Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to placing calls. More specifically, the present invention relates optionally to a method, a system, and an apparatus for enabling a call, particularly a long-distance call, with an improved cost structure, a non-location-linked identifier, or an improved user- convenience.
This application claims priority from, and is a continuation-in-part of, US
Patent Serial No. 10/774,689, filed February 10, 2004, the contents of which arc
fully incorporated by reference.
1. Field of the Invention
The present invention relates to placing calls. More specifically, the present
invention relates optionally to a method, system, and apparatus for enabling a call,
particularly a long-distance call, with an unproved cost structure, a non-locationlinked
identifier, or an improved user-convenience.
2, Description of the Related Art
Traditional telephone systems employ a mix of local carriers (telephone
service providers) and long distance carriers (telephone service providers spanning
geographic distances). Local carriers connect calls within a given small geographic
region (a defined local region). Local carriers are spread throughout the world, in
different nations, geographic regions, and on different continents. Long distance
carriers carry calls between local carriers.
In conventional long distance systems, telephone lines connect a home or
office directly to a "wire center" or a "communication center" are referred to
generally herein as a central office unless otherwise described in context with an
adaptive system. A central office (CO) has one or more switches, which route or
direct telephone calls from one destination to another. A central office (CO) is
conventionally understood as a telephone company building where subscriber lines
are joined to complex switching equipment for connecting to others, either locally or
long distance. See, Newton's Telecom Dictionary, by Harry Newton, 20th Ed., CMP
Books, March 2004. Sometimes, a central office (CO) includes multiple switching
exchanges and may be very large, and other times a central office (CO) may refer to
a single telephone switch, depending upon context. Central offices (CO) are
typically connected by a "trunk line", which is broadly termed a communication line
between two or more switching systems or PBXs (Private Branch Exchange).
Telephone numbers typically include an area code, and in the United States, a
seven digit telephone number. The seven-digit telephone number includes a threedigit
central office (CO) number, and a four-digit central office extension. The
three-digit central office number directs conventional calls to a particular central
office. Once the conventional call reaches the desired central office, the four-digit
extension directs the call to the telephone line that is served by that central office.
Area codes are typically used for long distance phone calls, as discussed
Local telephone calls within a small geographic region (or "geographicumbrella")
are often completed within a single central office location. In this
configuration, the same central office often serves outgoing calls within the same
geographic region, all under the geographic-umbrella of the local carrier. The
central office connects the incoming call to the local destination number. Where the
geographic region is slightly larger, two or more central offices, connected by a
trunk, may process the call still under the umbrella of the local carrier. Employing
this conventional system, a destination receives an outbound call from the first
central office (CO), and then directs this call along trunk lines to an appropriate
destination based upon the dialed phone number.
Each area code corresponds to a particular group of central offices. In
conventional use, when a call-originator dials an area code and then the seven-digit
telephone number, the initial central office (CO) scrutinizes the dialed number and
accesses a database. Where the dialed number is located within a Local Transport
Access Area (LATA) or a service, the call is directed to the appropriate central
A LATA is typically a contiguous geographic area. Where the dialed
number is outside the LATA, the local central office (CO) access a database to
determine which long distance service provider a user (identified by the calloriginating
number) has selected to connect the call. The local service provider then
switches the call to select lines that are connected to the identified long distance
companies nearest switch, often referred to as a point of presence (POP). Once the
long distance carrier receives the call, the long distance carrier accesses its own
database and analyzes the called number to rout the call across the long distance
provider's nearest POP located closest to the called-number. In operation, the POP
conventionally functions to route the long distance call to a local central office (CO)
nearest the identified destination phone. Once the long distance call is at the local
central office (CO), the local service provider completes the call as discussed above.
Unfortunately, long distance and local phone companies incur costs for
various physical equipment systems, switching calls, and generally maintaining their
physical equipment and training their employees. Each costs is eventually passed on
to a consumer.
In a conventional billing system, a call-originator pays a basic fixed fee for
unlimited local calls. Unlike local calling, during "long distance calling," calls are
transferred from a first local telephone company, to a long distance telephone
company, and then back to a second (distant) local telephone company. As a
consequence, since each switch transfer may incur a cost, multiple switching longdistance
calling is more expensive than a local call. As an additional detriment, in
conventional billing systems, long distance calls are frequently charged to the call
originator on a "per minute" basis and may vary over the distance called. For
example, long distance calls between countries may be higher than long distance
calls within a given country.
In sum, the negative aspects of the present long distance calling
(telecommunication) system include variable charging, charging on a per-minute
basis, and higher costs.
As broadly described, ALI or Automatic Location Information systems
enable users, working with a database, to associate a known physical location with a
known telephone number. See, Newton's Telecom Dictionary, by Harry Newton,
20th Ed., CMP Books, March 2004. All information is commonly employed in
Emergency 911 systems or Enhanced 911 systems to allow managers to facilitate
prompt service arrive during emergency situations.
ANI, or Automatic Number Identification information, provides for
transmission through a Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) of a Billing
Number (BN) of an originating party. Unlike CLID (Calling Line Identification),
ANI delivers the number of the calling party and cannot be normally blocked by a
calling party without extensive effort. See, Newton's Telecom Dictionary, by Harry
Newton, 20th Ed., CMP Books, March 2004.
In sum, conventional identification systems exist, for example "Caller ID"
and "Caller Location" type systems, that enable a called party to identify who the
caller is and where a caller is located using conventional ALI and ANI information.
It is often convenient, for business or other reasons, to rninimize or
manipulate the information available to a call-receiver or a call-originator.
In a first example, for personal vanity reasons, a call-originator may desire to
advertise as having a famous but increasingly rare telephone area code (for example
a "212" New York City area code), and may be physically located in New Jersey
(for example a "201" Fair Lawn, NJ area code). Using conventional methods, the
call-originator is forced by a local telephone service provider to place calls providing
a "201" ALI/ANI information set that is accessible using conventional methods to
the call-receiver, and the call-receiver is similarly forced to give out the "201" area
code number to receive incoming calls.
In a second example, for business reasons particularly for international
business, a call originator may desire to advertise as having the same famous and
rare telephone area code (the "212" New York City area code), and may also be
physically located at the "201" Fair Lawn, NJ area code. Again, using conventional
methods, the call-originator is forced by the local telephone service provider to place
calls providing a "201" ALI/ANI information set that is accessible to the callreceiver,
and the call-receiver is similarly forced to give out the "201" area code
number to receive incoming calls.
In a third example, for personal security reasons, a call-originator may desire
to mislead or misdirect someone trying to determine the call-originator's actual local
telephone service call number and thereby their actual physical location via linked
databases. In this example, a call-originator exposed to physical danger if identified
as placing a call from an identifiable ALI/ANI data set, may wish to mislead a callreceive
from his true physical location. Similarly, a celebrity may wish to have a
phone number that is not tied to a true physical location, or and so
As a consequence, presently known systems and methods for placing calls,
particularly long distance calls, include at least one of the following detriments:
1. Variation in cost between local and long distance calls. Such
variation in costs is deleterious to both personal and business
financial planning.
2. Variation in cost during a single call.
a. For example, under certain plans, a long distance call begun
before O5:59pm may be charged at a first rate/minute, while the
remaining portion of the call (after 06:00pm) is charged at a
second rate/minute.
3. Imposition of local, state and other jurisdiction taxes.
4. Imposition of variable fee surcharges.
5. Inability to block originating call location and address information.
6. Inability to disguise an originating call number or location.
7. Inability to select a preferred originating call number that is not
otherwise geographically available.
8. Inability to select a preferred originating call number that promotes a
marketing goal.
Therefore it is recognized that a need exists for a method, system, or an
apparatus that is capable of responding to at least one of the detriments noted above.
An object of the present invention is to provide a method, system, or
apparatus that responds to at least one of the needs noted above.
Another object of the present invention is to provide an a method or system
that enables a reduction in call charges for placing a long distance call based on a
virtual phone number.
In one alternative aspect, the present invention broadly relates to a system for
transmitting information between at least two points, comprising: a first intermediate
point operatively connected to at least one originating point to receive a virtual
identifier, wherein the virtual identifier is convertible into at least one physical
number, a second intermediate point capable of communicating with the first
intermediate point over a computer network, at least one destination point
operatively connected to the second intermediate point, wherein the second
intermediate point is selectably determined based on its proximity to the at least one
destination point.
In another alternative aspect, the present invention optionally relates to a
method for transmitting information between two or more points, comprising the
steps of:: receiving a virtual number at a first intermediate point from at least one
originating point, converting the received virtual number into at least one physical
number, determining a second intermediate point based on the at least one physical
number, determining at least one destination point based on the at least one physical
number, and transmitting information between the at least one originating point and
the at least one destination point.
According to an alternative embodiment of the present invention there is
provided a method for transmitting information between two or more points. The
information that is received can be, for example, a telephone call. The method
comprises at least one step of receiving a virtual number from at least one point on
an originating network at a first intermediate point on a computer network. Then,
based on the virtual number, and other factors described, at least a second
intermediate point on the computer network is determined. The first and second
intermediate points are preferably capable of communicating over the computer
Once the second intermediate point is determined, a connection is established
between the second intermediate point and a further point on a destination computer
network, based on information related to the virtual number entered at the
originating network. The first and second intermediate points then enable the point
on the originating network and the point on die destination network to communicate.
This communication, optionally and alternatively, may include steps involving
converting information from the originating and destination networks into a selected
form suitable for ready transmission over the computer network.
In another alternative and adaptive embodiment, the virtual number may
optionally include an area code designation that is within a local calling area of the
designated point on the originating network. The point on the originating network
may optionally be a telephone, but other alternative and adaptive points are
envisioned. For example, the virtual number assigned to the first and second
intermediate points, wherein the first and second intermediate points may be servers,
allow communication between the originating point and the destination point based
on a routing table.
In another alternative and exemplary embodiment of a selected aspect of the
present invention, data is preferably transmitted over a computer network based on
data packets, and data transmitted over at least one of an originating and destination
network is transmitted by analog signals enabling ready interface with historic
telecommunication systems. In another selected exemplary embodiment, and to aid
a communication convenience between an originating user and a destination user, at
least one of the first and second intermediate points is capable of converting analog
signals to digital signals that can be organized into data packets and vice versa.
In another alternative and exemplary embodiment of a selected aspect of the
present invention, the present invention comprises an apparatus or system for
transmitting information between at least two points. The system or apparatus
including at least one point on an originating network that is capable of
communicating with a first intermediate point based on at least one virtual number.
Optionally included, is at least one point on a destination network capable of
communicating with a second intermediate point, based upon the virtual number.
In another alternative and exemplary embodiment of a selected aspect of the
present invention, the selected point on the originating network and the destination
point on the destination network are preferably telecommunication devices
(including, for example, telephones, computers, personal hand-held-devices, and
others), and the first and second intermediate points may be servers or groups of
servers. A computer network is operatively connected between the first and second
servers allowing the telecommunications devices to operatively communicate. The
servers are preferably capable of converting information from the telecommunication
devices into a form conveniently suitable for transmission over the computer
In the embodiment noted above, the virtual number can include, for example
a designated area code that is within the local calling area of the originating
telecommunications device and any additional identifiers usable by a call processing
system to ensure smooth connection. The virtual number assigned to the first and
second servers enables communication between the originating and destination
telecommunication devices (frequently referred to as, but not limited to telephones,
routing systems, etc.). The first and second servers allow this communication based
upon a call routing table or routing data assemblies that are preferably in ready
communication with the selected server.
In another alternative and exemplary embodiment of a selected aspect of the
present invention, data from the telecommunications device (optionally here a
telephone) is transmitted initially as analog signals and is thereafter converted to
digital data transmitted over a computer network based on divisible data packets. As
a consequence, the servers noted herein may, but are not required to, include the
system capacity to convert analog to digital signals and digital to analog signals.
This capacity may also enable the transmission of digital data as data packets. Those
skilled in the art of designing electronic systems should recognize that a conetworked,
but physically separate device or system, may enable this conversioncapacity
and data packet operability without departing from the scope and spirit of
the present invention.
The above, and other objects, features and advantages of the present
invention will become apparent from the following description read in conduction
with the accompanying drawings, in which like reference numerals designate the
same elements.
Fig. 1 is a diagram depicting an alternative exemplary system for placing out
bound long distance calls from a Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) assembly
according to one embodiment of the present invention.
Fig. 2 is a diagram depicting an alternative system for receiving an in-bound
call from a non-VOIP call originator.
Fig.3 is a diagram depicting another alternative aspect of the present
invention wherein calls are directed between different VOIP subscribers.
Fig. 4 is a diagram depicting another alternative embodiment of the present
invention where calls between differing VOIP subscribers are connected without
employing the PSTN.
Fig. 5 is a block diagram depicting an overview of an exemplary system
according to one alternative embodiment of the present invention.
Fig. 6 is a diagram depicting an overview of an alternative exemplary system
according to one adaptive aspect of the present invention.
Fig. 7 is a diagram depicting another exemplary embodiment of the present
In view of the above, the present invention seeks to remedy at least one of the
needs noted above.
Increasingly, phone companies are using computer networks such as the
Internet, to transport long distance calls from one destination to another.
Transferring voice calls over a data network is typically accomplished by converting
analog human-voice signals into data packets. This is often, but not necessarily
accomplished using an industry system known as Voice-over-Internet-Protocol
(VoIP). Transporting calls over computer networks allows local phone companies to
bypass long distance carriers, and as an additional benefit, because computer
network infrastructures are already in place, the cost of transporting calls over
computer networks is greatly minimized.
Among other aspects, the present invention provides optional methods,
systems, and supporting apparatus for minimizing or managing the costs of long
distance calls by transmitting data (including voice or video related data) over
computer networks. In one embodiment, the present invention provides a method
and apparatus for transmitting voice information between originating and destination
points. The originating and destination points may include, but are not limited to
telecommunication devices including telephones of all types, fax machines, pagers,
computers, two way radios, cellular telephones and telephones operatively connected
to the public switched telephone network (PSTN). In one alternative embodiment,
one of the originating and destination points is a telephone operatively connected to
the PSTN. The originating and destination points are separated such that each
network is operatively connected to its own intermediate point. The two
intermediate points, which are preferably operatively connected by a computer
network, allow the two users (originating and destination) to communication based
on a virtual number assigned to at least one of the users telecommunication devices,
as will be described.
As area code of the virtual number is preferably within a local calling area of
the originating telecommunication device (phone, etc.) In one embodiment
(discussed below); a virtual number is assigned to a destination phone. Using this
system, the assignment information is stored in a memory, and can be readily
referenced to determine which "destination telephone number" (or destination
address) a virtual number is assigned to. Operatively connecting a memory to one or
both of the two intennediate points allows any delay between receiving a
number/address and determining its destination to be minimized.
In an exemplary embodiment, when a virtual number is received by a first
intennediate point, the "call" may be routed from the first intennediate point to a
second intermediate point within the local calling area of the destination telephone.
The second intennediate point then directs the call to the destination telephone. As a
result of one alternative embodiment of the present invention, two intermediate
points can direct a call to any destination number, regardless of the distance between
the two telephones. This benefit allows a user to access (connect to for seeking) a
telephone using only a local virtual phone number despite the physical location of
the destination telephone. As a consequence, one embodiment of the present
invention enables the reduction of cost for a long distance call.
It should be understood, that information may be transmitted on the
originating and destination networks in any manner known to those skilled in the
telecommunications or telephony arts. This may include, but is not limited to,
information in analog, digital, or other format. Additionally, any type of information
may be transmitted between the points of the originating and destination networks.
This may include, but is not limited to voice, data, or facsimile transmissions.
The phrase "routing table", as used broadly herein, may also be adaptively
referred to as a "data table" or a "data assembly" that, as needed, includes a capacity
to keep track of preferred routs by employing a user definable list of steps serving as
treatment instructions for calls, call routing, and selecting supportive routing
precursor steps. See, Newton's Telecom Dictionary, by Harry Newton, 20th Ed.,
CMP Books, March 2004. Routing tables are often contained within a memory
system in an electronic router device, or some other internetworking device, that
keeps track of routs, electronic instructions, and in some cases metrics including
preferences associated with those routs, related to particular network destinations.
The phrase "router" or "router device" as used herein may be understood to
refer broadly to a routing system and a switching device or switch depending upon
the particular context- In a classical understanding a "router system" or "routing
device" may be a simple class 5 switch that direct calls based on incoming
information and preset instructions. In a more complex understanding, a router or
routing system may represent combined hardware and software devices enabling a
connective interface between two "networks" based upon a variable degree of
intelligent programming, including for instance destination addresses, minimum
route distances, operational logic, etc. See, Newton's Telecom Dictionary, by Harry
Newton, 20th Ed., CMP Books, March 2004. For example, in some embodiments, a
selected router system/apparatus may comprise a processor device, such as a
computer, or may be modified to interpret phone numbers and convert voice signals
into data packets. In other adaptive embodiments, a router device may comprise a
stand-alone server or a proxy server, depending upon the related context.
The phrase "telephony" as inclusively used herein refers to the art of
transmitting voice, and optionally data, video, or other signals over a distance greater
"than what can be transmitted by shouting." See, Newton's Telecom Dictionary, by
Harry Newton, 20th Ed., CMP Books, March 2004. The phrase "telephony" is
related to the phrase telecommunications and has been used interchangeably in past
years. Telecommunications has been broadly defined as the art and science of
"communicating" over a distance via the switching of signals (electronic, optical, or
otherwise). See also, Newton's Telecom Dictionary, by Hany Newton, 20* Ed.,
CMP Books, March 2004. Thus, while the present disclosure discusses placing a
voice-call, more is intended, and as used herein the phrases telephony or
telecommunications are not to be interpreted rcstrictively, but instead broadly to
encompass more than just voice communications transferred over a distance.
In one adaptive embodiment of the present invention, two selected routing
devices (routers, switches, etc.) are distributed at differing geographic regions. Each
routing device is operatively connected to a computer system such that they are
capable of communicating with each other. Each of the routing devices may have a
different construction and differing level of sophistication, and each is also
operatively connected to one or more originating or destination networks to receive
and process telephone calls.
Routing systems and devices are broadly included within a "gateway
concept" or simply "gateway," as will be described and facilitate signal transfer as
noted herein. Very broadly, a gateway is an entrance and exit to a communications
network or between two disparate communications networks, and may include
operating software and various hardware constructs working together as a system.
Often a gateway includes some type of signal conditioner to remove unwanted signal
noise and impose controlling characters. Very broadly, a gateway concept describes
a system that connects two or more otherwise incompatible networks. See,
Newton's Telecom Dictionary, by Harry Newton, 20th Ed., CMP Books, March
2004. Thus, gateway constructs, gateway concepts, or gateway systems, particularly
on data networks often perform code or protocol conversions, access data tables,
preset instructions, etc. and generally make communication happen between
otherwise incompatible networks.
One embodiment of a gateway construct is described below as enabling
connection and communication transfer between different networks according to
variable, but understood, communication protocols. Thus, in alternative
embodiments, a routing device within a gateway concept is capable of acting as an
interface between a first and a second network system and may be employed as an
access aid between computer networks. In some cases, a routing device may even
provide a gateway between a conventional central office and a computer network. In
any case, as discussed below, the present embodiment envisions the need to convert
data into a format capable of transmission over one or more computer networks.
In another alternative embodiment of the present invention, a routing device
receives and interprets a virtual number (address) transmitted from an originating
network. After processing a phone number to determine it's further destination, the
routing device connects to another communication device (for example a second
routing device or other gateway device), to connect to a destination network. Once a
connection is established between he originating and destination routers, the
originating router device converts voice data into data packets using a pre-selected
protocol (for example VoIP, or VoP). Preferably, the process of converting the
voice signals into data packets is performed on a real-time, continuous basis. Each
router device can also be capable of converting, the data packets back into voice data
on a real-time, continuous basis. Nothing herein shall constrain the operation of a
routing device, and such a conversion need not be performed by the routing device
and may be performed elsewhere within the communication schemes.
Data conversion on a real-time, continuous basis allows data to be
transmitted between the originating and destination networks, and the computer
network(s) with a substantially minimal amount of delay. This provides the
advantage of allowing the originating and destination users to communication with
substantially minimal audible distortion. This also allows the two users to
communicate over a long distance while minimizing the cost of the call.
Reference will now be made in relative detail to several embodiments of the
invention that are illustrated in the accompanying drawings. Wherever possible,
same or similar reference numerals are used in the drawings and the description to
refer to the same or like parts or steps. The drawings are in simplified form and are
not to precise scale, nor are connections physical but are merely visually
representative for purposes of discuss. For purposes of convenience and clarity only,
directional terms, such as top, bottom, up, down, over, above, and below may be
used with respect to the drawings. These and similar directional terms should aot be
construed to limit the scope of the invention in any manner. The words "connect,"
"couple," and similar terms with their inflectional morphemes do not necessarily
denote direct and immediate connections, but also include connections through
mediate elements or devices.
Referring now to Fig. 1, in one alternative and adaptive embodiment of the
present invention, an outbound VOIP call system 180 begins with a call placed by a
VOEP subscriber employing a VOIP telecommunications device 171.
Telecommunications device 171, is shown as but not limited to a VOIP subscriber
phone 171, and includes an electronic address identifier linked to at least one "Virtual
number" supplied by the VOIP service provider. Here, the address identifier is a
numerical series and may include a known or random key (or keys) associated with a
specific device 171, allowing ready identification by call processing system 161, as
will be discussed. As will be discussed, call processing system 161 includes the
electronic address identifier for device 171.
As will also be later discussed, the VOIP subscriber may acquire one or more
virtual numbers 172 assigned to or electronically linked to that address identifier
within a controlling system linked to device 171. For a first example, a VOIP
subscriber may acquire and link with device 171 a virtual number having a desired
area code for New York City (212-XXX-XXXX), Washington D.C. (703-XXXXXXX),
etc. As will be discussed in more detail below, by acquiring a series of
desired virtual area code numbers each linked with device 171 and call processing
system 161, the VOIP subscriber enables persons making local inbound calls from a
selected area code to experience a local call via the PSTN, and pay only local
The VOIP subscriber for device 171 may additionally contract with the VOIP
service provider to acquire a virtual toll free (area code 800) number or a customized
virtual fixed-fee line (area code 900) for business or personal reasons. In sum, one
skilled in the telecommunications art should recognize that VOIP subscriber 171
may acquire a wide range of desired "virtual" phone numbers 172, each
electronically linked through internet/computer network 162, with call processing
system 161, via a series of internet broad band lines 163 that service providers
license or otherwise operate with.
As should be additionally understood by those skilled in the art, as depicted
in Fig. 1, VOIP subscriber device 171 is directly linked to continuous computer
network 162 (Internet) for all communication. As a consequence, a local or long
distance connection to the PSTN is unnecessary for device 171. In sum, the present
system or apparatus removes or de-links device 171 from the PSTN, allowing all
communication to occur through Internet broadband lines 163 at substantially lower
While the present invention envisions broad band lines 163 to be those lines
capable of "high speed" traffic; for example co-axial cable, Cat 5, DSL lines, Fire
Wire, etc, this list is not exclusive, nor is it limited to "physical" lines. It is also
envisioned that broad band lines 163 may be replaced by a wide variety of wireless
connection systems (electromagnetic wave based communication systems) enabling,
for example, device 171 to be a suitably programmed cellular device capable of
wireless communication. In fact, it should be recognized by those skilled in the art
that each communication pathway described herein is merely representative, is not
limited to "physical" lines and may adapt to include alternative communication
technologies as they are developed (for example, cellular technology, wireless
technology, radio frequency technology, etc.)
As described, an outbound call is generated by device 171, and passes
through Internet linked communication pipelines 163, and potentially through one or
more individual transfer nodes (not shown) to call processing system 161. Call
processing system 161 conducts data and organizational mapping to identify a
desired ultimate "real phone" number (or a "virtual phone" number for a second
VOIP subscriber). Call processing system 161 is feature focused, and enables the
subscriber to coordinate how calls may be placed and received. Call processing
system 161 also includes the capacity to receive inbound calls directed to the entire
series of additional numbers 172, and direct those calls to subscriber device 171, as
will be discussed in more detail below.
One principal benefit of the present system, employing call processing
system 161, is that it functions to mask the actual geographic location of device 171,
and mask the "number" of device 171. As a consequence, a subscriber employing
outbound call system 180 places outbound calls using only an electronic "address
identifier" within the call processing system 161, and this may be electronically
crafted to reflect a desired result. Thus, for example, a subscriber located in New
York may place an outbound "call" using device 171 over broadband
communication lines 163 and computer network 162 to reach call processing system
161 that thereafter masks the subscriber's actual location and actual 'Virtual
number" for device 171, by employing any desired identifier.
An "address identifier" as discussed may be "00.010011. . . ." or any other
desired identifier created by the VOIP service provider, and a number of different
"virtual numbers" may be electronically linked to that address identifier within the
computer and data system within call processing system 161.
As discussed herein, a "Virtual number" (broadly meaning a representative
address identifier, typically a series of numbers or symbols) is assigned to an
electronic location and may be, but is not required to be, linked to a geographic
destination within a communication system.
In many ways, a virtual number (virtual phone number) serves as an alias for,
and directs calls to, physical device 171, but the virtual number is not physically
"tied" to device 171. The virtual phone number does not exist, other than as an
address, on an originating or destination network or a physical device as was the
case in the previously described PSTN networks. As a consequence, calls placed to
or from a virtual phone number do not require routing through a physical device on
the originating or destination network, but instead are routed to the virtual number's
mapped addressed identifier linked to device 171. As a consequence the complexity
of call routing is substantially reduced, and costs are similarly minimized. As a
similar consequence, calls directed to virtual number may be automatically directed
to a replacement device 171 or a listed series of devices (not shown) allowing ready
broadcasting of a single call to many devices 171 (for example a single "call" may
be directed to a VOIP phone, a cellular phone, a pager, a PBX, all depending upon
various programmed features).
In another example, here a small business, device 171 maybe a PBX (private
branch exchange) within a building, wherein the PBX includes one or more
additional switches for managing multiple outgoing VOIP based calls. PBX devices
may be simple switches, switch systems, or may be complex computerized
management systems with voice and data transfer systems and a myriad of features,
In either case, "device" 171 has a one ore more address identifier known to call
processing system 161 enabling easy electronic connection.
As the outbound call progresses from device 171 and passes through call
processing system 161 for mapping or directing the outbound call to a desired end
location. Depending upon the mapped "location" for an outbound call made, call
processing system 161 selects a desired broadband connection 163 to direct the
outbound call to a desired end location "physical phone number " 177,167,173 on
the PSTN via a selected gateway concept 174 to a local carrier partner (telephone
company) over a local facility connection system 168 (shown only once) managing
local junctions 165 and the "physical phone number."
Gateway concept 174 and PSTN 175, both labeled local junctions 165, are
collectively to be understood as cooperative systems enabling transmission from
respective lines 163, commonly through a local server (not shown) that receives and
constructs the broadband signal within a selected gateway concept 174 and transmits
the same to the respective linked PSTN 175.
For descriptive purposes, local facility connection systems 168 (only one
shown) as discussed herein broadly includes systems enabling respective local
junctions 165, to receive a broadband signal from call processing system 161, within
gateway concept 174 and retransmit that signal over PSTN 175 to a desired
destination physical number 167,176,173, as shown.
As also shown, a central office 169 (shown only once), is positioned within
connection system 168 at a variable position depending upon a particular location,
electronic and software configuration and design. Despite previous narrower uses,
as used herein "central office" is a very broad and inclusive term used descriptively
to enable receipt of an outbound call, from call processing system 161 and
transmission of that call to physical numbers 167,176,173 via respective subscriber
lines 166. Subscriber lines 166 join physical numbers to a respective central office.
Those skilled in the art should recognize that as used herein central office
169 may be a complex wiring center containing a variety of switching exchanges, a
single switch, or a more complex exchange including broadband receiving servers
and transfer interchanges for linking to the PSTN without departing from the scope
of the present invention or being offensive to common usage. See, Newton's
Telecom Dictionary, by Harry Newton, 20th Ed., CMP Books, March 2004, noting
that "Central Office " is an ambiguous term spanning a single or multiple series of
buildings or physical locations, and a wide range of equipment and functional
aspects, including but not limited to a complex multi-local telecommunications
nexus for an entire region or city.
As a consequence of this diverse range of scope, and for illustrative purposes
only, central office 169 is shown spanning from PSTN 175 to a portion of gateway
concept 174. In one expansive example, central office 169 may include multiple
servers and other devices (not shown) within gateway concept 174, for receiving a
broadband signal via line 163, and interpreting and transporting that signal to various
switches and converter systems (not shown) out to a respective PSTN. In a second
narrower example, central office 169 may be simplified and may not include servers
for receiving signals (the servers would be separately managed within gateway
concepts 174), In this second example, central office 169 would only involve a
respective PSTN 175 and send the outbound signal over subscriber line 166. Thus,
Fig. 1 is to be understood as illustrative only of the concept of enabling an outbound
call from a VOIP device to a long distance "physical number" without the
requirement of paying long distance fees.
Due to the innovative aspects of the present invention, an outbound call from
VOIP device 171 is transmitted via computer network 162 to one or more call
processing systems 161. The outbound call is then routed via Internet broadband
lines 163 to a selected or mapped local facility connection 168 within a local calling
range of a desired physical number 167,173,176.
As also noted, an outbound call may be directed to an international (outside
the US) phone number. Using the present system, call processing system 161
receives the call from device 171, recognizes the international phone number and
directs the call as necessary to an international facility connection 164 for connection
to a local telephone number 177.
As shown in Fig. 1, two alternatives exist for transmitting the broadband
signal to international facility connection 164. In a first alternative, call processing
system 161 is informed that international facility connection 164 includes server
capacity to directly receive a broadband signal via a connection with broadband line
163, and as a consequence routs the digital broadband signal directly to international
facility 164 (shown as dashed line joining facility 164 and broadband line 163). As a
consequence, this first alternative enables international facility connection 164 to
receive what seems to be a "local" call via the Internet and its server despite any
geographic distance, and as a result costs are substantially reduced for the call
In a second alternative, call-processing system 161 is informed that
international facility connection 164 does not include server capacity to directly
receive a broadband signal over internet/computer network broadband lines 163. As
a consequence, in this second alternative embodiment, the outbound call signal is
routed along broadband line 163 to a domestic server in gateway concept 174 at a
domestic facility connection. The outbound call signal is then directed along
common non-broadband lines/conventional telecommunication lines from domestic
gateway concept 174 to international facility 164 (shown as dashed line joining
facility 164 to gateway concept 174. In this manner, the local telecommunication
facility or connection 16S, including gateway concept 174, and "hands off' the
international call using conventional telecommunication call lines or trunk lines.
In either alternative for international access, the outbound long distance call
from device 171 ultimately reaches foreign "real number" 177 without traveling the
conventional telecommunications networks. As result, the present system achieves a
substantial cost savings while enabling call processing system 161 to mask the
originating VOIP address identifier completely, replace it with a selected virtual
number 172, or provide a random identifier.
Referring now to Fig. 2 an inbound call system 181, depicts & call from a
non-VOIP user having a "physical" phone number or a "physical" address 183 to a
VOIP subscriber 193 employing a "virtual number" or series of virtual numbers
similar to virtual numbers 172 shown previously in Fig. 1, and discussed above.
As an inbound caJl is made from physical number 182, the call passes over
subscriber line 184 to the PSTN 185 as a local call for connection to broader
gateway concept 182A. As discussed above, gateway concept 182A includes a
capacity to receive and transmit data over a series of broadband connections between
call processing system 191 and PSTN 185, as shown. While a the broad operation of
a gateway concept was discussed above, and is again incorporated herein, the
functionality of the gateway concept is the guiding factor, namely enabling a
connection from a physical number 183 or subscriber line 184 on the PSTN 185, to
call processing system 191.
In the present embodiment, gateway concept 182A includes a central office
186 visualized as connecting a local server 188 via lines 187 to switches within
central office 186. As discussed, local server 188 enables receipt, transmission, and
retransmission of packetized data 189 over Internet connections/computer networks
190, 192 in a manner well know to those skilled in the arts of digital transfer. As
suggested above, it is additionally envisioned, that one optional system construction
incorporates local server 188 within an expansively understood central office 186,
allowing central office 186 to now interact directly between Internet 190 and PSTN
In the present embodiment, VOIP device 193 is assigned a virtual number as
an address identifier (for example a New York City phone number 212-XXXXXXX)
by a VOIP service provider (not shown). This virtual number is known to
call processing system 191, which enables inbound calls received from computer
network 190 to be mapped directly to virtual number 193. It will be recognized, that
the actual physical location of VOIP device 193 may be anywhere, including a local
geographically distant from New York City.
Here, an inbound caller, calling from a physical number 183 for example
located within a local-call-region of the virtual number, makes only a local call over
subscriber line 184 to the local PSTN 185 (for example area code (212)) and hence
incurs only local call charges for calling device 193 however geographically distant.
After receiving the physical call from number 183 and local PSTN, the
gateway concept 182A enables the local telecommunications company to convert the
physical number into data and transmit it to call processing system 191, where the
digitized number is mapped to the address identifier for VOIP device 193.
In this manner, broadly an inbound call may be made using any of a series of
virtual numbers assigned to a VOIP subscriber, most conveniently and cheaply by
selecting a local-call virtual number. The call is linked through a common series of
class 4 or class 5 switches with gateway concept 182A, where the real physical
number is converted to an identifier identified with the call-receiver's VOIP service
provider and transmitted to call processing system 191. Call processing system 191
links this digital identifier to the VOIP subscriber/customer and the list of VOIP
customer address identifiers and transmits the digital call to device 193. As a
consequence, a local call made from a "physical" number incurs only local phone
charges and may reach a VOIP subscriber's addressed device anywhere in the world
(either "local" or "long distance")
Referring now to Fig. 3, a communications system 194 describes a
communication pathway between a first VOIP subscriber's device 199 to a second
VOIP subscriber's device 199A, wherein the VOIP service provided to each device
originates from different providers operating different protocols and addressing
identifying formats.
In this system, as discussed earlier, a call is made from device 199 through
computer network 198 to a first service provider's call processing system 197, and
thereafter employs a gateway concept 196 to reach the PSTN 195. The call is then
directed from PSTN 195 through a second gateway concept 196A to the second
service provider's call processing system 197 over computer network 198A and
finally to VOIP device 199A.
This present system allows low cost and reasonably effective transmission
between devices 199, 199A, but still requires the use of the telecommunications
industry PSTN 195 as an interface. As a consequence, communications system 194
enables the beneficial use of a variety of "virtual numbers" for vanity, business, or
other reasons and also eliminates long distance call charges.
Referring now to Fig. 4, an alternative and adaptive communications system
200 removes the PSTN requirement noted in Fig. 1, and allows a session border
controller 202 to convert diverse protocols from different VOIP provider's call
processing centers 201, 201'. For example, a first call originator using virtual phone
numbers and device 205 accesses first call processing center 201 using computer
network 203. First call processing center 201 employs SEP (session initiation
protocols), one of the emerging standards for setting up telecommunications,
particularly real-time communications over the Internet. Second call processing
center 201' employs a second non-similar protocol (HTTP - hypertext transfer
protocol, HTTPS - hypertext transfer protocol secure, etc.). As a consequence,
session border controller 202 includes a capacity to convert one service provider's
protocol into another protocol without unduly slowing a call transmission and
increasing costs. This solution, the use of a session border controller 202 enabling
protocol conversions protects computer networks 203, 204, and call processing
centers 201,201', while enabling all the benefits noted above.
Referring now to Fig. 5, an exemplary system according to another
alternative embodiment of the present invention includes a user 101 placing a call to
a user 103 employing VOIP. As noted, user 101 dials a "virtual number" assigned to
user 103 (for example number 202-424-XXXX), which is a local call for user 101
The call accesses a routing device or routing system 105 that accesses a routing data
assembly 107 to understand where and how to respond to the "virtual number"
assigned to user 103. As shown, a decision is made to access telecommunications
network 111, where network 111 often employs a computer network to access
multiple connections based on addressed routing information including the address
identifier for user 103 and routing device 109. As noted, routing device 105 may
include a complete routing system or series of communications elements depending
upon design. Once routing information is obtained
When information i$ provided to routing device 109, routing device 109
accesses a routing data assembly 113 to confirm the identity and "address identifier"
of user 103 and enables a direct connection to user 103.
In one unusual situation, user 103 physically moves their connection to
computer network 111 to a new physical location 160. For example, user 103 moves
from Seattle to Paris, thereby employing a different network access portal. When
user 103, now shown in location 160 as user 103', reconnects to computer network
111, a new "address location" is created at a call processing center (not shown) for
connecting device or system 109'. In this system, routing device 105 transfers a call
through network 111 to router 109. When the call is transferred from device 105 to
device 109, the virtual numbers of their equivalents are included in the transmitted
information. When the call reaches device 109, device communicates with database
113 to determine a preferred address the virtual number is assigned to. Based on this
communication, device 109 determines that the destination number is, for example
732-528-XXXX, which corresponds to user 103. A connection is then established
between device 109 and user 103. This connection may include, but is not limited to
a connection via selected internet protocols. Once this connection is established,
users 101 and 103 may communicate without incurring typical long distance
charges. Employing this system, user 103 may transport their VOIP device
geographically to new location 160 and employ all the unique benefits noted above.
Referring now to Fig. 6, a diagram showing an exemplary embodiment of
one alternative aspect of the present invention enables multiple virtual numbers,
commonly local area call phone numbers, to reach a geographically distant location
at local calling prices. As shown, a plurality of multiple virtual numbers 201,150
may be assigned to a virtual address identifier 152 for a VOIP subscriber 103 having
a connection to the Internet via connecting network and routing device 109. In
conjunction with the understanding from Fig. 5, each routing device may be
accessed using a plurality of known virtual numbers. Each virtual number
preferably allowing an originating user (for example user 101) to dial a number
within their local area code to access a designated destination user 103, 103.' As
shown in Fig. 6, multiple users may communication, simultaneously or
independently, with user 103 via device 109 which may be configured to receive
virtual calls from a plurality of lines 201,150 and rout each one to address identifier
Referring now to Fig. 7, in another exemplary embodiment of the present
invention, one or more virtual numbers may be assigned to multiple physical
numbers 301. In other words, a virtual number may be used to call more than one
physical number 301, individually or simultaneously. These calls may be directed to
assigned physical numbers 301 (numbers 155, 156, 157) in any desired manner,
either individually in series, or broadcast in parallel.
In one example, a virtual number 303 may be assigned such that server
device or routing device 109 rings physical devices 301 all at once, or one at a time.
Information regarding the order, sequence, timing, and other preferences relating to
call routing may be stored in data assembly described as data system 113.
In another example, if all of the devices ring at the same time, the call is
routed to the number that answers first, if each number rings one at a time, a user
103 has the option of rolling the call to the next number in a random or pre-selected
order. For example, where user 30] employs a virtual number 157 to a VOIP
device, a physical pager number 156, and a cellular number 155, each may be rung
simultaneously or in a selected order, according to user preferences.
One convenient aspect of the present invention is understood when a virtual
number, assigned to a specific physical device (VOIP device, cellular, pager, real
phone, computer, etc.) via a call processing system is easily changed upon a user's
request. This type of "re-addressing" may be done quickly with minimal effort via
simple Internet based programming or voice command.
In sum, the present embodiments and inventions noted above respond to at
least one of the needs earlier noted by providing at least one solution to making a
long distance call, or any call linked with a virtual number at a. substantially lower
cost by minimizing or avoiding several of the steps provided by the existing PSTN
As an additional benefit, the present invention discloses the capacity to
broadcast calls to multiple devices in a pre-selected manner, and in other
embodiments to receive multiple calls directed to a single address identifier
simultaneously or in a selected priority.
In the claims, means- or step-plus-function clauses are intended to cover the
structures described or suggested herein as performing the recited function and not
only structural equivalents but also equivalent structures. Thus, for example,
although a nail, a screw, and a bolt may not be structural equivalents in that a nail
relies on friction between a wooden part and a cylindrical surface, a screw's helical
surface positively engages the wooden part, and a bolt's head and nut compress
opposite sides of a wooden part, in the environment of fastening wooden parts, a
nail, a screw, and a bolt may be readily understood by those skilled in the art as
equivalent structures.
Having described at least one of the preferred embodiments of the present
invention with reference to the accompanying drawings, it is to be understood that
the invention is not limited to those precise embodiments, and that various changes,
modifications, and adaptations may be effected therein by one skilled in the art
without departing from the scope or spirit of the invention as defined in the
appended claims.

1. A method for transmitting information between two or more points,
comprising the steps of:
receiving a virtual number at a first intermediate point from at least
one originating point;
converting the received virtual number into at least one physical
determining a second intennediate point based on the at least one
physical number;
determining at least one destination point based on the at least one
physical number, and
transmitting information between the at least one originating point
and the at least one destination point.
2. The method according to claim 1, wherein the step of receiving further
comprises a step of:
establishing a communication path between the first intennediate point and
the at least one originating point.
3 The method according to claim 1, wherein the step of converting, further
comprises a step of comparing the virtual number to a routing system.
4. The method according to claim 1, wherein the step of determining a second
intermediate point further comprises the step of establishing a
communication path between the first intermediate point and the second
intennediate point.
5 The method according to claim 1, wherein the step of determining at least
one destination point further comprises the step of establishing a
communication path between the at least one destination point and the
second intermediate point.
6. A system for transmitting information between at least two points,
a first intermediate point operatively connected to at least one
originating point to receive a virtual identifier, wherein the virtual identifier
is converted into at least one physical number;
a second intermediate point capable of communicating with the fust
intermediate point over a computer network;
at least one destination point operatively connected to the second,
intermediate point, wherein the second intermediate point is determined
based on its proximity to the at least one destination point.
7. The system according to claim 6, wherein the virtual identifier comprises an
area code identifer, wherein the area code is within a local calling area of the at
least one originating point.
8 The system according to claim 6, wherein information is transmitted over the
computer network based on packets.
9 The system according to claim 6, wherein information is transmitted to and
from the originating and destination points based on analog signals.
10. The system according to claim 6, wherein the first and second intermediate
points are capable of analog to digital conversion and digital to analog conversion.
11. The system according to claim 6, wherein the first and second intermediate
points comprise servers systems
12. The system according to claim 6, wherein the at least one originating point
and the at least one destination point comprise telecommunication devices.
13. The system according to claim 6, wherein the virtual identifier is converted
into at least one physical number based on a routing table.
14. A system for minimizing telecommunication costs for outbound calls,
at least a first call initiating Internet terminal device;
said first call initiating device including means for connecting to the
Internet, for transmitting an outbound signal, and for receiving an inbound
said call initiating device further comprising means for interfacing
through which audio signals for telecommunication are output and input;
at least a first call-receiving device; and
a multifunction call processing system in connective communication with
said first initiating Internet terminal device, capable of receiving said outbound
signal and transmitting said outbound signal to a gateway concept system in
connective communication with means for publicly switching said outbound signal
to said at least first call-receiving device.
15. A system for minimizing telecommunication costs for inbound calls,
at least a first call receiving Internet terminal device;
said first call receiving device including means for connecting to the
Internet, for receiving an inbound digital signal,
a call initiating device for generating an outbound call to said first call
receiving device over a local public switched telephone network;
means for interfacing said call initiating device through a gateway
system from said public switched telephone network to said Internet, and for
creating digital information packets through which an audio signal for
telecommunication is output. and
a call processing system in communication with said gateway system
via said Internet for receiving said outbound call and for determining an
address of said first call receiving device for receiving an inbound call,
whereby said call initiating device requires only a local call to access said
public switched telephone network despite a geographic location of said call
receiving device thereby lowering a cost of an initial call.
16. A call processing system, comprising:
at least a first call originating device and a first call receiving device;
means for connectively connecting said first call originating device with a
first call processing center;
means for connectively connecting said fust call receiving device with a
second call processing center;
session border controller means operatively connecting between said first call
processing center and said second call processing center for connectively connecting
said first call originating device and said first call receiving device; and
said session border control including means. for converting a first
communications protocol received from said first call processing center into a
second communications protocol transmitted to said means for connectively
connecting, whereby said call processing system enables transmission of a call from
said call originating device to said call receiving device without interacting with a
publicly switched telephone network.
17. A call distribution system comprising:
a plurality of telecommunications devices assigned to a common user;
each of said plurality of telecommunications devices including one of an
address location and an address identifier;
an incoming call routing system in operative communication with each of
said plurality of telecommunications device according to said one of an address
location and an address identifier; and
a data control' system in an access communication with said call routing
system enabling said call routing system to access at least a first user preference for
one of a broad cast communication to said plurality of telecommunications devices,
and a distributed communication to said plurality of telecommunications devices,
whereby during receipt of one or more incoming calls, said call routing system
enables distribution of said one or more incoming calls to said plurality of
telecommunications devices.










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Patent Number 265649
Indian Patent Application Number 4607/DELNP/2006
PG Journal Number 11/2015
Publication Date 13-Mar-2015
Grant Date 03-Mar-2015
Date of Filing 10-Aug-2006
Applicant Address 2147 ROUTE 27, EDISON, NJ 08817, U.S.A.
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H04M11/04; H04M3/00; H04M5/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/US05/004089
PCT International Filing date 2005-02-10
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA