Title of Invention


Abstract A method of operating a fuel cell system comprising a fuel cell and a compressor that provides air to the fuel cell. The method comprises sensing a temperature indicative of the temperature of a fuel cell, providing a restriction in an air flow path to the fuel cell when the sensed temperature is below a threshold, and increasing the speed of the compressor to provide a desired air flow to the fuel cell. In at least some implementations, increasing the speed of the compressor increases the power drawn from the fuel cell to power the compressor and helps to increase the heat of the fuel cell. The increased speed of the compressor can also result in warmer air flow from the compressor that can further increase the temperature of the system components.
[0001] The field to which the present disclosure generally relates includes
fuel cells, fuel cell components, fuel cell control systems, and method of using
and operating the same.
[0002] Fuel cells have been proposed as a power source for many
applications, for example, as a primary power source in vehicles and the like.
To meet customer expectations in vehicle applications, the fuel cell should be
capable of quick start-up. At relatively high ambient temperatures (e.g. about
20 °C or above) a fuel cell stack, which may include a plurality of individual
fuel cells bundled together, can be started and reach acceptable operating
conditions in a reasonable amount of time. In some applications, the preferred
operating temperature may be around 80 °C.
[0003] At relatively low temperatures, such as subfreezing temperatures of
about -25 °C, rapid startup of the fuel cell stack is more difficult because at
these temperatures the rate at which the overall electrochemical reaction
occurs is significantly reduced. This limits the amount of current that can be
drawn from the stack and the resultant heat output by the stack. The reduced
output of the fuel cell stack can degrade drive-away performance of the
vehicle, as well as slow the rate at which the interior vehicle cabin can be
heated, the rate at which windshield defrost mechanisms operate, and the like.

[0004] One embodiment includes a method of operating a fuel cell
system comprising a fuel cell and a compressor that provides air to the fuel
cell. The method comprises sensing a temperature indicative of the
temperature of a fuel cell, providing a restriction in an air flow path to the
fuel cell when the sensed temperature is below a threshold, and increasing
the speed of the compressor to provide a desired air flow to the fuel cell. In
at least some implementations, increasing the speed of the compressor
increases the power drawn from the fuel cell to power the compressor and
helps to increase the heat of the fuel cell. The increased speed of the
compressor can also result in warmer air flow from the compressor that can
further increase the temperature of the system components.
[0005] Another embodiment of the invention includes a fuel cell system,
comprising at least one fuel cell, a compressor having an output
communicated with the fuel cell to provide a forced air flow to the fuel cell,
and at least one flow controller disposed between the compressor output and
the fuel cell and through which the forced air from the compressor flows to the
fuel cell. The flow controller may be a valve or valves that provide(s) a
variable restriction of the area for air to flow through the valve(s). The system
may further include an air flow sensor adapted to provide a signal indicative of
the flow rate of air to the fuel cell, a temperature sensor adapted to provide a
signal indicative of at least one of ambient temperature or a temperature of the
fuel cell, and a control system. The control system may be communicated

with the air flow sensor, the temperature sensor, the compressor and the
valve(s) and capable of providing a signal to the valve(s) to increase the
restriction to air flow through the valve(s) when the temperature sensor
provides a signal indicative of a temperature below a threshold. The control
system may also provide a signal to control the compressor operation to
provide a determined air flow to the fuel cell even when the valve(s) reduce(s)
the area for air to flow therethrough.
[0006] Other exemplary embodiments of the present invention will
become apparent from the detailed description provided hereinafter. It should
be understood that the detailed description and specific examples, while
disclosing exemplary embodiments of the invention, are intended for purposes
of illustration only and are not intended to limit the scope of the invention.
[0007] Exemplary embodiments of the present invention will become
more fully understood from the detailed description and accompanying
drawings, wherein:
[0008] FIG. 1 schematically depicts a control system to improve the cold
start performance of a fuel cell stack; and
[0009] FIG. 2 is a graph of compressor pressure ratio and air mass flow

