Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention is a process for the production of probiotics such as Lactobacilli spp, Sacchromyces spp, and Leuconostoc spp on media prepared from various fruit wastes (individual or combination), obtained from fruit processing industries either fresh or dried, and in various concentrations. The analysis of prepared media had revealed that these provide all the necessary nutrients required for the growth of the probiotic bacteria. The media from various fruit wastes were prepared by decoction, and concentration of the wastes required for the preparation was based on the extractive values of the carbohydrates. The media thus prepared were utilized for the growth of the probiotics by incubating with 5 % seed culture The seed cultures were prepared using the authenticated probiotic cultures in respective standard media. The process is useful for the production of above mentioned probiotic microorganisms on laboratory as well as commercial scale, and their byproducts.
Full Text FORM 2
(39 of 1970)
(See Section 10 rule 13)
A process for production of probiotics on media derived from fruit
APPLICANTS Name/s: Mr. Madhav P. Vaidya
Mr. Hasni Sawed Hamid
Dr. (Ms.) Chhava Gadgoli
Nationality: Indian
Address: Saraswathi Vidya Bhavan's College of Pharmacy, Sonarpada;
Dombivali (East). 421 203 , Maharashtra State. India
The following specification particularly describes the invention and the manner in which it is to be performed: -
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Field of Invention:
This invention relates to a process for production of probiotics by utilizing fruit wastes.
Background and prior art:
Probiotics are microbial cell preparations or components of microbial cell that have some beneficial effect on health and well being of the host. As per WHO "these are the live microorganism when administered in adequate amount confers health benefit on the host". Probiotic has found numerous uses in therapeutics. Mainly in humans it is used in treatment of diarrhea, enter colitis and other infections. These have varied beneficial effects on health like immunostimulant, anti-hyperlipidemic, cancer preventive and antiallergic.
For production on industrial scale only a few media are used and are feasible for industrial use. The most commonly used media contain corn steep liquor, peptone, D-glucose and some trace elements. Soya milk and whey have also been utilized for the growth of Lactobacilli, which is one of the important probiotic. But the utilization is rather tedious and the raw materials are not easily available off the shelf due to the unavailability of the raw materials throughout the geographical domains of India.
Current invention is one step towards the development of economical alternate media for the production of probiotics. The invention involves utilization of the various fruit wastes emerging out from the fruit processing industries for the production of probiotics. Liberalization and withdrawal of excise duty on fruit and vegetable products resulted into significant rise in the growth rate of the fruit processing industries in India. Presently estimated installed capacity of fruit and vegetable processing industries has increased from 20.8 lakh tones in 1998 to 21.0 lakh tonnes in 1999. The production of processed fruits and vegetables in the country has increased from 9.4 lakh tonnes in 1998 to 9.8 lakh tonnes in 1999. During the same period the number of licenses issued under Fruit Product Order (FPO), 1955 has increased to 5198 from 5112. The prominent processed
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items coming out from these industries are fruit pulps and juices, fruit based ready-to-serve beverages, canned fruits and vegetables, jams, squashes, pickles, chutneys and dehydrated vegetable, frozen pulps and vegetables, frozen dried fruits and vegetables, fruit juice concentrates and vegetable curries in reportable pouches, canned mushroom and mushroom products have been taken up for manufacture by the industry. All above processes give out large amount of waste, which is rich in the carbohydrates and proteins that can be utilized for the growth of the probiotics.
The main object of the present invention is to develop a process for production of probiotics such as Lactobacilli spp., using media derived from various fruit wastes.
Summary of invention:
The present invention provides a process for production of probiotics such as Lactobacilli, on laboratory as well as commercial scale. The process consists of following steps:
• Collection and preparation of wastes
• Preparation of media:
• As per the pre-requisites and the documented procedures.
• Media sterilization:
• Using suitable method/technique
• Preparation of seed culture
• Aseptic inoculation
• Followed by growth monitoring and harvesting
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Details of invention:
The current invention provides a process for development and production of probiotics. The medium used herein is prepared from various fruit wastes generated from fruit processing industries and local markets. The waste utilized includes waste generated from individual fruits as well as of combinations. Analysis of the media thus prepared, has revealed that it would provide with necessary concentrations of nutrients required for the growth of microorganisms. How ever in some cases due to biological variations additions of substances such as carbohydrates, nitrogen (as proteins/amino acids/inorganic salts) and calcium (as inorganic salts) was required.
1. Carbohydrates/sugars (estimated as total reducing sugars)
2. Nitrogen (as proteins/amino acids)
3. Trace elements viz. calcium
Collection and preparation of waste:
Fruit wastes were collected from the local market, and were dried artificially at 60° C, dried wastes were powdered. Fresh wastes were also used for same purpose.
Preparation of media:
Media for the concerned purpose were produced by decoction. The wastes weight as % w/v to be used for extraction is dependant on extractive values for carbohydrates, nitrogen and other substances were then analyzed and supplemented if required in the medium.
Preparation of seed culture:
Standard deMan Rogosa and Sharpe (MRS) Medium was inoculated with 106to 108 (one loop full) cells of standard culture of probiotics such as Lactobacilli spp. Followed by incubation at 37 ± 2° C for 24 hrs. The culture thus obtained was used as seed culture in the process.
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The invention will now be described by way of examples. The examples are by the way of illustration only and in no way restrict the scope of the invention.
Example 1: Process for the development of Lactobacillus acidophilus. Ingredients used
Citrus fruit waste (Fresh/ Dried)
Sodium hydroxide (AR
Distilled water
Dried / fresh Citrus fruit waste was boiled in distilled water for 1 hr at 80° C to generate medium, the pH of the prepared medium was adjusted to 6.5 and sterilized by autoclaving at 15 lbs and 121°C for 15 minutes. The concentrations of the wastes were based on % of the total reducing sugar (2-4 % w/w). Then medium was analyzed for total reducing sugars and nitrogen (crude protein) and adjuvant were added if required.. The Sterilized medium was inoculated with 5 % v/v seed culture of Lactobacillus acidophilus (NCIM*No. 2660) and was incubated at 37 ± 2°C in incubator along with agitation of 120 rpm till the stationary phase was attained which was 16 hrs in this case. The medium was then harvested and lyophilized.
Example 2
Ingredients used
Mango fruit waste (Fresh/ Dried)
Sodium hydroxide (AR)
Distilled water
Dried / fresh Citrus fruit waste was boiled in distilled water for 1 hr at 80° C to generate medium, the pH of the prepared medium was adjusted to 6.5 and sterilized by autoclaving at 15 lbs and 121 °C for 15 minutes. The concentrations of the wastes were based on % of the total reducing sugar (2-4 % w/w). Then
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medium was analyzed for total reducing sugars and nitrogen (crude protein) and adjuvant were added if required. The Sterilized medium was inoculated with 5 % v/v seed culture of Lactobacillus acidophilus (NCIM* No. 2660) and was incubated at 37 ± 2°C in incubator along with agitation of 120 rpm till the stationary phase was attained which was 16 hrs in this case. The medium was then harvested and lyophilized.
Example 3 Ingredients used
Banana fruit waste (Fresh/ Dried) Sodium hydroxide (AR) Distilled water
Dried / fresh Citrus fruit waste was boiled in distilled water for 1 hr at 80° C to generate medium, the pH of the prepared medium was adjusted to 6.5 and sterilized by autoclaving at 15 lbs and 121 °C for 15 minutes. The concentrations of the wastes were based on % of the total reducing sugar (2-4 % w/w). Then medium was analyzed for total reducing sugars and nitrogen (crude protein) and adjuvant were added if required. The Sterilized medium was inoculated with 5 % v/v seed culture of Lactobacillus acidophilus (NCIM* No. 2660) and was incubated at 37 ± 2°C in incubator along with agitation of 120 rpm till the stationary phase was attained which was 16 hrs in this case. The medium was then harvested and lyophilized.
Example 4: process for the development of Lactobacillus bulgaricus.
Ingredients used
Citrus fruit waste (Fresh/ Dried)
Sodium hydroxide (AR)
Distilled water
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Dried / fresh Citrus fruit waste was boiled in distilled water for 1 hr at 80° C to generate medium, the pH of the prepared medium was adjusted to 6.5 and sterilized by autoclaving at 15 lbs and 121 °C for 15 minutes. The concentrations of the wastes were based on % of the total reducing sugar (2-4 % w/w). Then medium was analyzed for total reducing sugars and nitrogen (crude protein) and adjuvant were added if required. The Sterilized medium was inoculated with 5 % v/v seed culture of Lactobacillus bulgaricus (NCIM* No. 2056) and was incubated at 37 ± 2°C in incubator along with agitation of 120 rpm till the stationary phase was attained which was 16 hrs in this case. The medium was then harvested and lyophilized.
Example 5 Ingredients used
Mango fruit waste (Fresh/ Dried) Sodium hydroxide (AR) Distilled water
Dried / fresh Citrus fruit waste was boiled in distilled water for 1 hr at 80° C to generate medium, the pH of the prepared medium was adjusted to 6.5 and sterilized by autoclaving at 15 lbs and 121°C for 15 minutes. The concentrations of the wastes were based on % of the total reducing sugar (2-4 % w/w). Then medium was analyzed for total reducing sugars and nitrogen (crude protein) and adjuvant were added if required. The Sterilized medium was inoculated with 5 % v/v seed culture of Lactobacillus bulgaricus (NCIM* No.2056) and was incubated at 37 ± 2°C in incubator along with agitation of 120 rpm till the stationary phase was attained which was 16 hrs in this case. The medium was then harvested and lyophilized.
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Example 6 Ingredients used
Banana fruit waste (Fresh/ Dried) Sodium hydroxide (AR) Distilled water
Dried / fresh Citrus fruit waste was boiled in distilled water for 1 hr at 80° C to generate medium, the pH of the prepared medium was adjusted to 6.5 and sterilized by autoclaving at 15 lbs and 121°C for 15 minutes. The concentrations of the wastes were based on % of the total reducing sugar (2-4 % w/w). Then medium was analyzed for total reducing sugars and nitrogen (crude protein) and adjuvant were added if required. The Sterilized medium was inoculated with 5 % v/v seed culture of Lactobacillus bulgaricus (NCIM* No. 2056) and was incubated at 37 ± 2°C in incubator along with agitation of 120 rpm till the stationary phase was attained which was 16 hrs in this case. The medium was then harvested and lyophilized.
Example 7: process for the development of Lactobacillus sporogenes Ingredients used
Citrus fruit waste.(fresh/dried) Sodium hydroxide
Distilled water
Dried / fresh Citrus fruit waste was boiled in distilled water for 1 hr at 80° C to generate medium, the p H of the prepared medium was adjusted to 6.5 and sterilized by autoclave at 15 lbs and 121°C for 15 minutes. The concentrations of the wastes were based on % of the reducing sugar (2-4 % w/w). Then medium was analyzed for the sugars and nitrogen and adjuvant were added if required. This Sterilized medium was inoculated with 5 % v/v seed culture of Lactobacillus
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. sporogenes (NCIM* No. 5163) and was incubated at 37 ± 2°C in incubator along with agitation of 120 rpm till the complete sporulation was attained which was 24 hrs in this case. The medium was then harvested and lyophilized.
Example 8
Ingredients used
Mango fruit waste (Fresh/dried)
Sodium hydroxide
Distilled water
Dried / fresh Citrus fruit waste was boiled in distilled water for 1 hr at 80° C to generate medium, the p H of the prepared medium was adjusted to 6.5 and sterilized by autoclave at 15 lbs and 121°C for 15 minutes. The concentrations of the wastes were based on % of the reducing sugar (2-4 % w/w). Then medium was analyzed for the sugars and nitrogen and adjuvant were added if required. This Sterilized medium was inoculated with 5 % v/v seed culture of Lactobacillus sporogenes (NCIM* No. 5163) and was incubated at 37 ± 2°C in incubator along with agitation of 120 rpm till the complete sporulation was attained which was 24 hrs in this case. The medium was then harvested and lyophilized.
Example 9 Ingredients used
Banana fruit waste (fresh/dried) Sodium hydroxide Distilled water Procedure:
Dried / fresh Citrus fruit waste was boiled in distilled water for 1 hr at 80° C to generate medium, the p H of the prepared medium was adjusted to 6.5 and sterilized by autoclave at 15 lbs and 121 °C for 15 minutes. The concentrations of the wastes were based on % of the reducing sugar (2-4 % w/w). Then medium was analyzed for the sugars and nitrogen and adjuvant were added if required.
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This Sterilized medium was inoculated with 5 % v/v seed culture of Lactobacillus sporogenes (NCIM* No. 5163) and was incubated at 37 ± 2°C in incubator along with agitation of 120 rpm till the complete sporulation was attained which was 24 hrs in this case. The medium was then harvested and lyophilized.
(NCIM* National Collection of Industrial Microorganisms, NCL Pune.) Advantages of invention:
The main advantage of the process is that it is facilitating the growth of probiotics, which are an important in the treatment, and prevention of diseases and disorders, and are the need of an hour.
The current process is giving an alternate economical medium for the growth of the probiotics on lab as well as on the commercial level.
Simultaneously process is taking care of the waste of fruit processing industries that is it is serving as the waste management process in fruit processing industry.
The medium is non-corrosive and eco-friendly, the pH of the medium is around 5-7 and hence do not require any effluent treatment.
We claim:
1. A process for development of an eco-friendly and economical medium from various fruit wastes in various concentration ranging from 1- 50 % w/v of the waste fresh or dried, with or without adjuvant, for the production of probiotics such as Lactobacilli spp., Sacchromyces spp., Leuconostoc spp. And there byproducts such as enzymes, amino acids, organic or inorganic components.
2. A process for biomass yield of probiotics on media of concentration mentioned in claim 1.
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3. A process for generation of byproducts such as enzymes, amino acids through development of probiotics such as Lactobacilli spp., Sacchromyces spp., and Leuconostoc spp. Utilizing media prepared using various fruit wastes.
4. A process for development of spores from the inoculums of probiotics mentioned in claim 1 and 3 on media prepared from various fruit wastes of concentrations as mentioned in claim 1 and 3
5. A process for development of media from fruit waste either on solitary basis or in combination or in conjunction with any standard media used industrially, with or without adjuvant.
Dated: 8th day of February 2006

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The present invention is a process for the production of probiotics such as Lactobacilli spp, Sacchromyces spp, and Leuconostoc spp on media prepared from various fruit wastes (individual or combination), obtained from fruit processing industries either fresh or dried, and in various concentrations. The analysis of prepared media had revealed that these provide all the necessary nutrients required for the growth of the probiotic bacteria. The media from various fruit wastes were prepared by decoction, and concentration of the wastes required for the preparation was based on the extractive values of the carbohydrates. The media thus prepared were utilized for the growth of the probiotics by incubating with 5 % seed culture The seed cultures were prepared using the authenticated probiotic cultures in respective standard media. The process is useful for the production of above mentioned probiotic microorganisms on laboratory as well as commercial scale, and their byproducts.
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Patent Number 269069
Indian Patent Application Number 187/MUM/2005
PG Journal Number 40/2015
Publication Date 02-Oct-2015
Grant Date 29-Sep-2015
Date of Filing 21-Feb-2005
Name of Patentee VINAY K MEHTA
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number B31F1/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA