Title of Invention


Abstract The invention relates to a device in a mobile telecommunication network (10) for a mobile end station (28) with selection means (46, 48, 50) for the selection of text- and/or image information (32, 34, 36) from a plurality of text- and/or image information (32, 34, 36) which are completely or partially transmitted to the mobile end station by an information server (14) and which are temporarily stored in a data storage (31) of the mobile end station (28). The invention also relates to a method for a mobile end station (28) in a mobile telecommunication network (10) with an information server (24) completely or partially transmitting a plurality of text- and/or image information (32, 34, 36) to the mobile end station (28), wherein the text- and/or image information (32, 34, 36) is temporarily stored in a data storage (31) of the mobile end station (28).
Full Text

Device and method for displaying information for mobile end stations
Technical field
The invention relates to a device in a mobile telecommunication network for a mobile end station with selection means for the selection of text- and/or image information from a plurality of text- and/or image information which are completely or partially transmitted to the mobile end station by an information server and which are temporarily stored in a data storage of the mobile end station. Furthermore, the invention relates to a method for a mobile end station in a mobile telecommunication network with an information server completely or partially transmitting a plurality of text- and/or image information to the mobile end station, wherein the text- and/or image information is temporarily stored in a data storage of the mobile end station.
Prior Art
Today, the owner of a mobile end station in his function as a mobil telecomunication network member in a mobile telecommunication network can book many services of the provider of the mobile telecommunication network or other service providers for his mobile end station. It is, for example, known to book a news service. For this purpose the owner of the mobile end station informs the provider of the mobile telecommunication

network that he always desires to have the latest news. These news are transmitted to the mobile telecommunication network member for a charge, in the form of, for example, a SMS (=Short Message Service) or MMS (-Multimedia Messaging Service) or, if necessary, in the form of an email.
In order to avoid flooding with unwanted news and to keep the control of the costs the mobil communication network member can limit the news which he desires during the booking process. The mobile telecommunication network provider keeps lists wherein the options of the customers are recorded. The mobil telecommunication network member marks the news service during the booking service in such a way, that he only wishes to have, for example, sports- and/or stock news. This is recorded in the list and the mobile telecommunication network member only receives the corresponding news from the news service provider. The news is temporarily stored in a data storage of the mobile end station in the form of an SMS until the mobile telecommunication network member finally deletes it again.
The SMS-news can be downloaded and read by the mobile telecommunication network member like common SMS. For this purpose he activates the menu of his mobile end station and selects the SMS with the desired news. This news then is displayed on the display. After reading the news it can be deleted or maintained in the data storage.
It is a disadvantage of this procedure that the mobile telecommunication network member always must book the news service. Furthermore there are regularity charges, even for news and information which he does not necessarily desire.
Disclosure of the invention
It is an object of the invention to avoid the disadvantages of the prior art and to provide a device or a method, respectively, where information is transmitted to the mobile telecommunication member without booking procedures with a service provider and instantly paying for such a service.

According to the invention this object is achieved in that with a device in a mobile telecommunication network for a mobile end station of the above mentioned kind parts of the text- and/or image information are adapted to be sequentially displayed in a display of the mobile end station, wherein means are provided for the displayation of the complete text- and/or image information upon selection of the corresponding information part.
Furthermore this object is achieved by a corresponding method for a mobile end station in a mobile telecommunication network of the above mentioned kind where parts of the text-and/or image information are sequentially displayed and the corresponding complete text-and/or image information is displayed on the display upon selection of one information part by means of selection means.
The device according to the present invention and the corresponding method are based on the principle to send text- and/or image information through the mobile telecommunication network to a mobile end station. For this purpose the text- and/or image information are collected by an information server and transmitted to the mobile telecommunicaton network member, the information server is operated by, for example, a news agency. There the information transmitted to the mobile end station is temporarily stored. Parts of the text- and/or image information, such as headlines, are then sequentially displayed on a display. By a suitable selection, for example by the cursor of its menue, the mobile telecommunication network member can select an interesting information part. Afterwards the the complete information is available to the mobile telecommunication network member. The advantage of the device according to the present invention and the corresponding method over the prior art is the proceeding, where the text- and/or image information is automatically transmitted without the need of prior booking of the service. The mobile end station only has to be adapted to receive such information services. The mobile telecommunication network member can select afterwards which information he choses to view completely.
In an advantageous modificaton of the device according to the present invention in a mobile telecommunication network for mobile end station means are provieded for blocking and/or releasing the complete text- and/or image information. Thereby it is

achieved that certain news cannot be read without authorisation, this can be the case if, for example, the complete information is X-rated or if a charge is due for the authorisation to display the complete information. Preferably, there are, therefore, charge registration means provided, which register the charges for the complete text- and/or image information transmitted to the mobile end station selected for viewing.
A preferred modification of the device according to the present invention is achieved in that the sequentially displayed information parts are provided in the form of a ticker on the display. Alternatively or in combination with the ticker means for turning-over and/or jumping of the sequentially displayed information part are provided on the display. This measure enables to display all information parts on the displa of his mobile end station. An information which is particularly interesting for him can be easily selected by, for example, activation of a selection key on his mobile end station. The complete information is then displayed.
A preferred embodiment of the device according to the present invention in a mobile telecommunication netword for a mobile end station is achieved by means for cyclic exchange of the information part and/or the complete text- and/or image information transmitted to the mobile end station. As the information provided by the information server may become obsolete it is sensible to cyclically exchange it. In this way old information is removed and new information is added. By this measure a mobile telecommunication network member always has the latest information available.
In a further modification of the device according to the present invention in a mobile telecommunication network for mobile end stations filter means are provided to pre-select text- and/or image information from a plurality of text- and/or image information. Thereby it can be achieved that a mobile telecommunication network member does not receive all information or information parts. A mobile telecommunication network member maybe only wants to have only certain information ranges, such as, for example sports. He then can set a filter in his mobile end station in such a way that he will receive only the sport information from a selection of all information ranges to be displayed. The filter means can also be used on the pages of the information server, the filter means can there be

adjusted in such a way that, for example, only certain information ranges are transmitted to suitable customer groups.
A particularly preferred modification of the invention is achieved in that the complete text-and/or image information is a game and the information part each define an access to the game. The information part is selected with the selection means leading to a game which can be designed to be a lottery or raffle. Internally the game can be played with the mobile end station, but also through the mobile telecommunication netword with further game partners.
An advantageous aspect of the device according to the present invention is that an additional channel is provided for a mutual data exchange between the mobile end station and the mobile telecommunication network opening a selection of an information part. Games and other data, especially for completing the text- and/or image information can be passed through such a channel. Control data, for example for checking the authorisatio of a mobile telecommunication network member to download a complete information, can be transmitted through the second channel.
Furthermore, an advantageous modification of the method according to the present invention is achieved in that the text- and/or image information is blocked and/releaseed for complete view on the display. It is the object of this measure to ensure that certain news cannot be completely read without authorisation. An advantageous aspect of the method according to the present invention is that the charges are registered for the complete text- and/or image information transmitted to the mobile end station, which are selected for viewing.
Corresponding to the device according to the present invention a modification of the method according to the present invention provides that the sequentially displayed information parts are displayed in the form of ticker on the display. Alternatively the sequentially displayed information parts are turned over or the display jumps to the next information part after a short moment, i.e. the viewer must have the opportunity to register the information.

In order to keep the information up-to-date the information parts are cyclically exchanged by the information server. For this purpose the information server collects the latest information and transmitts the information to the mobile end station of the mobile telecommunication network member afterwards.
Further advantages result from the subject matter of the subclaims and the drawing with the corresponding description.
Brief description of the drawing
Fig.l shows an embodiment of the device according to the present invention and
the method according to the present invention.
Preferred embodiment
In Fig.l numeral 10 denotes a mobile telecommunication network, which operates according to, for example, the GSM- (=Global System for Communication) or UMTS-Standard (=Universal Mobile Telecommunications System). The mobile telecommunication network 10 is symbolised by a radio mast 12 representing the entire system components of a mobile telecommunication network 10. An information server 14 collects information 16 in the form of texts and/or images. The information 16 in the present embodiment shall be news 18 which are shown as data sheets. In principle other information data, such as programs, digital data of games or other digital data in the form of texts and/or images can be thought of also. The news 18 are provided to the information server 14 from practically everywhere, i.e. world wide and from all live affairs, arrow 15. The ā€˛cloud" symbolises the world wide information pool 20.
The news 18 are stored in a data storage 22 in the information server 14 at first. Afterwards, the news 18 are completely or only partially transmitted from the information server 14 through the mobile telecommunication network 10, arrows 24, 26 to mobile end stations 28 of mobile telecommunication network members 30. The news 18 are

temporarily stored in a data storage 31. If the news 18 are only partially transmitted a completion can be effected by the information server 14 on request.
The news 18 each consist of a headline 32, if applicable together with a short explanation and a text- 34 and/or image component 36 as a further information added to the headline 32. The headlines 32 are represented as news I, II, III, IV etc. After transmitting the news 18 from the information server 14 to the mobile end station 28 the headlines 32 of the news 18 are displayed on a display 38 in the form of a ticker 40. The ticker 40 slowly runs in the direction of the arrow 42 to provide the opportunity for the mobile telecommunication network member 30 to read the headline 32. A first enlargement 44 of the display 32 is shown next to mobile end station 28.
Only parts of the entire news 18, i.e. the headlines 32 run over the display 38. A headline 32 is selected by means of a cursor 46, for example news II. For this purpose the cursor46 is moved to the news II by the mobile telecommunication network member 30 with a user field 48 of the mobile end station 28. The news 11 is activated with the user field 48. The activation is shown in the frame 50. Afterwards the complete news II with further information in the form of text- 34 and/or image components 36 appears, arrow 52. The complete news 18 is also shown in a second enlargement 54 of the display 38. If the mobile telecommunication network member 30 has read the complete news 18 he can reach the previous display with a suitable operation of the user field 48.
It is possible to only transmit the headlines 32 of the news 18 from the information server 14 to the mobile end station 28. Thereby storage capacity within the mobile end station 28 is saved- Only if the headline 32 is activated farther information is transmitted in the form of text- 34 and/or image components 36. For this procedure charges can be taken, for example using a charge counter 56, such charges being invoiced to the mobil telecommunication network member 30.
An alternative of this variation of transmitting information parts consists in always transmitting the complete news 18 to the mobile end station 28. At first, only the headline 32 is always displayed on the display 38. Upon selection of a news 18 with the cursor 46

it is communicated to the information server 14 or the charge counter 56, respectively, that the complete news 18 was downloaded. The charge counter 56 detects the process and can invoice the charges for the complete information to the mobile telecommunication network member 30.
In order to keep the news 18 up-to-date at all times old or out-of-date news 18 are automatically deleted from the data storage 31 of the mobile end device 28 and new and up-to-date news 18 are transmitted from the information pool 20 instead. This process can be cyclically effected in given time intervals and can be controlled by the information server 14. If necessary the deletion can be manually carried out by the mobile telecommunication network member 30. Thereby it is achieved that only the latest news 18 are displayed.
In order to protect the unauthorized access to the complete news 18 blocking and releasing means 62 are provided in the mobile end station 28. The blocking- and releasing means 62 can be controlled by the information server 14, if necessary. The control of the blocking- and releasing means 62 can be effected in cooperation with the charge counter 56.
Furthermore, filter means 58 are provided in the information server 14. The news 18 can be, for example, pre-selected for certain target groups by means of the filter means 14 in the information server 14. In such a way selected news can be transmitted to certain person groups.
Filter means 60 are also provided in the mobile end station 28 to enable that the mobile telecommunication network member 30 can chose himself which news he wishes to receive and which news he does not wish to have. The filter means 60 in the mobile end station 28 can be configured more or less without limits by the mobile telecommunication network member 30 for this purpose.
Instead of headlines 32 also the program- or gamename, for example, can be transmitted. By activation of the program or game name either a program is activated instead of the

news 18 or a surface for the participation in a game is displayed. The mobile telecommunication network member 30 can use the program or participate in the game.

Device in a mobile telecommunication network (10) for a mobile end station (28) with selection means (46, 48, 50) for the selection of text- and/or image information (32, 34, 36) from a plurality of text- and/or image information (32, 34, 36) which are completely or partially transmitted tojhe mobile end station by an information server (14) and which are temporarily stored in a data storage (31) of the mobile end station (28), characterized in that parts of the text- and/or image information (32) are adapted to be sequentially displayed in a display (38) of the mobile end station, wherein means are provided for the displayation of the complete text-and/or image information (32, 34, 36) upon selection of the corresponding information part (32).
Device in a mobile telecommunication network (10) for a mobile end station (28) with selection means (46, 48, 50) for the selection of text- and/or image information (32, 34, 36) from a plurality of text- and/or image information (32, 34, 36) according to claim 1, characterized in that means are provieded for blocking and/or releasing (62) the complete text- and/or image information (32, 34, 36).
Device in a mobile telecommunication network (10) for a mobile end station (28) with selection means (46, 48, 50) for the selection of text- and/or image information (32, 34, 36) from a plurality of text- and/or image information (32, 34, 36) according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that charge registration means (56) are provided, which register the charges for the complete text- and/or image information (32, 34, 36) transmitted to the mobile end station (28) selected for viewing.

Device in a mobile telecommunication network (10) for a mobile end station (28) with selection means (46, 48, 50) for the selection of text- and/or image information (32, 34, 36) from a plurality of text- and/or image information (32, 34, 36) according to any one of claims 1 to 3, characterized in that the sequentially displayed information parts (32) are provided in the form of a ticker (40) on the display (38).
Device in a mobile telecommunication network (10) for a mobile end station (28) with selection means (46, 48, 50) for the selection of text- and/or image information (32, 34, 36) from a plurality of text- and/or image information (32, 34, 36) according to any one of claims 1 to 4, characterized by means for turning-over and/or jumping of the sequentially displayed information part (32) provided on the display (38).
Device in a mobile telecommunication network (10) for a mobile end station (28) with selection means (46, 48, 50) for the selection of text- and/or image information (32, 34, 36) from a plurality of text- and/or image information (32, 34, 36) according to any one of claims 1 to 5, characterized by means for cyclic exchange of the information part (32) and/or the complete text- and/or image information (34, 36) transmitted to the mobile end station.
Device in a mobile telecommunication network (10) for a mobile end station (28) with selection means (46, 48, 50) for the selection of text- and/or image information (32, 34, 36) from a plurality of text- and/or image information (32, 34, 36) according to any one of claims 1 to 6, characterized in that filter means (58, 60) are provided to pre-select text- and/or image information (32, 34, 36) from a plurality of text- and/or image information (32, 34, 36).
Device in a mobile telecommunication network (10) for a mobile end station (28) with selection means (46, 48, 50) for the selection of text- and/or image information (32, 34, 36) from a plurality of text- and/or image information (32, 34, 36) according to any one of claims 1 to 7, characterized in that the complete text-

and/or image information (32, 34, 36) is a game and/or program and the information part (32) each define an access to the game and/or program.
Device in a mobile telecommunication network (10) for a mobile end station (28) with selection means (46, 48, 50) for the selection of text- and/or image information (32, 34, 36) from a plurality of text- and/or image information (32, 34, 36) according to any one of claims 1 to 5, characterized in that an additional channel is provided for a mutual data exchange between the mobile end station (28) and the mobile telecommunication network (10) opening a selection of an information part (32).
Method for a mobile end station (28) in a mobile telecommunication network (10) with an information server (24) completely or partially transmitting a plurality of text- and/or image information (32, 34, 36) to the mobile end station (28), wherein the text- and/or image information (32, 34, 36) is temporarily stored in a data storage (31) of the mobile end station (28), characterized in that parts of the text-and/or image information (32, 34, 36) is sequentially displayed and the corresponding complete text- and/or image information (32, 34, 36) is displayed on the display (38) upon selection of one information part (32) by means of selection means (46, 48, 50).
Method for a mobile end station (28) in a mobile telecommunication network (10) according to claim 10, characterized in that the text- and/or image information (32, 34, 36) is blocked and/releaseed for complete view on the display (38).
Method for a mobile end station (28) in a mobile telecommunication network (10) according to claim 10 or 11, characterized in that the charges are registered for the complete text- and/or image information (32, 34, 36) transmitted to the mobile end station (28), which are selected for viewing.
Method for a mobile end station (28) in a mobile telecommunication network (10) according to any one of claims 10 to 12, characterized in that the sequentially

displayed information parts (32) are displayed in the form of ticker (40) on the display (38).
Method for a mobile end station (28) in a mobile telecommunication network (10) according to any one of claims 10 to 13, characterized in that the sequentially displayed information parts (32) are turned over or the display (38) jumps to the next information part (32).
Method for a mobile end station (28) in a mobile telecommunication network (10) according to any one of claims 10 to 14, characterized in that the information parts (32) and/or complete text- and/or image information (34, 36) are cyclically exchanged by the information server (14).

The invention relates to a device in a mobile telecommunication network (10) for a mobile end station (28) with selection means (46, 48, 50) for the selection of text- and/or image information (32, 34, 36) from a plurality of text- and/or image information (32, 34, 36) which are completely or partially transmitted to the mobile end station by an information server (14) and which are temporarily stored in a data storage (31) of the mobile end station (28). The invention also relates to a method for a mobile end station (28) in a mobile telecommunication network (10) with an information server (24) completely or partially transmitting a plurality of text- and/or image information (32, 34, 36) to the mobile end station (28), wherein the text- and/or image information (32, 34, 36) is temporarily stored in a data storage (31) of the mobile end station (28).


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Patent Number 265670
Indian Patent Application Number 2639/CHENP/2007
PG Journal Number 11/2015
Publication Date 13-Mar-2015
Grant Date 04-Mar-2015
Date of Filing 19-Jun-2007
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H04Q 7/22
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP05/11674
PCT International Filing date 2005-11-02
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 102004056047.1 2004-11-19 Germany