Title of Invention


Abstract A fuel cake is produced from the char waste generated from Sponge Iron Industries to be used in cooking for clean indoor environment as well as in industries for multiple purposes. The calorific value of the fuel can be increased by adding the carbon rich content such as char from agricultural waste or charcoal or coal or industrial waste having carbon particles. To provide binding strength clay is used. To provide extra strength it used in addition with molasses. For quick ignition of the fuel cake an bottom layer of the carbon rich char is used. For burning the cake more efficiently holes are provided through-out the fuel cake which act as burner and increase surface area, which are distributed as per the configuration.
Field of the Invention
The present invention relates to a fuel cake from the char waste generated from Sponge Iron Industries in cooking in clean indoor environment as well as in industries for multiple purposes and a process thereof.
Char should be mixed with other sources such as char from agricultural waste or charcoal or coal or industrial waste containing carbon particles. After mixing, it can be used by making into desired shape, size, dimensions and designs more efficiently and environment friendly. This could prove very cost effective for rural-people who have no access to the other sources of low cost and clean energy.
Prior Art
Obviously, there is a substantial need for the pollution control in India as well as in whole world. There is considerable amount of char waste generated from the sponge iron industries as in our country wherein DRI plants are in large number. There is a need to utilize the char generated from these industries. Conventionally fuels are made from char waste, as it consists carbon in considerable amount. When it is mixed with other rich carbon source e.g. char from agricultural waste or charcoal or coal or industrial waste containing carbon particles, it gives very efficient fuel which is environment friendly and less costly and could be easily
accessible to rural people who have no access to low cost and clean energy.
Generally sponge Iron plants using coal in a kiln creates a waste which basically coal char. This waste char which is also called DRI ash necessary must have a minimum quantity of carbon in it in order to prevent re-oxidation of the freshly produced sponge iron.
The char waste is separated from the DRI ash using magnetic separation.
The carbon bearing char has a valuable carbon content having considerable fuel value. The char waste when used directly gives less calorific value.
The separated char wastes are crushed into fine particles less than 11 mm in size. It is blended/mixed with char from agricultural waste or charcoal or coal or industrial waste containing carbon particles. Before mixing all these items are also crushed in tiny particles having less than 11 mm in size.
The percentage while mixing the char waste from DRI with other as explained above (i.e. agricultural waste or coal) does not exceed 60% w/w for making fuels more efficient.
Binding Strength
For binding these particles together clay is mixed up with the mixture (Char waste form sponge iron industries and char from agricultural waste or charcoal or coal or industrial waste containing carbon particles) at the same time or separately upto 20-30% w/w to give binding strength. Molasses can be added optionally for providing strength.
Quick Ignition
A separates bottom layer in the range of 28- 32 mm thickness of mixed materials containing charcoal or char from agricultural waste(both less than 11 mm in size) and clay upto 25% w/w is provided at bottom of the fuel made out of char waste as stated above to assist quick ignition.
Fuel Making
These mixed material as obtained by above method are covered at the bottom end for quick ignition with a layer and pressed into the shape and sizes as desired.
The holes provided in the compressed fuel act as burners increasing surface area.
There are total 37 holes in a cake of diameter 188 millimeter. The hole of 14 mm starts from centre. Then in a circle of 57 mm diameter there are six holes of equal sizes having 13 mm diameter. Then in a circle of 110 mm diameter there are twelve holes of equal sizes having 12 mm diameter. Then in a circle of 160 mm
diameter there are eighteen holes of equal sizes having 12 mm diameter. The complete diameter is 188mm. In a cake diameter of 130 mm there are total nineteen holes according to this pattern. Similarly there are sixty one holes in a cake of diameter of 236 mm. These dimensions are efficient in the range of 40% change.
The pattern and number of holes in a circle may change, diameter of each hole may change, the height and the diameter of the whole cake may change.
According to the invention a fuel cake from char waste generated from sponge iron industries comprises upper portion made of char waste generated from sponge iron industries and char from agricultural waste or charcoal or coal or industrial waste containing carbon particles and clay, and a base made of char from agricultural waste or charcoal and clay wherein the clay is 15% -30% w/w and the char from sponge iron waste or industrial waste containing carbon particles is less than 60% w/w, the holes are provided within the fuel cake concentrically with a hole in the center for efficient burning.
According to the invention a fuel cake from char waste generated from sponge iron industries comprises a base, made out of char from agricultural waste or charcoal and clay, wherein the total thickness of the base is between
25 - 50 mm.
According to the invention a process for making a fuel from char waste generated from sponge iron industries comprises the following steps:
i. Separating the char from the iron pieces.
ii. Crushing the separated char waste into tiny-particles, iii. Blending/Mixing the crushed waste with char from Agricultural waste or charcoal or coal or industrial waste containing carbon particles & crushing to sizes less than 11 mm before mixing.
iv. Mixing with clay with the said blended or mixed mixture to provide binding strength, v. Providing a separate layer in the form of base of charcoal or char from agricultural waste and clay to the said fuel cake.
vi. Crushing the said mixed material into particular shape & size along with the layer providing a plurality of holes arranged concentrically placed equidistantly in the said cake.
According to an embodiment of the invention char waste crushed into tiny particles is less than 11 mm in size.
According to another embodiment of the invention binding material is the clay and / or molasses for providing extra strength.
According to another embodiment of the invention at the bottom of the cake, a separate layer comprising 28-32 mm of charcoal or char from agricultural waste mixed with 15-30 % of clay to be used as bottom of the cake.
According to another embodiment of the invention the holes in the cake are equidistantly provided circumf erentially in the cake depending upon the diameter, such that the pattern & number of holes may vary depending upon height & diameter of whole cake.
According to another embodiment of the invention the holes are provided at different radii, depending on the requirement, such that in a cake of 188 mm (1) diameter 37 holes are provided (the first hole is of 14mm diameter in the center; in a circle of 57mm (4) diameter 6 holes of 13mm are provided; in a circle of 110 mm (3) diameter 12 holes of equal size having 12mm diameter, in 116 mm diameter 18 holes of equal size having 12mm diameter) , in a cake of 236 mm diameter there are 61 holes and in a cake of 130mm diameter there are nineteen holes.
According to another embodiment of the invention the fuel cake is provided with a central hole of 14mm approximately with the multiples of 6 holes at a distance of 15mm from the central hole situated on increasing distance.
The invention will be described with reference to the accompanying drawings. The drawings are only illustrative to one of the embodiment without restricting the scope of invention.
Fig.l shows the holes configuration throughout the fuel cake. Holes are provided at different radii, depending on the requirement, such that in a cake of 188 mm (1) diameter 37 holes are provided, the first hole is of 14mm diameter in the center; in a circle of 57mm (4) diameter 6 holes of 13mm are provided; in a circle of 110 mm (3) diameter 12 holes of equal size having 12mm diameter, in 116 mm diameter 18 holes of equal size having 12mm diameter. The holes (5) act as burners for efficient burning. This allows the carbons available on the surface of the holes (5) to interact with oxygen by increasing the surface areas.
Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 shows the side view of the fuel cake. This shows the complete height of the cake which includes the top layer of char made of char waste generated from sponge iron industries and char from agricultural waste or charcoal or coal or industrial waste containing carbon particles and clay, and a base made of char from agricultural waste or charcoal and clay.

We Claim:
1. A fuel cake from char waste generated from sponge iron industries comprising upper portion made of char waste generated from sponge iron industries and char from agricultural waste or charcoal or coal or industrial waste containing carbon particles and clay, and a base made of char from agricultural waste or charcoal and clay wherein the clay is 15% -30% w/w and the char from sponge iron waste or industrial waste containing carbon particles is less than 60% w/w, the holes are provided within the fuel cake concentrically with a hole in the center for efficient burning.
2. A fuel cake from char waste generated from sponge iron industries comprising a base, made out of char from agricultural waste or charcoal and clay, wherein the total thickness of the base is between 25 - 50 mm.
3. A process for making a fuel from char waste generated from sponge iron industries comprising the following steps
i. Separating the char from the iron pieces.
ii. Crushing the separated char waste into tiny particles . iii. Blending/Mixing the crushed waste with char from Agricultural waste or charcoal or coal or industrial waste containing carbon particles & crushing to sizes less than 11 mm before mixing.
iv. Mixing clay 15-30% w/w with the said blended or mixed mixture to provide binding strength.
v. Providing a separate layer in the form of base of charcoal or char from agricultural waste and clay to the said fuel cake, vi. Pressing the said mixed material into desired shape & size along with the layer providing a plurality of holes arranged concentrically placed equidistantly in the said cake.
4. A process for making a fuel from char waste generated from sponge iron industries as claimed in claim 3, wherein char waste crushed into tiny particles is less than 11 mm in size.
5. A process for making a fuel from char waste generated from sponge iron industries as claimed in claim 3, wherein the said binding material is the clay and/or molasses for providing extra strength.
6. A process for making a fuel from char waste generated from sponge iron industries as claimed in claim 3, wherein at the bottom of the cake, a separate layer comprising 28-32 mm of charcoal or char from agricultural waste and 20-30 % of clay adapted to be used as bottom of the cake.
7. A process for making a fuel from char waste generated from sponge iron industries as claimed in claim 3, wherein the holes in the cake are provided equidistantly and circumferentially in the cake depending upon the diameter, such that the pattern & number of holes may vary depending upon height & diameter of whole cake.
8. A process for making a fuel from char waste generated from sponge iron industries as claimed in claim 3, wherein the holes are provided at different radii, depending on the requirement, such that in a cake of 188 mm diameter 37 holes provided (the first hole is of 14mm diameter in the center; in a circle of 57mm diameter 6 holes of 13mm are provided; in a circle of 110 mm diameter 12 holes of equal size having 12mm diameter, in a circle of 116 mm diameter 18 holes of equal size having 12mm diameter) , in a cake of 236 mm diameter there are 61 holes, in a cake of 130 mm diameter there are 19 holes.
9. A process for making a fuel from char waste generated from sponge iron industries as claimed in claim 8 wherein the dimensions of holes and inter holes separation are efficient in the range of 40 % variation.
10. A process for making a fuel from char waste generated from sponge iron industries as claimed in claim 3, provided -with a central hole of 14mm approximately with the multiples of 6 holes at a distance of 15mm from the central hole situated on increasing distance.
11. A fuel cake from char waste generated from sponge iron industries substantially as hereinbefore described with reference to the accompanying drawings.
12. A process for making a fuel from char waste generated from sponge iron industries,
substantially as hereinbefore described with reference to the accompanying drawings.



Patent Number 268601
Indian Patent Application Number 51/DEL/2011
PG Journal Number 37/2015
Publication Date 11-Sep-2015
Grant Date 07-Sep-2015
Date of Filing 11-Jan-2011
Name of Patentee ANIL KUMAR SINGH
Applicant Address PLOT NO. 294, SECTOR-39, GURGAON, HARYANA, INDIA
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C10L5/48
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
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