Title of Invention


Abstract A method for selecting a shift schedule for a transmission in a motor vehicle is provided. The method includes the steps of determining whether a signal-to-noise ratio exceeds a threshold and calculating a tractive effort of the motor vehicle. A vehicle mass and a road grade is then estimated from the tractive effort using a recursive least squares estimator with multiple forgetting when the signal-to-noise ratio exceeds the threshold. A vehicle mass is selected and the road grade estimated from the vehicle mass and tractive effort when the signal-to-noise ratio does not exceed the threshold. A shift schedule is then selected based on the vehicle mass and the estimated road grade.
Full Text Attorney Docket No. P000775-PTA-DLT
[0001] The present disclosure relates to transmissions, and more
particularly to a method for selecting a transmission shift schedule in a motor
[0002] The statements in this section merely provide background
information related to the present disclosure and may or may not constitute prior
[0003] A motor vehicle having an automatic transmission includes a
control scheme of shift schedule for determining when the automatic
transmission shifts from one gear ratio to another gear ratio based on a plurality
of factors. These factors typically include, but are not limited to, engine torque,
vehicle speed and accelerator pedal position. Any given shift schedule for a
motor vehicle balances fuel economy versus performance, and so any given shift
schedule may be categorized as an economy shift schedule or a performance
shift schedule based on the balance that characterizes the shift schedule.
[0004] For a given trip in a motor vehicle, there are times when fuel
economy is preferred over high-performance and other times when high-
performance is preferred over fuel economy. Accordingly, it is desirable to have
the ability to transition between various shift schedules, such as between an

Attorney Docket No. P000775-PTA-DLT
economy shift schedule and a performance shift schedule, based on given
driving conditions. However, it can be difficult to automatically determine which
shifting schedule is desired due to variability in driving conditions, such as road
grade, and vehicles parameters, such vehicle mass. Accordingly, the present
invention provides a method for selecting a shift schedule using estimated road
grade and vehicle mass.
[0005] The present invention provides a method for selecting a shift
schedule for a transmission in a motor vehicle.
[0006] In one aspect of the present invention, the method includes the
steps of determining whether a signal-to-noise ratio exceeds a threshold and
measuring a tractive effort of the motor vehicle. A vehicle mass and a road
grade is then estimated from the tractive effort using a recursive least squares
estimator with multiple forgetting when the signal-to-noise ratio exceeds the
threshold. A vehicle mass is selected and the road grade estimated from the
vehicle mass and tractive effort when the signal-to-noise ratio does not exceed
the threshold. A shift schedule is then selected based on the vehicle mass and
the estimated road grade.
[0007] In another aspect of the present invention the signal-to-noise
ratio is an acceleration of the vehicle when an engine torque is not approximately

Attorney Docket No. P000775-PTA-DLT
[0008] In yet another aspect of the present invention the tractive effort
is calculated from measured vehicle speed, measured engine torque, and
transmission control signals.
[0009] In yet another aspect of the present invention the recursive least
squares estimator includes forgetting factors that modify the vehicle mass and
the road grade.
[0010] In still another aspect of the present invention the step of
estimating the vehicle mass and the road grade using the recursive least squares
estimator includes varying the value of the forgetting factors based on the signal-
to-noise ratio.
[0011] In yet another aspect of the present invention the recursive least
squares estimator holds the road grade near constant and calculates the vehicle
mass from the tractive effort when the motor vehicle is in a startup condition.
[0012] In yet another aspect of the present invention the startup
condition begins when the vehicle is first started and ends when the engine and
transmission temperatures increase to a pre-defined amount.
[0013] In still another aspect of the present invention the recursive
least squares estimator accumulates tractive effort calculations over time, holds
the road grade near constant, and calculates the vehicle mass from the tractive
effort when the startup condition has ended.
[0014] In still another aspect of the present invention the recursive
least squares estimator accumulates tractive effort calculations over time, allows
the road grade value to change, and allows the vehicle mass to change when the

Attorney Docket No. P000775-PTA-DLT
signal-to-noise ratio exceeds the threshold and the calculated vehicle mass is
within an allowable limit.
[0015] In yet another aspect of the present invention the recursive least
squares estimator accumulates tractive effort calculations over time, allows the
road grade value to change, and holds the vehicle mass near constant when the
signal-to-noise ratio exceeds the threshold, the calculated vehicle mass is within
an allowable limit, and engine torque is above a calibrated value.
[0016] In yet another aspect of the present invention the step of
selecting a vehicle mass includes selecting a vehicle mass from the last vehicle
mass calculated by the recursive least squares estimator when the signal-to-
noise ratio exceeded the threshold.
[0017] In yet another aspect of the present invention the step of
selecting a shift schedule includes selecting between an economy shift schedule
and a performance shift schedule.
[0018] In yet another aspect of the present invention the method
includes the step of calculating a road load mass factor from the vehicle mass,
the road grade, and acceleration due to gravity prior to selecting a shift schedule.
[0019] In yet another aspect of the present invention the method
includes the step of normalizing the road load mass factor and selecting a shift
schedule based on the normalized road load mass factor.
[0020] In yet another aspect of the present invention a performance
shift schedule is selected when the vehicle mass and road grade are unknown.

Attorney Docket No. P000775-PTA-DLT
[0021] In yet another aspect of the present invention the signal-to-noise
ratio is less than the threshold when the motor vehicle is braking.
[0022] Further areas of applicability will become apparent from the
description provided herein. It should be understood that the description and
specific examples are intended for purposes of illustration only and are not
intended to limit the scope of the present disclosure.
[0023] The drawings described herein are for illustration purposes only
and are not intended to limit the scope of the present disclosure in any way.
[0024] FIG. 1A and 1B is a flow chart illustrating a method of selecting
a shift schedule according to the principles of the present invention;
[0025] FIG. 2 is a control signal diagram of the method of selecting a
shift schedule of the present invention; and
[0026] FIG. 3 is a table illustrating various levels of convergence used
by the method of the present invention.
[0027] The following description is merely exemplary in nature and is
not intended to limit the present disclosure, application, or uses.
[0028] With reference to FIGS. 1A and 1B, a method for selecting a
shift schedule for an automatic transmission in a motor vehicle is generally
indicated by reference number 10. The motor vehicle (not shown) generally

Attorney Docket No. P000775-PTA-DLT
includes a powertrain having an engine and an automatic transmission. As the
motor vehicle travels, the grade of the road may vary from a flat grade to a steep
grade, depending on the given route. Additionally, the mass of the motor vehicle
may change due to fluctuations in the amount of passengers, luggage, stored
items, or the presence of trailers or other towed objects. The method 10
estimates the road grade and vehicle mass at any given instant in order to select
a shift schedule that meets the needs of the operator of the motor vehicle.
Accordingly, the method 10 runs continuously in real-time.
[0029] The method 10 begins at step 11 where a controller determines
whether a service brake has been applied or whether engine torque is near zero
net torque. The controller may be an engine controller or transmission controller,
or any other electronic device having a preprogrammed digital computer or
processor, control logic, memory used to store data, and at least one I/O section.
The control logic includes a plurality of logic routines for monitoring,
manipulating, and generating data. If the service brake has been applied or if
engine torque is near zero, the method 10 proceeds to step 12 where a vehicle
mass and road grade slowly filtered to zero are selected. The vehicle mass is
taken from the last estimated vehicle mass calculated in a prior iteration of the
method 10 when the signal-to-noise ratio exceeded a threshold. As such, it is
assumed to be a fairly accurate vehicle mass. The road grade is taken from the
last estimated road grade calculated in a prior iteration of the method 10 when
the signal-to-noise ratio exceeded the threshold and. To slowly filter the last

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estimated road grade to zero, the road grade is passed through a first-order lag
filter with a slow time constant, such as, for example, 15 seconds.
[0030] If the service brake has not been applied and/or the engine
torque is not near zero, the method proceeds to step 13 where the controller
determines whether a signal-to-noise ratio exceeds a threshold. The signal-to-
noise ratio represents the quality of data measured from the motor vehicle. A
good signal-to-noise ratio occurs when the acceleration is not equal to zero, the
engine torque is not near zero, and/or there is no braking. The threshold is a
pre-defined calibrated value.
[0031] If the calculated signal-to-noise ratio is greater than the
threshold, then the method 10 proceeds to step 14 where vehicle mass and road
grade are estimated using a Recursive Least Squares (RLS) estimator with
multiple forgetting. The RLS estimator is a process or program that uses
accumulation of measured data and multiple forgetting to calculate an estimated
vehicle mass and an estimated road grade. A RLS estimator is described in
"Recursive Least Squares with Forgetting for Online Estimation of Vehicle Mass
and Road Grade: Theory and Experiments", by Vahidi, Stefanopoulou, and Peng,
published in Vehicle System Dynamics, Vol. 43, No. 1 (January 2005), hereby
incorporated by reference as if fully disclosed herein. The RLS estimator uses a
plurality of measured vehicle parameters and known vehicle constants to
estimate in real-time the vehicle mass and the current road grade that the vehicle
is traveling on. The basic relationship between vehicle mass and road grade
may be represented by the following equation:

