Title of Invention


Abstract A method and system to off-load motive torque from a clutch to execute a transmission shift is provided. The powertrain includes torque- generative devices operably connected to a two-mode, compound-split, hybrid electro-mechanical transmission. The method includes determining a commanded output torque, and a shift command. A first torque is transmitted by electrical motors, and is limited by their torque capacities. A supplemental motive torque is transmitted from an oncoming clutch. The supplemental motive torque is limited by a torque capacity of the oncoming clutch. Output torque of an internal combustion engine to the transmission is adjusted by an amount substantially equal to a difference between the commanded output torque and the first and the supplemental motive torques.
Full Text GP-307503-PTA-CD
[0001] This invention pertains generally to hybrid powertrain control
systems, and more specifically to clutch control related to executing
transmission shifts.
[0002] Various hybrid powertrain architectures are known for managing the
input and output torques of various prime-movers in hybrid vehicles, most
commonly internal combustion engines and electric machines. One such
hybrid powertrain architecture comprises a two-mode, compound-split,
electro-mechanical transmission which utilizes an input member for receiving
motive torque from a prime mover power source, typically an internal
combustion engine, and an output member for delivering motive torque from
the transmission to a driveline of the vehicle. First and second electrical
machines are operatively connected to an electrical energy storage device for
interchanging electrical power therebetween. The first and second electrical
machines comprise motor/generators operable to transform the electrical
power to motive torque for input to the transmission, independent of torque
input from the internal combustion engine. The first and second electrical
machines are operable to transform vehicle kinetic energy, transmitted through
the vehicle driveline, to electrical energy potential that is storable in the
electrical energy storage device. A control unit is provided for regulating the
electrical power interchange between the electrical energy storage device and
the first and second motor/generators.

[0003] Engineers implementing powertrain systems including transmissions
are tasked with developing gear shifting schemes. Such transmission systems
typically include devices able to operate in one of a plurality of fixed-gear
modes, wherein shifting between gears occurs in response to predetermined
operating conditions, and often not involving an overt request for shift from a
vehicle operator.
[0004] An exemplary transmission includes a plurality of torque-transmitting
clutches. When a shift change is commanded, torque must be off-loaded from
a currently operating clutch associated with operation in a current gear and on-
loaded to another clutch associated with operation in another gear.
[0005] An ongoing concern for designers of transmission devices is to
develop torque-transmitting clutches that are sufficiently large enough to
transmit required torque, able to manage temperatures, and meet durability
targets, but meet constraints related to packaging envelope, size, and cost.
Furthermore, engineers must be cognizant of thermal energy generated during
clutch slippage, and effect of such thermal energy on transmission
performance and durability.
[0006] Therefore, there is a need to for a method and apparatus to offload
torque from a currently operating clutch associated with operation in a current
gear to address concerns mentioned hereinabove.
[0007] In order to address the concerns raised hereinabove, a method and an
article of manufacture are provided to off-load torque from a currently
operating clutch, in preparation for executing a transmission shift from an
initial gear to a final gear in a transmission of a powertrain system.
[0008] To effect a gear change from a first fixed gear to a second fixed gear,
it is often necessary to disengage a first clutch that is currently transmitting
torque, and engage a second clutch. Disengaging the first clutch is preferably
accomplished by first off-load torque. In overall operation, to off-load torque

from the currently engaged clutch to effect a shift change, the control system
acts to determine a commanded output torque based at least in part upon
operator input. A subset of the torque-generative devices, preferably
comprising electrical motors, are preferentially controlled to transmit a first
motive torque to the transmission substantially equal to the commanded output
torque, limited by a torque capacity of the electrical motors. When the torque
capacity supplied from the motors is insufficient to meet the commanded
output torque, a supplemental motive torque is generated. The supplemental
torque, generated using the second, oncoming clutch, is preferably equal to a
difference between the commanded output torque and the first motive torque.
The supplemental motive torque limited by torque capacity of the oncoming
clutch. When the torque capacity supplied from the motors and the oncoming
clutch is insufficient to meet the commanded output torque, torque transmitted
from a second subset of the torque-generative devices, preferably an engine is
reduced by an amount substantially equal to a difference between the
commanded output torque and the first and the supplemental motive torques.
[0009] The exemplary powertrain system comprises a plurality of torque-
generative devices each operable to supply motive torque to the transmission
device and vehicle driveline, and the exemplary transmission device comprises
a two-mode, compound-split, hybrid electro-mechanical transmission having
four fixed gear ratios. There is a plurality of gears operable to transmit torque
between the transmission device and an output shaft using a plurality of
torque-transfer devices. The torque-generative devices preferably comprise a
pair of electrical machines and an internal combustion engine. Torque
transmission can be in the form of transmitting motive torque from one of the
torque-generative devices through the transmission to the vehicle driveline.
Torque transmission can be in the form of transmitting wheel torque resulting
from vehicle momentum, through the transmission to one of the torque
generative devices, in order to transmit torque to effect electrical generation

using one of the electrical machines, or to transmit torque to the internal
combustion engine to effect engine braking.
[0010] Therefore, in accordance with the present invention there is provided
an article of manufacture, comprising a storage medium having a computer
program encoded therein for effecting a method to off-load torque from one of
a plurality of torque transfer devices of a transmission of a powertrain system,
wherein torque is transmitted from at least one of a plurality of torque-
generative devices to the transmission through actuation of at least one of the
plurality of torque-transfer devices. The computer program comprises a
method, including determining a commanded output torque of the powertrain.
A first motive torque is preferentially transmitted to the transmission of a
magnitude substantially equal to the commanded output torque to the
transmission device. The first motive torque is transmitted from torque-
generative devices comprising first and second electrical motors, and is
limited by torque capacities of the first and second electrical motors. A
supplemental motive torque is preferentially supplied to the transmission of a
magnitude substantially equal to a difference between the commanded output
torque and the first motive torque. The supplemental motive torque is
preferably transmitted from an oncoming torque-transfer device. The
supplemental motive torque is limited by a torque capacity of the oncoming
torque-transfer device. Output torque of the powertrain is adjusted by an
amount substantially equal to a difference between the commanded output
torque and the first and the supplemental motive torques.
[0011] An aspect of the invention includes adjusting the output torque of the
powertrain by an amount substantially equal to a difference between the
commanded output torque and the first and the supplemental motive torques,
which comprises reducing torque transmitted by an internal combustion
engine operably connected to the transmission. This includes engine control
schemes of reducing fuel delivery, or retarding timing of spark ignition to the
internal combustion engine. Alternatively, adjusting output torque of the

powertrain can comprise increasing torque transmitted from the internal
combustion engine.
[0012] Another aspect of the invention comprises preferentially supplying a
supplemental motive torque to the transmission by increasing torque capacity
of the second torque-transfer device, and increasing a reactive torque of the
second torque-transfer device. This includes actuating a clutch control
solenoid operable to actuate the second torque transfer device.
[0013] Another aspect of the invention comprises determining a commanded
output torque of the powertrain by monitoring an operator demand for power.
Determining a commanded output torque of the powertrain also comprises
determining a torque demand resulting from a controller command to change
an operating mode of one of the first and second electrical motors between an
electrical energy generating mode and a torque generating mode.
Another aspect of the invention comprises each of the torque-generative
devices operable to independently supply motive torque to the transmission
device. The transmission is preferably a two-mode, compound-split, electro-
mechanical transmission, and the powertrain system is operable to provide
motive torque to a driveline of a vehicle.
[0014] These and other aspects of the invention will become apparent to
those skilled in the art upon reading and understanding the following detailed
description of the embodiments.
[0015] The invention may take physical form in certain parts and
arrangement of parts, the preferred embodiment of which will be described in
detail and illustrated in the accompanying drawings which form a part hereof,
and wherein:
[0016] Fig. 1 is a schematic diagram of an exemplary powertrain, in
accordance with the present invention;

[0017] Fig. 2 is a schematic diagram of an exemplary architecture for a
controller and powertrain, in accordance with the present invention; and,
[0018] Figs. 3 - 6 are exemplary data graphs, in accordance with the present
[0019] Referring now to the drawings, wherein the showings are for the
purpose of illustrating the invention only and not for the purpose of limiting
the same, Figs. 1 and 2 show a system comprising an engine 14, transmission
10, control system, and driveline which has been constructed in accordance
with an embodiment of the present invention.
[0020] Mechanical aspects of exemplary transmission 10 are disclosed in
detail in commonly assigned U.S. Patent Application Publication No. U.S.
2005/0137042 Al, published June 23, 2005, entitled Two-Mode, Compound-
Split, Hybrid Electro-Mechanical Transmission having Four Fixed Ratios,
which is incorporated herein by reference. The exemplary two-mode,
compound-split, electro-mechanical hybrid transmission embodying the
concepts of the present invention is depicted in Fig. 1, and is designated
generally by the numeral 10. The hybrid transmission 10 has an input member
12 that may be in the nature of a shaft which may be directly driven by an
engine 14. A transient torque damper 20 is incorporated between the output
shaft 18 of the engine 14 and the input member 12 of the hybrid transmission
10. The transient torque damper 20 preferably comprises a torque transfer
device 77 having characteristics of a damping mechanism and a spring, shown
respectively as 78 and 79. The transient torque damper 20 permits selective
engagement of the engine 14 with the hybrid transmission 10, but it must be
understood that the torque transfer device 77 is not utilized to change, or
control, the mode in which the hybrid transmission 10 operates. The torque
transfer device 77 preferably comprises a hydraulically operated friction
clutch, referred to as clutch C5.

[0021] The engine 14 may be any of numerous forms of internal combustion
engines, such as a spark-ignition engine or a compression-ignition engine,
readily adaptable to provide a power output to the transmission 10 at a range
of operating speeds, from idle, at or near 600 revolutions per minute (RPM), to
over 6,000 RPM. Irrespective of the means by which the engine 14 is
connected to the input member 12 of the transmission 10, the input member 12
is connected to a planetary gear set 24 in the transmission 10.
[0022] Referring specifically now to Fig. 1, the hybrid transmission 10
utilizes three planetary-gear sets 24, 26 and 28. The first planetary gear set 24
has an outer gear member 30 that may generally be designated as a ring gear,
which circumscribes an inner gear member 32, generally designated as a sun
gear. A plurality of planetary gear members 34 are rotatably mounted on a
carrier 36 such that each planetary gear member 34 meshingly engages both
the outer gear member 30 and the inner gear member 32.
[0023] The second planetary gear set 26 also has an outer gear member 38,
generally designated as a ring gear, which circumscribes an inner gear member
40, generally designated as a sun gear. A plurality of planetary gear members
42 are rotatably mounted on a carrier 44 such that each planetary gear 42
meshingly engages both the outer gear member 38 and the inner gear member
[0024] The third planetary gear set 28 also has an outer gear member 46,
generally designated as a ring gear, which circumscribes an inner gear member
48, generally designated as a sun gear. A plurality of planetary gear members
50 are rotatably mounted on a carrier 52 such that each planetary gear 50
meshingly engages both the outer gear member 46 and the inner gear member

[0025] Ratios of teeth on ring gears/sun gears are typically based upon
design considerations known to skilled practitioners and outside the scope of
the present invention. By way of example, in one embodiment, the ring
gear/sun gear tooth ratio of the planetary gear set 24 is 65/33; the ring gear/sun
gear tooth ratio of the planetary gear set 26 is 65/33; and the ring gear/sun gear
tooth ratio of the planetary gear set 28 is 94/34.
[0026] The three planetary gear sets 24, 26 and 28 each comprise simple
planetary gear sets. Furthermore, the first and second planetary gear sets 24
and 26 are compounded in that the inner gear member 32 of the first planetary
gear set 24 is conjoined, as through a hub plate gear 54, to the outer gear
member 38 of the second planetary gear set 26. The conjoined inner gear
member 32 of the first planetary gear set 24 and the outer gear member 38 of
the second planetary gear set 26 are continuously connected to a first electrical
machine or motor/generator 56, also referred to as 'Motor A'.
[0027] The planetary gear sets 24 and 26 are further compounded in that the
carrier 36 of the first planetary gear set 24 is conjoined, as through a shaft 60,
to the carrier 44 of the second planetary gear set 26. As such, carriers 36 and
44 of the first and second planetary gear sets 24 and 26, respectively, are
conjoined. The shaft 60 is also selectively connected to the carrier 52 of the
third planetary gear set 28, as through a torque transfer device 62 which, as
will be hereinafter more fully explained, is employed to assist in the selection
of the operational modes of the hybrid transmission 10. The carrier 52 of the
third planetary gear set 28 is connected directly to the transmission output
member 64.
[0028] In the embodiment described herein, wherein the hybrid transmission
10 is used in a land vehicle, the output member 64 is operably connected to a
driveline comprising a gear box 90 or other torque transfer device which
provides a torque output to one or more vehicular axles 92 or half-shafts (not
shown). The axles 92, in turn, terminate in drive members 96. The drive
members 96 may be either front or rear wheels of the vehicle on which they

are employed, or they may be a drive gear of a track vehicle. The drive
members 96 may have some form of wheel brake 94 associated therewith.
The drive members each have a speed parameter, NWHL, comprising rotational
speed of each wheel 96 which is typically measurable with a wheel speed
[0029] The inner gear member 40 of the second planetary gear set 26 is
connected to the inner gear member 48 of the third planetary gear set 28, as
through a sleeve shaft 66 that circumscribes shaft 60. The outer gear member
46 of the third planetary gear set 28 is selectively connected to ground,
represented by the transmission housing 68, through a torque transfer device
70. Torque transfer device 70, as is also hereinafter explained, is also
employed to assist in the selection of the operational modes of the hybrid
transmission 10. The sleeve shaft 66 is also continuously connected to a
second electrical machine, or motor/generator 72, also referred to as 'Motor
[0030] All the planetary gear sets 24, 26 and 28 as well as the two electrical
machines 56 and 72 are coaxially oriented, as about the axially disposed shaft
60. Electrical machines 56 and 72 are both of an annular configuration which
permits them to circumscribe the three planetary gear sets 24, 26 and 28 such
that the planetary gear sets 24, 26 and 28 are disposed radially inwardly of the
electrical machines 56 and 72. This configuration assures that the overall
envelope, i.e., the circumferential dimension, of the transmission 10 is
[0031] A torque transfer device 73 selectively connects the sun gear 40 with
ground, i.e., with transmission housing 68. A torque transfer device 75 is
operative as a lock-up clutch, locking planetary gear sets 24, 26, electrical
machines 56, 72 and the input to rotate as a group, by selectively connecting
the sun gear 40 with the carrier 44. The torque transfer devices 62, 70, 73, 75
are all friction clutches, respectively referred to as follows: clutch CI 70,
clutch C2 62, clutch C3 73, and clutch C4 75. Each clutch is preferably

hydraulically actuated, receiving pressurized hydraulic fluid from a pump
when a corresponding clutch control solenoid is actuated. Hydraulic actuation
of each of the clutches is accomplished using a known hydraulic fluid circuit
having a plurality of clutch-control solenoids, which is not described in detail
[0032] The hybrid transmission 10 receives input motive torque from a
plurality of torque-generative devices, including the engine 14 and the
electrical machines 56 and 72, as a result of energy conversion from fuel or
electrical potential stored in an electrical energy storage device (ESD) 74. The
ESD 74 typically comprises one or more batteries. Other electrical energy and
electrochemical energy storage devices that have the ability to store electric
power and dispense electric power may be used in place of the batteries
without altering the concepts of the present invention. The ESD 74 is
preferably sized based upon factors including regenerative requirements,
application issues related to typical road grade and temperature, and
propulsion requirements such as emissions, power assist and electric range.
The ESD 74 is high voltage DC-coupled to transmission power inverter
module (TPIM) 19 via DC lines or transfer conductors 27. The TPIM 19 is an
element of the control system described hereinafter with regard to Fig. 2. The
TPIM 19 communicates with the first electrical machine 56 by transfer
conductors 29, and the TPIM 19 similarly communicates with the second
electrical machine 72 by transfer conductors 31. Electrical current is
transferable to or from the ESD 74 in accordance with whether the ESD 74 is
being charged or discharged. TPIM 19 includes the pair of power inverters and
respective motor controllers configured to receive motor control commands
and control inverter states therefrom for providing motor drive or regeneration
[0033] In motoring control, the respective inverter receives current from the
DC lines and provides AC current to the respective electrical machine over
transfer conductors 29 and 31. In regeneration control, the respective inverter

receives AC current from the electrical machine over transfer conductors 29
and 31 and provides current to the DC lines 27. The net DC current provided
to or from the inverters determines the charge or discharge operating mode of
the electrical energy storage device 74. Preferably, Motor A 56 and Motor B
72 are three-phase AC machines and the inverters comprise complementary
three-phase power electronics.
[0034] Referring again to Fig. 1, a drive gear 80 may be presented from the
input member 12. As depicted, the drive gear 80 fixedly connects the input
member 12 to the outer gear member 30 of the first planetary gear set 24, and
the drive gear 80, therefore, receives power from the engine 14 and/or the
electrical machines 56 and/or 72 through planetary gear sets 24 and/or 26. The
drive gear 80 meshingly engages an idler gear 82 which, in turn, meshingly
engages a transfer gear 84 that is secured to one end of a shaft 86. The other
end of the shaft 86 may be secured to a hydraulic/transmission fluid pump
and/or power take-off ('PTO') unit, designated either individually or
collectively at 88, and comprise an accessory load.
[0035] Referring now to Fig. 2, a schematic block diagram of the control
system, comprising a distributed controller architecture, is shown. The
elements described hereinafter comprise a subset of an overall vehicle control
architecture, and are operable to provide coordinated system control of the
powertrain system described herein. The control system is operable to
synthesize pertinent information and inputs, and execute algorithms to control
various actuators to achieve control targets, including such parameters as fuel
economy, emissions, performance, driveability, and protection of hardware,
including batteries of ESD 74 and motors 56, 72. The distributed controller
architecture includes engine control module ('ECM') 23, transmission control
module ('TCM') 17, battery pack control module ('BPCM') 21, and
Transmission Power Inverter Module ('TPIM') 19. A hybrid control module
('HCP') 5 provides overarching control and coordination of the
aforementioned controllers. There is a User Interface ('UI') 13 operably

connected to a plurality of devices through which a vehicle operator typically
controls or directs operation of the powertrain, including the transmission 10.
Exemplary vehicle operator inputs to the UI 13 include an accelerator pedal, a
brake pedal, transmission gear selector, and, vehicle speed cruise control.
Each of the aforementioned controllers communicates with other controllers,
sensors, and actuators via a local area network ('LAN') bus 6. The LAN bus 6
allows for structured communication of control parameters and commands
between the various controllers. The specific communication protocol utilized
is application-specific. By way of example, one communications protocol is
the Society of Automotive Engineers standard J1939. The LAN bus and
appropriate protocols provide for robust messaging and multi-controller
interfacing between the aforementioned controllers, and other controllers
providing functionality such as antilock brakes, traction control, and vehicle
[0036] The HCP 5 provides overarching control of the hybrid powertrain
system, serving to coordinate operation of the ECM 23, TCM 17, TPIM 19,
and BPCM 21. Based upon various input signals from the UI 13 and the
powertrain, including the battery pack, the HCP 5 generates various
commands, including: an engine torque command, TE_CMD; clutch torque
commands, TCL_N_CMD for the various clutches CI, C2, C3, C4 of the hybrid
transmission 10; and motor torque commands, TA_CMD and TB_CMD, for the
electrical motors A and B, respectively.
[0037] The ECM 23 is operably connected to the engine 14, and functions to
acquire data from a variety of sensors and control a variety of actuators,
respectively, of the engine 14 over a plurality of discrete lines collectively
shown as aggregate line 35. The ECM 23 receives the engine torque
command, TE_CMD, from the HCP 5, and generates a desired axle torque,
TAXLE_DES, and an indication of actual engine torque, TE_ACT, which is
communicated to the HCP 5. For simplicity, ECM 23 is shown generally
having bi-directional interface with engine 14 via aggregate line 35. Various

other parameters that may be sensed by ECM 23 include engine coolant
temperature, engine input speed (NE) to a shaft leading to the transmission,
manifold pressure, ambient air temperature, and ambient pressure. Various
actuators that may be controlled by the ECM 23 include fuel injectors, ignition
modules, and throttle control modules.
[0038] The TCM 17 is operably connected to the transmission 10 and
functions to acquire data from a variety of sensors and provide command
signals to the transmission. Inputs from the TCM 17 to the HCP 5 include
estimated clutch torques, TCL_N_EST, for each of the clutches CI, C2, C3, and,
C4 and rotational speed, N0, of the output shaft 64. Other actuators and
sensors may be used to provide additional information from the TCM to the
HCP for control purposes.
[0039] The BPCM 21 is signally connected one or more sensors operable to
monitor electrical current or voltage parameters of the ESD 74 to provide
information about the state of the batteries to the HCP 5. Such information
includes battery state-of-charge, BatSOC, and other states of the batteries,
including voltage, VBAT, and available power, PBAT_MiNand PBAT_MAX-
[0040] The Transmission Power Inverter Module (TPIM) 19 includes a pair
of power inverters and motor controllers configured to receive motor control
commands and control inverter states therefrom to provide motor drive or
regeneration functionality. The TPIM 19 is operable to generate torque
commands for Motors A and B, TA_CMD and TB_CMD, based upon input from the
HCP 5, which is driven by operator input through UI 13 and system operating
parameters. The predetermined torque commands for Motors A and B, TACMD
and TB_CMD, are adjusted with motor damping torques, TA_DAMP and TB_DAMP, to
determine motor torques, TA and TB, which are implemented by the control
system, including the TPIM 19, to control the motors A and B. Individual
motor speed signals, NA and NB for Motor A and Motor B respectively, are
derived by the TPIM 19 from the motor phase information or conventional
rotation sensors. The TPIM 19 determines and communicates motor speeds,

NA and NB, to the HCP 5. The electrical energy storage device 74 is high-
voltage DC-coupled to the TPIM 19 via DC lines 27. Electrical current is
transferable to or from the TPIM 19 in accordance with whether the ESD 74 is
being charged or discharged.
[0041] Each of the aforementioned controllers is preferably a general-
purpose digital computer generally comprising a microprocessor or central
processing unit, storage mediums comprising read only memory (ROM),
random access memory (RAM), electrically programmable read only memory
(EPROM), high speed clock, analog to digital (A/D) and digital to analog
(D/A) circuitry, and input/output circuitry and devices (I/O) and appropriate
signal conditioning and buffer circuitry. Each controller has a set of control
algorithms, comprising resident program instructions and calibrations stored in
ROM and executed to provide the respective functions of each computer.
Information transfer between the various computers is preferably
accomplished using the aforementioned LAN 6.
[0042] Algorithms for control and state estimation in each of the controllers
are typically executed during preset loop cycles such that each algorithm is
executed at least once each loop cycle. Algorithms stored in the non-volatile
memory devices are executed by one of the central processing units and are
operable to monitor inputs from the sensing devices and execute control and
diagnostic routines to control operation of the respective device, using preset
calibrations. Loop cycles are typically executed at regular intervals, for
example each 3.125, 6.25, 12.5, 25 and 100 milliseconds during ongoing
engine and vehicle operation. Alternatively, algorithms may be executed in
response to occurrence of an event.
[0043] In response to an operator's action, as captured by the UI 13, the
supervisory HCP controller 5 and one or more of the other controllers
determine required transmission output torque, T0. Selectively operated
components of the hybrid transmission 10 are appropriately controlled and
manipulated to respond to the operator demand. For example, in the

exemplary embodiment shown in Fig. 1 and 2, when the operator has selected
a forward drive range and manipulates either the accelerator pedal or the brake
pedal, the HCP 5 determines an output torque for the transmission, which
affects how and when the vehicle accelerates or decelerates. Final vehicle
acceleration is affected by other factors, including, e.g., road load, road grade,
and vehicle mass. The HCP 5 monitors the parametric states of the torque-
generative devices, and determines the output of the transmission required to
arrive at the desired torque output. Under the direction of the HCP 5, the
transmission 10 operates over a range of output speeds from slow to fast in
order to meet the operator demand.
[0044] The two-mode, compound-split, electro-mechanical hybrid
transmission, includes output member 64 which receives output power through
two distinct gear trains within the transmission 10, and operates in several
transmission operating modes, described with reference now to Fig. 1, and
Table 1, below.

Table 1
Transmission Operating Mode Actuated Clutches
Mode I CI 70
Fixed Ratio 1 CI 70 C4 75
Fixed Ratio 2 CI 70 C2 62
Mode II C2 62
Fixed Ratio 3 C2 62 C4 75
Fixed Ratio 4 C2 62 C3 73
[0045] The various transmission operating modes described in the table
indicate which of the specific clutches CI, C2, C3, C4 are engaged or actuated
for each of the operating modes. Additionally, in various transmission
operating modes, Motor A 56 or Motor B 72 may each operate as electrical
motors, designated as MA, MB respectively, and whether motor A 56 is
operating as a generator, designated as GA. A first mode, or gear train, is

selected when the torque transfer device 70 is actuated in order to "ground" the
outer gear member 46 of the third planetary gear set 28. A second mode, or
gear train, is selected when the torque transfer device 70 is released and the
torque transfer device 62 is simultaneously actuated to connect the shaft 60 to
the carrier 52 of the third planetary gear set 28. Other factors outside the
scope of the invention affect when the electrical machines 56, 72 operate as
motors and generators, and are not discussed herein.
[0046] The control system, shown primarily in Fig. 2, is operable to provide
a range of transmission output speeds, N0, of shaft 64 from relatively slow to
relatively fast within each mode of operation. The combination of two modes
with a slow-to-fast output speed range in each mode allows the transmission
10 to propel a vehicle from a stationary condition to highway speeds, and meet
various other requirements as previously described. Additionally, the control
system coordinates operation of the transmission 10 so as to allow
synchronized shifts between the modes.
[0047] The first and second modes of operation refer to circumstances in
which the transmission functions are controlled by one clutch, i.e. either clutch
CI 62 or C2 70, and by the controlled speed and torque of the electrical
machines 56 and 72. Certain ranges of operation are described below in which
fixed ratios are achieved by applying an additional clutch. This additional
clutch may be clutch C3 73 or C4 75, as shown in the table, above.
[0048] When the additional clutch is applied, fixed ratio of input-to-output
speed of the transmission, i.e. N,/N0, is achieved. The rotations of the
electrical machines 56, 72 are dependent on internal rotation of the mechanism
as defined by the clutching and proportional to the input speed, N,, determined
or measured at shaft 12. The motor/generators function as motors or
generators. They are completely independent of engine to output power flow,
thereby enabling both to be motors, both to function as generators, or any
combination thereof. This allows, for instance, during operation in Fixed Ratio
1 that motive power output from the transmission at shaft 64 is provided by

power from the engine and power from Motors A and B, through planetary
gear set 28 by accepting power from the energy storage device 74.
[0049] The transmission operating mode can be switched between Fixed
Ratio operation and Mode operation by activating or deactivating one the
additional clutches during Mode I or Mode II operation. Determination of
operation in fixed ratio or mode control is by algorithms executed by the
control system, and is outside the scope of this invention.
[0050] The modes of operation may overlap the ratio of operation, and
selection depends again on the driver's input and response of the vehicle to
that input. RANGE 1 falls primarily within mode I operation when clutches
CI 70 and C4 75 are engaged. RANGE 2 falls within mode I and mode II
when clutches C2 62 and CI 70 are engaged. A third fixed ratio range is
available primarily during mode II when clutches C2 62 and C4 75 are
engaged, and a fourth fixed ratio range is available during mode II when
clutches C2 62 and C3 73 are engaged. It is notable that ranges of operation
for Mode I and Mode II typically overlap significantly.
[0051] Output of the exemplary powertrain system described hereinabove is
constrained due to mechanical and system limitations. The output speed, N0,
of the transmission measured at shaft 64 is limited due to limitations of engine
output speed, NE, measured at shaft 18, and transmission input speed, N,,
measured at shaft 12, and speed limitations of the electric motors A and B,
designated as +/- NA, +/- NB. Output torque, T0, of the transmission 64 is
similarly limited due to limitations of the engine input torque, TE, and input
torque, T,, measured at shaft 12 after the transient torque damper 20, and
torque limitations (TA__MAX, TA_MIN, TB_MAX, TB_MIN) of the motors A and B 56,

[0052] In operation, a shift occurs in the exemplary transmission due to a
change in operator demand for output torque, typically communicated through
inputs to the UI 13, including the accelerator pedal, the brake pedal, the
transmission gear selector, and, the vehicle speed cruise control system.
Additionally, a change in demand for output torque may be predicated on a
change in external conditions, including, e.g. changes in road grade, road
surface conditions, or wind load. Furthermore, a change in demand for output
torque may be predicated on a change in powertrain torque demand caused by
a controller command to change one of the electrical machines between
electrical energy generating mode and torque generating mode. The
distributed control architecture acts in concert to determine a need for a
change in transmission operating gear, and executes the forgoing to effect the
change in gear.
[0053] Referring now to Figs. 3-6, a graphical depiction of an element of a
fixed gear-to-fixed gear shifting event is now described, comprising off-
loading transmitted torque from one of the torque-transfer devices comprising
friction clutches CI 70, C2 62, C3 73, and C4 75. This action is preferably
executed as one or more coded algorithms in the distributed control
architecture to control and manage operation of the aforementioned powertrain
and driveline system.
[0054] To effect a gear change from a first fixed gear to a second fixed gear,
it is often necessary to disengage a first clutch that is currently transmitting
torque, and engage a second clutch, as shown in Table 1. Disengaging the
first clutch is preferably accomplished by first off-load torque. In overall
operation, to off-load torque from the currently engaged clutch (i.e., CI, C2,
C3, C4) to effect a shift change, the control system described hereinabove acts
to determine a commanded output torque based at least in part upon operator
input. A subset of the torque-generative devices, preferably the electrical
motors 56, 72, are preferentially controlled to transmit a first motive torque to
the transmission substantially equal to the commanded output torque, limited

by a torque capacity of the electrical motors. When the torque capacity
supplied from the motors 56, 72 is insufficient to meet the commanded output
torque, a supplemental motive torque is generated. The supplemental torque,
generated using the second, oncoming clutch, is preferably equal to a
difference between the commanded output torque and the first motive torque.
The supplemental motive torque limited by torque capacity of the oncoming
clutch. When the torque capacity supplied from the motors 56, 72 and the
oncoming clutch is insufficient to meet the commanded output torque, torque
transmitted from a second subset of the torque-generative devices, preferably
the engine 14, is reduced by an amount substantially equal to a difference
between the commanded output torque and the first and the supplemental
motive torques. In operation, the control system is preferably operable to
determine the first motive torque, the supplemental motive torque, and the
torque reduction substantially simultaneously, in order to limit the amount of
time the transmission requires for shifting. This is described in greater detail
[0055] In operation, a commanded output torque, T0CMD of the powertrain is
determined. A first motive torque is preferentially supplied as input to the
transmission 10 from the first and second electrical motors 56 and 72,
substantially equal to the commanded output torque to the transmission
device. The first motive torque is limited by torque-generative capacities of
the first and second electrical motors, TA, TB. A supplemental motive torque,
referred to as TCON, is transmitted to the transmission from an oncoming
torque-transfer device. The supplemental motive torque Tc 0N is substantially
equal to a difference between the commanded output torque, T0 CMD, and the
first motive torque, comprising TA, TB. The supplemental motive torque TC_0N
is limited by torque capacity of the oncoming torque-transfer device, i.e.
maximum TC_0N- When the first motive torque, comprising TA, TB and the
supplemental motive torque Tc 0N are insufficient to meet the commanded
motive torque, T0CMD, the control system acts to reduce the output torque, T0,

of the transmission by an amount equal to the difference. This is now
described in detail.
[0056] The commanded output torque, T0 CMD of the powertrain is
determined based upon operator input through the UI 13 and other powertrain
and system commands related to demands for power arising from charging
and discharging the electrical energy storage device (ESD) 74.
[0057] Referring now to Fig. 3, a data-graph of operating ranges of the
electrical motors A, B is shown, wherein the x-axis comprises a range of
output torque parameters for Motor A 56, and the y-axis comprises a range of
torque values for Motor B 72. The range of available operating torque
parameters for Motors A and B are limited by available power based upon
minimum and maximum battery power, referred to as PBAT_MIN and PBAT_MAX-
These limits are shown as lines on the graphs. For operation in a fixed
transmission gear, maximum and minimum clutch reactive torque values,
TcR_MAX, TcR_M1N, are determined for predetermined input and output torque
parameters, T,, T0.
[0058] Reactive torque is defined as a magnitude of torque transmitted
through a torque-transfer device, i.e. a clutch. Torque capacity is defined as a
maximum amount of torque transmissible across a clutch, and is generally
based upon magnitude of clutch pressure and clutch friction. When the
magnitude of clutch torque exceeds the torque capacity, clutch slip occurs.
The reactive torque is always less than or equal to the torque capacity. Clutch
pressure is created by controlling magnitude of hydraulic pressure applied to
the clutch by the hydraulic circuit of the transmission.
[0059] To off-load a specific torque-transmitting clutch, the clutch reactive
torque has preferably reached a value substantially equal to zero, i.e. no torque
is being transmitted between the torque-generating devices and-the vehicle
driveline across the specific clutch. When the TcR_MIN value is a negative
torque, and the TcR_MAX value is a positive torque, then a net reactive torque
of zero is achievable using only torque outputs from Motor A and Motor B.

This is shown as points along the constant Tb T0 line between TcR_MAX and
TcR_MiN on Fig. 3. In this situation, the control system commands the TPIM
controller 19 to transfer sufficient quantity of electrical energy to Motors A 56
and B 72 such that their outputs comprise appropriate operating points to
generate input torques TA, TB for input to the transmission device 10. When
Motors A and B reach desired input torques TA, TB, the clutch reactive torque
is at zero, and the off-going clutch can be deactivated without additional
actions. Such action is shown graphically with reference now to Fig. 4.
[0060] When the TcR_MAX, TcR_MiN values are both negative torques, or the
TcR _MAX; TCR_MIN, values are both positive torques, then a net reactive torque
of zero can not be achieved using only torque outputs from Motor A and
Motor B. This is shown with reference now to Fig. 5. In this scenario, a
supplemental motive torque is preferentially supplied, comprising torque
transmitted from an oncoming torque-transfer device, i.e. one of friction
clutches CI 70, C2 62, C3 73, and C4 75. Magnitude of the supplemental
motive torque is substantially equal to a difference between the commanded
output torque and the first motive torque, and, limited by a torque capacity of
the oncoming torque-transfer device.
[0061] To generate the supplemental motive torque, Motors A and B are
commanded to generate a minimum torque value TcR_M1N that is achievable at
the current operating point, when both motor torque values, TA, TB, are
positive torques, as determinable with reference again to results shown in the
datagraph of Fig. 3. Alternatively, Motors A and B can be commanded to
generate a maximum torque value TcR_MAX that is achievable at the current
operating point, when both motor torque values, TA, TB, are negative torques.
The intent is to control motor torques TA, TBto minimum absolute values.

[0062] When the motor torques TA, TB are controlled to, or are about to
achieve the minimum absolute values, a clutch-fill command is executed for
the oncoming clutch, and the oncoming clutch is commanded on. The
oncoming clutch generates supplemental motive torque TCON which increases
up to a value equal to the reactive torque of the off-going clutch, with an upper
limit being a maximum value of the clutch torque capacity, referred to as
[0063] When input torques TA, TB, from motors A and B, combined with the
supplemental motive torque TC_0N are equal to the commanded output torque,
then the reactive torque of the off-going clutch is at zero, and the off-going
clutch can be deactivated without additional actions.
[0064] When the reactive torque of the off-going clutch exceeds the input
torques TA, TB, from motors A and B combined with the supplemental motive
torque Tc 0N, then there is a need to reduce output torque of the powertrain, T0,
in order to accomplish the off-loading of the clutch, in order to permit a shift
to another gear. The reduction in output torque of the powertrain, T„,
generally comprises reducing the input torque, T,, by an amount equal to
remaining reactive torque determined after combination of input torques TA,
TB, from motors A and B, and the supplemental motive torque TCJ3N, to
achieve the desired output torque, T0. Reducing the input torque Ti generally
comprises reducing engine torque, TE, by an amount equal to a calculated
difference. Preferably the engine torque is reduced in a ramped manner to
minimize effect upon operator perception, and to reduce risk that the operator
takes corrective actions that interfere with the off-loading event. This is
shown on the T0 line, between T5 and T6, and identified by letter "J" in Fig. 6.
Reducing engine torque can be accomplished by the control system by
implementing such known actions as reducing fueling to the engine, or
retarding spark, or by adjusting fuel delivery times, on vehicle systems
equipped with such capabilities.

[0065] Referring again to Fig. 6, overall operation as a function of time is
detailed. In response to a command to offload torque, there is a command to
reduce clutch reactive torque by offloading the clutch reactive torque using
Motors A and B. First motive torque is commanded to be output from Motors
A and B, comprising output torques TA, TB, shown at time Tl. Torque
capacities of Motors A and B are achieved at time T2, wherein it is shown that
actual clutch torque is still greater than zero in this example. Therefore,
supplemental motive torque is transmitted from the oncoming clutch, Tr_0N,
starting at time T3. The oncoming clutch torque, TCON, is preferably ramped
up to a maximum value, TC_ON_MAX, equal to the torque capacity of the
oncoming clutch, at time T4. It is shown in this example that the actual clutch
torque remains greater than zero in this example. Therefore, in this example
the input torque, Ti, to the transmission is reduced in a ramped reduction,
starting at time T5, until clutch torque is substantially equal to zero torque
transmitted across the off-going clutch, shown at time T6. Typically, reducing
input torque, Ti, is achieved by reducing the engine torque, TE, using known
engine output torque management techniques including reducing fueling to the
engine, or retarding spark.
[0066] It is understood that application-specific masses, inertias, friction
factors, and other characteristics and parameters of the driveline affect various
powertrain and driveline operating states, and therefore the response times and
magnitudes are intended to be exemplary, while still descriptive of the overall
operation of the powertrain system.
[0067] As previously described, the transmission device 10 comprises a
plurality of gears and torque-transfer devices operable to transmit torque
between the torque-generative devices 14, 56, 72 and the output shaft 64 and
drive wheels 96 of the driveline. Torque transmission may comprise transfer
of motive torque from one or more of the torque-generative devices 14, 56, 72
to the driveline. Torque transmission may comprise transfer of torque from
the drive wheels 96 via the driveline and transmission to one or more of the

torque-generative devices 14, 56, 72 as a result of a process commonly
referred to as engine-braking. In this configuration, engine-braking comprises
transmitting at least a portion of driveline torque resulting from vehicle
momentum from the output shaft 64 through torque-transfer devices, i.e.,
clutches CI, C2, C3, C4, to the torque-generative devices 14, 56, 72. The
transmitted torque is absorbed by the powertrain in the form of electrical
energy generation through the motor/generators 56, 72, and, engine braking
through the internal combustion engine 14.
[0068] It is understood that modifications in the transmission hardware are
allowable within the scope of the invention. The invention has been described
with specific reference to the preferred embodiments and modifications
thereto. Further modifications and alterations may occur to others upon
reading and understanding the specification. It is intended to include all such
modifications and alterations insofar as they come within the scope of the

1. A computer system configured to off-load torque to a torque transfer
device of a transmission, said torque transmitted from one of a plurality of
torque-generative devices, the system comprising :
means for determining a commanded output torque of the transmission;
means for preferentially transmitting a first motive torque from a first
subset of the torque-generative devices to the transmission;
means for preferentially transmitting a supplemental motive torque to the
transmission substantially equal to a difference between the commanded
output torque and the first motive torque, said supplemental movie torque
transmitted from an oncoming torque transfer device; and,
means for adjusting torque transmitted from a second subset of the
torque generative devices by an amount substantially equal to a difference
between the commanded output torque and the first and the
supplemental motive torques.
2. The system as claimed in claim 1, wherein the means for preferentially
transmitting a first motive torque from the first subset of torque
generative devices to the transmission further comprises means for
transmitting said first motive torque to be substantially equal to the
commanded output torque of the transmission.

3. The system as claimed in claim 2, wherein said first motive torque is
limited by torque-generative capacity of the first subset of torque-
generative devices.
4. The system as claimed in claim 3, wherein the first subset of torque-
generative devices comprises first and second electrical machines.
5. The system as claimed in claim 1, wherein means for preferentially
transmitting a supplemental motive torque to the transmission
substantially equal to a difference between the commanded output torque
and the first motive torque further comprises means for transmitting said
supplemental motive torque from an oncoming torque-transfer device.
6. The system as claimed in claim 5, wherein said supplemental motive
torque limited by a torque capacity of the oncoming torque-transfer
7. The system as claimed in claim 6, wherein the means for preferentially
transmitting supplemental motive torque to the transmission transmitted
from the oncoming torque-transfer device further comprises:
means for increasing a torque capacity of the second torque-transfer
device; and,
means for increasing a reactive torque of the second torque - transfer

8. The system as claimed in claim 1, wherein the means for increasing
torque capacity of the second torque-transfer device comprises means for
actuating a clutch control solenoid operable to actuate the second torque
transfer device.
9. The system as claimed in claim 1, wherein the means for adjusting torque
transmitted from a second subset of the plurality of torque-generative
devices by an amount substantially equal to a difference between the
commanded output torque and the first and the supplemental motive
torques comprises means for reducing torque transmitted from an internal
combustion engine operably connected to the transmission.
10.The system as claimed in claim 9, further comprising means for reducing
fuel delivered to the internal combustion engine.
11.The system as claimed in claim 9, further comprising means for retarding
timing of spark ignition to the internal combustion engine.
12.The system as claimed in claim 1, wherein means for adjusting torque
transmitted from a second one of the plurality of torque-generative
devices by an amount substantially equal to a difference between the
commanded output torque and the first and the supplemental motive
torques comprises means for increasing torque transmitted from an
internal combustion engine operably connected to the transmission.

13.The system as claimed in claim 12, wherein means for determining a
commanded output torque of the powertrain comprises means for
monitoring an operator demand for power.
14.The system as claimed in claim 1, wherein each of the torque - generative
devices is operable to independently supply motive torque to the
transmission device.
15.The system as claimed in claim 1, wherein the transmission comprises a
two-mode, compound-split, electro-mechanical transmission.
16.The system as claimed in claim 15, wherein the two-mode, compound-
split, electro-mechanical transmission comprises a transmission comprising
four torque-transfer device operative to control the transmission in
operating ranges of at least four fixed -gear modes and two modes.
17.The system as claimed in claim 16, wherein the powertrain system is
operable to provide motive torque to a driveline of a vehicle.
18.The system as claimed in claim 1, comprising a storage medium having a
computer program encoded therein for effecting an off-load torque to a
torque transfer device of a transmission.
19. Method to off-load torque to a torque transfer device of a transmission,
said torque transmitted from one of a plurality of torque-generative
devices to the transmission, comprising:

determining a commanded output torque of the transmission;
preferentially transmitting a first motive torque to the transmission from a
first subset of torque-generative devices;
preferentially transmitting a supplemental motive torque to the
transmission substantially equal to a difference between the commanded
output torque and the first motive torque, said supplemental motive
torque transmitted from an oncoming torque-transfer device; and,
adjusting torque transmitted from a second subset of the torque-
generative devices by an amount substantially equal to a difference
between the commanded output torque and the first and the
supplemental motive torques.
20.The method as claimed in claim 19, comprising limiting said first motive
torque from the first subset of torque-generative devices by a torque-
generative capacity thereof.
21.The method as claimed in claim 19, wherein preferentially transmitting a
supplemental motive torque to the transmission transmitted from the
oncoming torque-transfer device further comprises:
increasing torque capacity of the second torque-transfer device; and,

increasing a reactive torque of the second torque-transfer device.
22. A Control system for a powertrain comprising a plurality of torque-
generative devices and a transmission device, the transmission device
having a plurality of torque-transfer devices to effect a method to offload
torque transmitted through one of the torque-transfer devices.
23.The control system as claimed in claim 22, wherein the system is operable
to effect a shift in the transmission from a first fixed to a second fixed
24.The control system as claimed in claim 22, wherein the system is operable
to determine the first motive torque, the supplemental motive torque, and
the torque reduction substantially simultaneously.

A method and system to off-load motive torque from a clutch to
execute a transmission shift is provided. The powertrain includes torque-
generative devices operably connected to a two-mode, compound-split, hybrid
electro-mechanical transmission. The method includes determining a
commanded output torque, and a shift command. A first torque is transmitted
by electrical motors, and is limited by their torque capacities. A supplemental
motive torque is transmitted from an oncoming clutch. The supplemental
motive torque is limited by a torque capacity of the oncoming clutch. Output
torque of an internal combustion engine to the transmission is adjusted by an
amount substantially equal to a difference between the commanded output
torque and the first and the supplemental motive torques.



Patent Number 268621
Indian Patent Application Number 494/KOL/2008
PG Journal Number 37/2015
Publication Date 11-Sep-2015
Grant Date 08-Sep-2015
Date of Filing 11-Mar-2008
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number F16H61/00; F16H59/14; F16H63/40
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 11/688,318 2007-03-20 U.S.A.