Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to a method of preparing a cross-linked polysaccharide chromatography matrix, which comprises to provide an aqueous solution of a gellable polysaccharide, wherein part of the hydroxyl groups are substituted with groups which are not susceptible to nucleophilic attack; to provide essentially spherical droplets of the substituted polysaccharide solution; to form a gel of the substituted polysaccharide solution; and to cross-link the gel. The invention also encompasses a chro­matography column packed with a matrix so prepared as well as use thereof in e.g. protein purification.
Technical field
The present invention relates to separation and purification of target compounds, such as biomolecules, and more specifically to a chromatography matrix and a novel method for preparing the same. The invention also encompasses the use of such a matrix in liquid chromatography, and a chromatography column packed with the matrix.
The recent advances in the field of biotechnology have required faster and more accurate techniques for recovery, purification and analysis of biological and biochemical sub­stances, such as proteins. Electrophoresis and chromatography are two commonly used such techniques.
In electrophoresis, charged particles are separated by migration in an electric field. More specifically, a sample is placed on a soft solid support medium, such as an agarose or polyacrylamide gel slab, which in turn is placed between two electrodes, a positively charged anode and a negatively charged cathode. As the current is switched on, each component of the sample will migrate at a characteristic rate determined by its net charge and its molecular weight. One essential property of a well working electrophore­sis gel is its melting point, which affects the ability to extract the migrated target com­pounds from separate gel spots. Thus, a low melting point gel is commonly advanta­geous. Native agarose is commonly used in electrophoresis gels, but they have been noted to involve some problems. For example, even though the coarse pore structure of the native agarose is excellent for resolving large macromolecules, for smaller molecules smaller molecular weight agarose must be prepared. This is commonly obtained by in­creasing the agarose content of the gel, which however produces high viscosities in the solutions rendering casting of gels thereof difficult. To overcome such problems and others, modified agarose has been suggested for electrophoresis gels:
Electrophoresis is discussed in US 3,956,273 (Guiseley), which relates to agarose or agar compounds useful for electrophoresis or diffusive interactions, but also as thicken­ers. The compounds have been modified with alkyl and alkenyl groups in order to lower their gelling and melting temperatures, and to increase their clarity as compared to the unmodified material. More specifically, the agar or agarose is first dissolved in strong alkali, after which a suitable reagent is added to provide the modification. A difunctional agent such as epichlorohydrin may be used, but only under conditions which prevent cross-linking.
Electrophore.sis is also discussed in US 5,143,646 (Nochumson et al), which relates to electrophoretic resolving gel compositions comprising polysaccharide hydrogels, such as agarose, which has been derivatised and depolymerised sufficiently to reduce its casting-effective viscosity. The disclosed compositions do not require any cross-linking or po­lymerising agents.
Further, US 5,541,255 (Kozulic) relates to gels for electrophoresis, and more specifically to cross-linked linear polysaccharide polymers. The gels are formed by dissolving a polysaccharide in a solvent such as water; adding a cross-linking agent, which is not charged nor which becomes charged upon contact with water; and incubating the mix­ture in a quiescent state to simultaneously react the polysaccharide and the cross-linking agent and to gel the product into a slab. According to US 5,541,255, the prior art elec­trophoresis gels could be redissolved by water,, while the US 5,541,255 invention pro­vides a gel which is water insoluble. These properties are obtained due to the simultane­ous cross-linking and gelation, and also due to the high ratio of cross-linker to polysac­charide.
In chromatography, two mutually immiscible phases are brought into contact. More spe­cifically, the target compound is introduced into a mobile phase, which is contacted with a stationary phase. The target compound will then undergo a series of interactions be­tween the stationary and mobile phases as it is being carried through the system by the mobile phase. The interactions exploit differences in the physical or chemical properties
of the components in the sample. In liquid chromatography, a liquid sample, optionally combined with a suitable buffer constitutes the mobile phase, which is contacted with a stationary phase, known as a separation matrix. Usually, the matrix comprises a support to which ligands, which are groups capable of interaction with the target, have been cou­pled.
Separation matrices are commonly based on supports made from inorganic materials, such as silica, or organic materials, such as synthetic or natural polymers, or the like. The synthetic polymers, such as styrene and divinylbenzene, are often used for supports that exhibit some hydrophobicity, such as size exclusion chromatography, hydrophobic inter­action chromatography (HIC) and reverse phase chromatography (RFC). Further, the synthetic polymers are sometimes preferred over natural polymers due to their flow properties, which may be more advantageous since synthetic polymers are often more rigid and pressure-resistant than the commonly used natural polymer supports.
