Title of Invention


Abstract An integrated configuration viewing system for use in a process plant includes a computer readable memory and a plurality of template configuration objects stored on the computer readable memory. Each of the plurality of template configuration objects includes a graphical representation of a physical entity within the process plant, a parameter storage adapted to communicate with the process plant to obtain and store device parameter information associated with the physical entity within the process plant, and a configuration storage adapted to store configuration parameters associated with the physical entity within the process plant. A first routine is stored on the computer readable memory and adapted to be executed on the processor to present a library section on a user interface. The library section is adapted to present depictions of the plurality of template configuration objects to a user via the user interface. A second routine is stored on the computer readable memory and adapted to be executed on the processor to present a configuration area on the user interface: And, a third routine is stored on the computer readable memory and adapted to be executed on the processor to enable a user to select one of the plurality of template configuration objects from the library section and to place the selected template configuration object within the configuration area to create a process configuration module within the configuration area.
[0001] The present disclosure relates generally to configuring a process plant and, more
particularly, to an integrated configuration system for use in a process plant that integrates the
viewing and configuration activities associated with multiple applications used within the
process plant.
[0002] i Process control systems, like those used in chemical, petroleum or other processes,
typically include one or more centralized or decentralized process controllers
communicatively coupled to at least one host or operator workstation and to one or.more
process control and instrumentation devices such as, for example, field d'evices, via analog,
digital or combined analog/digital buses. Field devices, which may be, for example, valves,
valve positioners, switches, transmitters, and sensors (e.g., temperature, pressure, and flow
rate sensors), are located within the process plant environment, and perform functions within
the process such as opening or closing valves, measuring process parameters, increasing or
decreasing fluid flow, etc. Smart field devices such as field devices conforming to the wellknown
FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus (hereinafter "Fieldbus") protocol may also perform
control calculations, alarming functions, and other control functions commonly implemented
within the process controller.
[0003] The process controllers, which are typically located within the process plant
environment, receive signals indicative of process measurements or process variables made
by or associated with the field devices and/or other information pertaining to the field
devices, and execute controller applications. The controller applications implement, for
example, different control modules that make process control decisions, generate control
signals based on the received information, and coordinate with the control modules or blocks
being performed in the field devices such as HART® and Fieldbus field devices. The control
modules in the process controllers send the control signals over the communication lines to
the field devices to thereby control the operation of the process.
[0004] Information from the field devices and the process controllers is typically made
available to one or more other hardware devices such as, for example, operator workstations,
personal computers, handheld devices, data historians, report generators, centralized
databases, etc. to enable an operator to perform desired functions with respect to the process
such as, for example, changing settings of the process control routine, modifying the
operation of the control modules within the process controllers or the smart field devices,
viewing the current state of the process, viewing alarms generated by field devices and
process controller simulating the operation of the process for the purpose of training
personnel or testing the process control software, etc.
[0005] While a typical process plant has many process control and instrumentation devices
such as valves, transmitters, sensors, etc. connected to one or more process controllers, which
execute software that controls these devices during the operation of the process, there are
many other supporting devices that are also necessary for or related to process operation.
These additional devices include, for example, power supply equipment, power generation
and distribution equipment, rotating equipment such as turbines, motors, etc., which are
located at numerous places in a typical plant. While this additional equipment does not
necessarily create or use process variables and, in many instances, is not controlled or even
coupled to a process controller for the purpose of affecting the process operation, this
equipment is nevertheless important to, and ultimately necessary for proper operation of the
[0006] Operator workstations, which are typically connected to the process controllers
through communication connections such as a direct or wireless bus, Ethernet, modem, phone
line, and the like, have processors and memories that are adapted to run software or firmware
such as process control configuration applications. As an example, each of the DeltaV™ and
Ovation control systems, sold by Emerson Process Management, includes multiple
applications stored within and executed by different devices located at diverse places within a
process plant. A process control configuration application, which may reside in one or more
operator workstations, enables a user to create or change process control modules and
download these process control modules via a data highway to distributed process controllers
or field devices in the DeltaV™ and Ovation systems. Typically, these control modules are
made up of communicatively interconnected function blocks, which are objects in an objectoriented
programming protocol that perform functions within the control scheme based on
inputs thereto, and provide outputs to other function blocks within the control scheme. Each
process controller and, in some cases, the smart field devices, may store and execute a
controller application that runs the control modules assigned and downloaded thereto to
implement actual process control functionality.
[0007] The process control configuration application may also allow a user to create or
change user interfaces, which are used by user interface applications to display data to an
operator and to enable the operator to change settings, such as set points, within the process
control routine. The user interface applications, which may be run on one or more operator
workstations, receive data from the controller applications via the data highway and display
this data to configuration engineers, process control operators, maintenance personnel, plant
managers or supervisors, etc. using the user interfaces, and may provide any of a number of
'differenrvieWFiUch as arf engineenng view, an operator's view, a maintenance view, a
management view, etc.
[0008] User interface applications are typically implemented on a system-wide basis in one
or more of the operator workstations, and provide preconfigured displays to the operator or
maintenance personnel regarding the operating state of the process plant, or the devices
within the process plant. Typically, these displays take the form of alarming displays that
receive alarms generated by the process controllers or other devices within the process plant,
control displays indicating the operating state of the process controllers and other devices
within the process plant, maintenance displays indicating the operating state of the devices
within the process plant, etc.
[0009] Many process plants, and especially those that use smart field devices, include
applications that are used to help monitor and maintain the devices within the plant,
regardless of whether these devices are process control and instrumentation devices or are
other types of devices. For example, the Asset Management Solutions (AMS) Suite
applications, sold by Emerson Process Management, enables communication with and stores
data pertaining to field devices to ascertain and track the operating state of the field devices.
An example of such a system is disclosed in U.S. Patent Number 5,960,214 entitled
"Integrated Communication Network for use in a Field Device Management System."
[0010] In some instances, the AMS application may be used to communicate with a field
device to change parameters within the field device, to cause the field device to run
applications on itself such as, for example, self-calibration routines or self-diagnostic
routines, to obtain information about the status or health of the field device, etc. This
information may include, for example, status information (e.g., whether an alarm or other
similar event has occurred), device configuration information (e.g., the manner in which the
field device is currently or may be configured and the type of measuring units used by the
field device), device parameters (e.g., the field device range values and other parameters),
etc. This information may be stored within the field device or within a field device database
associated with the field device, and may be used by a maintenance person to monitor,
maintain, and/or diagnose these field devices.
[0011] In addition, many process plants include equipment monitoring and diagnostic
applications such as, for example, RBMware provided by CSI Systems, or any other known
applications used to monitor, diagnose, and optimize the operating state of various rotating
equipment. Maintenance personnel usually use these applications, to maintain and oversee
the performance of rotating equipment in the plant, to determine problems with the rotating "
equipment, and to determine when and if the rotating equipment must be repaired or replaced.
Similarly, many process plants include power control and diagnostic applications such as
those provided by, for example, Liebert and ASCO companies, to control and maintain the
power generation and distribution equipment.
[0012] It is also known to provide an expert system or application such as, for example, the
OZ expert system currently provided by NEXUS, or any other type of expert system
including, for example, any type of data mining system that uses process control variables
and limited information about the operating condition of the process control routines, or
function blocks or modules associated with the process control routines, to detect poorly
derating loops and to provide information to an operator about suggested courses of action
to correct the problem.
[0013] In addition, it is known to run control optimizer applications such as, for example,
real-time optimizers (RTO+), within a process plant to optimize the control activities of the
process plant. Such optimizer applications typically use complex algorithms and/or models
of the process plant to predict how inputs may be changed to optimize operation of the
process plant with respect to some desired optimization variable such as, for example, profit.
[0014] Still further, many process plants have other computers associated therewith that
t '*'." execute applications related to business functions such as applications associated with
ordering raw materials, and replacement parts or devices for the process plant, as well as
applications related to forecasting sales and production needs.
[0015] Typically, the various applications used in the same process plant are set up to be
used by and configured by different people associated with the process plant. Generally
speaking, configuration activities for each of these applications include providing information
as to the types, locations, names, etc. of the devices disposed within the process plant as well
as the manner in which the devices are communicatively interconnected to enable the
applications to access information from or about those devices for use in control,
maintenance and optimizer activities. Because these applications are run separately, by
different people, the same configuration information is typically entered separately into the
various applications at different times, resulting in the repetition of configuration activities.
[0016] . For example, the process control configuration application and maintenance
application typically used in the process plant are different, stand-alone programs in which a
user must configure and view process set-up and other information using a process control
configuration application running on a workstation. After the process is running, a user may
switch ,to a separate application (or even a separate workstation) to configure a maintenance
application (entering the same or similar information or data already provided to configure
the process control configuration application) to view field device specific information. The
configuration information may also be separately provided to an optimizer application, a
business application, etc. This multi-step configuration process is time-consuming, results in •
flrBundancy in engineering effort, may be inconvenient and confusing to users, requires
duplicate hardware, and requires that users be trained in multiple applications, all of which
lead to extra costs in terms of configuring and running the process plant.
[0017] An integrated configuration viewing system for use in a process plant includes a
computer readable memory and a plurality of template configuration objects stored on the
computer readable memory. Each of the plurality of template configuration objects includes
a graphical representation of a physical entity within the process plant, a parameter storage
adapted fo communicate with the process plant to obtain and store device parameter
information associated with the physical entity within the process plant, and a configuration
storage adapted to store configuration parameters associated with the physical entity within
the process plant. A first routine is stored on the computer readable memory and adapted to
be executed on the processor to present a library section on a user interface. The library
section is adapted to present depictions of the plurality of template configuration objects to a
user via the user interface. A second routine is stored on the computer readable memory and
adapted to be executed on the processor to present a configuration area on the user interface.
And a third routine is stored oh the computer readable memory and adapted to be executed on
the processor to enable a user to select one of the plurality of template configuration objects
from the library section and to place the selected template configuration object within the
configuration area to create a process configuration module within the configuration area.
[0018] Fig. 1 is an exemplary block diagram of a distributed process control network
located within a process plant including an operator workstation that executes an integrated
process plant configuration system using configuration objects to form process configuration
modules, which provide enhanced control, display, and simulation functions within the
process plant;
[0019] Fig. 2 is a logical block diagram of a configuration application and other entities,
including configuration objects and process configuration modules, stored in the operator
workstation of Fig. 1;
[0020] Fig. 3 is a simplified depiction of a configuration screen that may be used by a
configuration engineer to create a process configuration module using configuration objects
stored in an object library;
[0021] Fig. 4 is a simplified depiction of a configuration screen illustrating a process
configuration module that includes several unit objects interconnected together;
[0022] Fig. 5 is a simplified depiction of a configuration screen that illustrates an area
.(.JiS- . . . . ' . ' * " - ,'J ' ' J « ' . * ' . ' object that may be stored in the object library;
[0023] Fig. 6 is a simplified depiction of a screen display of a portion of a process plant
that may be generated by the process configuration modules using the configuration objects;
[0024] Fig. 7 is an exemplary block diagram of the integrated configuration system, which
includes the process configuration modules and a plurality of applications that access data
from and provide data to the process configuration modules;
[0025] Fig. 8 illustrates a screen display of a control operator's view of particular entities
associated with the process plant;
[0026] Fig. 9 illustrates a screen display of a maintenance operator's view of particular
entities associated with the process plant; and
[0027] Fig. 10 illustrates a screen display of a pjant managers view of particular entities
associated with the process plant.
[0028] Referring now to Fig. 1, an example process plant 10 includes an integrated
configuration viewing system that uses configuration objects to form process configuration
modules 39 to provide enhanced control, display, and simulation functions within the plant
environment. Generally, the process plant 10 includes a distributed process control system
having one or more process controllers 12, which may be a pair of redundant controllers.
process controller 12 is connected to one or more field devices 14 and 16 via
input/output (I/O) cards or devices 18 and 19, which may be any types of I/O devices
conforming to any desired communication or controller protocol. The field devices 14 and
16 may be any types of field devices such as, for example, sensors, valves, transmitters,
positioners, etc., and may conform to an}' desired open, proprietary or other communication
or programming protocol.
[0029] The process plant 10 also includes one or more user interfaces or computers 20 and
22 (which may be any types of personal computers, workstations, etc.) that are accessible by
plant personnel such as configuration engineers, process control operators, maintenance
personnel, plant managers or supervisors, etc. The workstations 20 and 22 are coupled to the
process controllers 12 via a communication line or bus 24 which may be implemented using
any desired hardwired or wireless communication structure, and using any desired or suitable
communication protocol such as, for example, an Ethernet protocol. The process controllers
12, the I/O devices 18 and 19, and the field devices 14 and 16 generally make up a process
control system.
