Title of Invention


Abstract "Expression System Incorporating a Capsid Promoter Sequence as an Enhancer" The invention provides a method for enhancing expression of a transgene in a host cell, which includes the steps of inserting a capsid promoter element (Pcap), or a sequence comprising the reverse complement of the capsid promoter element (PcapR), into a mammalian expression cassette upstream (5') of a cytomegalovirus immediate/early enhancer/ promoter region (Pcrnv); inserting the transgene into the expression cassette downstream (3') of the cytomegalovirus immediate/early enhancer/ promoter region; inserting a vector containing the expression cassette into the host - organism; and causing expression of the transgene. The capsid promoter element (Pcap) is typically from a circovirus, parvovirus or anellovirus. The transgene is typically expressed at a higher level than when expressed by a vector containing the expression cassette without the transcriptional control element. An expression cassette, vector, DNA vaccine, pharmaceutical composition and method of treatment are also claimed.
The invention describes a new mammalian composite promoter / enhancer expression element.
The cytomegalovirus immediate/early enhancer/promoter element (Pcmv) is currently the strongest known mammalian promoter element, and as such puts an upper limit on transgene expression in in vitro and in vivo systems.
It would therefore be desirable to be able to include a further element in a vector that allows increased transgene expression to be attained.
According to a first embodiment of the invention, there is provided a method for enhancing expression of a transgene in a host cell, the method including the steps of:
inserting a sequence of a capsid promoter (Pcap) element or a reverse complement thereof (PcapR) into a mammalian expression cassette upstream (5') of a cytomegalovirus immediate/early promoter (Pcmv);
inserting the transgene into the expression cassette downstream (3') of the cytomegalovirus promoter;
inserting the expression cassette into the host organism; and
causing expression of the transgene.
A cytomegalovirus intron may be inserted downstream (3') of the Pcmv and a bovine growth hormone polyadenylation site (bgh polyA) may be inserted downstream (3') of the transgene.
The transgene is typically expressed at a higher level than when expressed in the expression cassette without the Pcap or PcapR sequence.
Tne capsid promoter element or reverse complement thereof may be from a circovirus such as porcine circovirus type 1 (PCV-1), porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV-2), beak and feather disease virus (BFDV), canary circovirus, columbid circovirus, duck circovirus, finch circovirus, goose circovirus and gull circovirus or a corresponding element from a parvovirus or an anellovirus.
The capsid promoter element or reverse complement thereof may be located adjacent tc the cytomegalovirus immediate/early promoter, or alternatively may be located up to 1100 base pairs upstream (5') of the cytomegalovirus immediate/early promoter.
The host cell may be a mammalian cell line for in vitro transgene expression. Alternatively, the host cell may be a cell of a mammalian host organism for in vivo transgene expression.
According to a second embodiment of the invention, there is provided a mammalian expression cassette including:
a cytomegalovirus immediate/early promoter (Pcmv); and
a capsid promoter element sequence (Pcap) or a reverse complement (PcapR) thereof located upstream (5') of the cytomegalovirus promoter.
A transgene may be inserted into the expression cassette downstream (3') of the CMV promoter.
The expression cassette may be capable of expressing the transgene at a higher level than a similar expression cassette which does not include the Pcap or PcapR sequence.
The capsid promoter element or reverse complement thereof may be from a circovirus such as porcine circovirus type 1 (PCV-1), porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV-2), beak and feather disease virus (BFDV), canary circovirus, columbid circovirus, duck circovirus, finch circovirus, goose circovirus and gull circovirus or a corresponding element from a parvovirus such as canine parvovirus, or an anellovirus such as torque teno virus and torque teno mini virus.
The Pcap or PcapR sequence may be at least 80% identical, more preferably at least 90% identical, and even more preferably at least 95%, and even more preferably 100% identical to any oneofSEQ I.D. Nos. 1 to 18, 21, 22 or 24.
According to a further aspect of the invention, there is provided a vector which includes the expression cassette as described above.
The expression cassette or vector may be inserted into a host cell, which may be a
mammalian cell line for in vitro transgene expression or a-cell of a mammalian host organism for in vivo transgene expression.
According to a further aspect of the invention there is provided a host cell transformed with the expression cassette or vector as described above.
According to a further embodiment of the invention, there is provided a DNA vaccine including an expression cassette or vector as described above.
According to a further embodiment of the invention, there is provided a pharmaceutical composition including the expression cassette or vector as described above.