The natural polymers, which are commonly polysaccharides such as agarose, have been utilised as supports of separation matrices for decades. Due to the presence of hydroxyl groups, the surfaces of the natural polymers are usually hydrophilic, giving essentially no non-specific interactions with proteins. Another advantage of the natural polymers, which is of specific importance in the purification of drugs or diagnostic molecules for internal human use, is their non-toxic properties. Agarose can be dissolved in water at increased temperature, and will then form a porous gel upon cooling to a certain tem­perature (the gelling point). On heating, the gel will melt again at a temperature (the melting point), which is usually considerably higher than the gelation point. The gelation involves helix-helix aggregation of the polysaccharide polymers, and is sometimes re­ferred to as a physical cross-linking. To optimise the target mass transport rate and the area with which the target interacts, it is often desired to increase the porosity of the sup­port, which can be achieved by varying the agarose concentration. However, another es­sential parameter to consider is the flow properties of the support. The matrix is normally used in the form of a packed bed of particles (spherical or non-spherical). When the mo­bile phase is forced through the bed, the back pressure of the bed will mainly be con-
trolled by the interstitial channels between the particles. At low flow rates, the particles can be regarded as incompressible and then the back pressure increases linearly with the flow rate, with the slope depending on the particle size. At higher flow rates, the parti­cles may start to deform under the hydrostatic pressure, resulting in diminishing diame­ters of the interstitial channels and a rapidly increasing back pressure. At a certain flow rate, depending on the rigidity of the matrix, the bed will collapse and the back pressure approaches infinity unless it is switched off automatically by the chromatography sys­tem. To improve the rigidity and hence the flow properties of agarose, it is frequently cross-linked. Such cross-linking takes place between available hydroxyl groups, and may be obtained e.g. with epichlorohydrin.
US 4,973,683 (Lindgren) relates to the cross-linking of porous polysaccharide gels, and more specifically to a method of improving the rigidity while minimising the non­specific interaction of a porous polysaccharide gel. The method involves providing an agarose gel and a reagent denoted "monoftmctional", which comprises a reactive group, such as a halogen group or an epoxide group, and a double bond. The reagent is bound to the gel via its reactive group; and the double bond is then activated into an epoxide or halohydrin, which is finally reacted with hydroxyl groups on the agarose to provide cross-linking.
US 5,135,650 (Hjerten et al) relates to highly compressible chromatographic stationary phase particles, such as agarose beads, which are sufficiently rigid for HPLC and non-porous to the extent that it is impenetrable by solutes. More specifically, such beads are produced by starting from porous agarose beads, which are contacted with an organic solvent to collapse the porosity, after which the bead surfaces inside the collapsed pores are cross-linked to fix the pores in their collapsed state. Alternatively, the beads are pro­duced by filling the pores with a polymerisable substance, which grafts to the pore sur­faces, and performing graft polymerisation. One stated advantage of the invention dis­closed is that a single stationary phase is effective at high pressures and yet can be used at low pressures.
US 6,602,990 (Berg) relates to a process for the production of a porous cross-linked polysaccharide gel, wherein a bifunctional cross-linking agent is added to a solution of polysaccharide and allowed to bind via its active site to the hydroxyl groups of the poly­saccharide. A polysaccharide gel is then formed from the solution, after which the inac­tive site of the cross-linking agent is activated and cross-linking of the gel performed. Thus, the cross-linking agent is introduced into the polysaccharide solution, contrary to the above discussed methods wherein it is added to a polysaccharide gel. The bifunc­tional cross-linking agent comprises one active site, i.e. a site capable of reaction with hydroxyl groups of the polysaccharide, such as halides and epoxides, and one inactive site, i.e. a group which does not react under the conditions where the active site reacts, such as allyl groups. Thus, the present bifunctional cross-linking agent corresponds to the "monofunctional reagents" used according to the above-discussed US 4,973,683 (Lindgren). Particles comprised of the resulting gel have been shown to present an im­proved capability of withstanding high flow rates and back pressures. A drawback with the US 6,602,990 method is that bromine is required for the activation of the cross-linking agent.
Finally, US 5,998,606 (Grandics) relates to a method of synthesising chromatography media, wherein cross-linking and functionalisation of a matrix takes place simultane­ously. More specifically, double bonds provided at the surface of a polymeric carbohy­drate matrix are activated in the presence of a metallic catalyst to cross-link the matrix and functionalise it with halohydrin, carboxyl or sulphonate groups. The double bonds are provided at the matrix surface by contact with an activating reagent, which contains a halogen atom or epoxide and a double bond. Thus, the US 5,998,606 activating reagent corresponds to the US 4,973,683 monofunctional reagent and the US 6,602,990 bifunc­tional cross-linking agent.
Thus, even though there are a number of techniques available for producing cross-linked polysaccharide separation matrices, since different applications will put different re­quirements on the matrix, there is still a need within this field of alternative methods.
Brief description of the invention
In one aspect of the present invention, a method is provided for preparing a rigid cross-linked polysaccharide chromatography matrix.
In another aspect of the invention, a method is provided for preparing a highly porous cross-linked polysaccharide chromatography matrix.
In a specific aspect of the invention, a method is provided for preparing a rigid cross-linked polysaccharide chromatography matrix, which method utilises different materials and/or starting materials. In a specific.aspect, a method is provided wherein the use of halogens such as bromine is avoided.
In yet another aspect of the invention, a chromatography matrix is provided, which is comprised of cross-linked polysaccharide particles and which can withstand high flow rates and/or back pressures.
