Title of Invention


Abstract The invention provide an improved process for the preparation of fibre rich cake by using combination of additives like Ircithin , sorbitol and whey to improve texture , moisture and overall quality so is to effectively use fruit industry byproduct namely apple pomace. The invention also provide a formulation for preparation of fibre rich cake wherein apple pomace is used in such a form so that the cake produced has better quality characteristics and reduce the fat content in the cake formulation. In the present invention of apple pomace powder is made into gel like form using apple pomace powder, lecithin, water and part of refined oil. All the ingredients are mixed in a planetary mixer for 2-4 min and heated to a temperature of 40-50 ° C for 2-5 min .
Full Text This invention relates to an improved process for the preparation of fibre rich cake . This invention particularly relates to an improved process for the preparation of fibre rich cake using fruit industry by product namely apple pomace wherein a formulation is used to get improve texture , moisture and overall quality of the fibre rich cake.
Cake formulation contains high levels of fat and sugar. Each of these imparts different functions and makes the cake, taste better and more palatable. The fat content in the cake helps the cake to be tender, gives moist mouthfeel and lubricate while eating. The concern about the consumption of nutritious food and healthy diet by the consumers is constantly increasing. High fibre bakery products with good retention in specific volume and softness have been prepared. (Silva, R. F., US patents 5035903). Non-starch polysaccharides are the main constituents of cell wall, which is referred to as dietary fibre. Dietary fibre functions as a protective factor against colon cancer. It also reduces the conversion of bile acids into potential carcinogens in the large intestine. (Pomeranz, Wheat chemistry and Technology, pp 99-101).
Fibres act as barriers of diffusion of nutrients by producing viscous digesta in the small intestine, the more prolonged blood glucose response aids in maintaining a normal glucose level. The dietary fibre plays a multiple role in preventing number of health disorders through their influence in the gastrointestinal tract. Studies have been carried wherein apple fibre is characterized by chemical, physical methods. It has been found to be the good source of dietary fibre and superior water binder to wheat and oat bran. (Chen, H., Rubenthaler, G. L, Leung, H. K. and Baranowski, J. D., 1988. Chemical, Physical and baking properties of apple fibre compared with wheat and oat bran. Cereal Chemistry, 65: 244-247)
Many forms of dietary fibre have been added to bread and other cereal-based products. Replacing wheat flour with 4 % of apple fibre decreased the loaf volume of the bread and with further increase in the apple fibre, the loaf volume decreased markedly.
The poor baking quality of certain cereal fibre have been due to several reasons. The main reason is the dilution of gluten proteins. They also inhibit the formation of thin sheets. (Pomeranz, Y., Shogren, M. D., Finney K. F. and Bechtel 1977. Fibre in bread making effects on functional properties. Cereal Chemistry, 54: 25).
Studies have been carried out to see the effect of apple fibre on the physical properties of wheat flour (Chen, H., Rubenthaler, G. L. and Schanus, E. G., 1988. effect of aple fibre and cellulose on the physical properties of wheat flour. Journal of food science, 53: 304-305)
Studies were carried out to develop high fibre muffins with oat bran, rice bran and barley bran fractions. These fibre sources have hypocholesterolaemic and hypoglycaemic properties. These muffins had more moisture, protein and minerals and fewer calories. (Hudson, C. A., Chiu, M. M. and Knucles, B. E., 1992. Development of high fibre muffins with oat bran, rice bran or barley fiber fractions. Cereal Food World, 37(5): 373-376, 378)
Studies have been carried out to utlise apple pomace in the preparation of high fibre cakes and apple pomace was used upto a level of 15%. Whereas apple pomace in the present invention has been tried upto 30% level and the optimized formulation contains 25% of apple pomace which would be contributing more of dietary fibre in the product (Masoodi FA, Sharma B and Chauhan G S, 2002. Use of apple pomace as a source of dietary fiber in cakes. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition57-121-128).
Apple pomace is considered to be rich source of polyphenols, which exert strong antioxidant activity in vitro. (Lu, F. and Foo, L. F., 2000. Antioxidant and radical scavenging activities of polyphenols from apple pomace. Food Chemistry, 68: 81-85). They have investigated that apple pomace as a potential and cheapest source of natural polyphenols for use as dietary or food antioxidant.
Further a new process for the combined recovery of pectin and phenolic compounds have been studied, as these are valuable compounds, which can be used
as functional food ingredients and also as a natural antioxidant (Andreas Schieber, Petra Hilt, Petra Streker, Hans-Ulrich Endre, Christine Rentschler and Reinhold Carle, 2003. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 4(1): 99-107).
Reference may be made to Silva Roy (High fibre bakery products, US 5035903), wherein bakery goods such as bread containing increased levels of dietary fibre was developed by incorporating fibre and fictionalized dairy product so that the specific volume and softness of the product is maintained. The drawback is the development of high fibre bread containing sufficient amounrt of fibre and also functionalised dairy product containing a thickening polymer.
Reference may be made to Caramelli Franco (Process for the production of a dietary food stuff composition in the form of a biscuit having a high food fibre content and reduced calorie content, IT 1276330) wherein dietary foodstuff in the form of a biscuit was developed having high fibre content and reduced calorie content. The drawback is the use of maize flour and glucomannane and vegetable oil in the preparation of high fibre biscuits.
Reference may be made to Jesse Clayor Forkner, Forkner John, H, (Improvements in or relating to the manufacture of fruit containing products, GB 647894) wherein a fruit product for the use in the bakery products is made from tropical nut like coconut, brazil nut, babassu nut, palm kernel etc. Oil content from these are extracted, ground into paste is either extruded or pelleted. The drawback is the use of coconut, raisins, dried apricots, peaches or figs etc.
Reference may be made to Toeller Gudrum, (Process for the manufacture of baked goods promoting health, DE 19631460) wherein baked products such as bread are manufactured from mixture of cereal, such as wheat flour etc and extracts of hemp especially hemp fibre is used during mixing. High content of cellulose and fatty acids promotes health. The drawback is the use of extracts of hemp in the preparation of bread containing high fibre content.
Reference may be made to Miller Van (Yeast leavened baked goods and fruit based shelf life extender composition therefore, CA 221426) wherein a mixture of fruit pectin and fruit fibre was used in the preparation of bread to decrease the staling rate of the product. The product was found to be soft even after 12-14 days of storage. The drawback is the fruit pectin and fruit fibre especially from citrous fruits, apples etc is used to extend the shelf life of east leavened bakery products.
Reference may be made to La Droitle Philippe De Simone Claudio (Bakery products comprising live lyophilized lactic bacteria EP 1010372) wherein the baked product comprises one or more digestible fibre like substances. The drawback is that the fat based composition is essentially water free and comprises live lyophilized lactic bacteria.
Reference may be made to Barndt Richard Lee and Bakal Abraham (Sweet baked goods containing potato flour EP 0586250) wherein baked goods were prepared, which contained potato fibre and high intensity of sweetner like sucrolose. The drawback is the reduced sugar content baked goods were prepared using potato fibre in combination with a sweetener and an emulsifier.
Reference may be made to Wolfslehner Leopold Dipl-ing D (Dietetic food EP 0477161) wherein a dietetic food is described comprising of guar, pectin, apple pomace and/or apple fibre and flavouring substances and sweetener. The drawback of the invention is it is a dietetic food comprising of different ingredients.
Reference may be made to Zheng Jianxian Liang Qiusheng and Yuan Erdong (Sugarless high-fibre low-energy moon cake and its production method CN 1272320) wherein a cake was developed from stuffing material consisting of lotus seed and other ingredients, which possesses the functions of loosening the bowl to relieve constipation etc. The drawback is the cake is consisting of lotus seed and other food fibre.
The main object of the present invention is to provide an improved process for the preparation of fibre rich cake by using combination of additives like Ircithin , sorbitol and whey to improve texture , moisture and overall quality so is to effectively use fruit industry byproduct.
Another object of the present invention is to use apple pomace in the formulation as a source of dietary fibre also rich in polyphenols, which have strong antioxidant properties.
Yet another object of the present invention is to use apple pomace in such a form so that the cake produced has better quality characteristics.
Yet another object of the present invention is to reduce the fat content in the cake formulation.
Yet another object of the present invention is to use unsaturated vegetable oil such as soybean oil, peanut oil etc. along with saturated bakery shortening.
Yet another object of the present invention is to use lecithin as an emulsifier in the cake formulation.
Yet another object of the present invention is to use liquid sorbitol as a humectant in the cake formulation.
Accordingly the present invention provides an improved process for preparation fibre rich cake using a formulation as herein described and characterized in that it comprises the following steps (i) preparing of apple pomace powder into gel like substance using 3-10 parts of apple pomace powder, 0.1-0.3 parts lecithin, 3-8 parts of water, 2-3 parts of refined oil and mixing of all the ingredients in a planetary mixer for 2-4 min and heating to a temperature of 40-50 ° C for 2-5 minutes , (ii) creaming of refined flour (15-25 parts) with 5-10 parts of bakery shortening (margarine), 0.1-0.3
parts of baking powder, 0.2-0.5 parts of salt, 0.05-0.25 parts of sodium-bi-carbonate, 2-5 parts of whey powder and for a period of 3 - 6 min to get a good cream, (iii) creaming of apple pomace gel form of step (i) with flour cream of step (ii) for 3 - 4 min (iv) whipping of 20-30 parts of eggs, 20-30 parts of sugar for a period of 4 - 6 min to get a fluffy tight foam, (v) transferring of flour cream mixture as obtained in step (iii) to the foam in step (iv) and mixing for a period for 3 - 6 minutes, (vi) addition of refined oil (3-7 parts) to the obtained mixture and gently mixing for a period of 1-2 min, (vii) further addition of 1-3 parts of liquid sorbitol and mixing for a period of 1 - 3 minutes (viii) addition of 3-8 parts of water and mixing for 1-4 minutes to get batter of cake (ix) transferring the cake batter so prepared into wooden baking pan (x) baking the cake in a baking oven maintained at 150 - 175 °C for 50 - 75 min to get desired fibre rich cakes.
In an embodiment of the present invention following formulation being used in the preparation of fibre rich cake.
Refined wheat flour (70-72% extraction) 15 -25
Apple pomace (Total dietary fibre of 51.1 %) 3-10
Bakery shortening (Margarine - Melting point 45 °C) 5-10
Baking powder (Single acting) 0.1 - 0.3
Sodium chloride (Food Grade) 0.2 - 0.5
Sodium-bi-carbonate 0.05 - 0.25
Whey powder (protein content of 12.5%) 2.0 - 5.0
Lecithin (Food Grade) 0.1 - 0.3
Whole eggs (Fresh without shell) 20 - 30
Sugar 20 - 30
Refined oil (unsaturated vegetable oil) 5-10
Liquid Sorbitol (Food grade) 1-3
Water 3 - 8
In another embodiment of present invention , commercially available refined wheat flour used having 10.73% moisture, 0.5% ash, and 9.23% protein.
In another embodiment of the present invention commercially available apple pomace used being procured from Southern Citrus Products Pvt. Ltd., Gudur, India and having moisture content of 10.8%, 0.5% ash, 2.7% fat, 2.06% protein and 51.1% total dietary fibre.
In another embodiment of the present invention, apple pomace being powdered in a mill to pass through 11Qu -140u sieve.
In an embodiment of the present invention of apple pomace powder is made into gel like form using apple pomace powder, lecithin, water and part of refined oil. All the ingredients are mixed in a planetary mixer for 2-4 min and heated to a temperature of 40-50 °C for 2-5 min
In another embodiment of the present invention the mixing of flour, bakery shortening, salt, sodium-bi-carbonate and whey powder is effected in a horizontal mixer with a speed of 61 - 178 rpm and mixed for 3 - 6 min to get a good cream.
In another embodiment of present invention flour apple pomace cream is mixed with whipped eggs for a period for 3 - 6 min.
In another embodiment of present invention refined oil is added to the batter and gently mixed for a period of 1-2 min.
In another embodiment of present invention liquid sorbitol is added and mixed for a period of 1 -3 min.
In another embodiment of present invention the cake pan with batter is placed in a baking oven maintained at 150 - 175 °C for 50 - 75 min to get cake rich in fibre content.
(FLOW CHART Removed)
The novelty of present invention is preparation of a gel of apple pomace powder using apple pomace powder, lecithin, refined oil and water so that quality of cake is much better than the cake prepared from powder itself. The formulation used in the preparation of high fibre cakes have a combination of additives like lecithin, sorbitol and whey which together have improving effect on the texture, moistness of the crumb, mouthfeel and overall quality of the fibre rich cake.
The following examples are given by way of illustration of the present invention and therefore should not be construed to limit the scope of the present invention.
In the present example cakes were prepared using apple pomace in powder form and also in the form of gel. The ingredients used and the quantities used in the following example are given below. In the first experiment the cake was prepared using apple pomace in the form of powder and was blended with wheat flour. The wheat flour-apple pomace blend was creamed with shortening and other chemicals. The cake prepared using apple pomace in the powder form had a volume of 725 cc. The compression force required to compresses 25% was 1.46 kg. Subjective evaluation of cakes showed that the cake prepared using apple pomace in the powder form was crumbly and had slightly dry mouthfeel. Whereas the cake prepared using apple pomace in the form of gel like substance had volume of 775 cc. The texture measurement by using texture analyser shows that the cake prepared using apple pomace gel had softer texture. Sensory evaluation showed that the cake prepared using apple pomace gel like form gave cake, which was better in all respects. The cake was not crumbly and also had moist mouthfeel. This is because the pectin/fibre present in the apple pomace are been hydrated and the particles are swollen up which help in the creaming stage.
(Table Removed)
* Objective measurement
In the present example, formulation containing 25% of apple pomace was considered to improve the quality of the cake. The ingredients and the quantities used are given below. Cakes were prepared as mentioned in the flow chart.



Refined wheat flour (70-72% extraction) 18
Apple pomace (Total dietary fibre of 51.1 %) 6
Bakery shortening, (Margarine-Melting point 45 °C) 7
Baking powder (single acting) 0.12
Sodium chloride (Food Grade) 0.35
Sodium-bi-carbonate 0.1
Whole eggs (Fresh without shell) 28
Sugar 24
Refined oil (unsaturated vegetable oil) 7
Emulsifier 0.12
Water 5
(Table Removed)
* Objective measurement
DGMS: Distilled glycerol mono stearate
SSL: Sodium stearoyl lactylate
PS - 60: Polysorbate 60
Different additives like lecithin (0.5%), distilled glycerol mono stearate (0.5%), sodium stearoyl lactylate (0.5%) and polysorbate - 60 (0.5%) were used in the formulation independently. The objective evaluation and subjective evaluation of the cakes are as follows:
With the incorporation of emulsifiers like lecithin and PS -60, the volume of the cakes increased to 820-825 cc and the compression force reduced to 1.14-1.15 kg, indicating that the cakes were softer compared to the cake without additives. With the addition of lecithin and PS - 60 the crumb had uniform grain and had good palatability. With the addition of SSL there was an improvement in volume, but the compression force of 1.32 kg indicates it be slightly harder. With the addition of DGMS, the texture of the cake was relatively hard. Based on the overall quality of the cakes and objective evaluation lecithin was considered as the best among all the emulsifiers.
In the present example, formulation containing 25% of apple pomace was considered for the preparation of cake. The ingredients used and the quantities used in the following example are given below. Cakes were prepared as mentioned in the flow chart.
Refined wheat flour (70-72% extraction) 18
Apple pomace (Total dietary fibre of 51.1 %) 6
Bakery shortening, (Margarine-Melting point 45 °C) 7
Baking powder (single acting) 0.12
Sodium chloride (Food Grade) 0.35
Sodium-bi-carbonate 0.1
Whole eggs (Fresh without shell) 28
Sugar 24
Refined oil (unsaturated vegetable oil) 7
Humectants 2.3
Water 5
In the present example two humectants like sorbitol (10%) and glycerol (10%) were considered to improve the quality of the cakes.
With the incorporation of sorbitol in the formulation the cake quality was improved to B greater extent. The volume of the cake increased to 820 cc and the compression force was 1.11 kg indicating it to be quite soft in texture. The colour of the cake was light brown. The grain was open and the texture was soft. With the addition of glycerol, there was not much improvement in the volume. The over all quality score of 16.5 indicates that the cake was relatively poorer in quality when compared to the cake without any additive.
(Table Removed)
* Objective measurement
In the present example, formulation containing 25% of apple pomace was considered for the preparation of the cake. The ingredients used and the quantities used in the following example are given below. Cakes were prepared as mentioned in the flow chart.


QUANTITY (g/100q)

Refined wheat flour (70-72% extraction)
Apple pomace (Total dietary fibre of 51.1 %)
Bakery shortening, (Margarine-Melting point 45 °C)
Baking powder (single acting)
Sodium chloride (Food Grade)
Whole eggs (Fresh without shell)


Refined oil (unsaturated vegetable oil)
Whey powder


(Table Removed)
*Objective measurement
WP: whey powder
SMP: Skimmed milk powder
In the present example two more ingredients like whey powder and skimmed milk powder at 10% w/w basis were added in the creaming stage to improve the flavour of the cake. The objective and subjective evaluation of the cake are as follows:
Use of whey powder in the formulation helped in the creaming stage. The cream obtained was white and fluffy compared to the cream obtained by using skimmed milk powder. The cake prepared using whey powder had a 840 cc volume, and the compression force was as low as 1.12 kg. The crumb had light brown colour, grain was open and uniform and was highly acceptable. Use of milk powder in the formulation improved the volume marginally and the texture measured using texture analyser showed that the compression force was 1.21 kg when compared to the cake without any additive.
In the present example, formulation containing 25% of apple pomace was considered for the preparation of the cake. The ingredients used and the quantities used in the following example are given below. Cakes were prepared as mentioned in the flow chart.
Refined wheat flour (70-72% extraction) 18
Apple pomace (Total dietary fibre of 51.1 %) 6
Bakery shortening, (Margarine-Melting point 45 °C) 7
Baking powder (single acting) 0.12
Sodium chloride (Food Grade) 0.35
Sodium-bi-carbonate 0.1
Whole eggs (Fresh without shell) 28
Sugar 24
Refined oil (unsaturated vegetable oil) 7
Additives varaible
Water 5
In the present example combination of additives was tried to obtain cakes with improved volume, softer texture and better eating quality. The additives taken for combination were lecithin (10%), sorbitol (10%) and whey (10%). The objective and subjective evaluation of cakes as obtained by use of combined additives are as follows:
(Table Removed)
*0bjective measurement
Combination of additives helped in the improvement of cake quality. In the first experiment, all the three additives namely lecithin, sorbitol and whey powder were used. The cake had a maximum volume of 870 cc and the compression force as measured by the texture analyser showed that the force was 0.99 kg indicating it to be the softest among all. The crumb colour was light brown, grain was uniform and opened, texture was soft and silky and eating quality was excellent. Cakes prepared without lecithin had lesser volume of 800 cc and the compression force was 1.08 kg. The cakes prepared using lecithin in combination with whey had 810 cc volumes and the texture of the cake through objective evaluation was 1.18 kg. The subjective evaluations of the cakes showed that the cakes were slightly dry and the grain was slightly compact. Cakes containing lecithin and sorbitol had volume of 835 cc. The texture of the cake as
measured by texture analyser was 1.11 kg. The subjective evaluation of the cake indicated that the cake did not have wholesome mouthfeel and lacked milk aroma.
Fibre rich cakes prepared using apple pomace as a source of dietary fibre and by using different additives has the following properties which are adventitious over the earlier available fibre rich cake:
1. Formulation of the high fibre cakes contains 25% of apple pomace. Apple
pomace had 51 % total dietary fibre wherein the insoluble fibre is 36.50% and
soluble fibre is 14.6%.
2. The total dietary fibre of the cake prepared using 25% apple pomace was
14.20%. Insoluble dietary fibre content was 8.4% and soluble fibre was 5.8%.
3. The total fat content of the cake prepared using 25% apple pomace was 20.5%
when compared to control cakes which fat content in the range of 25 -28%.
4. The formulation of high fibre cakes thus prepared have a combination of
additives like lecithin, sorbitol and whey such that the cake prepared had an
improving effect on the texture, moistness of the crumb, mouthfeel and overall
5. The cake containing more of dietary fibre would be superior to normal cakes.
6. The fibre rich cake thus prepared from by product of fruit industry did not contain
any added synthetic flavour. The cake was rich in fruit flavour, which increased
the eating quality.

We claim:
1. An improved process for the preparation of fiber rich cake using a formulation as
herein described and characterized in that it comprises the following steps (i)
preparing of apple pomace powder into gel like substance using 3-10 parts of apple
pomace powder, 0.1-0.3 parts lecithin, 3-8 parts of water, 2-3 parts of refined oil and
mixing of all the ingredients in a planetary mixer for 2-4 min and heating to a
temperature of 40-50 ° C for 2-5 minutes , (ii) creaming of refined flour (15-25 parts)
with 5-10 parts of bakery shortening (margarine), 0.1-0.3 parts of baking powder, 0.2-
0.5 parts of salt, 0.05-0.25 parts of sodium-bi-carbonate, 2-5 parts of whey powder and
for a period of 3 - 6 min to get a good cream, (iii) creaming of apple pomace gel form
of step (i) with flour cream of step (ii) for 3 - 4 min (iv) whipping of 20-30 parts of eggs
with 20-30 parts of sugar for a period of 4 - 6 min to get a fluffy light foam, (v)
transferring of flour cream mixture as obtained in step (iii) to the foam in step (iv) and
mixing for a period for 3 - 6 minutes, (vi) adding refined oil (3-7 parts) to the obtained
mixture and gently mixing for a period of 1-2 min, (vii) further adding 1-3 parts of
liquid humectants as herein described , to the obtained mixture and mixing for a period
of 1 - 3 minutes to get batter (viii) adding of 3-8 parts of water to the batter of step
(vii) and mixing for 1- 4 minutes to desired batter of the cake (ix) transferring the cake
batter so prepared into wooden baking pan (x) baking the cake in a baking oven
maintained at 150 - 175 °C for 50 - 75 min to get desired fibre rich cakes.
2. An improved process as claimed in claim 1 wherein the formulation used for the
preparation of high fibre cakes comprising of following ingredients:
Refined wheat flour (70-72% extraction) 15 -25
Apple pomace (Total dietary fibre of 51.1 %) 3-10
Bakery shortening (Margarine - Melting point 45 °C) 5-10
Baking powder (Single acting) 0.1 - 0.3
Sodium chloride (Food Grade) 0.2 - 0.5
Sodium-bi-carbonate 0.05 - 0.25
Whey powder (protein content of 12.5%) 2.0 - 5.0
Lecithin (Food Grade) 0.1 - 0.3
Whole eggs (Fresh without shell) 20 - 30
Sugar 20 - 30
Refined oil (unsaturated vegetable oil) 5-10
Humectant 1 - 3
Water 3 - 8
3. An improved process as claimed in claims 1-2 wherein commercially available
refined wheat flour used comprises of 10.73% moisture, 0.5% ash, and 9.23% protein.
4. An improved process as claimed in claims 1-3 wherein commercially available
apple pomace used comprises of moisture content of 10.8%, 0.5% ash, 2.7% fat,
2.06% protein and 51.1% total dietary fibre.
5. An improved process as claimed in claims 1 - 4 wherein the apple pomace used
being powdered in a mill to pass through 1 10µ -140µ sieve
6. An improved process as claimed in claims 1 - 5 wherein the mixing of flour,
bakery shortening, salt, sodium-bi-carbonate and whey powder is effected in a
horizontal mixer with a speed of 61-178 rpm .
7. An improved process as claimed in claims 1 - 6 wherein humectants used is
selected from sorbitol(10%) , glycerol (10%).
8. An improved process for the preparation of fiber rich cake using a formulation as
herein described with reference to examples.



Patent Number 268622
Indian Patent Application Number 655/DEL/2008
PG Journal Number 37/2015
Publication Date 11-Sep-2015
Grant Date 08-Sep-2015
Date of Filing 14-Mar-2008
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A21D13/00; A21D13/08
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
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