[0030] In addition, a database 28 may be connected to the communication bus 24 and
operates as a data historian that collects and stores configuration information as well as online
process parameter, status, and other data associated with the process controllers 12 arid field
devices 14 and 16 within the process plant 10. The database 28 may operate as a
configuration database to store the current configuration, including process configuration
modules as described below, as well as control configuration information for the process
control system within the plant 10 as downloaded to and stored within the process controllers
12 and the field devices 14 and 16.
[0031] While the process controllers 12, I/O devices 18 and 19, and field devices 14 and
16 are typically located down within and distributed throughout the sometimes harsh plant
environment, the workstations 20 and 22, and the database 28 are usually located in control
rooms or other less harsh environments easily accessible by operators, maintenance
personnel, etc.
[TJ032] As is known, the process controllers 12, which may be, for example, the DeltaV™
and Ovation controllers sold by Emerson Process Management, store and execute a controller
application that implements a control strategy using a number of different, independently
executed, control modules or blocks 29. The control modules may each be made up of what
are commonly referred to as function blocks, wherein each function block is a part or a
subroutine of an overall control routine and operates in conjunction with other function
blocks (via communications called links) to implement process control loops within the
process plant 10.
[0033] ' As is well known, function blocks, which may be objects in an object-oriented
programming protocol, typically perform one of an input function, such as that associated
with a transmitter, a sensor or other process parameter measurement device, a control
function, such as that associated with a control routine that performs PID, fuzzy logic, etc.
control, or an output function, which controls the operation of some device, such as a valve,
to perform some physical function within the process plant 10. Of'Course, hybrid and other
types of complex function blocks exist such as model predictive controllers (MFCs),
optimizers, etc. It is to be understood that while the Fieldbus protocol and the DeltaV™
system protocol use control modules 29 and function blocks designed and implemented in an
object-oriented programming protocol, the control modules 29 may be designed using any
desired control programming scheme including, for example, sequential function blocks,
ladder logic, etc., and are not limited to being designed using function blocks or any other
particular programming technique.
[0034] In the process plant 10 illustrated in Fig. 1, the field devices connected to the
process controllers 12 maybe conventional (i.e., non-smart) field devices 14 such as, for
example, standard 4-20 mA devices that communicate over analog lines to the I/O device 18.
Alternatively, or in addition, the field devices may be smart field devices 16 having a
processor and a memory such as, for example, HART®, PROFIBUS®, Ethernet, or Fieldbus
field devices, which communicate over a digital bus to the I/O device 19 using Fieldbus
protocol communications. Smart field devices 16 may store and execute modules, or
sub-modules such as function blocks 30 associated with the control strategy implemented in
tlllFprocess controllers 12. Function blocks 30, which are illustrated in Fig. 1 as being
disposed in two different ones of the Fieldbus field devices 16, maybe executed in
conjunction with the execution of the control modules 29 within the process controllers 12 to
implement process control as is well known. Of course, the field devices 14 and 16 may be
any types of devices, such as sensors, valves, transmitters, positioners, etc., and the I/O
devices 18 and 19 may be any types of I/O devices conforming to any desired communication
or controller protocol such as HART®, PROFIBUS®, Fieldbus, etc.
[0035] The process plant 10 also includes various rotating equipment 21 such as, for
example, turbines, motors, etc. connected to the communication bus 24. Similarly, power
generating and distribution'equipment 25 associated with the process plant 10 may also be
connected to the communication bus 24. Of course, any other equipment and process control
devices may be attached to or be part of the process plant 10, and the system described herein
is not limited to the equipment specifically illustrated in Fig. 1, but may, instead or in
addition, include any other types of process control equipment or devices.
[0036J In the process plant 10 of Fig. 1',' the workstation 20 includes a plurality of
applications and other data structures 32, which maybe accessed by any authorized user such
as, for example, a configuration engineer, a process operator, a maintenance person, a plant
manager or supervisor, etc. to view and provide functionality with respect to devices, units,
equipment, etc. located within the process plant 10. The plurality of applications 32 is stored
in a computer readable memory 34 of the workstation 20, and each of the applications or
entities within the plurality of applications 32 is adapted to be executed on a processor 36
associated with the workstation 20.
[0037] While the entire plurality of applications 32 is illustrated as being stored on the
same workstation 20, some of these applications or other entities maybe stored in and
executed in other workstations or computer devices within or associated with the process
plant 10 such as, for example, workstation 22. Furthermore, the applications within the
plurality of applications 32 maybe broken up and executed on two or more computers or
machines and may be configured to operate in conjunction with one another.
|ff038] The workstation 20 may further include user interface routines or applications 35
that receive and display information pertaining to the process plant 10 (or entities within or
associated with the process plant 10) on a display screen 37 or display device associated with
the workstation 20 such as, for example, a handheld device, laptop, other workstation, printer,
etc. As will be described in more detail, the user interface applications 35 may generate one
. or more user displays, such as, for example, operator, maintenance and manager displays that
enable a user to view and/or retrieve relevant information about different portions of the
process plant, and that enable a user to graphically browse or navigate to different portions of
the process plant in a desired manner based on depictions or displays of process control areas,
units, loops, devices, etc. within the,process plant 10.
I0039J Generally, the plurality of applications 32 may be used in conjunction with and
configured using a set of process configuration modules 39, which may provide a simulation
of an operation associated with a portion of a process plant 10. The process configuration
modules 39 have graphics associated thereAvith to create process graphic displays, which
generally provide a display pertaining to a portion of the process plant 10. The process
graphic display elements, which will be described in more detail below, are generally
elements that are used by an operator's display, an engineer's display, a maintenance person's
display, a plant manager's or supervisor's display, or other displays to provide information . . to
a user, such as an operator, about the operation, configuration, or set-up of the process plant
10 and the elements therein. An example of a process configuration module 39 is disclosed
in U.S. Patent Application Sen No. 10/278,469 entitled "Smart Process Modules and Objects
in Process Plants" (filed Oct. 22, 2002), which is hereby expressly incorporated by reference
[0040] The process configuration modules 39 may be used to simulate the operation of the
process plant 10, or of some of the different elements therein connected in the manner
depicted in the process graphic displays and, additionally, may be used to provide views to
different users, such as operators, maintenance persons, business persons, etc. The views
provide various information to these users including information generated by the
applications 32. Although the process configuration modules 39 are illustrated as being
stored in and executed by the workstation 20, the process configuration modules 39 maybe
downloaded to and executed in any other computer associated with the process plant 10 such
as, for example, workstation 22, a laptop, a handheld device, etc.
(0041] Fig. 2 illustrates some of the applications and .data structures or other entities within
the plurality of applications 32 stored in the computer readable memory 35 of the workstation
20. In particular, a configuration application 38 may be used by, for example, a configuration
engineer to create process configuration modules 39.(also called process flow modules) and
the associated graphic displays. More particularly, the configuration application 38 may
create process configuration modules 39 using one. or more configuration objects 42, the
nature of which will be described in more detail below. Furthermore, while one
' i .
configuration application 38 may create the process configuration modules 39, these process
configuration modules 39 may be created by separate configuration applications. Still
further, different ones of the plurality of applications 32 may be located in different
geographical locations from each other and/or the process plant 10 and maybe adapted to
communicate via any suitable communication network such as, for example, the Internet, or
other open network.
[0042] A plurality of configuration objects 42 may be stored on the computer readable
memory 34 in a library 40 of predefined, example or template configuration objects 42. The
library 40 may be accessed, copied, and used by the configuration application 38 to create
one or more process configuration modules 39. Each.process configuration module 39 is
made up of or created from one or more configuration objects 42 and may include any
number of objects connected together. In addition, each configuration object 42 may include
one or more process flow or simulation algorithms 45, which are stored in a process
configuration module memory 46.
[0043] As noted above, the configuration application 38 may be used to create one or more
graphic displays 41, each of which is made up of or created from one or more configuration
objects, and may include any number of display elements connected together. One of the
graphic displays 41 is illustrated in Fig. 2 in expanded form, and includes a depiction of a set
of process elements such as, for example, valves, tanks, sensors, and flow transmitters,
interconnected by connection elements, which may be, for example, pipes, conduits,
electrical cables, conveyors, etc.
[0044J An execution engine 48 executes or implements each of the process configuration
modules 39 during runtime to create one or more process displays for an operator as defined
by the graphic displays 41, and to implement simulation functionality associated with the
process configuration modules 39. The execution engine 48 may use a rules database 50
defining the logic to be implemented on the process configuration modules 39 as a whole,
and the configuration objects 42 within those module^ 39 in particular. The execution engine
48 may also use a connection matrix 52, which defines the connections between the process
elements within the process plant 10 as well as within the process configuration modules 39
1 t o implement t h e functionality f o r t h e process configuration [0045] Fig. 2 illustrates one of the configuration objects 42e in more detail. While the
configuration object 42e is illustrated as being one of the template configuration objects, it
should be understood that other configuration objects will generally include the same or
similar elements, features, parameters, etc!1 as described wjth respect to the configuration
object 42e. In addition, it should be understood that the specifics or values of these elements,
features and parameters maybe changed or varied from configuration object 42 to
configuration object 42 depending on the nature and use of that configuration object 42.
Furthermore, while the configuration object 42e may be an object Avithin an object-oriented
programming environment and thus include data stores, inputs and outputs, and methods
associated therewith, this configuration object 42e may be created by and implemented
within any other desired programming paradigm or protocol.
[0046] As will be understood, the configuration object 42e, before being instantiated, is an
object that is associated with a particular entity such as a physical or a logical entity within
the process plant 10 of Fig. 1. However, after being copied and instantiated, the
configuration object 42e may be tied to a particular entity within the process plant 10 so as to
simulate the operation of that particular entity. In any event, the configuration object 42e
includes a data store 53 that is used to communicate with the entity within the process plant
10 to which the configuration object 42e pertains and store device parameter information or
data received from or pertaining to the entity with which the configuration object 42e is
associated. The data store 53 generally includes a data store 53a that stores general or
permanent information about the entity to which the configuration object 42e pertains, like
manufacturer, revision, name, type, etc. A data store 53b may store variable or changing
data, such as parameter data, status data, input and output data, cost or other data about the
entity to which the configuration object 42e pertains, including configuration parameters
associated with the entity, as well as data associated with the entity as it has existed in the
past or as it now exists within the process plant 10. Of course, the configuration object 42e
may be configured or programmed to receive this data (e.g., cost data) on a periodic or nonperiodic
basis, from the entity itself via any desired communication link, from the historian
28 via the communication bus 24, or in any other desired manner.
J0047] A data store 53c may store a graphical representation of the entity within the
process plant 10 to which the configuration object 42e pertains, and which is used to produce
the graphic displays 41 to the operator via an operator interface, such as the display screen 37
associated with the workstation 20 of Fig. 1. Of. course, the graphical representation may
include place holders (marked by underlines within the data store 53c) for information about
the entity such as information defined by the parameter or other variable data about the entity
as stored in the data store 53b. This parameter data may be displayed in the graphical place
holders when the graphical representation is presented to the operator on the display device
37 as part of the graphic displays 41.
[0048] The graphical representation (and the configuration object 42e) may also include
predefined connection points (marked by an "X" in the data store 53c) that enable a
configuration engineer or operator to attach upstream or downstream components to the
process element, as depicted by the graphical representation. Of course, these connection
points also enable the configuration object 42e to be aware of the elements connected to that
configuration object as configured within a process configuration module 39 and may specify
a type of connection element that may be used such as, for example, a pipe, a duct, a stream
associated with that element, etc.
[0049] The configuration object 42e may also include one or more inputs 54 and outputs
56 to enable communication with other configuration objects within or outside of a process
configuration module 39 in which the configuration.object 42e is used. As will be described
in more detail below, the connections of the inputs 54 and outputs 56 to other configuration
objects 42 may be configured by a configuration engineer during configuration of the process
plant 10 by simply connecting other configuration objects 42 to these inputs 54 and outputs
56, or by specifying particular communications that are to take place between configuration
objects 42.
[0050] Some of these inputs 54 and outputs 56 may be defined as being connected to i the
configuration objects connected at the predefined connection points for the configuration
object as discussed above. These inputs 54 and outputs 56 may also be determined or defined
by a set of rules within the rules database 50 and the connection matrix 52 defining the
connections between different devices or entities within the process plant 10. The inputs 54
and the outputs 56, which include data stores or buffers associated therewith will.generally be
used to provide communications of data from other configuration objects to the configuration
object 42e, or to provide communications of data stored within or generated by the
configuration object 42e to other configuration objects. These inputs 54 and outputs 56 may
also be used to provide communications between the configuration object 42e and other
.objects, within the process, control system such as, for example, qpntrpl modules 29 located
within the process controllers 12, smart field devices 16, etc.
