Title of Invention


Abstract The invention relates to a turning device for metal deposits (3) used in combination with separating device, comprising at least one turnable receiving unit (5) mounted on a rotating axle (8) under the separating device and in vicinity of at least one conveyor (10), guiding means (6) for guiding metal deposit (3) to receiving unit (5) acting as a turning device and means for rotating the receiving unit (5). The invention relates also to a method for handling metal deposits (3).
Full Text WO 2006/021617 PCT/FI2005/000368
This invention relates to device and method for handling metal sheets. More specifically it relates to a turning device and method for turning metal sheets used in connection with device separating metal deposit from a cathode.

The refining of many metals, such as copper, zinc and nickel, includes electrolytic process where harmful impurities are separated from the metal to be produced. The metal produced in the electrolytic process is gathered to the cathode by means of electric current. Usually the electrolytic process is carried
out in tanks filled with an electrolyte containing sulphuric acid and, immersed therein, a number of plate like anodes and cathodes made of some electroconductive material and placed in an alternating fashion. At the top edges the anodes and cathodes are provided with lugs or bars for suspending them at the tank edges and for connecting them to the power circuit. The
cathodes, i.e. the mother plates, used in the electrolytic process are made for of instance stainless steel, aluminium or titanium.
After the electrolytic process the anodes are removed from the tanks and the metal from the surface is removed for further processing. To the removing of the metal from the anode are used many various methods. For example the metal plate is opened slightly from one edge of the anode plate, grabbed with grip members and pulled apart from the anode. Other possibility is to cut the metal from the surface of the anode with cutting blades.
To maintain the production continuous there are developed devices for separating the metal deposit from the cathode. The devices are constructed roughly with two parts, the separating part and the turning part. In the

WO 2006/021617 PCT/FI2005/000368
saparating part the metal is separated from the anode and in the turning part the separated metal parts are turned and moved further treatment in the process.
In documents US 5 149 410 and WO 00/32846 are described such prior art devices. In US 5 149 410 are described a method and apparatus for stripping electrodeposited metal sheets from permanent cathodes comprising a rotating carousel for receiving and sequentially advancing suspended permanent cathodes having electrodeposited metal sheets to a plurality of stations about
the carousel including a loading station, a hammering station for loosening the upper edges of the metal sheets from the cathodes, an opening station for stripping of the metal sheets from the cathodes, a discharge station for discharge of pairs of metal sheets, and an unloading station for removal of stripped cathodes. The pairs of stripped metal sheets preferably are bottom
discharged to a vertical envelope, which is rotated to a horizontal position for removal of metal sheets.
In document WO 00/32846 are described another device for separating metal deposit from a mother plate used as a cathode in an electrolytic process. In that device the metal sheets are separated and at the same time tilted from vertical position to horizontal position by gripping members guided with curved guides and then discharged from the device.

The object of the invention is to produce a device with fewer moving parts making it more reliable and compact. The device is also faster, which gives the opportunity to speed up the stripping process and more quiet than prior art devices. The same advantages are present also in related method for handling
metal sheets.

WO 2006/021617 PCT/FI2005/000368
Another object of the invention is to combine the separating device with the turning device to a compact design and more efficient method for handling metal sheets.
With one embodiment of the invention it is possible to alternatively unload the metal sheets to both sides of the stripping device. This is creating better and even more squared bundles, which are advantageous for further processing.
These above mentioned objects are achieved by a device and a method described later in the independent claims. In the dependent claims are presented other advantageous embodiments of the invention.
In the following the preferred embodiments are described in more details with reference to the accompanying drawings, where
Fig. 1 is a simplified view of the first embodiment of the turning device, Fig. 2 is another drawing of the first embodiment, Fig. 3 is yet another drawing of the first embodiment,
Fig. 4 is a simplified view of the second embodiment of the turning device, and Fig. 5 is a simplified view of the third embodiment of the turning device.

In Fig.1 the plate shaped permanent cathode 1 is held in its position from the hanger bar 2 and the metal deposit 3 is surrounding the permanent cathode from both sides. The separation of the metal deposit 3 is done by two vertically moving knives 4, which are waiting at the upper position. The knives 4 wedge
the permanent cathode 1 free on both sides from the metal deposit 3. For the separation of the metal deposit 3 can be used also any other known method.

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The receiver unit 5 is waiting under the permanent cathode 1 for the metal deposit 3 to be separated. The receiver unit has a V-shaped construction for easy receiving of the metal deposit 3 but the design is not limited to this example and can be freely alternated. On both sides of the permanent cathode 1 are situated guiding means, which are for example rollers 6. The receiver unit 5 under the permanent cathode 1 has a bottom 7 that can be opened.
In Fig. 2 the knives 4 have moved to the lower position and separated the metal deposit 3 from the permanent cathode 1 and the separated metal deposit is tilted against the support rollers 6. Next the knives 4 are moving back to the upper position and the metal deposit 3 is moved by gravity to the waiting receiver unit 5 under the permanent cathode 1.
In Fig. 3 the receiver unit 5 is acting as a turning device and tilted 90 degrees
from vertical position to the lateral position around the turning axle 8 according to the arrow 9 and the bottom 7 of the receiving unit 5 is opened. The receiver unit 5 lays the metal deposit 3 to the conveyor 10, which moves the metal deposit further in the process. At the same time another receiving unit 5, which has solid bottom, is moved under the metal deposit 3 separation process and
another permanent cathode 1 is switched to the separation device. This is due the fact that the two receiving units 5 are assembled at 90 degrees angle in relation to each other and the units are moved 90 degrees back and forth. Therefore always when another unit is unloading metal deposit 3 to the conveyer 10 the other is waiting next metal deposit from the separation. The
construction of the turning device can naturally be made with just one receiving unit 5 but the process is then slower than with the device having two receiving units. Also the construction can have two conveyors 10 moving the metal deposits 3 into two opposite directions from the turning device and both receiving units 5 can then have solid bottoms. The turning of the receiver units
5 is done by any known mechanical construction. For example it can be driven by means of motor and gearbox or by a hydraulic cylinder.

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By turning back and forth the turning device is unloading the metal deposits 3 to both sides of the separation device. This is advantageous for later bundling of the metal deposits 3. The bundles are better and even more squared than when the metal deposits 3 are continuously unloaded to same direction. The turning device is constructed of one or more separate pieces at the transverse direction of the conveyor 10 and located on both sides of and/or in the middle of the unloading conveyor.
In Fig. 4 there are another embodiment of the turning device. The turning
device has four receiving units 5 assembled around the turning axle 8 in 90-
degree intervals. The turning device is rotating only in one direction and
unloading the metal deposits 3 to one conveyer 10. The next receiving unit 5 is
automatically moving to the position for next metal deposit 3 when at same time
the previous receiving unit is unloading metal deposit to the conveyer 10. Here
is presented only the embodiment with four receiving units 5 but it is possible to
increase the number of receiving units to for example eight, twelve and so on.
The only limiting thing for smooth operation between the turning devise and the
separation device is that at the same time there is one empty receiving unit 5
waiting for next metal deposit 3 when another is unloading metal deposit to the
conveyer 10.
In Fig. 5 is presented an embodiment with lowering device 11. In this embodiment the metal deposit 3 is lowered in a controlled way to the receiving unit 5 according the arrow 12. The lowered position is described with dashed
line. Lowering the metal deposit 3 to the receiving unit 5 is reducing the noise of the device. After that the receiving unit 5 is working as a turning device and passes the metal deposit 3 to the conveyer 10. At the same time when the receiving unit 5 is turning towards the conveyer 10 the lowering device 11 is raised back to the upper position for receiving the next metal deposit 3 to be
lowered to the next receiving unit 5.

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The above described devise and method are suitable for all different kinds of cathodes used in electrolytic processes. By above described way the turning device is combined with the separation device and more compact design is achieved. This reduces the amount of movable parts compared to the prior art devices. It also makes possible to speed up the separating unit.
Whiie the invention has been described with reference to its preferred embodiments, it is to be understood that modifications and variations will occur to those skilled in the art. Such modifications and variations are intended to fall within the scope of the appended claims.

WO 2006/021617 PCT/FI2005/000368
1. A turning device for metal deposits (3) used in combination with
separating device, comprising at least one turnable receiving unit (5) mounted
on a rotating axle (8) under the separating device and in vicinity of at least one conveyor (10), guiding means (6) for guiding metal deposit (3) to receiving unit (5) acting as a turning device and means for rotating the receiving unit (5).
2. A device according to claim 1, where the device has two receiving units
(5) assembled in 90 degrees angle in relation to each other one of the receiving
units (5) having bottom (7) that can be opened, the devise assembled in vicinity of one conveyor (10).
3. A device according to claim 1, where the device has two receiving units
(5) assembled in 90 degrees angle in relation to each other assembled in
vicinity of two conveyors (10).
4. A device according to claim 1, where the device has four receiving units
(5) assembled in 90 degrees angle in relation to each other, the devise
assembled in vicinity of one conveyor (10).
5. A device according to claim 1, where the device has a lowering device
6. A method for handling metal deposit (3) comprising the steps of:
- separating the metal deposit (3) from a permanent cathode (1);
- arranging at least one receiving unit (5) under the separating device;
- moving the metal deposit to the receiving unit (5) waiting under the
separating device;
- arranging means for turning the receiver unit (5);

WO 2006/021617 PCT/FI2005/000368
- turning the receiving unit (5) 90 degrees around its axes (8) and
releasing the metal deposit (3) to the conveyor (10) in vicinity of receiving
unit (5),
- moving the metal deposit (3) further into the process with the conveyor
(10), and;
- assembling the separating device, turning device and the conveyor (10)
as a one wholeness.
7. A method according to the claim 6, comprising further at least one of the following steps:
- arranging two receiving units (5) in 90 degrees angle in relation to each
other one of them having bottom (7) that can be opened and one
conveyor (10);
- arranging four receiving units (5) in 90 degrees angle in relation to each
other and one conveyors (10), and;
- lowering the separated metal deposit (3) with lowering device (11) to the
receiving unit (5).

The invention relates to a turning device for metal deposits (3) used in combination with separating device, comprising at least one turnable receiving unit (5) mounted on a rotating axle (8) under the separating device and in vicinity of at least one conveyor (10), guiding means (6) for guiding metal deposit (3) to receiving unit (5) acting as a turning device and means for rotating the receiving unit (5). The invention relates also to a method for handling metal deposits (3).



Patent Number 269054
Indian Patent Application Number 379/KOLNP/2007
PG Journal Number 40/2015
Publication Date 02-Oct-2015
Grant Date 29-Sep-2015
Date of Filing 02-Feb-2007
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C25C 7/08, C25C7/06
PCT International Application Number PCT/FI2005/000368
PCT International Filing date 2005-08-26
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 20041122 2004-08-27 Finland