According to a further embodiment of the invention, there is provided the use of a DNA vector as described above in a method of making a medicament for use in a method of treating a disease.
According to a further embodiment of the invention, there is provided a method of treating a patient, the method including the step of administering a DNA vaccine as described above to the patient.
The pharmaceutical composition or DNA vaccine may be used for therapeutic or prophylactic treatment of a disease or infection, such as HIV and/or AIDS.
Figure 1 Cloning of initial PCV-1-containing vector constructs and of Pcap- and PcapR-containing constructs:
(a) Depiction of native circular porcine circovirus type 1 (PCV-1) genome; PCV-1 genome linearised within the capsid gene, with addition of terminal Spe I restriction sites; pTHRep(R)grttnC wherein the linearised pCV-1 genome is cloned immediately 5' to Pcmv (CMV l/E Pr);
(b) Linear depiction of relevant regions of pTHRepRgrttnC, pTHPcapgrttnC and pTHPcapRgrttnC plasmids, illustrating the relative positions and orientations of the cloned 184 bp Pcap-containing sequence in relation to Pcmv and grttnC.
Figure 2: Demonstration that PCV-1-containing vectors do not replicate in mammalian cells: Real-time PCR quantitation of intact and Dpnl-digested plasmid extracted from 293 cells 1-3 days post transfection:
(a) 293 cells transfected with pTHgrttnC, pTHRepgrttnC, or pTHRepRgrttnC, with or without addition of plasmid pcDNARep (expresses PCV-1 Rep and Rep' proteins under Pcmv, and potentially trans-replicates circular DNAs containing the PCV-1 origin of replication, as per pTHRepgrttnC and pTHRepRgrttnC). DNA extracted from transfected cells at 48h after transfection. Results demonstrate that the PCV-1 containing plasmids neither replicate nor can be trans-repiicated from pcDNARep.
(b) 293 cells transfected with pCI and pCiPCV (original plasmids received from LSBC, and presumed to be replicating). Results demonstrate that like the non-replicating parental plasmid, pCI, the PCV-1 - containing plasmid, pCIPCV, does not replicate in 293 cells.
Figure 3: Demonstration that Prep enhances expression from Pcmv, and that no plasmid replication is involved:
Deletion of the rep gene intron enhances expression over pTHgrttnC, despite loss of the ability to make the full-length Rep protein to repress Prep. Deletion of the Rep/Rep' binding site in Prep and most of the rep gene in pTHDRepgrttnC still allows some enhancement of expression over pTHgrttnC, since the residual Prep still encodes all of the host transcription factor binding sites in Prep.
Figure 4: Demonstration that incorporation of either the Pcap sequence or the PcapR sequence alone into pTHgrttnC gives similar p24 antigen expression levels to incorporation of the entire PCV-1 genome in pTHgrttnC (ie pTHRepRgrttnC). Addition of the 184 bp fragment (PcapR) in the opposite orientation alone into pTHgrttnC (to give pTHPcapRgrttnC) enhances expression to a similar extent.
Figure 5: Longevity of primed CTL response to RT CD8 epitope of grttnC over 90 days by PCV-1 sequence-containing vectors.
Female BALB/c mice (5 animals per group) were inoculated intramuscularly with 2 x 100ug doses, given 28 days apart, of pTHgrttnC, pTHRepgrttnC, pTHRepRgrttnC, or empty pTHRepR vector (not shown). Mice were sacrificed at 12, 40, 68, and 90 days after the second DNA inoculation, and splenocytes harvested for IFN-y DELISPOT assay. Average background spots were subtracted to give net spots /106 splenocytes.
Figure 6: CTL response to RT CDS epitope of grttnC. DNA priming dose response with and without an MVA boost.
Female BALB/c mice (5 animals per group) were inoculated intramuscularly with 2 x 100ug or 2 x 10ug doses, given 28 days apart, of pTHgrttnC, pTHRepgrttnC,
pTHRepRgrttnC, or empty pTHRepR vector (not shown). Mice were sacrificed at 12 days after the second DNA inoculation, and splenocytes harvested for IFN-y □ ELISPOT assay. Further groups of mice, inoculated as above, were boosted with 10e4 pfu SAAVIMVA-C (r.grttnC cloned into MVA) 56 days after the second DNA boost. Mice were sacrificed at 12 days after the MVA boost, and splenocytes harvested for IFN-y □ELISPOT assay. Average background spots were subtracted to give net spots /106 splenocytes.
Figure 7: CTL response to RT CD8 epitope of grttnC. Comparisons between pTHgrttnC, pTHRepRgrttnC, pTHPcapgrttnC and pTHPcapRgrttnC as DNA priming dose. Female BALB/c mice (5 animals per group) were inoculated intramuscularly with 2 x 100ug doses, given 28 days apart, of pTHgrttnC, pTHRepRgrttnC, pTHPcapgrttnC, or pTHPcapRgrttnC. Mice were sacrificed at 12 days after the second DNA inoculation, and splenocytes harvested for IFN-y □ELISPOT assay. Average background spots were subtracted to give net spots /106 splenocytes.
Figure 8: Nucleotide sequence of Pcap fragment showing host cell transcription factor binding sites.
190 bp shown (SEQ I.D. No. 27) - however, upon cloning into Spe I site in vector, essentially, fragment can be considered to be 184 bp (SEQ I.D. No. 1). The Pcap sequence is shown in the same orientation as the capsid gene transcription direction. Note that as a result, the sequence shown below is the reverse complement of the publishing convention that depicts circovirus DNA sequence in the (+) virion sense.
The core Pcap region (102 bp) as identified in Mankertz et al., 2004, is shown underlined.
Cloning Spe I sites are shown in italics (ACTAGT)
Nucleotide 44 = A shown in bold = nucleotide difference (sense strand C to T transition) with respect to published PCV-1 sequences. As reported in Mankertz et al., 2004,
Highlighted sequence nucleotides 47-59 = motif for host cell AP3 transcription factor binding
Highlighted sequence nucleotides 60-65 = motif for host cell Sp1 transcription factor binding
Highlighted sequence nucleotides 139-144 = motif for host cell AP2 transcription factor binding
As identified using the on-line database search engine, TFSEARCH ver.1.3; Bold sequence nucleotides 28-34 = motif for host cell cdxA transcription factor binding
Bold sequence nucleotides 48-56 = motif for host celi STATx transcription factor
Bold sequence nucleotides 73-80 = motif for host cell CREB transcription factor
Bold sequence nucleotides 140-152 = motif for host cell c-Ets- transcription factor
Bold sequence nucleotides 145-154 = motif for host cell HSF2 transcription factor
Figure 9; Nucleotide sequence of PcapR fragment showing host cell transcription factor binding sites.
190 bp shown (SEQ I.D. No. 28) - however, upon cloning into Spe I site in vector, essentially, fragment can be considered to be 184 bp (SEQ I.D. No. 2). The PcapR sequence is shown in the opposite orientation to the capsid gene transcription direction. Note that as a result, the sequence shown below depicts the circovirus (+) virion sense DNA sequence. Cloning Spe I sites are shown in italics (ACTAGT)
Nucleotide 147 = T shown in bold = nucleotide difference (sense strand C to T transition) with respect to published PCV-1 sequences. As identified using the on-line database search engine, TFSEARCH ver.1.3; Bold sequence nucleotides 37-46 = motif for host cell HSF1 / HSF2 transcription factor binding
Bold sequence nucleotides 59-72 = motif for host cell c/EBPb transcription factor binding
Bold sequence nucleotides 91-100 = motif for host cell GATA-1 transcription factor binding
Bold sequence nucleotides 125-130 = motif for host cell AP2 transcription factor binding
Bold sequence nucleotides 145-154 = motif for host cell HSF2 transcription factor binding
Highlighted nucleotides 120-129 and 149-158 = conserved late element (CLE), as identified in Velten et al., 2005.
Figure 10: grttnC DNA sequence (SEQ I.D. No. 19).
Hind III site (bold, highlighted nucleotides 1-6) and Xba I site (bold, highlighted nucleotides 3682-3687) = sites for cloning grttnC sequence into pTH.
Figure 11: Linearised PCV-1 DNA sequence, as cloned into pTHgrttnC to give pTHRepgrttnC (SEQ I.D. Nos. 21 and 29).
Terminal Spe I sites (bold) used to clone linearised PCV-1 genome into Spe I restriction site immediately 5' adjacent to CMV promoter in pTHgrttnC.
Figure 12; Linearised PCV-1 DNA sequence, as cloned (reverse complement) into pTHgrttnC to give pTHRepRgrttnC (SEQ I.D. Nos. 22 and 30). Terminal Spe I sites (bold) used to clone linearised PCV-1 genome into Spe I restriction site immediately 5' adjacent to CMV promoter in pTHgrttnC.
