Title of Invention


Abstract The invention relates to a method for in vitro determining thrombin activity in a sample wherein the sample is a blood sample and thrombin generation is measured by the steps of: - contacting a layer of said sample with a fluorogenic substrate of thrombin, wherein said layer has a thickness within a range of 0.05 to 5 mm and a surface within a range of 10 to 500 mm2; -allowing thrombin to generate in said sample; - measuring the fluorescence emitted from the surface of the layer, by the fluorescent group released from the fluorogenic substrate as a result of enzymatic action of generated thrombin on said fluorogenic substrate.
Full Text WO 2006/117246
[0001] The invention relates to a method of determining, especially
measuring the time course of thrombin activity in vitro, i.e., measuring
active thrombin in a sample, especially as it develops in a clotting sample
consisting of whole blood. The result of measurement of thrombin activity
can be represented by the so-called "thrombin generation curve" illustrated
in figure 1.
[0002] The invention also relates to means enabling the
measurement of active thrombin following its generation in a sample in
vitro. It is also directed to the use of said method of measurement for the
detection or the monitoring of the condition of a patient, including for
detection or monitoring of a pathological condition related to blood
coagulation deficiency.
[0003] The invention also concerns the use of the method of
measurement for the screening of substances, including for the screening
of drugs which could interact with the coagulation process, especially with
thrombin activity.
[0004] Thrombotic diseases, such as coronary infarction, stroke,
pulmonary embolism and several others are responsible for about half of all
death and disability in western society. In developing countries they
increase with the degree of development. Bleeding disease, although
numerically less important, are also a significant cause of death. Thus over-
or under-function of the haemostatic system is an extremely important
pathogenetic mechanism. It therefore is all the more surprising that a good
clinical function test is not available.
The role of thrombin in haemostatic and thrombotic disease:
[0005] In haemostasis and thrombosis thrombin plays a pivotal role.
In venous thrombotic disease this has long since been recognized (1) and
is convincingly demonstrated by the fact that prevention and treatment of
venous thrombosis is best brought about by decreasing thrombin activity,

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either by direct inhibition (hirudin, melagastran) or by decreased synthesis
(vitamin K antagonists) or by increased decay (heparins). In the last
decennia it became increasingly clear that thrombin is as important in
arterial disease as it is in venous disease. Clinical trials have shown that
vitamin K antagonists (2) as well as heparin (3) decrease the reoccurrence
rate of myocardial infarction. A role for thrombin in bleeding is suggested by
the prolonged bleeding time seen when thrombin generation is as
profoundly affected as in severe overdosage of oral anticoagulants (4) or
heparin (5). Also, the haemophilias are diseases of the thrombin forming
system (6).
All elements of the blood participate in thrombin formation:
[0006] Modern research has led to the recognition that thrombin is
formed through the cooperation of the formed elements of the blood and
plasma. Red blood cells (RBCs) are the least active in this respect although
in a small percentage of them the outer membrane exhibits procoagulant
activity (7). Much more important is that white blood cells carry tissue factor
activity. This activity normally is encrypted but in lesion becomes manifest
through interactions with blood platelets (8,9). The main players are
undoubtedly the platelets and the plasmatic clotting system. In textbooks it
is still found that platelets are responsible for primary haemostasis and
arterial thrombosis whereas the clotting of plasma serves for consolidation
of the haemostatic plug and is the mechanism behind venous thrombosis.
This view is due to the fact that plasma and platelets were studied apart
from each other. In reality the cooperation between platelets and plasma
and the other cells of the blood is essential in both primary and secondary
haemostasis and in arterial and venous thrombosis. Platelet plug formation
plays a role in thrombin generation because the interstices in a platelet
aggregate form an unstirred niche in which thrombin can form without being
swept away by flowing blood. That is why measuring thrombin generation in
clotting whole blood is so close to physiological reality.

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[0007] Apart from forming a "sponge" in which thrombin can form,
platelets also actively contribute to the generation of thrombin. They shed
factor V and provide the procoagulant phospholipid surface required for
prothrombin conversion as well as for the different steps in the coagulation
mechanism that lead to prothrombinase formation (10). The velocity of
thrombin generation and the amount formed thus depends upon platelet
activity as well as on the plasma proteins involved. Particularly interesting is
the role of polymerizing fibrin. Von Willebrand factor (vWf) interacts with
polymerizing fibrin and undergoes a conformational change which makes it
reactive to platelet receptor GPIb and through this binding cooperates to
the platelet becoming procoagulant (11,12). This shows that forming a fibrin
clot is not the closing act of haemostatis and that thrombin formation in a
plug (or thrombus, or clot) is a key event in the process. Indeed, as we will
see below, >95% of all the thrombin formed is formed after clotting has
taken place and this thrombin is essential in the haemostasis and
thrombosis (H&T) process. Perhaps the best proof of the tight bonds
between platelets and the plasmatic clotting system is the fact that all
"aggregation inhibitors" and other antiplatelet agents also inhibit thrombin
generation in platelet rich plasma (or whole blood). This has been shown
for aspirin (13), abciximab (14), MK383 (15) and clopidogrel (16). Inversely,
the fact that the antiplatelet drug par excellence, aspirin, prevents venous
thrombosis (17) further illustrates the close connection between platelet
function and blood coagulation.
[0008] So, in summary, the amount of thrombin formed in a clot is an
essential feature in the process of haemostatis and thrombosis and all the
elements of blood take part in its formation.
Thrombin generation (TG) as an indicator of thrombotic- and bleeding risk:
[0009] Increased TG invariably indicates thrombotic risk, whether it is
due to deficiency of antithrombin or an excess of prothrombin. Also in
disorders in the protein C pathway (deficiency of proteins S and C, factor
VLeiden) thrombin generation is higher than normal. This holds for plasma