Furthermore, in an additional aspect, a disposable system comprising a cross-linked polysaccharide matrix is provided. The disposable system according to the invention, which comprises a chromatography column packed with particles or a membrane, is sub­stantially sterile and may comprise the details required for integration into a process.
These and other objects may be achieved as defined in the appended claims. Other ob­jects and advantages of the present invention will appear from the detailed description that follows.
The term separation "matrix" means herein a material comprised of a porous or non-porous solid support, to which ligands have been attached. In the field of chromatogra­phy, the matrix is sometimes denoted resin or media.
The term "target compound" means herein any compound or other entity which is the desired target in a process.
The term "ligands" is used herein in its conventional meaning, i.e. for chemical entities which are capable of interacting with a target compound, such as charged groups capa­ble of interacting with an oppositely charged target compound in an ion-exchange proc­ess.
Kav is a gel filtration (size exclusion chromatography) parameter defined as (Ve-Vo)/(Vt-V), where Ve is the elution volume of the test molecule peak, V0 is the void volume of the column and Vt is the total bed volume. Kav is a measure of the fraction of the station­ary phase volume accessible to the particular test molecule.
Kav dx is kav for dextran molecules. In the examples, dextrans of molecular weight 110 kD, 500 kD and 1000 kD have been used.
The term "gelling point", sometimes herein denoted the "gelling temperature" means the temperature at which the polymers of a solution interacts physically to form a solid gel. The term "gellable" means herein capable of forming a physical gel. The term "cross-linker" as used herein encompasses chemical entities capable of form­ing cross-linking chains between polymers; as well as agents capable of providing cross-linking of polymer chains in the presence of the appropriate reagents, such as gamma-irradiation and electron bombardment.
The term "substantially sterile" means herein that substantially no viable microorgan­isms are present.
The term "sterilization" means herein the process of making an object free of viable mi­croorganisms.
Detailed description of the invention
In a first aspect, the present invention relates to a method of preparing a cross-linked
polysaccharide chromatography matrix, which method comprises
providing an aqueous solution of at least one gellable polysaccharide,
wherein at least part of the hydroxyl groups are substituted with groups
which are not susceptible to nucleophilic attack;
providing essentially spherical droplets of the substituted polysaccharide
forming a gel of the substituted polysaccharide solution; and
cross-linking the gel.
In a specific embodiment, the method comprises
providing an aqueous solution of at least one gellable polysaccharide and
substituting at least part of the hydroxyl groups of the polysaccharide in
the aqueous solution with groups which are not susceptible to nucleophilic
providing essentially spherical droplets of the substituted polysaccharide
forming a gel of the substituted polysaccharide solution; and
cross-linking the gel.
In the method above, "not susceptible to nucleophilic attack" refers to the properties of the groups obtained on the polysaccharide after substitution.
Thus, in the first embodiment, the starting material is pre-substituted polysaccharide, while in the specific embodiment; the invention also comprises the steps of substituting hydroxyl groups of the polysaccharide. As the skilled person knows, available hydroxyl groups are present on all surfaces of the polysaccharide, and accordingly the substituents will be present on pore surfaces as well as on the external surfaces of the matrix. More specifically, the polysaccharide provided has been substituted with groups which are not susceptible to nucleophilic attacks. Consequently, such groups are not reactive with hy­droxyl groups, and are therefore sometimes herein denoted "non-reactive groups" or simply substituents. The opposite kind of groups, i.e. groups which are "reactive" in the present context, are electrophilic groups or groups that are easily converted to electro-philic groups, such as e.g. allyl groups (easily epoxidised), epoxides, halohydrins, a,p-unsaturated carbonyls, which are all readily reactive with hydroxyl groups. By using non-reactive groups, the stability of the substituted polymer is improved and it is easier to control the subsequent cross-linking step. The part of the hydroxyl groups which are substituted in the polysaccharide according to the present invention is about 10%, such
as about 5% and more specifically about 2%. Thus, in one embodiment, the part of the hydroxyl groups which is substituted is in a range of 1-20%, such as 2-10% and more specifically 2-5%.
In one. embodiment of the present method, the non-reactive substituents are selected from the group consisting of ethers; esters; amides; andxantates. In one embodiment, the substituents present on the polysaccharide are ethers, such as alkyl ethers, e.g. methyl, ethyl, propyl, and butyl ethers; hydroxyl ethers, such as hydroxypropyl and hy-droxybutyl ethers; glycerol; oligoglycerol; oligoethylene glycol or polyethers of any one of the above mentioned others. In an advantageous embodiment, part of the hydroxyl groups of the polysaccharide is substituted with hydroxyethyl ether groups.
In another embodiment, the non-reactive substituents present on the polysaccharide are esters, such as alkyl esters and hydroxyl alkyl esters.
In yet another embodiment, the non-reactive substituents present on the polysaccharide are amides, such as carbamides or carbamide derivatives.
In a further embodiment, the non-reactive substituents present on the polysaccharide are xanthate salts or xanthate esters.
Pre-substitutedpolysaccharides are commercially available e.g. from Cambrex Biopro-ducts, USA. In the best embodiment of the invention, the substituted polysaccharide is hydroxyethyl agarose. Methods of modifying polysaccharides are readily available to those of skill in this field; see e.g. US 3,956,273, which relates to electrophoresis gels comprised of such substituted polysaccharides. As discussed in US 3,956,273, the sub­stitution of the polysaccharide lowers its gelling temperature, which would have been expected to disturb the pore structure of the product and which obviously is a sign of a weaker binding. However, the present invention shows the contrary, as the chromatog-raphy matrices prepared according to the invention exhibits improved flow properties as
compared to the corresponding cross-linked product made from non-substituted polysac-charide, see experimental part below.
The cross-linking of the gel so obtained may be carried out according to any well known method in the field, such as by adding a cross-linking agent which reacts with hydroxyl groups of the polysaccharide.
In a first embodiment, the cross-Unking is a well known two step process using a cross-linking agent comprising one reactive group, such as an epoxide, and one group which is activatable, such as an allyl group,.as described e.g. in see e.g. in the above-discussed US 4,973,683.
In an alternative embodiment, the cross-linking is provided in a single step by adding a cross-linking agent which comprises two reactive groups. Thus, in this embodiment, there is no need to activate the cross-linking agent.
Examples of commonly used cross-linking agents useful as described above comprise e.g. isocyanates, epoxides, methylol compounds, halohydrins, alkyl halogenides or Mi­chael addition acceptors (such as vinylsulfones). Cross-linking agents which are useful in the present method are readily available from commercial sources.
As is well known, gamma-irradiation or electron-bombardment may be used to activate activatable groups of a cross-linking agent In a specific embodiment, gamma-irradiation or electron-bombardment is used to provide cross-linking of the polysaccharide poly­mers.
In one embodiment, the non-reactive substituents i.e. groups that are not susceptible of nucleophilic attack are cleaved off after cross-linking. It is understood that the way of cleaving off such groups will depend on the nature of the group, and the skilled person in this field can easily select the suitable conditions for each case. In an advantageous embodiment, the non-reactive substituents are ester groups which are subsequently
cleaved off by hydrolysis. Available hydroxyl groups of the polysaccharide are then fur­ther functionalised to the desired kind of chromatography matrix, as discussed below.
However, even though the main role of the non-reactive substituents of the polysaccha­ride in the present method is to allow the polysaccharide solution to form the specific cross-linked gel that presents the improved flow properties shown in the experimental part, they can also be used for further functionalisation. In an advantageous embodiment, both the non-reactive substituents and any remaining non-substituted hydroxyl groups are functionalised. Such functionalisation may be provided with charged groups into an ion-exchange matrix; with groups that exhibits biological affinity into an affinity matrix; with chelating groups into an immobilised metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) ma­trix; or with hydrophobic groups into a hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) matrix. In a specific embodiment, the functional groups are ion-exchange ligands se­lected from the group that consists of quaternary ammonium (Q), diethylaminoethyl (DEAE), diethylaminopropyl (ANX), sulphopropyl (SP), and carboxymethyl (CM) groups. Thus, in an alternative embodiment, the non-reactive substituents are used in a subsequent step for attachment of chromatography ligands. In this embodiment, the sub­stituents are advantageously ether groups. Methods for attachment of such functional groups to a support are well known to the skilled person in this field and may involve a preceding step of allylation of the substituent and use of standard reagents and condi­tions. (See e.g. Immobilized Affinity Ligand Techniques, Hermanson et al, Greg T. Hermanson, A. Krishna Mallia and Paul K. Smith, Academic Press, INC, 1992.) In a specific embodiment, the non-reactive substituents constitute the ligands, e.g. by provid­ing hydrophobic interactions with a target substance. In such HIC chromatography, an illustrative substituent would be alkyl ether groups.
In a specific embodiment, groups that distance the ligands from the gel surface are cou­pled to the polysaccharide in a step preceding the above-discussed ligand coupling. Such distancing groups are known as extenders, flexible arms, tentacles etc, and may be linear or branched. A commonly used hydropbilic extender suitable for polysaccharide-based matrices is dextran, which is commercially available in various molecular weights. Other
kinds of extenders are based on synthetic polymers or copolymers. The skilled person can easily attach ligands via extenders to the present chromatography matrix using well known methods. Further, the chromatography matrix may comprise stimulus-responsive polymers, which are polymers known to undergo a physical or chemical change under a physical stimulus such as light, a magnetic field, temperature, pH etc, see e.g. US 6,641,735 (Japan Chemical Innovation Institute). As is well known, such changes may be utilised to affect or improve the binding of and/or release from ligands.
Further, it is well known in this field that the gelling point of a polysaccharide may be modified by adding functionalities to the polysaccharide polymers. Thus, in a specific embodiment, the non-reactive substituents of the polysaccharide are functionalised in order to change the gelling point of the polysaccharide. The ftmctionalisation may add any well known group(s), such as discussed above. Any of, or both the non-reactive sub­stituents and any remaining non-substituted hydroxyl groups, may be functionalised to this end. The present invention embraces any novel form of polysaccharide gel, such as agarose, obtained by the modification according to the invention.
The polysaccharide may be selected from the group that consists of agarose, agar, cellu­lose, dextran, pectin, starch, chitosan, konjac, curdlan, carrageenan, gellan, and alginate. In an advantageous embodiment of the present method, the polysaccharide is agarose. In this context, it is understood that the term "agarose" embraces any derivative or modi­fied agarose that is capable of providing the improved rigidity gel obtained according to the invention. In a specific embodiment, the present method utilises a mixture of two or more of the above-exemplified polysaccharides.
In a specific embodiment, the melting and/or gelling temperature of the polysaccharide is at least about 1°C lower than the corresponding non-substituted polysaccharide.
Another aspect of the present invention is a method of preparing a cross-linked polysac­charide chromatography matrix, which method comprises
providing an aqueous solution of at least one gellable polysaccharide, wherein
part of the hydroxyl groups are allylated;
providing essentially spherical droplets of the substituted polysaccharide solu­
forming a gel of the substituted polysaccharide solution; and
cross-linking the gel, during which the allyl groups of step (a) do not partici­
Thus, as understood by the skilled person in this field, the cross-linking is provided by utilising hydroxyl groups which are not allylated in step (a), preferably by reaction with an appropriate cross-linking agent as discussed above. Thus, the term "part of the hy­droxyl groups is understood in this context to mean "some but not all". The above-discussed cross-linking methods are equally applicable to this embodiment. By perform­ing step (d) as the only cross-linking of the gel, a chromatography matrix is obtained which present the herein discussed advantages of improved rigidity compared to conven­tionally cross-linked matrices.
Accordingly, this aspect differs from the above discussed US 6,602,990 (Berg), wherein a bifunctional cross-linking agent is added to a solution of polysaccharide and allowed to bind via its active site to the hydroxyl groups of the polysaccharide. As appears from US 6,602,990, said bifunctional cross-linking agents are e.g. allyl groups.
However, according to this aspect of the present invention, the allyl groups added before gelling are not used in the cross-linking of the gel. Instead, they are advantageously con­verted to hydrophilic groups, such as hydroxyl groups, after cross-linking. Thus, the al­lyl groups may be eliminated after the cross-linking in a separate step, e.g. by reaction with thioglycerol or mercaptoethanol into hydroxyl groups. Such reaction is an addition under free radical conditions, which is a well known reaction easily performed by the skilled person in this field.
In an alternative embodiment, the allyl groups provided on the polysaccharides before gelling, which are not utilised in subsequent cross-linking, may be functionalised as dis­cussed above in the context of the non-reactive substituents.
In a specific embodiment of the method according to the invention, in addition to the allyl groups, the gellable polysaccharide comprises hydroxyl groups substituted with groups which are not susceptible to nucleophilic attack.
Thus, the common general concept of the present invention is that groups are added to the polysaccharide before droplet formation and gelling, which added groups provide a final product with properties different from a corresponding product, prepared without adding such groups. As appears from the aspects above, such groups are either groups which are not susceptible to nucleophilic attacks; allyl groups; or a combination thereof.
In one embodiment of the present method, the chromatography matrix is comprised of porous, essentially spherical particles. The average particle size of the particles may be in a range of 10-300 jim, preferably 30-200 um or more preferably 45-165 |j,m, such as about 45 um, in diameter. Such porous polysaccharide supports are easily prepared by the skilled person in this field according to standard methods, such as inverse suspension gelation (S Hjerten: Biochim Biophys Acta 79(2), 393-398 (1964). For example, when preparing agarose, the essentially spherical droplets of polysaccharide solution are ob­tained by first dissolving or dispersing the agarose in an aqueous solvent, such as water, or any other commonly used solvent, at a temperature above the melting point of the specific polysaccharide. If required, a porogen may be added to ensure the desired po­rosity of the product. In the case of a non-substituted polysaccharide, it is then substi­tuted as discussed above. The dissolved substituted polysaccharide is then emulsified in a commonly used organic solvent such as toluene or heptane with stirring, after which the temperature is lowered to below the gelling point of the polysaccharide, such as room temperature. The particles so produced may be washed to remove any trace of sol­vent and cross-linked as discussed above. Thus, in one embodiment of the present method, the dissolved substituted polysaccharide is emulsified in an organic solvent. In
an alternative embodiment, the essentially spherical droplets of polysaccharide solution are obtained by spraying a composition of a thermally-gelling polymer in an aqueous medium into ambient air and allowing the atomised composition to gel in the air, as dis­closed in US 6,248,268 (FMC Corporation), which is hereby incorporated herein via reference. In a specific embodiment, the aqueous solution of polysaccharide is provided by heating and the gel is formed by reducing the temperature.
In one embodiment of the present method, a porogen is added before gelation to provide a suitable pore size. Suitable porogens are well known to the skilled person in this field. In this context, the present chromatography matrix may exhibit a porosity of at least about 90%, such as about 94% and more specifically about 96%.
The present invention also encompasses a method of providing a substantially sterile column packed with a cross-linked polysaccharide chromatography matrix. More spe­cifically, the present method comprises
providing an aqueous solution of at least one gellable polysaccharide;
providing essentially spherical droplets of the substituted polysaccharide
forming a gel of the substituted polysaccharide solution;
cross-linking the gel;
packing the cross-linked gel in a chromatography column; and
sterilizing the packed column by radiation; steam; or autoclavation.
In a specific embodiment, the method according to the invention comprises a step, wherein the cross-linked chromatography matrix obtained according to the present in­vention is packed in a chromatography column, In one embodiment, the packed column is then subjected to sterilization. In an alternative embodiment, the present method com­prises separate sterilization of the polysaccharide chromatography matrix and aseptic assembly into a sterile packed column. The chromatography column according to this aspect is of a kind commonly known as a disposable column or sometimes "single use chromatography column", and is especially advantageous for medical and/or diagnostic
products. In this context, it is understood that the term "single use" means one or a lim­ited number of uses, such as 1-3 uses.
In an alternative embodiment, in the method according to the invention, step (b) has been replaced by a step of providing a polysaccharide membrane. In a specific embodi­ment, the membrane is sterilized, and suitable for single use chromatography.
A second aspect of the invention is a chromatography matrix produced as described above. In one embodiment, the chromatography matrix is comprised of essentially spherical particles and exhibits a Kav value for a dextran of 1 lOkDa of at least about 0.4, preferably >0.5.
In another embodiment, the chromatography matrix comprises a membrane or filter. In yet another embodiment, the chromatogfaphy matrix comprises a monolith. In further embodiments, the chromatography matrix comprises a surface, a chip, a fibre or the like.
In a specific aspect, the chromatography matrix according to the invention has-been pre­pared according to steps (a)-(f) above.
A third aspect of the invention is a chromatography column packed with a matrix pre­pared as described above. In an advantageous embodiment, the column is made from any conventional material, such as a biocompatible plastic, e.g. polypropylene, or glass. The column may be of a size suitable for laboratory scale or large-scale purification. In a specific embodiment, the column according to the invention is provided with luer adap­tors, tubing connectors, and domed nuts. Thus, the present invention also encompasses a kit comprised of a chromatography column packed with a chromatography matrix as described above; at least one buffer; and written instructions for purification of target compounds; in separate compartments. The invention also encompasses the present chromatography matrix contained in any other format, such as a fluidised bed of parti­cles in a column or vessel; in batch vessels; or applied onto a surface, such as a mem­brane or a chip.
As appears from the above, in one embodiment, the method according to the invention results in a substantially sterile packed chromatography column. Thus, a specific em­bodiment of the present chromatography column is a disposable or single-use format, which is substantially sterile. Sterile, or substantially sterile, formats are especially ad­vantageous for processes in the medical industry, such as the purification of a drug, where purity is crucial.
A further embodiment is a kit comprising the chromatography column according to the invention. The kit may comprise a packed chromatography column; tubings; and buffers. The kit may be provided in a substantially sterile form, wherein the parts may be pre-assembled.
The target compounds may be any biological compound selected from the group consist­ing of peptides; proteins, such as receptors and antibodies; nucleic acids, such as DNA, e.g. plasmids, RNA and oligonucleotides; virus; prions; cells, such as prokaryotic or eu-karyotic cells; carbohydrates; and other organic molecules, such as drag candidates. In a specific embodiment, the target compound is a diagnostic marker. Thus, target com­pounds purified using the present chromatography matrix may e.g. be medical com­pounds, such as protein and antibody drags; diagnostic compounds, such as antigens or diagnostic antibodies; and cells for use in therapy, such as stem cells.
A last aspect of the present invention is the use of a chromatography matrix prepared as described above to purify, isolate or remove one or more target compounds from a liq­uid. Thus, this aspect is a method of liquid chromatography, as discussed above, and involves adsorbing a target compound to the chromatography matrix according to the invention and optionally a subsequent step of selective desorption of the target, com­monly known as gradient elution. If required, one or more washing steps are provided between the adsorption and elution. Alternatively, the present use is for retardation of a target compound, in which case the target compound(s) are selectively retarded on the column, as compared to other components. In this case, there is no need of an elution step to release the target, unless the column is to be regenerated for additional use.
As is well known in the field of chromatography, pressure drop across packed beds can be a significant problem especially in the operation of large-scale preparative chroma­tography columns. Factors such as the shape and aspect ratio of a packed bed; and also the flow properties of the chromatography matrix will affect the pressure drop. The pre­sent invention has shown that an agarose chromatography matrix prepared according to the invention allows substantially increased flow rates than a corresponding matrix pre­pared according to standard methods. Thus, in one embodiment of the present use, a liq­uid flow of at least about 300 cm/h is applied to a matrix comprised of essentially spherical particles that exhibit a Kav of at least about 0.4 for dextran of molecular weight HOkD.
