Title of Invention


Abstract A CID management method and apparatus in a multi-hop relay BWA communication system are provided. A BS combines data destined for an RS and data to be relayed to an MS via the RS in a payload, distinguishing the data by CIDs, attaches a relay CID to the payload, and sends the payload with the relay CID to the RS. Among the data of the payload, the RS processes its data and relays to the MS the data destined for the MS by distinguishing them by the CIDs.
Full Text Description
Technical Field
[1] The present invention relates generally to a multi-hop relay cellular system. More
particularly, the present invention relates to a method and apparatus for managing
Connection Identifiers (CIDs) in a multi-hop relay Broadband Wireless Access (BWA)
communication system.
Background Art
[2] Provisioning of services with different Quality of Service (QoS) levels at about
l00Mbps to users is an active study area for a future-generation communication system
called a 4 Generation (4G) communication system. Particularly, active research is on
going in the area of mobility and high-speed, high-Quality of Service (QoS) services in
BWA communication system such as Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) and
Wireless Metropolitan Area Network (WMAN). The Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is a major driving force in this area as exemplified by
802.16d and IEEE 802.16e.
[3] The IEEE 802.16d and IEEE 802.16e communication systems adopt Orthogonal
Frequency Division Multiplexing/Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access
(OFDM/OFDMA) for physical channels. IEEE 802.16d considers only fixed
Subscriber Stations (SSs), i.e. a single-cell structure with no regard to mobility of SSs.
In contrast, IEEE 802.16e supports the SS' mobility to the IEEE 802.16d com-
munication system. Hereinafter, a Mobile SS is called an MS.
[4] FIG. 1 illustrates the configuration of a typical BWA communication system.
[5] Referring to FIG. 1, the BWA communication system is configured in a multi-cell
structure. Specifically, it is comprised of cells 100 and 150, BSs 110 and 140 for
managing cells 100 and 150, respectively, and a plurality of MSs 111,113,130,151
and 153. Signaling is carried out in OFDM/OFDMA between BSs 110 and 140 and
MSs 111, 113, 130,151 and 153. Among MSs 111, 113,130,151 and 153, MS 130 is
located in a cell boundary area between cells 100 and 150, i.e. in a handover region.
When MS 130 moves to cell 150 managed by BS 140 during signal transmission/
reception to/from BS 110, the serving BS of MS 130 changes from BS 110 to BS 140.
[6] In the above BWA communication system (i.e. IEEE 802.16), the ranging channel
is used as an uplink random access channel. Initial ranging, periodic ranging, and
bandwidth request ranging are performed through the ranging channel. Particularly, the

initial ranging is performed during network entry or when system information is lost,
with the aim to acquire uplink synchronization. In the initial ranging, a BS calculates
the Round Trip Delay (RTD) between the BS and an MS by accurately measuring the
time of arrival of a ranging signal from the MS and notifies the MS of a timing offset
corresponding to the RTD. The BS also allocates a primary management CID and a
basic CID to the ranging-requesting MS, for use in network entry and control message
[7] In the initial ranging process in which the BS allocates the CIDs to the ranging-
requesting MS, upon power-on, the MS first acquires system synchronization by
receiving a downlink preamble from the BS. Being synchronized to system timing, the
MS receives DL(Downlink)-MAP and Downlink Channel Descriptor (DCD) messages
and acquires downlink channel characteristic information from the received messages.
The MS then receives Uplink MAP (UL-MAP) and Uplink Channel Descriptor
messages from the BS and acquires initial ranging opportunity information, uplink
channel characteristic information, and initial ranging-associated parameters.
[8] Once the MS acquires minimum uplink and downlink channel information required
for communicating with the BS in this way, it performs a basic access procedure, i.e.
ranging to the BS based on the acquired information. That is, the MS sends a Ranging
Request (RNG-REQ) message to the BS and the BS replies with a Ranging Response
(RNG-RSP) message.
[9] Since this initial ranging process precedes registration to the BS, neither the BS nor
the MS has connection-associated information. Therefore, the MS uses an initial
ranging CID as its CID. The initial ranging CID is preset to a value (e.g. 0x0000),
common to all MSs and thus it is not managed separately.
[10] Besides the initial ranging CID, the BWA communication system uses a plurality
of other CIDs listed in Table 1 below.

[11] Referring to Table 1, the initial ranging CID is used for the MS to attempt an initial
access to the BS during the initial ranging process, as stated before.
[12] The CIDs other than the initial ranging CID can be classified into two types

according to their allocation processes and meanings: management CID and data
transport CID.
[13] The basic CID and the primary management CID are management CIDs and the
transport CID is a data transport CID. The management CIDs are allocated to the MS
from the BS without complicated service negotiations or requirements during reg-
istration since the management CIDs are basically allocated to the MS for registration
to the BS irrespective of the service that the MS uses.
[14] The transport CID is allocated to the MS from the BS whenever the MS needs a
new connection. The transport CID allocation takes place when specific service class
requirements are fulfilled by negotiations. Now a description will be made of the
functions of the CIDs illustrated in Table 1.
[15] The basic CID is MS-speciflc. As long as a connection is maintained between the
BS and the MS, the basic CID can be used instead of the Media Access Control
(MAC) address of the MS. After the initial ranging, the MS and the BS exchange
control messages using the basic CID.
[16] The primary management CID is used during network entry. The network entry
process, which starts with the initial ranging process, can be defined as a series of
processes in which the MS registers its information with the BS, inclusive of MS reg-
istration, service negotiation, and Internet Protocol (IP) address allocation. The BS
identifies the MS by the primary management CID during the network entry process
and significant control messages are sent/received using the primary management CID
during communications between the BS and the MS. As with the basic CID, the
primary management CID is kept for the MS as long as the connection is maintained
between the MS and the BS.
[17] The transport CID is used for actual service data transmission/reception. Upon
completion of the network entry, the MS requests a service to the BS and the BS
allocates the transport CID to the MS for use in transmission/reception of service data.
The connection of the service is identified by the transport CID as long as the service
continues. Unlike the primary management CID and the basic CID, the transport CID
is allocated on a service basis each time the MS requests a service. Hence, in the case
where the MS requests a plurality of services simultaneously, such as voice call, video,
and Internet browsing, the MS can be allocated a plurality of transport CIDs. On the
other hand, the primary management CID and the basic CID are allocated to the MS on
a one-to-one basis.
[ 18] The multicast CID is used to multicast the same data to a plurality of MSs simul-
taneously. When the BS sends data using the multicast CED, the MSs to which the
multicast CID was allocated receive the data, considering that the data are for them.
[19] A description will be made of messages involved in the initial ranging process.

[20] Table 2 below illustrates the structure of the RNG-REQ message sent from the MS
to the BS.

[21] As noted from Table 2, the RNG-REQ message includes a plurality of Information
Elements (IEs). Management Message Type is set to 4, indicating that the transmitted
message is RNG-REQ. SS MAC Address is the MAC address of the MS, identifying
the MS. Downlink Channel ID indicates the downlink channel on which the MS has
received the UCD message providing uplink channel information. Requested
Downlink Burst Profile is divided into bits 0 to 3 and bits 4 to 7. A Downlink Interval
Usage Code (DIUC) is written in the bits 0 to 3 to request formats for transmission/
reception of physical channel signals (e.g. a modulation type and an error correction
type), and four Least Significant Bits (LSBs) of Configuration Change Count in the
UCD message referred to in order to request ranging is filled in the bits 4 to 7. That is,
the BS sends a predefined physical channel signal to the MS referring to the in-
formation provided in the bits 0 to 3 of Requested Downlink Burst Profile. MAC
Version indicates a MAC version that the MS will use. Ranging Anomalies indicates
whether the MS transmits at a maximum power level or at a minimum power level to
attempt an access to the BS. Besides, Ranging Anomalies can be used to carry a
response to an instruction regarding the increase or decrease of transmit/reception
power to correct the transmit/reception power and time information of the MS during
the initial ranging. AAS broadcast capability indicates whether the MS can receive a
broadcast message or not.
[22] Table 3 illustrates the structure of the RNG-RSP message sent from the BS to the

[23] Referring to Table 3, the RNG-RSP message includes a plurality of IEs.
Management Message Type is set to 5, indicating that the transmitted message is
RNG-RSP. SS MAC Address is the MAC address of the MS to receive RNG-RSP.
Downlink Operational Burst Profile is a response to the MS-requested downlink burst
profile, i.e. a DIUC to be used in the BS. Primary Management CID and Basic CID are
CIDs that are allocated to the MS and kept for connection management between the BS
and the MS while the MS receives a service after ranging. Ranging Status (1 to 4) is a
response to the MS's ranging request If Ranging Status is 1, this implies that the BS
directs the MS to continue ranging. If Ranging Status is 2, this implies that the BS
directs the MS to discontinue ranging. If Ranging Status is 3, this implies that the
ranging is successful. If Ranging Status is 4, this implies that the BS directs the MS to
retry ranging. Timing adjust provides information for correcting the timing of the MS
and Power level adjust provides information for correcting the transmit/reception
power of the MS. Downlink frequency override indicates the frequency of another
channel on which the MS will attempt initial ranging, if Ranging Status is set to 2,
indicating abort.
[24] As noted from Table 3, the MS is allocated the primary management CID and the

basic CID during the initial ranging process.
[25] Since signaling is carried out between the BS and the MS via a direct link, a highly
reliable radio communication link can be established between them in the typical BWA
communication system illustrated in FIG. 1. However, due to the fixedness of the BS, a
wireless network cannot be configured with flexibility. As a result, the BWA com-
munication system is not effective in providing communication services under a radio
environment experiencing fluctuating traffic distribution and great change in the
number of required calls.
[26] This drawback may be overcome by applying a multi-hop relay data transmission
scheme using fixed Relay Stations (RSs), mobile RSs, or general MSs to general
cellular wireless communication systems such as the IEEE 802.16e communication
[27] The multi-hop relay wireless communication system can rapidly reconfigure a
network according to a changing communication environment and can enable efficient
operation of the whole wireless network. It can expand cell coverage and increase
system capacity. In the case where the channel status between the BS and the MS is
poor, an RS is installed between them so that the resulting establishment of a multi-hop
relay path through the RS renders the available radio channel to the MS better. With
the use of the multi-hop relay scheme at a cell boundary where the channel status is
poor, high-speed data channels become available and the cell coverage is expanded.
[28] The configuration of a multi-hop relay BWA communication system designed to
expand the coverage area of the BS will be described below.
[29] FIG. 2 illustrates the configuration of a multi-hop relay BWA communication
system designed to expand the coverage area of the BS.
[30] Referring to FIG. 2, the multi-hop relay BWA communication system includes a
BS 210 for managing a cell 200, a plurality of MSs 211 and 212 within cell 200, a
plurality of MSs 221,222 and 223 managed by BS 210 but located in an area 230
outside cell 200, an RS 220 for providing a multi-hop relay path between BS 210 and
MSs 221,222 and 223. Signaling is performed in OFDM/OFDMA among BS 200, RS
220, and MSs 211, 212, 221, 222 and 223.
[31] Although MSs 211 and 212 within cell 200 and RS 220 can communicate directly
with BS 210, direct communication is not available between BS 210 and MSs 221, 222
and 223 outside cell 200. Therefore, RS 220 covering area 230 relays signals between
BS 210 and MSs 211, 222 and 223. Thus MSs 221, 222 and 223 exchange signals with
BS 210 via RS 220.
[32] However, individual transmission of a transport CID and data from the BS to each
of MSs through the same RS requires as many management messages.
[33] Accordingly, a CID management apparatus and method are needed which reduces

the management messages sent through the RS for data transmission to the MSs via the
RS and thus saves bandwidth.
[34] That is, there is a need for a CID management apparatus and method that ef-
ficiently manage data destined for the RS and data to be relayed to the MSs through the
RS by use of a CID during communications between the BS and the RS in the multi-
hop relay BWA communication system.
Disclosure of Invention
Technical Solution
[35] An aspect of the present invention is to address at least the problems and/or dis-
advantages and to provide at least the advantages described below. Accordingly, an
aspect of of the present invention provides an apparatus and method for sending data
destined for a plurality of MSs in one payload through an RS in a multi-hop relay
BWA communication system.
[36] Another aspect of the present invention provides an apparatus and method for
sending data destined for a plurality of MSs in one payload through an RS by use of a
CID indicating inclusion of data with different destinations in one payload in a multi-
hop relay BWA communication system.
[37] In accordance with an aspect of the present invention, there is provided a data
transmission method of a source in a multi-hop relay network, in which a CID of a
destination of at least one packet is detected, it is determined from the CID if the
destination is connected to an RS, a payload including at least one packet is generated,
if the destination of the one packet is connected to the RS, a relay packet is generated
by attaching a relay CID as a header to the payload, the relay CID indicating that the
payload includes a packet for at least one destination, and the relay packet is sent.
[38] In accordance with another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a CID
management method of an RS in a multi-hop relay wireless access communication
system, in which a CID of received data is detected, it is then determined whether the
CID is a relay CID. The relay CID indicates that a payload includes a packet destined
for at least one destination; data is separated from the payload of the received data with
respect to each CID included in the payload. If the CID of the received data is the relay
CID, CIDs of the separated data are checked, and if the checked CIDs include a CID of
a destination to which the RS is to relay, separated data corresponding to the CID of
the destination is sent to the destination.
[39] In accordance with another aspect of the present invention, there is provided a
source in a multi-hop relay wireless access communication system. In the source, a
CID manager generates a payload by combining data to be sent to at least one
destination via the same RS, generates a relay packet by attaching a relay CID as a

header to the payload, the relay CID indicating that the payload includes a packet for at
least one destination, and sends the relay packet to the RS.
[40] In accordance with another aspect of the present invention, there is provided an RS
in a multi-hop relay wireless access communication system. In the RS, a CID manager
detects the CID of received data, determines if the CID is a relay CID, the relay CID
indicating that a payload includes a packet destined for at least one destination. The
CID manager separates data from the payload of the received data with respect to each
CID included in the payload. If the CID of the received data is the relay CID, the CID
manager checks the CIDs of the separated data, and if the checked CIDs include a CID
of a destination to which the RS is to relay, sends the separated data corresponding to
the CID of the destination to the destination.
Description of Drawings
[41] FIG. 1 illustrates the configuration of a typical BWA communication system;
[42] FIG. 2 illustrates the configuration of a typical multi-hop relay BWA com-
munication system designed to expand BS coverage;
[43] FIG. 3 illustrates the structure of a frame for data transmission/reception to/from an
RS in a multi-hop relay BWA communication system according to the present
[44] FIGs. 4 and 5 are flow diagrams showing signal flows in which the RS is allocated
a relay CID from a BS in the multi-hop relay BWA communication system according
to the present invention;
[45] FIG. 6 is a flow diagram showing a signal flow in which the RS is allocated a relay
CID from the BS in the multi-hop relay BWA communication system according to the
present invention;
[46] FIG. 7 is a flowchart of a communication operation of the BS in the multi-hop
relay BWA communication system according to the present invention; and
[47] FIG. 8 is a flowchart illustrating a communication operation of the RS in the multi-
hop relay BWA communication system according to the present invention.
Best Mode
[48] The matters such as detailed construction and elements defined in the description
are provided to assist in a better understanding of the invention. Accordingly, those of
ordinary skill in the art will recognize that various changes and modifications of the
embodiments described herein can be made without departing from the scope and spirit
of the invention. Also, descriptions of well-known functions and constructions are
omitted for clarity and conciseness.
[49] As an example, a multi-hop relay BWA communication system operates in OFDM/
OFDMA. As a physical channel signal is delivered on a plurality of subcarriers, the

OFDM/OFDMA operation enables high-speed data transmission. Also, the MS's
mobility is supported because the multi-hop relay BWA communication system is
configured in a multi-cell structure.
[50] While the following description is made in the context of the BWA communication
system, it is to be clearly understood that the present invention is applicable to any
multi-hop relay cellular communication system.
[51] Referring to FIG. 3, the frame includes a relay CID 313 and payload 315.The
following description is made with the understanding that BS 210 sends packets to
MSs 221, 222 and 223 outside cell 200 via RS 220 in FIG. 2.
[52] Relay CID 313 has been allocated to the RS by the BS, for use in indicating that
payload 315 contains data destined from the BS to a plurality of MSs.
[53] Payload 315 includes transport CIDs identifying the MSs and data to be sent to the
MSs. For example, CID 100 denoted by reference numeral 300 is the transport CID of
a first MS and DATA 303 is data to be sent to the first MS. CID 101 denoted by
reference numeral 305 is the transport CID of a second MS and DATA 307 is data to
be sent to the second MS. CID 102 denoted by reference numeral 309 is the transport
CID of a third MS and DATA 311 is data to be sent to the third MS.
[54] If the BS sends three data to the three MSs in the BWA communication system as
illustrated in FIG. 3, it sends them to the RS in one payload. In relation to the payload,
the BS sends one management message to the RS, thus saving bandwidth, as compared
to sending as many management messages as individual transmissions of the three
data. That is, one management message suffices for the transmission of the three data
in the single payload, resulting in bandwidth saving.
[55] The RS is allocated the relay CID from the BS during network entry or Dynamic
Service Addition (DSA) in the BWA communication system.
[56] In accordance with the present invention illustrated in FIG. 4, the RS can be
allocated a relay CID during registration in the network entry process. In accordance
with an alternative embodiment of the present invention illustrated in FIG. 5, the RS
can be allocated a relay CID during basic capabilities negotiation in the network entry
[57] Referring to FIG. 4, the RS sends a Registration Request (REG-REQ) message to
the BS, requesting registration of relay capability in step 411. By the REG-REQ
message, the RS may send a parameter or Type, Length, Value (TLV) indicating that it
will support the relay capability and request allocation of the relay CID.
[58] In step 412, the BS replies to the RS with a Registration-Response (REG-RSP)
message confirming the support of the relay capability. At the same time, the BS may
allocate the relay CID to the RS.
[59] Referring to FIG. 5, the RS requests support of relay capability to the BS when it

negotiates about basic capabilities by sending a Subscriber Basic Capability (SBC)
Request (SBR-REQ) message in step 413.
[60] The BS confirms the support of the relay capability and allocates the relay CID to
the RS by an SBC Response (SBC-RSP) message in step 414.
[61] In this way, when the RS requests the support of the relay capability to the BS by
the SBC-REQ message during the basic capabilities negotiation, the BS confirms or
rejects the support of the relay capability by the SBC-RSP message. If the BS confirms
the relay capability support, it may allocate the relay CID to the RS.
[62] In one embodiment, the BS can manage a CID table by adding the relay CID to the
existing Table 1, as follows.

[63] Referring to Table 4, the initial ranging CID is used for the RS to attempt an initial
access to the BS during an initial ranging process. The basic CID is a CID specific to
the RS, allocated from the BS. The primary management CID is used during network
entry. The relay CID indicates inclusion of data destined for a plurality of MSs in one
payload. The transport CID is used for transmission/reception of actual service data.
The multicast CID is used to multicast the same data to a plurality of MSs simul-
[64] In other embodiment, the BS can choose the relay CID from other CEDs such as the
transport CID or Multicast CED in the existing Table 1.
[65] It has been described above that the RS is allocated the relay CID from the BS
during the REG-REQ/RSP process or the SBC-RREQ/RSP process.
[66] Referring to FIG. 6, the RS requests a connection setup for new data transmission
to the BS by a DSA Request (DSA-REQ) message in step 511. At the same time, the
RS requests allocation of the relay CED to the BS by the DSA-REQ message. Inde-
pendently of the process in which the RS requests the relay capability support to the
BS and the BS confirms the relay capability support, the RS is allocated the relay CED
instead of a transport CED during a DSA process in which typically, the transport CED
is allocated. The DSA process is for initiating a service request to the BS for data com-

munication after the registration of the RS with the BS.
[67] In step 512, the BS sends, for example, a DSx Received (DSX-RVD) message to
the RS informing it that it has received the DSA-REQ message.
[68] The BS then sends a DSA Response (DSA-RSP) message in response to the DSA-
REQ message in step 513. The DSA RSP message contains the relay CID allocated to
the RS.
[69] Upon receipt of the DSA-RSP message, the RS detects the relay CID and ac-
knowledges the DSA-RSP message to the BS by a DSA Acknowledgement
(DSA-ACK) message in step 514.
[70] Referring to FIG. 7, the BS forms the first packet by assembling downlink data in
step 601. The data assembly is performed on an MS-by-MS basis.
[71] The BS checks the CID of the MS to receive the first packet in step 602, locates the
MS in step 603, and determines if the MS is connected to any RS in step 604.
[72] If the MS is not connected to any RS, the BS sends the first packet to the MS in
step 609.
[73] On the other hand, if the MS is connected to an RS, the BS identifies the RS to
receive the first packet, i.e. the RS connected to the MS in step 605.
[74] The BS then determines if there is any other packet to be sent through the RS. The
BS checks the presence of such packets until no packets remain to be sent through the
RS. This operation involves steps 601 to 605 in which the BS detects the CIDs of MSs
and identifies RSs connected to the MSs to receive the packets.
[75] In the presence of a plurality of packets to be sent to the RS, the BS combines the
packets in one payload in step 607. For example, the payload is formed by combining
data packets with the CIDs of MSs in their headers, as shown in FIG. 3.
[76] The BS attaches a header with the relay CID of the RS to the payload in step 608
and sends the payload with the relay CID to the RS in step 609.
[77] In the case where data for a plurality of MSs are combined in one payload, a
plurality of payloads may be formed each including data for an MS depending on the
size of a frame sent from the BS to the RS.
[78] The relay CID may be a management CID allocated to the RS for communicating
with the BS during registration, or a data transport CID allocated to the RS by the BS
on request when needed. The RS is an infrastructure RS which is fixed or a client RS
which is an MS acting as an RS.
[79] Referring to FIG. 8, upon receipt of data from the BS in step 701, the RS detects
the CID of the data in step 702.
[80] In step 703, the RS determines whether the CID is its relay CID. If the CID is not
the relay CID, the RS processes the data in step 709.
[81] On the contrary, if the CID is the relay CID, the RS detects the payload of the data

in step 704 and separates data on a CID basis in step 705. The RS checks the CIDs of
the separated data in step 706 and determines whether the CIDs are for MSs to which
the RS is to relay data in step 707.
[82] For CIDs identifying MSs connected to the RS, the RS sends data with the CIDs
set in their headers to the MSs in step 708.
[83] For a CID identifying the RS, the RS processes data with the CID in its header in
step 709.
[84] The relay CID may be a management CID allocated to the RS for communicating
with the BS during registration, or a data transport CID allocated to the RS by the BS
on request when needed. The RS is an infrastructure RS which is fixed or a client RS
which is an MS acting as an RS.
[85] In the above-described preferred embodiments of the present invention, the BS
forms a payload with data to be sent to a plurality of MSs through the same RS and
sends the payload to the RS. While not shown, however, the BS may include a BS CID
manager for forming the payload and attaching the relay CID of the RS to the payload,
for transmission to the RS.
[86] When receiving data including the relay CID, the RS separates data from the
payload with respect to each CID included in the payload, for relaying the separated
data to MSs. While not shown, however, the RS includes an RS CID manager for
performing the data separation and for sending the separated data to the MSs if the
CIDs of the separated data are for the MSs connected to the RS.
[87] In both the BS and the RS, the relay CID may be a management CID allocated to
the RS for communicating with the BS during registration, or a data transport CID
allocated to the RS by the BS on request when needed. The RS is an infrastructure RS
which is fixed or a client RS which is an MS acting as an RS.
[88] While transmission of downlink data to be sent to a plurality of MSs via the same
RS in one payload in the BWA communication system has been described in the
preferred embodiments of the present invention, it is to be clearly understood that the
present invention is also applicable to the uplink.
[89] As described above, the present invention provides an apparatus and method for
managing a relay CID when a BS communicates with a plurality of MSs via an RS in a
multi-hop relay BWA communication system. The relay CID includes data destined
for the RS. Data to be relayed through the RS can be managed separately. Therefore,
required management messages are reduced, bandwidth is saved, and efficient commu-
nications is enabled. Also, the BS and the RS can be configured to include the relay
CID management apparatus and to perform the CID management method.
[90] While the invention has been shown and described with reference to certain
preferred embodiments of the present invention, it will be understood by those skilled

in the art that various changes in form and details may be made therein without
departing from the spirit and scope of the present invention as further defined by the
appended claims and their equivalents.

[X] A data transmission method of a source in a network, comprising:
detecting a Connection Identifier (CID) of a destination of at least one packet;
determining if the destination is connected to a Relay Station (RS) based on the
detected CID;
generating a payload including the at least one packet, if the destination of the at
least one packet is connected to the RS; and
generating a relay packet by attaching a relay CID as a header to the payload, the
relay CID indicating that the payload includes the at least one packet for the
destination, and sending the relay packet to the RS.
[2] The data transmission method of claim 1, wherein the relay CID is chosen
from a transport CID.
[3] The data transmission method of claim 1, wherein the source is one of a
Base Station (BS) and a terminal.
[4] The data transmission method of claim 1, wherein the BS allocates the
relay CID to the RS during registration of the RS with the BS.
[5] The data transmission method of claim 1, wherein the BS allocates the
relay CID to the RS during basic capabilities negotiation between the RS
and the BS.
[6] The data transmission method of claim 1, wherein the BS allocates the
relay CID to the RS on request, when the RS needs the relay CID.
[7] The data transmission method of claim 1, wherein the relay CID is
allocated to the RS by the BS on request during a Dynamic Service
Addition (DSA) process between the RS and the BS.
[8] The data transmission method of claim 1, further comprising sending the at
least one packet to the destination, if the destination of the at least one
packet is not connected to the RS.
[9] The data transmission method of claim 1, wherein the RS is one of an in-
frastructure RS and a client RS.
[10] A Connection Identifier (CID) management method of a Relay Station (RS) in a
wireless access communication system, comprising:
detecting a CID of received data;
separating data from a payload of the received data with respect to a CID
included in the payload, if the CID of the received data is a relay CID, the relay
CID indicating that the payload includes the packet for at least one destination;
checking the CID of the separated data; and
sending separated data to the destination based on the checked CID.

[11] The CID management method of claim 10, wherein the relay CID is
chosen from a transport CID.
[12] The CID management method of claim 10, wherein the destination is one
of a Base Station (BS) and a terminal.
[13] The CID management method of claim 10, wherein the BS allocates the
relay CID to the RS during registration of the RS with the BS.
[ 14] The CID management method of claim 10, wherein the BS allocates the
relay CID to the RS during basic capabilities negotiation between the RS
and the BS.
[15] The CID management method of claim 10, wherein the BS allocates the
relay CID to the RS on request.
[ 16] The CID management method of claim 10, wherein the relay CID is
allocated to the RS by the BS on request during a Dynamic Service
Addition (DSA) process between the RS and the BS.
[17] The CID management method of claim 10, further comprising processing
the received data, if the CID of the received data is not the relay CID.
[18] The CID management method of claim 10, further comprising, processing
separated data corresponding to the CID of the RS if the checked CID is
for the RS itself.
[19] The CID management method of claim 10, wherein the RS is one of an in-
frastructure RS and a client RS.
[20] A source in a wireless access communication system, comprising:
a Connection Identifier (CID) manager for generating a payload by combining
data to be sent to at least one destination via the same Relay Station (RS),
generating a relay packet by attaching a relay CID as a header to the payload, the
relay CID indicating that the payload includes a packet for at least one
destination, and sending the relay packet to the RS.
[21] The source of claim 20, wherein the relay CID is chosen from a transport
[22] The source of claim 21, wherein the source is one of a Base Station (BS)
and a terminal.
[23] The source of claim 21, wherein the destination is one of a BS and a
[24] A Relay Station (RS) in a wireless access communication system, comprising:
a Connection Identifier (CID) manager for detecting a CID of received data,
separating data from a payload of the received data with respect to a CID
included in the payload, if the CID of the received data is a relay CID, the relay
CID indicating that the payload includes the packet for at least one destination,

