Title of Invention


Abstract Methods and apparatus are provided for monitoring an achieved motor torque produced by an electric motor. The method includes determining the achieved motor torque based on a rotor position of the electric motor and a phase current of the electric motor when the motor speed is not greater than a first pre-determined threshold, determining the achieved motor torque based on a loss-compensated power supplied to the electric motor when the motor speed is greater than the first pre-determined threshold, comparing the achieved motor torque with the torque command, and indicating a fault when the achieved motor torque is not within a pre-determined margin of the torque command.
[0001] The present invention generally relates to electric motors, and more
particularly relates to methods and apparatus for monitoring electric motor
[0002] Electric motors (e.g., permanent magnet synchronous motors) are
used in a variety of applications, including vehicle applications. In hybrid
vehicle development, the electric motor is a fundamental component of the
hybrid powertrain system. Among other functions, the electric motor is a
torque source. For example, the motor may be operated to produce a positive
torque for propelling the vehicle in a motoring mode. The motor may also be
operated to produce a negative torque for energy generation in a generating
[0003] The actual torque output of the electric motor may not necessarily
correspond with a desired or commanded torque, and thus affect the torque
integrity. For example, the electric motor may produce a torque output having
a polarity that is opposite of the commanded torque. The commanded torque
value may be compared with the actual torque output of the electric motor to
determine whether a threshold is exceeded for control. However, a number of
variables (e.g., measured motor speed, conditions contributing to losses,
sensed rotor position, or the like) may affect the determination of the actual
torque output.
[0004] Accordingly, it is desirable to provide a method and system for
monitoring electric motor torque. Additionally, it is desirable to provide a
method and system for detecting motor torque integrity of hybrid vehicles.
Furthermore, other desirable features and characteristics of the present
invention will become apparent from the subsequent detailed description and

the appended claims, taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings
and the foregoing technical field and background.
[0005] Methods and apparatus are provided for monitoring a motor torque
produced by an electric motor. In one embodiment, a method is provided for
monitoring an achieved motor torque produced by an electric motor in
response to a torque command. The electric motor is operable at a motor
speed. The method comprises determining the achieved motor torque based
on a rotor position of the electric motor and a phase current of the electric
motor when the motor speed is not greater than a first pre-determined
threshold, determining the achieved motor torque based on a loss-compensated
power supplied to the electric motor when the motor speed is greater than the
first pre-determined threshold, comparing the achieved motor torque with the
torque command, and indicating a fault when the achieved motor torque is not
within a pre-determined margin of the torque command.
[0006] In another embodiment, a controller is provided for monitoring an
achieved motor torque produced by an electric motor in response to a torque
command. The controller comprises an input, an output, and a processor
coupled to the input and the output. The input is operable to receive the motor
speed of the electric motor, the torque command, a rotor position of the
electric motor, and a phase current of the electric motor. The output is
configured to provide a signal indicating a fault. The processor is configured
to determine the achieved motor torque based on the rotor position of the
electric motor and the phase current of the electric motor when the motor
speed is not greater than a first pre-determined threshold, determine the
achieved motor torque based on a loss-compensated power supplied to the
electric motor when the motor speed is greater than the first pre-determined
threshold, and produce the signal when the achieved motor torque is not
within a pre-determined margin of the torque command.
[0007] In another embodiment, a software program is provided comprising
software instructions arranged to run on a processor to monitor an achieved

motor torque produced by an electric motor. The software program, when
installed and operating on the processor, results in the processor determining
the achieved motor torque based on a rotor position of the electric motor and a
phase current of the electric motor when the motor speed is not greater than a
first pre-determined threshold, determining the achieved motor torque based
on a loss-compensated power supplied to the electric motor when the motor
speed is greater than the first pre-determined threshold, comparing the
achieved motor torque with the torque command, and indicating a fault is the
achieved motor torque is not within a pre-determined margin of the torque
[0008] The present invention will hereinafter be described in conjunction
with the following drawing figures, wherein like numerals denote like
elements, and
[0009] FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a hybrid vehicle control system in
accordance with an exemplary embodiment;
[0010] FIG. 2 is a block diagram of a motor torque monitor in accordance
with an exemplary embodiment;
[0011] FIG. 3 is a block diagram illustrating a motor power test in
accordance with an exemplary embodiment;
[0012] FIG. 4 is a block diagram illustrating a motor torque determination
in accordance with an exemplary embodiment; and
[0013] FIG. 5 is a flow diagram of a method for monitoring an achieved
motor torque produced by an electric motor in accordance with an exemplary
[0014] The following detailed description is merely illustrative in nature
and is not intended to limit the invention or the application and uses of the
invention. Furthermore, there is no intention to be bound by any expressed or

implied theory presented in the preceding technical field, background, brief
summary or the following detailed description.
[0015] A method, controller, and software program are provided for
monitoring a torque output of an electric motor, such as a permanent magnet
(PM) machine. In general, the torque produced by the electric motor is
monitored to determine motor torque integrity, secure the delivery of torque
from the electric motor, and provide a warning or transmit fault information if
the motor torque integrity is not within desired operating criteria. The term
"secure" is used herein to generally refer to an indication of reliability of
variables used to determine the motor torque and of the motor torque itself.
Appropriate remedial actions may be taken in response to the warning or upon
receipt of the fault information.
[0016] In one embodiment, a motor torque monitor (MTM) is provided to
monitor the torque produced by the electric motor, for example, as part of an
overall hybrid vehicle torque security. The MTM may be integrated into
multi-layer or multi-level control architectures for vehicle systems. For
example, the MTM may be integrated with layer one diagnostics (e.g., a basic
diagnostic layer) and assume the functionality of the layer one diagnostics
including, but not necessarily limited to, electrical and performance
diagnostics for resolvers, current sensors, voltage measurements, temperature
measurements, or the like, of a vehicle system. Additionally, the MTM may
assume the functionality of forward path torque control functions associated
with the control architecture including, but not necessarily limited to, current
feedback control, pulse width modulation (PWM), temperature compensation,
torque limiting, torque protection, or the like.
[0017] Referring to FIG. 1, a vehicle control system 100 is shown in
accordance with an exemplary embodiment. The system 100 comprises an
electric motor 102, a hybrid powertrain control system 104 coupled to the
electric motor 102, and a vehicle controller 122 in communication with the
hybrid powertrain control system 104 (e.g., via a serial peripheral interface
(SPI)). The vehicle controller 122 interfaces with one or more control
systems, such as an anti-lock brake system (ABS) electronic control unit

(ECU) 108, a power steering system 110, or the like, and may interface with a
central gateway 112 that provides communication with other vehicle control
systems. One or more additional electric motors may be coupled to, and
thereby controlled by, the hybrid powertrain control system 104. Although the
system 100 is described in the context of a hybrid vehicle powertrain (e.g., a
gas-electric hybrid vehicle powertrain), the system 100 may be implemented
for other systems incorporating one or more electric motors.
[0018] In this embodiment, the hybrid powertrain control system 104
comprises an engine control module (ECM) 114, a transmission control
module 116, a battery management module 118, a motor control processor
(MCP) 120, and a hybrid control processor (HCP) 106, although the hybrid
powertrain control system 104 may include additional ECUs, processors,
modules, or the like. For example, in one advanced hybrid vehicle
implementation, two electric motors are typically used with an internal
combustion engine or with fuel cells, and each of the electric motors is
controlled with a separate MCP. Additionally, the hybrid powertrain control
system 104 may be partitioned in a variety of other configurations.
[0019] Among other functions, the hybrid powertrain control system 104
controls the operation of the electric motor 102 through the MCP 120. For
example, the MCP 120 performs forward path torque control functions
including, but not necessarily limited to, current feedback control, pulse width
modulation (PWM), temperature compensation, torque limiting, torque
protection, or the like. The HCP 106 establishes a pre-determined hybrid
operating strategy and coordinates a variety of operations of the hybrid vehicle
in furtherance thereof. For example, the HCP 106 determines a preferred
motor torque for a given driver command and for a particular vehicle
condition based on the pre-determined hybrid operating strategy.
[0020] FIG. 2 is a block diagram of a motor torque monitor (MTM) 200 in
accordance with an exemplary embodiment. Referring to FIGS. 1 and 2, the
MTM 200 is incorporated into the MCP 120 in one embodiment. Executable
instruction sets within the MTM 200, such as stored in a memory 202 of the
MTM 200, comprise software code for monitoring operations of the electric

motor 102. One or more of the components of the MTM 200 may be
embodied in software or firmware, hardware, such as an application specific
integrated circuit (ASIC), an electronic circuit, a processor (shared, dedicated,
or group) and memory that execute one or more software or firmware
programs, a combinational logic circuit, and/or other suitable components, or a
combination thereof.
[0021] A primary function of the MTM 200 is to monitor an achieved
torque produced by the electric motor 102, report the diagnostic result, and
trigger remedial action if a fault is detected. The term "achieved torque" is
referred to herein as a calculated torque output of the electric motor 102 based
at least in part on a secured rotor position of the electric motor 102 and
secured phase current signals or based in part on the estimated motor torque
(e.g., based on an ideal power considering some or all losses). In the process
of securing the achieved torque of the electric motor 102, the MTM 200
acquires one or more sensed current signals, a resolver signal, a Vdc signal, a
torque command (e.g., a torque setpoint signal or a requested torque), a motor
speed signal, and information from one or more calibration look-up tables
(LUTs) (e.g., from other data storage devices accessible by the MCP 120
within the hybrid powertrain control system 104 or via the HCP 106 or within
the memory 202 of the MTM 200). By securing the achieved torque and the
torque capabilities of the electric motor 102, the MTM 200 operates as a
higher level control (e.g., a layer two control of a multi-layer or multi-level
control architecture) to capture or indicate faults that may not have been
captured by a lower level (e.g., the layer one diagnostics). In the event a
particular signal is determined to be unsecure by the MTM 200, a remedial
action may be taken. For example, the HCP 106 may initiate any number of
different programs, executable instructions sets, or the like.
[0022] In one embodiment, layer one diagnostics of a multi-layer control
architecture are applied to at least some of these signals prior to being received
by the MTM 200. Generally, the information contained in these signals are
transferred to the memory 202 of the MTM 200, and the information
contained in each of these signals is secured, directly or indirectly, by the

MTM 200 prior to determining the achieved torque of the electric motor 102
and securing this achieved torque. A maximum loop time (e.g., about 10 ms)
may be selected to ensure the receipt of the various signals by the MTM 200
and secure the achieved torque and torque capabilities.
[0023] Layer one diagnostics are applied to the one or more sensed current
signals, which represent a current supplied to the electric motor 102. For
example, a voltage source inverter (not shown) may be used to supply current
to the electric motor 102. For a three-phase electric motor, the voltage source
inverter supplies a current for each phase of the three-phase electric motor
(e.g., a first phase current (ia), a second phase current (ib), and a third phase
current (ic)), and three sensed current signals are derived from the three
currents corresponding to each phase of the three-phase electric motor. For
example, the voltage source inverter produces three-phase voltages (e.g., Va,
Vb, Vc) from a supply potential (e.g., a battery or DC bus voltage (2Vdc)) and
drives the electric motor 102 with the three-phase voltages. The voltage
source inverter converts the supply voltage (2Vdc) into an AC voltage which is
used to drive the electric motor 102, and the AC voltage is based on three
phase currents (e.g., ia, ib, and ic). Applying layer one diagnostics to the
current sensor signals may determine, whether current sensor wires are faulty,
whether a current-sensing circuit has a short to a power supply (e.g., a
battery), or the like.
[0024] Following layer one diagnostics of the three-phase sensed current
signals, the MTM 200 secures the sensed current signals. For example, the
MTM 200 compares a sum of the phase currents (e.g., ia, ib, and ic) associated
with each of the sensed current signals with a current threshold. The current
threshold may be calibrated to judge a balance quality of the phase currents (ia,
ib, and ic). If this sum exceeds the current threshold, the MTM 200 transmits a
signal indicating a fault alarm. If this sum is within the current threshold, the
sensed current signals are secured.
[0025] In addition to the sensed current signals, layer one diagnostics may
be applied to the resolver signal, which indicates a rotor position (9) of the
electric motor 102. The layer one diagnostics applied to the resolver signal

