Title of Invention


Abstract A compressor assembly includes a shell, a compressor housed within the shell, and a motor drivingly connected to the compressor. In addition, a sensor assembly is provided for monitoring operating parameters of the compressor assembly. Processing circuitry, in communication with the sensor assembly, is operable to process the operating parameters of the compressor assembly according to predefined rules. Furthermore, a terminal assembly is hermetically secured to the shell and is in communication with the sensor assembly. A plug is attached to the terminal assembly outside of the shell and serves to operably connect the processing circuitry with the sensor assembly
Full Text Attorney Docket No. 0315-519/POA
[0001] This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No.
60/533,236, filed on December 30, 2003. The disclosure of the above application is
incorporated herein by reference.
[0002] The present teachings relate to compressors, and more particularly, to
an improved diagnostic system for use with a compressor.
[0003] Compressors are used in a wide variety of industrial and residential
applications. More particularly, compressors are often used to circulate refrigerant within
a refrigeration or heat pump system to provide a desired heating or cooling effect. In
addition, compressors are also used to inflate or otherwise impart a fluid force on an
external object such as a tire, sprinkler system, or pneumatic tool. In any of the foregoing
applications, it is desirable that a compressor provide consistent and efficient operation to
ensure that the particular application (i.e., refrigeration system or pneumatic tool)
functions properly. To that end, alerting when a compressor has failed or is in need of
repair helps prevent unnecessary compressor damage and system failures.
[0004] Compressors are intended to run trouble free for the life of the
compressor and provide a consistent supply of compressed fluid. While compressors are
increasingly reliable, monitoring operation of the compressor allows one to discontinue its
operation should an error or fault arise. Discontinuing use of the scroll compressor under
unfavorable conditions will likely prevent damage to the compressor.
[0005] Faults causing a compressor to shut down may be electrical or
mechanical in nature. Electrical faults generally have a direct effect on the electric motor
in the compressor, and may destroy the electric motor or its associated components.
Mechanical faults may include faulty bearings or broken parts, and typically raise the
internal temperature of the respective components to very high levels, sometimes causing
malfunction of and damage to the compressor. In addition to mechanical and electrical
faults, "system" faults may occur, such as those resulting from an adverse level of
refrigerant or lubricant or to a blocked flow condition. Such system faults may raise the
internal compressor temperature or pressure to high levels, which may damage the

Attorney Docket No. 0315-519/POA
[0006] A compressor assembly generally includes a shell, a compressor
housed within the shell, and a motor drivingly connected to the compressor. A sensor
assembly is provided for monitoring operating parameters of the compressor assembly,
including the temperature of an electrical conductor supplying current to the motor.
Processing circuitry in communication with the sensor assembly processes the operating
parameters of the compressor. A terminal assembly is hermetically secured to the shell
and is in communication with the sensor assembly, while a connector is attached to the
terminal assembly outside of the shell and serves to operably connect the processing
circuitry with the sensor assembly.
[0007] The present teachings will become more fully understood from the
detailed description and the accompanying drawings, wherein:
[0008] FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a compressor incorporating a first
protection system in accordance with the teachings;
[0009] FIG. 2 is a cross-sectional view of the compressor of FIG. 1;
[0010] FIG. 3 is a more detailed sectional view of the protection system of
FIG. 2;
[0011] FIG. 4 is a perspective view of the protection system of FIG. 2;
[0012] FIG. 5 is a schematic representation of the protection system of FIG. 2;
[0013] FIG. 6 is an alternate schematic representation of the protection
system of FIG. 2;
[0014] FIG. 7 is a perspective view of a compressor incorporating a second
protection system in accordance with the teachings;
[0015] FIG. 8 is a cross-sectional view of the compressor of FIG. 7;
[0016] FIG. 9 is a more detailed sectional view of the protection system of
FIG. 7;
[0017] FIG. 10 is a perspective view of the protection system of FIG. 7;
[0018] FIG. 11 is a schematic representation of the protection system of FIG.
[0019] Fig. 12 is a perspective view of a compressor incorporating a third
protection system in accordance with the teachings;

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[0020] Fig. 13 is a perspective view of a cluster block of the protection system
of FIG. 12;
[0021] FIG. 14 is a perspective view of the cluster block of FIG. 13
incorporated into a current-sensor assembly;
[0022] FIG. 15 is a front view of the cluster block and current-sensor assembly
of FIG. 14 incorporated into a housing;
[0023] FIG. 16 is a front view of the cluster block and current-sensor assembly
of FIG. 14 incorporated into a housing and mounted to the compressor of FIG. 12;
[0024] FIG. 17 is a flow-chart depicting operation of a compressor in
accordance with the teachings;
[0025] FIG. 18 is a flow-chart depicting operation of a compressor between a
run condition and a shutdown condition in accordance with the teachings;
[0026] Fig. 19 is a perspective view of a compressor incorporating a fourth
protection system in accordance with the teachings;
[0027] FIG. 20 is a cross-sectional view of the compressor of FIG. 19;
[0028] FIG. 21 is a perspective view of the protection system of FIG. 19;
[0029] FIG. 22 is a perspective view of the protection system of FIG. 20
showing a current-sensing arrangement; and
[0030] FIG. 23 is a schematic representation of a compressor network in
accordance with the teachings.
[0031] The following description is merely exemplary in nature and is in no
way intended to limit the teachings, its application, or uses.
[0032] With reference to the figures, a scroll compressor 10 is provided and
includes a compressor protection and control system 12. The protection and control
system 12 is operable to selectively shut down the compressor 10 in response to sensed
compressor parameters in an effort to protect the compressor 10 and prevent operation
thereof when conditions are unfavorable. While a scroll compressor 10 will be described
herein, it should be understood that any compressor could be used with the protection
and control system 12 of the present invention.
[0033] With particular reference to FIGS. 1 and 2, the compressor 10 is shown
to include a generally cylindrical hermetic shell 14 having a welded cap 16 at a top portion
and a base 18 having a plurality of feet 20 welded at a bottom portion. The cap 16 and
base 18 are fitted to the shell 14 such that an interior volume 22 of the compressor 10 is

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defined. The cap 16 is provided with a discharge fitting 24, while the shell 14 is similarly
provided with an inlet fitting 26, disposed generally between the cap 16 and base 14, as
best shown in FIGS. 2 and 8. In addition, an electrical enclosure 28 is fixedly attached to
the shell 14 generally between the cap 16 and base 18 and operably supports a portion of
the protection system 12 therein, as will be discussed further below.
[0034] A crankshaft 30 is rotatively driven by an electric motor 32 relative to
the shell 14. The motor 32 includes a stator 34 fixedly supported by the hermetic shell
14, windings 36 passing therethrough, and a rotor 38 press fitted on the crankshaft 30.
The motor 32 and associated stator 34, windings 36, and rotor 38 are operable to drive
the crankshaft 30 relative to the shell 14 to thereby compress a fluid.
[0035] The compressor 10 further includes an orbiting scroll member 40
having a spiral vane or wrap 42 on the upper surface thereof for use in receiving and
compressing a fluid. An Oldham coupling 44 is positioned between orbiting scroll
member 40 and a bearing housing 46 and is keyed to orbiting scroll member 40 and a
non-orbiting scroll member 48. The Oldham coupling 44 is operable to transmit rotational
forces from the crankshaft 30 to the orbiting scroll member 40 to thereby compress a fluid
disposed between the orbiting scroll member 40 and non-orbiting scroll member 48.
Oldham coupling 44 and its interaction with orbiting scroll member 40 and non-orbiting
scroll member 48 is preferably of the type disclosed in assignee's commonly-owned U.S.
Patent No. 5,320,506, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference.
[0036] Non-orbiting scroll member 48 also includes a wrap 50 positioned in
meshing engagement with wrap 42 of orbiting scroll member 40. Non-orbiting scroll
member 48 has a centrally disposed discharge passage 52 which communicates with an
upwardly open recess 54. Recess 54 is in fluid communication with discharge fitting 24
defined by cap 16 and partition 56, such that compressed fluid exits the shell 14 via
passage 52, recess 54, and fitting 24. Non-orbiting scroll member 48 is designed to be
mounted to bearing housing 46 in a suitable manner such as disclosed in the
aforementioned U.S. Patent No. 4,877,382 or U.S. Patent No. 5,102,316, the disclosures
of which are incorporated herein by reference.
[0037] Referring now to FIG. 2, electrical enclosure 28 includes a lower
housing 58, an upper housing 60, and a cavity 62. The lower housing 58 is mounted to
the shell 14 using a plurality of studs 64 which are welded or otherwise fixedly attached to
the shell 14. The upper housing 60 is matingly received by the lower housing 58 and
defines the cavity 62 therebetween. The cavity 62 is operable to house respective
components of the compressor protection and control system 12, as will be discussed
further below.

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[0038] With particular reference to FIGS. 1-6, the compressor protection and
control system 12 is shown to include a sensor system 66, processing circuitry 68, and a
power interruption system 70. The sensor system 66, processing circuitry 68, and power
interruption system 70 cooperate to detect and correct fault conditions in an effort to
prevent damage to the compressor 10 and to alert a user to the fault condition (i.e., via
light emitting devices (LED) and the like). The compressor protection and control system
12 detects and responds to run winding delay, motor overload, missing phase, reverse
phase, motor winding current imbalance, open circuit, low voltage, locked rotor currents,
excessive motor winding temperature, high discharge temperature conditions, low oil
pressure, lack of three phase power, open thermistors, welded or open contactors, and
short cycling. For example, a compressor protection and control system 12 for a
particular type and size compressor may be as summarized in Table 1, but other
compressor types and sizes may have different thresholds, parameters, indicators and

Run Excessive delay in Trip (open Red 10 Trips In Normal run
Winding energizing one contactor flashes a Row winding
Delay winding after a first relay), wait 5 one operation OR
winding is minutes, time Cycle power
energized then close between
contactor pauses
Missing One phase is Trip (open Red 10 Trips In All three
Phase missing contactor flashes a Row phases
relay), wait 5 two present OR
minutes, times Cycle power
then close between
contactor pauses
Reverse Three phase power Trip (open Red 4 Trips In a Phase
Phase leads are contactor flashes Row orientation
connected relay), wait 5 three correct OR
improperly causing minutes, times Cycle power
motor to run then close between
backwards contactor pauses
Welded Contactor is None Red None N/A
Contactor providing three flashes
phase power to four
compressor when times
contactor should be between
open pauses

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Low Supply voltage to Trip (open Red None Supply
Voltage AMPS is below the contactor flashes voltage
alarm threshold relay), wait 5 five remains in
minutes times "normal"
between range
No Three Current is not None Red None Three phase
Phase detected at flashes current is
Power compressor five detected
terminals when times when demand
demand is present between is present OR
pauses demand is not
present and
no current is
Low Oil Oil pressure is too Trip (open Red None Oil pressure
Pressure low for an extended contactor flashes sensor alarm
period of time relay), close one relay is open
contactor time
relay when between
oil relay pauses
Discharge Discharge Trip (open Red 4 Trips In 3 Discharge
Temperatu temperature is too contactor flashes Hours temps remain
re high relay), wait two in "normal"
30 minutes, times range OR
then close between Cycle power
contactor pauses
Motor Motor temperature Trip (open Red 4 Trips In 3 Motor temps
Temperatu is too high OR contactor flashes Hours remain in
re motor temperature relay), wait three "normal"
sensor is short 30 minutes, times range OR
circuited then close between Cycle power
contactor pauses
Locked Current to Trip (open Red 4 Trips In a Current to
Rotor compressor contactor flashes Row compressor
exceeds 300 Amps relay), wait 5 four remains in
or fails to decrease minutes, times "normal"
from initial locked then close between range OR
rotor current level contactor pauses Cycle power
or exceeds 300 relay
Amps or 40% of
peak locked rotor
Amps (LRA) while

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Motor Current to Trip (open Red None Current to
Overload compressor contactor flashes compressor
exceeds maximum relay), wait 5 five remains in
continuous current minutes, times "normal"
(MCC) rating then close between range
contactor pauses
Open One or more Trip (open Red None Discharge
Thermistor discharge/motor contactor flashes temps remain
temperature relay), wait six in "normal"
sensors are 30 minutes, times range OR
disconnected then close between Cycle power
contactor pauses
Table 1
[0039] As shown above in Table 1, a run winding delay is generally defined as
an excessive delay in energizing one winding after a first winding is energized. When a
start winding has been energized, a run winding must be energized within two seconds.
If the run winding is not energized within this time period, the system 12 shuts down the
compressor motor 32. If the run winding is energized first, the start winding must be
energized within two seconds. If the start winding is not energized within this time period,
the system 12 similarly shuts down the motor 32. For a plural compressor 10c (FIG. 19)
the system 12 senses both the start and run winding current at start up. When the
compressor 10c is in the running state, if either the start or run winding completely drop
out for more than two seconds, the system 12 shuts down the motor 32.
[0040] A missing phase fault is generally defined when one phase of the
motor 32 is missing. Once the start winding is energized, the system 12 ensures that
current is present in all phases within 700 milliseconds after current is detected in one of
the phases. If current is detected in at least one phase and no current is detected in the
other phase(s), then the system 12 shuts down the motor 32. Generally speaking, a
current imbalance of greater than 50 percent is required before the motor 32 is
interrupted. The run winding is monitored and protected against missing phase in a
similar fashion. During normal running operation (i.e., while demand is present), if a loss
of current in-any phase of the motor 32 is detected for a period of one second, the motor
32 is shut down.
[0041] A reverse phase is generally defined when three phase power leads
are connected improperly, thereby causing the motor 32 to run backwards. If the phase
sequence of the three phase power is incorrect, the system 12 shuts down the

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compressor 10. The phase sequence is measured roughly 700 milliseconds after the
demand signal and current is sensed in the start winding. It should be noted that the
motor 32 may rotate "backwards" for a short period of time after power has been removed
from the compressor 10 due to pressure equalization. Due to this phenomenon, reverse
phase is only monitored for roughly the first five seconds of each compressor start cycle.
[0042] A welded contactor fault is declared when a contactor supplies three
phase power to the compressor 10 when contactor should be open. This condition is
detected after the motor 32 has been shut down. If current persists after roughly two
seconds of shutdown, then it will be assumed that the contacts have welded or
mechanically "jammed" shut.
[0043] A motor overload condition is generally referred to a situation where
current to the compressor 10 exceeds a maximum continuous current (MCC) rating.
Overload current is defined as current that exceeds 110 percent rated MCC for more than
60 seconds. If the part winding motor current in any leg of either start or run winding
exceeds the pre-programmed limit, then the system 12 shuts down the motor 32. The
MCC overload detection does not start until five seconds after start up and continues until
shutdown. If a compressor's MCC is not programmed, overload current is detected by
the a motor temperature sensor(s). The system 12 detects a missing compressor MCC
parameter when it determines that the MCC value is set to zero Amps, which is the
default setting for the compressor 10.
[0044] A locked rotor condition is declared when current to the compressor 10
exceeds roughly 300 Amps, fails to decrease from an initial locked rotor current level,
exceeds 300 Amps, or is roughly 40 percent of peak locked rotor Amps (LRA) while
running. The locked rotor current during start up is expected to decrease within one
second after the motor 32 comes up to speed and settles down to a normal running
current level. The system maintains a 100 millisecond buffer of the current readings for
the run and start windings. When compressor demand is high, indicating the compressor
has started, the highest peak current in the buffer is recorded as the locked rotor current.
The peak locked rotor current is recorded as greater than 300 Amps, or as the specific
peak value if less than 300 Amps.
[0045] If the peak locked rotor current in the start winding is greater than 300
Amps, a second reading is taken roughly 800 milliseconds after start up (compressor
demand is measured high). If the start winding current value is greater than 300 Amps
800 milliseconds after start up, then the system 12 assumes that the motor 32 is
mechanically seized and that power to the motor 32 should be interrupted. If the peak
locked rotor current in the start winding is less than 300 Amps, a second reading is taken

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roughly 800 milliseconds after start up (compressor demand is measured high). If the
second reading has not dropped to a level less than 40 percent of the peak LRA
measured, power to the compressor motor 32 is interrupted.
[0046] For locked rotor conditions that occur after start up has completed, the
peak locked rotor current measured is used. If the peak locked rotor current is greater
than 300 Amps, and the running current is measured above 300 Amps for 500
milliseconds, power to the motor 32 is interrupted. If the peak locked rotor current is less
than 300 Amps, and the running current is greater than 40 percent of that peak locked
rotor current measured and recorded, power is similarly interrupted. If a peak locked rotor
current of less than 100 Amps is measured, the locked rotor detection is disabled for that
compressor run cycle. Such control eliminates nuisance trips if the timing of the start up
is disrupted during troubleshooting of the equipment.
[0047] A low voltage fault is declared, and the compressor 12 is shut down, if
the 220 VAC supply power to the system 12 falls below 170 VAC when a compressor
demand signal is present. When the voltage falls to this level, the compressor 10 is not
allowed to start. Excessive arcing due to contactor coil chattering during low voltage
conditions can lead to a welded contactor and therefore the compressor 10 is shut down
under such circumstances. The occurrence of low voltage must persist for roughly two
seconds before an alarm is recorded and power to the motor 32 is interrupted. The
voltage must rise above 180 VAC for a minimum of two seconds to reset the alarm.
[0048] Discharge temperature is monitored to ensure that the discharge
temperature is not above a predetermined threshold value in an effort to protect the motor
32 and associated scrolls 40, 48. The system 12 monitors the discharge temperature in
at least two locations and, if a resistance value is greater than roughly 1.33 kD +/- 5
percent, power to the motor 32 is interrupted. Power remains interrupted until the
resistance falls below roughly 600 Q +/- 5 percent and a thirty (30) minute delay has been
[0049] The temperature of the motor 32 is monitored by using at least one
positive-temperature-coefficient (PTC) device or negative-temperature-coefficient (NTC)
device, which may be a thermistor-type sensor. If a PTC resistance value is greater than
roughly 4.5 kO +/- 5 percent, power to the motor 32 is interrupted and remains as such
until the PTC resistance falls below roughly 2.75 kQ +/- 5 percent and a thirty (30) minute
delay has been completed. A shorted thermistor input is read as a low resistance value
and indicates the respective motor temperature sensor is jumpered or a board component
has failed. Any PTC resistance below roughly 100ohms is interpreted as a shorted

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[0050] An open thermistor fault is declared, and power to the motor 32
interrupted, if any thermistor input is read as open circuit. An open circuit is defined for
NTC and PTC thermistors as a resistance higher than roughly 100 kO. The resistance
must be read at this level for 60 seconds while the compressor 10 is running.
[0051] If a compressor demand input is read high for two seconds, and no
current is read in any of the current transformer inputs, a no three phase power alarm is
declared. Whenever current is detected in any current transformer input or if the demand
inputs are read low for two seconds, the alarm is reset.
[0052] In addition to detecting and reporting the above-described fault
conditions (Table 1), the system 12 also detects and monitors "warning conditions." The
warning conditions are not as sever as the fault conditions, and therefore do not cause
protective action (i.e., interruption of power to the motor 32), but the warning conditions
are monitored nonetheless and are used a diagnostics and in prevention of fault
conditions. The warning conditions include a high ambient temperature warning, a motor
overload warning, a locked rotor warning, a low supply voltage warning, a high supply
voltage warning, a high discharge temperature warning, a discharge temperature sensor
short circuit warning, a high motor temperature warning, a no configuration warning, and
a contactor life warning, each of which is briefly described below.
[0053] A high ambient temperature warning is detected when an ambient
temperature sensor measures a temperature above roughly 60 degrees Celsius for more
than 60 seconds continuously. The high ambient temperature warning is reset when the
ambient temperature sensor measures below 60 degrees Celsius for more than 60
seconds continuously.
[0054] A motor overload warning is detected when the motor current is at 100
percent MCC current level for more than 60 seconds. The motor overload warning is
reset when the motor current level has dropped below 100 percent MCC current level for
more than 60 seconds or when a motor overload alarm becomes active.
[0055] A locked rotor warning is detected when a locked rotor event is
detected. Unlike the alarm, which requires multiple events, the warning is detected with a
single event. The locked rotor warning is reset when the compressor 10 has run five
minutes continuously without a locked rotor event, or when a locked rotor alarm becomes
[0056] A low supply voltage warning is detected when the supply voltage is
below 180 VAC for two seconds. A low supply voltage warning is reset when the supply
voltage is above 190 VAC for two seconds or when a Low Supply Voltage Alarm
becomes active.