Figure 13: Linearised sequence of pTH (SEQ I.D. No. 20).
Showing Spe I site (bold, underlined, highlighted nucleotides 751-756) immediately 5' to core region of CMV immediate/early promoter/enhancer element of pTH. This is the insertion site used for linearised PCV-1 genome (either orientation), and Pcap, and PcapR.
Hind III site (bold, highlighted nucleotides 2300-2315) and Xba I site (bold, highlighted nucleotides 2394-2399) = cloning sites for grttnC insert.
Figure 14: PCV-1 sequence showing Prep and intron-deleted rep gene (encodes Rep' protein only) (SEQ I.D. No. 23). As reported in Mankertz ef a/., 2004.
Highlighted sequence nucleotides 69-80 = motif for host cell AP3 transcription factor binding
Highlighted sequence nucleotides 120-125 = motif for host cell Sp1 transcription factor binding
Highlighted sequence nucleotides 187-192 = motif for host cell AP4 transcription factor binding
Highlighted sequence nucleotides 153-164 = host cell USF/MLTF motif Highlighted sequence nucleotides 166-172 = TATA box Highlighted sequence nucleotides 174-180 = ISRE motif H1, H2, H3 and H4 Rep/Rep' binding motifs are shown underlined. ATG and TGA of (truncated) rep' open reading frame are shown in bold.
Figure 15: PCV-1 sequence showing Prep with deletion of Rep/Rep' protein binding sites and severely 5' truncated rep gene (non-coding remnant) (SEQ I.D. No. 24). PCV-1 sequence showing 602 bp deletion, leading to inclusive deletion of the H2, H3 and H4 Rep/Rep' binding sites in Prep and deletion of all but 133 of the 3'-terminal nucleotides of the rep gene. // = site of 602 bp deletion As reported in Mankertz ef a/., 2004.
Highlighted sequence nucleotides 69-80 = motif for host Cel! APS transcription
factor binding
Highlighted sequence nucleotides 120-125 = motif for host celi Sp1 transcription
factor binding
Highlighted sequence nucleotides 187-192 = motif for host cell AP4 transcription
factor binding
Highlighted sequence nucleotides 153-164 - host cell USF/MLTF motif
Highlighted sequence nucleotides 166-172 = TATA box
Highlighted sequence nucleotides 174-180 = ISRE motif
H1 residual Rep/Rep' binding motif is shown underlined.
Figure 16: (a) Alignment of selected circovirus DNA sequences equivalent to PCV-1 PcapR region.
(b) Selected circovirus reverse complement DNA sequences equivalent to PCV-1 Pcap sequence .
Canary circovirus: ACCESSION DQ339095 (SEQ I.D. Nos. 3 and 4);
Goose circovirus: ACCESSION NCJD03054 (SEQ I.D. Nos. 5 and 6);
Duck circovirus: ACCESSION AJ964962 (SEQ I.D. Nos. 7 and 8);
Columbid circovirus isolate zj1: ACCESSION DQ090945 (SEQ I.D. Nos. 9 and 10);
Gull circovirus: ACCESSION NC_008521 (SEQ I.D. Nos. 1 1 and 12);
Finch circovirus: ACCESSION NC_008522 (SEQ I.D. Nos. 13 and 14);
Beak and feather disease virus isolate AFG3-2A: ACCESSION AY450443 (SEQ I.D. Nos. 15 and 16);
Porcine circovirus type 2 strain 375: ACCESSION AY256460 (SEQ I.D. Nos. 17 and 18).
Figure 17: Potential transcription factor binding sites in the Pcap regions of the circoviruses of Figure 16.
The invention provides a method for enhancing expression of a transgene in a host cell, which includes the steps of inserting a viral transcriptional control element into a mammalian expression cassette upstream (5') of a main promoter for a vector; inserting the transgene into the expression cassette downstream (3') of the main promoter; inserting a vector containing the expression cassette into the host organism; and causing expression of the transgene. As a result, the transgene is typically expressed at a higher level than when
expressed by a vector containing the expression cassette without the transcriptional control element.
The transcriptional control element is a capsid promoter element (Pcap) of a circovirus, such as porcine circovirus type 1 (PCV-1), porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV-2), beak and feather disease virus (BFDV), canary circovirus, columbid circovirus, duck circovirus, finch circovirus. goose circovirus and gull circovirus or a corresponding element from a parvovirus or anellovirus, or a sequence comprising the reverse complement of the capsid promoter element (PcapR). The promoter is generally a cytomegalovirus immediate/early enhancer/ promoter region (Pcmv) and optionally its downstream (3') CMV intron A sequence, a SV40 promoter element, or another suitable promoter element.
