Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention provides a system for treating distillery liquid waste such as spent lees in accordance with the present invention is illustrated. The system includes a plurality of first chemical dosing tanks, a first reaction vessel, a first buffer tank, a first sand filter, a first carbon filter, a plurality of second chemical dosing tanks, a second reaction vessel, a second buffer tank, a second sand filter and a second carbon filter. The system is capable of recycling the liquid waste back into the process and thereby enabling the industry to solve the problem of pollution. Figure I.
Full Text FORM 2
The Patents Rules, 2003
(See section 10 and rule 13)

“The treatment of spent lees from distillery plant”

(a) NAME: Nutan Vikas Desai

(b) NATIONALITY: An Indian National

(c) ADDRESS: Tridev Apts. Survey No. 120
Plot No. 8 Modern Colony,
Paud Road, Pune – 411038
M.S India

The following specification describes the The following specification
invention. particularly describes the invention and the manner in which it is to be performed.

The treatment of spent lees from distillery plant

Field of the invention

The present invention relates to a system for treatment of industrial liquid waste, more particularly, the present invention relates to a system for treatment of distillery liquid waste such as spent lees.

Background of the invention

Molasses, which is a by product of sugar factory is the main raw material for production of alcohol. The molasses is fermented to produce alcohol. During this process of fermentation, liquid waste such as spent lees is generated which creates lot of difficulties before the distilleries with respect to its storage and disposal.

Prior art

The conventional methods for the treatment of spent lees are:
• By mixing it in water reservoirs;
• By mixing it in spent lagoons; and
• By adjusting Ph by lime addition and to let it out.

Drawbacks of prior art

The above mentioned conventional methods are unable to provide a full proof zero discharge system for distillery liquid waste like spent lees.
Further, the above mentioned conventional methods are not capable of re-cycling the liquid waste back into the process so as to solve problem of industrial pollution.

Object of present invention

The main object of this invention is to provide a process and a system for treatment of distillery liquid waste such as spent lees, which is capable of re-cycling the liquid waste back into the process and thereby enabling the industry to solve the problem of pollution.

Another object of present invention is to provide a process and a system for treatment of distillery liquid waste such as spent lees, which is a zero discharge system for distillery liquid waste.

Further object of present invention is to provide a process and a system for treatment of distillery liquid waste such as spent lees, which is economical and can be used as per requirement.

Brief description of figure

Figure 1 shows flow process block diagram in accordance with the present invention of a system for treatment of distillery liquid waste such as spent lees.

Detail Description of the invention:

The foregoing objects of the invention are accomplished and the problems and shortcomings associated with the prior art techniques and approaches are overcome by the present invention as described below in the preferred embodiment.

The present invention describes a system for treating distillery liquid waste such as spent lees. The system is capable of recycling the liquid waste back into the process and thereby enabling the industry to solve the problem of pollution. Further, the system is a zero discharge system for distillery liquid waste. Moreover, the system is economical in construction and may be used as per requirement.

The present invention is illustrated with reference to the accompanying drawings, throughout which reference numbers indicate corresponding parts in the various figures. These reference numbers are shown in bracket in the following description.

Referring now to figure 1, a block diagram of a system (100) for treating distillery liquid waste such as spent lees in accordance with the present invention is illustrated. The system (100) includes a plurality of first chemical dosing tanks, the present invention is shown to include two three first chemical dosing tanks (1a, 1b, & 1c), a first reaction vessel (2), a first buffer tank (3), a first sand filter (4), a first carbon filter (5), a plurality of second chemical dosing tanks, the present invention is shown to include two second chemical dosing tanks (6a, 6b, & 6c), a second reaction vessel (7), a second buffer tank (8), a second sand filter (9) and a second carbon filter (10).

The first chemical dosing tanks (1a, 1b, & 1c) are for adding oxidising agents in the distillery liquid waste received from distillery plant. In the embodiment, the oxidising agent used is a mixture comprises of dichromates and peroxides. The mixture preferably consists of dichromates and peroxides of univalent cations. Preferably dichromates of Potassium and Sodium, and peroxide of Hydrogen are taken in the ratio ranging from 10 to 30:5 to 15:40 to 70. More specifically, the oxidising agents Potassium dichromate:Sodium dichromate:Hydrogen peroxide is added in the ratio of 15:10:60.

The distillery liquid waste dosed with oxidising agents are received in the first reaction vessel (2). The oxidised distillery liquid waste is allowed to react in the first reaction vessel (2) for time period ranging from three to four hours therein, thereby separating into sludge and liquid. the sludge is removed from a bottom (not shown) of the first reaction vessel (2). The liquid is sent to the first buffer tank (3).

Further, the first buffer tank (3) receives the liquid from the first reaction vessel (2). The liquid from the first buffer tank (3) is passed through the first sand filter (4) and then through the first carbon filter (5).

Referring gain to figure 1, the filtered liquid from the first carbon filter (5) is passed through the second chemical dosing tanks (6a, 6b, & 6c). The second chemical dosing tanks (6a, 6b, & 6c) for adding flocculating agents and neutralizing agents in the liquid received from the first carbon filter (5). The neutralising agent used is a mixture of two components. The mixture comprises of hydroxides of alkali and alkaline earth metals. In particular mixture comprises of hydroxide of Calcium and Potassium. The mixture components are taken in the ratio ranging from (35 to 60):(5 to 15). In particular the neutralising agent Calcium hydroxide:Potassium hydroxide is added in the ratio of 45:10. The two compounds are added in separate tanks. The pH of the liquid obtained after the dosing is between 6 to 8. Further, the flocculating agent used is sulphate of group 3 cations. In particular sulphate of aluminium and Iron (II) is used. The mixture components are taken in the ratio 25 to 60, 75 to 100. In particular the flocculating agents Potash Alum:Ammonium alum is added in the ratio 50:90. The addition is mainly for coagulation and flocculating, turbidity removal, and to flocculate other suspended impurities.

The liquid dosed with flocculating agents and neutralizing agents is received in the second reaction vessel (7). The flocculated and neutralised liquid is allowed to react in the second reaction vessel (7) for time period ranging from one three to four hours therein, thereby separating into sludge from the liquid. The sludge is removed from a bottom (not shown) of the second reaction vessel (7). The liquid is sent to the second buffer tank (8).

Further, the second buffer tank (8) receives the liquid from the second reaction vessel (7). The liquid from the second buffer tank (8) is passed through the second sand filter (9) and then through the second carbon filter (10), thereby obtaining water suitable for further use.

All the processes are carried out at ambient conditions of temperature and without use of any potentially hazardous reagents. Further, COD, BOD & TDS parameters of the treated liquid have shown great reduction (more than 80%). The liquid passing out of the carbon filter (10) is almost colourless as well as odourless.

Detailed descriptions of the preferred embodiment are provided herein; however, it is to be understood that the present invention may be embodied in various forms. Therefore, specific details disclosed herein are not to be interpreted as limiting, but rather as a basis for the claims and as a representative basis for teaching one skilled in the art to employ the present invention in virtually any appropriately detailed system, structure, or matter.

The embodiments of the invention as described above and the methods disclosed herein will suggest further modification and alterations to those skilled in the art. Such further modifications and alterations may be made without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention; which is defined by the scope of the following description.

I Claim:
1. A system for treatment of distillery liquid waste, the system comprising:
a plurality of first chemical dosing tanks for adding oxidising agents in the distillery liquid waste received from distillery plant;
an first reaction vessel receives oxidised distillery liquid waste from the plurality of first chemical dosing tanks, wherein the oxidised distillery liquid waste is allowed to react in the first reaction vessel for time period ranging from one three to four hours therein, thereby separating into sludge and liquid, the sludge is removed from a bottom of first reaction vessel;
a first buffer tank connected to the first reaction vessel to received liquid therefrom;
a first sand filter connected to the first buffer tank, wherein the first sand filter filters the liquid received from the first buffer tank;
a first carbon filter connected to the first sand filter, wherein the first carbon filter further filters the liquid received from the first sand filter;
a plurality of second chemical dosing tanks connected to the first carbon filter, wherein the plurality of second dosing tank for adding flocculating agents and neutralizing agents in the liquid received from the first carbon filter;
an second reaction vessel receives flocculated and neutralised liquid from the plurality of second chemical dosing tanks, wherein the liquid is allowed to react in the reaction vessel for time period ranging from one three to four hours therein, thereby further separating into sludge and liquid, the sludge is removed from a bottom of second reaction vessel;
a second buffer tank connected to the second reaction vessel to received liquid therefrom;
a second sand filter connected to the first buffer tank, wherein the first sand filter filters the liquid received from the first buffer tank;
a second carbon filter connected to the first sand filter, wherein the first carbon filter further filters the liquid received from the first sand filter, thereby obtaining water suitable for further use.

2. The system as claimed in claim 1, wherein the oxidising agent is a mixture of is a mixture of potassium dichromate, sodium dichromate and hydrogen peroxide in the ratio ranging from 10 to 30: 5 to 15: 40 to 70.

3. The system as claimed in claim 1, wherein the neutralizing agent is a mixture hydroxides of alkali and alkaline earth metals in the ratio ranging from 35to60: 50 to 15.

4. The system as claimed in claim 2, wherein the flocculating agent is a mixture of sulphates of aluminum and iron in the ratio ranging from 25 to 60: 75 to 100.
















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729-MUM-2010-GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY(27-8-2013).pdf

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729-MUM-2010-PRE-GRANT OPPOSITION (12-9-2014).pdf

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729-MUM-2010-REPLY TO EXAMINATION REPORT(26-5-2014).pdf

729-MUM-2010-REPLY TO HEARING(17-9-2014).pdf


729-MUM-2010-WRITTEN STATEMENT(17-9-2014).pdf


Patent Number 264881
Indian Patent Application Number 729/MUM/2010
PG Journal Number 05/2015
Publication Date 30-Jan-2015
Grant Date 28-Jan-2015
Date of Filing 19-Mar-2010
Name of Patentee NUTAN VIKAS DESAI
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C02F1/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA