Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to a process for the production of one or more C2+ alcohols. In particular, the present invention relates to a process for the production of C2+ alcohols from a methane-containing feedstock, which process comprises: a. passing said methane-containing feedstock and carbon dioxide to a non- oxidative reforming process to produce a first product stream comprising CO, H2 and CO2, optionally in the presence of steam, but with the proviso that where steam is present in the feed to the reforming process the steam and CO2 are present in a molar ratio of less than 5:1, b. passing the first product stream comprising CO, H2 and CO2 to a bacterial fermentation step wherein it is converted to produce a second product stream comprising one or more C2+ alcohols in the liquid phase and a gaseous third product stream comprising CO, H2 and CO2, the fermentation step being operated to provide a conversion of CO of at least 60%, wherein CO, H2 and CO2 are recycled from the gaseous third product stream to the reforming process of step (a).
Full Text The present invention relates to a process for the production of one or more C2+ alcohols. In particular, the present invention relates to a process for the production of one or more C2+ alcohols from a methane-containing feedstock via formation of carbon monoxide and hydrogen and subsequent fermentation of the carbon monoxide and hydrogen to one or more C2+ alcohols.
The production of alcohols from carbon oxides and hydrogen is well-known in the art. For example, a number of processes are known which use catalysts which are known to catalyse the reaction, including those based on Group VI metals, especially molybdenum, as described, for example in US 4,752,623 and US 4,831,060, and those based on mixed metal oxides, especially based on copper and cobalt containing catalysts, as described, for example, in US 4,122,110 and US 4,780,481. More recent publications include WO 2007/003909 Al, which also describes a process for the conversion of carbon oxide(s) and hydrogen containing feedstocks into alcohols in the presence of a particulate catalyst.
The catalytic routes generally produce a mixed alcohols product slate, including methanol, ethanol and heavier alcohols, especially propanol and butanols. The selectivity to the various alcohol products depends on the particular catalyst and process conditions employed and, although both methanol and the higher alcohols (ethanol and above) are usually formed in any particular reaction, the art generally seeks to maximise either methanol or the higher alcohols at the expense of the other.
There are also known processes for the conversion of carbon monoxide and hydrogen into C2+ alcohols based on fermentation processes using bacteria. Examples of fermentation processes can be found, for example, in WO 02/08438 and WO 00/68407, and are also described in DOE reports under DOE Contract Number DE-AC22-92PC92118, such as "Bench-scale Demonsfration of Biological Production of Ethanol from Coal Synthesis Gas", Topical Report 5, November 1995.
In general such processes are much more selective for specific alcohols, such as ethanol, compared to catalytic processes, with much lower quantities, if any, of other alcohols being formed.
The carbon monoxide and hydrogen for such processes can be obtained by reforming of methane-containing feedstocks, such as natural gas, to produce a mixture of carbon monoxide, hydrogen and carbon dioxide (synthesis gas), A number of methane reforming processes and variants thereon are known in the art, principally:

(1) steam methane reforming (SMR), in which the methane containing feedstock is reformed in an externally fired reformer in the presence of >2:1 molar steam : methane ratio (usually > 2.5:1),
(2) autothermal reforming (ATR), in which the methane containing feedstock is reformed in the presence of steam and oxygen, and
(3) partial oxidation (POX), in which the methane containing feedstock is reformed in the presence of oxygen and relatively low or zero concentrations of steam
Significant variations on the above 3 processes are also known, and thus, for example, carbon dioxide can be added to steam methane reforming or autothermal reforming to adjust the ratio of hydrogen to carbon monoxide obtained. In a particular example, dry gas reforming is a variation of steam methane reforming in which the methane containing feedstock is reformed in the presence of significant concentrations of carbon dioxide and low or zero concentration of feed steam - the feed CO2 has the effect of reducing the HaiCO ratio and the low water content allows more effective conversion of CO2 to CO.
In general, however, the ratio of hydrogen to carbon monoxide obtained is decreased in the order (1) > (2) > (3), with a typical SMR reformer (I) having an Hi'.CO molar ratio of approximately 4.5:1 versus 2:1 for an ATR reformer (2) and 1.7 or 1.8:1 for a POX reformer (3). (Unless stated otherwise, all ratios herein are molar ratios)
Each of the above processes also produces carbon dioxide. As well as the highest carbon monoxide to hydrogen ratios, ATR and POX also result in the lowest carbon dioxide and methane in the resulting synthesis gas. Typically an SMR produces syngas with a molar ratio of C02:C0 in tiie region of 0.35:1 versus 0.2:1 for an ATR and In theory, both catalytic and fermentation routes to hi^er alcohols (ethanol and heavier alcohols) may utilise CO2 as a reactant for the production of the higher alcohols. However, in practise, both catalytic and fermentation routes to higher alcohols tend to be net producers of carbon dioxide.
In the case of catalytic conversions, such reactions may utilise the carbon dioxide via "direct" conversion or via co-occurrence of the water-gas shift reaction, CO2 + H2 *-* CO + H2O. However, whilst for methanol production, the production can occur directly fi-om CO2, most higher alcohol catalysts appear only to be able to react CO2 via the shift reaction, and at the typical higher alcohol catalyst operating conditions of 250 - 400'C, the shift equilibrium favours CO2 over CO - and results in the net production of CO2 over the catalyst.

In the case of fermentation routes, the bacteria used for fermentation can produce alcohols according to either of the following 2 reactions

However, the CO conversion is typically 70-90% per pass while the H2 conversion is typically less than the CO conversion - therefore the fermentation is also a net producer ofCOa.
Based on the above, it may be expected that where fermentation is used to produce alcohols from synthesis gas, such processes would operate most favourably with synthesis gas with the highest concentrations of carbon monoxide and lowest proportion of CO2 to CO, which would favour ATR and POX over SMR.
However, it has now been found that, contrary to this expectation, the integrated process for the production of C2+ alcohols from a methane-containing feedstock via intermediate formation of synthesis gas and subsequent fermentation operates most effectively with reforming in the absence of oxygen.
Thus, in a first embodiment, the present invention provides a process for the production of C2+ alcohols from a methane-containing feedstock, which process comprises:
a. passing said methane-containing feedstock and carbon dioxide to a non-
oxidative reforming process to produce a first product stream comprising CO, H2
and CO2, optionally in the presence of steam, but with the proviso that where
steam is present in the feed to the reforming process the steam and CO2 are
present in a molar ratio of less than 5:1,
b. passing the first product sfream comprising CO, H2 and CO2 to a bacterial
fermentation step wherein it is converted to produce a second product stream
comprising one or more C2+ alcohols in the liquid phase and a gaseous third
product stream comprising CO, H2 and CO2, the fermentation step being
operated to provide a conversion of CO of at least 60%,
wherein CO, H2 and CO2 are recycled from the gaseous third product sfream to the reforming process of step (a).
The present invention provides a process for the production of C2+ alcohols. "C2+ alcohols" as defined herein, means ethanol and heavier alcohols, especially C2 to C6 alcohols, and most preferably C2 to C4 alcohols i.e. ethanol, propanol and butanols (iso-butanol and n-butanol). C2+ alcohols can also be generally refeh-ed to as "higher alcohols".

In the process of the present invention, carbon dioxide and hydrogen in the product stream from the fermentation process is utihsed as at least a portion of the feed to the reforming process. The reforming process is either in the substantial absence of steam, in which case it may be considered as dry-gas reforming, or a limited amount of steam is utilised, but with the proviso that where steam is also present in the feed to the reforming process the steam and CO2 are present in a molar ratio of less than 5:1 (unless otherwise stated, as used herein all quantities and ratios are in moles).
ATR and POX processes generally produce a higher proportion of carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide and would be expected to be a better fit with a fermentation process which is more effective at converting carbon monoxide / water than carbon dioxide / hydrogen to ethanol. However, it has now been found that when the fermentation system is integrated with an ATR or a POX unit, the system operates in hydrogen deficit and results in a build-up of carbon dioxide in the process. This carbon dioxide results in larger recycles with their associated energy use and the net result is that carbon dioxide ends up needing to be purged from the system giving increased net carbon dioxide production and poorer feedstock selectivity to the desired C2+ alcohol product.
In contrast, the integrated process of the present invention operates with a hydrogen excess and efficiently converts the carbon dioxide in the feed to the reforming process to carbon monoxide, and actually results in a lower process inventory of carbon dioxide. The present invention thus significantly reduces the net carbon dioxide production through 3 mechanisms:
1. The excess hydrogen is reacted in the reformer with the CO2 to form CO and water (the CO can be fermented to ethanol rather than CO2 emitted to atmosphere)
2. The lower inventory of CO2 results in less energy use in the recycle stream
3. The reduction in steam use in the reformer reduces the reformer heating duty
In particular, it is possible to recycle all the CO2 from the fermentation reaction to the reformer and still operate the system in hydrogen excess.
The present invention also takes advantage of the fact that bacterial fermentation of synthesis gas to alcohols can be operated with relatively high carbon monoxide conversion, such that the product stream has a relatively low amount of carbon monoxide in it. This means that carbon monoxide can be economically recycled to the earlier reforming process. In a most preferred embodiment, this avoids the need for any specific separation of carbon monoxide from carbon dioxide in the product stream prior to recycle. Preferably, the

fermentation step is operated to provide a conversion of CO of at least 70%, more preferably at least 80%.
The carbon monoxide conversion in a bacterial fermentation process is the result of a combination of a number of factors that can be controlled by the operator of the process. In general, the key requirements to obtain high CO conversion (>60%) are to ensure healthy bacteria and suitable contacting of the bacteria with the reactants. For a particular bacteria this effectively means to ensure sufficient nutrients for the bacteria are provided, to ensure that the fermentation takes place in the correct temperature range, and to ensure sufficient gas contact with the bacteria, which is a function of gas pressure in the fermentation reaction, residence time in the fermentation reaction and reaction agitation.
For a particular reaction and desired production rate such factors may be optimised by the person skilled in the art. In the event that conversion falls below 60% (or a higher threshold if required), then conversion can be increased again by acting on one of these parameters as might be necessary, for example, by increasing agitation rate, thereby increasing gas contacting with the bacteria.
Typically, the selectivity (based on total CO converted and on a non CO2 basis) to higher alcohols of the fermentation process is at least 60%, especially at least 75%, and most preferably at least 90%. (CO2 is a net reaction product in the conversion of CO to ethanol e.g. 6C0 + 3H2O ^ C2H5OH + 4CO2. Selectivity on a non CO2 basis relates to the conversion of CO to ethanol compared to methanol or alkanes).
Suitably, at least 60% of the carbon monoxide and 60% of the carbon dioxide in the gaseous third product stream are recycled, more preferably at least 80% of the carbon monoxide and 80% of the carbon dioxide in the gaseous third product stream are recycled and most preferably at least 90% of the carbon monoxide and 90% of the carbon dioxide in the gaseous third product stream are recycled to the reforming process of step (a). (Small amounts may be lost to purges or dtiring any hydrogen separation that might be present.)
Whilst there are numerous "claims" in the literature for "high conversion" catalytic processes for the production of alcohols fi-om synthesis gas, it is not believed that such processes can be operated at high conversion and high selectivity to higher alcohols. In particular, as conversion is increased, the selectivity of the catalyst systems to alcohols compared to alkanes is diminished.
US 4,831,060, for example, exemplifies only CO conversions of less than 40%. However, without high CO conversion the amount of carbon monoxide remaining in the gaseous third product stream of the present invention would be relatively high, and it would

be necessary to separate at least some of the carbon monoxide from the carbon dioxide prior to recycle to maintain a driving force for CO2 conversion to CO in the reforming process. This is described, for example, in SRI Report "DowAJnion Carbide Process for Mixed Alcohols from Syngas", PEP Review Number 85-1-4, in which carbon monoxide is separated from the recycle stream and recycled to the catalytic alcohols production process.
By "non-oxidative reforming process" in step (a) of the process of the present invention is meant a process in which no (molecular) oxygen is (deliberately) present in feed. Thus, autothermal reforming and partial oxidation processes are explicitly excluded from the process of the present invention. The preferred reforming processes according to the present invention are dry gas reforming and steam methane reforming (with steam limited as defined). A particularly preferred process is sulphur passivated reforming. Sulphur passivated reforming (SPARG) is described in Hydrocarbon Processing, January 1986, p. 71-74 or Oil & Gas Journal, Mar 9, 1992, p. 62-67. In such a process, sulphur is added to passivate the reforming catalyst. The sulphur reduces coke formation, which can otherwise be a problem. It is reported that the sulphur blocks the large sites (which are required to form coke) but leave the small sites open which allow reforming to continue.
The SPARG process is not believed to have been widely utilised for formation of synthesis gas. Without wishing to be boimd by theory, it is believed that this may be:
(1) because most processes which use synthesis gas require higher H2:C0 ratios than are obtained by SPARG reforming, and
(2) because sulphw is generally a catalytic poison, which means it needs to be removed prior to any subsequent processing of the synthesis gas formed.
In contrast, bacterial fermentation processes have been found to be tolerant to sulphur present in the feed. This is described, for example, in the DOE report "Bench-scale Demonstration of Biological Production of Ethanol from Coal Synthesis Gas", Topical Report 5, November 1995 (DOE Contract Number DE-AC22-92PC92118).
Not only is there no need to remove sulphur prior to the fermentation step, therefore, but the sulphur can be readily recycled in the gaseous third product stream.
Where steam is present, the preferred steamiCOa molar ratio is less than 2:1, most preferably less thanl:!. Lower steam:C02 molar ratios have been found to result in further increased efficiency in CO2 conversion during the reforming step, lower steady state CO2 concentration in process (as well as much lower H2O), and reduced overall inventory into the process.

The non-oxidative reforming process also produces H2O. Advantageously, this water may also be used as part of the fermentation medium in the subsequent fermentation step. Thus, in the process of the present invention, all the products of the synthesis gas production may be used, or at least passed to, the fermentation step, reducing the requirements for separations.
The process according to the present invention operates with excess hydrogen. In one embodiment, it is preferred to separate at least some of the hydrogen in the gaseous third product stream. As well as providing a source of a fuel gas (which can be used to power the reformer, for example, saving further energy costs) this results in a net reduction in recycle rates to the reformer. Any suitable separation technique may be utilised. A membrane, especially a hydrogen-selective membrane is most preferred. Any suitable methane-containing feedstock may be utilised.
The most preferred feedstock is natural gas (which may or may not also include inherent quantities of carbon dioxide, nitrogen and higher hydrocarbons), but other suitable feedstocks include landfill gas, bio digester gas and associated gas fi-om oil production and processing.
As noted previously, the present invention also takes advantage of the fact that bacterial fermentation of synthesis gas to alcohols can be operated with relatively high carbon monoxide conversion, such that the product stream has a relatively low amount of carbon monoxide in it. Not only does this mean that carbon monoxide gaseous third product stream can be economically recycled to the earlier reforming process, but the lower carbon monoxide in the feed to the reforming process favours further the conversion of carbon dioxide according to the reforming equilibrium (CO2 + CH4 ♦-♦ 2CO + 2H2).
In a most preferred embodiment, the process of the present invention is operated at elevated pressure in both the reforming and fermentation steps. Preferably the pressure is in the range 2 to 12 barg for both steps. The pressure is preferably set based on the optimum pressure for the fermentation step, and the reforming process operated at essentially the same pressure (except for small inherent pressure loss between steps) to provide the first product stream at the required pressure for the fermentation step, and with minimal compression required for the recycle of the third gaseous product stream to the reforming process. One further advantage of SPARG technology, for example, is that it may be operated across a wide range of pressures dependent on the downstream processing required without significant variations in product distribution.

