Title of Invention


Abstract There is provided a brush holder (40) comprises a body portion (42) fold-lined to a lower closure portion (45) adjacent a front closure portion (46), a top closure portion (50) comprising an upper web (51) having a brush handle aperture (54) formed therein and a closure tab (52). The closure tab (52) is cut at (55) to form a securing tongue (56) adapted in use to engage a securing slot (48) in the front closure portion (46). A left closure leaf (57) is adjacent a tapered left wall portion (60) hinged to the body portion (42) at (43). A right closure leaf (65) is adjacent a tapered right wall portion (66) hinged to the body portion (42) at (43). The upper edge of the left and right closure leaves (57, 65) is provided with a respective integral hanging tab (63, 71) having hanging apertures (64, 72) which are aligned in use. The lower portions of each of the left (60) and right (66) side wall portions are provided with three solvent apertures (74). In use, the handle of a brush is inserted through the aperture (54), the bristle mass is rested on the body portion (42), the left closure 57 and the left side wall portion (60) are folded up, the right closure (65) and right side wall portions (66) are folded up. The lower closure portion (45) and front closure portion (46) are folded up, and the securing tongue (56) is flexed to engage the securing slot (48) and retain the apparatus in its in -use form.
This invention relates to a brush holder.
This invention has particular but not exclusive application to a paintbrush
holder, and for illustrative purposes reference wifl be made to such application.
However, it is to be understood that this invention could be used in other
applications, such as pastry brush holders, mop holders, and wet broom holders.
Paint brushes generally fall into the categories of tradesmen's brushes and
handymen's brushes. Tradesmen's brushes are of high quality and are relatively
expensive. The brushes are cleaned and reused where possible. Some modern
coatings often require the use of expensive solvents for clean-up. There is a
trade-off between recovering the brush and the cost of cleaning. Other paint
systems may only require that the brush be kept solvent or water moist in order to
prevent cure-off of the paint in the brush between uses. Cleaned brushes are
generally hung up to keep the configuration of the bristles. Handymen's brushes
where used in these applications are rarely cleaned and are thus treated as
The usable life of both tradesmen's and handymen's brushes may be
greatly extended by immersion between uses in a solvent. However, the weight of
the brush against the tips of the bristles of a brush standing in solvent causes
distortion of the brush shape, as does general storage of brushes where the bristle
mass is distorted by that storage. One solution is to suspend the brushes in the
solvent. However, this requires the provision of hanging means at the right height
which compels the storage to be in a fixed position. It may not be usable for
brushes of different hanging heights.
This invention in one aspect resides broadly in a brush holder including a
housing having front and rear wall portions spaced at their respective side edges
by side wall portions, said housing defining an open-topped cavity adapted to
receive the bristle portion of a brush, locating means adapted to engage the
handle of the brush, an aperture associated with a lower portion of the housing
and adapted to admit a solvent, and suspension means whereby the brush holder
and brush in assembly may be suspended.
The housing and the locating means may be formed unitarily from a blank
of sheet material foldable to form the brush holder.
The sheet material may be a flexible material selected whereby folding
provides the brush holder with form stability. Alternatively the material may be a
substantially rigid material and has self-hinge lines formed thereon to enable the
blank to be foldable. The material may be selected from sheet metal or plastic,
coated paper material or the like. Preferably the material is selected to be
substantially unaffected by either the paint medium, paint solvent or clean up
liquids used for the intended paint system.
The location means may include a suitably configured web formed adjacent
the upper edge of one or both of the front and rear wall portions. Such locating
means may for example include an opening through which the handle of the brush
may pass. In addition or in the alternative, the location means may include a
brush handle gripping means selected to secure said brush in a selected position
in the housing. For example the gripping means may comprise a series of resilient
fingers depending into the opening formed in the web and adapted to receive and
retain the brush handle on insertion.
The aperture adapted to admit a solvent may comprise an open bottom of
the housing. Alternatively, the aperture may comprise one or more apertures
through a wall of the housing.
The suspension means may includes one or more tabs or the like
associated with the upper portion of the housing and having formed therein a
hanging hook or hanging loop. Alternatively the suspension means may include a
pair of spaced lands about said locating means and adapted to bear on the
shoulders of the brush, and wherein the brush and holder in assembly are
suspended by the hanging hole of the brush.
In another aspect the present invention resides broadly in a brush holder
formed unitarily of sheet material and including a body portion defining a rear wall
of the brush holder, a pair of lateral portions each spaced from opposite sides of
said body portion by a web defined by a pair of spaced folds, upper and lower
closure portions each spaced from opposite ends of said body portion by an end
portion defined by a pair of spaced folds thereabout, said upper end portion
including an aperture, said lateral and closure portions being adapted to fold up
about said folds to form a housing about a paint brush resting on said body portion
with the handle through said aperture, and securing means selectively retaining
said lateral and closure portions in said folded configuration.
The sheet material may be a flexible material, wherein the pattern and fold
parameters, and the folding order and securing means are all selected whereby
the housing has sufficient form stability to form a relatively rigid housing for a
paintbrush. The material may be selected from sheet metal or plastic, coated
paper material or the like. Preferably the material is selected to be substantially
unaffected by either the paint medium, paint solvent or clean up liquids used for
the intended paint system.
The body portion may comprise a flat region bounded on four sides by the
first fold line of each of the pairs of lateral and closure portions. The fold lines may
be produced by any suitable means and will be largely dictated by the choice of
sheet material. For example for thermoplastic materials the fold lines my take the
form of a conventional self-hinge pressed into the material.
The pairs of lateral and closure portions may be respectively the same or
may be different. For example the closure portion having the handle aperture may
be a short portion and the other of the pair may be a relatively longer portion.
Where the lateral portions differ there may be provided a first of the pair adapted
to be folded first to extent substantially over the face of the brush opposed to the
face of the brush resting on the body portion, whereupon the other may be
relieved over part of its equivalent area since it would not be required to close off
the brush surface. However, it is preferred that the folding sequence start with the
top and bottom portions, and that at least these portions be adapted to cooperate
to substantially overlay the whole of the surface of the body portion and thus cover
substantially the whole of the brush major surface.
The aperture may be adapted to further cooperate with tabs provided on an
edge of each of the lateral portions to provide the securing means, cooperating
where necessary with corresponding slots. Alternatively the securing means may
be formed in one or more pairs of the respective portions in the form of a press
stud or the like, either self formed or attached by any suitable means, hook-pile
fastening or the like.
One or more of the lower portions of the lower regions of the respective
portions may be provided with one or more apertures to provide for entry and
drainage of thinners or other solvents. By this means the holder may be used to
hold brushes in solvent containers.
In order that this invention may be more readily understood and put into
practical effect, reference will now be made to the accompanying drawings which
illustrate a preferred embodiment of the invention and wherein:
FIG. 1 is a view of apparatus in accordance with the present invention,
before folding; and
FIG. 2 is a view of alternate apparatus in accordance with the present
invention, before folding.
In Fig. 1 there is provided brush holder apparatus 10 cut out of flat sheet,
solvent resistant, thermoplastic material, and forming a substantially rectangular
body portion 11, bounded on its respective long sides by a first lateral portion 12
and a second lateral portion 13. The first lateral portion 12 and second lateral
portion 13 are each spaced from the body portion 11 by a web 14 defined by
spaced inner 15 and outer 16 thermomechanicaily formed fold lines.
The body portion 11 is bounded on its respective short sides by a first
closure portion 17 and a second closure portion 20. The first closure portion 17
and second closure portion 20 are each spaced from the body portion 11 by
respective upper 21 and lower 22 webs each defined by spaced inner 23 and
outer 24 thermomechanicaily formed fold lines.
The upper web 21 has an aperture 25 formed therein and adapted to
receive the handle of a paint brush, whereby the first closure portion may fold over
the shoulder of the brush.
The upper edges of each of the first lateral portion 12 and second lateral
portion 13 are provided with an integral tab 26, the tabs 26 being adapted to
engage the edge of the aperture 25 to assist in locating the lateral portion 12 and
second lateral portion 13 in their folded configuration in use.
The upper closure portion 17 is thermoformed to provide integral female
press stud portions 27. Corresponding thermoformed male press stud portions 30
are provided on the lower closure portion 20, the relative positions of the female
27 and male 30 press stud portions being selected whereby the apparatus is
retained in its folded configuration in use.
Solvent/thinners drain holes 31 perforate each of the webs 14 and lower
web 22, whereby the holder may In use allow solvent/thinners infusion into the
bristle mass of a brush contained in the apparatus.
In use, a paint brush is inserted handle-first through the aperture 25
whereby the bristle mass of the brush overlies the body portion 11. The first
lateral portion 12 is then folded over the bristle mass and distorted at the finish to
allow its tab 26 to enter the aperture 25 and be partially retained therein by elastic
recovery of the material. This is followed by folding the second lateral portion 13
over the first lateral portion and again distorted at the finish to allow its tab 26 to
enter the aperture 25 and be partially retained therein by elastic recovery of the
material. The second lateral portion 13 is shaped so as to not extend over the
edges of the first lateral portion 12 in.its folded configuration.
The upper closure portion 17 is then folded down and held by the user's
thumb against the stock of the brush, presenting the female press stud portions
27. The lower closure portion 20 is then folded up over the lateral portion 13 to
meet the upper closure portion 17, whereupon the male press stud portions 30 are
pressed into engagement with the female press stud portions 27.
In the embodiment of Fig. 2, a brush holder 40 is formed from a sheet
polymer blank 41. A central, substantially rectangular body portion 42 is defined
between left and right self-hinge fold lines 43 and upper and lower self-hinge fold
lines 44.- A lower closure portion 45 adjacent the lower fold line 44 is formed
adjacent a front closure portion 46 via self hinge fold line 47. The front closure
portion 46 is provided with a securing slot 48 the use of which will become
apparent hereinafter.
A top closure portion 50 comprises an upper web 51 self hinged at 44 to the
body portion 42 and a closure tab 52 self hinged to the upper web 51 at fold line
53. The upper web 51 has a brush handle aperture 54 formed therein and
extending between the respect fold lines 53 and 44. The closure tab 52 is cut at
55 to form a securing tongue 56 adapted in use to engage the securing slot 48.
A generally rectangular left closure leaf 57 is adjacent a tapered left wall
portion 60 and connected thereto via fold line 61, the inner edge of the left wall
portion 60 being hinged to the body portion 42 at 43. The upper edge of the left
wall portion is provided with a folding stiffening tab 62. The upper edge of the left
closure leaf 57 is provided with an integral hanging tab 63 forming a hanging loop
by means of hanging aperture 64.
A right closure leaf 65 is adjacent a tapered right wail portion 66 and
connected thereto via fold line 67, the inner edge of the right wall portion 66 being
hinged to the body portion 42 at 43. The upper edge of the right wall portion 66 is
provided with a folding stiffening tab 70. The upper edge of the right closure leaf
65 is provided with an integral hanging tab 71 forming a hanging loop by means of
hanging aperture 72, the hanging tab 71 being adapted in use to overlay the left
hanging tab 63 in use such that the respective apertures 64, 72 are aligned.
The right closure leaf is relieved by curved edge 73.
The lower portions of each of the left 60 and right 66 side wall portions are
provided with three solvent apertures 74.
In use, the stiffening tabs 62, 70 are folded in top closure portion 50 folded
down at 44 and 53, The handle of a brush is inserted through the aperture 54 until
the shoulders of the brush bears on the web 51, and the bristle mass is rested on
the body portion 42. The left closure 57 and left side wall portion 60 are folded up
about their respective fold lines 61 and 43 to substantially enclose the bristle
mass. The right closure 65 and right side wall portions 66 are folded up about
their respective fold lines 67 and 43 to substantially enclose the left closure 57.
the stiffening tabs 62, 70 pass under the web 51. The hanging tabs 63, 71 are
overlaid with the apertures 64, 72 aligned. The lower closure portion 45 and front
closure portion 46 are folded up about their respective fold lines 44 and 47 to
complete the brush holder. The closure tab 52 overlies the front closure 46 and
the securing tongue 56 is flexed to engage the securing slot 48 and retain the
apparatus in its in-use form.
Apparatus in accordance with the foregoing embodiments have the
advantage that a thin flexible material can provide a suitable brush holder by virtue
of the form stability of the folded structure. The apparatus is one-piece, mass
producible, cheap and effective. The apparatus may be used on a brush which
mat then be hung in the usual manner or rested in a container of thinners or
solvent without the bristles being distorted.
(t wiil of course be realised that while the above has been given by way of
illustrative example of this invention, all such and other modifications and
variations thereto as would be apparent to persons skilled in the art are deemed to
fall within the broad scope and ambit of this invention as claimed in the claims
appended hereto.

[Received by the International Bureau on 11 May 2005 (11.05.05);
original claims 1 to 22 are changed by new claims 1 to 12.] (3 Pages)
1. A brush holder including a unitary housing formed of a paint
solvent-impermeable sheet' material havfrtg fold tines formed thereon defining
front and rear wall portions spaced at their respective side edges by side- wall
portions, a lower wall portion and an upper wall portion, said housing defining
an open-topped cavity adapted to receive the bristle portion of a brush, said
upper wall portion selectively closing said open-topped cavity, locating means
associated with said upper wall portion and adapted to engage the handle of the
brush, at least one aperture located at a lower portion of a side wall portion and
adapted to admit a solvent, and suspension means whereby the brush holder
and brush In assembly may be suspended.
2. A brush holder according to claim 1, wherein said sheet material is
a flexible material selected whereby folding provides the brush holder with form
3. A brush holder according to claim 1, wherein said material is a
substantially rigid material and has seif-hinge lines formed thereon to enabie
said blank to be foldabie.
4. A brush holder according to claim 1, wherein said location means
comprises an opening in said upper wall portion through which the handle of the
brush may pass.
5. A brush holder according to claim 4, wherein said location means
includes brush handle gripping means selected to secure said brush in a
selected position in said housing.
6. A brush holder according to any one of the preceding claims,
wherein said suspension means includes one or more tabs or the like
associated with an upper portion of said housing and having formed therein a
hanging hook or hanging loop.
7. A brush holder according to any one of claims 1 to 5, wherein said
suspension means includes a pair of spaced lands about said beating means
and adapted to bear on the shoulders of the brush, and wherein said brush and
holder in assembly are suspended by the hanging hole of said brush.
8. A brush holder formed unitariiy of paint solvent-impermeable
sheet material and including a body portion, a pair of lateral portions aach
spaced from opposite sides of said body portion by a side wall portion defined
by a pair of spaced folds, at least one aperture located at a lower portion of tha
side wall portion and adapted to admit a solvent, a pair of closure portions each
spaced from opposite ends of said body portion by an end portion defined by a
pair of spaced folds thereabout, the upper of said end portions including an
aperture, said lateral and closure portions being adapted to fold up about said
to form a housing about a paint brush resting on said body portion with the
handle through said aperture, the first of said lateral portions being adapted to
be folded first to extent substantially over the face qf the brush opposed to the
face of the brush resting on the body portion, whereupon the other of said
lateral portions is relieved over part of its equivalent area,
and securing means selectively retaining said lateral and closure portions
in said folded configuration.
9. A brush holder according to claim 8, wherein said sheet material is
p flexible material, and wherein the pattern and fold parameters, and the folding
order and securing means are all selected whereby the housing has sufficient
form stability to form a relatively rigid housing for a paintbrush.
10. A brush holder according to claim 9, wherein said material is
selected from sheet metal or plastic, coated paper material or the like.
11. A brush holder according to claim 8, wherein said securing means
Includes cornplememary one or more pairs of longue-and-sloi, self Tomned or
attached press stud, hook-pile fastening or the like, and associated with said
pair of closure portions.
12. A brush holder substantially as hereinbefore described
reference to the accompanying drawings.









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Patent Number 265320
Indian Patent Application Number 5249/DELNP/2006
PG Journal Number 08/2015
Publication Date 20-Feb-2015
Grant Date 18-Feb-2015
Date of Filing 11-Sep-2006
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number B65D 75/14
PCT International Application Number PCT/AU2005/000189
PCT International Filing date 2005-02-14
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 2004900672 2004-02-12 Australia