[0051] As illustrated in Fig: 2, the configuration object 42e also includes a method storage
58 that is used to store zero, one or more methods 60 (illustrated as methods 60a, 60b and 60c
in Fig. 2) to be implemented by the configuration object 42e during execution of a process
configuration module 39 by the execution engine 48. Generally, the methods 60 stored in the
method storage 58 will use the data stored within the data storage portions 53a and 53b and
data obtained from other configuration objects or even data from other sources such as, for
example, the configuration database or historian 28, via the inputs 54 and the outputs 56 to
determine information about the process plant 10 or an entity within the process plant 10.
For example, the methods 60 may determine poor or bad operating conditions associated with
ffie entity defined by the configuration object 42e, errors associated with that or other entities
within the process plant 10, etc.
[0052] The methods 60 may be preconfigured or provided based on the type or class of
configuration object and will generally be executed each time the configuration object 42e is
executed within the execution engine 48 during runtime. Some example methods 60 that
may be provided within a configuration object such as, for example, the configuration object
42e, include detecting leaks, dead band, dead time, movement, variability, condition
monitoring, computing costs, or other conditions associated with the entity.
[0053] The methods 60 may also be provided to help simulate the operation of the process
entity associated with the configuration object or the material flowing through that process
entity. Thus, the methods 60 may be provided to calculate mass balances, energy balances,
flows, temperatures, compositions, vapor states, and other system-level or stream-level
parameters associated with the material in the process plant 10 to simulate operation of the
element and calculate expected outputs based on provided inputs, etc. Of course, these are ,
but a few of the methods 60 that may be stored'in and run by a configuration object 42e, and '
there are many other methods that may be used, with such methods generally being
determined by the type of entity being represented, the manner in which that entity is
connected in and used in a process plant 10 as well as other factors.
[0054] While the configuration object 42e may store and execute methods 60 that detect
system-level conditions, errors, etc., these methods 60 may also be used to determine other
information about devices, logical elements such as, for example, process configuration
modules 39 and loops, and other non-system-level entities. If desired, the methods 60 may be
programmed or provided in any desired programming language or infrastructure, such as C,
C++, C#, XML, XSL, .NET, etc., or maybe referenced to or may define applicable rules
within the rules database 50 that should be run for the configuration object 42e during
[0055] With reference to Fig. 3, a user or configuration engineer may run or execute the
configuration application 38 to define the component devices, interconnections, and
interrelationships within the process control environment by creating one or more process
configuration modules 39 (using the configuration objects 42), which model the arrangement
of physical entities and logical entities within the process plant 10. As seen in Fig. 3, the
configuration display 64 includes a library or template section 65 (which includes the library
40 of Fig. 2) and a configuration section 66. In one embodiment, the configuration
application 38 may include a routine stored on the computer readable memory 35 and adapted
to be executed on the processor 36 to present the'library or template section 65 (which
includes the library 40 of Fig. 2) on the user interface or workstation 20; In addition, the
configuration application 38 may include a routine siored on the computer readable memory
35 and adapted to be executed on the processor 36 to present a configuration display or area
64 on the1 user interface or workstation 20, such as that illustrated iaFig. 3,,to the
configuration engineer (or other user).
[0056] The library or template section 65 is adapted to present a graphical depiction of sets
of template configuration objects 67, which may include the configuration objects 42 of Fig.
2, to a user via the user interface or workstation 20. The template configuration object 67
may be associated with any desired process entity such as, for example, a device object 67a
representative of a device within the process plant 10, .a connection object 67b representative
of a connector element within the process plant 10, a unit object 67c representative of a unit
within'the process plant 10, and an area object 67d representative of an area of the process
plant 10.
[0057] Device objects 67a may be associated with physical devices within the plant 10 that
perform some function with respect to a stream of material such as, for example, valves,
sensors, transmitters, pumps, eductors, dampers, feeders, etc. Connection objects 67b define
the manner in which.materials within the process plant 10 such as, for example, solid
materials, liquid, vapor, electricity, and gases are delivered or carried from one device to
another. More particularly, connection objects 67b may include pipes, ducts, conduits,
conveyors, electrical cables, or any other device or entity that moves material from one point
to another point within the process. Pipes are generally used to illustrate (and simulate)
liquid and high pressure vapor or gas flow within the plant 10. Ducts are generally used to
illustrate (and simulate) low pressure gas flow within the plant 10. Conveyors are generally
usea to illustrate (and simulate) the movement of solid material between processing units.
And electrical cables are used to illustrate (and simulate) power flow in electro-chemical
processes, etc: Arrows may be displayed with these connection objects 67b to show the
direction of the material flow.
[0058] Each connection object 67b defines the type of connection that is used to provide
material at the input or output of a device. In other words, a connection object 67b may begin
at a device object 67a output or a unit object 67c output, and may terminate at a device object
67a input or a unit object 67c input. In addition, if an upstream output is common to two
connections, a "T" element may be included in the connection object 67b. Similarly, "T"
elements may'be used to combine multiple outputs:
[0059] In some cases, a particular type of device object 67a may only be used with a
specific type of connection object 67b. For example, a pipe may be used with only a valve,
pump, eductor, or feeder. Similarly, a duct object may be set up to be used with a draft fan or
damper drive or other device that provides flow of gas. Likewise, a conveyor may be used,
with only a feeder and a motor drive to simulate and depict the flow of solid materials.
[0060] Unit objects 67c may include a logical grouping of device objects 67a and
connection objects 67b interconnected together, as well as other plant equipment that process
or perform a function on the materials or streams in the plant 10 in some manner. Generally,
all inputs and outputs to and from unit objects 67c maybe made through connection objects
67b. Standard unit objects 67c include tanks (vertical and horizontal), mixers, reactors, air
heaters, heat exchangers, compressors, turbines, distillation columns, evaporators, separators,
boilers, or any other elements that perform some type of simple or standard processing
activity, as well as the various device objects 67a and connection objects 67b associated with
these units. Similarly, area objects 67d may include a logical grouping of unit objects 67c;
device objects 67a and connection objects 67b interconnected together, as well as other plant
equipment that process or perform a function on the materials or streams in the plant 10 in
some manner.
[0061] Basically, the template configuration objects 67 are generic objects that may be
provided from the system manufacturer to the user and that may be selected, dragged, and
dropped onto the configuration section 66 to create an instance of a configuration object
within a process configuration module 39. More particularly, to create a process
configuration module 39, the configuration application 38 may include a routine stored on the
computer readable memory 35 and adapted to be executed on the processor 36 that enables
the configuration engineer (or some other user) to create the process configuration module 39
by selecting one of the template configuration objects 67 from the library or template section
65, dragging the selected template configuration object 67 to a desired location within the
configuration section 66, and dropping or placing the selected template configuration object
67 within the desired location on the configuration section 66.
[0062] It is to be understood that the configuration engineer "selects" particular template
configuration objects 67 in any conventional windowing manner such as, for example, by
double-clicking on a template configuration object 67 with a mouse, by tapping or touching a
particular template configuration object 67 on a touch-sensitive screen, or by entering a
command on a keyboard.
[0063] As will be discussed in greater detail below, the routine may enable the
configuration engineer (or some other user) to store the configuration parameters of the
selected template configuration object within the data store 53 to create the process
configuration module 39. The routine may further enable the configuration engineer (or
some other user) to store data indicative of a communication attribute associated with the
physical entity. The communication attribute may include a communication protocol, a
communication connection type, a number of communication inputs/outputs, and/or a type of
communication connection input/output.
{0064] The device objects 67 may be used to create higher-level configuration objects such
as, for example, custom unit objects. Likewise, template unit objects maybe used to create
even higher-level objects such as, for example, custom area objects, etc., for each level of the
equipment and logical hierarchy of a process control system. All of the custom or userdefined
higher-level configuration objects may be stored in the library 40 along with the
predefined template configuration objects 42 and later reused or used as a starting point for
the creation of other custom configuration objects, including other unit and area configuration
[0065] . Fig. 3 illustrates an example of a process configuration module 39 for a flow loop
that may be created using the template configuration objects 67 and the configuration
application 38 described above. As illustrated in Fig. 3, the configuration, engineer may
create the process configuration module 39 by selecting, dragging, and dropping template
device objects 67a, e.g., a valve 102 and a transmitter 104, onto the configuration section 66
in a desired location. The configuration engineer may interconnect the valve 102 and
transmitter 104 by selecting, dragging, and dropping a template connection object 67b, e.g., a
pipe 106, between the valve 102 and the transmitter 104.
[0066] Alternatively, a connection object may be created by holding the left mouse button
down over an object output (such as, for example, a device object output or a unit object
output) and, while holding down a button on the mouse, positioning the cursor over an object
input (such as, for example, a device object input or a unit object input). For the connection
to be established successfully, the input and the output types (pipe, duct, conveyor, etc.) of
the upstream and downstream objects should match. The connection may automatically take
on the type of the upstream object.
[0067] After specifying the .configuration objects that make up' a particular process
configuration module 39,. the configuration application 38 allows a configuration engineer to
specify the attributes or properties associated with each process configuration module 39 (and
the configuration objects 42 within the process configuration modules 39) using, for example,
a pull-up menu, a pull-down menu, a pictographic menu, a dialog box, a pop-up menu, etc.
associated with the configuration display 64. More particularly, each process configuration
module 39 (and the configuration objects 42 within the process configuration module 39)
may include physical or engineering attributes, control attributes, maintenance attributes, and
management attributes.
[0068] During configuration of the process plant 10, a configuration engineer may
completely define the attributes, methods, etc. for each process configuration module 39 of
the process control system, and store the configuration information or parameters (e.g., the
physical or engineering attributes, the communication attributes, the control attributes, the
maintenance attributes, the process management information or business attributes, one or
more display formats for displaying the device parameter information, etc.) in the data store
53 . By specifying these different attributes for each process configuration module, the
configuration activities formerly associated with the various different applications may be
integrated into a single object usable by the various applications to provide various different
views or types of information to different users.
[0069] Physical or engineering attributes may include a, type, a size, a flow capacity, a
volume,1 a surface area, a number of process input/output connections, a type of process
input/output connections, a timing parameter, etc. associated with the actual physical object
(such as a device, a unit, an area, etc.) being modeled by the process configuration module
39. As an example, physical or engineering attributes associated with a valve object may
include the valve type (e.g., linear, quick opening, equal percentage, etc.), the valve size, the
stroke time from open to close, the valve manufacturer and part number, the type of material
flowing through the valve, and an indication of one or more engineering applications or tools
that may access and use the device parameter information and/or configuration parameters to
perform a data processing function with respect to the physical entity associated with the
process configuration module and to produce process information related to the physical
[0070] Control attributes may include a control strategy or routine, (including the function
blocks that make up the control strategy), a type of control strategy or routine used to control
the physical entity, values for one or more control parameters associated with control of the
physical entity, references to the electrical inputs and outputs of the function blocks
associated with the control strategy, setpoints, the initial values of the attributes, the default
values (if appropriate) of the attributes, the range, i.e., high and low values, of the attributes,
measurement units, limits, dead band, etc. The plurality of template configuration objects 67
may also include a simulation algorithm adapted to simulate operation of any entity within
the process plant 10. As an example, a configuration engineer might create a control strategy
for a tank unit object in which a fluid level in a tank is read by a level sensor, and compared
with a predetermined desired level. The control strategy may then open or close a feed valve
based on whether the fluid level is lower or higher than the predetermined desired level. The
simulation algorithm may simulate the fluid level of .the tank unit object, as read by the level
sensor, and display an indication of the sensed fluid level on the display device 37.
[0071] Control attributes associated with a valve object may include the control strategy
such as, for example, the function blocks, that are used to define and access a particular
function to control the valve. A configuration engineer may associate the electrical inputs
and outputs of the function blocks (i.e., AI, AO, DI, DO, etc.) with electrical signals or values
produced or generated by various configuration objects (e.g., device objects 67a or unit
objects 67b) that make up the process configuration module 39. In this manner, the
configuration application 38 relates each of the functions defined by the function blocks
according to the interconnections of the objects within the process configuration module 39
specified by the configuration engineer.
[0072] It is to be understood that each of the control function blocks (e.g., PID, MFC,
fuzzy logic, neural network, etc.) in a control strategy includes an algorithm for performing a
particular function and fixed parameters upon which the algorithm may operate to use the
electrical inputs and outputs to provide the desired process control function. Thus, a
configuration engineer may specify the parameters such as, for example, the setpoint, mode,
status, etc. of the associated function block controlling that valve when setting or configuring
a valve object, either by itself or as part of a higher-level process configuration module, such
as a unit object, an area object, etc.
[0073] Other control attributes that may be associated with or specified for the process
configuration module 39 by a configuration engineer include an indication of one or more
control diagnostic applications or tools (e.g., DeltaV Inspect, RTO+, process control
applications, control optimizer applications, process optimizer applications, modeling tools,
expert applications, tuning routines, etc.) that may access and use the device parameter
information and/or configuration parameters associated with the process configuration
module to perform diagnostics with respect to controlling the physical entity and to produce
process information related to the physical entity. In this manner, the various applications or
tools are configured when the interconnections and interrelationships of the objects within
each process configuration module are specified.
{0074] . Examples of applications or systems related to the control strategy are disclosed in
U.S. Patent No. 6,445,963 entitled "Integrated Advanced Control Blocks in Process Control
Systems" (filed Oct. 4,1999), U.S. Patent Application Ser. No. 09/593,327 entitled
"Integrated Optimal Model Predictive Control in a Process Control System" (filed Jim. 14,
2000), U.S. Patent No. 6,577,908 entitled "Adaptive Feedback/Feedforward PID Controller"
(filed Jun. 20, 2000), and U.S. Patent Pub. No. 2003/0067355 entitled "Model-Free
Adaptation of a Process Controller" (filed Apr. 19,2002), all of which are hereby expressly
incorporated by reference herein. Examples of applications or systems related to tuning
routines are disclosed in U.S. Patent No. 6,445,962 entitled "Auto-Tuning in a Distributed
Process Control Environment" (filed Mar. 15,1999), U.S. Patent No. 6,510,353 entitled
"Determining Tuning Parameters for a Process Controller from a Robustness Map" (filed
Nov. 4,1999), and U.S. Patent Application Ser. No. 09/644,399 entitled "Control Loop Autoi
Tuner with Nonlinear Tuning Rules Estimators" (filed Aug. 23,2000), all of which are
hereby expressly incorporated by reference herein. Examples of applications or system
related to expert routines are disclosed in U.S. Patent No. 6,633,782 entitled "Diagnostic
Expert in a Process Control System" (filed Feb. 7,2000) and U.S. Patent Pub. No.
2003/0028268 entitled "Data Sharing in a Process Plant" (filed Mar. 1,2002), both of which
are hereby expressly incorporated by reference herein.
[0075] In addition, control attributes may further include an indication of one or more
alarm applications related to alarms and how alarms generated by the process configuration
module 39 (and configuration objects within the process configuration module 39) are
managed. For example, one or more alarm applications may be related to specifying the
criticality of alarms. Control attributes may further include trending applications associated
with the process configuration module 39 (and the configuration objects 42 within the
process configuration module 39). Examples of applications or systems related to alarms are
disclosed in U.S. Patent No. 5,768,119 entitled "Process Control System Including Alarm
Priority Adjustment" (filed Apr. 12, 1996), U.S. Patent Pub. No. 2002/0055790 entitled
"Enhanced Device Alarms in a Process Control System" (filed Apr. 19, 2001), U.S. Patent
Pub. No. 2002/0022894 entitled "Enhanced Fieldbus Device Alerts in a Process Control
System" (filed May 21,2001), U.S. Patent Pub. No. 2002/0147511 entitled "Enhanced Hart
Device Alerts in a Process Control System" (filed Jun. 29,2001), and U.S. Patent Pub. No.
2002/0163427 entitled "Integrated Device Alerts in a Process Control System" (filed Mar. 22,
2002), all of which are hereby expressly incorporated by reference herein.
[0076J Maintenance attributes may include information associated with operation of the
physical entity that may be used by maintenance pers6ns such as, for example, alarm
configuration information (e.g., how alarms are to be setup, displayed and treated), device .
health information (e.g., the manner of displaying device health information), maintenance
diagnostics information, an indication of one or more maintenance applications (e.g., device
diagnostics applications, equipment maintenance applications and root cause applications)
that may access and use the device parameter information and/or configuration parameters to
perform maintenance-related data processing function with respect to the physical entity
associated with the process configuration module and to produce process information related
to the physical entity. Of course, maintenance attributes may include an indication of and '
configurations for any other maintenance-related data to provide access to such data and the
manner of processing or viewing such data.
[0077] hi a similar manner, business or process management attributes may include an
indication of one or more applications that may access and use the device parameter
information and/or configuration parameters associated with the process configuration
module to perform an appropriate data processing function (e.g., creating graphs), as well as
to produce and provide process information that a manager needs to make decisions about
what to produce, whether the plant is operating satisfactorily, etc.
[0078] In addition, the process configuration module 39 may include simulation algorithms
that calculate parameters associated with a device such as, for example, the discharge
pressure, mass flow, liquid temperature, liquid composition, inlet pressure, outlet pressure,
etc. of a valve. Of course, the simulation algorithms available to simulate the operation of a
valve or the material flowing through the valve may be dependent upon the type of valve and
sizing information, which were provided as engineering attributes. .As'discussed in further
detail below, these simulated or calculated parameters may be exposed in a process operator's
view, if so desired.
[0079] A configuration engineer may also specify maintenance attributes associated with
the valve object such as, for example, an indication of one or more applications (e.g., the
AMS application, data analysis and diagnostic tools, control diagnostic applications, device
diagnostic applications, index generation applications, performance tracking tools, root cause
applications, plugged line detection applications, device status applications, equipment
monitoring applications, power management and power equipment monitoring and analysis
tools, etc.) that may access and use the device parameter information and/or configuration . parameters associated with the process configuration module to perform a data processing
function with respect to the physical entity associated with the process configuration module
and to produce process information related to the physical entity. Examples of applications
or systems that are related to maintenance and/or diagnostics are disclosed in U.S. Patent No.
6,094,600 entitled "System and Method for Managing a Transaction Database of Records of '
Changes to Field Device Configurations" (filed Feb. 6,1996), U.S. Patent No. 6,298,454
entitled "Diagnostics in a Process Control System" (filed Feb. 22,1999), U.S. Patent Pub.
No. 2002/0038156 entitled "Root Cause Diagnostics" (filed Oct. 5,2001), U.S. Patent Pub.
No. 2002/0123856 entitled "Captation Detection in a Process Plant" (filed Jan. 10,2002),
U.S. Patent Pub. No. 2002/0161940 entitled "Creation and Display of Indices Within a
Process Plant" (filed Feb. 28,2002), and U.S. Patent Pub. No. 2003/0200060 entitled "On-
Line Rotating Equipment Monitoring Device" (filed Apr. 22,2002), all of which are hereby
expressly incorporated by reference herein.
[0080] Likewise, a configuration engineer may specify the business or process
management attributes associated with the process configuration module 39 such as, for
example, a product type, a throughput, an efficiency, an uptime, a downtime, a yield, an
indication of one or more applications (e.g., RTO+, enterprise resource planning applications,
materials resource planning applications, plant management applications, process
management applications, index generation applications, work order generation applications,
etc.) that may access and use the device parameter information and/or configuration
parameters associated with the process configuration module 39 to perform a data processing
function with respect to the physical entity and to produce process information related to the
physical entity. Examples of applications or systems that are related to business or
management functions are disclosed in U.S. Patent Pub. No. 2002/0147506 entitled "Fiducial
Technique for .Estimating and Using Degradation Levels in a Process Plant" (filed Feb. 28,
2002), and U.S. Patent Pub. No. 2002/0169514 entitled "Automatic Work Order/Parts Order
Generation and Tracking" (filed Feb. 28,2002), both of which are hereby expressly
incorporated by reference herein. As with the control attributes, the various applications
specified with the maintenance and management attributes are configured when the
interconnections and interrelationships"of th'e; objects; within' each process configuration
module are specified.
[0081] If desired, the configuration engineer may store a process configuration module 39
in the configuration object library 40 as a custom or user-defined device object 67a to create a
device process module representative of aiield device within the process plant 10.
Additionally, the configuration engineer may store a process configuration module 39 in the
configuration object library 40 as a unit object 67c such as, for example, a flow loop unit
object 100 (illustrated in Fig. 3) to create a unit process module representative of a unit
within the process plant 10. Still further, the configuration engineer may store a process
configuration module 39 in the configuration object library 40 as a custom or user-defined
area object 67d to create an area process module representative of an area within the process
plant 10. Each of the custom or user-defined device, unit and area objects 67a, 67c and 67d
may include their own data store 53, inputs 54, outputs 56 and methods 60 associated
therewith. In this manner, the configuration engineer may access and reuse the flow loop unit
object 100, for example, when configuring or creating other higher-level process
configuration modules 39. Fig. 4 illustrates a manner in which different unit objects 100,
110,112,114, and 116 may be connected together to form a higher-level unit object 120 to
illustrate (or simulate) a portion of the process plant 10. As illustrated in Fig. 4, the unit
object 120 is made by connecting the flow loop unit object 100 of Fig. 3, as well as other unit
objects 110,112,114, and 116, which may be either predefined, template unit objects 67c
(such as, for example, the template heat exchanger unit object 110) or custom, user-defined
unit objects.
[0082] To create the configuration object 120 of Fig. 4, a configuration engineer may
connect the outputs of the input flow loop unitobjects 112 and 114 to inputs of the heat
exchanger device object 110 using any desired drag-and-drop technique, any pull-down
menus, etc. Similarly, the configuration engineer may connect the outputs of the heat
exchanger device object 110 to the inputs of the output flow loop unit objects 100 and 116 in
any desired manner. The configuration engineer may then store the created configuration
object 120 in the configuration object library 40 as either a unitobject (sucfras a%eat
exchanger unit object) or as part of an area object.
[0083] Fig. 5 illustrates an example of the unit object 120 that may be created and stored in
the library 40, using the display routine of Fig. 4 so that it may be accessed and used by the
configuration engineer. Of course, the created unit object 120 includes its own data store 53,
inputs 54, outputs 56, and methods 60. In addition, because the unit object 120 contains all
of the attributes (e.g., engineering attributes, control attributes, maintenance attributes,
management attributes, etc.) specified for the process configuration modules 39 of the lowerlevel
device or unit objects, the configuration engineer does not need to specify the attributes
associated with the unit objects (and device objects that make up the unit object). Instead, by
building up the unit object 120 from other device and unit objects, the unit object 120 may
automatically include and have access to all of the attributes stored for each of those objects,
which the unit object 120 contains. Of course, additional attributes, including control,
maintenance, management, etc. attributes maybe specified for the unit object 120 as a whole.
[0084] Fig. 6 illustrates an example screen display 130 for an area object that may be
created using lower-level process configuration modules 39 and the configuration application
38 discussed above. The interconnected entities on the screen display 130 maybe configured
by a configuration engineer using the configuration application 38 described above, and may
be displayed on the display device 37 by the execution engine 48 during runtime of a process
configuration module 39. Furthermore, each of the entities such as, for example, the tanks,
How transmitters, valves, etc., as well as the connectors therebetween, depicted on the screen
130 may be generated by or associated with configuration objects 42 within a process
configuration module 39 and the graphical representations associated with the configuration
objects. Still further, while the entities depicted on the screen display 130 include tanks,
pumps, flow transmitters, valves, lines, etc., connected in a particular configuration, any other
process entities, including hardware devices and software or logical elements such as control
loops, control modules, function blocks, etc. may be depicted within the screen display 130 in
any desired configuration.
[0085] During execution of a process configuration module 39 by the execution engine 48,
the engine 48 implements the communications defined by the inputs_54 and outputs 56 to
each of the configuration objects in the process configuration module 39, and may implement
the methods 60 for each of those objects to perform the functionality provided by the
methods 60. As noted above, the functionality of the methods 60 may be located in
programming within the configuration object, or defined by a set of rules within the rules
database 50 that the engine 48 executes based on the type, class, identification, tag name, etc.
of a configuration object to implement the functionality defined ,by those rules.
[0086] It should be noted that an instance of the configuration object has a tag or unique
name within the context of the process configuration module 39 with which the configuration
object is associated. This tag or unique name may be used to provide communications to and
from the configuration object, and may be referenced by the execution engine 48 during
runtime. Process configuration module tags may be unique within the process control system
configuration. This tagging convention enables elements within the process configuration
modules 39 to be referenced by elements within others of the process configuration modules
[0087] Still further, the parameters of the configuration object may be simple parameters
such as simple values, structured parameters, or parameters that know the expected units and
attributes associated therewith. Smart parameters may be interpreted and used by the process
rules engine or execution engine 48 to assure that all signals are being sent in the same units,
or are converted properly. Smart rules may also be used to rum on and turn off groups of
alarms for the configuration objects (or process configuration modules 39) to create a smart
alarm strategy and/or interface for the operator. Still further, configuration object classes
maybe associated with equipment and module classes within the process control strategy of
the plant 10 to provide a known linkage between a configuration object and the process
.variables it will need to interpret or access.
[0088] Configuration objects, when used in process configuration modules 39, may also
include mode of operation, status, and alarm behavior so that these configuration objects may
be put in different modes during runtime such as, for example, off, start-up, and normal
modes, may provide a status associated with the object based on its current operating state,
-and may provide alarms based on detected conditions such as, for example, a parameter out
of range, limited, high variability, etc. Configuration objects may also have a class/subclass
hierarchy, which enables them to be categorized in class libraries, to be collected together in
a composite structure, etc. Still further, configuration objects may use information from other
elements such as, for example, process configuration modules 39 and other objects to enable
the configuration object to recognize when its associated entity is busy or, for example.
acquired by a batch control process within the process plant 10. ,
[0089] Configuration objects that are associated with connectors, sometimes referred to
herein as smart links or connection objects, are also tagged (even though the actual device or
connector-itself may not-be-tagged-or-able to communicate within the process plant 10) and
are generally used to represent material flow between other elements in the process. Smart
links will typically include properties or parameters that define how different materials or
phenomena (such as electricity) flow through the connection (e.g. steam, electricity, water,
sewage, etc). These parameters may indicate the type and nature of flow (such as the general
speed, friction coefficients, type of flow such as turbulent or nonturbulent, electromagnetic,
etc.) through the connector and the possible direction or directions of flow through the
connector. Smart links may include programming or methods that ensure that the units of the
source and destination object to which the smart link connects, match and, if not, may
perform a conversion. The methods of the smart link may also model the flow through the
connector using a model or an algorithm to estimate the speed or nature of the flow through
the actual connectors, length and size of the physical connections, transport delay, etc. The
stored parameters for the configuration object (such as friction parameters) may be used in
these methods.' Thus, the smart links or connection objects enable configuration objects to be
aware of the other upstream and downstream objects or entities.
[0090] Of course, smart links may, for example, define the connections between other
objects, the type of fluid, such as liquid, gas, electricity, etc. within the system, the upstream
and downstream side of the entities, which other entities are upstream and downstream of the
entity for this configuration object, the direction of material, fluid, electric flow, etc. in any
desired o'r convenient manner.
In one embodiment, the connection matrix 52 maybe created prior-to execution-of
the process configuration modules 39, and may define for the smart links the interconnections
between the different devices within the process plant 10 and, therefore, the interconnections
between the different configuration objects, hi fact, the execution engine 48 may use the
matrix 52 to ascertain the upstream and downstream entities, and thereby define the
communications between the configuration objects and the methods associated with the
configuration objects. Still further, one or more set of rules may be provided to be used by
the configuration objects to interact with each other, to obtain data from each other as needed
for the methods within the configuration objects, and to resolve the impact of configuration
objects associated with output connections.
[0092] If desired, the configuration object may also include hot links, such as URLs, to key.
documentation which may be applicable to the type of object, or which may be specific to the
instance (depending on the criticality and application) of the device to which the
configuration object pertains. The documentation may be vendor supplied, as well as user
specific. Some examples of documentation include configuration, start-up and shut-down
procedures, operational and maintenance documentation, etc. If desired, an operator may
click on the object as displayed in an operator display to bring up the instance specific (if
any) and generic documentation for the object or associated device. Also, the operator may
be able to add/delete/change documentation independently of the system software such as, for
example, maintenance requests, records of operational problems, etc. Furthermore, these hot
links may be user configurable or changeable to provide the ability to add knowledge links to
objects in the operator interface, to provide for quick navigation to appropriate information
associated with the object, and to provide the ability to add work instructions specific to the
customer, to the specific object type, or even to the specific instance of the object.
(0093] Once the configuration engineer has completed the configuration of the process
configuration modules 39 (and the configuration objects within the process configuration
modules 39), which reflect the physical layout of devices and equipment within the process
plant 10 using the configuration application 38, and once the process configuration modules
39 (and associated configuration objects 42), as well as the plurality of applications 32
implerriented iii the process control system, are communicatively coupled to the individual'
process entities within the process plant 10, the execution engine 48 may execute or
implement each of the process configuration modules 39. More specifically, the execution
engine 48 may include a routine stored on the computer readable memory 35 and adapted to
be executed on the processor 36 that executes or implements each of the process
configuration modules 39 during runtime to obtain device parameter information from the
process plant 10 pertaining to the entity associated with the process configuration module 39
and to make the obtained device parameter information and the process information produced
by the various applications available to the user via the user interfaces or workstations 20 and
22 in conjunction with the graphical representation of the entity. More specifically, the
routine may display the device parameter information on the user interfaces or workstations
20 and 22 according to one or more display formats specified during configuration'of the
process plant 10.
[0094] The device parameter information and the process information produced by the
various applications may be made available to or presented on the user interfaces or
workstations 20 and 22 by creating one or more process displays or views for a user as
defined by the graphic displays 41 and the display format. The graphic displays 41 created
by execution of the process configuration modules 39 are designed to dynamically show
online measurements and actuators that interface with the process control system. In
addition, unmeasured parameters, which reflect process operation, maybe calculated using
online process simulation provided in the process configuration, modules 39 and maybe
shown as an integral part of the associated graphic displays.
[0095] .As noted above, the user may, as part of the process configuration module 39
creation or configuration process, attach or provide process flow algorithms 45 to the process
configuration module 39. These process flow algorithms 45 may be preconfigured to
calculate or determine certain process or system-level properties such as, for example, mass
balance calculations, flow calculations, efficiency calculations, economic calculations, etc.
with respect to the process depicted or modeled by the process configuration module 39. As
a result, the process configuration modules 39 themselves may have mode, status, and alarm
behavior, may be assigned to workstations, and may be downloaded, as part of the display
[0096] If desired, the flow algorithms may be executed by a separate or different execution
engine or by the execution engine 48 to perform mass or heat balancing, flow routing, flow
efficiency, flow optimization, economic calculations related to flow, or other desired flow-'
related calculations using the data provided in the process objects of the process flow module
39. Still further, these flow algorithms 45 may access parameters from the control strategy
and may, conversely, provide data or information to the control strategy.
[0097] As explained above, the process configuration modules'39 are constructed or built
by building graphic displays 41 for these modules 39, and then by specifying flow algorithms
45 to be used in or associated with these process configuration modules 39. Of course,
individual process configuration modules 39 may be spread across and executed by different
computers, and process configuration modules 39 maybe communicatively coupled to one
another to operate in conjunction with each other, either on the same or on different
[0098] It will be understood that the process configuration modules may be built up and
interconnected as described above to create a model of the physical and logical layout of the
process control system in a manner such that the configuration, control, and display activities
may be integrated. Advantageously, these process configuration modules may be used by
different applications to obtain information from the process plant 10 and to create different
views or display formats for use by different users to provide different types of information to
those different users.
[0099] In particular, while in the past, different applications such as maintenance,
optimizer, control, business, etc. applications each had to be set up and configured separately,
these applications may now be communicatively coupled to the process configuration
modules as created above without the need to configure each of the applications separately.
In fact, the process configuration modules, once created for a process plant, may be accessed
by any application to enable the application to obtain the device parameter information,
configuration parameters, online data, etc. that the application needs to operate and to
perform the various data processing functions (e.g., the maintenance, control, business,
optimizer, etc. functions), as well 'as to produce process information.
[0100] Thus, once the process configuration modules are created for a'process plant,
additional, separate configuration activities need not generally be performed because all of
the process plant supporting applications, such as business, maintenance, optimizer and
control applications, may be communicatively coupled to the appropriate process
configuration modules to obtain the information (e.g., configuration parameters and/or device
parameter information) these applications need from the process plant. This information may
be obtained from the appropriate process configuration modules because all of the process
plant information flows through the process configuration modules. Additionally, the process
configuration modules (because they include the engineering, maintenance, control and
management attributes) may include an indication of or use one or more supporting
applications to create or enable a display or view to be created. The display or view created
by the process configuration modules may provide different types of information to different
users by using the device parameter information and/or the configuration parameters.
[0101] Fig. 7 illustrates a manner in which supporting applications, including the plurality
of applications 32, may access data from and provide data to the process configuration
modules 39 as they are being executed on the execution engine 48. In particular,
maintenance system applications 200, optimizer applications 202, expert system or predictive
control applications 204, and equipment monitoring applications 206, as well as any desired
business applications 208 are communicatively coupled to the process'configuration modules
39 and may obtain any desired information from these process configuration modules 39 for
any desired purposes. Of course, the applications 200-208 may communicate with the
process configuration modules 39 (as they are being executed in the execution engine 48)
using the tags associated with the process configuration modules 39. As a result, whenever
one of the applications 200-208 is executed, it may obtain the information it needs from the
process configuration modules 39 as already set up, instead of having to be configured
separately to identify where the application needs to go (within the process plant 10) to
access or obtain the information it needs.
[0102] Additionally, because the process configuration modules 39 are configured to
include engine'eTing;Trfaintehance, control and management attributes, these process
configuration modules 39. may automatically refer to specific ones of the applications 200-
208, or specific information provided by these applications 200-208 which are relevant to
these different activities. As a result, the user interface routines 35 may create different user
displays or views for different users (e.g., business persons, maintenance persons, control
operators, etc.) automatically from the process configuration modules 39. In particular, the
user interface routines 35 may use the graphic displays 41 associated with the process
configuration modules 39, the attributes specified for the process configuration modules 39,
and one or more display formats to enable users to view different types of information about
any portion of the process plant 10.
[0103] For example, Figs. 8-10 illustrate different views for the unit object 120 illustrated
in Figs. 4 and 5 that may be created by the user interface routines 35 using information
provided by the process configuration module 39 for that unit object 120. In particular, a
different graphical view may be provided for each of the process operators, maintenance
persons, plant managers or supervisors, and the like to enable these different users to view a
particular portion of the process plant 10 in terms relevant to their responsibilities.
[0104] Fig. 8 illustrates an example of an operator's display for the unit object 120 of Figs.
4 and 5. Of course, it should be recognized that although a unit object 120'for the heat
exchanger portion is depicted within the operator's display shown in Fig. 8, any other portion
ofMe plant 10 such as, for example, a loop, device, area, etc. may be shown instead to
achieve the same or similar results. In particular, the operator's display illustrates the basic
graphic (established during the creation of the unit object 120) graphically depicting this unit
as including two input flow control units (made up of valves, transmitters, etc.) and two
output flow control units (made up of valves, transmitters, and other devices) connected to a
heat exchanger. The operator's display of Fig. 8 may also include control-related information
300 that may be needed by the control operator to understand what is happening within the
process. For example, flows, measured sensor values' (such as pressures, temperatures, etc.),
and other typical control information 300 may be illustrated to the operator next to the
depiction of the device or area in the unit object 120 to which these values apply. These
values may be online values either measured by the actual devices within the process plant 10
or developed by devices such as field devices, control routines, etc. during operation of the
process plant 10 and provided to the process configuration module 39 during execution of the
process configuration module 39.
[0105] In particular, the process configuration modules 39 and configuration objects that
make up the process configuration modules 39 are communicatively tied to, and obtain data
from the different devices with which they are associated and may display this data on the
operator's view. Thus, the configuration object for a pump within the graphic of Fig. 8 may
be aware that it is connected to the flow transmitter, and may receive data From the
configuration object for this entity. The configuration object for the flow transmitter may
obtain the readings of the flow through the actual device as measured by the device in the
process plant 10. A method associated with the configuration object for the pump may
receive the data from the configuration object for the flow transmitter, and determine the
variability of the flow as measured by the flow transmitter and this information may be
displayed on the operator's display. If desired, a method associated with the configuration
object for the flow transmitter may determine the variability of that transmitter, or an
application within the transmitter itself may determine the transmitter variability, and provide
this determination as data to the configuration object for the transmitter.
[0106] Additionally, as illustrated in Fig. 8, the operator's display may include an alarm
banner 305 illustrating one or more pending alarms that have been received for any of the
devices or elements depicted in or associated with the unit object 120. The specifics of the
alarm banner 305, or the application which produces it, may-be specified as a control attribute
for the unit object 120. Each of the alarms within the alarm banner 305 may be represented
using an alphanumeric indicator that is uniquely associated with the devices or elements that
generated the alarm. In the example display of Fig. 8, there is a control alarm (associated
with the control loop PIC-101) and a pump alarm (associated with the PUMP-120 device)
depicted in the alarm banner 305. Of course, as is normal in alarm display applications, each
of the alarms within the alarm banner 305 may also include an information button 310, which
may be selected by the operatorTo'view'more information relating to that particular alarm, to
turn off or acknowledge the alarm, etc.
