Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention discloses efficient methods for preparing substituted cyclopentadienyl-fluorenyl catalyst components having a diphenyl bridge.
The present invention relates to new methods for the preparation of metallocene
catalyst components based on diphenyl-bridged substituted cyclopentadienyl-
fluorenyl ligands.
It is possible to develop catalyst systems that are able to produce different types of
polymer such as isotactic, syndiotactic or atactic. It is, however, desirable that the
selected catalyst produces predominantly an isotactic or syndiotactic polymer with
very little atactic polymer. C2- or C1 -symmetric metallocene catalysts are known to
produce isotactic polyolefins. For example, C2 symmetric bis-indenyl type
zirconocenes can produce high molecular weight, high melting temperature isotactic
polypropylene. The preparation of this metallocene catalyst is, however, costly and
time-consuming. Most importantly, the final catalyst consists of a mixture of racemic
and meso isomers in an often unfavourable ratio. The meso stereoisomer has to be
separated to avoid the formation of atactic polypropylene during the polymerisation
EP-A-0426644 relates to syndiotactic copolymers of olefins such as propylene
obtainable using as a catalyst component isopropyl (fluorenyl)(cyclopentadienyl)
zirconium dichloride. Syndiotacticity, as measured by the amount of syndiotactic
pentads rrrr was found to be 73-80%.
EP 747406 relates to the polymerisation of an olefin monomer to form a
syndiotactic/isotactic block polyolefin, particularly a block polypropylene. A
component of the polymerisation catalyst was a 3-trimethylsilyl cyclopentadienyl-9-
fluorenyl zirconium or hafnium dichloride having an isopropylidene or
diphenylmethylidene bridge.

EP-A-577581 discloses the production of syndiotactic polypropylenes using
metallocene catalysts having fluorenyl groups substituted in positions 2 and 7 and an
unsubstituted cyclopentadienyl ring.
EP-A-0419677 describes the production of syndiotactic polypropylene with an object
to produce resin compositions having high stiffness when moulded. Metallocene
catalysts such as isopropyl(cyclopentadienyl-1-fluorenyl) zirconium dichloride were
used in the production of polypropylene. However, the molecular weight, melting
point and syndiotacticity of these products were relatively low.
Many bridged cyclopentadienyl-fluorenyl components have been described in
literature but few have been prepared and most of the complexes formed are quite
There is a need to develop new catalyst systems capable of providing polymers with
improved properties and efficient methods for preparing them.
It is an aim of the present invention to provide a method for efficiently preparing
diphenyl-bridged cyclopentadienyl-fluorenyl catalyst components.
It is also an aim of the present invention to use these catalyst components for the
preparation of polymers having high molecular weight.
It is another aim of the present invention to use these catalyst components to
prepare polymers having a high melting temperature.
It is a further aim of the present invention to use these catalyst components to
prepare impact copolymers having improved impact properties.

Accordingly, the present invention provides a process for preparing a catalyst
component of general formula

werein R' is a diaryl bridge, preferably a diphenyl bridge, and wherein Rb, Rcand Rd
are each independently selected from H or alkyl having from 1 to 12 carbon atoms or
silyl groups substituted or unsubstituted
wherein M is a metal Group 4 of the Periodic Table and
wherein Q is halogen or alkyl having from 1 to 12 carbon atoms, and
said process comprising:
a) reaction by nucleophilic addition, in a solvent, of the group (Ra2CRcRdfulvene),
wherein each Ra is independently selected from halogenated aromatic group,
preferably halogenated phenyl group, with the group [Rb2-Flu ]" [M']+ wherein
M' is alkali metal such as Li, Na, K;
b) hydrolysis and separation of the resulting ligand;
c) elimination of the halogen substituents on the aromatic Ra groups by reaction
with a reducing system in a solvent and protic source, capable of reducing CX
bond but not the C==C bond of the cyclopentadienyl group in the presence of
a palladium-based catalyst such as for example

and wherein the amount of reducing system is of at least 2 equivalents,
preferably 4 equivalents per equivalent of ligand ;
d) deprotonation of the ligand of step b) with R"M" to prepare a di-anion ligand,
wherein R" is an alkyl having from 1 to 6 carbon atoms and M" is Li, Na or K;

e) salt metathesis reaction in a solvent of the di-anion ligand of step d) with MQ4
wherein M is a metal group 4 of the Periodic Table and Q is halogen or alkyl
or benzyl;
f) isolation of the diaryl-bridged catalyst component by crystallisation.
The halogenated aromatic group of step a) is preferably a halogenated phenyl and
more preferably a phenyl carrying a chlorine at position 4.
A preferred example of reducing agent is KOtBu/NaBPh4.
The solvent and protic source are for example THF/HOiPr.
The catalyst reacts easily with the unactivated CX bond and favours the reaction. In
addition, it allows the reaction to take place at a temperature of from room
temperature to 100 °C, preferably at a temperature of about 60 °C.
Throughout this description, the positions are labelled as represented below.

Preferably, both Rbare the same and are alkyl groups having from 1 to 6 carbon
atoms, more preferably they both are tert-butyl. They are preferably located at
positions 1 and 8 or 2 and 7 or 3 and 6. More preferably they are located at positions
3 and 6 and they are tert-butyl.

Preferably Rc is H or methyl or ethyl.
Preferably Rd is an alkyl group having from 3 to 6 carbon atoms, more preferably, it
is tert-butyl.
Preferably M is Zr, Hf or Ti, more preferably, it is Zr.
Preferably Q is a halogen or methyl, more preferably it is chlorine.
Preferably, M" is Li.
The solvent of steps a) and e) may be the same or different and are a hydrocarbon,
preferably selected from pentane, toluene, and/or ether such as tetrahydrofuran
(THF) or diethyl ether (Et20). Preferably they are the same and are Et20. Without
wishing to be bound by a theory, it is believed Et20 stabilises a transition state of the
nucleophilic addition reaction including bulky constrained reagents. The reaction of
step a) is carried out at a temperature of from 0 to 90 °C, preferably at a temperature
of about 80 °C, for a period of time of from 1 to 10 days, preferably of about 72
Preferably the reaction of step c) is carried out at a temperature of from room
temperature to 80 °C, preferably of about 60 °C and for a period of time of from 1 to
4 hours, preferably of about 3 hours, depending upon catalyst loading. Preferably the
amount of catalyst is of 0.1 to 5 mole% with respect to X.
Any activating agent having an ionising action known in the art may be used for
activating the metallocene component for polymerisation. For example, it can be
selected from aluminium-containing or boron-containing compounds. The
aluminium-containing compounds comprise aluminoxanes, alkyl aluminiums and/or
Lewis acids.

The aluminoxanes are preferred and may comprise oligomeric linear and/or cyclic
alkyl aluminoxanes represented by the formula:

for oligomeric, linear aluminoxanes and

for oligomeric, cyclic aluminoxane,
wherein n is 1-40, preferably 10-20, m is 3-40, preferably 3-20 and R is a Ci-C8 alkyl
group and preferably methyl.
Suitable boron-containing activating agents can be used when Q is alkyl or benzyl.
They comprise triphenylcarbenium boronates such as tetrakis-pentafluorophenyl-
borato-triphenylcarbenium as described in EP-A-0427696, or those of the general
formula [L'-H] + [B An Ar2 X3 X4]- as described in EP-A-0277004 (page 6, line 30 to
page 7, line 7).
The catalyst system can also be supported. The support if present can be a porous
mineral oxide, advantageously selected from silica, alumina and mixtures thereof.
Preferably, it is silica.
Alternatively, a fluorinated activating support can be used.

The catalyst system of the present invention can be used in the polymerisation of
ethylene and alpha-olefins. It is preferably used to prepare highly isotactic propylene
homopolymers having a high weight average molecular weight of at least 500 kDa,
preferably at least 700 kDa, a high melting temperature of more than 150 °C,
preferably of more than 160 °C.
It can also be used to prepare ethylene-propylene rubber (EPR) having an ethylene
content of from 8 to 15 wt%, a high weight average molecular weight of at least 500
kDa, preferably at least 700 kDa, and a melt flow index MFI of from 2 to 10 dg/min.
The melt flow index is measured following the method of standard test ASTM D 1238
under a load of 2.16 kg and at a temperature of 230 °C. The EPR obtained in the
present invention is characterised by excellent impact properties. It can be used in
all applications that require elastomers with excellent thermoplastic properties.
List of Figures.
Figure 1 represents the reaction scheme for the preparation of ligand Ph2C(3,6-
Figure 2 represents the 1H NMR spectrum of the diphenyl ligand.
Figure 3 represents the X-ray crystallography of Ph2C(3,6-'Bu2Flu)(3-'Bu-5-Me-Cp)
(2) .CH2CI2.
All experiments were performed under purified argon atmosphere using standard
Schlenk techniques or in a glovebox. Solvents were distilled from Na/benzophenone
(tetrahydrofuran (THF), diethyl ether (Et20)) and Na/K alloy (toluene, pentane) under
nitrogen, they were thoroughly degassed and stored under nitrogen. Deuterated
solvents (benzene-c/6, toluene-d8, THF-d8; >99.5% D, Deutero GmbH) were vacuum-

transferred from Na/K alloy into storage tubes. Chloroform-d3 and CD2CI2 were kept
over calcium hydride and vacuum-transferred before use. The precursor 3,6-di-terf-
9H-fluorene (1) was prepared according to the procedure disclosed in prior art.
One-pot synthesis of palladium allvl complex (SIPr)Pd(C3H5)CI.

The synthesis was carried out following the method developed by Viciu et al. (Viciu,
M.S.; Germaneau, R.F.; Navarro-Femandez, O.; Stevens, E.D.; Nolan, S.P. in
Organometallics 2002, 21, 5470-5472).
In glovebox 0.70 g (1.64 mmol) of /v,/V-bis(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)-4,5-
dihydroimidazol)-2-ylidene) chloride 0.194 g (1.73 mmol) of KO'Bu and 0.3 g (0.82
mmol) of allyl palladium chloride dimer [(C3H5)PdCI]2 were charged in a Schlenk tube
in which 40 mL of dry THF were vacuum transferred. The reaction was allowed to
warm up to room temperature and kept under stirring for a period of time of over 12
h. The reaction mixture was passed through a thin layer of silica to remove the
"palladium black" formed. The product was precipitated by adding 100 mL of hexane,
washed and then dried under vacuum to give 0.82 g of (SIPr)Pd(C3H5)CI with a yield
of 87%. The 'H and 13C NMR spectra recorded were identical with those published.
Synthesis of liqanq Ph?Cr3.6-tBu2Flu)(3-fBu-5-Me-Cp).

The scheme is represented in Figure 1.
In a Schlenk tube to 2.0 g (3.09 mmol) of ligand precursor 1 dissolved in 50 mL of
dry THF were added, 2.3 g (6.72 mmol) of NaBPh4, 1.5 g (13.37 mmol) of KOfBu,
0.018 g (0.03 mmol) of (SIPr)Pd(C3H5)CI and 10 mL of 'PrOH under argon flush. The
reaction mixture was stirred at a temperature of 60 °C for a period of time of 3 hours
and then filtered through silica. The filtrate was evaporated and the residue was
recrystallised from an approximately 1:1 mixture CH2Cl2/MeOH 1:1 mixture to give
colourless prisms of [2 CH2CI2]. The crystals were redissolved in 3 mL of toluene
and the resultant solution was evaporated and dried under vacuum for a period of
time of 5 to 10 h to yield 0.89 g of 2 with a yield of 50%.
1H NMR (200 MHz, CD2CI2, 233 K) 8 (at least three isomers of the double bonds in
Cp were detected): 8.3-6.5 (m, 16H, Flu + Ph), 6.0-5.0 (m, 2H, Cp + 9-H), 3.3-1.8 (m,
2H, Cp), 1.3-1.0 (m, 21H, 'Bu + Me), 0.8-0.7 (m, 9H, 'Bu). MS-FAB (m/z): 577.6,
301.4, 277.4.
Anal. Calcd forC44H50: C, 91.28; H, 8.71. Found: C, 92.12; H, 9.23.
The X-ray crystallography of Ph2C(3,6-tBu2Flu)(3-tBu-5-Me-Cp) (2) CH2CI2 is
presented in Figure 3.
The catalyst components synthetised here-above were tested in the homo- or co-
polymerisation of propylene. They were activated with methylaluminoxane (MAO)
and optionally deposited on a silica support in order to produce highly isotactic
homopolymers of propylene or ethylene-propylene rubber (EPR) having excellent

impact properties.

1. A process for preparing a catalyst component of general formula

werein R' is a diaryl bridge;
wherein Rb, Rcand Rd are each independently selected from H or alkyl having from
1 to 12 carbon atoms or silyl groups substituted or unsubstituted;
wherein M is a metal Group 4 of the Periodic Table; and
wherein Q is halogen or alkyl having from 1 to 12 carbon atoms; and
said process comprising:
a) reaction by nucleophilic addition, in a solvent, of the group (Ra2CRcRdfulvene),
wherein each Ra is independently selected from halogenated aromatic group,
with the group [Rb2-Flu ]" [M']+ wherein M' is alkali metal such as Li, Na, K;
b) hydrolysis and separation of the resulting ligand;
c) elimination of the halogen substituents on the aromatic Ra groups by reaction
with a reducing system in a solvent and protic source, capable of reducing CX
bond but not the C=C bond of the cyclopentadienyl group, in the presence of
a palladium-based catalyst such as

and wherein the amount of reducing system is of at least 2 equivalents,
preferably 4 equivalents per equivalent of ligand ;
d) deprotonation of the ligand of step c) with R"M" to prepare a di-anion ligand,
wherein R" is an alkyl having from 1 to 6 carbon atoms and M" is Li, Na or K;

e) salt metathesis reaction in a solvent of the di-anion ligand of step d) with MQ4
wherein M is a metal group 4 of the Periodic Table and Q is halogen or alkyl
or benzyl;
f) isolation of the diaryl-bridged catalyst component by crystallisation.

2. The process of claim 1 wherein the halogenated aromatic group of step a) is
halogenated phenyl.
3. The process of claim 2 wherein the halogenated phenyl group is a phenyl
carrying a chlorine substituent at position 4.
4. The process of any one of claims 1 to 3 wherein both Rb are the same and
are tert-butyl at positions 2 and 7 or at positions 3 and 6.
5. The process any of the preceding claims wherein Rc is methyl at position 2
and Rd is tert-butyl at position 4.
6. The process of any one of the preceding claims wherein the reducing system
is K04Bu/NaBPh4.
7. The process of any one of the preceding claims wherein the solvent of step a)
is Et20.
8. The process of any one of the preceding claims wherein the solvent in step e)
is also Et20.
9. The process of any one of the preceding claims wherein M" is Li.

The present invention discloses efficient methods for preparing substituted cyclopentadienyl-fluorenyl catalyst
components having a diphenyl bridge.







1535-KOLNP-2009-(11-08-2014)-AMANDED CLAIMS.pdf


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1535-KOLNP-2009-(11-08-2014)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf




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1535-kolnp-2009-international search report.pdf

1535-kolnp-2009-pct priority document notification.pdf

1535-kolnp-2009-pct request form.pdf



Patent Number 265671
Indian Patent Application Number 1535/KOLNP/2009
PG Journal Number 11/2015
Publication Date 13-Mar-2015
Grant Date 04-Mar-2015
Date of Filing 23-Apr-2009
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C07F 17/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP2007/059729
PCT International Filing date 2007-09-14
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 06121181.9 2006-09-25 EUROPEAN UNION