166-170 determine the dynamic
behavior of the speed and position observer 72. If there is of position
error, then the estimated BEMF are approximated as

[0056] At low speeds, may be too low to be used and thus may be
limited by the BEMF limiter block 162 below a certain speed depending on
the magnetic flux of the motor 40. The position error block 164 extracts the
position error in Equations 1 and 2 utilizing, in one embodiment, a two-
dimensional arc-tangent function. The resultant position error is used
to generate the estimation of electrical motor speed for the next cycle
as shown in FIG. 12. The position limiter block 176 limits the
integrated value of the estimation of the position for the next cycle
within ±180° of the electrical angle. The estimated position and speed are to
be used for the next sampling period to meet the timing sequence. The
estimated motor speed is used in place of in FIGS. 1-11. It is also used
to calculate gains in FIG. 7 and FIG. 8.
[0057] Except at low speeds where the absolute value of Esq is limited by
the BEMF limiter block 162, the position error block 164 provides a robust
signal to track the position and speed of the motor irrespective of the
magnitude of the permanent magnet, which is affected by the operating
temperature, and the operating speed. Thus, it is possible to estimate the
position and speed of the motor 40 regardless of the operating conditions of
the motor 40.
[0058] FIG. 13 illustrates a sensorless electric motor drive system 188
according to one embodiment of the present invention. The motor drive
system includes a current controller 190, rotational transformation blocks 192
and 194, a phase conversion block 196, the power inverter 34 (including a

two-to-three phase conversion block and a PWM generation block), the motor
40, the position and speed estimator 62, and summers 198-204.
[0059] A torque command is sent from a high level controller, such as a
torque controller or vehicle controller. The torque command is transformed
into current commands, and , which are DC quantities.
[0060] Phase conversion block 196 transforms three-phase currents
sampled from the motor 40 into two-phase currents. The rotational
transformation block 194 provides the rotational transformation (e.g.,
stationary to synchronous frames) with respect to the rotor position obtained
from the proposed invention in order to change the two-phase AC currents,
and , into two-phase DC currents,and which are used as
current feedback at summers 198 and 200.
[0061] The difference between the current command and the current
feedback drives the current controller 190 to generate the voltage commands,
and which are also DC quantities. At summers 202 and 204,
feedforward terms (or decoupling voltages) and are used to
decouple the voltage induced by the flux inside the motor at the output of the
current controller 190. The feedforward terms are calculated from the flux
table, and , as

[0062] Although the commanded currents may be used in Equations 3
and 4, the decoupling voltages calculated using the commanded currents may
result in oscillatory current control response at high speed operation.
[0063] As mentioned earlier, three-phase AC voltage is usually used to
drive the motor, so an inverse-rotational transform (e.g., synchronous to
stationary frames) from and to and with respect to the rotor

position is performed by rotational transformation block 192. These two-
phase AC voltage commands, and , are then transformed into three-
phase AC quantities by the inverter 34.
[0064] As described above, the position and speed estimator 62 uses the
outputs of rotational transformation block 192 and the phase conversion block
196 to estimate the flux and the BEMF.
[0065] FIG. 14 graphically illustrates the root locus of a prior art
sensorless motor control system as the motor speed changes. As shown, some
of the poles 206 lie to the right of the imaginary axis (vertical axis), which
results in system instability as the motor speed increases. In prior art systems,
it is sometimes necessary to place the poles of the flux observer and the
current controller to be moved toward the left side in order to avoid such
unstable poles as the motor speed increases.
[0066] FIG. 15 graphically illustrates the root locus of a sensorless motor
control system according to an embodiment of the present invention at the
same operating speed as that of FIG. 14. The poles 208 move according to the
operating speed (shown between 10,000 and 120,000 r/min) but do not cross
the imaginary axis even at 120,000 r/min. Therefore, the stability of the
system is improved. Additionally, the locations of the poles is nearly
unaffected by the operating speed. Thus, it is possible to increase the
bandwidth over the wide range of the operating speed without losing the
stability, which further improves performance of the sensorless control
[0067] Other embodiments may utilize the method and system described
above in implementations other than automobiles, such as watercraft and
aircraft. The electric motor and the power inverter may have different
numbers of phases, such as two or four. Other forms of power sources may be
used, such as current sources and loads including diode rectifiers, thyristor
converters, fuel cells, inductors, capacitors, and/or any combination thereof.
[0068] While at least one exemplary embodiment has been presented in
the foregoing detailed description, it should be appreciated that a vast number

of variations exist. It should also be appreciated that the exemplary
embodiment or exemplary embodiments are only examples, and are not
intended to limit the scope, applicability, or configuration of the invention in
any way. Rather, the foregoing detailed description will provide those skilled
in the art with a convenient road map for implementing the exemplary
embodiment or exemplary embodiments. It should be understood that various
changes can be made in the function and arrangement of elements without
departing from the scope of the invention as set forth in the appended claims
and the legal equivalents thereof.

What is claimed is:
1. A method for controlling an electric motor comprising:
providing a signal comprising at least first and second cycles to the
electric motor;
calculating a first flux value for the electric motor associated with the
first cycle of the signal; and
calculating a second flux value based on the first flux value for the
electric motor associated with the second cycle of the signal.
2. The method of claim 1, further comprising measuring a current
flowing through the electric motor during the second cycle and wherein the
calculating of the second flux value is further based on the measured current
flowing through the motor during the second cycle.
3. The method of claim 2, wherein the first cycle occurs before the
second cycle.
4. The method of claim 3, wherein the first and second flux values each
comprise a flux linkage, a back electromotive force (BEMF) generated by the
motor, or a combination of the flux linkage and the BEMF.
5. The method of claim 4, wherein the signal comprises a third cycle.
6. The method of claim 5, further comprising measuring a current
flowing through the electric motor during the third cycle and wherein the
calculating of the second flux value is further based on the measured current
flowing through the motor during the third cycle.

7. The method of claim 6, wherein the third cycle occurs before the first
8. The method of claim 7, wherein the calculating of the first flux value
comprises measuring a current flowing through the electric motor during the
first cycle.
9. The method of claim 8, wherein the calculating of the second flux
value comprises determining a voltage associated with the measured current
flowing through the electric motor during the third cycle.
10. The method of claim 9, wherein the first cycle of the signal occurs
before the second cycle of the signal and the third cycle of the signal occurs
before the first cycle of the signal.
11. A method for controlling an automotive electric motor having a
winding comprising:
providing a signal comprising first and second cycles to the electric
determining a winding flux error based on a measured winding flux
and an estimated winding flux; and
calculating a first flux value of the electric motor based on the
winding flux error, the first flux value comprising a flux linkage, a back
electromotive force (BEMF) generated by the motor, or a combination of the
flux linkage and the BEMF.
12. The method of claim 11, wherein the first flux value is associated
with the first cycle of the signal and further comprising calculating a second
flux value for the electric motor associated with the second cycle of the signal
based on the first flux value, the second flux value comprising the flux
linkage, the BEMF generated by the motor, or a combination of the flux
linkage and the BEMF.

13. The method of claim 12, wherein the signal further comprises a third
cycle, further comprising measuring a current flowing through the electric
motor during the third cycle, and wherein the calculating the second flux value
is further based on the measured current flowing through the electric motor
during the third cycle.
14. The method of claim 13, wherein the first cycle of the PWM signal
occurs before the second cycle of the PWM signal and the third cycle of the
PWM signal occurs before the first cycle of the PWM signal.
15. The method of claim 14, wherein the calculating of the first flux
value comprises measuring a current flowing through the electric motor during
the first cycle of the PWM signal and the calculating of the second flux value
comprises determining a voltage associated with the measured current flowing
through the electric motor during the third cycle of the PWM cycle
16. An automotive drive system comprising:
an electric motor;
a direct current (DC) power supply coupled to the electric motor;
a power inverter coupled to the electric motor and the DC power
supply to receive DC power from the DC power supply and provide
alternating current (AC) power to the electric motor; and
a processor in operable communication with the electric motor, the
DC power supply, and the power inverter, the processor being configured to:
provide a signal comprising at least first and second cycles to
the electric motor;
calculate a first flux value for the electric motor associated with
the first cycle of the signal; and
calculate a second flux value for the electric motor associated
with the second cycle of the signal based on the first
flux value.

17. The automotive drive system of claim 16, wherein the first and
second flux values each comprise a flux linkage, a back electromotive force
(BEMF) generated by the motor, or a combination of the flux linkage and the
18. The automotive drive system of claim 17, wherein the signal
comprises a third cycle and the processor is further configured to measure a
current flowing through the electric motor during the third cycle and wherein
the calculating of the second flux value is further based on the measured
current flowing through the electric motor during the third cycle.
19. The automotive drive system of claim 18, wherein the processor is
further configured to measure a current flowing through the electric motor
during the second cycle and wherein the calculating of the second flux value is
further based on the measured current flowing through the motor during the
second cycle.
20. The automotive drive system of claim 19, wherein the signal is a
pulse width modulation (PWM) signal and wherein the first cycle of the PWM
signal occurs before the second cycle of the PWM signal and the third cycle of
the PWM signal occurs before the first cycle of the PWM signal.

Methods and systems for controlling an electric motor are provided.
A signal comprising at least first and second cycles is provided to the electric
motor. A first flux value for the electric motor associated with the first cycle
of the signal is calculated. A second flux value for the electric motor
associated with the second cycle of the signal is calculated based on the first
flux value.


Patent Number 264441
Indian Patent Application Number 1968/KOL/2008
PG Journal Number 01/2015
Publication Date 02-Jan-2015
Grant Date 29-Dec-2014
Date of Filing 06-Nov-2008
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H02P21/06;H02P27/04
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 11/947,501 2007-11-29 U.S.A.