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[0057] A high supply voltage warning is detected when the supply voltage is
above 250 VAC for two seconds. A high supply voltage warning is reset when the supply
voltage is above 240 VAC for two seconds.
[0058] A high discharge temperature warning is detected when the discharge
temperature is less than 10 degrees Celsius below the alarm set point for each sensor for
two seconds. A high discharge temperature warning is reset when the discharge
temperature is greater than 15 degrees Celsius below the alarm set point for each sensor
for two seconds, or a high discharge temperature alarm becomes active.
[0059] A discharge temperature sensor short circuit warning is detected when
the resistance measured at the discharge temperature sensors is less than 100 O for two
seconds. A discharge temperature sensor short circuit warning is reset when the
resistance measured is greater than 1 kQ for two seconds.
[0060] A high motor temperature warning is detected when a motor
temperature is less than 10 degrees Celsius below the alarm set point for two seconds.
[0061] A high motor temperature warning will be reset when a motor
temperature is greater than 15 degrees Celsius below the alarm set point for two seconds,
or a high motor temperature alarm becomes active.
[0062] A no configuration warning is detected when the compressor model
number, serial number and MCC current is not programmed into the memory. A no
configuration warning is reset when the compressor model number, serial number AND
MCC current is programmed into the memory. There is no check for accuracy of the text
entered in for model and serial number and any non-zero number for MCC value is valid.
[0063] A contactor life warning is detected when the number of compressor
starts equals 50,000 or a multiple of 50,000 (i.e., 100 k, 150 k, 200 k, etc.). A contactor
life warning is reset when the system module is powered off and on, indicating the
contactor has been inspected and/or replaced.
[0064] In general, the sensor system 66 detects compressor operating
conditions such as the compressor faults listed above in Table 1 and the compressor
warning conditions, and provides a signal to the processing circuitry 68 indicative thereof.
The processing circuitry 68 is either a microcontroller or a microprocessor such as
microcontroller model number PIC18F242, manufactured by Microchip Technology of
Chandler, Arizona. The processing circuitry 68 is in communication with the power
interruption system 70 and selectively actuates the power interruption system 70 in
response to unfavorable conditions detected by the sensor system 66 such as, but not
limited to, the aforementioned "fault conditions." More particularly, the power interruption

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system 70 selectively restricts power to the compressor motor 32 in response to direction
from the processing circuitry 68 to prevent damage to the compressor 10 when sensed
compressor operating conditions are outside of a predetermined limit.
[0065] With particular reference to FIGS. 3-6, the sensor system 66 is shown
to include a scroll sensor 72, a motor temperature sensor 74, and a rotor sensor 76. The
scroll sensor 72 is positioned generally proximate to the orbiting scroll member 40 and
the non-orbiting scroll member 48 such that the temperature in an area surrounding the
orbiting scroll member 40 and non-orbiting scroll member 48 may be detected. The
motor temperature sensor 74 is positioned generally proximate to the windings 36 of the
electric motor 32 and detects the temperature generally surrounding the windings 36.
[0066] The rotor sensor 76 is positioned proximate to the rotor 38 of electric
motor 32 and senses when the rotor 38 is in a "locked rotor condition." When the rotor 38
is restricted from moving relative to the windings 36, a force is applied between the
windings 36 and rotor 38 as the crankshaft 30 tries to rotate the windings 36. As can be
appreciated, when the motor 32 attempts to rotate the crankshaft 30 and is restricted from
doing so due to the locked condition of the rotor 38 relative to the windings 36, excessive
current is drawn from an external power source and the rotor 38 begins to experience an
elevated temperature. The increase in current draw is monitored by the rotor sensor 76
so that the compressor 10 may be shut down if a predetermined current is detected, as
will be discussed further below.
[0067] With particular reference to FIG. 4, the sensor system 66 is shown to
further include a cluster block 78 and a printed circuit board (PCB) 80. The cluster block
78 includes a housing 82, power apertures 84, and sensor apertures 86. The power
apertures 84 are connected to three high-voltage leads 88 extending from the housing 82.
The high-voltage leads 88 are operable to supply the electric motor 32 with power to
thereby drive the crankshaft 30 and orbiting scroll member 40. The high-voltage leads 88
extend from the housing 82 and terminate at the PCB 80, as best shown in FIG. 4.
[0068] The PCB 80 operably supports the motor temperature sensor 74 and
rotor sensor 76 in close proximity to the electric motor 32. The motor temperature sensor
74 is disposed on a bottom surface of the PCB 80 and is held in close proximity to the
windings 36 of the motor 32 such that the motor temperature sensor 74 is able to detect
temperature changes in the windings 36. The motor temperature sensor 74 is a
thermistor able to detect temperature fluctuations in the windings 36 and may be
configured as either a NTC or a PTC device, depending on the particular application. If
the motor temperature sensor 74 is configured as a NTC device, the signals coming from
the motor temperature sensor 74 are connected in parallel. If the motor temperature

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sensor 74 is configured as a PTC device, then the sensed signals conning from the motor
temperature sensor 74 are connected in series.
[0069] The rotor sensor 76 is generally disposed on an opposite side of the
PCB 80 from the motor temperature sensor 74, as best shown in FIG, 4. The rotor
sensor 76 generally includes a sensor pin 90 electrically connected to a terminal end of
each high-voltage lead 88. The sensor pins 90 are specially designed current carrying
elements and are operable to localize an inherent electrical resistance of each pin at a
specific point along its geometry indicative of the current flowing through each pin 90. As
can be appreciated, the current flowing through each sensor pin 90 is dictated by the
amount of power drawn by the electric motor 32. When the rotor 38 is in a locked
condition, the motor 32 begins to draw more current through each pin 90, thereby
increasing the temperature of each pin 90 at the localized point, as will be described
further below.
[0070] In addition to the sensor pins 90, the rotor sensor 76 further includes a
temperature sensor 92 disposed proximate to each sensor pin 90, as best shown in FIG.
4. The temperature sensors 92 detect a change in temperature along the length of the
sensor pin 90, and may be configured as either an NTC or a PTC thermistor. Generally
speaking, each temperature sensor 92 is positioned along the length of each sensor pin
90 such that it is proximate to the localized spot of increased electrical resistance so as to
best detect a temperature change along the length of each individual pin 90. As can be
appreciated, when more current is drawn through each sensor pin 90 by the electric
motor 32, each pin 90 will experience electric resistance at the localized point, as
previously discussed. By placing each temperature sensor 92 proximate to the localized
point of resistance along each sensor pin 90, fluctuations in temperature caused by
increased current draw through each sensor pin 90 will be quickly and accurately
detected and may be fed back to the processing circuitry 68, as will be discussed further
[0071] In addition to supporting the motor temperature sensor 74 and rotor
sensor 76, the PCT 80 is also operably connected to the scroll sensor 72, as best shown
in FIG. 4. The scroll sensor 72 is a temperature sensor and is operable to detect
temperature fluctuations proximate to, or caused by, the orbiting scroll member 40 and
non-orbiting scroll member 48. The scroll sensor 72 is a thermistor and may be
configured as an NTC thermistor or a PTC thermistor, depending on the particular
[0072] The PCB 80 serves as a termination point for the scroll sensor 72,
motor temperature sensor 74, sensor pins 90, and temperature sensors 92. Specifically,

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the scroll sensor 72 is operably connected to the PCB 80 via low-voltage leads 94, while
the motor temperature sensor 74 and temperature sensors 92 are directly connected and
supported by the PCB 80, as best shown in FIG. 4. As previously discussed, each of the
scroll sensor 72, motor temperature sensor 74, and rotor sensor 76 are operable to detect
respective temperature fluctuations within the shell 14 of the compressor 10. Because
each of the scroll sensor 72, motor temperature sensor 74, and rotor sensor 76 terminate
at the PCB 80, the PCB 80 serves as a relay to transmit the sensed signals from each of
the respective sensors 72, 74, 76, through the shell 14 of the compressor 10 to the
processing circuitry 68 and power interruption system 70.
[0073] A low-voltage lead 96 extends from the PCB 80 to the cluster block 78
and is connected to the sensor apertures 86. As can be appreciated, the number of low-
voltage leads 96 extending from the PCB 80 to the cluster block 78 will depend on the
number of sensors disposed within the interior volume 22 of the compressor 10. In other
words, the number of low-voltage leads extending from the PCB 80 to the cluster block 78
will generally equal the number of sensors 72, 74, 92 disposed within the compressor 10.
However, each of the signals from the respective sensors 72, 74, 92 may be combined
and sent from the PCB 80 to the cluster block 78 for transmission to the processing
circuitry 68 and 70, thereby requiring a single lead extending between the PCB 80 and
the cluster block 78. As can be appreciated, by combining the signals from the respective
sensors 72, 74, 92, a reduction in the number of leads 96 extending from the PCB 80 to
the cluster block 78 may be reduced.
[0074] As previously discussed, the sensor assembly 66 is in communication
with the processing circuitry 68. To maintain a hermetic seal within the volume 22 of the
compressor 10, a hermetic terminal assembly 98 is provided to establish an electrical
connection between the sensor assembly 66 and processing circuitry 68, as best shown
in FIG. 3.
[0075] The hermetic terminal assembly 98 includes a housing 100, a plurality
of high-voltage pins 102, a plurality of low-voltage pins 104, and a hermetic sealing
material 106 surrounding the high and low-voltage pins 102, 104. The housing 100 is
fixedly attached to the shell 14 of the compressor 10 by a suitable means such as welding
or braising. The high-voltage and low-voltage pins 102, 104 extend through the housing
100 such that the high-voltage and low-voltage pins 102, 104 extend from the interior
volume 22 to an exterior surface of the compressor 10, as best shown in FIG. 3. The
high-voltage and low-voltage pins 102, 104 are surrounded by the hermetic sealing
material 106 such that a hermetic seal is formed from an exterior surface of each pin 102,
104 and the housing 100. In this manner, the terminal assembly 98 effectively allows

Attorney Docket No. 0315-519/POA
communication between the sensor assembly 66 and processing circuitry 68 while
maintaining the hermetic seal of the compressor 10.
[0076] The processing circuitry 68 is disposed on an outer surface of the
compressor 10 and is in communication with both the terminal assembly 98 and the
sensor assembly 66. Specifically, the processing circuitry 68 is housed generally within
the electrical enclosure 28 and may be incorporated into a suitable plug 108 for
interaction with the hermetic terminal assembly 98. Upon assembly, the plug 108
receives each of the high-voltage and low-voltage pins 102, 104 such that an electrical
connection is made between the processing circuitry 68 and hermetic terminal assembly
98. In addition, the high-voltage and low-voltage pins 102, 104 are received into the
power apertures 84 and sensor apertures 86, respectively, of the cluster block 78. In this
manner, an electrical connection is made between the processing circuitry 68 and sensor
assembly 66 via the hermetic terminal assembly 98 and plug 108. While a plug 108 has
been described, it should be understood that any suitable connector may be used for
transmitting a signal from within the compressor 10 to the processing circuitry 68.
[0077] In addition to being electrically connected to both the hermetic terminal
assembly 98 and sensor assembly 66, the processing circuitry 68 is further connected to
the power interruption system 70. The power interruption system 70 is disposed on an
external surface of the compressor 10 and is operable to selectively permit or restrict
power to the electric motor 32. As can be appreciated, when the sensors 72, 74, 92
indicate that conditions are unfavorable within the compressor 10, the processing circuitry
68 will direct the power interruption system 70 to restrict power from reaching the electric
motor 32, thereby effectively shutting down the compressor 10. In this manner, the
sensor assembly 66, processing circuitry 68, and power interruption system 70 are
operable to shut down the compressor 10 via restricting power to the electric motor 32
when conditions in the compressor 10, or within a system the compressor 10 may be tied
to, are unfavorable for further operation.
[0078] In addition to the above, the processing circuitry 68 also stores the
configuration parameters of the compressor 10. Specifically, the compressor model,
compressor serial number, motor sensor type, MCC level, discharge temperature, motor
temperature, current transformer calibration offset, slave addressing, and device name
are all stored within the processing circuitry 68. Of the above parameters, only the
compressor model, serial number, slave addressing, and device name are field
[0079] With particular reference to FIGS. 5 and 6, the operation of the
compressor 10 and associated compressor protection and control system 12 will be

Attorney Docket No. 0315-b19/POA
described in detail. As previously discussed, the power interruption system 70 regulates
power directed to the electric motor 32 of the compressor 10 by selectively engaging a
contact 110 disposed external from the compressor 10 to thereby selectively restrict and
permit power to the electric motor 32.
[0080] In operation, the processor 68 monitors the combined signal of both
the^motor temperature sensor 74 and scroll temperature sensor 72 and selectively shuts
down the compressor 10 in response to detected system parameters. Specifically, if the
actual value of the temperature detected by either the motor temperature sensor 74 or
scroll temperature sensor 72 exceeds a preprogrammed limit such that a fault condition is
detected, the processing circuitry 68 directs the power interruption system 70 to
disconnect the contact 110, thereby restricting power from reaching the electric motor 32.
In addition, the processing circuitry 68 further creates a fault signal and directs such
signal to a diagnostic output 112 for recording. As can be appreciated, registered faults
within the compressor 10 may be valuable diagnostic tools in tracking and preventing
further faults and failures within the compressor 10. By sending fault signals to the
diagnostic output 112, the processing circuitry 68 effectively registers each time the
compressor 10 is shut down and maintains a record of each fault condition experienced.
[0081] As previously discussed, the rotor sensor 76 detects when the rotor 38
is locked relative to the windings 36. When the rotor 38 is in a "locked rotor condition" the
electric motor 32 still draws current through the sensor pins 90 in an effort to rotate the
crankshaft 30 and rotor 38 relative to the windings 36. In so doing, the electric motor 32
draws a significant amount of current through each sensor pin 90 to overcome the locked
condition between the rotor 38 and windings 36, thereby increasing the temperature of
each sensor pin 90. When the sensor pins 90 realize an increase in temperature, the
temperature sensors 92 relay a signal indicative of the temperature increase back to the
processing circuitry 68.
[0082] When the temperature sensors 92 indicate an increase in temperature
at each pin 90, the processing circuitry 68 correlates the sensed temperature to a current
flowing through each pin 90. In this manner, the temperature sensors 92 cooperate with
the processing circuitry 68 to effectively function as a current sensor to monitor the
current through each pin 90 and detect a locked rotor condition. When a threshold
current has been established through the pins 90, the processing circuitry 68 is operable
to direct the power interruption system 70 to restrict power to the motor 32 and shut down
the compressor 10.
[0083] In addition to sending a signal to the power interruption system 70, the
processing circuitry 68 also sends a diagnostic signal to the diagnostic output 112 to

Attorney Docket No. 0315-519/POA
record the "locked rotor" fault experienced within the compressor 10. By storing and
tracking faults, the compressor protection and control system 12 effectively allows a user
to monitor and track problems experienced by the compressor 10 in an effort to prevent
and detect problems in the future, as previously discussed.
[0084] Compressor protection and control system 12 has thus far been
described as having three temperature sensors 92, each disposed proximate to the
sensor pins 90. FIG. 5 schematically represents an input to the processing circuitry 68
from each one of the temperature sensors 92. It should be understood, however, that the
three temperature sensors 92 could be fed into one signal, whereby the lone signal is
sent to the processing circuitry 68 via hermetic terminal assembly 98, as best shown in
FIG. 6. In such a relationship, the system 12 is simplified by reducing the number of
signals coming from the individual temperature sensors 92. In addition to the
aforementioned sensors 72, 74, 76, it should be understood that other sensors could be
used within the compressor 10 and should be considered as part of the present invention.
Specifically, it is anticipated that an oil level sensor or oil temperature sensor, generically
referred to in FIG. 6 as 114, could also be incorporated into the compressor protection
and control system 12 for use in tracking diagnostics within the compressor 10, and
should be considered with in the scope of the present invention.
[0085] With particular reference to FIGS. 7-11, a second embodiment of the
compressor protection and control system 12 will be described in detail. In view of the
substantial similarity in structure and function of the components associated with the
compressor protection and control system 12 and the compressor protection and control
system 12a, like reference numerals are used here and in the drawings to identify like
[0086] The compressor protection and control system 12a functions in a
similar fashion to that of the compressor protection and control system 12, with respect to
the scroll sensor 72 and motor temperature sensor 74. In this manner, detailed
descriptions of the scroll sensor 72 and motor temperature sensor 74 are foregone.
[0087] The rotor sensor 76a is disposed within the electric box 28 and
generally includes a sensor pin 90 electrically connected to a high-voltage lead 88. The
sensor pins.90 are a specially designed current carrying elements and localize an
inherent electrical resistance of each pin at a specific point along its geometry indicative
of the current flowing through each pin 90. As can be appreciated, the current flowing
through each sensor pin 90 is dictated by the amount of power drawn by the electric
motor 32. When the rotor 38 is in a locked condition, the motor 32 begins to draw more

Attorney Docket No. 0315-o19/POA
current through each pin 90, thereby increasing the temperature of each pin 90 at the
localized point, as will be described further below.
[0088] In addition to the sensor pins 90, the rotor sensor 76a further includes
a temperature sensor 92 disposed proximate to each sensor pin 90. The temperature
sensors 92 are operable to detect a change in temperature along the length of the sensor
pin _ 90, and may be configured as either an NTC or a PTC thermistor. Generally
speaking, each temperature sensor 92 is positioned along the length of each sensor pin
90 such that it is proximate to the localized spot of increased electrical resistance so as to
best detect a temperature change along the length of each individual pin 90. As can be
appreciated, when more current is drawn through each sensor pin 90 by the electric
motor 32, each pin 90 experiences electric resistance at the localized point. By placing
each temperature sensor 92 proximate to the localized point of resistance along each
sensor pin 90, fluctuations in temperature caused by increased current draw through
each sensor pin 90 will be quickly and accurately detected and may be fed back to the
processing circuitry 68.
[0089] The rotor sensor 76a allows the processing circuitry 68 to more quickly
respond to an increase in current draw by the motor 32 and therefore increases the ability
of the compressor protection and control system 12a to protect the compressor 10. More
particularly, because the rotor sensor 76a is disposed external from the interior space 22
of the compressor, the power drawn by the motor 32 may be monitored prior to actually
entering the compressor shell 14. Monitoring the current draw upstream from the motor
32 allows for a quicker response time as the processing circuitry 68 is not required to wait
for the current to travel along the high-voltage leads 88 and through the hermetic
interface 98 prior to taking a reading. The improved response time allows the processing
circuitry 68 to more quickly direct the power interruption system 70 to restrict power to the
motor 32, and thus, reduces the probability of compressor damage.
[0090] With particular reference to FIGS. 12-18, a third embodiment of the
compressor protection and control system 12 will be described in detail. In view of the
substantial similarity in structure and function of the components associated with the
compressor protection and control system 12 and the compressor protection and control
system 12b, like reference numerals are used here and in the drawings to identify like
[0091] The compressor protection and control system 12b functions in a
similar fashion to that of the compressor protection and control system 12, with respect to
the scroll sensor 72 and motor temperature sensor 74. In this manner, detailed
descriptions of the scroll sensor 72 and motor temperature sensor 74 are foregone.

Attorney Docket No. 0315-519/POA
[0092] The rotor sensor 76b is disposed within the electrical enclosure 28b
such that the rotor sensor 76b is removed from the interior space 22 of the compressor
10. The rotor sensor 76b includes a cluster block 116 that matingly engages the hermetic
terminal assembly 98 and a current sensor 118 that detects a current drawn by the
electric motor 32.
[0093] The cluster block 116 includes a pair of arms 120 flanking a central
body 122, as best shown in FIG. 13. Each of the arms 120 and central body 122 includes
a high-voltage lead 88 extending therefrom. In addition, the main body 122 includes a
pair of low-voltage leads 96 extending therefrom for receiving and transmitting signals
from the sensor assembly 66b, as will be described further below. As best shown in FIG.
13, the cluster block 116 matingly engages the hermetic terminal assembly 98 such that
each of the high-voltage leads 98 engage the high-voltage pins 102 and the low-voltage
leads 96 engage the low-voltage pins 104. In this manner, the cluster block 116
effectively connects the high-voltage power leads 88 and low-voltage sensor leads 96 to
the sensor system 66a and motor 32 disposed within the compressor 10.
[0094] The current sensor 118 is disposed proximate to the cluster block 116,
as best shown in FIG. 14. The current sensor 76b includes a series of individual sensing
elements 124, each having a high-voltage lead 88 extending therethrough. The sensor
elements 124 detect a current flowing through each of the high-voltage leads 88 and
produce a signal indicative thereof. The signal produced by the sensing elements 124 is
sent to the processing circuitry 68b to compare the sensed current to a threshold limit and
determine whether the electric motor 32 is in a "locked rotor state" or another fault
[0095] If the processing circuitry 68b determines that the current flowing
through the high-voltage leads 88 exceeds the threshold limit, the processing circuitry 68b
will send a signal to the power interruption system 70 to restrict power to the electric
motor 32 and shut down the compressor 10.
[0096] As previously discussed, the processing circuitry 68b sends a signal to
the power interruption system 70 to restrict power to the electric motor 32 should an
undesirable condition be experienced within the compressor 10. In addition, the
processing circuitry 68b also alerts an operator that a system fault has occurred within the
compressor 10 by illuminating a series of light-emitting devices (LED) 126, as will be
discussed further below.
[0097] With particular reference to FIGS. 14-18, the operation of the
compressor 10 and associated compressor protection and control system 12b will be
described in detail. As previously discussed, the scroll sensor 72, motor temperature

Attorney Docket No. 0315-519/POA
shown in FIG. 18. In addition, a second LED 126 may also be illuminated to indicate that
the contactor 110 is supplying power to the electric motor 32. In the event that a fault is
detected, a yellow LED 126 is illuminated to indicate that the compressor 10 has
experienced a fault and is in need of attention. If the processing circuitry 68b determines
that the fault condition is a significant fault, such that the compressor 10 will not be able to
recover without shutting down, the processing circuitry 68b directs the power interruption
system 70 to restrict power the compressor 10, as previously discussed.
[00101] When the power interruption system 70 shuts down the compressor
10, a red LED 126 is illuminated to alert an operator that the compressor 10 has been
shut down due to a fault condition. At this point, the green "run" and "contactor" LEDs
126 is turned off to indicate that the compressor 10 is no longer running under normal
conditions, and that the contactor 110 has been disengaged from the power supply. It
should be noted that at this point, the only LED 126 illuminated is the red alarm, indicating
that the compressor 10 has been shut down and has logged a fault. As can be
appreciated, by using such LEDs 126, the compressor protection and control system 12b
allows the compressor 10 to indicate when a fault condition has been experienced so that
proper actions can be taken, as best shown in FIG. 18.
[00102] Generally speaking, the LED alarms are divided into supply power
alarms and compressor alarms. The respective supply power and compressor alarms
are communicated to the user by denoting a specific alarm with a designated number of
LED flashes. Specifically, the supply power alarms include run winding delay (one flash),
missing phase (two flashes), reverse phase (three flashes), welded contactor (four
flashes), low voltage (five flashes), and no three phase power (six flashes). The
compressor alarms include low oil pressure (one flash), discharge temperature (two
flashes), motor temperature (three flashes), locked rotor (four flashes), motor overload
(five flashes), and open thermistor (six flashes). Therefore, the user can easily determine
the respective fault condition by simply referring to the respective LED 126.
[00103] With particular reference to FIGS. 19-20, a fourth embodiment of the
compressor protection and control system 12 will be described in detail. In view of the
substantial similarity in structure and function of the components associated with the
compressor protection and control system 12 and the compressor protection and control
system 12c, like reference numerals are used here and in the drawings to identify like
[00104] With reference to FIG. 19, the plural compressor 10c is shown to
include a generally cylindrical hermetic shell 14c having a pair of welded caps 16c, 18c
and a plurality of feet 20c. The caps 16c, 18c are fitted to the shell 14c such that an

Attorney Docket No. 0315-519/POA
interior volume 22c of the compressor 10c is defined. In addition, an electrical enclosure
28c is fixedly attached to the shell 14c generally between the caps 16c, 18c and operably
supports a portion of the protection system 12c therein, as will be discussed further
[00105] A crankshaft 30c is rotatively driven by an electric motor 32c relative to
the shell 14c. The motor 32c includes a stator 34c fixedly supported by the hermetic shell
14c, windings 36c passing therethrough, and a rotor 38c press fitted on the crankshaft
30c. The motor 32c and associated stator 34c, windings 36c, and rotor 38c are operable
to drive the crankshaft 30c relative to the shell 14c to thereby compress a fluid.
[00106] The plural compressor 10c further includes a pair of orbiting scroll
members 40c, each having a spiral vane or wrap 42c on the upper surface thereof for use
in receiving and compressing a fluid. An Oldham coupling 44c is positioned between
orbiting scroll members 40c and a bearing housing 46c and is keyed to orbiting scroll
members 40c and a pair of non-orbiting scroll members 48c. The Oldham coupling 44c is
operable to transmit rotational forces from the crankshaft 30c to the orbiting scroll
members 40c to thereby compress a fluid disposed between the orbiting scroll members
40c and non-orbiting scroll members 48c. Oldham coupling 44c and its interaction with
orbiting scroll members 40c and non-orbiting scroll members 48c is preferably of the type
disclosed in assignee's commonly-owned U.S. Patent No. 5,320,506, the disclosure of
which is incorporated herein by reference.
[00107] Non-orbiting scroll members 48c also include a wrap 50c positioned in
meshing engagement with wrap 42c of orbiting scroll members 40c. Non-orbiting scroll
members 48c have a centrally disposed discharge passage 52c which communicates
with an upwardly open recess 54c. Recesses 54c serve to store compressed fluid are
disposed at opposite ends of the interior volume 22c such that a first recess 54c is
positioned proximate cap 16c and a second recess 54c is positioned proximate cap 18c.
[00108] Plural compressor 10c is preferably of the type disclosed in assignee's
commonly-owned U.S. Patent No. 6,672,846 and U.S. Patent Application No. 10/600,106
filed on June 20, 2003, published as U.S. 2004-0258542A1, the disclosures of which are
incorporated herein by reference.
[00109] The compressor protection and control system 12c functions in a
similar fashion to that of the compressor protection and control system 12b, with respect
to the scroll sensor 72 and motor temperature sensor 74. In this manner," detailed
descriptions of the scroll sensor 72 and motor temperature sensor 74 are foregone.
[00110] The rotor sensor 76c is disposed generally within electrical box 28c
such that current to the motor 32c is sensed prior to entering the shell 14c. The rotor

Attorney Docket No. 0315-519/POA
sensor 76c is substantially identical to sensor 76b, but requires three additional sensing
elements 124 to handle an additional current draw by the motor 32c. Specifically,
because the plural compressor 10c drives a pair of orbiting scroll members 40c relative to
a pair of non-orbiting scroll members 48c, a larger motor 32c is required and, thus, more
current is drawn. The increased power requirement causes additional high-voltage lines
88 to extend between the hermetic terminal assembly 98 and motor 32c. In this manner,
the rotor sensor 76c requires a total of six sensing elements 124 to accommodate the
additional high-voltage leads 88.
[00111] FIGS. 21 and 22 show a perspective view of the processing circuitry
68c and rotor sensor 76c. Six sensing elements 124 are shown proximate to high-
voltage leads 88, such that the current drawn by the motor 32c is monitored. In addition,
a plurality of sensor inputs are shown such as oil level inputs 134, motor temperature
sensor inputs 136, discharge temperature inputs 138, 140, alarm relays 140, power
inputs 142, and contactor inputs 144. In addition, a communication port 112c is shown
for communication with an external network, as will be discussed further below. As can
be appreciated, the inputs may be varied depending on the particular application and will
be largely dependent upon the sensor system 66c disposed within the compressor 10c.
For example, a scroll-temperature input 146 could be added if a scroll sensor 72 is used
within the compressor 10c, as best shown in FIG. 21.
[00112] With particular reference to FIG. 23, the compressor 10 and associated
compressor protection and control system 12 are shown incorporated into a network 128.
While the network 128 will be described with reference to compressor 10 and compressor
protection and control system 12b, it should be understood that compressor 10c and
other protection and control systems 12, 12a, 12c could similarly be used in such a
network. The network 128 includes a system controller 138 and a plurality of
compressors 10. Each compressor 10 is in communication with a system controller 130
via a communications port 132. The communications port 132 may be linked to the
diagnostic 112 such that faults recorded by the processing circuitry 68b logged in the
diagnostic 112 may be supplied to the communication port 132 and system controller
130. By doing so, the faults experienced by each individual compressor 10 may be
recorded and logged so that the proper maintenance may be performed on each
compressor 10. While the compressor protection and control system 12b has been
described incorporated into the network 128, it should be understood that the compressor
protection and control system 12 could similarly be implemented into such a network, and
as such, should be considered within the scope of the present invention.