checking the CID of the separated data; and sending separated data to the
destination based on the checked CID.
[25] The RS of claim 24, wherein the relay CID is chosen from a transport CID.
[26] The RS of claim 24, wherein the CID manager is allocated the relay CID
by a Base Station (BS) during registration of the RS with the BS.
[27] The RS of claim 24, wherein the CID manager is allocated the relay CID
by a BS during basic capabilities negotiation between the RS and the BS.
[28] The RS of claim 24, wherein the CID manager is allocated the relay CID
by a BS on request.
[29] The RS of claim 24, wherein a BS on request allocates the relay CID to the
CID manager during a Dynamic Service Addition (DSA) process between
the RS and the BS.
[30] The RS of claim 24, wherein the RS is one of an infrastructure RS and a
client RS.
[31] The RS of claim 24, wherein the destination is one of a BS and a terminal.
[32] A wireless access communication system for managing Connection Identifiers
(CIDs), comprising:
a Base Station (BS) for generating a payload including data destined for a Relay
Station (RS) and data to be sent to a terminal through the RS, the data destined
for the RS and the data to be sent to the terminal through the RS being dis-
tinguished by CIDs, attaching a relay CID as a header to the payload, the relay
CID indicating the payload includes a packet for at least one destination, and
sending the payload with the relay CID to the RS; and
the RS for separating data from a payload of the received data with respect to
each CID included in the payload, checking CIDs of the separated data, and
sending, if the checked CIDs include a CID of a terminal to which the RS is to
relay, separated data corresponding to the CID of the terminal to the terminal if
data received from the BS has the relay CID.
[33] The wireless access communication system of claim 32, wherein the relay
CID is chosen from a transport CID.
[34] The wireless access communication system of claim 32, wherein the RS is
one of an infrastructure RS and a client RS.

A CID management method and apparatus in a multi-hop
relay BWA communication system are provided. A BS
combines data destined for an RS and data to be relayed
to an MS via the RS in a payload, distinguishing the
data by CIDs, attaches a relay CID to the payload, and
sends the payload with the relay CID to the RS. Among
the data of the payload, the RS processes its data and
relays to the MS the data destined for the MS by
distinguishing them by the CIDs.




02487-kolnp-2008-correspondence others.pdf

02487-kolnp-2008-description complete.pdf


02487-kolnp-2008-form 1.pdf

02487-kolnp-2008-form 2.pdf

02487-kolnp-2008-form 3.pdf

02487-kolnp-2008-form 5.pdf


02487-kolnp-2008-international publication.pdf

02487-kolnp-2008-international search report.pdf

02487-kolnp-2008-pct request form.pdf




2487-KOLNP-2008-(19-03-2014)-DESCRIPTION (COMPLETE).pdf





2487-KOLNP-2008-(19-03-2014)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf



2487-KOLNP-2008-(23-04-2014)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf



2487-KOLNP-2008-(30-08-2013)-ANNEXURE TO FORM 3.pdf



2487-KOLNP-2008-CORRESPONDENCE 1.1.pdf



Patent Number 265526
Indian Patent Application Number 2487/KOLNP/2008
PG Journal Number 10/2015
Publication Date 06-Mar-2015
Grant Date 26-Feb-2015
Date of Filing 19-Jun-2008
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H04B 7/26
PCT International Application Number PCT/KR2007/000037
PCT International Filing date 2007-01-03
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 10-2006-0000721 2006-01-03 Republic of Korea