{0107] As also illustrated in Fig. 8, information from one or more relevant control
applications, such as control diagnostics applications, may be provided on the operator's
display. For example, a diagnostic graphic 330 entitled DeltaV Inspect illustrates the number
of control modules (associated with the control routines used in the unit object 120) that are
in the incorrect mode, that are in limited control, that have uncertain input and large
variability. Furthermore a diagnostic graph may indicate the number of assets being
monitored .(in this case 211) and of that number, how many have failed, need maintenance or
some other attention soon, have an advisory condition, or are no longer communicating. It
will be noted that this graphic 330 may be generated by, or the information within this
graphic 330 may be obtained or generated by a control diagnostic application, which may be
one of the applications 200-208 of Fig. 7. In addition, this information may be provided to
the user interface routines 35 as part of the operator's display because this information may be
referenced as an attribute by the appropriate process configuration module 39. Thus, the
operator's display may be configured to obtain this information automatically from the
appropriate applications 200-208 either separately, or because this information is referred to
as a control attribute within the unit object 120.
[0108] As illustrated in Fig. 8, a production level graph 340 may also be provided on the
operator's display. Again, the production level graph 340 may be generated by one of the
applications 200-208 and provided automatically as part of the operator's display in the same
, manner as the.diagnostic graph 330. It will be understood that the operator viewing the.
display of Fig. 8 may select any of the elements thereofto obtain more detailed information
pertaining to that element. For example, the operator may select any of the physical elements
depicted in the display of Fig. 8 to drill down into that element to obtain more information
about that element. For example, selecting a valve on the display of Fig. 8 may call up the
display for the valve enabling the operator to .view detailed device status and performance
information only about the valve, including .alarm information for the valve, the diagnostic
displays configured for the valve (which may be the same as or different than the diagnostic
or other displays illustrated for the unit object 120 in which the valve is located). Similarly,
the operator may select one of the graphs 330,340 on the operator's display to pull up or
obtain more information or even to access the application that generated that graph 330, 340.
Additionally,, the operator may select displayed information to, for example, determine the
origin of that information, or to determine other data related to the displayed information.
[0109] While the operator may drill down into physical elements on the display to obtain
information about those elements, the operator may also go to a higher level, such as to the
area in which the unit object 120 is located to view information about that area, hi this
manner, the operator may obtain access to wider or narrower portions of the process plant 10
to thereby browse around or view control information about these wider or narrower portions
of the process plant 10. Additionally, the operator, by drilling down into different portions of
a process plant 10, may view the control information 300 related to these different portions of
the process plant 10. Still further, it will be understood that, if desired, the information
displayed on the operator's view may be limited or specific to the portion of the process plant
10 depicted on the view. Thus, for example, the graphs 330 and 340 and other information
created by supporting applications 200-208 and placed on the operator's display may be
limited to including data associated with the devices depicted on the operator's display. In
this manner, the operator may select the scope of information he or she wishes to see based
on the physical portion of the process plant 10 depicted in the operator's display.
[0110] Thus, as will be understood, the operator (or other user) may move or browse to
different portions of the process plant 10 based on the graphical depiction of the process plant
10 on the display, and thereby view the configuration and control information 300 associated
with those different portions of the process plant 10 without the need for navigational tree
structures, as is currently used by most process pi ant. applications, such as control and
maintenance applications. In other words, the operator (or other user) may select the amount
of data and the area of the process plant 10 for which he ;or she wishes to see data by
browsing to the appropriate graphical depiction of that section of the plant 10, instead of by
moving through a navigational tree structure.
[0111 ] In a manner similar to the operator's display of Fig. 8, the user interface routines 35
may create a maintenance display for maintenance persons to enable maintenance persons to
view the information in which they are most interested. For example, maintenance persons,
who .are primarily responsible for assuring" that the actual devices and equipment within the
process are operating efficiently, and for repairing and replacing'malfunctioning equipment
are typically concerned with and view information about the operating states of the devices
and equipment within the process 10.
10112] Fig. 9 illustrates an example of a maintenance display in which a maintenance
person may view device-specific information about devices and equipment within the plant
10. As will be seen, the maintenance display of Fig. 9 is associated with the unit object 120
of Figs. 4 and 5, and includes the same graphic display of the physical elements associated
with the unit object 120, as depicted in the operator's display of Fig. 8. As indicated above,
this maintenance display may be created by or associated with the process configuration
module 39 for the unit object 120. However, instead of control-related information 300,
device maintenance information (which may be obtained by the process configuration
module 39 for the unit object 120) is displayed at relevant locations of the maintenance
display. For example, status or health information for devices may be displayed in the form
of graphic meters or gauges 400 (i.e., the partially-shaded, semi-circular features) illustrating,
for example, green (good) and red (bad). This health information may be measured or
determined by the devices themselves (which is currently available with some devices sold
by Emerson Process Management) or may be determined by one or more other applications,
such as, for example, one of the maintenance applications 200 of Fig. 7. Health information
for the unit, the area, and the plant may be a weighted aggregation of all the health
information below the respected plant hierarchy. In any event, as illustrated in Fig. 9, the
graphic meters or gauges 400 indicate different levels of health for the different devices
within the unit object 120 to provide the maintenance operator with an easy manner of
determining the'status or health of the device. '
10113] As can be appreciated from the maintenance display shown in Fig. 9, a user may
quickly ascertain whether an area is performing properly and will continue to perform
properly. Furthermore, a maintenance person or other user may also quickly identify those
devices, units, etc. that may need attention and/or which may be causing a particular problem
via the maintenance display. '
I '! '
[0114] Additionally, maintenance graphs 402:406 illustrating the operation of the unit
object 120 are illustrated in the maintenance view to help a maintenance person or other user
understand the current operation of this unit from a maintenance standpoint. Of course, these
graphs 402-406 may be generated by one or more maintenance applications 200 (or other '
applications if so desired), ari?Tmay be selected by a maintenance person (or other user) to
obtain more access to these applications. Thus, for example, a maintenance person may
select one of the graphs 402-406 to cause the application that generated the graph to change
the parameters used to create the graph. Additionally, a maintenance person or other user
may view other information about a device such as, for example, the unit object 120, via an
asset portal application (which has a display 408 illustrated in Fig. 9) to obtain online
information provided about that device from, for example, a maintenance database.
[0115] Likewise, the maintenance display of Fig. 9 includes a maintenance alarm banner
410 that illustrates the maintenance or device alarms currently active for the devices
displayed within the maintenance display. In this case, maintenance alarms are active for a
pump named PUMP-120, a valve controller named DVC-1800, and a flow transmitter named
FT-110. Of course, the maintenance alarm banner 410 may be produced by an alarm display
application that is referred to by the process configuration module 39 for the unit object 120
as a maintenance attribute.
[0] 16] It will be understood that a maintenance person (or other user) may browse to other
areas, units, devices, etc. of the process plant 10 via the graphic display in the same manner
that a control operator (or other user) does via the operator's display of Fig. 8. Likewise, a
maintenance person (or other user) may access other or additional information provided by
the maintenance applications by selecting one or more'of the maintenance graphs 402-406 for
these applications and have these applications operate on the data or provide additional data
or analysis associated with the devices currently depicted within the maintenance display.
[0117] Fig. 10 illustrates an example of a plant manager's display for the unit object 120 of
Figs. 4 and 5. While using the same graphics for the physical devices as used by the operator
and the maintenance displays of Figs. 8 and 9, respectively, the manager's display may
provide other types of information about the unit object 120 relevant to a manager making
decisions about what to manufacture, the current level of production versus the target level,
the deviation cost information, etc. Of course, management graphs 502, 504 may be created
by the business applications 208 of Fig. 7, and the information may be configured to be part
of the manager's display as an attribute of the process configuration module for the unit
object 120. Of course, a manager (or other user) may drill down or up in the graphic display
of Fig. 10 in the same manner as described above with respect to the operator and
maintenance displays of Figs. 8 and 9, respectively, to view and obtain additional or different
information via the display from the same or other applications designed to produce this
[0118] While the integrated configuration system is described herein using a unit object
120 as an example, it will be understood that similar displays and configuration activities
may be performed and generated for any other entity or level of entity within the process
plant 10, including physical devices (such as field devices), units, areas, the entire plant 10, as
Avell as for logical entities such as control entities. Still further, it will be understood that the
process configuration modules 39, which are created only once, are created in such a manner
fffat they may be accessed by other apph'cations 200-208 without the need to provide
configuration information to those applications 200-208. Instead, all of the applications 200-
208 may rely oh the process configuration modules 39 for a specification of the configuration
of the process plant ] 0. Likewise, the process configuration modules 39 include control,
maintenance, business, optimizer, etc. attributes to define the manner in which different
control, maintenance, business, optimizer activities are to be performed, including the manner
in which this data is to be displayed on a user interface such as, for example, the display
device 37 to different types of users. Still further, because the process configuration modules
39 include graphic displays depicting the devices and other entities associated therewith,
including the manner in which these devices are interconnected, a user of anykind may .
browse to obtain information about different parts of the process plant 10 by browsing to a
graphic display associated with that section of the plant 10. Thus, a user may easily
understand the data the user is viewing because this data is related to the physical portion of
the plant 10 currently depicted in the graphic display' To view information about a different
-portion-of the-process plant 10, the user only needs to navigate or browse to the display for
that portion of the process plant 10, thus making finding information about a desired portion
of the process plant 10 easier and more intuitive.
[0119] While the integrated configuration system and the other applications described
herein are preferably implemented in software, they may be implemented in hardware,
firmware, etc., and may be implemented by any other processor associated with the process
control system. Thus, the elements described herein may be implemented in a standard
multi-purpose CPU or on specifically designed hardware or firmware such as an applicationspecific
integrated circuit (ASIC) or other hard-wired device as desired. When implemented
in software, the software routine may be stored in any computer readable memory such as on
a magnetic disk, a laser disk (such as a DVD) or other storage medium, in a RAM or ROM of
a computer or processor, in any database, etc. Likewise, this software may be delivered to a
user or a process plant via any known or desired delivery method including, for example, on a
computer readable disk or other transportable computer storage mechanism or over a
communication channel such as a telephone line, the internet, etc. (which are viewed as being
tritsame as or interchangeable with providing such software via a transportable storage
[0] 20] Thus, while the present disclosure has been described with reference to specific
examples, which are intended to be illustrative only and no.t to be limiting, it will be apparent
to those of ordinary skill in the art that changes, additions or deletions may be made to the
disclosed embodiments without departing from the spirit and scope of the disclosure.

Claimed is:
1 . 'A configuration viewing system for use in a process plant having a processor
and a user interface, the configuration viewing system comprising:
a computer read abl e m emory ;
a plurality of template configuration objects stored on the computer readable memory,
wherein each of the plurality of template configuration objects includes a graphical
representation of a physical entity within the process plant, a parameter storage adapted to
communicate with the process plant to obtain and store device parameter information .
.associated with the physical: entity within the process plant and a configuration storage
adapted to store configuration parameters associated with the physical entity within the
process plant;
a first routine stored on the computer readable memory and adapted to be executed on
the processor to present a library section on the user interface, the library section adapted to
present depictions of the plurality of template configuration objects to a user via the user
interface; .
a second routine stored on the computer readable memory and adapted to be ex-ecuted
on the processor to present a configuration area on the user interface; and
a third routine stored on the computer readable memory and adapted to be executed
on the processor to enable a user to select one of the plurality of template configuration
objects from the library section and to place the selected template configuration object within
the configuration area to create a process configuration module within the configuration area,
the process configuration module associated with a portion of the process plant.
2. The configuration viewing system of claim 1, further including a fourth
routine stored on the computer readable memory and adapted to be executed on the processor
to execute the process configuration module to obtain device parameter information from the
process plant pertaining to the physical entity associated with the process configuration
module and to make the obtained device parameter information available to the user via the
user interface.
3. The configuration viewing system of claim 2, including an application'
communicatively coupled to the process configuration module which uses the device
parameter information and the configuration parameters associated with the process
configuration module to perform a data processing function with respect to the physical entity
associated with the process configuration module.
4. The configuration viewing system of claim 2, including an application
communicatively coupled to the process configuration module which uses the configuration
parameters associated with the process configuration module to perform a data processing
function with respect to the physical entity associated with the process configuration module.
5. The configuration viewing system of claim 2, including an application
communicatively coupled to the process configuration module which uses the device
parameter information associated with the process configuration module to perform a data
processing function with respect to the physical entity associated with the process
configuration module.
6. The configuration viewing system of claim 5, wherein the application is a
process control application.
7. The configuration viewing system of claim 5, wherein the application is a
control diagnostic application.
8. The configuration viewing system of claim 5, wherein the application is a
management application.
9. The configuration viewing system of claim 5, wherein the application is a
device diagnostic application.
10. The configuration viewing system of claim 5, wherein the application is a
control optimizer application.
11. . The configuration viewing system of claim 2, wherein the fourth routine is.
adapted to display the obtained device parameter information to the user via the user interface
in conjunction with the graphical representation of the physical entity.
12. The configuration viewing system of claim 2, wherein the configuration
parameters include a display format for the device parameter information and wherein the
fourth routine.displaysijje^deyjce parameter information on the user interface according to
the display format.
13. The configuration viewing system of claim 12, wherein the display format is
one of an operator display format and a maintenance display format.
14. The configuration viewing system of claim'2, wherein the configuration
parameters include multiple display formats for the device parameter information and
wherein the fourth routine displays the device parameter information on the user interface
according to a selected one of the multiple display formats.
15. The configuration viewing system of claim 1, wherein the third routine is
adapted to enable a user to store the configuration parameters within the configuration
storage of the selected configuration object to create the process configuration module.
16. The configuration viewing system of claim 15, wherein the third routine is
adapted to enable a user to store data indicative of one or more physical attributes associated
with the physical entity as the configuration parameters.
17. The configuration viewing system of claim 16, wherein the one or more
physical attributes includes at least one of a size, a flow capacity, a type, a volume, a surface
area, a number of process input/output connections, a type of a process input/output
connection, and a timing parameter.
18. The configuration viewing system of claim 15, wherein the third routine is
adapted to enable a user to store data indicative of a communication attribute associated with
the physical entity.
19. The configuration viewing system of claim 18, wherein the communication
•••attribute-includes at least one of a communication protocol, a communication connection
type, a number of communication inputs/outputs, and a type of communication connection
20. tThe configuration viewing system of claim 15, wherein the third routine,is
adapted to enable a user to store control information associated with control of the physical.
entity within the process plant.
21. The configuration viewing system of claim 20, wherein the control
information includes a control routine.
22. The configuration viewing system of claim 20, wherein the control
information includes an indication of a type of a control routine used to control the physical
23. The configuration viewing system of claim 20, wherein the control
information includes a control diagnostic used to perform diagnostics with respect to
controlling the physical entity.
24. The configuration viewing system of claim 20, wherein the control
information includes values for one or more control parameters associated with control of the
physical entity.
25. The configuration viewing system of claim 24, wherein the one or more
control parameters includes at least one of a setpoint, an initial value, a default value, a range,
a measurement unit, a limit, and a deadband.
26. The configuration viewing system of claim 1, wherein at least one of the
plurality of template configuratioTT'objects includesa.simulation algorithm adapted to
simulate operation of an entity within the process plant.
27. The configuration viewing system of claim 1, wherein the configuration
storage is adapted to store maintenance information associated with operation of the physical
28. The configuration viewing system of claim 27, wherein the maintenance
information includes alarm configuration information.
29. The configuration viewing system of claim 27, wherein the maintenance
information includes device health configuration information.
30. The configuration viewing system of claim 27, wherein the maintenance
information includes maintenance diagnostics information.
31. The configuration viewing system of claim 1, wherein the configuration
storage is adapted to store process management information associated with managing the
process in which the physical entity is located.
32. The configuration viewing system of claim 31, wherein the process
management information includes data related to at least one of a product type, a throughput,
an efficiency, an uptime, a downtime, and a yield.
33. The configuration viewing system of claim 1, wherein the plurality of template
. configuration objects includes one of a device object representative of a device within the
process plant, a unit object representative of a unit within the process plant, an area object
representative of an area of the process plant and a connection object representative of a
connector element within the process plant.
34. The configuration viewing system of claim I, wherein the configuration
parameters include an indication of one or more applications adapted to use the device
parameter information to produce process information related to the physical entity and
further including a fourth routine adapted to present the process information on the user
35. The configuration viewing system of claim 34, wherein the one or more
applications includes a control diagnostics application.
36. The configuration viewing system of claim 34, wherein the one or more
applications includes a device diagnostics application.
37. The configuration viewing system of claim 34, wherein the one or more
applications includes a process management application.
38. The configuration viewing system of claim 34, wherein the one or more
applications includes an alarm application.
39. The configuration viewing system of claim 1, wherein the third routine is
adapted to enable the user to create a plurality of interconnected process configuration'
modules in the configuration area, wherein each process configuration modules is associated
with a different portion of the process plant, and further including a fourth routine adapted
execute the plurality of interconnected process configuration modules, including a first
display routine adapted to display the graphic representations for a user-specified sub-portion
of the plurality of interconnected process configuration modules on a user interface and a
second display routine adapted to display process information associated with the process
plant based on the user-specified sub-portion of the plurality of interconnected process
configuration modules.
40. The configuration viewing system of claim 39, wherein the second display
routine displays the process information in a manner determined by the configuration
parameters stored in the configuration storage of at least one of the process configuration
modules within the user-specified sub-portion of the plurality of interconnected process
configuration modules.
41. The configuration viewing system of claim 40, furthering including an
application that uses the process information of one or more of the process configuration
modules within the user-specified sub-portion of the plurality of interconnected process
configuration modules to produce the process information.
42. The configuration viewing system of claim 1, wherein in the third routine is
adapted to enable the user to interconnect two or more of the template configuration objects
within the configuration area to create the process configuration module.
43. The configuration viewing system of claim 42, wherein the third routine is
adapted to enable the user to interconnect the two or more of the template configuration
objects to create a device process configuration module representative of a field device within
the process plant.
44. The configuration viewing system of claim 42, wherein the third routine is
adapted to enable the user to interconnect the two or more of the template configuration
objects to create a unit process configuration module representative of a unit within the
process plant. ,
45. The configuration viewing system of claim 42, wherein the third routine is
adapted to enable the user to interconnect the two or more of the template configuration
objects to create an area process configuration module representative of an area within the
process plant.
46. A configuration entity adapted to be executed on a processor to present
information with respect to a process element to a user on a user interface during operation of
a process, the configuration entity comprising:
a computer readable memory; and
a configuration object stored on the computer readable memory and adapted to be
executed on the processor, the configuration object including;
a display graphic representing the process element within the process and
adapted to be displayed on the user interface during operation of the process;
a communication interface adapted to communicate with the process to receive
parameter information pertaining to the process element during operation of the
a parameter storage adapted to store the parameter information; and
a configuration attribute storage adapted to store configuration information
pertaining to the process element within the process.
47. The configuration entity of claim 46, wherein the configuration object further
includes a connection element specifying a connection to a further configuration object.
48. The configuration entity of claim 46, wherein the configuration attribute
storage is adapted to store data indicative of one or more physical attributes associated with
the process element.
49. The configuration entity of claim 48, wherein' the one or more physical
attributes includes at least one of a size, a flow capacity, a type, a volume, a surface area, a
number of process input/output connections, a type of a process input/output connection, and
a timing parameter.
50. The configuration entity of claim 46, wherein the configuration attribute
storage is adapted to store a communication attribute associated with the process element.
51. The configuration entity of claim 50, wherein the communication attribute
includes at least one of a communication protocol, a communication connection type, a
number of communication inputs/outputs, and a type of communication connection
52. The configuration entity of claim 46, wherein the configuration attribute
storage is adapted to store control information associated with control of the process element
within the process.
53. The configuration entity of claim 52, wherein the control information includes
a control routine.
54. The configuration entity of claim 52, wherein the control information includes
an indication of a type of a control routine used to control the process element.
55. The configuration entity of claim 52, wherein the control information includes
a control diagnostic used to perform diagnostics with respect to control of the process
56. The configuration entity of claim 52, wherein the control information includes
values for one or more control parameters associated with control of the process element.
57. The configuration entity of claim 56, wherein the one or more control
parameters includes at least one of a setpoint, an initial value, a default value, a range, a
measurement unit, a limit, and a deadband.
58. The configuration entity of claim 46, wherein the configuration object further
includes a simulation algorithm adapted to simulate operation of the process element.
59. The configuration entity of claim 46,-wherein the configuration attribute
storage is adapted to store maintenance information associated with operation of the process
60. The configuration entity of claim 59, wherein the maintenance information
includes alarm information.
61. The configuration entity of claim 59, wherein the maintenance information
includes device health information.
62. The configuration entity of claim 59, wherein the maintenance information
includes device calibration information.
63. The configuration entity of claim 59, wherein the maintenance information
includes maintenance diagnostics information.
64. The configuration entity of claim 46, wherein the configuration attribute
storage is adapted to store process management information associated with managing the
process in which the process element is located.
65. The configuration entity of claim 64, wherein the process management
information includes data related to a product type.
66. The configuration entity of claim 64, wherein the process management
information includes data related to a throughput.
67. The configuration entity of claim 64, wherein the process management
information includes data related to an efficiency.
68. The configuration entity of claim 64, wherein the process management
information includes data related to an uptime or a downtime.
69. The configuration entity of claim 64, wherein the process management
information includes data related to a yield.
. 70. The configuration entity of claim 46, further including a display routine
adapted to display on the user interface the parameter information related to the process
element in a manner determined by the configuration information.
71. The configuration entity of claim 46, wherein the configuration attribute
storage is adapted to store a reference to a further application that is configured to process
parameter information to produce additional process information.
72. The configuration entity of claim 71, wherein the further application is a
process optimizer application.
73. The configuration entity of claim 71, wherein the further application is an
equipment monitoring application.
74. The configuration entity of claim 71, wherein the further application is a
process control application.
75. The configuration entity of claim 71, wherein the further application is a
process management application.
76. The configuration entity of claim 71, further including a display routine
adapted to display the additional process information on the user interface in conjunction
with the display graphic.
77. The configuration entity of claim 76, wherein trie further application is a
process control application.
78. The configuration entity of claim 76, wherein the further application is an
equipment monitoring application.
79. The configuration entity of claim 76, wherein the further application is an
equipment maintenance application.
80. The configuration entity of claim 76, wherein the further application is a
process management application.
81. The configuration entity of claim 76, wherein the further application is a
diagnostic application.
82. The configuration entity of claim 46, further including a display routine
adapted to display the parameter information on the user interface in conjunction with the
display graphic.
83. The configuration entity of claim 82, wherein the display routine is adapted to
display the parameter information in the form of a graph.
84. The configuration entity of claim 82, wherein the display routine is adapted to
display the parameter information in the form of text.
85. An integrated configuration system for use in a process plant, the integrated
configuration system comprising:
one or more workstations each having a processor; a memory, and a display device;
a configuration application stored in the memory and adapted to be executed on one ,
of the processors to create a process configuration module using one or more configuration
objects, wherein the process configuration module is communicatively coupled to an entity
associated with the process plant, and wherein each of the configuration objects includes a
graphical representation of a physical entity within the process plant, a parameter storage
adapted to store device parameter information associated with the physical entity .within the
proc'ess plant and a configuration storage adapted to store configuration parameters
associated with the physical entity within the process plant;
a plurality of data source applications stored in the memory and adapted to be
executed on one of the processors to collect or generate application data pertaining to the
associated process entity; and
a user interface application stored in the memory and adapted to be executed on the
processor to display a graphical view via the display device using the process configuration
module and the application data.
86. The integrated configuration system of claim 85, wherein the process
configuration module includes an attribute that defines an operating characteristic associated
with the process configuration module.
87. The integrated configuration system of claim 86, wherein the attribute
includes an identification of one or more of the plurality of the data source applications
communicatively coupled to the process configuration module.
88. The integrated configuration system of claim 86, wherein the attribute
includes at least one of an engineering attribute, a'control attribute, a maintenance attribute,
and a management attribute.
89. The integrated configuration system of claim 85, wherein the graphical view
includes at least one of an engineering view, an operator view, a maintenance view, and a
management view.
90. The integrated configuration system of claim 85, wherein the associated
process entity includes one of a process area, a process unit, power equipment, rotating
equipment, a field device, a connection device, and a.control loop.
91. The integrated configuration system of claim 85, wherein each of the
configuration objects further includes a tag to perform communications.
92. The integrated configuration system of claim 85, wherein each of the
configuration objects further includes one or more inputs and outputs and a method adapted
to perform a function related to process operation using the device parameter information.
93. The integrated configuration system of claim 92, wherein the device parameter
information includes at least one of parameter data, status data, input data, output data, and
cost data.
