Title of Invention


Abstract A machine for pulverising wood into chips and dust comprising of a feeding means for taking the material, said feeding means connected to power drive means to rotate the feeding means enabling it to introduce the said material by itself, a plurality of plates having extended metal rods attached above the feeding means is rotated by a gear connected to the said power drive means to collect the material over the feeding means, a plurality of cutting means to cut the wood into required sizes, said cutting means attached to a plurality of gears arranged so as to rotate in opposite directions, a blower means for filtering the chips and dust to of required size and sending to a storage tank.
This invention relates generally to a machine for pulverising wood and particularly to a mobile machine for pulverising wood and a method of pulverising wood.
Wood dust is generally known in the art. Particularly, wood dusts with high calorific value are used as fuel in multi-fuel boilers. Wood dust is used as domestic fuel in stoves, earthen or otherwise.
A number of methods of making and machinery to make the same are known in the art. It is generally known to bring the cut wood to a drying site and powder it using heavy machinery. It usually involves multiple operations and machinery. For example, the cut wood has to be carried to the required sit, it has to be cut in a different machine and blown in different machine. These processes generally are time consuming and involve expert labour, thereby increasing the cost and making the final product uneconomical.
US 4,785,860, granted to Arasmith, teaches an apparatus for processing wood, comprising a cylindrical drum mounted for rotation about its longitudinal axis, a cutting member, means for mounting the cutting member upon the circumferential surface of the drum such that its cutting edge is positioned a first distance from the drum surface, means for rotating the drum such that the cutting element passes along a circular path concentric to the surface of the drum, a pair of parallel ring sections each having a first and a second end and a substantially uniform cross section, and having an arcuate configuration along their length substantially conforming to the circumferential surface of the surface of the drum, the first ends of the spacing elements being positioned laterally adjacent to the path of travel of the cutting member, and extending in parallel relationship in front of the cutting member such that a gullet is defined in front of the cutting edge by the cutting member, the

ring sections, and the surface. A repeating pattern exists for the placement of the rings and cutting members upon the surface of the drum.
Making the drum rotate and making the cutting element along the circumference of the drum is a tedious process and not efficient too.
US 5,649,578, granted to Leguin, teaches an improved wood pulveriser which is provided with a rotating disc studded with a plurality of curved tapered hammers. One or more anvils are secured to the pulveriser with the anvil having teeth and slots located adjacent the surface of the disc. The hammers of the rotating disc pass through the slots of the anvils as the disc rotates to tear and shard wood into bits and pieces for subsequent use or processing. The anvils of the present invention are formed with two or more useable surfaces so that the anvils can be removed, rotated, and replaced to present fresh cutting surfaces to the disc. Further, the anvils are formed by a series of bolted together anvil segments to allow replacement of only single segments in the event of damage.
Presence of multiple hammers on a rotating disc makes this process cumbersome, noisy and inefficient.
None of the related machinery in the state of art is an insitu machine, in the sense that the machinery is mobile.
In dry parts of the world where bush trees are generally used as fuel, when the main trunk is cut and taken away for further processing, the remains of the tree like the twigs and branches are left behind as it is not economic to carry them and process them using the machinery available in the art. Hence, it is to make use of these remains, and not limited only to them, an efficient machinery is required.
It is clear that dust making machines in the state of art are not able to use the tree to make dust and thus there is a waste of energy.
The present invention addresses these and other shortcomings of the prior art.

This invention relates to a novel pulverising machinery that is efficient and simple in construction.
The main object of the invention is to use the available energy in the remains of the tree left over after the removal of the trunk.
It is one of the objects of the invention to use a single machinery to pulverise wood.
It is another object of the invention to pulverise wood insitu.
It is yet another object of the invention to develop a mobile machine.
It is yet another object of the invention to develop a cost effective method for pulverising wood.
Accordingly, towards achieving the stated objectives and overcoming the disadvantages of the prior art, a machine for pulverising wood into chips and dust comprising of a feeding means for taking the material, said feeding means connected to power drive means to rotate the feeding means enabling it to introduce the said material by itself, a plurality of plates having extended metal rods attached above the feeding means is rotated by a gear connected to the said power drive means to collect the material over the feeding means, a plurality of cutting means to cut the wood into required sizes, said cutting means attached to a plurality of gears arranged so as to rotate in opposite directions, a blower means for filtering the chips and dust to of required size and sending to a storage tank is herein described.
In another preferred embodiment of the present invention, a machine for pulverising wood into chips and dust fitted to a vehicle having plurality of wheels comprising of a feeding means for taking the material, said feeding means connected to the engine of the said vehicle to rotate the feeding means enabling it to introduce the said
material by itself, a plurality of plates having extended metal rods attached above the feeding means is rotated by a gear connected to the said engine of the vehicle to collect the material over the feeding means, a plurality of cutting means to cut the wood into required sizes, said cutting means attached to a plurality of gears arranged so as to rotate in opposite directions, a blower means for filtering the chips and dust to of required size and sending to a storage tank is also described.
In yet another preferred embodiment, a method of pulverising wood comprising the
steps of;
i.) rotating a feeding means to intake the material,
ii.) cutting the material into required size with a cutting means and
iii.) blowing the pulverised wood into a tank through a metal filter
is also herein described.
Other objects and advantages of the invention will become apparent upon reading the following detailed description and upon reference to the drawings in which:
FIG. 1 is line diagram of the feeder section
FIG. 2 is the line diagram of the cutter
FIG. 3 is the cross-section view of the blower
FIG. 4 is the line diagram of one the preferred embodiment
FIG. 5 is the line diagram of one the preferred embodiment
While the invention is susceptible to various modifications and alternative forms, specific embodiments thereof have been shown by way of example in the drawings and are herein described in detail. It should be understood, however, that the description herein of specific embodiments is not intended to limit the invention to the particular forms disclosed, but on the contrary, the intention is to cover all modifications, equivalents, and alternatives falling within the spirit and scope of the invention as defined by the appended claims.

Referring to FIG 4, it shows one of the embodiments where, the machine has in
feeding means 1, metal plate with metal rods 6 and conveyor 5. The cutting means is
also seen as hidden lines, where 2 is the shaft and cutting blade is 8. The cutting
area is connected to the tank 4 through a blower 3.
Referring to FIG 1, the chains 7 run the conveyor 5 and the metal plates 6.
Referring to FIG 2, the cutting tool 8 of one of the preferred configuration is shown
with the plurality of shafts 2.
FIG 3 shows the cross sectional view of the blower 3.
FIG 5 is one of the preferred embodiments of the present invention with a mobile
The present invention relates to a machine for pulverising wood into chips and dust by having a feeding means 1 collects material from the ground with the help of the metal plates and rods 6 provided at the end. The feeding means is connected to power drive means to rotate the feeding means enabling it to introduce the said material by itself. The plurality of plates having extended metal rods attached above the feeding means is rotated by a gear connected to the power drive means to collect the material over the feeding means.
The conveyor 5 delivers the material to the cutting means which essentially consists of cutting tools 8 fixed axially to a shaft 2 to cut the wood into required sizes. The cutting blades are made to run by gears arranged so as to rotate in opposite directions.
From the cutting area the pulverised material is carried to the storage tank 4 by a blower means 3. The blower 3 consists of fans to suck the pulverised material and filters it with the help of metal mesh.
The essential operation is, in the feeder section there are three conveyor chains with teeth frame. In front of the chain there are five nos. of plates rotate with the iron rod. In the rotation movement the waste thorny materials are fed to the conveyor chains. The material goes to the cutter section by the conveyor chains. In cutter section

there are two nos. of shaft with 35 nos. of cutting plates. It rotates in the opposite direction to each other by gears. The waste material is pulverised in the cutter section. Then it will go to in front of the blower unit through the sizeable filter with iron mesh. In the blower section there are four nos. of fan blades rotating above 2000rpm. Now the blower sucks the pulverised material and blows the material through the pipe way to the tank.
In another embodiment, the invention relates to a machine for pulverising wood into chips and dust by having a feeding means collects material from the ground with the help of the metal plates and rods provided at the end. The feeding means is connected to power drive means to rotate the feeding means enabling it to introduce the said material by itself. The plurality of plates having extended metal rods attached above the feeding means is rotated by a gear connected to the power drive means to collect the material over the feeding means. The machine is attached to a vehicle and the driving means is the engine of the vehicle.
The conveyor delivers the material to the cutting means which essential consists of cutting tools fixed axially to a shaft to cut the wood into required sizes. The cutting blades are made to run by gears arranged so as to rotate in opposite directions.,
From the cutting area the pulverised material is carried to the storage tank by a blower means. The blower consists of fans to suck the pulverised material and filters it with the help of metal mesh.
The essential operation is, the machine is fixed on a vehicle preferably a tractor is taken to the area where there are wood remains to be used, the feeder section is lowered to pick up the wood from the ground.In the feeder section there are three conveyor chains with teeth frame. In front of the chain there are five nos. of plates rotate with the iron rod. In the rotation movement the waste thorny materials are fed to the conveyor chains. The material goes to the cutter section by the conveyor chains. In cutter section there are two nos. of shaft with 35 nos. of cutting plates. It rotates in the opposite direction to each other by gears. The waste material is pulverised in the cutter section. Then it will go to in front of the blower unit through the sizeable filter with iron mesh. In the blower section there are four nos. of fan
blades rotating above 2000rpm. Now the blower sucks the pulverised material and blows the material through the pipe way to the tank.
A tractor is modified in a manner such that its tyres are removed and frame suitable to be placed on a machine is designed. The tractor is then fitted over the machine. The crank shaft of the tractor is connected to the rotating parts of the machine by means of chain drives and gears. The tractor is designed to have two clutches and power steering. The tractor is then fitted with of size 7.5" X 16" solid cushion tyres. In the feeder section of the machine there are three conveyor chains of 1.5 inches pitch and 10 teeth sprocket wheel 3 nos. in one side of the chain and 9 teeth small sprocket wheels 3 nos. on the other side of the chains. The chains carry 28 nos. of conveying plates. In front of the chain there are 5 nos. of 15 inch dia and 6mm thick plates with iron rods. In cutter section there are two nos. of shafts of 77mm with 35 nos. of cutting plates of 15 inch dia and 25mm thickness. It rotates in the opposite direction to each other by gears. In the blower section, the covered body is made of of 20 inches dia and 4mm thickness sheets. In this body a1.5 inches dia shaft rotates four nos. of fan blades rotating above 2000rpm.
The tractor is taken to the area where there are wood remains to be used, the feeder section is lowered to pick up the wood from the ground. In the rotation movement the waste thorny materials are fed to the conveyor chains. The material goes to the cutter section by the conveyor chains. The waste material is pulverised in the cutter section. Then it will go to in front of the blower unit through the sizeable filter with iron mesh. Now the blower sucks the pulverised material and blows the material through the pipe way to the tank.




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680-CHE-2006 AMENDED CLAIMS 09-02-2015.pdf

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680-CHE-2006 FORM-1 26-08-2014.pdf

680-CHE-2006 FORM-3 26-08-2014.pdf






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Patent Number 265336
Indian Patent Application Number 680/CHE/2006
PG Journal Number 08/2015
Publication Date 20-Feb-2015
Grant Date 19-Feb-2015
Date of Filing 12-Apr-2006
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number B02C7/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
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