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clotting as such, but becomes especially obvious if the protein C pathway is
activated by thrombomodulin (fig. 1). The thrombotic tendency induced by
oral contraceptives can be attributed to an acquired resistance to activated
protein C which causes a 10% increase of thrombin generation which
becomes more obvious when TM or APC is added (18,19).
[0010] A particularly interesting case is the lupus anticoagulant. This
type of antibody induces an increase of the lag time of thrombin formation,
and therefore an increase of clotting time, but also an important resistance
to the activity of the protein C system (20). This explains the "LE paradox"
i.e. an anticoagulant effect that is accompanied by a thrombotic tendency.
[0011] Excess amounts of factors II, VIII and VII have been found to
correlate with the occurrence of myocardial infarction (21-24). Also higher
than normal levels of vWF increase thrombin generation (12) are a risk
factor for arterial thrombosis (25,26).
[0012] In a sub-population of young stroke patients (around 30%)
both thrombin generation in Plasma Rich Platelet (PRP) and vWF have
been shown to be significantly higher than normal (27). In all congenital
coagulation factor deficiencies thrombin generation is decreased. This has
been demonstrated for the haemophilias A, B and C (deficiency of factor
VIII, IX or XI; 28-31) as well as for all rare deficiencies (prothrombin, factors
V, VII, X, XII; 32). A bleeding tendency is seen as soon as TG is below 20%
of normal. In haemophilia A not only infusion of factor VIII or administration
of DDAVP augments the capacity of blood to form thrombin but also
inhibitor bypassing therapy with products containing prothrombin and/or
factor VII increases thrombin generation.
[0013] Severe thrombopenia ( thrombin generation as well as the Glanzman and Bernard-Soulier
thrombopathies. In von Willebrand's disease -hitherto known to induce a
disorder of platelet adhesion at high shear rates - thrombin generation in
platelet rich plasma is significantly impaired (see above). The defect in PRP
is much higher than in Plasma Poor Platelet (PPP), which indicates that it

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cannot be explained by the concomitant - usually mild - decrease of factor
The Thrombogram
[0014] The following remarks should be taken into consideration with
respect to the mechanism of thrombin generation when addressing the
problem to be solved according to the invention.
[0015] Even a simplified scheme of the mechanism of thrombin
formation (fig.1) shows that it is extremely complex and replete with positive
and negative feedback reactions. Indeed so complex as to become a non-
linear system, i.e., there are no simple relations between the concentration
of the reactants and the outcome and threshold phenomena may cause the
system to react essentially unpredictably. The reaction of the whole to a
given trigger can therefore not be deduced from knowledge of the individual
concentrations of the relevant reactants (that may not even be known) and
only a test that measures the function of the complete system as contained
in the blood of a patient reveals the haemostatic/thrombotic status of that
[0016] The result of the whole process of thrombin generation is the
appearance and disappearance of a transient thrombin activity. The curve
of thrombin activity against time, or Thrombogram™ (TG) is characterised
by an initiation phase, or lag-time, during which only minute amounts of
thrombin are formed; then follows a burst of activity, known as the
propagation phase (fig.1). Blood forms a clot at the very beginning of the
burst and almost all thrombin is formed after the clot has formed. All formed
thrombin is subsequently inactivated by the antithrombins of the blood.
These proteins bind stoichiometrically to thrombin in a slow reaction. The
inactivation velocity is proportional to the concentration of thrombin and of
antithrombin. As long as the conversion rate of prothrombin is higher than
the inactivation rate of thrombin the level of thrombin increases. As the level
of thrombin increases the inactivation rate also increases. At the peak both
velocities are equal, thereafter decay predominates. The obtained curve of

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thrombin activity shows the various phases and especially shows the peak
of thrombin generation, the time to reach the peak and the endogenous
thrombin potential (ETP).
Prior art
[0017] The necessity to measure the function of the haemostasis and
thrombosis system has not escaped the attention of the medical profession
over the last century. Solutions to this problem have essentially not
changed until the 1990ies, offering means that were either practical but
inadequate or adequate but impractical.
[0018] The practical solutions relate to the measurement of the
clotting time and the bleeding time. The clotting time measures the length of
the initiation phase of thrombin generation and therefore reflects only part
of the function (33, see also above). The sole fact that many varieties of the
test are in use in the clinical laboratory, each useful in a specific situation
only, already shows that a clotting time does not reflect the coagulation
mechanism as a whole. For the bleeding time it can be said that it is
extremely imprecise having a coefficient of variation around 40%, which
strongly limits its practical use (34).
[0019] Since the 1950ies it has been recognized that measuring the
time course of thrombin in clotting blood is the best to estimate H&T
function (35-37). Until 1992 the only way to measure the TG was by taking
samples from clotting blood or plasma and determining the thrombin
content therein. This takes one man-hour per curve and thus can be
suitable for research purposes but not for modern clinical and
epidemiological use.
[0020] In the 1990 Hemker and Beguin et al. (EP-B1- 0 420 332)
launched the idea of adding to the clotting blood a chromogenic (colour
producing) substrate having high specificity for thrombin but a low turnover
rate (low Kcat) and little binding affinity for thrombin (high Km). Such a
substrate remains present during the whole process of TG and the sum (i.e.
the integral) of the thrombin activity over time can be measured from the

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total amount of product formed. Ideally this measures the Endogenous
Thrombin Potential (ETP), i.e. the Area Under the thrombin generation
[0021] Later, Hemker et al. further developed this method to obtain
the whole of the TG curve (38). This was based upon the principle that, if
the kinetic constants of the substrate are favourable, the reaction velocity
can, in good approximation, remain proportional to the thrombin
concentration during the whole of the coagulation process, so that the first
derivative of the product concentration gives a curve that is proportional to
the thrombin activity. This method, described in WO 03/093831A1, was an
extension and elaboration of the procedure earlier disclosed in EP-B2-
0420332, where only the end-level of product is measured, in which way
the area under the curve of the TG, i.e. the ETP is obtained.
[0022] The substrates used in this method yield a yellow product, the
monitoring of which requires measuring optical density and therefore an
optically clear reaction medium. The turbidity caused by the clotting of
fibrinogen has therefore to be avoided and fibrinogen has either to be
removed or its polymerisation has to be prevented by adding polymerisation
inhibitors. Removal of fibrinogen has however the disadvantage of
removing an important reactant and cannot be carried out without removing
cellular elements such as the important blood platelets. Furthermore,
addition of polymerisation inhibitors, at the high concentrations required to
prevent fibrin formation completely, inhibit the prothrombin converting
enzyme and the biochemical reactions leading to its formation.
[0023] In contrast to optical density, fluorescence can be measured
in turbid media. Unlike chromogenic substrates, substrates that yield a
fluorescent product (fluorogenic substates) can therefore be used in plasma
that is not defibrinated and therefore also in Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
(33,39-43). The use of a fluorogenic substrate introduces two important
disadvantages however: 1) fluorescence intensity is not proportional to the
concentration of the fluorophore because of the so-called inner filter effect;