The fermentation process may use any suitable bacteria. The preferred fermentation process uses acetogenic anaerobic bacteria, especially a rod-shaped, gram positive, non-thermophilic anaerobe. Useful bacteria according to this invention include Acetogenium kivui, Acetobacterium woodii, Acetoanaerobium noterae, Clostridium Aceticum, Butyribacterium methylotrophicum, Clostridium acetobutylicum, Clostridium thermoaceticum, Eubacterium limosum, Peptostreptococcus productus, Clostridium Ijungdahlii and Clostridium carboxydivorans. One particularly suitable bacteria is Clostridium carboxydivorans, especially suitable strains being those designated "P7" and "PU". Such bacteria are described, for example, in US 2007/0275447 and US 2008/0057554. A further particularly suitable bacteria is Clostridium Ijungdahlii, especially suitable strains being Clostridium Ijungdahlii PETC, Clostridium Ijimgdahlii ERI2, Clostridium Ijungdahlii COl, Clostridium Ijungdahlii 0-52. Clostridium Ijungdahlii and processes using such bacteria are described in DOE report "Bench-scale Demonstration of Biological Production of Ethanol from Coal Synthesis Gas", Topical Report 5, November 1995 (DOE Contract Number DE-AC22-92PC92118) and in patent applications WO 98/00558, WO 00/68407 and WO 02/08438. The process generally comprises contacting the first product stream comprising CO, H2 and CO2 with the bacteria in the presence of a nutrient medium in a suitable reactor, for example a continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR). Suitable temperatures and pressures can be determined by the person skilled in the art, and are dependent on the bacteria and other process conditions used, but typical temperatures for the fermentation are between 25°C and 85°C, especially 35°C to 45°C and typical pressures are in the range atmospheric to 12 barg, preferably 2 to 12 barg.
"Nutrient medium" is used generally to describe conventional bacterial growth media which contain vitamins and minerals sufficient to permit growth of a selected subject bacteria. Suitable nutrients are well-known, for example as described in US 2003/211585, WO 08/00558, US 5,807,722, US 5,593,886 and US 5,821,111.
The agitation rate may be selected by the person skilled in the art depending on the reaction vessel and robustness of the bacteria. In particular, the reaction mixttire is generally agitated at a suitable rate to ensure adequate gas dispersion and substantial avoidance of agglomeration of dispersed gas bubbles whilst minimising damage to the bacterium cells caused by any moving parts e.g. stirrer tips.
In practise this usually means that for a larger unit agitated with a stirrer a smaller RPM (revolutions per minute) is used than for a corresponding smaller unit (for a fixed

RPM, the tip speed of a larger agitator is faster than that of a smaller agitator). Speeds of 20 to 1000 RPM are typical, with larger units operating at the lower rates.
The residence time may also be selected by the person skilled in the art depending on the particulars of the reaction, and in order to obtain the desired conversion. The residence time is usually in the range 5 seconds to 20 minutes, and most typically in the range 10 seconds to 5 minutes.
Generally, the fermentation step produces a gas phase product comprising CO, H2 and CO2 (which forms the gaseous third product stream according to the present invention) and a liquid reaction broth comprising a mixture of fermentation bacteria, nutrients, alcohols, and by-products, such as acetic acid, in >95% water. The liquid reaction broth is usually removed from the fermenter and filtered to remove cells and other solids, then distilled to produce a more concentrated alcohol/water product mixture (which forms the second product stream according to the present invention) and a recycle stream comprising nutrients, water and acetic acid which is returned to the fermenter.
The invention will now be described with respect to Figure 1, which shows in schematic form a process for the production of alcohols from a methane-containing feedstock according to the process of the present invention.
In particular. Figure 1 shows a non-oxidative reforming process (1) to which is passed a methane-containing feedstock (2) and a recycle stream (3) comprising carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and hydrogen. Steam, if required, may be provided through line (4). Reforming of the methane-containing feedstock occurs to produce a first product sfream (5) comprising CO, H2 and CO2, which is passed to a bacterial fermentation step (6) wherein it is converted in the presence of a suitable bacteria to produce a second product stream (7) comprising one or more alcohols in the liquid phase and a gaseous third product stream (8) comprising CO, H2 and CO2, the fermentation step being operated to provide a conversion of CO of at least 60% (Separations steps in the fermenter not shown). The gaseous third product stream (8) comprising CO, H2 and CO2 is passed to a membrane separator (9) wherein a portion of the hydrogen therein is separated (10), to leave a sfream comprising carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and the remaining hydrogen which is recycled as sfream (3). A small purge (not shown) is also taken to prevent build-up of inerts such as nifrogen and argon in the recycle sfream. Examples
Integrated processes for reforming and fermentation according to Figure 1 have been modelled using Aspen.:

• the reformer is modelled as an equilibrium reactor with the SMR specified with an outlet temperature of 945°C and the ATR specified with an outlet temperature ofl030°C
• The following reactions are modelled within the fermenter

In the present Examples, a H2 conversion of half that of the CO conversion is used, providing a net reaction of:

The CO conversion used is 90%
All modelling assumes a net methane input to the process of 100 kmoles per hour and, for simplicity, zero moles of inert gases such as nitrogen or argon (in reality, some proportion of these will always be present in the methane), and seeks to produce approximately 40 kmoles per hour of ethanol. Comparative Example
In this Example, an autothermal reformer is used. A feed of methane (100 kmoles per hour) and a recycle stream of hydrogen (26 kmoles per hour), carbon monoxide (17 kmoles per hour), carbon dioxide (227 kmoles per hour), water (1 kmole per hour) and with a minor amount of methane (500°C in the presence of a catalyst and in the presence of steam (60 kmoles per hour) to reform all organic compounds larger than methane. The gas then passes to an autothermal reformer wherein autothermal reforming occurs, through the addition of oxygen (76 kmoles per hour). The reforming produces a product stream consisting of hydrogen (110 kmoles per hour), carbon monoxide (182 kmoles per hour), carbon dioxide (162 kmoles per hour), water (178 kmoles per hour) and a minor amount of methane (
- a gas stream (8) consisting of hydrogen (28 kmoles per hour), carbon monoxide (18 kmoles per hour), carbon dioxide (245 kmoles per hour) and a minor amount of methane ( - a liquid stream consisting of water (137 kmoles per hour), ethanol (41 kmoles per hour).
Carbon dioxide (15 kmoles per hour) is required to be separated to maintain the required hydrogen to carbon oxides ratio in the recycle stream, and this purge of gas also results in removal of small quantities of hydrogen (2 kmoles per hour) and carbon monoxide (1 kmole per hour) to reflect the concentrations of each component in stream 8. The remaining components (hydrogen (26 kmoles per hour), carbon monoxide (17 kmoles per hour) and carbon dioxide (228 kmoles per hour), water (1 kmole per hour) and with a minor amount of methane ( A feed of methane (100 kmoles per hour) is passed to a steam methane reformer with steam (285 kmoles per hour) and a recycle stream of hydrogen (92 kmoles per hour), carbon monoxide (19 kmoles per hour), carbon dioxide (181 kmoles per hour) and methane (2 kmoles per hour). The steam.COa ratio in the reforming is 1.56:1. The reforming produces a product stream consisting of hydrogen (318 kmoles per hour), carbon monoxide (193 kmoles per hour), carbon dioxide (107 kmoles per hour), methane (2 kmoles per hour) and water (259 kmoles per hour) in the vapour phase. The product stream is cooled and the majority of the water (256 kmoles per hour) is separated from a first product stream comprising the remaining components (separation not shown in Figure 1). Both the separated water and the first product stream are then passed to the fermentation step (total feed same as product stream from reforming), wherein fermentation occurs to produce 2 product streams
- a gas stream consisting of hydrogen (231 kmoles per hour), carbon monoxide (19 kmoles per hour), carbon dioxide (194 kmoles per hour), methane (2 kmoles per hour),
- a liquid stream consisting of water (216 kmoles per hour) and ethanol (44 kmoles per hour).
The system results in excess hydrogen, and thus hydrogen (139 kmoles per hour) is separated via membrane separation. Membrane separations are imperfect and remove gases in the following order of preference H2 » GO2» CO so a minor amoxint of carbon dioxide (12 kmole per hour) is necessarily also removed with the hydrogen. The remaining components (hydrogen (92 kmoles per hour), carbon monoxide (19 kmoles per hour),

carbon dioxide (181 kmoles per hour) and methane (2 kmoles per hour)) are recycled to the reforming step.
Example 1 demonstrates the advantages of using a non-oxidative reforming step. In particular, although both Example 1 and the Comparative Example feed the same amount of methane, Example 1 generates more ethanol as well as an amoimt of hydrogen that can be usefully separated and utilised as fuel gas. Example 2
A feed of methane (100 kmoles per hour) is passed to a steam methane reformer with steam (70 kmoles per hour) and a recycle stream of hydrogen (82 kmoles per hour), carbon monoxide (20 kmoles per hour), carbon dioxide (109 kmoles per hour) and methane (20 kmoles per hour). The steam:C02 ratio in the reforming is 0.65:1. The reforming produces a product stream consisting of hydrogen (298 kmoles per hour), carbon monoxide (205 kmoles per hour), carbon dioxide (25 kmoles per hour), methane (20 kmoles per hour) and water (54 kmoles per hour) in the vapour phase. The product stream is cooled and the majority of the water (51 kmoles per hour) is separated from a first product stream comprising the remaining components (separation not shown in Figure 1). Both the separated water and the first product stream are then passed to the fermentation step (total feed same as product stream from reforming), wherein fermentation occurs to produce 2 product streams
- a gas product stream consisting of hydrogen (206 kmoles per hour), carbon
monoxide (20 kmoles per hour), carbon dioxide (117 kmoles per hour), methane (20 kmoles
per hour) and small quantities of water and ethanol
- a liquid stream consisting of 46 kmoles of ethanol and 8 kmoles of water.
Hydrogen (124 kmoles per hour) is separated via membrane separation from the gas
stream. As in example 1, a minor amount of carbon dioxide (7 kmole per hour) is also removed with the hydrogen. The remaining components (hydrogen (82 kmoles per hour), carbon monoxide (20 kmoles per hour), carbon dioxide (109 kmoles per hour) and methane (20 kmoles per hour) are recycled to the reforming step.
Example 2 has the same advantages as Example 1 compared to the Comparative Example, but also demonstrates the advantages of reduced steam in the reforming step compared to Example 1. In particular, although both Examples 1 and 2 feed the same amount of methane, Example 2 generates slightly more ethanol. Although slightly less hydrogen is separated for fuel gas in Example 2, in fact the lower requirement for steam in

the reformer means that hydrogen combustion as fuel can contribute a greater percentage of the reformer heating duty than is the case for Example 1.
Finally, not only is significantly less steam required to be provided for the reforming step of Example 2, but the steady state concentrations of carbon dioxide in the process is also less compared to Example 1, meaning that the total inventory of components passed into the reforming step is reduced from 680 kmoles per hour to 402 kmoles per hour, the total inventory of components passed into the fermentation step is reduced from 880 kmoles per hour to 602 kmoles per hour, and the total inventory of the recycle stream flow is reduced from 295 kmoles per hour to 232 kmoles per hour.
A particular advantage of the process of the present invention is that the CO2 emissions from the overall process are considerably reduced, particularly in the case of dry reforming. The CO2 emissions from the SMR with relatively high steam use are similar or lower than the ATR but the dry reforming flowsheet is clearly advantaged.
In particular, the following values have been estimated (based on energy requirements and any net CO2 production):
• CO2 emissions from ATR process are estimated as 0,52 - 0.75 Te CO2 per Te C2H5OH (Including energy requirements for oxygen production and net CO2 production. The lower limit assumes that the hot syngas provides enough heat for any pre-reformer that may be present, and the upper limit applies if a pre-reformer is present and requires external firing)
• CO2 emissions from the SMR process are estimated as 0.6 Te CO2 per Te C2H5OH (The principle reason for the increase over dry reforming is the increased reformer duty due to the steam and the increased recycle flow (more CO2 as needs more driving force in the reformer to incorporate the steam)
• CO2 emissions from the dry gas reforming case are estimated as 0.33 Te CO2 per Te C2H5OH.

I/We Claim;
1. A process for the production of C2+ alcohols from a methane-containing feedstock,
which process comprises:
a. passing said methane-containing feedstock and carbon dioxide to a non-
oxidative reforming process to produce a first product stream comprising CO, H2
and CO2, optionally in the presence of steam, but with the proviso that where
steam is present in the feed to the reforming process the steam and CO2 are
present in a molar ratio of less than 5:1,
b. passing the first product stream comprising CO, H2 and CO2 to a bacterial
fermentation step wherein it is converted to produce a second product stream
comprising one or more C2+ alcohols in the liquid phase and a gaseous third
product stream comprising CO, H2 and CO2, the fermentation step being
operated to provide a conversion of CO of at least 60%,
wherein CO, H2 and CO2 are recycled from the gaseous third product stream to the reforming process of step (a).
2. A process as claimed in claim 1 wherein the reforming process is dry-gas reforming or steam methane reforming.
3. A process as claimed in claim 2 wherein the reforming process is a sulphur passivated reforming.
4. A process as claimed in any one of the preceding claims wherein no specific separation of carbon monoxide from carbon dioxide in the product stream is performed prior to recycle.
5. A process as claimed in any one of the preceding claims wherein at least 80% of the carbon monoxide and 80% of the carbon dioxide in the gaseous third product sfream are recycled.
6. A process as claimed in any one of the preceding claims wherein at least some of the hydrogen in the gaseous third product stream is separated and utilised as a fiiel gas.
7. A process as claimed in any one of the preceding claims wherein, where steam is present, the preferred steam:C02 molar ratio is
8. A process as claimed in any one of the preceding claims wherein both the reforming and fermentation steps are operated at a pressure is in the range 2 to 12 barg.


0250-chenp-2010 correspondence others12-01-2010.pdf

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250-CHENP-2010 CORRESPONDENCE OTHERS 22-11-2011.pdf

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250-CHENP-2010 CORRESPONDENCE OTHERS 11-07-2011.pdf

250-CHENP-2010 FORM-18 11-07-2011.pdf

250-CHENP-2010 FORM-3 19-09-2014.pdf

250-CHENP-2010 AMENDED CLAIMS 19-09-2014.pdf

250-CHENP-2010 OTHERS 19-09-2014.pdf

250-CHENP-2010 ASSIGNMENT 16-09-2014.pdf

250-CHENP-2010 ASSIGNMENT 18-09-2014.pdf

250-CHENP-2010 CORRESPONDENCE OTHERS 16-09-2014.pdf

250-CHENP-2010 CORRESPONDENCE OTHERS 07-05-2010.pdf

250-CHENP-2010 CORRESPONDENCE OTHERS 16-07-2010.pdf

250-CHENP-2010 CORRESPONDENCE OTHERS 18-09-2014.pdf

250-chenp-2010 form -3 23-06-2010.pdf

250-CHENP-2010 FORM-1 16-09-2014.pdf

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250-CHENP-2010 FORM-2 16-09-2014.pdf

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250-CHENP-2010 FORM-5 16-09-2014.pdf

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250-CHENP-2010 FORM-6 16-09-2014.pdf

250-CHENP-2010 FORM-6 18-09-2014.pdf

250-CHENP-2010 POWER OF ATTORNEY 16-09-2014.pdf

250-CHENP-2010 POWER OF ATTORNEY 18-09-2014.pdf


abs 0250-chenp-2010 abstract 12-01-2010.jpg


IPA7012_Form 6 with amended Forms.pdf


Patent Number 265895
Indian Patent Application Number 250/CHENP/2010
PG Journal Number 13/2015
Publication Date 27-Mar-2015
Grant Date 23-Mar-2015
Date of Filing 12-Jan-2010
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C12P3/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP2008/057407
PCT International Filing date 2008-06-12
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 07252869.8 2007-07-19 EUROPEAN UNION