Examples of suitable host cells are a mammalian cell line for in vitro transgene expression or a mammalian host organism for in vivo transgene expression.
The vector as described herein has various uses, including the production of a pharmaceutical composition or vaccine for prophylactically or therapeutically treating a human or animal with an infection or disease, such as HIV/AIDS.
in the examples below, a 184 bp DNA fragment (Fig. 8; SEQ I.D. No. 1) containing a 102 bp main capsid promoter element (Pcap) of porcine circovirus type 1 (PCV-1), or the same 184 bp fragment cloned in the reverse orientation (PcapR) (Fig. 9; SEQ l.D. No. 2), was inserted immediately adjacent and 5' to the core region of the cytomegalovirus immediate / early enhancer / promoter region (Pcmv) and its downstream (3') CMV intron A sequence in a mammalian expression vector (the fragment was 190 bp when flanked by uncut restriction sites (SEQ l.D. No. 27)). A transgene was subsequently cloned into the vector. Purified plasmid containing the above elements was either transfected into a mammalian cell line for in vitro transgene expression, or was inoculated into a mammalian host organism as a vaccinogen or gene therapy agent. The Pcap-Pcmv hybrid or the PcapR-Pcmv hybrid led to a 2- to 3-fold enhanced expression in vitro of a transgene inserted 3' to the Pcap-Pcmv hybrid element or 3' to the PcapR-Pcmv hybrid element.
The PCV-1 Pcap promoter element referred to above has previously been mapped utilising a luciferase expression system (Mankertz ef a/.), but until now it has not been envisaged as being of utility in practical applications of transgene expression, since by itself it is not a strong promoter. In addition, the full 184 bp fragment includes further host transcription factor binding sites not previously noted by Mankertz et al.. It has also not been previously envisaged that the reverse oriented sequence (PcapR) also confers transgene expression enhancing activity, and that further host transcription factor binding sites are encoded in the
PcapR sequence. The Pcmv element has previously been combined with different downstream (3') intron donor/acceptor elements, which increase transgene expression levels by improving transgene mRNA transcript processing efficiency (Barouch et al., 2005). The pTH vector is a high level expression vector, and contains a resident intron sequence downstream of the CMV promoter (Fig. 1A). However, the addition of a Pcap element or a PcapR element into the plasmid pTHgrttnC upstream of the CMV promoter in pTH (Fig 1B) gives rise to a further increase in grttnC expression levels over and above the existing contribution of the resident intron sequence in pTHgrttnC
It is envisaged that the Pcap or PcapR elements may retain enhancing activity when cloned up to 1100 bp upstream (5') of the Pcmv element (this is the distance of the Pcap element from Pcmv when Pcap is present in the parent RepR sequence in pTHRepRgrttnC). It is also envisaged that the invention will work with corresponding Pcap or PcapR elements from other circoviruses (Figs. 16 and 17), such as porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV-2) (SEQ I.D. Nos. 17 and 18), Beak and Feather Disease Virus (BFDV) (SEQ I.D. Nos. 15 and 16), canary circovirus (SEQ I.D. Nos. 3 and 4), columbid circovirus (SEQ I.D. Nos. 9 and 10), duck circovirus (SEQ I.D. Nos. 7 and 8), finch circovirus (SEQ I.D. Nos. 13 and 14), goose circovirus (SEQ I.D. Nos. 5 and 6) and gull circovirus (SEQ I.D. Nos. 11 and 12) or parvoviruses such as canine parvovirus, or anelloviruses, such as torque teno virus and torque teno mini virus, since . these virus genera belong to the same family as the circoviruses.
The present invention is further described by the following examples. Such examples, however, are not to be construed as limiting in. any way either the spirit or scope of the invention.
PCV Cloning and Expression:
To facilitate comparisons with the applicants' existing DNA vaccine construct, pTHgrttnC (Burgers et al; Fig. 10 & 13; SEQ I.D. Nos. 19 and 20), a linearised PCV-1 genome (Fig. 11; SEQ I.D. Nos. 21 and 29) derived from plasmid pCIPCV 9 (obtained from Large Scale Biology Corporation; USA; and described in US patent application publication no. 200310143741, the contents of which are incorporated herein in their entirety), was sub-cloned into pTHgrttnC so that the genome was positioned immediately 5' to the CMV immediate 1 early promoter 1 enhancer (Pcmv) in pTHgrttnC. The PCV genome was cloned in both orientations (Fig. 1), giving pTHRepgrttnC, where the PCV replication-associated gene (rep) lies in the same orientation as the grttnC polygene insert (Fig. 11; SEQ I.D. Nos. 21 and 29), and
pTHRepRgrttnC, where rep lies in the opposite orientation to grttnC (Fig. 12; SEQ I.D. Nos. 22 and 30).
Increased antigen expression levels were shown by both pTHRepgrttnC and pTHRepRgrttnC in HEK293 cells compared to pTHgrttnC, with pTHRepRgrttnC showing the highest expression. Expression of grttnC was assayed by p24 ELISA and correlated with amount of plasmid present in cell samples (assayed by real-time PCR).
It was noted that orientation of the inserted PCV genome in pTHgrttnC affected both the level and pattern of grttnC expression obtained overtime, and this was investigated further.
Increased expression in PCV vector due to promoter effects and not due to vector replication: HEK293 cells (from American Type Culture Collection (ATCC catalogue number CRC-1573)) were transfected with plasmid DNA, and harvested at 1, 2, and 3 days post-transfection. After cell washing, total DNA was extracted and plasmid present in 20ng of the extract was quantified by real-time PCR, using Sybr green incorporation and vector-specific oligonucleotide primers. The primer sequences used bind to plasmids pTH (pTHgrttnC), pCI (Promega) and pcDNA3.1/Zeo (Invitrogen) - pTH17F; 5'- CCTAACTACGGCTACAC - 3' (SEQ I.D. No. 25); pTH18R; 5'- CGTAGTTATCTACACGAC - 3' (SEQ I.D. No. 26). The primer sequences were obtained from Jo van Harmelen, IIDMM, South Africa Additionally, total DNA aliquots were digested overnight with the restriction enzyme, Dpn I (from Roche), which, due to its methylation specificities, digests only bacterially produced transfected plasmid DNA (input DNA), but not any DNA that may have been replicated in mammalian cells (eg HEK293). The digested plasmid (in total DNA) was also quantified by PCR as before. Equivalent amounts of digested and undigested total DNAs were used. (Replicating refers here to the ability of the plasmid to replicate in mammalian cells, rather than in bacterial cells).
Improved expression of the PCV vectors over pTH (Fig. 13; SEQ I.D. No. 20) was found and was demonstrated to be due to PCV promoters acting in concert with Pcmv in pTH, and not due to vector replication (Fig. 2, Fig. 3). Thus, in pTHRepgrttnC, the rep gene promoter (Prep) acts in concert with Pcmv, and in pTHRepRgrttnC, the PCV capsid gene promoter (Pcap) acts with Pcmv.
Experiments to demonstrate this included:
Demonstration (using Dpn I digestion / real-time pCr) that no plasmid replication occurred in transfected cells. Thus, the proportion of plasmid extracted from transfected cells declined over time at the same rate as the non-PCV-containing parent plasmid and no new plasmid was formed in transfected cells during that time. This
was determined for both the applicants' and Large Scale Biology Corporation's PCV-based constructs (Fig. 2).
Deletion of the PCV-1 rep intron (Fig. 14; SEQ I.D. No. 23) from pTHRepgrttnC resulted in increased grttnC expression (Figure 3). This deletion prevents the formation of one of the Rep proteins required for replication. The same protein acts to repress Prep, and its absence allows for relief from Prep repression, with resulting increased accumulation of expressed GrttnC. Thus, increased expression in pTHRep GrttnC results from activity of Prep rather than from replicative increase in plasmid copy number. Deletion of the Rep/Rep' protein binding sites in Prep and deletion of most of the rep gene from the 5' end, but still leaving host transcription factor binding sites in Prep (Fig. 15; SEQ I.D. No. 24), yields a modest increase in expression over pTH, further indicating the action of promoter elements, rather than PCV-1 element-driven plasmid replication as the source of increased transgene expression in PCV-1 sequence - containing plasmids (Fig. 3).
Addition of the 184 bp Pcap - containing sequence alone (SEQ I.D. No. t) into pTHgrttnC improved grttnC expression to the same extent as the addition of the entire PCV genome in the RepR orientation. Unexpectedly, addition of the Pcap sequence in the reverse orientation (PcapR) (SEQ I.D. No. 2) also increased grttnC expression level over that of the parent plasmid, pTHgrttnC (Fig. 4).
Murine Immunocieriicitv Comparisons between pTH and PCV-based vectors:
CTL responses in female BALB/c mice elicited by the prototype PCV-based clones,
pTHRepgrttnC and pTHRepRgrttnC were compared against those elicited by pTHgrttnC.
IFN-v ELISPOT assays showed that all three constructs generated CTL responses to 10 out of 15 GrttnC CD4 and CD8 epitopes tested. Because the RT CD8 epitope of GrttnC appears to be immunodominant in Balb/c mice, this epitope was chosen as a marker for comparison of immunogenicity between the PCV-based constructs and pTHgrttnC.
The longevity of the CTL response elicited by 2 intramuscularly (i.m.) administered DNA inoculations of 100 ug each, given 28 days apart, was measured over 90 days following the second DNA inoculation. Five mice per treatment group were tested. CTL responses in the same error range were elicited by pTHgrttnC and pTHRepRgrttnC, while pTHRepgrttnC elicited a superior response (Fig. 5). It was noted that the CTL response levels for pTHgrttnC and pTHRepRgrttnC declined to the same extent over the 90 day test period. By contrast, the CTL response to pTHRepgrttnC was double that of the other constructs at 12 days post priming, dropping to below the level of response seen for the pTH and pTHRepR constructs
a: 40 days, but then rose so that by 90 days post inoculation, the CTL response for pTHRepgrttnC was again twice that seen for pTHgrttnC and pTHRepRgrttnC. This effect was noticeable for most of the epitopes tested.
The PCV-based vectors were found to be superior to pTH at a 10-fold reduced DNA priming dosage (2 x priming doses, 28 days apart, of 10 ug given i.m., 5 female BALB/c mice per treatment). At this level, both pTHRepgrttnC and pTHRepRgrttnC elicited significantly better CTL responses than did pTHgrttnC at either the 10 ug or the 100 ug dose level, with pTHRepgrttnC eliciting the best response (Figure 6).
The effect of boosting BALB/c mice was tested with a low dose (104 pfu) of SAAVIMVA-C administered i.m. 56 days after the second of two i.m. DNA inoculations of either 10 ug or 100 ug per dose, given 28 days apart. The boosted response to the RT CD8 epitope in mice primed with 2 x 10 ug of either pTHRepgrttnC or pTHRepRgrttnC was more than twice that elicited in mice primed with 2 x 10 ug pTHgrttnC (Figure 6). In addition, the boosted response after priming at the 10 ug level with pTHRepgrttnC was almost as great as the boosted response after priming with 2 x 100 pg pTHgrttnC. The boosted response from mice primed with pTHRepRgrttnC was similar at both the 10 pg and the 100 pg levels, and was about 0.75 x that elicited after priming with 2 x 100 pg of either pTHgrttnC or pTHRepRgrttnC (Figure 6).
In other words, priming with a PCV-based vector at the 10 pg level yielded almost as good a response, after boosting with 104 pfu SAAVIMVA-C, as priming with pTHgrttnC at ten times the priming dose.
It was noted, however, in subsequent experiments, that Prep / rep gene sequences in pTHRep plasmids tended to be unstable, and so all further work was concentrated on the stable pTHRepR construct and its Pcap and PcapR derivatives. The 184 bp Spe I - restricted Pcap - containing sequence (Fig. 8) was sub-cloned into pTHgrttnC so that the fragment was positioned immediately 5' to the CMV immediate / early promoter / enhancer (Pcmv) in pTHgrttnC, to give pTHPcappgrttnC. The 184 bp Spe I restricted Pcap - containing sequence (Fig. 9) was sub-cloned into pTHgrttnC so that the fragment was positioned immediately 5' to the CMV immediate / early promoter / enhancer (Pcmv) in pTHgrttnC, to give pTHPcapRgrttnC.
The Pcap- and PcapR-based vectors were found to be superior to pTH in priming a CTL response to the immunodominant RT epitope of GrttnC in BALB/c mice (2 x priming doses, 28 days apart, of 100 pg given i.m., 5 female BALB/c mice per treatment). Both pTHPcapgrttnC and pTHPcapRgrttnC elicited CTL responses in the same error range as pTHRepRgrttnC, but with less variability of response beween experiments (Figure 7).