Attorney Docket No. 0315-519/POA
[00113] As described, the compressor protection and control system 12 and
compressor protection and control system 12b provide the compressor 10 with the ability
to detect and sense system parameters, to alert potential faults through the use of LEDs
126, and to store faults via diagnostic 112. In addition, in the case of the locked rotor
condition, each of the current sensors 76, 76b provide the system with the ability to detect
current draw by the motor 32, rather than relying solely on sensed motor temperatures.
As can be appreciated, by sensing current draw, rather than waiting for a temperature
signal to be produced and analyzed, the systems 12, 12a, 12b, 12c provide a quicker
response time and thereby increase the productivity and performance of the compressor
[00114] The description is merely exemplary in nature and, thus, variations are
intended to be-within the scope of the teachings and not as a departure from the spirit
and scope of the teachings.

Attorney Docket No. 0315-519/POA
What is claimed is:
1. A compressor assembly comprising:
a shell;
a compressor housed within said shell;
a motor drivingly connected to said compressor;
a sensor assembly operable to monitor operating conditions of said compressor,
said sensor assembly including at least one sensor sensing the temperature of an
electrical conductor supplying current to said motor.
2. The compressor assembly of Claim 1, wherein said at least one sensor is a
negative temperature coefficient sensor.
3. The compressor assembly of Claim 1, wherein said at least one sensor is
disposed within said shell.
4. The compressor assembly of Claim 1, wherein said at least one sensor is
disposed external to said shell.
5. The compressor assembly of Claim 1, wherein said sensor assembly includes a
printed circuit board disposed within said shell and operably supporting said at least one
6. The compressor assembly of Claim 5, wherein said printed circuit board supports
said electrical conductor.
7. The compressor assembly of Claim 1, wherein said electrical conductor includes a
pin connected to said motor to supply said motor with current.
8. The compressor assembly of Claim 7, wherein said pin is disposed within said
9. The compressor assembly of Claim 7, wherein said pin is disposed external to
said shell.
10. The compressor assembly of Claim 7, wherein said pin includes a measurement
region disposed along said pin and said at least one sensor is disposed proximate to said
measurement region.
11. The compressor assembly of Claim 10, wherein said measurement region
includes a smaller cross-sectional area than the remainder of said pin.
12. The compressor assembly of Claim 1, further including processing circuitry
operable to receive information from said at least one sensor to determine an operating
condition of said compressor.

Attorney Docket No. 0315-D19/POA
13. The compressor assembly of Claim 12, wherein said processing circuitry further
comprises a series of light emitting devices operable to selectively illuminate in response
to sensed compressor parameters.
14. The compressor assembly of Claim 12, wherein said processing circuitry includes
a microprocessor.
15.. The compressor assembly of Claim 1, wherein said sensor assembly further
includes a motor temperature sensor operable to monitor a temperature of said motor.
16. The compressor assembly of Claim 1, wherein said sensor assembly further
includes a compressor temperature sensor operable to monitor a temperature of said
17. The compressor assembly of Claim 1, further comprising a hermetic feed-through
assembly operable to connect said sensor assembly to said processing circuitry through
said shell to maintain a hermetic seal of said compressor.
18. The compressor assembly of Claim 1, wherein said electrical conductor is serially
connected to said motor.
19. The compressor assembly of Claim 18, wherein said electrical conductor is
serially connected to windings of said motor.
20. The compressor assembly of Claim 18, wherein said motor is drivingly connected
to said compressor and said sensor assembly is operable to detect locked rotor
conditions by monitoring the temperature of said electrical conductor.
21. A compressor assembly comprising:
a shell;
a compressor housed within said shell;
a motor drivingly connected to said compressor;
at least one current sensor operable to sense a current drawn by said motor;
at least one temperature sensor disposed within said shell; and
processing circuitry operable to receive data from said at least one current sensor
and said at least one temperature sensor to determine operating conditions of said
22. The compressor assembly of Claim 21, wherein said at least one temperature
sensor is disposed proximate to a discharge port of said compressor and is operable to
detect a discharge gas temperature.
23. The compressor assembly of Claim 21, wherein said at least one temperature
sensor is disposed proximate to a discharge port of said compressor and is operable to
detect a material temperature near said discharge port.

Attorney Docket No. 0315-o19/POA
24. The compressor assembly of Claim 21, wherein said at least one temperature
sensor is a negative temperature coefficient sensor.
25. The compressor assembly of Claim 21, further comprising a printed circuit board
disposed within said shell.
26. The compressor assembly of Claim 25, wherein said printed circuit board operably
supports said at least one temperature sensor.
27. The compressor assembly of Claim 21, wherein said current sensor is disposed
within said shell.
28. The compressor assembly of Claim 21, wherein said current sensor is disposed
external from said shell.
29. The compressor assembly of Claim 21, wherein said at least one temperature
sensor includes a motor temperature sensor operable to monitor a temperature of said
30. The compressor assembly of Claim 21, wherein said at least one temperature
sensor includes a compressor temperature sensor operable to monitor a temperature of
said compressor.
31. The compressor assembly of Claim 21, further comprising a hermetic feed-
through assembly operable to connect said at least one temperature sensor to said
processing circuitry through said shell to maintain a hermetic seal of said compressor.
32. The compressor assembly of Claim 21, wherein said processing circuitry further
comprises a series of light emitting devices operable to selectively illuminate in response
to sensed compressor parameters.
33. The compressor assembly of Claim 21, wherein said processing circuitry includes
a microprocessor.

A compressor assembly includes a shell, a compressor housed within the shell, and a motor drivingly connected to the compressor. In addition, a sensor assembly is provided for monitoring operating parameters of the compressor assembly. Processing circuitry, in communication with the sensor assembly, is operable to process the operating parameters of the compressor assembly according to predefined rules. Furthermore, a terminal assembly is hermetically secured to the shell and is in communication with the sensor assembly. A plug is attached to the terminal assembly outside of the shell and serves to operably connect the processing circuitry with the sensor assembly




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2525-KOLNP-2005-(07-05-2013)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf



2525-KOLNP-2005-(16-01-2014)-ANNEXURE TO FORM 3.pdf








2525-KOLNP-2005-(19-02-2007)-FORM 13.pdf



2525-KOLNP-2005-(21-02-2012)-PA-CERTIFIED COPIES.pdf

2525-KOLNP-2005-(30-12-2014)-ANNEXURE TO FORM 3.pdf



2525-KOLNP-2005-CORRESPONDENCE 1.2.pdf

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2525-kolnp-2005-international preliminary examination report.pdf

2525-kolnp-2005-international search report.pdf

2525-KOLNP-2005-OTHERS 1.1.pdf



2525-kolnp-2005-pct priority document notification.pdf

2525-kolnp-2005-pct request form.pdf


2525-kolnp-2005-translated copy of priority document.pdf

Patent Number 265894
Indian Patent Application Number 2525/KOLNP/2005
PG Journal Number 13/2015
Publication Date 27-Mar-2015
Grant Date 23-Mar-2015
Date of Filing 07-Dec-2005
Applicant Address 1675 W. CAMPBELL ROAD, SIDNEY, OH 45365-0669, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H02K11/00; F04C23/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/US2004/043859
PCT International Filing date 2004-12-30
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 60/533,236 2003-12-30 U.S.A.