[0010] Referring in more detail to the drawings, FIG.l illustrates a control
system for a fuel cell power system 10 such as may be utilized in a vehicle
application. The fuel cell architecture and its controls may be of any
conventional or hereinafter developed form. In the embodiment shown in
FIG.l, the fuel cell power system 10 includes at least one fuel cell or fuel cell
cell stack 12. A compressor 14 is provided and is driven by an electric motor
16. The compressor 14 provides a forced air flow to the cathode side of the
fuel cell stack 12, and this forced air flow may be humidified in a humidifier
32, and its pressure controlled by a pressure regulator or by feedback control
of its motor using an appropriate pressure sensor 46. The forced air flow may
be provided to the fuel cell stack 12 through an air cooler 18 designed to
reduce the temperature of undesirably heated air so that the air flow to the fuel
cell 12 is within a desired temperature range for operation of the fuel cell.
One or more variable flow restrictors, such as flow control valves 20, 22, may
be disposed between the compressor output and the fuel cell stack 12 to
control the flow rate of the air flow to the stack 12. In one embodiment,
control valve 22 is provided in a bypass line 21 around the humidifier 32.
[0011] In the embodiment shown, there are two flow control valves 20, 22
with one valve 22 connected in parallel to the other valve 20 and the cathode
humidifier 32. Accordingly, a portion of the output air flow from the
compressor 14 passes through one valve 20 and then the cathode humidifier
32, while a separate portion bypasses the cathode humidifier 32 and passes

through the second valve 22. In the embodiment shown, the divided air flows
converge downstream of the cathode humidifier 32 and are delivered to the
fuel cell stack in a single conduit 24, although other arrangements may be
[0012] In one implementation, the control system 25 may include one or
more controllers 26 operably communicated with the compressor 14, the fuel
cell stack 12, the air flow control valves 20, 22 and with one or more sensors
to control at least certain aspects of the fuel cell power system operation. The
controller 26 may include one or more discreet control units which may be
communicated together, or the controller may include a single controller that
controls at least the functions described hereinafter. An exemplary sensor that
may be used with the fuel cell power system 10 includes a temperature sensor
28 that provides to the controller 26 a signal indicative of the temperature of
the air entering fuel cell stack 12, or the temperature of the fuel cell stack 12
itself or the ambient temperature, or any combination of them. Another
exemplary sensor may include an air flow sensor 30 that provides a signal to
the controller 26 indicative of the air flow rate delivered from the compressor
14 to the fuel cell stack 12.
[0013] When the fuel cell power system 10 is subjected to relatively cold
ambient temperatures, the temperature of the fuel cell stack 12 can become
lower than its desired operating temperatures for optimum power supply
operation. When the temperature sensed by the temperature sensor 28 is
below a threshold, the controller 26 partially closes at least one of the air flow
valves 20, 22 to reduce the effective flow area through one or both valves. For

example, the threshold can be any suitable value below the desired operating
temperature of the fuel cell stack 12. Reducing the effective flow area of one
or both valves 20, 22 tends to increase the pressure of the air flow between the
compressor and valves 20, 22, and reduce the flow rate. To avoid providing
air at an increased pressure and a reduced flow rate to the fuel cell stack 12,
the controller 26 also provides a signal to the compressor motor 16 to increase
its rotational speed. In this manner, the compressor 14 requires more energy
to provide the same amount of air to the fuel cell stack 12.
[0014] Because the compressor 14 draws power from the fuel cell stack
12, the stack has to supply additional power to run the compressor at its
increased speed and pressure ratio. Because the fuel cell stack 12 efficiency
may be low during cold temperature operation, additional waste heat is
generated by the stack 12 to produce the extra power for the compressor motor
16. Accordingly, the waste heat generated by the stack 12 contributes to an
increased rate of warming of the stack 12 and subsequent more efficient
operation of the fuel cell system 10. For example, as shown in FIG. 2,
significantly higher pressure ratios can be used while staying below the surge
line 40. At a corrected mass flow rate of 70 g/s, the compressor 14 in one
implementation might operate with about 3.5 kW of power and have an output
air temperature of about 13 °C under normal operating conditions, as noted by
plot point 42. The compressor may operate with about 11.63kW of power and
an output air temperature of about 46 °C when the air flow is restricted and the
compressor pressure ratio is increased; as shown by plot point 44.
Accordingly, in one exemplary implementation, the compressor 14 requires

over 8 kilowatts (kW) of additional power to push the same concentration of
oxygen through the restricted or partially closed air flow valves 20, 22 and to
the fuel cell stack 12 compared to when the air flow valves 20, 22 are in their
normal position for normal operation of the fuel cell system 10. And the stack
12 produces an increased amount of waste heat to produce the extra power for
the compressor motor 16.
[0015] As noted above, the increased compressor speed and power
consumption provides a higher temperature of the air discharged from the
compressor 14. This warmer air passes through the air cooler 18 and helps
heat the air cooler 18 and any cooling fluid therein. The heated fluid may be
circulated through the fuel cell stack 12 to heat the same. The fuel cell stack
12 is further heated upon delivery of the increased temperature air flow
thereto. In the example shown in FIG. 2, the system can be controlled so that
over 8 kW of additional power can be required to drive the compressor motor
16 to deliver the same or similar mass of air to the fuel cell stack 12 during
start-up compared to the power requirement without throttling down the valves
20, 22. In this example, of the 8 kW to drive the motor, about 70% of that
may go into the airflow, or about 5.6 kW.
[0016] The control system 25 may use a feed forward model to calculate
the position of or relative restriction to air flow of the air flow valves 20, 22 to
maximize the compressor pressure ratio during the cold start or cold
temperature operation. In some implementations, the position of the valves
20, 22 may be controlled as a function of a determined or desired pressure
ratio of the compressor motor 16. A compressor pressure sensor 46 could also

be used to provide feedback control of the position of the air flow valves based
on the pressure at the outlet and/or across the compressor to determine the
desired position of the valves. By maximizing or increasing the compressor
pressure ratio, the amount of additional energy required to operate the
compressor motor 16, and hence, the amount of additional energy required
from the fuel cell stack 12, as well as a corresponding increase in the
temperature of the air discharged from the compressor 14, can be controlled to
facilitate warming up of the fuel cell power system 10. To maintain the air
flow to the fuel cell stack 12 generally constant or within a desired range, the
compressor motor 16 is preferably operated with a closed loop feedback
control on the air flow sensor 30 so that the compressor speed is automatically
increased to compensate for the partial closing of the air flow valves 20, 22.
Because the total effective area of the two air flow valves 20, 22 determines
the pressure ratio of the compressor 14, the compressor control loop can also
be independent of RH controls.
[0017] Accordingly, by throttling the valves 20, 22 between the
compressor 14 and the fuel cell stack 12, and then increasing the output of the
compressor 14 so that the fuel cell stack 12 receives a desired air flow (e.g. a
flow rate controlled as a function of a determined air flow rate), additional
energy can be drawn from the stack 12 to power the compressor 14 and can be
delivered to the stack 12 in the form of an increased temperature air flow.
This improves the cold start performance and cold temperature operation of
the fuel cell system 10, and increases the rate at which the fuel cell power

system temperature is increased to thereby reduce the time of low temperature
fuel cell stack operation.
[0018] The above description of embodiments of the invention is merely
exemplary in nature and, thus, variations thereof are not to be regarded as a
departure from the spirit and scope of the invention. By way of example
without limitation, increasing the restriction to the compressor output air
flow may be accomplished in ways other than partially closing one or more
valves, such as by directing the air flow in full or in part through a different
path when the restricted air flow is desired. Of course, still other
arrangements may be utilized, as desired.

1. A method of operating a fuel cell system comprising a fuel cell and a
compressor that provides air to the fuel cell, the method comprising:
sensing a temperature indicative of the temperature of a fuel cell;
providing a restriction in an air flow path from the compressor to the
fuel cell when the sensed temperature is below a threshold; and
increasing the speed of the compressor to provide a desired air flow to
the fuel cell.
2. The method of claim 1 wherein the fuel cell system also includes a
flow controller disposed between the compressor and the fuel cell, and
providing a restriction in the air flow path is accomplished by the flow
3. The method of claim 2 wherein the flow controller includes a valve
that provides a variable restriction in the air flow path reducing the cross-
section area through which air may flow.

4. The method of claim 3 which also includes sensing the pressure across
the compressor and controlling the restriction as a function of a determined
pressure ratio of the compressor.
5. The method of claim 1 which also includes sensing the flow rate of air
at the fuel cell and controlling the output of the compressor as a function of a
determined air flow rate.
6. A fuel cell system, comprising:
at least one fuel cell;
a compressor having an output communicated with the fuel cell to
provide a forced air flow to the fuel cell;
at least one flow controller disposed between the compressor output
and the fuel cell and through which the forced air from the compressor flows
to the fuel cell, the flow controller providing a variable restriction of the area
for air to flow therethrough;
an air flow sensor adapted to provide a signal indicative of the flow
rate of air to the fuel cell;
a temperature sensor adapted to provide a signal indicative of at least
one of ambient temperature or a temperature of the fuel cell; and
a control system communicated with the air flow sensor, the
temperature sensor, the compressor and the flow controller, the control system
providing a signal to the flow controller to increase the restriction to air flow
through the flow controller when the temperature sensor provides a signal

indicative of a temperature below a threshold, and the control system
providing a signal to control the compressor operation to provide a determined
air flow rate to the fuel cell even when the flow controller reduces the area for
air to flow therethrough.
7. The system of claim 6 wherein the fuel cell is communicated with the
compressor to provide power to the compressor to support operation of the
8. The system of claim 7 wherein when the flow controller provides a
reduced area for air to flow therethrough, the control system causes the
compressor to provide an output flow rate with a higher pressure ratio which
increases the power draw of the compressor from the fuel cell.
9. The system of claim 8 wherein when the compressor provides an
output flow rate with a higher pressure ratio, the temperature of the air
discharged from the compressor is increased.
10. The system of claim 6 wherein said at least one flow controller
includes two valves disposed in parallel to each other, and a humidifier
disposed between one of said two valves and the fuel cell to control the
humidification of the air that flows therethrough and to the fuel cell.

11. The system of claim 6 wherein the control system uses feed forward
control to control the restriction provided by said at least one flow controller.
12. The system of claim 11 wherein the control system maximizes the
compressor pressure ratio by controlling the air flow through said at least one
flow controller.
13. The system of claim 6 which also includes a pressure sensor that
provides a signal indicative of the output pressure of the compressor, the
pressure sensor being communicated with the control system.
14. The system of claim 9 which also includes an air cooler disposed
between the compressor and the fuel cell and wherein the increased air
temperature output from the compressor flows through the air cooler and heat
is transferred to a fluid flowing through the air cooler.
15. A method, comprising:
powering a compressor with a fuel cell to provide air flow to the fuel
sensing a temperature indicative of the temperature of the fuel cell;
providing a restriction in an air flow path from the compressor to the
fuel cell when the sensed temperature is below a threshold;

increasing the output of the compressor by providing additional power
from the fuel cell to the compressor to provide a desired air flow rate to the
fuel cell.
16. The method of claim 15 wherein the restricting includes reducing the
effective flow area of a valve disposed between the compressor and the fuel
17. The method of claim 15 which also includes sensing the pressure
across the compressor and controlling the restriction to air flow to the fuel cell
as a function of the pressure across the compressor.

A method of operating a fuel cell system comprising a fuel cell and a
compressor that provides air to the fuel cell. The method comprises sensing
a temperature indicative of the temperature of a fuel cell, providing a
restriction in an air flow path to the fuel cell when the sensed temperature is
below a threshold, and increasing the speed of the compressor to provide a
desired air flow to the fuel cell. In at least some implementations, increasing
the speed of the compressor increases the power drawn from the fuel cell to
power the compressor and helps to increase the heat of the fuel cell. The
increased speed of the compressor can also result in warmer air flow from
the compressor that can further increase the temperature of the system




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01136-kol-2008-description complete.pdf


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1136-KOL-2008-(17-04-2014)-DESCRIPTION (COMPLETE).pdf



1136-KOL-2008-(25-11-2013)-ANNEXURE TO FORM 3.pdf




1136-KOL-2008-(25-11-2013)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf


1136-KOL-2008-CORRESPONDENCE 1.2.pdf





Patent Number 265527
Indian Patent Application Number 1136/KOL/2008
PG Journal Number 10/2015
Publication Date 06-Mar-2015
Grant Date 26-Feb-2015
Date of Filing 30-Jun-2008
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H01M8/04; H01M8/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 11/774,738 2007-07-09 U.S.A.