may determine a short of the electric motor 102 to a ground or to a power
supply (e.g., a battery); verify a resolver offset, or the like. A resolver
decoding chip (not shown) in the MCP 120 may also provide intensive
diagnostics to ensure the correctness of the rotor angle produced by the
resolver. Based on the rotor position (θ), sine and cosine values of the rotor
position (θ) may be calculated by the MCP 120 or other processor or retrieved
from a calibration LUT (e.g., as part of the layer one diagnostics). A motor
torque integrity test performed by the MTM 200, when the motor is at speed,
indicates a fault if an error of the rotor angle exceeds a pre-determined
maximum error, and this indirectly secures the rotor position signal.
[0026] Following layer one diagnostics of the resolver signal, the MTM
200 secures the resolver signal. For example, the resolver signal may be
secured by the following relationship:
sin2 (θ) + cos2 (θ) = 1 (eq. 1).
If the relationship shown in equation 1 is false (e.g., indicating an incorrect
rotor position (0), an incorrect look-up table value corresponding to the sine or
cosine values of the rotor position (0), or the like), the MTM 200 transmits a
signal indicating a fault alarm. If the relationship shown in equation 1 is true,
then the resolver signal is secured.
[0027] Although layer one diagnostics may be applied to the motor speed
signal, which indicates the angular speed of the electric motor 102, the motor
speed signal is indirectly secured by the MTM 200. The MTM 200 may
perform a motor speed correlation test during the normal course of operation.
The motor speed correlation test includes, among other analytical functions, a
comparison of an engine speed and one or more electric motor speeds. For
example, in a hybrid vehicle embodiment, the engine speed and the electric
motor speeds (e.g., typically two electric motors) should follow a pre-
determined relationship (e.g., based on the hybrid operating strategy). The
motor speed correlation test indicates a fault if the motor speed is not within a
pre-determined operating range, and thus operates, in this capacity, as a
rationality test for indirectly securing the motor speed signal.

[0028] In addition to the motor speed signal, the Vdc signal is indirectly
secured by the MTM 200. The Vdc signal represents a high voltage, direct
current (DC) bus voltage provided to the electric motor 102. Layer one
diagnostics may be applied to the Vdc signal to determine whether the Vdc
value exceeds a predetermined voltage range (e.g., is out-of-range (OOR)
high or OOR low), whether a sensor for measuring the DC bus voltage is
properly operating, or the like. Additionally, layer one diagnostics can
perform a rationality test by correlating the Vdc measurements from different
locations of a battery pack supplying power to the electric motor 102. The
motor torque integrity test performed by the MTM 200 indicates a fault if the
DC bus voltage, represented by the Vdc signal, is not within a pre-determined
range, and thus indirectly secures the Vdc signal.
[0029] The MTM 200 acquires the torque setpoint signal from the HCP
106 (e.g., as established by the hybrid operating strategy). For example, the
MTM 200 reads a torque setpoint from an SPI register and reads a message
rolling-counter associated with the torque setpoint. The torque setpoint may
be established based on a torque command (e.g., produced in response to a
driver input and in accordance with the hybrid operating strategy) to balance
system torque (e.g., for vehicle propulsion). The MTM 200 secures the torque
setpoint, and thus the torque command, by testing SPI communication
between the HCP 106 and the MCP 120. For example, the MTM 200
performs a rolling-count detection to test whether the torque setpoint
corresponds with the updated message. If the message rolling-counter is not
updating appropriately, the MTM 200 transmits a signal indicating a fault
alarm. The checksum determination may also be performed for securing
message transmission, and a time-out fault will be declared if the MCP 120
does not timely receive new SPI messages.
[0030] FIG. 3 is a block diagram illustrating a motor power test 300.
Referring to FIGS. 1-3, the motor power test 300 secures the motor power
associated with the particular operating mode (e.g., the motoring mode or the
generating mode) of the electric motor 102. A torque command is secured
(e.g., by securing the torque setpoint with the MTM 200), as indicated at 305,

and the motor speed is secured (e.g., indirectly via the motor torque integrity
test), as indicated at 310. A motor power is determined (e.g., via the MTM
200) based on the secured torque command and the secured motor speed, as
indicated at 315. The polarity of the motor power, and thus the operating
mode of the electric motor 102, is determined, as indicated at 320. For
example, the motor power is compared with zero. If the motor power is not
greater than zero (e.g., the electric motor is operating in the generating mode),
a supply current (e.g., a DC current (I_dc)) to the electric motor 102 is
compared with a positive calibration threshold ((+)cal_threshold), as indicated
at 325. If the DC current (I_dc) is greater than the positive calibration
threshold, the MTM 200 logs a power check fault and may also transmit a
signal indicating a fault alarm, as indicated at 330. If the DC current (I_dc) is
not greater than the positive calibration threshold, the motor power is secure,
as indicated at 335.
[0031] If the motor power is greater than zero (e.g., the electric motor is
operating in the motoring mode), the DC current (I_dc) is compared with a
negative calibration threshold ((-)cal_threshold), as indicated at 340. If the
DC current (I_dc) is less than the negative calibration threshold, the MTM 200
logs a power check fault and may also transmit a signal indicating a fault
alarm, as indicated at 345. If the DC current (I_dc) is not less than the
negative calibration threshold, the motor power is secure, as indicated at 335.
In one embodiment, the calibration thresholds compensate for the field-
weakening effect at high motor speeds.
[0032] FIG. 4 is block diagram illustrating a motor torque determination
400 in accordance with an exemplary embodiment. Referring to FIGS. 2 and
4, the calculated motor torque of the electric motor 102 is based on
electromagnetic principles, in this embodiment. For example, the MTM 200
calculates a motor torque based on the secured rotor position (e.g., represented
by sin (9) and cos (9)) and the secured current sensor signals. Phase currents
(e.g., ia, ib, and ic associated with the secured current signals supplied to a
three-phase electric motor) 402 and the secured rotor position (e.g., sin(9) and
cos(0)) 404 are obtained by the MTM 200. The phase currents and secured

rotor position may be stored in the memory 202 or in other memory locations.
The MTM 200 transforms these phase currents (ia, ib, and ic) to a two-current
representation (e.g., a d-axis current (id) and a q-axis current (iq)) based on the
secured rotor position (sin(θ) and cos(θ)). The MTM 200 determines flux
linkages (e.g., a d-axis flux linkage (Ψd) and a q-axis flux linkage (Ψq)) based
on this two-current representation (id and iq). In one embodiment, the MTM
200 retrieves the fluxes (Ψd and Ψq) from one or more calibration LUTs (e.g.,
in the memory 202) 406. The motor torque (T1) may then be determined from
the following relationship:
T1 = (3/2) p (Ψd iq - Ψq id) (eq. 2),
where p is the number of pole-pairs of the electric motor.
[0033] FIG. 5 is a flow diagram of a method 500 for monitoring an
achieved motor torque produced by an electric motor in accordance with an
exemplary embodiment. The motor speed of the electric motor is compared
with a pre-determined threshold, as indicated at step 505. Depending on the
motor speed, the achieved motor torque can be determined from either an
electromagnetic torque relationship, such as the motor torque determination
illustrated in FIG. 4, or an estimated torque based on a balance of power
(including compensation for one or more power losses) supplied to the electric
motor. Referring to FIGS. 1, 2 and 5, the MTM 200 determines, for example,
if the motor speed of the electric motor 102 is less than a calibrated low motor
speed threshold (Cal_LowMotorSpeedBreakPoint). This threshold may be
selected based on processor tolerances (e.g., based on division by low speed
values) of the MTM 200 or the MCP 120.
[0034] If the motor speed is less than this threshold, the achieved motor
torque (Tachi) is determined from the electromagnetic torque relationship, as
indicated at step 510. For example, if the motor speed of the electric motor
102 is less than the calibrated low motor speed threshold, the achieved motor
torque (Tachi) is determined to be the motor torque (T1) based on the secured
rotor position (sin(θ) and cos(θ)) and the secured current sensor signals, which
provide the three phase currents (ia, ib, and ic), such as previously discussed in

one exemplary embodiment (e.g., the motor torque determination shown in
FIG. 4).
[0035] If the motor speed is not less than this threshold, the achieved
motor torque (Tachi) is determined from the estimated torque (e.g., based on the
power balance and including loss compensation). In one embodiment, the
motor electrical power (Pelec) is determined from a product of the DC bus
voltage (Vdc) and the DC current (Idc), as indicated at step 515. One or more
losses (e.g., motor losses, inverter losses, or the like) of power are
compensated in the motor electrical power (Pelec), as indicated at step 520. For
example, pre-determined or estimated power losses associated with one or
more sources are added to the motor electrical power (Pelec) to produce a
compensated motor electrical power. A motor torque (T2) is determined from
a ratio of the compensated motor electrical power and the motor speed, as
indicated at step 525.
[0036] The motor speed is compared with another threshold, as indicated
at step 530. For example, the MTM 200 determines if the motor speed of the
electric motor 102 is greater than a calibrated high motor speed threshold
(Cal_HighMotorSpeedBreakPoint). If the motor speed is greater than this
threshold, the achieved motor torque is determined to be the motor torque (T2)
as indicated at step 535. If the motor speed is not greater than this threshold,
the achieved motor torque is determined based on an interpolation of the
motor torque (T1) (e.g., based on the secured rotor position (sin(0) and cos(9))
and the secured current sensor signals) and the motor torque (T2) (e.g., based
on the compensated motor electrical power) and the motor speed, as indicated
at step 540.
[0037] After determining the achieved motor torque, the achieved motor
torque is compared with a torque command or requested torque, as indicated at
step 545. For example, the MTM 200 determines if the achieved motor torque
(Tachi) is within a pre-determined margin (e.g., Cal_Threshold*) of the
requested torque. A signal is transmitted (e.g., by the MTM 200), indicating a
fault alarm, if the achieved torque (Tachi) is not within the pre-determined
margin, as indicated at 550. The achieved motor torque is secure (e.g., Test

Pass) if the achieved torque (Tachi) is within the pre-determined margin of the
requested torque, as indicated at 555. The pre-determined margin
(Cal_Threshold*) may also be selected to be motor speed dependent.
[0038] One or more portions of the method 500 may be embodied in a
software program comprising software instructions, instructions sets,
executable modules, or the like, and arranged to run on a processor (e.g., the
MCP 120 or the like) to monitor a motor torque produced by an electric motor
in response to a torque command. The software program when installed and
operating on the processor results in the processor performing or executing
one or more portions of the software program.
[0039] While at least one exemplary embodiment has been presented in
the foregoing detailed description, it should be appreciated that a vast number
of variations exist. It should also be appreciated that the exemplary
embodiment or exemplary embodiments are only examples, and are not
intended to limit the scope, applicability, or configuration of the invention in
any way. Rather, the foregoing detailed description will provide those skilled
in the art with a convenient road map for implementing the exemplary
embodiment or exemplary embodiments. It should be understood that various
changes can be made in the function and arrangement of elements without
departing from the scope of the invention as set forth in the appended claims
and the legal equivalents thereof.

What is claimed is:
1. A method for monitoring an achieved motor torque
produced by an electric motor in response to a torque command, the electric
motor operable at a motor speed, the method comprising the steps of:
determining, when the motor speed is not greater than a first predetermined
threshold, the achieved motor torque based on a rotor position of
the electric motor and a phase current of the electric motor;
determining, when the motor speed is greater than the first pre-
determined threshold, the achieved motor torque based on a loss-compensated
power supplied to the electric motor;
comparing the achieved motor torque with the torque command;
indicating a fault when the achieved motor torque is not within a
pre-determined margin of the torque command.
2. A method according to claim 1, wherein the electric motor is
operable to receive first, second, and third phase currents; and wherein the step
of determining the achieved motor torque when the motor speed is not greater
than a first pre-determined threshold comprises:
converting the first, second, and third phase currents to a d-axis
current and a q-axis current based on the rotor position;
determining a d-axis flux linkage and a q-axis flux linkage based
on the d-axis current and the q-axis current; and
determining the achieved motor torque based on the d-axis flux
linkage, the q-axis flux linkage, the d-axis current, and the q-axis current.
3. A method according to claim 2, wherein the step of
determining the achieved motor torque (Tachi based on the d-axis flux linkage

(Ψd), the q-axis flux linkage (Ψq), the d-axis current (id), and the q-axis current
(id) comprises determining the achieved motor torque (TaChi) from
Tachi= (3/2) p (Ψd iq - Ψq id), wherein p is a number of pole-pairs in
the electric motor.
4. A method according to claim 2, further comprising securing
the first, second, and third phase currents prior to the step of converting.
5. A method according to claim 1, wherein the step of
determining the achieved motor torque when the motor speed is greater than
the first pre-determined threshold comprises:
determining a first motor torque based on a motor power of the
electric motor; and
estimating the achieved motor torque based on the first motor
torque and a comparison of the motor speed with a second pre-determined
6. A method according to claim 5, wherein the step of
estimating comprises:
determining a second motor torque based on the rotor position of
the electric motor and the phase current of the electric motor; and
interpolating the second motor torque and the first motor torque to
determine the achieved motor torque when the motor speed is not greater than
the second pre-determined threshold, wherein the achieved motor torque is the
first motor torque when the motor speed is greater than the second pre-
determined threshold.
7. A method according to claim 5, wherein the electric motor is
coupled to a high voltage (HV) direct current (DC) bus voltage and configured
to receive a DC supply current based on the HV DC bus voltage; and wherein
the step of determining a first motor torque based on a motor power

determining an electrical power from a product of the HV DC bus
voltage and the DC supply current;
compensating the electrical power for at least one of a motor loss
and an inverter loss to produce the loss-compensated power; and
dividing the loss-compensated power by the motor speed to
produce the first motor torque.
8. A method according to claim 7, further comprising, prior to
the step of compensating, securing the electrical power.
9. A method according to claim 1, further comprising, prior to
the step of determining the achieved motor torque when the motor speed is not
greater than a first pre-determined threshold, securing the rotor position of the
electric motor prior to the step of determining the achieved motor torque.
10. A method according to claim 1, further comprising, prior to
the step of comparing, securing the torque command.

11. A controller for monitoring an achieved motor torque
produced by an electric motor in response to a torque command, the electric
motor operable at a motor speed, the controller comprising:
an input operable to receive the motor speed, the torque command,
a rotor position of the electric motor, and a phase current of the electric motor;
an output operable to provide a signal indicating a fault; and
a processor coupled to the input and the output, the processor
configured to:
determine, when the motor speed is not greater than a first
pre-determined threshold, the achieved motor torque based on the rotor
position of the electric motor and the phase current of the electric
determine, when the motor speed is greater than the first
pre-determined threshold, the achieved motor torque based on a loss-
compensated power supplied to the electric motor; and
produce the signal when the achieved motor torque is not
within a pre-determined margin of the torque command.
12. A controller according to claim 11, wherein the electric
motor is operable to receive first, second, and third phase currents; wherein the
processor is further configured to:
convert the first, second, and third phase currents to a d-axis
current and a q-axis current based on the rotor position;
determine a d-axis flux linkage and a q-axis flux linkage based on
the d-axis current and the q-axis current; and
determine the achieved motor torque based on the d-axis flux
linkage, the q-axis flux linkage, the d-axis current, and the q-axis current.
13. A controller according to claim 12, further comprising a
memory coupled to the processor, the memory configured to store at least one
look-up table; and wherein the processor is further configured to determined

the d-axis flux linkage and the q-axis flux linkage from the at least one look-
up table.
14. A controller according to claim 11, wherein the processor is
further configured to determine, when the motor speed is not greater than a
first pre-determined threshold, the achieved motor torque (Tachi based on the
d-axis flux linkage (Ψd), the q-axis flux linkage (Ψq), the d-axis current (id),
and the q-axis current (id) comprises determining the achieved motor torque
(Tachi) from
Tachi - (3/2) p (Ψd iq - Ψq id) wherein p is a number of pole-pairs in
the electric motor.
15. A controller according to claim 11, wherein the processor is
further configured to:
determine, when the motor speed is greater than the first predetermined
threshold, a first motor torque based on a motor power of the
electric motor; and
estimate the achieved motor torque based on the first motor torque
and a comparison of the motor speed with a second pre-determined threshold.
16. A controller according to claim 15, wherein the processor is
further configured to:
determine a second motor torque based on the rotor position of the
electric motor and the phase current of the electric motor; and
interpolate the second motor torque and the first motor torque to
determine the achieved motor torque when the motor speed is not greater than
the second pre-determined threshold, wherein the achieved motor torque is the
first motor torque when the motor speed is greater than the second predetermined

17. A controller according to claim 11, wherein the electric
motor is coupled to a high voltage (HV) direct current (DC) bus voltage and
configured to receive a DC supply current based on the HV DC bus voltage;
and wherein the processor is further configured to:
determine an electrical power from a product of the HV DC bus
voltage and the DC supply current;
compensate the electrical power for at least one of a motor loss and
an inverter loss to produce the loss-compensated power; and
divide the loss-compensated power by the motor speed to produce
the first motor torque.
18. A method of testing power of an electric motor, comprising
the steps of:
securing a torque command for the electric motor;
securing the motor speed of the electric motor with the securing of
the torque command;
determining a power of the electric motor based at least in part on
the torque command and the motor speed;
determining if the electric motor is operating in one of a generating
mode and a motoring mode based at least in part on the power;
identifying a power check fault if the electric motor is operating in
the generating mode and a DC current of the electric motor exceeds a positive
calibration threshold;
identifying the power check fault if the electric motor is operating
in the motoring mode and the DC current of the electric motor is less than a
negative calibration threshold; and
identifying a successful power test of the electric motor if the DC
current is greater than the negative calibration threshold and operating in the
motoring mode and less than the positive calibration threshold and operating
in the generating mode.

19. The method of testing power of claim 18, further
comprising the step of transmitting a signal indicating a fault alarm if the
electric motor is operating in the motoring mode and the DC current of the
electric motor is less than the negative calibration threshold.
20. The method of testing power of claim 18, further
comprising the step of transmitting a signal indicating a fault alarm if the
electric motor is operating in the motoring mode and the DC current of the
electric motor is less than the negative calibration threshold

Methods and apparatus are provided for monitoring an achieved motor torque produced by an electric motor. The method includes
determining the achieved motor torque based on a rotor position of the electric motor and a phase current of the electric motor when the motor speed is not greater than a first pre-determined threshold, determining the achieved motor
torque based on a loss-compensated power supplied to the electric motor when the motor speed is greater than the first pre-determined threshold, comparing the achieved motor torque with the torque command, and indicating a fault
when the achieved motor torque is not within a pre-determined margin of the torque command.





1383-KOL-2008-(07-05-2014)-DESCRIPTION (COMPLETE).pdf





1383-KOL-2008-(27-09-2013)-ANNEXURE TO FORM 3.pdf




1383-KOL-2008-(27-09-2013)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf




1383-KOL-2008-CORRESPONDENCE 1.1.pdf

1383-KOL-2008-CORRESPONDENCE 1.2.pdf


1383-kol-2008-description (complete).pdf


1383-kol-2008-form 1.pdf

1383-kol-2008-form 18.pdf

1383-kol-2008-form 2.pdf

1383-kol-2008-form 3.pdf

1383-kol-2008-form 5.pdf





Patent Number 265528
Indian Patent Application Number 1383/KOL/2008
PG Journal Number 10/2015
Publication Date 06-Mar-2015
Grant Date 26-Feb-2015
Date of Filing 18-Aug-2008
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H02P7/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 11/853,113 2007-09-11 U.S.A.