Title of Invention


Abstract A method of transmitting a scheduling command during handover is disclosed. More specifically, the scheduling command is transmitted to a user equipment from a base station having a plurality of cells. In operation, the base station composes the scheduling command and transmits the scheduling command to the user equipment via at least one of the plurality of cells.
The present invention relates to a method of transmitting a scheduling command, and more particularly, jo a method of transmitting a scheduling command for uplink enhanced dedicated channel (E-DCH) in handover.
Background Art
Currently in theimobile communication system, various methods are being considered for improving capability of uplink transmission, such as Node B controlled scheduling, Hybrid Automatic Repeat Request (HARQ).
Traditionally, tHe RNC transmits a Transport Format Combination Set (TFCS) to a user equipment (UE]j. Here, the TFCS signifies a set of transport format combinations (TFC) which can be selected by the UE. The UE manages the arrangement of the TFCs. In other woj"ds, a TFC demanding higher transmit power than the maximum transmit power providedlby the UE is excluded from the pool of allowable TFCs. However, if the transraitjpower demanded by the excluded TFC changes to fall within
r the allowable TFC transmit power range, the excluded TFC can be included in the pool of the allowable TFCs. this operation is provided in higher layer of the UE. A Radio Controlled Network (KtfC) informs Node B of the maximum allowable transmit power of the UE. Since this typje of RNC scheduling is inefficient and relatively rough, it is

possible to improve the efficiency of uplink transmission by transferring the scheduling entity to Node B. With Node B controlled scheduling, uplink load can be controlled relatively quickly and uplink capacity can also be improved.
With the RNC out of the picture with respect to scheduling command in Node B controlled scheduling,; a base station or Node B transmits a scheduling command to the UE in the downlink direction. Furthermore, if the UE is located in an overlapping cell coverage area, the UE communicates with at least one cell or sector in handover.
In handover, the base station transmits the scheduling command via at least one cell or sector, where the scheduling command transmitted to each cell or sector can be different or independent of other scheduling command. Therefore, the UE may not adequately combine each independent scheduling command transmitted via different cells or sectors and thus encounter deterioration of detection capability. In addition, the UE may encounter difficulty in detecting signal transmitted from the base station via only one cell or sector due to relatively possible poor channel status.
Disclosure of the Invention
Accordingly, the present invention is directed to a method of transmitting a scheduling command that substantially obviates one or more problems due to limitations and disadvantages of the related art,
An object of the present invention is to provide a method of transmitting a scheduling command to a user equipment in handover from a base station having a plurality of cells.

Another object of the present invention is to provide a method of receiving a scheduling command from a base station having a plurality of cells in handover.
A further object of the present invention is to provide a method of transmitting and receiving a scheduling command in handover.
Another object of the present invention is to provide a communication system for transmitting and receiving a scheduling command in handover.
Additional adMantages, objects, and features of the invention will be set forth in part in the description which follows and in part will become apparent to those having ordinary skill in the art upon examination of the following or may be learned from practice of the invention. The objectives and other advantages of the invention may be realized and attained by the structure particularly pointed out in the written description and ciaims hereof as well as the appended drawings.
To achieve th£se objects and other advantages and in accordance with the purpose of the invention, as embodied and broadly described herein, a method of transmitting a scheduling command to a user equipment in handover from a base station having a plurality of cells. More specifically, the base station composes the scheduling
command and transmits the scheduling command to the user equipment via at least one of the plurality of cells.
In another aspect of the present invention, a method of receiving a scheduling command from a base station having a plurality of cells hi handover is provided. In operation, a user equipment receives the scheduling command transmitted via at least

one of the plurality of cell and combines the scheduling commands which are received via at least two cells.
In another aspect of the present invention, a method of transmitting and receiving a scheduling command hi handover is introduced. In operation, a base station composes the scheduling command and transmits the scheduling command to the user equipment via at least Of plurality of cells. In addition, the user equipment receives the scheduling command transmitted via at least one of the plurality of cells and combines
the scheduling command received via at least two cells.
Yet, in another aspect of the present invention, a communication system for transmitting and receiving a scheduling command in handover is provided. Here, a base station composes the scheduling command and transmits the scheduling command via at least one of plurality of cells, while a user equipment (UE) for receives the scheduling command transmitted via at least one of the plurality of cells and combines the scheduling commands received via at least two cells.
It is to be understood that both the foregoing general description and the
following detailed description of the present invention are exemplary and explanatory and are intended to provide further explanation of the invention as claimed.
Brief Description of-the Drawings
The accompanying drawings, which are included to provide a further understanding of the invention and are incorporated in and constitute a part of this