A further aspect of the invention is the use of the present chromatography matrix for purification and/or isolation of target compounds for use in the food industry. Thus, the use may e.g. comprise the purification of milk proteins from whey. An advantage of us­ing the present chromatography matrix as compared to conventional chromatography matrices is the improved rigidity of the present matrix, which allows handling of the large volumes which are commonly needed at economical flow rates and hence costs.
Finally, another specific use of the chromatography matrix obtained according to the invention is to remove small amounts of contaminants such as virus or prions from a process fluid. In this embodiment, the chromatography matrix may be particles or a membrane, preferable of single use kind to allow safe disposal of the contaminants with the used matrix.
Finally, in one embodiment, the matrix prepared according to the present method is used as support in cell culture. In an advantageous embodiment, said support is in the form of essentially spherical carrier particles, which are either suitable for suspension culture of for immobilisation to a surface. Such cultured cells may be used e.g. as a medical sub­stance in cell therapy treatment schemes. A further use of the matrix is for immobilisa­tion of enzymes to produce a biocatalyst.
The present examples are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not to be con­strued as limiting the present invention as defined by the appended claims. All refer­ences given below and elsewhere in the present specification are hereby included herein by reference.
Materials / Investigated units Epichlorohydrin Sodium borohydride Sodium sulphate
Example 1: Preparation of cross-linked agarose beads
7 g hydroxyethyl agarose (NuSieve™ GTG, Cambrex) was dissolved under stirring in 200 ml distilled water for 30 min in a boiling water bath. The solution was charged to a 1.51 flat-bottomed glass vessel held at 60°C, containing a solution of 2 g triglycerol diisostearate (Prisorine™ 3700, Uniqema) in 300 ml toluene. The stirring rate (40 mm turbine agitator) was 400 rpm during charging and was then increased to 650 rpm for 20 min and to 800 rpm for 20 min. The hydroxyethyl agarose droplets were then gelated by cooling the vessel from 60°C to 20°C during an interval of 30 min. 11 ethanol was added and the vessel content was stirred for 15 min and then left to sediment. The supernatant was decanted and the beads were then washed with ethanol and water on a G3 glass filter funnel. The mode diameter of the recovered beads was 99 um, as measured with a Mal-vern Mastersizer light diffraction instrument.
285 g beads obtained as described above were added to a flask and stirred at 200 rpm with a two-blade agitator. 137 g sodium sulphate was added and dissolved by heating to 50°C with 200 rpm stirring. The stirring was continued for 30 min after the target tem­perature of 50°C had been reached. 10.7 ml 50% NaOH was added, followed by 0.4 g sodium borohydride. 54 ml 50% NaOH and 80 ml epichlorohydrin was then pumped in
over 7 h using Dosimat™ pumps (feed rates: 50% NaOH - 0.129 ml/min, epichloro-hydrin 0.190 ml/min). The reaction mixture was then left under 200 rpm stirring over night at 50°C. Then the gel slurry was neutralised to pH 5.1 using 60% acetic acid and the gel was washed with water on a glass filter. Finally, the beads were sieved between 40 and 160 urn sieves.
Example 2: Preparation of cross-linked agarose beads
Beads comprising substituted agarose in gel form were prepared in accordance with Ex­ample 1.
The beads were then cross-linked according to the same procedure as in Example 1, ex­cept that the temperature throughout was kept at 70"C.
Example 3: Pressure-flow performance
The beads obtained as described above were packed into an HR 5/5 column (Amersham Biosciences, Uppsala, Sweden), which was attached to a P-900 pump (Amersham Bio-sciences, Uppsala, Sweden). A 50% ethanol solution was pumped through the column at an initial flow rate of 0.5 ml/min. The flow rate was increased in steps of 0.5 ml/min every 30 s, until a dramatic back pressure increase was observed. The highest flow rate before the pressure increase was noted as the max flow of the gel in question. The results are presented in Table 1 below.
Example 4: Porosity determination
The beads were packed into a HR10 column, giving a bed height of 15 cm. The column was mounted in an FPLC system with LCC Plus/FPLC Director, a P-500 pump and an MV-7 UV-M detector. Coloured dextran samples (0.1% solutions, 0.2 ml) were injected and eluted isocratically with 0.05 M tris 0.15 M NaCl, pH 8,0 at a flow rate of 0.2 ml/min (15 cm/h). As a reference, a column was packed with Sepharose™ 4FF (Amer­sham Bioscience, Uppsala, Sweden) and evaluated in the same way. The results are pre­sented in Table 1 below.
Table 1

(Table Removed)
*Kav values determined in accordance with Gel Filtration Principles and Methods, Pharmacia LKB Biotechnology 1991 (ISBN 91-97-0490-2-6)
The beads produced according to the present invention have larger pores than the refer­ence agarose matrix Sepharose™ 4FF and allow a considerably higher flow rate.