The mammalian expression vectors described herein show enhanced transgene protein expression levels. This has utility in improving dose efficiency in plasmid-based DNA vaccines, for in vitro mammalian cell expression studies, and potentially for gene therapy use.
In DNA vaccine development, the higher transgene expression level attainable through use of the Pcap-Pcmv and the PcapR-Pcmv promoter combinations allows for a potential 10-fold reduction in vaccine dose necessary to achieve the same cell mediated immune response that can be achieved through the use of a near-identical vaccine construct that uses Pcmv alone (as has been demonstrated so far in a murine immunogenicity model).
While the invention has been described in detail with respect to specific embodiments thereof, it will be appreciated by those skilled in the art that various alterations, modifications and other changes may be made to the claims without departing from the spirit and scope of the present invention. It is therefore intended that this application covers or encompasses all such modifications, alterations and/or changes.
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1 A method for enhancing expression of a transgene in a host cell, the method including the steps
(a) inserting a sequence of a capsid promoter (Pcap) element or a reverse complement thereof (PcapR) which is at least 80% identical to any one of the sequences selected from SEQ I.D. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22 and 24 into a mammalian expression cassette upstream (5') of a cytomegalovirus immediate/early promoter (Pcmv) or a SV40 promoter element;
(b) inserting the transgene into the vector downstream (3') of the cytomegalovirus promoter or SV40 promoter element;
(c) inserting the expression cassette into the host organism; and
(d) causing expression of the transgene.

2. A method according to claim 1, wherein a cytomegalovirus intron is inserted downstream (3') of the Pcmv and a bovine growth hormone polyadenylation site (bgh polyA) is inserted downstream (3') of the transgene.
3. A method according to either of claims 1 or 2, which causes the transgene to be expressed at a higher level than when expressed in a vector containing the expression cassette without the capsid promoter (Pcap) element or reverse complement thereof.
4. A method according to any one of claims 1 to 3, wherein the capsid promoter element or reverse complement thereof is from a circovirus.

5 A method according to any one of claims 1 to 4, wherein the Pcap sequence is any one of the sequences selected from SEQ I.D. Nos. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 21, 24 and 29 or the PcapR sequence is any one of the sequences selected from SEQ I.D. Nos 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 22 and 30.
6 A method according to any one of the previous claims, wherein the capsid promoter element or reverse complement thereof is inserted immediately upstream (5') of the cytomegalovirus immediate/early promoter or SV40 promoter element.
7 A method according to any one of claims 1 to 6, wherein the capsid promoter element or reverse complement thereof is inserted up to 1100 base pairs upstream (5') of the cytomegalovirus immediate/early promoter or SV40 promoter element.
8 A method according to any one of the preceding claims, wherein the host cell is a mammalian cell line for in vitro transgene expression.
9. A mammalian expression cassette including:
(a) a cytomegalovirus immediatelearly promoter (Pcmv) or SV40 promoter
element; and
(b) a capsid promoter element sequence (Pcap) or a reverse complement
(PcapR) thereof located upstream (6') of the CMV promoter or SV40
promoter element, wherein the Pcap sequence or PcapR sequence is at
least 80% identical to any one of the sequences selected from SEQ ID.
Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22 and
10. An expression cassette according to claim 9, which includes a transgene downstream (3') of the cytomegalovirus immediate/early promoter or SV40 promoter element.
11. A vector including an expression cassette of either one of claims 9 or 10.
12. A composition including
(i) a sequence of a capsid promoter (Pcap) element or a reverse complement thereof
(PcapR) which is at least 80% identical to any one of the sequences selected from SEQ
I.D. Nos. 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22 and 24;
(ii) a cytomegalovirus immediate/early promoter (Pcmv) or a SV40 promoter element;
(iii) a transgene; wherein the capsid promoter element or reverse complement thereof
enhances expression of the transgene regulated by the promoter.
13. A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 12, which is for treating HIV or AIDS.
14. An expression cassette according to claim 9 or 10 for use in treating HIV or AIDS.
15. The use of an expression cassette according to claim 9 or 10 in a method of manufacturing a medicament for use in treating HIV or AIDS.



Patent Number 268600
Indian Patent Application Number 4927/DELNP/2008
PG Journal Number 37/2015
Publication Date 11-Sep-2015
Grant Date 07-Sep-2015
Date of Filing 09-Jun-2008
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C12N 15/85
PCT International Application Number PCT/IB2006/003150
PCT International Filing date 2006-11-08
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 2005/09036 2005-11-08 South Africa