application, illustrate ejmbodiment(s) of the invention and together with the description serve to explain the principle of the invention. In the drawings;
FIG. 1 illustrates an operation of transmitting a scheduling command during handover.
FIG. 2 illustrates an operation of receiving scheduling commands during handover.
Best Mode for Carrying Out the Invention
Reference will now be made in detail to the preferred embodiments of the present invention, examples of which are illustrated in the accompanying drawings. Wherever possible, the |ame reference numbers will be used throughout the drawings to refer to the same or like jparts.
An enhanced uplink dedicated channel (E-DCH) has been proposed as a
channel for high-speed data transmission in uplink direction with Node B controlled scheduling and the HAEQ. Regarding the Node B controlled scheduling, the E-DCH is used to transmit a scheduling command from a base station (Node B) to a user equipment (UE).
For a more efficient means of transmitting scheduling command, Node B controlled scheduling is Implemented over the RNC controlled scheduling. As discussed

above, the RNC contfolled scheduling is inefficient compared to the Node B controlled scheduling.
The scheduling command composed at Node B can be scheduled based on rate as well as time and rale. The scheduling schemes are not limited to rate scheduling and time and rate scheduling. As another example of scheduling means, the scheduling by Node B can also be basfcd on transmission power level.
In the rate scheduling, transmission takes place based on the rate. The rate can be in terms of data or power. In operation, the RNC transmits information on transport format combination sets (TFCS) to Node B and the UE during setup. Thereafter, the transmitted TFCS is controlled in a stepwise manner by Node B, similar to controlling power level. To put differently, Node B controls in a stepwise manner the maximum transport format combinations (TFC) allowed for transmission from the TFCS of the UE.
For example, assume there are 100 TFCS belonging to a UE, arranged in order of transmission power levels from strongest to weakest. If the TFC index is set at a certain power level, say 50, Node B can include' up/down command to control the maximum TFC by which the UE transmits in the uplink direction. Subsequently, the maximum TFC would be 51 if 'up' command is included or 49 if 'down' command in ordered. Here, the UE is allowed to transmit according to the index range set by Node B scheduling.
The operation of the time and rate scheduling is different from the rate scheduling. In the time atd rate scheduling, the maximum TFC of the UE is not controlled in a stepwise manner. Instead, Node B directly notifies the UE the time and

the rate at which to transmit the maximum TFC. Again, the rate can be based on data or power. Here, the time for transmission, for example, can be a specific time, a specified time period, or a multiple time periods. At the same time, the transmission of maximum TFC is also controlled in conjunction with time.
For example, Node B can notify the UE a specified time period in which to transmit the maximum TFC. If a certain time period is available for transmission at the maximum transmission! rate, Node B notifies the UE of the available time slot(s). The UE can then transmit the TFC during this period at the maximum transmission rate. Compared to the rate scheduling scheme, the time and rate scheduling scheme is more efficient and advantageous.
In the embodiment of the present invention, the downlink scheduling command from Node B to the UE takes place in an enhanced uplink dedicated channel (E-DCH) for high speed transmission. In particular, Node B transmits scheduling command to the UE in handover via at least one of a plurality of cells.
The plurality of cells belongs to a group of cells or sectors, which form connections to the UE, called an active set. Preferably, the active set is the E-DCH active set. By transmitting the $ame scheduling command to all the cells (or sectors) in the active set, diversity gain can be achieved by the UE through increased scheduling command detection. For example, by transmitting the scheduling command to the UE via the cells (or sectors) in the active cell rather than via certain cells, the chance for the UE to receive or detect the scheduling command is greater than transmitting via a limited number of cells (or sectors).

During handover, a UE is in the overlapping cell coverage area of two adjacent cells. Here, a cell can also be referred to as a sector. Moreover, handover between cells (or sectors) sharing Node B is often referred as softer handover, while handover between cells having Node B located in each cell is often referred to as soft handover. Preferably, softer handover applies to the embodiment of the present invention.
hi handover between cells (or soft handover or softer handover), the communication between a UE and Node B takes place concurrently via two air interface channels, one for each cell (or sector) separately. Traditionally, this requires the use of two separate signals in the downlink direction, so that the UE can distinguish the signals. The two signals are received in the UE, for example, by means of Rake processing, very similar to multipath reception.
However, according to the embodiment of the present invention, instead of transmitting two separate signals in the downlink direction, a same signal or scheduling command can be transtnitted to the UE in the overlapping cell coverage area via at least one of plurality of cells. Because a single base station can exist for the coverage area having a plurality of cells, the same signal or scheduling command can be transmitted via at least one cell without any modifications by Node B.
In the scheduling command, Node B can include information pertaining to power level or data rate by which to transmit data hi the uplink direction. The command includes a specific tran$mission power level (or data rate) by which the UE can transmit in the uplink direction. For example, if Node B sets power level or rate at 50, the UE has

to transmit at this specific power level (or data rate). This type of scheduling command can be referred to as absolute grant (AG).
In addition, Node B can include information that pertains to increasing or decreasing the power level (or data rate) for transmission. More specifically, Node B commands the UE to either increase or decrease the. power (or data rate) with respect to previous or existing povbr (or data rate) before transmitting in the uplink direction. Here, instead of providing a specific power (or data rate), Node B provides a command, usually UP or DOWN. For example, if the specified or existing power level is 50, the RG refers to the change; hi the power level by a certain amount. Here, if the change in power level is one level the range of power level can be from 49 to 51. This type of scheduling command can be referred to as relative grant (RG).
The scheduling command of the RG is usually comprised of one (1) bit and is usually a command indicating UP or DOWN. The RG provides a permissible
transmission power level) range in which uplink transmission can take place with respect to a specific power leveli The power level of AG can be used as reference in using the RG.
As mentioned ^bove, handover takes place between cells when receiving a signal or scheduling contaiand from Node B. Although a scheduling command can be transmitted is soft handover as well as softer handover, it is desirable to transmit during softer handover in the embodiment of the present invention. Figures 1 and 2 illustrate the operation of transmitting -and receiving a scheduling command to the UE in handover. Node B composes a schejjuling command to transmit to the UE during handover (S10).

•?ts-msctrssea aoove, a;uii is the overlapping cell coverage area of a plurality of cells of Node B (or base stallion) during handover. Here, the same scheduling command is transmitted to the UE via a plurality of cells, namely, two adjacent cells (SI 1). As the scheduling command i$ transmitted via two adjacent cells during handover, for example,
preferably, the UE alsot has knowledge that the transmitted scheduling commands are the same. The scheduling command can be the AG and/or the RG. As such, since the UE has knowledge that the scheduling commands received via different cells contain the same command information,; the UE combines the scheduling commands to confirm the command (S21). Combining the scheduling command reduces error and provides for ) more accurate confirmation of the command.
For example, assume that Node B transmits a scheduling command to the UE to transmit at a higher fewer level. The UP command is indicated by a positive value "1." Similarly, to indicate a power level decrease otDOWN command, a negative value "0" is used. Upon receipt of the UP command by the UE via two adjacent cells, since the UE knows to combine the scheduling command, the combined sum is two, which is a positive number greater^ than one. Therefore, the UE is able to confirm that the scheduling command is ;for the UE to increase the transmission power level. On the contrary, if the command: was to decrease the power level for transmission, the combined value of "0" indicates such.
If different scheduling command is transmitted via a plurality of cells and/or the UE does not know to \ combine the received scheduling command, then the UE may not be able to ascertain tjhe command. There is no guarantee that the command from

Node B is always received without hitches or problems. Poor channel status could hamper proper reception, for example. Consequently, by transmitting the same scheduling command via at least one cell and by combining the received scheduling commands by the UE, fie transmission error can be reduced and the command can be confirmed more accurately.
It will be apparent to those skilled in the art that various modifications and variations can be made in the present invention without departing from the spirit or scope of the inventionsi Thus, it is intended that the present invention covers the modifications and variations of this invention provided they come within the scope of the appended claims and their equivalents,

1. A method of transmitting a scheduling command to a user equipment
(UE) in handover froin a base station (BS) having & plurality of cells, the method
composing the scheduling command; and
transmitting the scheduling command to the UE via least one of the plurality of cells. ;
2. The method of claim 1, wherein the scheduling commands transmitted
to the UE via at least one of the plurality of cells include the same scheduling
command information.
3. The method of claim 2, wherein the UE has knowledge that the
scheduling commands received via at least one of the plurality of ceils include the
same scheduling command information.
4. The method of claim 1, further comprising combining the scheduling
commands received by tie UE via at least two cells..

5. The method of claim 4, wherein the at least two cells are located in the
same base station.
6. The method of claim 4, wherein the scheduling command received by
the UE via at least two cells include the same scheduling command information.
7. The method of claim 4, wherein the UE has knowledge that the
scheduling commands received from at least two cells include the same scheduling
command information.
8. The method of claim 1, wherein the scheduling command includes a
specific power level or dfeta rate, given by the BS, by which the UE has to adhere to in
transmitting in an uplink; direction.
9. The method of claim 1, wherein the scheduling command includes a
command to increase or decrease a power level or data rate for transmission in an
uplink direction based on a previous power level or data rate.
10. The method of claim 9, wherein the" command is comprised of at least
one (1) bit.

11. The method of claim 9, wherein the command to increase is indicated
by a positive number.
12. The method of claim 11, wherein the positive number is "1."
13. The method of claim 10, wherein the command to decrease in indicated
by "0."
14. The method of claim 9 and 10, wherein the previous power level or data
rate is the specific powfcr level or data rate.
15. The method of claim 1, wherein the scheduling command is transmitted
in a downlink channel.
16. The method of claim 1, wherein the plurality of cells used in
transmission of scheduling command belong to an enhanced dedicated channel (E-
DCH) active set.

17. A method of receiving a scheduling command from a base station (BS)
having a plurality of cells in handover, the method comprising:
receiving the scheduling command transmitted via at least one of the plurality of cells; and
combining the scheduling commands received via at least two cells.
18. The method of claim 17, wherein the scheduling command received by
the LIE via at least one of the plurality of cells include the same scheduling command.
19. The method of claim 17, wherein the UE has knowledge that the
scheduling commands received from at least one of the plurality of cells include the
same scheduling command.
20. The method of claim 17, wherein the at least two cells are located in the
same base station.
21. The method of 17, wherein the scheduling command is received in a
downlink channel.

22. The method of claim 17, wherein the plurality of cells used in receiving
the scheduling cornmand belong to an enhanced dedicated channel (E-DCH) active set.
23. A method of transmitting and receiving a scheduling command in
handover, the method comprising:
composing the scheduling command in the BS;
transmitting the scheduling command to the UE via at least one of plurality of cells;
receiving the scheduling command transmitted via at least one of the plurality of cells; and
combining the scheduling commands received via at least two cells.
24. A communication system for transmitting and receiving a scheduling
command in handover, the system comprising:
a base station (BS) for composing the scheduling command and transmitting the scheduling command via at least one of plurality of cells; and a user equipment (UE) for receiving the scheduling command
transmitted via at least one of the plurality of cells and combining the scheduling commands received via at least two cells.

25. The system of claim 24, wherein the scheduling commands transmitted
to the UE via at leasjt one of the plurality of cells include the same scheduling
command information.
26. The system of claim 25, wherein the UE has knowledge that the
scheduling commands received via at least one of the plurality of cells include the
same scheduling corrtmand information.
27. The system of claim 24, further comprising combining the scheduling
commands received by the UE via at least two cells.
28. The system of claim 24, wherein the scheduling command includes a
specific power level or data rate, given by the BS, by which the UE has to adhere to in
transmitting in an uplink direction.
29; The system of claim 24, wherein the scheduling command includes a
command to increase qr decrease a power level or data rate for transmission in an uplink direction based on a previous power level or data rate.

30. The system of claim 24, wherein the scheduling command is transmitted in a downlink channel.
3 1 . The system of claim 24, wherein the plurality of cells used in transmission of scheduling command belong to an enhanced dedicated channel (E-DCH) active set.






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Petition - 3.pdf

Petition Form-1.pdf

Power of attorney.pdf

Patent Number 264880
Indian Patent Application Number 6649/DELNP/2006
PG Journal Number 05/2015
Publication Date 30-Jan-2015
Grant Date 28-Jan-2015
Date of Filing 09-Nov-2006
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H04B 7/005
PCT International Application Number PCT/KR05/001861
PCT International Filing date 2005-06-17
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 10-2004-0045577 2004-06-18 Republic of Korea