1. A method of preparing a cross-linked polysaccharide chromatography matrix, which method comprises
providing an aqueous solution of at least one gellable polysaccharide,
wherein at least part of the hydroxyl groups are substituted with groups which
are not susceptible to nucleophilic attack;
providing essentially spherical droplets of the substituted polysaccharide
forming a gel of the substituted polysaccharide solution; and
cross-Unking the gel.
2. A method of preparing a cross-linked polysaccharide chromatography matrix,
which method comprises
providing an aqueous solution of at least one gellable polysaccharide and
substituting at least part of the hydroxyl groups of the polysaccharide in
the aqueous solution with groups that are not susceptible to nucleophilic
providing essentially spherical droplets of the substituted polysaccharide
forming a gel of the substituted polysaccharide solution; and
cross-linking the gel.

A method according to claim 1 or 2, wherein the groups which are not susceptible
to nucleophilic attack are selected from the group consisting of ethers, esters, am­
ides and xantates.
A method of preparing a cross-linked polysaccharide chromatography matrix,
which method comprises

providing an aqueous solution of at least one gellable polysaccharide,
wherein part of the hydroxyl groups are allylated;
providing essentially spherical droplets of the substituted polysaccharide
forming a gel of the substituted polysaccharide solution; and
(d) cross-linking the gel, during which the allyl groups of step (a) do not par­ticipate.
5. A method according to claim 4, wherein the allyl groups of step (a) are converted
or eliminated before step (c).
6. A method according to claim 4 or 5, wherein in addition to the allyl groups, the
gellable polysaccharide comprises hydroxyl groups that have been substituted
with groups which are not susceptible to nucleophilic attack.
7. A method according to claim 6, which comprises the steps defined in any one of
claims 1-3.
8. A method according to any one of the preceding claims, wherein the dissolved
substituted polysaccharide is emulsified in an organic solvent.
A method according to any one of the preceding claims, wherein a porogen is
added before gelling.
A method according to any one of the preceding claims, wherein the aqueous so­
lution of polysaccharide is provided by heating and the gel is formed by reducing
the temperature.
A method according to any one of the preceding claims, wherein the polysaccha­
ride is agarose.
A method according to any one of the preceding claims, wherein the gelling point
of the polysaccharide is at least about 1°C lower than that of the corresponding
non-substituted polysaccharide.
A method according to any one of the preceding claims, wherein the cross-linking
step comprises adding a cross-linking agent.
A method according to any one of the preceding claims, wherein the groups
which are not susceptible to nucleophilic attack are cleaved off after cross-
A method according to claim 14, wherein the groups which are not susceptible to
nucleophilic attack are ester groups cleaved off by hydrolysis.
A method according to any one of the preceding claims, which comprises a sub­
sequent step of attaching chromatography ligands to hydroxyl groups of the
gelled polysaccharide after cross-linking thereof.
A method according to any one of the preceding claims, which comprises a sub­
sequent step of attaching chromatography ligands to allyl groups of the gelled
A method of preparing a substantially sterile cross-linked polysaccharide chroma­
tography matrix, which method comprises

providing an aqueous solution of at least one gellable polysaccharide;
providing essentially spherical droplets of the substituted polysaccharide
forming a gel of the substituted polysaccharide solution;
cross-linking the gel;
packing the cross-linked gel in a chromatography column; and
sterilizing the packed column by radiation; steam; or autoclavation.
19. A method of providing a substantially sterile chromatography column, which
comprises a method according to any one of claims 1-18 followed by packing of
the cross-linked chromatography matrix so obtained in a chromatography column
and subsequent sterilization thereof.
A method according to any one of claims 1-17, wherein step (b) is replaced by a
step of providing a polysaccharide membrane of the substituted polysaccharide
A method of providing a substantially sterile polysaccharide membrane, which
comprises a method according to claim 20 followed by sterilization thereof.
A porous cross-linked polysaccharide chromatography matrix produced as de­
fined in the method according to anyone of the preceding claims and comprised
of essentially spherical particles.
A matrix according to claim 22, wherein in the particles, the Kav for a dextran of
HOkD is at least about 0.5.
A chromatography column packed with a chromatography matrix prepared as de­
fined in.any one of claims 1-18 or as defined in claims 22-23.
Use of a chromatography matrix according to claim 22 or 23 to purify, isolate or
remove a target compound from a liquid.
26. Use according to claim 25, wherein a liquid flow of at least about 300 cm/h is ap­plied to a matrix comprised of essentially spherical particles that exhibit a Kav for a dextran of 1 l0kD is at least about 0.5.






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Patent Number 264448
Indian Patent Application Number 1550/DELNP/2007
PG Journal Number 01/2015
Publication Date 02-Jan-2015
Grant Date 30-Dec-2014
Date of Filing 27-Feb-2007
Applicant Address BJORKGATAN 30,S-751 84 UPPSALA, SWEDEN
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number B01J 20/30
PCT International Application Number PCT/SE2005/001408
PCT International Filing date 2005-09-21
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 0402322-2 2004-09-22 Sweden
2 0403173-8 2004-12-27 Sweden