94. The integrated configuration system of claim 85, further including an object
library stored on the memory, wherein the object library is adapted to store a plurality of
predefined configuration objects that may be accessed by the configuration application to
create the process configuration module.
95. The integrated configuration system of claim 94, wherein the plurality of
predefined configuration objects includes at least one of an area object, a unit object, a device
object, a connection object, and a control loop object.
96. Theintegrated configuration system of claim 94, wherein the configuration
application is adapted to enable a user to create at least one custom configuration object using
the plurality of predefined configuration objects, and to store the at least one custom
configuration object in the object library.
97. The integrated configuration system of claim 85, further including an
execution engine stored in the memory and adapted to be executed on the processor that
executes the process configuration module during operation of the process plant to perform a
function related to process operation.
98. The integrated configuration system of claim 85, wherein the plurality of data
source applications includes at least one of a maintenance system application, an optimizer
application, a predictive control application, an equipment monitoring application, and a
business application.
99. The integrated configuration system of claim 85, wherein the configuration
application is located remotely from the plurality of data source applications, and is adapted
to communicate with the plurality of data source applications via a communication link.
100. The integrated configuration system of claim 99, wherein the communication
link comprises the Internet.
101. An integrated configuration system for modeling a layout of a process plant,
the integrated configuration system comprising:
a computer readable memory;
a configuration routine stored on the computer readable memory and adapted to be
executed on a processor, wherein the configuration routine creates a process configuration
module using one or more configuration objects, and wherein the process configuration
module is communicatively coupled to an entity associated with the process plant;
an application routine stored on the computer readable memory and adapted to be
executed on the processor, wherein the application routine collects or generates application
data perta'ining to the entity associated with the process'plant; and
a user interface routine stored on the1 computer readable memory and adapted to be"
executed on the processor, wherein the user interface routine generates a graphical view of
the process plant via a display device based on the process configuration module and the
application data.
102. The integrated configuration system of clairn 101, wherein the configuration,
routine enables a user to specify an attribute associated with the process configuration
module. .
103. The integrated configuration system of claim 102, wherein the attribute
includes an identification of one or more data source applications communicatively coupled
to the process configuration module to access data associated with the process configuration .
104. The integrated configuration system of claim 102, wherein the attribute
includes at least one of an engineering attribute, a control attribute, a maintenance attribute,
and a management attribute.
105. The integrated configuration system of claim 101, wherein the graphical view
includes at least one of an engineering view, an operating view, a maintenance view, and a
management view.
106. The integrated configuration system of claim 101, wherein each of the
configuration objects includes a data storage adapted to store object data pertaining to the
associated process entity, a graphic representation depicting the associated process entity, one
or more inputs and outputs, and a method adapted to perform a function related to process
operation using the application data.
107. A method for integrating the viewing and configuration activities of multiple
applications within a process plant, the method comprising:
creating a process configuration module by interconnecting one or more configuration
objects, wherein the process configuration module is communicatively coupled to an entity
associated with .the process plant;
collecting or generating application data pertaining to the associated process entity;
generating a graphical view based on the process configuration module and the
application data.
108. The method of claim 107, further including specifying an attribute associated .
with the process configuration module.
109. The method of claim 108, wherein specifying the attribute associated with the
process configuration module includes identifying one or more data source applications that
are communicatively coupled to the process configuration module to access the application
data associated with the process configuration module.
110. The method of claim 108, wherein specifying the attribute associated with' the
process configuration module includes specifying at least one of an engineering attribute, a
control attribute, a maintenance attribute, and a management attribute.
111. The method of claim 107, further including storing a plurality of predefined
configuration objects in an object library.
112. The method of claim 111, further including creating at least one custom
configuration object using the plurality of predefined configuration objects, and storing the at
least one'custom configuration object in the object library.
113. The method of claim 111, wherein creating the process configuration module
includes providing a configuration section on a display device, selecting a depiction of one of
the plurality of predefined configuration objects from the object library, dragging the selected
depiction of one of the plurality of predefined configuration objects to the configuration
section and dropping the selected depiction of one of the plurality of predefined configuration
objects in a desired location on the configuration section.
114. The method of claim 107, further including executing the process
configuration module to perform a function related to process operation.
115. A method of configuring and viewing the operation of a process, comprising:
storing a set of generic configuration objects in a computer readable memory wherein
each of the generic configuration, objects includes a display graphic representing one or more
physical elements within the process;
enabling a user to create a process configuration module from one or more of the
stored generic configuration objects, wherein the process configuration module is associated
with a particular entity within the process;
enabling the user to provide configuration parameters for the process configuration
module indicative of a configuration of the particular entity within the process;.
executing the process configuration module during, operation-of the process to
communicate with the process to receive parameter information pertaining to the particular
entity within the process;
storing the parameter information; and
displaying the display graphic representing one or more physical elements associated
with the process configuration module to the user via a user interface.
116. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of aprocess of claim
115, wherein executing the process configuration module includes displaying the parameter
information to the user via the user interface in conjunction with a't least one display graphic
representing at least one of the physical elements.
117. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of a process of claim
115, wherein enabling the user to provide configuration parameters for the process
configuration module includes enabling the user to specify one or more engineering
parameters associated with the process configuration module.
118. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of a process of claim
117, wherein enabling the user to specify one or more engineering parameters associated with
the process configuration module includes enabling the user to specify at least one of a size, a
flow capacity, a type, a volume, a surface area, a number of process input/output connections,
a type of a process input/output connection, and a timing parameter.
11.9. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of a process of claim
115, wherein enabling the user to provide configuration parameters for the process
configuration module includes enabling the user to specify one or more control parameters
associated with control of the particular entity with which the process configuration module
is associated.
' 120. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of a process of claim
119, wherein enabling the user to specify one or more control parameters includes enabling
the user to specify a specific control routine used within a controller of the process.
121. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of a process of claim
119, wherein enabling the user to specify one or more control parameters includes enabling
the user to specify a type of a control routine used to control the particular entity with which
the process configuration module is associated.
122. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of a process of claim
119, wherein enabling the user to specify one or more control parameters includes enabling
the user to specify a control diagnostic used to perform diagnostics with respect to the control
of the particular entity with which the process configuration module is associated.
123. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of a process of claim
119, wherein enabling the user to specify one or more control parameters includes enabling
the user to specify one or more control parameter values associated with'the control of the
particular entity with which the process configuration module is associated.
124. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of a process of claim
123, wherein enabling the user to specify one or more control parameter values includes
enabling the user to specify a particular value for at least one of a setpoint, an initial value, a
default value, a range, a measurement unit, a limit, and a deadband.
125. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of a process of claim
115, wherein enabling the user to provide configuration parameters for the process
configuration module includes enabling the user to specify one or more communication
attributes associated with the particular entity with which the process configuration module is
126. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of a process of claim
125, wherein enabling the user to specify one or more communication attributes includes
enabling the user to specify at least one of a communication protocol, a communication
connection type, a number of communication .inputs/outputs, and a type of communication '
connection input/output.
127. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of a process of claim
115, wherein enabling the user to provide configuration parameters for the process
configuration module includes enabling the user to specify a simulation algorithm adapted to
simulate operation of the particular entity with which the process configuration module is
128. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of a process of claim
115, wherein enabling the user to provide configuration parameters for the process
configuration module includes enabling the user to specify one or more maintenance
attributes associated with the particular entity with which the process configuration module is
129. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of a process of claim
128, wherein enabling the user to specify one or more maintenance attributes includes
enabling the user to specify alarming information.
130. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of a process of claim
128, wherein enabling the user to specify one or more maintenance attributes includes
enabling the user to specify device health information.
131. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of a process of claim
128, wherein enabling the user to specify one or more maintenance attributes includes
enabling the user to specify maintenance diagnostics information.
132. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of a process of claim
115, wherein enabling the user to provide configuration parameters for the process
configuration module includes enabling the user to specify management information
associated with managing the process in which the particular entity is located.
133. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of a process of claim
132, wherein enabling the user to specify management information includes enabling the user
to specify at least one of a product type, a throughput, an efficiency, an uptime, a downtime
and a yield.
134. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of a process of claim
115, wherein enabling a user to create a process configuration module from one or more of
the stored template configuration objects includes presenting the one or more generic
configuration objects to the user via the user interface, enabling the user lo select the one or
more generic configuration objects and enabling the user to interconnect the selected one or
more generic configuration objects to create the process configuration module.
135. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of a process of claim
134, wherein enabling the user to create the process configuration module includes enabling
the user to specify particular process entities associated with -each of the one or more generic
configuration objects,
136. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of a process of claim
135, wherein enabling the user to specify particular process entities includes enabling the user
to specify a "tag associated with each of the particular process entities to be stored in the
process configuration module to identify the particular process entities associated with the
process configuration module.
137. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of a process of claim
115, wherein enablingihe user to provide configuration parameters for the process
configuration module includes enabling the user to specify a further application to be
executed using the parameter information to produce additional process information and
wherein executing the process configuration module during the operation of the process
includes communicating the parameter information to the further application.
138. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of a process of claim
137, wherein the further application is an optimizer application.
139. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of a process of claim
137, wherein the further application is a control application.
140. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of a process of claim
137, further including displaying the additional process information on the user interface in
conjunction with the display graphic representing one or more physical elements associated
with the process configuration module.
141. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of a process of claim
137, wherein the further application is a control diagnostics application.
142. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of a process of claim
115, wherein enabling the user to create the process configuration module from one or more
of the stored generic configuration objects includes enabling the user to create a plurality of
process configuration modules from the one or more of the stored generic configuration
objects, wherein each of the plurality of process configuration modules is associated with a
, different portion of the process plant, and further including enabling the user to view differenl
ones of the plurality of process configuration modules on the user interface at different times
during execution of the plurality of process .configuration modules.
143. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of the process of claim
142, wherein enabling the user to view different ones of the plurality of process configuration
modules on the user interface at different times includes enabling the user to select a subset of
the plurality of process configuration modules to view on the user interface at the same time.
144. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of the process of claim
143, further including displaying information pertaining to the process on the user interface in
conjunction with the subset of the plurality of process configuration modules being displayed
on the user interface.
145. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of the process of claim
144, wherein displaying information pertaining to the process on the user interface in
conjunction with the subset of the plurality of process configuration modules being displayed
on the user interface includes displaying information pertaining to the subset of the plurality
of process configuration modules on the user interface.
146. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of the process of claim
144, wherein displaying information pertaining to the process on the user interface in.
conjunction with the subset of the plurality of process configuration modules being displayed
on the user interface includes filtering the information to be displayed on the user interface
based on the subset of the plurality of process configuration modules being displayed on the
user interface.
147. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of the process of claim
146, wherein displaying information pertaining to the process includes displaying alarm
.information pertaining to the subset of the plurality of process configuration modules being
displayed on the user interface.
148. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of the process of claim
146, wherein displaying information pertaining to the process includes displaying device
maintenance information pertaining to the subset of the plurality of process configuration
modules being displayed on the user interface.
149. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of the process of claim
146, wherein displaying information pertaining to the process includes displaying control
information pertaining to the subset of the plurality of process configuration modules being
displayed on the user interface.
150. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of the process of claim
146, wherein displaying information pertaining to the process includes displaying business
information pertaining to the subset of the plurality of process configuration modules being
displayed on the user interface.
151. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of the process of claim
146, further including configuring an additional application to communicate with the process
configuration module to obtain information from the process configuration module.
152." The method of configuring and viewing the operation of the process-of claim
151, wherein configuring the additional application to communicate with the process
configuration module includes configuring the additional application to obtain engineering
information from the process configuration module. . .
153. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of the process of claim
151, wherein configuring the additional application to communicate with the process
configuration module includes configuring the additional application to obtain process
control information from the process configuration module.
154. The method of configuring and viewing the pperation of the process of claim
151, wherein configuring the additional application to communicate with the process
configuration module includes configuring the additional application to obtain the parameter
information sent to the process configuration module by the process.
155. The method of configuring and viewing the operation of the process of claim
151, wherein configuring the additional application to communicate with the process
configuration module includes configuring the additional application to obtain the
configuration parameters from the process configuration module.







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Patent Number 264557
Indian Patent Application Number 5344/DELNP/2006
PG Journal Number 02/2015
Publication Date 09-Jan-2015
Grant Date 06-Jan-2015
Date of Filing 15-Sep-2006
Applicant Address 8301 CAMERON ROAD, AUSTIN, TX 78754, USA.
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G06F 9/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/US2005/009371
PCT International Filing date 2005-03-22
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 10/812,752 2004-03-30 U.S.A.