Attorney Docket No. P000775-PTA-DLT
(1) Ma = ((Te - Jew)/rg) - Ffe - Faero - Fgrade;
[0032] wherein M is the mass of the vehicle, a is the acceleration of the
vehicle calculated from the change in vehicle speed over time, Te is the engine
torque, Jew is the portion of torque used to rotate the powertrain, rg is wheel
radius divided by total gear ratio (constant for a given vehicle), Ffb is the force of
braking, Faero is the force do to aerodynamic drag, and Fgrade is the force due to
the road grade. The actual road grade may be calculated from the following
(2) Fgrade = M * g * (u * cos p + sin (3);
[0033] wherein u is the rolling resistance of the road and p is the road
grade. Accordingly, p = 0 corresponds to no road inclination, p > 0 corresponds
to an uphill grade, and p be employed to increase the accuracy of the estimation include input and output
PTO activation status, engine coolant temperature, and fan torque loss. The
RLS Estimator uses least recursive squares analysis with multiple forgetting with
equation (1) to calculate in real-time an estimated vehicle mass (M) and an
estimated road grade (P), as will be described in greater detail below.
[0034] If the calculated signal-to-noise ratio is less than the threshold,
then the method 10 proceeds to step 16 where the controller selects a vehicle
mass. The selected vehicle mass is taken from the last estimated vehicle mass
calculated at step 14 when the signal-to-noise ratio exceeded the threshold. As
such, it is assumed to be a fairly accurate vehicle mass.

Attorney Docket No. P000775-PTA-DLT
[0035] Next, an estimated grade is calculated using a grade estimator
at step 18. The grade estimator uses the selected vehicle mass determined in
step 16 to calculate the road grade from equation (1).
[0036] Once the vehicle mass and road grade have been estimated at
either steps 11, 14, or step 18, a road load mass (RLM) factor is calculated at
step 20. The RLM factor is calculated using the following equation:
(3) RLM factor = M * (1 + g * sin(B).
[0037] The RLM factor is then normalized at step 22 to either a "0" or a
"1". If the vehicle is in a start-up condition where vehicle mass and road grade
cannot be accurately estimated, the RLM factor is normalized to a default setting
that corresponds to a performance shift schedule.
[0038] At step 24, a shift schedule is selected based on the normalized
RLM factor calculated at step 22. In the particular example provided, a
normalized RLM factor of "0" indicates that the transmission should use a
performance shift schedule which optimizes shifting performance while a
normalized RLM factor of "1" indicates that the transmission should use an
economy shift schedule which optimizes fuel economy. Moreover, the present
invention contemplates that any normalized RLM factor between "0" and "1" can
be used to interpolate between the two shift schedules. Therefore, it should be
appreciated that any normalized factor may correspond to a specific shift
schedule. In addition, while in the particular example provided only two shift
schedules have been employed, it should be appreciated that any number of shift
schedules may be used so long as each shift schedule corresponds to a

Attorney Docket No. P000775-PTA-DLT
normalized value. During startup conditions where the vehicle is first turned on,
a performance schedule is automatically selected.
[0039] Turning now to FIG. 2, a control signal diagram is indicated
generally by reference number 100. The control signal diagram 100 is a
algorithmic representation of the method 10 described in FIG. 1. The control
signal diagram 100 includes a plurality of measured inputs 102 used to calculate
the mass of the vehicle and the road grade. These inputs 102 include engine
torque, vehicle speed, and internal transmission control module signals. An RLS
estimator process 104 then uses the inputs 102 to estimate the vehicle mass and
road grade using least recursive squares with multiple forgetting. As noted
above, the RLS estimation process is described in the paper entitled "Recursive
Least Squares with Forgetting for Online Estimation of Vehicle Mass and Road
Grade: Theory and Experiments", by Vahidi, Stefanopoulou, and Peng. The
multiple forgetting process includes assigning a scalar or weighted value to the
vehicle mass and road grade in order to "forget" old data that may be less
accurate. This scalar is referred to as a forgetting factor and is indicated by "A" in
the above referenced paper and in FIG. 3.
[0040] The RLS estimator 104 of the present invention changes these
forgetting factors based on whether the vehicle has first started up and also on
the quality of the signal-to-noise ratio. A table of these factors and conditions for
transition from one level of convergence to another is shown in FIG. 3. For each
level of convergence, two separate forgetting factors A are given. It should be
appreciated that these forgetting factors A are exemplary and may be changed

Attorney Docket No. P000775-PTA-DLT
for a given application. At the first level of convergence during startup of the
motor vehicle (Row 1), the road grade is held constant while the tractive effort is
calculated with no accumulation of data. Since the mass of the vehicle is
unknown at startup and the road grade is also unknown at startup, the RLS
estimator 104 assumes the road grade does not change and attempts to
calculate the vehicle mass from the measured tractive effort. The tractive effort
corresponds to the summation of the inputs 102 used in equation (1). An
accurate tractive effort may be calculated even when a torque converter is
operating. The RLS estimator 104 at the first level of convergence (Row 1)
allows the value of the vehicle mass to vary greatly as the tractive effort changes
during driving.
[0041] Once the engine and transmission have warmed up (for
example, to 25 to 30 degrees Celsius), the RLS estimator 104 transitions to the
next level of convergence (Row 2). Here, road grade is held fairly constant,
vehicle mass is allowed to vary, and accumulation of data over time is stored and
used in subsequent calculations.
[0042] The RLS estimator 104 transitions to the next level of
convergence (Row 3) once the RLS estimator has had a specified number of
calculations with data taken when the signal-to-noise ratio exceeds the threshold
value and the calculated vehicle mass falls within an allowable limit. This level of
convergence reduces how widely the mass of the vehicle changes while allowing
the road grade to have a larger change.

Attorney Docket No. P000775-PTA-DLT
[0043] Finally, the RLS estimator 104 transitions to the fourth level of
convergence (Row 4) when a specified number of similar vehicle mass estimates
have been calculated using different data sets over time. This occurs when there
is a good signal-to-noise ratio and when engine torque is above a calibrated
value during the entire dataset. In this level of convergence, the mass of the
vehicle is held fairly constant, reflecting a high level of confidence that the
changing measured tractive effort is due to change in road grade conditions, not
a change in vehicle mass. Accordingly, the road grade is allowed to vary greatly
as the tractive effort changes and accumulation of data continues.
[0044] Returning to FIG. 2, calculated vehicle mass estimates and road
grade estimates are then processed through function 106 to calculate the road
load mass factor. In the particular example provided, a minimum limiter is used
to produce a positive grade estimate. However, this minimum limiter is optional
and may be removed to allow a vehicle going downhill (negative grade slope) to
select an economy shift schedule rather than a default performance shift
schedule. An Eta or efficiency calculator 108 then normalizes the RLM factor to
allow the transmission or powertrain controller to select the shift schedule, as
previously described in FIG. 1.
[0045] Where the signal-to-noise ratio does not exceed the threshold,
the RLS estimator 104 is suspended and a grade estimator 110 calculates the
road grade from the tractive effort using the selected mass estimate from the
most recent RLS estimate when the signal-to-noise ratio exceeded the threshold.

Attorney Docket No. P000775-PTA-DLT
The selected vehicle mass and calculated grade estimate are then processed by
the function 106 and normalized by the Eta calculator 108.
[0046] The description of the invention is merely exemplary in nature
and variations that do not depart from the gist of the invention are intended to be
within the scope of the invention. Such variations are not to be regarded as a
departure from the spirit and scope of the invention.

Attorney Docket No. P000775-PTA-DLT
What is claimed is:
1. A method for selecting a shift schedule for a transmission in a motor
vehicle, the method comprising the steps of:
determining whether a signal-to-noise ratio exceeds a threshold;
calculating a tractive effort of the motor vehicle;
estimating a vehicle mass and a road grade from the tractive effort using a
recursive least squares estimator with multiple forgetting when the signal-to-
noise ratio exceeds the threshold;
selecting a vehicle mass and estimating the road grade from the vehicle
mass and tractive effort when the signal-to-noise ratio does not exceed the
threshold; and
selecting a shift schedule based on the vehicle mass and the estimated
road grade.
2. The method of claim 1 wherein the signal-to-noise ratio is an
acceleration of the vehicle when an engine torque is not approximately zero.
3. The method of claim 2 wherein the tractive effort is calculated from
measured vehicle speed, measured engine torque, and transmission control

Attorney Docket No. P000775-PTA-DLT
4. The method of claim 3 wherein the recursive least squares estimator
includes forgetting factors that modify the vehicle mass and the road grade.
5. The method of claim 4 wherein the step of estimating the vehicle mass
and the road grade using the recursive least squares estimator includes varying
the value of the forgetting factors based on the signal-to-noise ratio.
6. The method of claim 5 wherein the recursive least squares estimator
holds the road grade near constant and calculates the vehicle mass from the
tractive effort when the motor vehicle is in a startup condition.
7. The method of claim 6 wherein the startup condition begins when the
vehicle is first started and ends when the engine and transmission temperatures
increase to a pre-defined amount.

8. The method of claim 6 wherein the recursive least squares estimator
accumulates tractive effort calculations over time, holds the road grade near
constant, and calculates the vehicle mass from the tractive effort when the
startup condition has ended.
9. The method of claim 8 wherein the recursive least squares estimator
accumulates tractive effort calculations over time, allows the road grade value to
change, and allows the vehicle mass to change when the signal-to-noise ratio

Attorney Docket No. P000775-PTA-DLT
exceeds the threshold and the calculated vehicle mass is within an allowable
10. The method of claim 9 wherein the recursive least squares estimator
accumulates tractive effort calculations over time, allows the road grade value to
change, and holds the vehicle mass near constant when the signal-to-noise ratio
exceeds the threshold, the calculated vehicle mass is within an allowable limit,
and engine torque is above a calibrated value.
11. The method of claim 5 wherein the step of selecting a vehicle mass
includes selecting a vehicle mass from the last vehicle mass calculated by the
recursive least squares estimator when the signal-to-noise ratio exceeded the
12. The method of claim 11 wherein the step of selecting a shift schedule
includes selecting between an economy shift schedule and a performance shift
13. The method of claim 12 further comprising the step of calculating a
road load mass factor from the vehicle mass, the road grade, and acceleration
due to gravity prior to selecting a shift schedule.

Attorney Docket No. P000775-PTA-DLT
14. The method of claim 13 further comprising the step of normalizing the
road load mass factor and selecting a shift schedule based on the normalized
road load mass factor.
15. The method of claim 1 wherein a performance shift schedule is
selected when the vehicle mass and road grade are unknown.
16. The method of claim 1 wherein the signal-to-noise ratio is less than
the threshold when the motor vehicle is braking.

A method for selecting a shift schedule for a transmission in a motor
vehicle is provided. The method includes the steps of determining whether a
signal-to-noise ratio exceeds a threshold and calculating a tractive effort of the
motor vehicle. A vehicle mass and a road grade is then estimated from the
tractive effort using a recursive least squares estimator with multiple forgetting
when the signal-to-noise ratio exceeds the threshold. A vehicle mass is selected
and the road grade estimated from the vehicle mass and tractive effort when the
signal-to-noise ratio does not exceed the threshold. A shift schedule is then
selected based on the vehicle mass and the estimated road grade.




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390-KOL-2008-(23-09-2013)-ANNEXURE TO FORM 3.pdf



390-KOL-2008-(23-09-2013)-DESCRIPTION (COMPLETE).pdf







390-KOL-2008-(23-09-2013)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf


390-KOL-2008-CORRESPONDENCE 1.1.pdf




390-KOL-2008-FORM 1.pdf

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390-KOL-2008-FORM 2 1.1.pdf

390-KOL-2008-FORM 6 .pdf

390-KOL-2008-FORM 6 1.1.pdf

390-KOL-2008-OTHERS 1.1.pdf




Patent Number 265337
Indian Patent Application Number 390/KOL/2008
PG Journal Number 08/2015
Publication Date 20-Feb-2015
Grant Date 19-Feb-2015
Date of Filing 29-Feb-2008
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number F16H59/00; F16H59/14; F16H59/36;
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 11/733,164 2007-04-09 U.S.A.