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2) with the available substates the rate of product formation is not
necessarily proportional to the enzyme concentration. The latter
disadvantage can be overcome by using substrates that are not
significantly consumed, as in the chromogenic method. Such substrates at
the moment are not available. In actual practice at this moment both
problems are solved together by continuous comparison of the
experimental signal to that of a constant thrombin-like activity acting under
exactly identical conditions as those in the measured sample (WO
03/093831 A1).
[0024] The chromogenic method can obviously not be used with
whole blood because blood is not translucent. Fluorogenic substrates have
been reported to be applicable to measure TG in whole blood (44). In actual
practice this published method more often than not yields erratic signals
that do not resemble the course of thrombin generation as it is known from
the established subsampling method (fig.2). Also the quantitative relation
between the signal obtained and the amount of thrombin present varies
from experiment to experiment. In short, the method described does not
yield reproducible and quantifiable results.
[0025] Another possibility is the strong dilution of the blood (10-fold
or more), so that the red blood cells RBC have less influence (45). This
yields curves that are indeed better than those which are obtained
minimally diluted blood. This approach cannot however be thought to
represent the physiological situation for two reasons. In the first place, after
forming a clot (i.e. during the most important phase of thrombin generation),
the thrombin forming reactions are diffusion limited because they take place
at insoluble interfaces (surface of platelets and other cells immobilised in
the fibrin network). This makes them more sensitive to dilution than the
reactions in free solution such as the thrombin inactivation reactions. In
diluted blood the equilibrium between thrombin forming and thrombin
inactivating reactions therefore is not representative for the situation
existing in vivo. This is even more important in the case that pathological

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inhibitors are contained in blood (e.g. in therapy refractive haemophilia or
lupus erythematodes inhibitor). It is well known in clinical practice that
coagulation inhibitors loose their effect upon dilution in vitro.
[0026] Hence the problem remains of how to obtain a signal from
which the changing thrombin concentration can be determined in a sample
of clotting blood that is less than ten times diluted. The present invention
intends to provide a solution to this problem which overcome at least some
of the drawbacks faced in the prior art.
[0027] It was found by the inventors that the irreproducible and
erratic results obtained before the present invention, were at least due to
two causes; a: sedimentation before the blood clots and b: retraction of the
clot after clotting has taken place (see fig.4). It follows therefrom that the
volume from which fluorescence is obtained changes during the reaction
and that the geometric form of the surface changes, causing erratic
focussing and reflection of light that disturbs the signal recovered.
Unexpectedly it was found by the inventors that these phenomena do not
occur when operating on a thin layer of blood and especially on a thin layer
provided with a grid and/or with microbeads. The geometric form of a thin
layer, together or not with said grid and/or microbeads, indeed prevents
sedimentation and retraction. The reaction volume however remains
unknown, hence it has to be determined during the measurement. This is
done by adding, at the start of the experiment, a known concentration of a
fluorescent molecule. The signal is small and thus the signal to noise ratio
is advantageously increased by measuring over a large surface area with
any appropriate device known to the art. Furthermore, as large volume-to-
surface ratios tend to evaporation, suitable measures to prevent this should
advantageously be taken.
[0028] According to the invention, a method is described which is a
method for in vitro determining the course of thrombin activity in time in a
sample wherein the sample is a blood sample and thrombin generation is
measured by the steps of:

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contacting a layer of said sample with a fiuorogenic substrate of
thrombin, wherein said layer has a thickness within a range of
0.05 to 5 mm and a surface within a range of 10 to 500 mm2;
allowing thrombin to generate in said sample;
measuring the fluorescence emitted from the surface of the
layer, by the fluorescent group released from the fiuorogenic
substrate as a result of enzymatic action of generated thrombin
on said fiuorogenic substrate.
[0029] The method of determining thrombin activity enables
measurement of the time course of the concentration of thrombin as it
results from its formation and subsequent inactivation, according to the
coagulation scheme.
[0030] The method of the invention can be carried out on blood
sample such as samples of whole blood or Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
[0031] Thrombin is allowed to generate in the sample usually after
the contacting of said sample, with components suitable for initiation of
thrombin generation. Such components can comprise clotting factors such
as tissue factor, and possibly calcium ions.
[0032] While thrombin is generated and present in the reaction
mixture (active thrombin), it reacts with its fiuorogenic substrate, with the
result that the fluorescent group of the substrate is released.
[0033] The reaction is designed in such a way that the fiuorogenic
substrate is present during the whole duration of the reaction, in high
enough amounts to allow measuring thrombin activity. For example, the
substrate concentration is around or above the Km of the substrate for
thrombin, so that the consumption of the substrate has not much influence
on the reaction velocity. The substrate is converted by thrombin, leading to
an increase of the fluorescence emitted from the surface of the assayed

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[0034] The method defined in the invention, enables thrombin
generation to take place in a blood sample, especially in a whole blood
sample, in a way which is essentially comparable to the thrombin
generation which occurs in the body. It therefore provides a reliable method
of measurement for application in haemostasis and thrombotic studies.
[0035] The step of measuring the increase of the fluorescence
emitted from the surface of the layer of the assayed sample, as a result of
the release of the fluorescent group from the substrate through thrombin
action, is carried out especially using an optical device that both allows to
illuminate large surfaces, such as surfaces having from 10 to 500 mm2 and
that allows to collect the emitted light from that surface. The wavelength
selected for the measurement of the fluorescence is determined by the
selected fluorescent group. One wavelength is determined for the excitation
light which is delivered to the sample to proceed with the measurement.
Another wavelength is determined for the emitted light resulting from the
release of the fluorescent group of the fluorogenic substrate of thrombin. An
optical device, such as a fluorescent plate reader known to persons skilled
in the art (e.g. the Ascent Fluorescent plate reader, Thermolabsystems) is
suitable to measure the fluorescence.
[0036] According to an embodiment of the invention, the sample to
be assayed, especially the whole blood sample, is filled in one or more
containers allowing advantageously to carry out several samples to be
assayed at the same time. Such containers are designed to enable the
sample to be filled in, according to the defined conditions of thickness and
surface of the layer of sample to be analyzed. E.g. flat bottom microplates
containing wells or a container or support having another suitable geometric
design, known by the skilled person in the field of such analysis can be
[0037] Other devices can be used as support for the samples if they
fulfil the requirement of enabling said samples to be provided for the
analysis as a layer complying with the definitions of the invention.

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Therefore, the description of the method and means of carrying out the
invention, which is made by reference to wells (of microplates) containing
the samples can apply to other devices (container or support) containing
the samples.
[0038] According to the method of the invention, the concentration of
thrombin during the assay is a function of the measured fluorescence of the
released fluorescent group of the fluorogenic thrombin substrate. It is
especially proportional to the increase rate of the fluorescence appearance.
[0039] Accordingly, the method of the invention enables the
measurement of thrombin concentration during the whole time of thrombin
activity in the sample, provided the fluorogenic substrate is present in
appropriate quantities.
[0040] Therefore, the course of thrombin activity, before and after
clotting of the blood, up to the peak of thrombin and also during decrease of
thrombin concentration after the thrombin peak has been obtained as a
result of thrombin inactivation, is represented by a measurement of the
time-dependent thrombin concentration curve. During the various steps of
thrombin activity, the fluorogenic substrate reacts with the thrombin which is
present and is especially hydrolyzed, resulting in the release of the
fluorescent group.
[0041] A particular advantage of the invention is that the method
enables measurement of thrombin generation in a sample, especially in a
whole blood sample which is not diluted or which is minimally diluted, within
a range of maximum ten times, especially less or equal to 4 times.
[0042] In a particular embodiment of the described method, the
thickness of the layer of sample to be analysed, especially of whole blood is
from 1 to 3 mm, especially about 2 mm or less.
[0043] In a particular embodiment of the method, the surface of the
sample, especially of the whole blood sample, when it is filled in the wells of
the microplate or any appropriate container or support , is larger than 20

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mm2 for example from 30 mm2 to 200 mm2, especially larger than 100
mm2, in particular within a range of 150 to 200 mm2
[0044] As an example, the sample is filled in wells of microplates,
each well having a diameter of 15 mm and the thickness of the blood
sample is less than 2 mm, enabling measurement on a surface of about
175 mm2.
[0045] The measurement of thrombin activity is performed in a way
that enables multiple lecture points of the fluorescence at the surface of
each sample.
[0046] According to an embodiment of the invention, the method is
carried out with a sample, especially a whole blood sample which is filled in
the wells of a plate or other container or support wherein said wells also
contain a grid especially with a mesh size of 50 urn.
[0047] Alternatively or in addition to such grid in an embodiment of
the invention, the sample, especially the whole blood sample, is filled within
a well of a plate or other container or support which contains microbeads.
[0048] The presence of either said grid and/or microbeads is
advantageous to help dispersion of the blood in the well and especially to
prevent retraction of the clot in the clotting blood. In other words, the
presence of the grid or microbeads can prevent disturbances of the surface
of the clotting blood that blur the signal which is measured during thrombin
activity. Such grid and/or microbeads can improve the attenuation of
retraction effects which is obtained by using a large surface for
measurement. Other means enabling said effect can also be used.
[0049] In a particular embodiment of the invention, the wells
containing the sample, especially the whole blood samples are covered to
avoid drying of the blood during time of measurement of thrombin activity,
as a result of evaporation. Such covering can be performed with usual
materials, such as types of thin plastic film, provided they do not interfere
with fluorescence measurement.

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[0050] The measurement of the thrombin activity in the blood sample
is carried out from the time where the sample is filled within the wells (or
any other appropriate device such as a slit) and required components to
initiate thrombin generation are provided to said sample, including tissue
factor, up to the time where thrombin has been consumed in the
coagulation process.
[0051] In a particular embodiment of the method of the invention, the
amount of thrombin fluorogenic substrate added to the sample is within a
range of 50 - 1000 uM. According to the disclosed method, in order to be
able to know the concentration of active thrombin in absolute terms (i.e. in
nM/L), it is necessary to know the volume of the blood sample within which
the measurement of fluorescence is carried out. To this end a known
concentration of a fluorophore can be added to the fluorogenic substrate of
thrombin wherein the respective proportions of thrombin substrate to
fluorophore is in the range of 1% to 10% of the quantity of the fluorescent
molecule bound to thrombin substrate, especially in the range of 1% to 5%.
[0052] In a particular embodiment of the invention, the fluorophore is
of the same nature as the fluorescent molecule which is released by the
action of thrombin upon the fluorogenic substrate.
[0053] In another embodiment this fluorophore is a different species
than the fluorescent molecule of the fluorogenic substrate. In this case, the
measurement of fluorescence takes into account the presence of this new
species of fluorophore; it especially includes the measurement of the
fluorescence of the fluorophore,
[0054] The addition of a known concentration of such a fluorophore
provides an internal standard in the sample to be analysed and allows the
assessment of the volume of the sample wherein fluorescence is actually
[0055] In order to carry out the method of determining thrombin
generation in a sample especially a whole blood sample, a synthetic

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substrate for thrombin which consists of an organic chemical coupled with
the fluorescent molecule is advantageously used.
[0056] The synthetic fluorogenic substrate can be an oligopeptide
having the sequence of 2 to 30 amino acid residues coupled with a
fluorescent molecule.
[0057] It can be especially useful that the fluorogenic group is bound
to a terminal lysine or arginine residue in the substrate because thrombin
splits preferably groups bound to these amino acid residues.
[0058] According to a particular embodiment, the fluorescent
molecule used is AMC (7-amino-4 methylcoumarin) or p-nitroanilide.
Synthetic substrates have been described by Rijkers, D.T., H.C. Hemker, et
al (1996), Int J Pept Protein Res 48(2): 182-93; Rijkers, D.T., S.J. Wielders,
et al (1995), Thromb Res 79(5-6): 491-9; Wielders, S. M. Mukherjee, et al
(1997), Thromb Haemost 77(4): 629-36.
[0059] A particular synthetic fluorogenic thrombin substrate suitable
to perform the invention is Z-Gly-Gly-Arg-AMC (available from BACHEM).
[0060] In a particular embodiment of the invention, the wells (or any
other appropriate device) containing the sample can further comprise a gel,
possibly a gel containing calcium ions, said gel being prepared so that it
does not enable dilution of the whole blood of the sample. Gel such as
Sefadex or agarose gels can be used to the extent that they are not dried in
such a way that they would allow liquid of plasma to go in to the gel.
[0061] When a gel is used, it can be filled in the wells prior or
together with the whole blood sample.
[0062] The compounds which can be added to the sample in order to
allow thrombin generation comprise tissue factor and calcium ions, which
compounds are added in quantities enabling coagulation to start.
[0063] Such quantities can be within the range of 0.05 picomole/L to
15 nanomole/L for tissue factor, and around 10 mM of Ca++-ions when
citrated blood is used. The invention explicitly also covers the case where
native, non anticoagulated blood is used, in which case no Ca++ needs to be

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added. Alternatively, in certain applications it is profitable not to add tissue
factor in order to investigate the spontaneous coagulability of the blood.
The tissue factor, when needed, is added just before starting the
[0064] Calcium ions and/or fluorogenic substrate can be added either
directly with the blood sample especially when calcium and fluorogenic
substrate are used in a solution. Tissue factor can also be added
alternatively to the blood sample.
[0065] When the sample and various compounds are filled into the
well, the measurement is immediately carried out.
[0066] In a particular embodiment of the method of the invention, the
whole blood which is assayed is citrated blood.
[0067] The method of measurement of thrombin activity in the whole
blood sample can be advantageously used for detecting or monitoring a
haemostatic disease or a thrombotic disease or for detecting or monitoring
the possibility that such a disease appears in a patient.
[0068] The method also enables the detection or monitoring the
interaction of determined substance(s) on thrombin activity in a whole blood
sample, wherein said determined substance(s) is (are) added to the sample
to be assayed or is (are) added during thrombin generation.
[0069] Substances that can be tested according to the method are
for instance pharmaceuticals or other compounds having a coagulation
effect on blood, such as coagulation factors or drugs or anticoagulant
factors or drugs. Thrombin inhibitors can especially be tested according to
the method of the invention.
[0070] In another aspect, the method of the invention can be used to
screen substances in order to determine their capacity of interaction with
thrombin activity.
[0071] According to the invention, the method which has been
described above and which will be illustrated in the examples can be

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especially used for measurement of Endogenous Thrombin Potential (ETP)
of the whole blood sample.
[0072] It can be also used for measurement of time to peak for
thrombin or for measurement of clotting time.
[0073] It is also useful to measure the level of the peak of thrombin
generated during the assay.
[0074] The method of the invention indeed allows the measurement
of the so-called thrombin curve which is the first derivative of the measured
fluorescence resulting from the reaction between thrombin and fluorogenic
[0075] In a particular method of the invention, a calibration step is
performed such as the calibration described in the patent application WO
[0076] The method of the invention has been described in relation to
the biological sample which is the whole blood sample. It could also be
used to assay a sample which would be Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) or
even Platelet Poor Plasma (PPP).
[0077] The invention also relates to a kit for carrying out the method
disclosed above and in the examples which follow wherein said kit
- a fluorogenic substrate for thrombin,
- tissue factor and calcium ions to enable thrombin generation,
- optionally, a grid or microbeads that prevent retraction of blood clot
and helps dispersion of the whole blood,
- optionally a gel possibly comprising Calcium ions.
[0078] Optionally, the kit also comprises directions for use in order to
provide specific guidance to carry out the method of the invention. Other
features of the invention and advantageous thereof will be disclosed in the
examples and in figures which follow.

WO 2006/117246


Legends of the figures
Fig. 1: A Thrombogram Obtained from a subsampling experiment. The
main features are: Lag time (=clotting time), peak height and area under the
curve (=Endogenous Thrombin Potential, ETP).
Fig. 2: An example of thrombin generation curves obtained in platelet poor
plasma by calibrated automated thrombinography.
AVK: Anti-Vitamin K treatment; TM: Thrombomodulin.
Fig. 3: A simplified scheme of thrombin formation.: Positive and Negative
feedbacks are apparent.
Fig. 4: Schematic representation of the effects of sedimentation and clot
retraction on the fluorescent signal from clotting whole blood.
Legend: Larve ovals: Red blood cells
Starred circles: Fluorescent molecules that are exitated
Squares: Fluorescent molecules that are not exitated
Top horizontal (c.q. curved-) line: fluid surface
Bottom horizontal line: transparent bottom of measuring well
Stage A: Fluid blood just after filing of the well, (fig.1 t=0)
Stage B: Fluid blood just before clotting, (fig. 1 t=B)
Stage C: Blood just after clotting, (fig. 11= C)
Stage D: Blood after start of retraction, (fig. 1 t=D)
Fig. 5: Huygens eyepiece and condenser.
Fig. 6: Thin layer (3 mm) of blood in normal microtiter plate wells. Seven
Identical experiments.
Fig. 7: Thin layer of blood in large surface microtiter plate wells.
32 lecture points per well Identical experiments.
Fig. 8: Thin layer of blood in large surface microtiter plate well with mesh
and cover. One lecture point through light collecting devise (Huygens
eyepiece) (1) experimental curve, (2) after correction for a2M-thrombin.
Fig. 9: From arbitrary units to thrombin.

WO 2006/117246 PCT/EP2006/004945
Fig. 10A: Sample cartridge design shows a possible design of ^two-
compartment measurement cartridge. One thin piece of (preferably rigid,
e.g., glass) material (referred to as "slide") possibly coated with a
biocompatible coating, is divided into compartments with a suitable spacer.
This spacer may also act as electrode to detect sample injection by drop of
resistance and/or increase of electric current. Each compartment may be
coated with substances like calibrator and/or substrate (or any other
needed substance like inhibitors and tissue factor). A second slide is
attached on top of the other slide. Space between the two slides is 5-1000
urn, preferably 50 urn.
The cartridge may be coated on one or more sides by a suitable dichroic
mirror coating enabling optical amplification. This allows the excitation light
to enter the cartridge, while emission light is reflected within the cartridge
(see Figure 10B) and will be concentrated to a non-coated side of the
Fig. 11: Alternative cartridge design shows a piece of solid matrix, for
example a porous polymer or cellulose, is put between two slides. This
matrix may contain substrate and/or calcium (or any other substances like
tissue factor, inhibitors). These substances may be present together with a
solvent, in dried or lyophilized form.
Fig. 12 shows a TG curve measured in a thin layer of blood in a filter paper
cell, converted to nM thrombin by a Staphylocoagulase calibrator.
[0079] When a fluorogenic substrate is used, fluorescence can be
provoked and measured only in so far as light is not intercepted by red

WO 2006/117246


blood cells, i.e., in the plasma space accessible to the excitation light, which
is also the space from which the emitted light can be observed. For the
sake of simplicity, we assume the red blood cells to be completely
impenetrable to both types of light. If however to a certain extent RBC are
penetrable, the reasoning needs not to be fundamentally altered.
[0080] Whole blood forms a clot at the end of the initiation phase,
i.e., at the beginning of the explosive bulk of thrombin generation. In fig. 4
four stages are depicted of the situation on the upper- and under-surfaces
of blood, clotting in the well of a fluorimeter plate in the presence of a
fluorogenic substrate and illuminated from the top or alternatively the
bottom .
[0081] At stage A the stirred blood has just come to rest and the red
blood cells are dispersed homogeneously in the fluid plasma (fig.4 A). In
the course of the lag time before clotting (typically 3-12 minutes)
sedimentation of the red blood cells takes place; at the top more plasma
becomes accessible to light and less at the bottom (fig.4 B). As soon as
blood clots (fig.4 C) the status quo raised in B is "frozen" by the appearance
of the fibrin clot. Because of the action of thrombin on the blood platelets
clot retraction sets in as soon as a clot is formed. Sedimentation and clot
retraction are phenomena that are visible to the naked eye on a mm-per-
hour scale. In the micrometer domain they occur in the course of minutes,
i.e., in the time scale of the TG experiments. Retraction brings about an
unequal distribution of the RBCs and also a change in the surface, such
that it is no longer plane but becomes undulated. This undulation brings
about an unequal repartition of plasma and clot at the surface and causes
unpredictable optical effects. The surface irregularities are on a mm scale
and visible to the naked eye. They therefore are of the same order of
magnitude as the excitation light spot in normal fluorometry.
[0082] Sedimentation and retraction induce a change of the fluid
volume in which fluorescent molecules can be reached by the excitation
light. Due to this change the actual volume in which the measurement takes

WO 2006/117246


place is variable and unknown. Hence, reproducible quantification of the
amount of thrombin from the rate of signal production obtained in these
conditions is impossible, even if the effects of sedimentation and retraction
would be negligible.
[0083] Experiments carried out by using ordinary microtiter plate
wells and a volume that filled these wells to normal height (6 mm) allowed
satisfactory results to be obtained only in a small percentage of ail wells.
This is explained by the fact that in ordinary fluorometry a sufficient signal is
obtained only if the spot of surface measured (around 4 mm2) coincides
with an area where sufficient signal can be obtained because sufficient
plasma is available; that is not above a retracted clot-mass but in a "valley"
of the surface (see fig.4 D). The positive reports in the literature of
measurement must result from a careful selection of the data obtained. In
those cases where a signal of the right form is obtained, the quantitative
measurement of thrombin is impossible because the measuring volume is
unknown and variable. Measuring from the bottom through a transparent
foil would solve the problem of surface irregularities but, due to the
sedimentation of RBC, the signal becomes so small that it drowns in the
background noise.
[0084] It has been observed that, with normal filling of the wells of a
96-well plate of the type available to date, it is possible to obtain an
interpretable signal in 1 or 2 out of 10 wells. If the wells are filed to less than
2 mm height as the normally useful height, signal is obtained in near to all
measurements. Nevertheless the signal that is obtained in this manner in a
normal fluorimeter is very variable and small, i.e., corresponds to 1 - 5 % of
the signal obtained with plasma, and shows a large signal to noise ratio
(fig.6). We concluded that there is no practical way to determine TG in
whole blood using the optical setup of a normal fluorimeter.
1. Principle of the invention

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[0085] Unexpectedly it was found that (a) the effects of
sedimentation and retraction progressively diminish with the thickness of
the layer of clotting blood and, (b) that measuring fluorescence from a
surface larger than around 10 mm2 tends to equal out the remaining
irregularities of the surface brought about by retraction. Equally
unexpectedly, the effects of sedimentation and retraction can be further
reduced by containing the blood in mazes or interstice, such as a filter grid
(having mesh opening 50 - 500 urn) or packed spheres (diameter 50 - 500
urn). Consequently, the inventors provide conditions for obtaining an
undisturbed fluorescent signal from the product of thrombin activity by
enabling measurement to be carried out in a thin layer of blood (especially
inferior to 2mm) spread out over a surface larger than around 10 mm2.
[0086] To solve the problem of the unknown volume in which the
reaction is measured, the inventors further decided not to use pure
substrate but rather substrate that already contained a fixed low, but known
and readily measurable, concentration of fluorescent product.
2. Optical device for measurement
[0087] Measuring over a larger than normal surface requires optical
devices that allow to illuminate the large surfaces and to collect the emitted
light from that surface. One such device is not unlike a Huygens eyepiece,
another like a microscope condenser (fig. 5). To increase the fluorescent
signal the blood can be spread on a reflecting surface, and such surface
can be an integral part of the device described below.
3. The device containing the blood sample
[0088] The use of a device that contains the blood in the interstices
of its structure allows simulation of the situation of blood shed in a wound, it

WO 2006/117246


can be made to contain tissue factor, thrombomodulin and or other
elements known to exist in the normal vessel wall which affect the TG
process (e.g. collagen). For the sake of comparison the material from which
the device is made can be chosen among inert material such as e.g. nylon
or polypropylene.
[0089] To prevent drying out of the surface, the thin layer of blood
can be covered by a thin film of solid or fluid material. Alternatively the
blood can be guided into a slit within a translucent material, e.g. by capillary
4. Measurement
[0090] it is an advantage of measuring in a thin layer that the
fluorescent signal is proportional to the concentration of fluorescent
molecules; in other words, the inner filter effect does not play a role.
Substrate consumption does play a role however. It can be compensated
for in three ways: (a) As in the chromogenic method (38), i.e. by providing
substrates with kinetic constants such that substrate consumption has a
negligible effect, (b) By correcting for substrate consumption
mathematically, i.e. by applying the integrated rate equation and (c) By
using a calibrator as described in patent WO 03/093831.
[0091] The course of thrombin concentration in clotting whole blood
is determined from the enzymatic action of thrombin on a fluorogenic
substrate added to the blood. A stable and sufficient signal has been
obtained by measuring in a thin layer illustrated by a layer of less than 2
mm of thickness over a large surface (illustrated by a surface having more
than 10 mm2). To measure the actual volume in which the reaction takes
place a small amount of fluorophore is added to the substrate. A
specialized optical device is required for illuminating the whole of the
surface and another for collecting the light emitted from the surface.

WO 2006/117246


[0092] The thin layer could be stabilized and prevented from drying
by a series of mechanical means, among which an inert grid or a grid of
material chosen such as to imitate certain properties of the vessel wall.
Alternatively a small slit can be used.
[0093] The setup can also be used for measuring thrombin
generation in platelet poor and platelet rich plasma.
5. Reaction mixture
[0094] Recombinant relipidated tissue factor (rTF) not containing
polybrene or Ca++ is from Dade Behring (Marburg, Germany). Fluorogenic
substrate, Z-Gly-Gly-Arg-AMC is obtained from Bachem (Switzerland).
Upon splitting by thrombin it releases the fluorescent 7-amino-4-
methylcoumarine (AMC) which is measured by a 390 nm excitation and a
460 nm emission filter set.
[0095] A fresh mixture of fluorogenic substrate and CaCl2 (FluCa) is
prepared for each experiment as follows: to 875 μL of Buffer (Hepes 20
mM, pH 7.35) containing 60 g/L BSA (Sigma, A-7030) 100 μL of 1 M CaCI2
was added. At 37 °C, 25 uL of a 100 mM DMSO-solution of the fluorogenic
substrate was squirted in and immediately vigorously mixed. The resulting
clear solution, referred to as FluCa, thus is 2.5 mM in fluorogenic substrate
and 100 mM in CaCI2.
Buffer A contains 20 mM hepes, 140 mM NaCI, 5 mg/ml BSA, pH=7.35.
Buffer B contains 20 mM hepes, 140 mM NaCI, 60 mg/ml, pH=7.35
Blood and plasma
[0096] Blood is obtained through venapuncture (1 volume tri-sodium
citrate 0.13 M to 9 volumes blood). Free flow or minimal suction should be
employed; vacuum containers are to be avoided.

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[0097] The measurements are carried out in a plate fluorimeter
(Ascent reader, Thermolabsystems OY, Helsinki Finland) equipped with a
390/460 filter set (excitation/emission). Instead of a normal 96 well plate, a
well plate is used with 24 round wells with a diameter of 15 mm and hence
a surface of 175 mm2.The wells are prepared by washing several times with
buffer A and drying the wells.
[0098] Then the mixture of blood and substrate is added in which
thrombin generation takes place. This mixture contains, per well to be
filled : 80 uL citrated whole blood,
[0099] 20 uL Innovin® 1:1000 diluted in buffer A , 20 pL FluCa or, as
the case be, a multiple of these volumes.
[00100] Immediately after addition of the FluCa, the mixture is stirred
on a Vortex mixer and added to the wells. The plate is inserted into the
fluorimeter and shaken during 10 s. at 1200 rpm and then measured every
two minutes at 390/460 nm 37 °C during an hour.
[00101] To each we!! 120 uL of the mixture is added.
Example 1
Multiple lecture points, adding a mesh and a cover.
[00102] Thrombin generation was triggered as indicated above in
three wells. Per well 24 spots were illuminated and measured one after the
other. The signals from the 24 points at each reading were added. The
results are shown in fig.7. It is seen that the signal is augmented and
stabilized by adding a grid, here a nylon filter with a 600pM mesh opening,
51% open area and a thickness of 445 uM (Spectrum Laboratories Inc.
Rancho Dominguez California, USA). However, the signal spuriously
increases with time due to evaporation and concentration of the top layer.
This is prevented by covering with a plastic foil. (Thermosprint optical clean
sealing tape for QPCR (Bilatec AG, Mannheim, Germany).
Example 2.

WO 2006/117246


Multiple lecture points, adding a gel and a cover.
[00103] Thrombin generation was triggered as indicated above in
three wells. Per well 24 spots were illuminated and measured one after the
other. The signals from the 24 points at each reading were added. To two
wells 700 uL of a 50% (v/v) Spehadex-25 in 150 mM NaCI solution is added
and the powder is allowed to settle for 5 minutes. The supernatant (300 -
400 uL) is removed from the well with a pipette.
[00104] Then 120 μL of the clotting blood mixture is added. On top of
one of these two wells a plastic foil. (Thermosprint optical clean sealing
tape for QPCR (Bilatec AG, Mannheim, Germany) was applied. The results
are comparable to those in fig.7
Example 3
Collecting the light with an optical device
[00105] For this experiment one well, with grid and cover as in
example 1, was measured with the aid of a Fluostar optima fluorimeter
(BMG Labtech, Offenburg, Germany). The light from the sample was
collected into a Huygens eyepiece (10x magnification) and read after
passing through this optical device. The results are shown in fig.8
Example 4
From arbitrary units to thrombin
[00106] This experiment was essentially carried out as that in example
1 with mesh and cover but a known amount (10 nM) of AMC was added to
the substrate Z-Gly-Gly-Arg-AMC. Due to sedimentation of the
erythrocytes, the volume in which the measurement takes place increases
so the signal from the AMC present increases. At the moment of
coagulation the situation "freezes" and no further sedimentation takes
place. At that moment, known from a sudden increase in signal, we
measure the amount of fluorescence due to the 10 nM of AMC added. In
this way we know how to convert units of fluorescence (F) in concentration

WO 2006/117246


of AMC. Thus the dF/dt measured can be converted into d[AMC]/dt. From
an independent experiment we know what d[AMC]/dt corresponds to what
thrombin concentration. Thus the velocity of change of the fluorescence
(fig.9, black line) can be converted into concentration of thrombinin the
Example 5
Device containing the blood sample
A filter paper cell containing substrate and Ca2+-ions is prepared by adding
50 uL of a 100 mM DMSO-solution of the fluorogenic substrate and 100 uL
of a 1 M CaCI2 solution to 5850 uL ethanol. 11 pL of this solution is spread
on a piece of solid matrix (Whatman 1 MM chromatography paper) of 7x9
mm and dried under nitrogen. Next it is covered between to pieces of
plastic (Thermosprint optical clean sealing tape for QPCR, Bilatec AG,
Mannheim, Germany) as shown in Figure 11.
The same procedure is used to prepare a filter paper cell only containing
substrate, in this case, 50 uL of a 100 mM DMSO solution of the fluorogenic
substrate is added to 5950 uL ethanol, of which 11 uL is spread on a piece
of solid matrix and dried under nitrogen.
Multiple lecture points, using a filter paper cell.
Two filter paper cells, one containing fluorogenic substrate and calcium ions
(A) and one only containing substrate (B) were freshly prepared as
described above.
A 4:1:1 mixture of citrated whole blood, buffer B and Innovin® (1:1000
diluted in buffer A) was prepared. As a calibrator, a 4:1:1 mixture of citrated

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whole blood, polymerization inhibitor (H-Gly-Pro-Arg-Pro-OH • AcOH)
(Bachem feinchemikalien AG, Bubendorf, Switserland) in buffer B (1.0 mM)
and 20 uM staphylocoagulase was prepared by mixing whole blood and
polymerization inhibitor. Just before starting the experiment, the
Staphylocoagulase was added and the sample was mixed well.
Immediately after adding the Staphylocoagulase, the experiment is started
by adding 11 uL of the TG sample to cell A and 11 uL of the calibrator to
cell B. This is done by pipetting the drops close to the solid matrix in a way
that the drop touches the matrix (see Figure 11) and is sucked into it by
capillary forces. Per cell, 4 spots are illuminated and measured one after
the other.
The signal from the calibrator is a straight line, the slope is used to convert
the signal from the sample cell into nM thrombin. This is conventional signal
calibration as known to the art and not continuous calibration in the sense
of patent application PCT/EP 03/04705. Results are shown in Figure 12.

WO 2006/117246 PCT/EP2006/004945
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WO 2006/117246


1. A method for in vitro determining thrombin activity in a sample
wherein the sample is a blood sample and thrombin generation is
measured by the steps of:
- contacting a layer of said sample with a fluorogenic substrate of
thrombin, wherein said layer has a thickness within a range of 0.05
to 5 mm and a surface within a range of 10 to 500 mm2;
- allowing thrombin to generate in said sample;
- measuring the fluorescence emitted from the surface of the layer, by
the fluorescent group released from the fluorogenic substrate as a
result of enzymatic action of generated thrombin on said fluorogenic

2. A method of claim 1, wherein the concentration of thrombin
generated during the assay is determined as a function of the measured
fluorescence of the released fluorescent group.
3. A method of claim 1 or 2, wherein the whole blood sample is
diluted within a range of maximum 10 times.
4. A method according to any one of claims 1 to 3, wherein the
thickness of the layer of the sample is about 2 mm or less.
5. A method according to any one of claims 1 to 4, wherein, for
the assay, the blood sample is filled within a well of a plate which also
contains a grid with mesh size of 50 to 500 urn.
6. A method according to any one of claims 1 to 5, wherein, for
the assay, the blood sample is filled within a well of a plate which also
contains microbeads.
7. A method according to any one of claims 1 to 6, wherein the
well containing the blood sample is covered for the determination of
thrombin activity.
8. A method according to any of claims 1 to 7, wherein a
fluorophore is added to the fluorogenic substrate of thrombin wherein the

WO 2006/117246


respective proportions of added fluorophore is in the range of 1 to 10% of
the quantity of fluorescent molecule bound to thrombin substrate.
9. A method according to any of claims 1 to 8, wherein the
amount of thrombin substrate added to the sample is within a range of 50 to
1000 uM.
10. A method according to any one of claims 1 to 8, wherein the
fluorogenic substrate is a synthetic substrate for thrombin, coupled with a
fluorescent molecule.
11. A method according to claim 10, wherein the thrombin
substrate is selectively hydrolyzed by thrombin, has a moderate binding
affinity for thrombin and a low kinetic constant.
12. A method according to claim 11, wherein the fluorogenic
substrate is an oligopeptide having a sequence of 2 to 30 amino acid
residues coupled with a fluorescent molecule.
13. A method according to claim 12, wherein the oligopeptide has
a terminal lysine or arginine for coupling with a fluorescent molecule.
14. A method according to any one of claims 10 to 13, wherein
the fluorescent molecule is AMC (7-amino-4-methylcoumarin).
15. A method according to any one of claims 1 to 14, wherein the
well further comprises a gel, possibly containing Calcium ions, wherein said
gel does not enable dilution of the blood of the sampie.
16. The method according to any one of claims 1 to 15, wherein
tissue factor and Calcium ions are added to the blood sample in quantities
enabling thrombin generation to occur.
17. The method according to any one of claims 1 to 15, wherein
the blood sample is a sample of whole blood.
18. The method according to any one of claims 1 to 15, wherein
the blood sample is a sample of plasma, especially Platelet Rich Plasma
19. The method according to claim 17 wherein the sample of
whole blood is citrated.

WO 2006/117246 PCT/EP2006/004945
20. The method according to any one of claims 1 to 19, which is
used for detecting or monitoring a.haemostatic disease or a thrombotic
21. The method according to any one of claim 20, which is used
for detecting or monitoring the interaction of determined substance(s) on
thrombin activity in a whole blood sample, wherein said determined
substance(s) is (are) added to the sample to be assayed or is (are) added
during thrombin generation.
22. The method according to claim 20 which is used for
monitoring interaction of coagulation factors or drugs.
23. The method according to claim 20 which is used for screening
substances to determine their interacting capacity with thrombin generation.
24. The method according to any one of claims 1 to 20, which is
used for measurement of Endogenous Thrombin Potential (ETP) of the
whole blood sample.
25. The method according to any one of claims 1 to 21, -which is
used for measurement of time to peak of thrombin.
26. The method according to any one of claims 1 to 22, which is
used for measurement of clotting time.
27. The method according to any one of claims 1 to 23, which is
used for measurement of the level of the peak of thrombin generated.
28. The method according to any one of claims 1 to 24, which
comprises a calibration step.
29. A kit for carrying out a method according to any one of claims
1 to 21, which comprises:

- a fluorogenic substrate for thrombin,
- tissue factor and calcium ions to enable thrombin generation,
- optionally, a grid or microbeads that prevent retraction of blood clot
and helps dispersion of the whole blood,
- optionally a gel, possibly comprising Calcium ions.

The invention relates to a method for in vitro determining thrombin activity in a sample wherein the sample is a blood sample and thrombin generation is measured by the steps of: - contacting a layer of said sample with a fluorogenic substrate of thrombin, wherein said layer has a thickness within a range of 0.05 to 5 mm and a surface within a range of 10 to 500 mm2; -allowing thrombin to generate in said sample; - measuring the fluorescence emitted from the surface of the layer, by the fluorescent group released from the fluorogenic substrate as a result of enzymatic action of generated thrombin on said fluorogenic substrate.



Patent Number 268519
Indian Patent Application Number 3952/KOLNP/2007
PG Journal Number 36/2015
Publication Date 04-Sep-2015
Grant Date 01-Sep-2015
Date of Filing 15-Oct-2007
Name of Patentee SYNAPSE B.V.
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C12Q
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP2006/004945
PCT International Filing date 2006-04-26
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 05290952.0 2005-04-29 EUROPEAN UNION