Title of Invention


Abstract Abstract HIGH CONCENTRATION TOPICAL INSECTICIDES CONTAINING PYRETHROIDS A topical insecticide preparation is provided which can be safe to use and avoids many common deleterious side effects of conventional topical insecticides. The topical insecticide contains a combination of a first pyrethroid insecticide effective for killing fleas, a second pyrethroid insecticide effective for killing ticks, and an insect growth regulator (IGR). The topical insecticide preparation can be packaged together or packaged so that the first and second pyrethroid insecticides are stored separately prior to administration of the insecticide preparation to the animal. The combination of the first and second pyrethroid insecticides widi an insect growth regulator results in an insecticide preparation formulated to have enhanced insecticidal activity against fleas and ticks compared to the effectiveness of the first and second insecticides used alone. Further, the combination of the first and second pyrethroid insecticides with an insect growth regulator produces an insecticide preparation having enhanced insecticidal activity against fleas and ticks while advantageously minimizing the total amount of insecticide needed for its effectiveness.
Full Text

[001 ] This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No.
60/795,677, filed April 28,2006 and is a continuation-in-part of and claims priority to U.S. Application No. 11/181,344, filed July 14, 2005, which is a continuation-in-part of U.S. Application No. 10/910,542, filed August 3, 2004, which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/493,976, filed August 8, 2003, and U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/554,563, filed March 19, 2004, and is also a continuation-in-part of U.S. Application No. 10/242,551, filed September 12, 2002, now U.S. Patent 6,867,223. Priority is claimed to the applications listed above, which are incorporated herein by reference.
[002] The invention relates generally to insecticides and more particularly to a topical
insecticide, such as one suitable to use on house pets such as dogs.
[003] The infestation of animals with fleas, ticks, flies and the like is highly undesirable.
Accordingly, it has become common to administer both topical and internal insecticides to livestock and pets. Topical applications can be desirable, in that many insecticides are acceptably safe when used topically, but not when used internally. Also, many pet owners are concerned about administering internal insecticides to their pets.
[004] Various topical insecticides have drawbacks. Some require a large volume to be
applied to the animal. This can cause considerable mess and can lead to an unpleasant smell. Additionally, if the dosage of a topical insecticide is in a large volume, it can be easily shaken off by the animal, thereby reducing the effectiveness of the insecticide formulation. Also, when the animal is a house pet, there is a further complication in that the insecticide should be safe for

human contact. It should also not lead to staining of furniture, carpeting and the like. Finally, even if safe, topical insecticides for house pets should not be irritating or lead to rashes, hair loss or exhibit other unpleasant side effects.
[005] There is therefore a need for an improved topical insecticide that overcomes
drawbacks of the prior art.
[006] Generally speaking, in accordance with the invention, a topical insecticide,
particularly one for use on pets, especially dogs, is provided. Formulations in accordance with the invention can be safe to use and can avoid many common deleterious side effects of conventional topical insecticides.
[007] The invention provides a topical insecticide which contains a combination of
insecticides and insect growth regulators which can be effective to kill fleas, flea eggs, flea
larvae, ticks, tick eggs, tick larvae and tick nymphs. The selection of the combination of
insecticides and insect growth regulators produces an insecticide having high insecticidal activity
while allowing for a lower total amount of insecticide to be applied to the animal, compared to
the effectiveness and amount required of the individual insecticides when used alone to achieve
the same kill rate. The compositions derived herein can also be useful to improve the speed of
result and decrease the reoccurrence, compared to other formulatiom.
[008] The invention can provide an insecticidal composition which contains a
combination of a first insecticide component in an insecticidally effective amount to achieve at least, e.g., an 80%, preferably 90% kill rate for fleas, a second insecticide component in an insecticidally effective amount to achieve at least, e.g. an 80%, preferably 90% kill rate for ticks, and a growth regulating effective amount of an insect growth regulator (1GR). In certain embodiments of the invention, the second insecticide is not a neo-nicotinoid, which is considered

only effective against fleas. The combination of the two insecticide components and the insect growth regulator increases the effectiveness of the first and second insecticide compared to the effectiveness of the first and second insecticides when used alone and reduces the effective amount of the first and second insecticide compared to the effective amount of the first and second insecticide when used alone.
[009] In one embodiment of the invention, at least one of the two insecticide
components in the composition is a pyrethroid and in other preferred embodiments, the first and second insecticide components in the composition are pyrethroids. In a preferred embodiment of the invention, the first insecticide component in the composition comprises perrnethrin Alternative embodiments of the invention can include cyphenothrin or fenpropathrin. The second insecticide component comprises a (tetrahydro-3-furanyl)methylamine derivative of formula (1), identified below. Of course, it should be understood that the designations of which of the two is the first and which is the second is arbitrary and interchangeable. Also, the identification of an active ingredient, e.g., perrnethrin, is intended to also refer to other pharmaceutically active forms of the active ingredient, such as esters, salts, hydrochlorides, acid or base forms, isomers and so forth.
[0010] In another embodiment of the invention, the first insscacide component
comprises perrnethrin or phenothrin. The second insecticide componem comprises a chloronicotinyl insecticide, preferably acetamiprid. Other chloronicotinyl insecticides that can be utilized in the insecticide formulation include, but are not limited to nitenpyram and imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, and clothianidin.
[0011] In another preferred embodiment of the invention, the first insecticide component
comprises perrnethrin or phenothrin, and the second insecticide component comprises

dinotefuran, acetamiprid, nitenpyram, imidacloprid, or bifenthrin. The second component is
advantageously in combination with an isoparaffinic solvent such as Isopar®, available
commercially from EXXON and/or tripropylene glycol methyl ether (TPM), dipropylene glycol
methyl ether, propylene glycol methyl ether, ethyl lactate, propylene carbonate and/or safflower
oil. It should be noted that in embodiments where the second insecticide is dinotefuran, Isopar
and safflower oil are preferably not included in the solvent solution.
[0012] It has been determined that it is difficult to form a high concentration of
dinotefuran and permethrin or phenothrin and it is likely to result in a solution that can be unstable when stored at room temperature for reasonable amounts of time. Accordingly, it was determined to be preferable to package the insecticide composition in a manner so that the first insecticide and second insecticide are not permitted to interact prior to application of the insecticide composition to the animal and to keep these formulations separated until application. The first and second insecticides can be stored separately from each other in a package or container having two associated, preferably attached, but individual chambers to prevent the mixing of the insecticides prior to the administration of the formulation. Prior to administration, the packages containing the two insecticides in their respective separate chambers are opened, and the two insecticides are dispensed simultaneously or at least at about the same time, to the animal.
[0013] One way of providing the two components is to provide two containers that each
have flat bottoms and bulb shaped reservoirs in the top side. Each bulb can be in fluid communication with a channel portion extending in a first direction from the reservoir. The two containers can be mirror images of each other, issued at a central connection save that they can be folded toward each other at the central connection, so that the two flat bottoms meet, leading

to the forming of a familiar dropper bulb shape. The ends of the package, can be broken off to
open the ends of the channels. Therefore, squeezing the bulb end will simultaneously dispense
both bulbs through both channels, onto the pet.
[0014] In yet another preferred embodiment of the invention, the insect growth regulator
in the composition is pyriproxyfen or methoprene. Preferably, the insect growth regulator is
packaged in the same chamber as either the first insecticide or the second insecticide or in yet
another container. Pyriproxyfen or methoprene are insecticides that act as an insect growth
inhibitor (IGR) by preventing flea eggs from hatching.
[0015] - In another preferred embodiment of the invention, triphenyl phosphate (TPP) is
added to the insecticide composition, preferably in an amount less than the insecticidally
effective amount of the first and second insecticide in the composition. Triphenyl phosphate can
be packaged in the same container as either the first insecticide or the second insecticide. The
selection of the chamber depends on the solvent in which the insecticide is solubilized.
[0016] Accordingly, it is an object of the invention to provide an improved topical
insecticide composition that is highly effective against fleas, flea larvaej flea eggs, and ticks.
[0017] Another object of the invention is the provision of methods for controlling insect
[0018] Another object of the invention is to provide a topical insecticide that works more
rapidly and/or more permanently than other insecticides.
[0019] Other objects and features will be in part apparent and in part pointed out.
[0020] FIG. 1 is a top plan view of a dual packaging system in accordance with an
embodiment of the invention;
[0021] FIGS. 2A and 2B are end views of the dual packaging system of FIG. 1; and

[0022] FIG. 3 is a side view of the system of FIG. I, after the two halves thereof have
been folded together.
[0023] in accordance with the invention, insecticidal compositions, which contain a
combination of insecticides and insect growth regulators effective to kill fleas and ticks, including flea eggs, flea larvae, and adult fleas and ticks, tick eggs, tick larvae and tick nymphs, are provided. By selecting a combination of insecticides that are highly effective against fleas and combining them with insecticides that are highly effective against ticks, the total amount of insecticide is optimized. The combination of insecticides and insect growth regulators result in insecticidal compositions having high insecticidal activity against fleas and ticks while allowing for a reduced amount of the total volume of insecticide required for application when compared to compositions containing the individual insecticides alone. Compositions containing permethrin in accordance with the invention are particularly advantageous for use on dogs, compared to their use on cats.
[0024] The insecticidal compositions in accordance with the invention comprise a
combination of a first insecticide component in an insecticidally effective amount to preferably achieve at least an 80% kill rate for fleas, a second insecticide component in an insecticidally effective amouni to preferably achieve ai least an 80% kill rate for ticks, and an insecticidally effective amount ofan insect growth regulator (IGR). The combination of the first and second insecticide components with an insect growth regulator advantageously results in an insecticidal composition having a higher insecticidal activity against fleas, flea larvae, flea eggs and ticks compared to a composition containing either the first or second insecticide or the insect growth regulator alone.

[0025] In a preferred embodiment of the invention, the first insecticide component in the
composition is in an insecticidally effective amount to achieve at least an 80% kill rate for fleas, more preferably at least a 90% kill rate for fleas, even more preferably at leas: a 95% kill rate for fleas, and most preferably, at least a 99% kill rate for fleas. In another preferred embodiment of the invention, the second insecticide component in the composition is in an insecticidally effective amount to achieve at least an 80% kill rate for ticks, more preferably at least a 90% kill rate for ticks, even more preferably, at least a 95% kill rate for ticks, and most preferably, at least a 99% kill rate for ticks.
[0026] In one embodiment of the invention, the first and second insecticide components
in the composition are not the same insecticide and at least one of the two insecticides in the composition is a pyrethrin or a synthetic pyrethroid. In other preferred embodiments of the invention, the first and second insecticide components in the composition are both pyrethroids. It should of course be understood thai additional pyrethroids or non-pyrethroid insecticides can also be included.
[0027] In another embodiment of the invention, the first insecticide component is a
pyrethroid, and the second insecticide component is a neo-nicotinoid,
[0028] ID one preferred embodiment of the invention, the first insecticide component in
the composition comprises a pyrethroid, preferably pennethrin. Other embodiments of the invention include cyphenothrin and/or fenpropathrin as the first insecticide component. The second insecticide component preferably comprises a neo-nicotinoid comprising a (tetrahydro-3-furanyl)methylamine derivative of following formula (1). The (tetrahydro-3-furanyl)methylamine derivatives of the formula (I) have an excellent insecticidal activity even in the absence of a pyridylmethyl group or a thiazolylmethyl group in their molecular structure.

[0029] where X], X2, X3, Xj, Xs, X6 and X7 each represent each a hydrogen atom or an
alkyl group having from 1 to 4 carbon atoms; Ri represents a hydrogen atom, an alky! group having from 1 to 5 carbon atoms, an alkenyl group having 3 carbon atoms, a benzyl group, an alkoxyalkyl group having from 2 to 4 carbon atoms (in its whole group), an atkyloxycarbonyl group having from 1 to 3 carbon atoms, a phenoxy carbonyl group, an alkylcarbonyl group having from 1 to 6 carbon atoms, an alkenylcarbonyl group having from 2 to 3 carbon atoms, a cycloalkylcarbonyl group having from 3 to 6 carbon atoms, a benzoyl group, a benzoyl group substituted by alkyl group(s) having from 1 to 4 carbon atoms, a benzoyl group substituted by halogen atom(s), a 2-furanyIcarbonyl group or an N,N-dimethylcarbamoyI group; R3 represents a hydrogen atom, an amino group, a methyl group, an alkylamino group having from I to 5 carbon atoms, a di-substituted alkylamino group having from 2 to 5 carbon atoms (in its whole group), a 1 -pyrrolidinyl group, an alkenyl amino group having 3 carbon atoms, an alkynylamino group having 3 carbon atoms, a methoxyamino group, an alkoxyalkylamino group having from 2 to 4 carbon atoms (in its whole group), a methylthio group or —N(Yi)Yj (where Yi represents an alkyloxycarbonyl group having from 1 to 3 carbon atoms, a phenoxycarbonyl group, an alkylcarbonyl group having from 1 to 6 carbon atoms, an alkenylcarbonyl group having from 2 to 3 carbon atoms, a cycloalkylcarbonyl group having from 3 to 6 carbon atoms, a benzoyl

group, a benzoyl group substituted by alkyl group(s) having from 1 to 4 carbon atoms, a benzoyl group substituted by halogen atom(s), a 2- furanylcarbonyl group, an N,N-dimethylcarbamoyl group, a (tetrahydro-3- furanyl)methyl group or a benzyl group, and Y2 represents a hydrogen atom or an alkyl group having from 1 to 5 carbon atoms); and Z represents =N-NC>2, =CH-NC>2 or =N-CN.
[0030] Intermediates for producing the compounds of the formula (1) are represented by
a formula (2):

where X}, Xi, X3, X4, Xs, X$ and X7 each represent each a hydrogen atom or an alkyl group having from 1 to 4 carbon atoms; R;o represents an alkyl group having from 1 to 5 carbon atoms or a benzyl group; and R.11 represents an alkyl group having from I ic 5 carbon atoms or a benzyl group.
[0031 ] The (tetrahydro-3-furanyl)methylamiDe derivatives of the formula (1) and formula
(2) according to the invention are excellent compounds having a high insecticidal activity and broad insecticidal spectrum. Further, agricultural chemicals containing the (tetrahydro-3-furanyl)methylamine derivatives of formula (1) and (2) according to the invention have outstanding characteristics as insecticides and hence are useful.

[0032] Specific examples of the alkyl group for Xi, X2, X3, X4, X5, X& and X7 in the
above formulae (1) and (2) include a methyl group, an ethyl group, an n-propyl group, an iso-
propyl group, a tert-butyl group, and the like, preferably a methyl group.
[0033] Specific examples of the alkyl group for R[ include a methyl group, an ethyl
group, an n-propyl group, an iso-propyl group, an n- butyl group, an iso-butyl group, a sec-butyl
group, a tert-butyl group, an n-pentyl group, and the like.
[0034] Specific examples of the alkenyl group for Ri include a 1 -propenyl group, a 2-
propenyl group, and the like.
[0035] Specific examples of the alkoxyalkyl group for Ri include a methoxymethyl
group, an ethoxymethyl group, an n-propoxymethyl group, an iso-propoxymethyl group, a
methoxyethyl group, an ethoxyethyl group, and the like.
[0036] Specific examples of the alkyloxycarbonyl group for R] include a
methyloxycarbonyl group, an ethyloxycarbonyl group, an n-propyloxycarbonyl group, aji iso-
propyloxycarbony] group, and the like.
[0037] Specific examples of the alkylcarbonyl group for Ri include a methylcarbonyl
group, an ethyJcarbonyl group, an n-propy]carbonyl group, an iso-propyicarbonyl group, an E-
butylcarbonyl group, an iso-butylcarbonyl group, a sec-butylcarbonyl group, a tert-butylcarbonyl
group, an n-penrylcarrxmyl group, an n-hexylcarbonyl group, and the 'dkz.
[0038] Specific examples of the alkenylcarbonyl group for Ri include a vinylcarbonyl
group, a 1-methylvinylcarbonyl group, and the like.
[0039] Specific examples of the cycloalkylcarbonyl group for Ri include a
cyclopropylcarbonyl group, a cyclobitfylcarbonyl group, a cyclopentylcarbonyl group, a
cyclohexylcarbonyl group, and the like.

[0040] Specific examples of the benzoyl group substituted by alky! group(s) for Ri
include a 2-methylbenzoyl group, a 3-methylbenzoyl group, a 4-methylbenzoyl group, a 4-tert-
butylbenzoyl group, and the like.
[0041] Specific examples of the benzoyl group substituted by halogen atom(s) for Ri
include a 2-chlorobenzoyl group, a 3-chlorobenzoyl group, a 4-chlorobenzoyl group, a 3,4-
dichloro~benzoyl group, a 4- fluorobenzoyf group, and the like.
[0042] Although R] can take various substituents as described above, it is preferably a
hydrogen atom, an alkylcarbonyl group having from 1 to 4 carbon atoms or a
cyclopropylcarbonyl group.
[0043] Specific examples of the alkylamino group for R2 include a methylamino group,
an ediylamino group, an n-propyl-amino group, an iso-propylamino group, an n-butylamino
group, an iso-butylamino group, a sec-biitylamino group, a tert-butylamino group, an n-
oentylamino group, and the like, preferably a mediylamino group.
[0044] Specific examples of the di-substituted alkylamino group for R2 include a
dimethylamino group, a diethylamino group, an N-melbyl-N-ethylamino group, an N-methy]-N-
n-propylamino group, an N-methyl-N-n-butylamino group, and the like, preferably a
dimethylamino group.
[0045] Specific examples of the alkenylamino group for R2 include a 1-propenylaminc
group, a 2-propenylamino group, and the like.
[0046] Specific examples of the alkynylamino group for R2 include a propargylamino
group, and the like.
[0047] Specific examples of the alkoxyalkylamino group for R2 include a
methoxymethylamino group, an ethoxymethylammo group, an n-propoxymethylamino group, an

iso-propoxymethylamino group, a methoxyethylamino group, an ethoxyethylamtno group, and
the like.
[0048] Specific examples of the alkyloxycarbonyl group denoted by Yi for Ri include a
methyloxycarbonyl group, an ethyloxy-carbonyl group, an n-propyloxycarbonyl group, an iso-
propyloxy-carbony! group, and the like.
[0049] Specific examples of the alkylcarbonyl group denoted by Yj for R2 include a
methylcarbonyl group, an ethylcarbonyl.group, an n-propylcarbony! group, an iso-
propylcarbonyl group, an n-butylcarbonyl group, an isobutylcarbonyl group, a sec-butyl-
carbonyl group, a tertbutylcarbonyl group, an n-pentylcarbonyl group, an n-hexylcarbonyl group,
and the like, preferably a methylcarbonyl group, an ethylcarbonyl group, an n-propylcarbonyl
group, an iso-propylcarbonyl group, an n-butylcarbonyS group, an iso-butyicarbonyl group, a
sec-butylcarbonyl group and a tert-butylcarbonyl group.
[0050] Specific examples of the alkenylcarbonyl group denoted by Yi forR2 include a
vinylcarbonyl group, a 1 -methyl-vinylcarbonyl group, and the like.
[005 i ] Specific examples of the cycloalkylcarbonyl group denoted by Y| for R2 include
a cyclopropylcarbonyl group, a cyclobutylcarbony! group, a cyclopentylcarbonyl group, a cyclo-
hexylcarbonyi group, and the like, preferably a cyciopropyl-carbonyl group.
[0052] Specific examples of the benzoyl group substituted byalkyl group(s) denoted by
Yi for R2 include a 2-methylbenzoyi group, a 3-methylbenzoyl group, a 4-methyIbenzoyl group,
a 4-tert-butylbenzoyl group, and the like.
[0053] Specific examples of the benzoyl group substituted by halogen atom(s) denoted
by Y] for R2 include a 2-chlorobenzoyl group, a 3-chlorobenzoyl group, a 4-chlorobenzoyf
group, a 3,4-dichlorobenzoyl group, a 4-fluoro benzoyl group, and the like.

[0054] Specific examples of the alky! group denoted by Y> for R2 include a methyl
group, an ethyl group, an n-propyl group, an iso-propyl group, an n-buty] group, an iso-butyl group, a sec-butyl group, a tert-butyl group, an n-pentyl group, and the like, preferably a methyl group.
[0055] In the formula (1), compounds in which Ri and Yi are concurrently an
alkylcarbonyl group having from 1 to 4 carbon atoms or a cyclopropylcarbonyl group are
preferred from the viewpoint of both insecticidal activity and production method.
[0056] It has been determined that the combination of two different insecticides and an
insect growth regulator results in a composition having high insecticidal activity when compared to compositions containing the first or second insecticide alone. Minimizing the amount of total insecticide administered to an animal is advantageous in order to reduce concerns regarding toxicity of the insecticide to the animal, thereby providing for safer use. It is also useful to decrease transfer of the insecticide onto humans, clothing and furniture. Therefore, the present invention allows for a lower amount of insecticide to be administered to control insect infestation than would otherwise be possible using the single insecticides alone.
[0057] In a preferred embodiment of the invention, the first insecticide component in the
composition comprises 2 pyrethroid and the second insecticide composer: comprises a neo-nicotinoid. In a preferred embodiment of the invention, the first insecticide component comprises cyclopropanecarboxylic acid, 3-(2,2-dichlorethenyi)-2,2-dimethyl-, (3-phenoxyphenyl)methyl ester (pennethrin), and the second insecticide component comprises 1-{(tefrahydro-3-fiiranyl)me%l}-2-nitro-3-methylguanidine (dinotefuran) or N-((6-chloro-3-pyridinyl)memyl)-N'-cyano-N-memyl-ethanimidanide (acetamiprid). Permethrin is an acaricide that will kill ticks, and dinotefuran and acetamiprid are insecticides that will kill adult fleas. In a

preferred embodiment of the invention, the composition further contains an insect growth
regulator, which is preferably pyriproxyfen or methoprene.
[0058] In another preferred embodiment of the invention, the first insecticide component
in the composition comprises 2,2-Dimethyl-3-(2-methyl-l-propenyl)cyclopropanecarboxylic
acid, (3-phenoxyphenyI)methyl ester (phenothrin), and the second insecticide component
comprises dinotefuran or aceiamiprid.
[0059] Dinotefuran can be dissolved in particularly effective solvent systems such as a
combination of water and ethanol or isopropanol, as disclosed in U.S. Patent 6,814,030,
incorporated by reference, or in phenyl methanol or ethanol, as disclosed in U.S. Patent
6,588,374, incorporated by reference, or in ethyl lactate and water combinations. In a preferred
embodiment of the invention, the composition further contains an insect growth regulator, which
is preferably pyriproxyfen or methoprene.
[0060] The insecticide compositions of the invention contain a combination of
insecticides and inseci growth regulators which are effective to kill fleas, flea eggs, flea larvae,
ticks, tick eggs, tick larvae and tick nymphs. The selection of the first insecticide component, the
second insecticide component and insect growth regulator produces an insecticide having high
insecticidal activity. In a preferred embodiment of the invention, the first insecticide component
or the second insecticide component is an acaricide, and even more preferred, the first insecticide
component or the second insecticide component is permethrin.
[0061 ] Of course, it should be understood that the insecticide composition may contain
one or more acaricides or other physiologically active ingredients. Additional acaricides that
may be utilized in the insecticide composition include but are not limited to, the following class
of compounds: antibiotic acaricides (nikkomycins, thuringiensin); macrocyclic lactone acaricides

(tetranactin); avermectin acaricides (abamectin, doramectin, eprinomectin, ivermectin, selamectin); milbemycin acaricides (milbemectin, milbemycin oxime, moxidectin); bridged diphenyl acaricides (azobenzene, benzoximate, benzyl benzoate, bromopropylate, chlorbenside, chlorfenethol, chlorfenson, chlorfensulphide, chlorobenzilate, chloropropylate, DDT, dicofol, diphenyl sulfone, dofenapyn, fenson, fentrifanil, fluorbenside, proclonol, tetradifon, tetrasul); carbamate acaricides (benomyl carbanolate, carbaryl, carbofuran, methiocarb, metolcarb, promacyl, propoxur); oxime carbamate acaricides (aldicarb, butocarboxim, oxamyl, thiocarboxime, thiofanox); dinitrophenol acaricides (binapacryl, dinex, dinobuton, dinocap, dinocap-4, dinocap-6, dinocton, dinopenton, dinosulfon, dinoterbon, DNOC); formamidine acaricides (amitraz chlordimeform, chloromebuform, formetanate, fonnparanate); mite growth regulators (clofentezine, dofenapyn, fluazuron, fiubenzimine, flucycloxuron, flufenoxuron, hexythiazox); organochlorine acaricides (bromocyclen, camphechlor, DDT, dienochlor, endosulfan, lindane); organophosphorus acaricides (chiorfenvinphos, crotoxyphos, dichlorvos. heptenophos, mevinphos, monocrotophos, naled, schradan, TEPP, tetrachlorvinphos); organothiophosphate acaricides (amidithion, amiton, azinphos-ethyi, azinphos-methyi, azothoate, benoxafos, bromophos, bromophos-ethyl, carbophenothion, chlorpyrifos, chlortbJophos, coumaphos, cyanthoate. demeton, demeton-O, demetoc-S, demeton-methyi, demeton-O-methyl, demeton-S-methyl, demeton-S-methylsulphon, dialifos, diazinon, dimethoaie, dioxathion, disulfoton, endothion, ethion, ethoate-methyl, formothion, malathion, mecarbam, methacrifos, omethoate, oxydeprofos, oxydisulfoton, parathion, phenkapton, phorate, phosalone, phosrnet, phoxim, pirimiphos-methyl, prothidathion, prothoate, pyrimitate, quinalphos, quintiofos, sophamide, sulfotep, thiometon, triazophos, trifenofos, vamidothion); phosphonate acaricides (trichlorfon); phosphoramidothioate acaricides (isocarbophos, methamidophos, propetamphos);

phosphorodiamide acaricides (dimefox, mipafox); organotin acaricides (azocyclotin, cyhexatin, fenbutatin oxide); phenylsulfamicle acaricides (dichlofluanid); phthalimide acaricides (dialifos, phosmet); pyrazole acaricides (acetoprole, fipronil, tebufenpyrad, vaniliprole); pyrethroid acarcides such as pyrethroid ester acaricides (acrinathrin, bifenthrin, cyhalothrm, cypermethrin, alpha-cypermethrio, fenpropathrin, fenvalerate, flucythrinate, flumethrin, fluvalinate, tau-fluvalinate, permethrin>and pyrethroid ether acaricides (halfenprox); pyrimidinamine acaricides (pyrimidifen); pyrrole acaricides (chlorfenapyr); quinoxaline acaricides (chinomethionat, thioquinox); sulfite ester acaricides (propargite); tetronic acid acaricides (spirodiclofen); thiocarbamate acaricides (fenothiocarb); thiourea acaricides (chloromethiuron, diafenthiuron); and other unclassifed acaricides (acequinocyl, amidoflumet, arsenous oxide, bifenazate, closantel, crotamiton, disulfiram, etoxazole, fenazaflor, fenazaquin, fenpyroximate, fluacrypyrim, fluenetil, mesulfen, MNAP, nifluridide, pyridaben, sulfiram, sulfluramid, suifur, triarathene).
[0062] Other acaricides or other physiologically active substances that may be utilized in
the insecticide composition of die present invention are acephate, Bacillus thuringiensis aizawai, Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki, Beauveria bassiana, Bendiocarb, Bifenthrin, Carbaryl, ChJopyrifos + DDVP, Chlorpyrifos +"pyrethrin, Cyfiuthrin, Etfioprop, Fenamiphos, Fenoxycarb, FiproniL Fonofos, Halofenozide. Hsterornabdhis bacteriophcs^ Hydramethylnon, Imidacloprid, Isofenphos, Lambda-cyhalothrin, Lindane, Malathior., Myrothecium verrucaria, Permethrin, Spinosad, and Trichlorfon, Acequinocyl, Acetamiprid, Acibenzolar-S-Methyl, Azoxystrobin, Boscalid, Bromuconazole, Carfentrazone-ethyl, Clodinafop-Propargyl, Clofencet, Cloransulam-methyl, Clothianidin, Copper Octanoate, Cuprous Chloride, Cyclanilide, Cyhalofop-butyl, Cymoxanil, Cyprodinil, Diclosulam, Diflufenzopyr, Dimethomorph, Ecolyst,

Etoxazole, Fenhexamid, Fluazinam, Flufenacet, Flumioxazin, Fluroxypyr, Fluthiacet-Methyl, Famoxadone, Foramsulfuron, Imazamox, Imiprothrin, Indoxacarb, Isoxaflutole, Kresoxim-methyl, Lithium Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (LPOS), Mesotrione, N-Methylneodecanamide, Novaluron, Phosphine, Pirimicarb, Prohexadione Calcium, Propazine, Pymetrozine, Spinosad, Sulfentrazone, Tebufenpyrad, Thiacloprid, Thiazopyr, Tolylfluanid, Tralkoxydim, Trifloxystxobin, Zoxamide, Amitiaz, chrorpyrifos, chrorpyrifos plus cypermethrin, chrorpyrifos plus dizinon, chrorpyrifos plus permethrin, coumaphos, crotozyphos plus dichlorvos, cyfluthrin, cypermethrin, diazinon, dichlorvos, dichlorvos plus pyrethrins, dichlorvos plus tetrachlorvinphos, dimethoate, doramectin, eprinomectin, ethion, famphur, fenthion, fenvalerate, ivermectin, lambda-cyhalothrin, lambda-cyhalothrin plus pinmiphos methyl, lindane, malathion, malathion plus methoxychlor, malathion plus sulphur, methomyl, methoxychlor, methoxychlor plus pyrethrins, moxidectin, naled, nithiazine, permethrin plus pyrethrins, phosmet, pinmiphos methyl, and pyrethrins.
[0063] It has been determined that it is difficult to form a high concentration of
dinotefuran and permethrin or phenothrin and it is likely 10 result in a solution that can be unstable when stored at tempuraters generally encountered by insecticides between the time they are manufactured and when thev are used for reasonable amounts oftimfi Accordingly, it is preferable that these two insecticides are packaged in a container having two associated, preferably attached, but individual chambers to prevent the mixing of the insecticides prior to the administration of the formulation. Prior to administration, the container can be opened and the two insecticides can be dispensed simultaneously or nearly simultaneously, to the companion animal. In one embodiment of the invention, the package is constructed so that both chambers can be dispensed at once.

[0064] In another embodiment of the invention, one of die active ingredients, for
example, dinotefuran or pennethrin, can be encapsulated or contained in micelles or lipids in the formulation. In this embodiment of the invention, topical formulations can be packaged and stored in a single container prior to administration to the animal.
[0065] In a preferred embodiment of the invention, the insecticide composition of die
invention is packaged in a single dose package. Single dose containers make storage and disposal more convenient for animal owners. Preferably, the insecticide composition is packaged in a container, encompassing two associated, preferably attached but individual chambers, which are separated by a barrier, preferably plastic, plastic coated paper or metal, such as aluminum foil. In one embodiment of the invention, the first chamber, and the second chamber, are plastic tubes that are separate but fused together. During packaging, the first insecticide, preferably pennethrin or phenothrin, is placed in the first chamber and the second insecticide, preferably dinotefuran or acetamiprid, is placed in the second chamber. Preferably, the first and second chambers are separated by a barrier that prevents the interaction of the first and second insecticides. In another preferred embodiment of the invention, an insect growth regulator, preferably methoprene or pyriproxyfen, is added to the insecticide composition and placed in the same chamber with either the first insecticide or the second insecticide or even separately in yet another container.
[0066] The entire container containing the two insecticides in separate chambers is
sealed, preferably with a tab or top, for use in opening the container prior to administration. After the container is sealed, the insecticide formulation can be safely stored in the container . until administration of the insecticide formulation to the animal.

[0067] Prior to administration of the insecticide formulation to the animal, the container
is opened by removing the tab or top. In one embodiment of the invention, the container is opened by twisting the tab thereby resulting in breaking or tearing of the barrier separating the two chambers, thereby allowing the two insecticides, preferably permethrin and dinotefuran, to mix prior to administration of the insecticide formulation to the animal. After the two insecticides are mixed, the two insecticides are dispensed simultaneously by squeezing or collapsing the body of the individual containers. In another embodiment of the invention, the two are not combined until they are dispensed onto the animal. A dual plunger system can also be employed to administer the formulation to the animal.
[0068] A dual component insecticide dispensing system in accordance with a preferred
embodiment of the invention is shown generally in FIGS. 1-3 as a dual insecticide container 100. Container 100 is formed with a pair of mirror plates 100a and 100b. A bottom side 120 of container 100 is flat. It can be formed of rigid plastic, a flexible sheet or a combination of both. Atop side 130 contains a pair of reservoir chambers 102 and 104, which contain the insecticide. A pair of channels 142 and ] 44 extend from and are in fluid communication with reservoirs ! 02 and 104 respectively. Channels 142 and 144 are on top side 130. Sides 100a and 100b are joined via a bridge 106, which is formed with a living hinge 112 at the CSHEST thereof. A pair of notched cuts 108 and 110 are formed so that a pair of dispending ends 150a and 150b can be broken offsides 100a and 100b, respectively, to open channels 142 and 144 and permit the fluid within reservoirs 102 and 104 to be dispensed.
[0069] To use system 100, a left side bottom 120a is pivoted toward a right side bottom
120b, by folding system 100 along living hinge 112, by pressing on a left leg side 103a and a right leg side 130b in the directions of arrows A and B, so that left bottom side 120a meets right

bottom side 120b to place system 100 in the condition defined in FIG. 3. Thereafter, ends I50a
and 150b are broken off and reservoirs 102 and 104 are squeezed in the direction of a pair of
arrows Cto simultaneously dispense fluid through channels 142 and 144. Chambers 102 and
104 can be formed with any number of flexible and/or resilient materials.
[0070] It is of course understood that the two insecticides need not be mixed together
prior to administration of the insecticide formulation to the animal. Accordingly, in another
embodiment of the invention, opening of the dual-chamber container does not result in the
mixing of the two insecticides. After the container is opened, the two insecticides are dispensed
onto the animal by squeezing or collapsing the container or containers, either simultaneously or
[0071] In one embodiment of the invention, the composition is packaged with
instructions, advising to mix the insecticides. In other embodiments of the invention, the
instructions will direct the user to mix the insecticides upon application. In one embodiment of
the invention, a container is provided with multiple single dose packages therein.
[0072] Because compositions in accordance with preferred embodiments of the invention
have a high concentration of insecticide, a relatively small application of a spot or line on the
animal can effectively prevent and control flea and tick infestation on the animal for up to four
weeks post-administratiori- Preferably, the insecticide formulation is non-tazi; end does not
irritate the animal's skin. Applications are typically in the range of 0.5 to 10 ml. In certain
embodiments of the invention, the compositions are applied in the range of about 0.05 to 0.5
ml/kg of animal body weight.
[0073] In one preferred embodiment of the invention, the insecticide composition
comprises permethrin in a concentration range of about 40 to 65%, dinotefuran in a

concentration range of about 5 to 15%, and pynproxyfen or methoprene in a concentration range
of about 1 to 3%. In another preferred embodiment of the invention, the insecticide composition
comprises permethrin in a concentration range of about 40 to 65%, dinotefuran in a
concentration range of about 5 to 20%,' and pynproxyfen or methoprene in a concentration range
of about 1 to 3%. All percentages, unless otherwise specified, are on a weight basis.
[0074] While an effective dosage of the insecticide composition needs to be applied to
the animal for optimum effectiveness against fleas, flea eggs, flea larvae and ticks, the active dosages of the first insecticide and second insecticide depend upon the size of the animal. Compositions containing permethrin are particularly advantageous for use on dogs, compared to their use on cats.
[0075] Preferably, up to 4 ml of insecticide may be administered to a dog weighing 89-
140 pounds. Such composition will preferably contain at least about 1300 to 2600 mg
permethrin, at least about 300 mg dinotefuran, and at least about 20 mg of pyriproxyfen.
[0076] Preferably, up to 3 ml of insecticide may be administered to a dog weighing 45 to
S8 pounds. Such composition will preferably contain at least about 910 to 1 sOO mg permethrin,
at least about 240 mg dinotefuran, and at least about 16 mg of pyriproxyfeiL
[0077] Preferably, up- to 2.i mi of insecticide may be administerec is £ dog weighing 23
to 44 pounds. Such composition will preferably contain at least about 455 to 1300 mg
permethrin, at least about 210 mg dinotefuran, and at least about 14 mg of pyriproxyfen.
[0078] Preferably, up to 1.5 ml of insecticide may be administered to a dog weighing 22
pounds or less. Such composition will preferably contain at least about 175 to 650 mg permethrin, at least about 150 mg dinotefuran, and at least about 10 mg of pyriproxyfen.

[0079] In another preferred embodiment of the invention, the insecticide composition
comprises phenothrin, dinotefuran and pyriproxyfen. Insecticide compositions containing phenothrin in accordance with the invention are particularly advantageous for use on both dogs and cats. Preferably, the insecticide composition comprises phenothrin in a concentration range of between 80 to 87%, more preferably approximately 85.7%, dinotefuran in a concentration range of 5 to 15%, and pyriproxyfen or methoprene in a concentration range of 1 to 2%. In another preferred embodiment of the invention, die insecticide composition comprises phenothrin in a concentration range of about 80 to 87%, more preferably approximately 85.7%, dinotefuran in a concentration range of about 5 to 20%, and pyriproxyfen or methoprene in a concentration range of about 1 to 3%. All percentages, unless other specified, are on a weight basis.
[0080] The actual amount of the active dosage of the active ingredient will vary
depending on the size of the dog or cat. Effective dosages include the following on a mg active ingredient per kg animal body weight basis. See Table 1.

[0081 ] Another embodiment of the invention provides for a method for controlling insect
infestation in a dog comprising administering about 15 to 130 mg/kg dog body weight of

permethrin, 1,5 to 20 mg/kg dog body weight of dinotefuran and 0.15 to 2 mg/kg dog body
weight of pyriproxyfen. In yet another embodiment of the invention the method comprises
administering about 80 to 500 mg/kg dog body weight of phenothrin, 1.5 to 20 mg/kg dog body
weight of dinotefuran and 0.15 to 2 mg/kg dog body weight of pyriproxyfen. In another
embodiment of the invention the method comprises administering about 15 to 130 mg/kg dog
body weight of permethrin, 0.5 to 20 mg/kg dog body weight of acetamiprid and 0.15 to 2 mg/kg
dog body weight of pyriproxyfen. In yet another embodiment of the invention the method
comprises administering about 80 to 500 mg/kg dog body weight of phenothrin, 0.5 to 20 mg/kg
dog body weight of acetamiprid and 0.15 to 2 mg/kg dog body weight of pyriproxyfen.
[0082] Another embodiment of the invention provides a method for controlling insect
infestation in a cat comprising administering about 100 to 1000 mg/kg cat body weight of
phenothrin, 15 to 180 mg/kg cat body weight of dinotefuran and 2 to 18 mg/kg cat body weight
of pyriproxyfen. In yei another embodiment of the invention the method comprises
administering about 100 to 1000 mg/kg cat body weight of phenothrin, 3 to 200 mg/kg cat body
weight of acetamiprid and 2 to 18 mg/kg cat body weight of pyriproxyfen.
[0083] It should be noted that in embodiments where the formulation is packaged using
separate chambers or containers, the percentage of an active ingredient proviied is the
percentage of thai active ingredient in a single solution. For example, 1 to 2% pyriproxyfen is
the concentration of pyriproxyfen contained in the formulation in a single chamber rather than
the concentration of pyriproxyfen in the total formulation of the combined chambers.
[0084] For use on cats, up to 1.1 ml of total insecticide may preferably be administered to
a cat weighing less than 10 pounds and up to 1.5 ml of insecticide may be administered to a cat weighing 10 pounds or more. Preferably, the volume of phenothrin being administered to a cat is

between about 0.25 to 0.85 ml for a cat weighing less than 10 pounds and between about 0.35 and 1.25 ml for a cat weighing 10 pounds or more. A volume of 1.0 ml and 1.3 ml, respectively, for a phenothrin containing product is preferred.
[0085] Insecticide compositions containing phenothrin are also particularly effective for
use on dogs. Preferably, approximately up to 1.5 ml of total insecticide may be administered to a
dog weighing under 30 pounds, approximately up to 3.0 m! of total insecticide may be
administered to a dog weighing less than 45 pounds, approximately up to 4.1 ml of total
insecticide may be administered to a dog weighing 41-60 pounds, approximately up to 4.6 ml of
total insecticide may be administered to a dog weighing 61-90 pounds, and approximately up to
6.0 ml of total insecticide may be administered to a dog weighing over 90 pounds. Preferably,
the amount of phenothrin in the insecticide composition is between 0.3 to 0.9 ml for a dog
weighing 4 to 15 pounds, between about 0.25 to 0.85 ml for a dog weighing 16 to 30 pounds,
between about 0.65 to 1.95 ml for a dog weighing 31 to 45 pounds, between about 1.0 to 3.0 ml
for a dog weighing 46 to 60 pounds, between about 1.15 to 3.45 ml for a dog weighing 61 to 90
pounds, and between about 1.5 to 4.5 mi for a dog weighing more than 90 pounds.
[0086] In another preferred embodiment of the invention, the msecticide composition
comprises permethrin, acetamiprid and pyriproxyfen. Preferably, the insecticide composition comprises permsthrin in a concentrariori range of 45 to 65%, acetamiprid in a. ^sicemratioT. range of 5 to 50%, and pyriproxyfen in a concentration range of 0.5 to 5 %. In vex another preferred embodiment of the invention, the insecticide composition comprises permethrin in a concentration range of about 40 to 65%, acetamiprid in a concentration range of about 5 to 50%, and pyriproxyfen in a concentration range of about 0.5 to 5 %.

[0087] In another preferred embodiment of the invention, the insecticide composition
comprises phenothrin, acetamiprid and pyriproxyfen. Preferably, the insecticide composition
comprises phenothrin in a concentration range of 5 to 90%, acetamiprid in a concentration range
of 5 to 50%, and pyriproxyfen in a concentration range of 0.5 to 5%.
[0088] Preferably, the insecticidal compositions of the present invention further
comprises an enzyme inhibitor or a synergist such as piperonyl butoxide, N-octylbicycloheptenedicarboximide, triphenyl phosphate, which preferably increases the efficacy of the composition. Preferably, me insecticidal compositions also contain one or more compounds to increase the efficacy and to reduce the irritation of pyrethroid insecticides to the skin of animals.
[0089] In a preferred embodiment, the insecticidal compositions further comprise an
effective amount of triphenyl phosphate (TPP) to increase efficacy, typically less than the
amount of active ingredient. The amount of TPP to include in the composition relative to the
concentration of the first and second insecticide component in the composition can be readily
determined using routine experimentation to determine the optimum synergisiic effect.
[0090] In the preparation of a formulation for use on animals, there are several
parameters that should be considered. These are:
Concentration high enough to minimize the volume of the topical applied to the animal (one would not want to put 20 ml, e.g., onto a small dog).
Concentration low enough to achieve effective translocation of the topical insecticide over the animal's skin.

The formulation should be stable for one month at 130° F, 110° F, 40° F, room temperature and 0° F. This helps ensure that the formulation remains stable under the conditions that it could meet in commerce.
Safe to use on the intended animal - particularly non-irritating to at least the intended animal, since the product is applied to the skin. Also safe if ingested by the animal; ingestion can occur when pets groom themselves.
Safe to use by the consumer.
Efficacious in use - should kill greater than 90% of the fleas and ticks up to 28 days.
Efficacy would be reduced if crystallization occurred in the package.
Needs to be aesthetically pleasing - "no oily drop" on the animal when applied.
Fast drying to reduce the chance of the animal shaking off the liquid thereby reducing efficacy.
Microbiologically stable.
[0091] Other additives to the jnsecticidal composition include but are not limited to
fragrances, surfactants and spreading agents to increase performance such as polysorbate 20 and

polysorbate 80, and isopropyl myristate. Polymers such as agar, gelatin, alginate, and cationic polymers such as cationic agar, cationic cellulose, cationic acrylates, and polyoxymethylene urea may also be added to provide enrobing of the insecticide to improve safety and adhesion to skin
and hair.
Solvent containing N-octyl pyrrolidone and/or N-methyl pyrrolidone
[0092] In accordance with another preferred embodiment of the invention, the insecticide
composition includes N-octyl pyrrolidone (NOP) and/or N-methyl pyrrolidone (NMP) in the solvent. Preferably, the first insecticide component comprises permethrin and the second insecticide component comprises dinotefuran. The inventors determined that N-octyl pyrrolidone and N-methyl pyrrolidone, either alone or in combination, can increase the degree of dissolution of the insecticide components, more specifically, permethrin and dinotefuran. The greater amount of dissolution can enhance efficiency of the insecticide composition by requiring less solvent to dissolve the same amount of insecticide compositions. This leads to greater concentrations of insecticide.
[0093] Preferably, the insecticide composition comprises N-octyl pyrrolidone in a
concentration range of approximately 0- ] 0%, more preferably about 5-7%, most preferably approximately 6V Additionally, the insecticide composition can comprise N-n*ethyl pyrrolidone in a concentration range of approximately 40-60%. Preferably, the insecticide composition comprises permethrin in a concentration range of between approximately 35 to 50%i, more preferably approximately 37%, dinotefuran in a concentration range of approximately 0 to 10%, and pyriproxyfen in a concentration range of approximately 0 to 5%. All percentages, unless other specified, are on a weight'basis.
[0094] Formulation A: In one exemplary embodiment of the invention, the
insecticide composition comprises permethrin in a concentration of about 37%, dinotefuran in an

amount of about 5%, pyriproxyfen in a concentration of about 0.45%, N-octyl pyrrolidone in a
concentration range of approximately 0-6% and N-methyl pyrrolidone in a concentration range
of approximately 51-57%. All percentages, unless otherwise specified, are on a weight basis.
[0095] Formulation B: In one exemplary embodiment of the invention, the
insecticide composition comprises permethrin in a concentration of about 37.08%, dinotefuran ^ a concentration range of about 7.5-10%, pyriproxyfen in a concentration range of about 1-5%, N-octyl pyrrolidone in a concentration range of approximately 0-6%, preferably about 6% and N-methyl pyrrolidone in a concentration range of approximately 41-55%. All percentages, unless otherwise specified, are on a weight basis.
[0096] Formulation C: In one exemplary embodiment of the invention, the
insecticide composition comprises permethrin in a concentration of about 47.97%, N-octyl pyrrolidone in a concentration range of approximately 4-6% and ethyl lactate in a concentration range of approximately 48.03-50.03%. All percentages, unless otherwise specified, are on a weight basis.
[0097] Formulation D: In one exemplary embodiment of the invention, the
insecticide composition comprises permethrin in a conceniration of about 37.08%. dinotefuran in a concentration of about 5%, pyriproxyfen in a concentration range of about 1-5%, N-octyl pyrrolidone in a concentration range of anproximaieh" 0-6%, preferably aboux 6H. and N-methyl pyrrolidone in a concentration range of approximately 46-57%. All percentages, unless otherwise specified, are on a weight basis.
[0098] Formulation E: In one exemplary embodiment of the invention, the
insecticide composition comprises a first tube having permethrin in a concentration of about 45%, N-octyl pyrrolidone in a concentration of approximately 6% and ethyl lactate in a

concentration range of approximately 49%. All percentages, unless otherwise specified, are on a
weight basis.
[0099] Formulation F: In one exemplary embodiment of the invention, the
insecticide composition comprises a first chamber having permethrin in a concentration range of
about 32 - 48% and ethyl lactate in a concentration range of about 52 - 58% and a second
chamber having dinotefuran at a concentration range of about 10 - 20%, pyriproxyfen at a
concentration of about 0.25 - 5.0%, N-octyl pyrrolidone at a concentration of about 0.15 - 0.5%
and ethyl lactate at a concentration of about 43-51 %.
[00100] Formulation G: In one exemplary embodiment of the invention, the
insecticide composition comprises a first chamber having permethrin in a concentration range of
about 46% and ethyl lactate in a concentration range of about 54% and a second chamber having
dinotefuran at a concentration range of about 15%, pyriproxyfen at a concentration of about
1.5%. N-octyl pyrrolidone at a concentration of about 0.2% and ethyl lactate ai a concentration
of about 48%.
[00101] It will be readily appreciated by the skilled artisan that the formulations described
herein may also comprise additives including, but not limited to, fragrances, hair conditioners,
solvation aids, spreading agents, sohibilizsrs and UV protectants.
[00102] The formulation can be applied as a topical drop about once per month, preferably
in the area between the shoulder blades and the base of the skull to kill fleas and flea eggs for
over a one month period. In the embodiments of the present invention described herein, up to
20 ml of the formulation can be applied to the animal, with about 1.0 ml being a more typical
application to kill fleas and flea eggs for over a one month period. In certain embodiments of the

invention, as application of about 0.4 m! can be sufficient to kill fleas and flea eggs for over a
one month period.
[00103] In practice, an effective amount of the insecticidal compositions as described
herein may be applied to a companion animal, preferably a dog, as a foaming shampoo, dip,
aerosol spray, pump spray, powder, lotion, emuisifiable concentrate, aqueous or liquid flowable,
suspension concentrate and by any other methods suitable for administering topical compositions
to animals.
[00104] The preparations are suitable for combating insect infestations which occur in
animal husbandry and animal breeding in productive, breeding, zoo, laboratory, experimental
animals and pets, and have a favorable toxicity to warm-blooded animals. Productive and
breeding animals include mammals, such as, for example, cattle, horses, sheep, pigs, goats,
camels, water buffalo, donkeys, rabbits, fallow deer and reindeer, and pelt animals, such as, for
example, mink, chinchilla and raccoons.
[00105] Laboratory and experimental animals include mice, rats, guinea pies, hamsters.
dogs and cats.
[00106] Pels include dogs and cats and many of the laboratory and experimental animals.
[00107] The formulation according to the invention is particularly preferably administered
to companion animals such as does and cats, but can be suitable for other mammals.
[00108] The following examples are given for purposes of illustraiion only and are not
intended to be construed in a limiting manner.

Example 1 - Preparation of l-fftetrahydro-3-furanvnmethYl}-2-Ditro-3-mcthvlguanidine
[00109] A mixture comprising 10.0 g of (tetrahydro-3-iuranyl)methanol, 29. 5 g of
trifluoromethanesulfonic anhydride, 10.0 g of pyridine and 200 ml of dichloromethane was
stirred for an hour at room temperature. Water was poured into the reaction solution to separate
the organic layer, which was washed with 1 N hydrochloric acid, water and a saturated saline
solution, dried, and concentrated to obtain 20 gof 3-tetrahydro-furanylmethyl triflate. 3.25 gof
60% sodium hydride were added to 12.5 g of ls5-dimethyl-2-mtroiminohexahydro-l,3,5-triazine
and 60 ml of DMF at room temperature, followed by stirring for an hour. 20.0 g of the 3-
tetrahydrofuranylmethyl triflate were added thereto, and the mixture was stirred at 50° C for 2
hours. After cooling the mixture to room temperature, 50 ml of 2N hydrochloric acid were added
thereto, followed by stirring at 50° C for 2 hours. The resultant mixture was neutralized with
sodium bicarbonate and extracted with' dichloromethane, and the extract was dried and
concentrated. The residue thus obtained was purified by silica gel column chromatography
{eluent: 1:1 ratio of ethyl acetate/hexane) to obtain 7.8 gof l-{(tetrahydro-3-funmyl)meuiyl}- 2-
nitro-3-methylguanidine (dinotefuran).
Example 2: Preparation of Insecticide Formulation Containing Dmotefnran and
[00110] 25gofdinotefuranwasaddedto 100 ml phenyl methanol with stirring until it
dissolved. 1 g of pyriproxyfen was added to the solution with stirring to produce a clear, homogeneous solution of high insecticide concentration.
[00111] The resulting solution can be spot applied to companion animals, such as dogs
and will kill fleas, ticks and other insects.

Example 3: Preparation of Insecticide Formulation Containing Permetbrin. Dinotefuratf-
and Pyriproxyfen
[00112] Permethrin (65 g) was added to a clean container. Saffloweroil (35 g) was added
with stirring until the solution was homogeneous. This solution containing permethrin and safflower oil was added to one of the chambers in the package in the appropriate volume based on the dosage required.
[00113] Pyriproxyfen(l g)and Mackemium KP (1 g) were added to a clean container,
and gently heated until the pyriproxyfen liquefied. Water (27.6 g) was added with stirring, followed by the addition of ethyl lactate (55.4 g). Dinotefuran (15 g) was added and the solution was mixed and heated at 50° C until the dinotefuran dissolved. The solution was cooled to room temperature and the pH adjusted to 5.5 by the addition of sodium carbonate (0.15 g of a 25% aqueous solution). This solution was added to the other chamber in the package in the appropriate volume based on the dosage required.
Example 4: Stability of Permethrin/Dbiotefuran/Pvriproxfen Formulation
[00114] Compositions containing dinotefuran and pyriproxyfen prepared according to the
methodology of Example 3 are stable for at least! month at 130° F, 3 months at 110° F, 1 month at 40° F and 1 month at room temp, (approx. 70° F). The stability of the formulation is based on the criterion of no crystal formation during a 1 month period.
Example 5: Preparation of Insecticide Formulation Containing Pennetnrin. Acetaminrid and Pvriproxvfen
[00115] 10 grams acetamiprid was added to 89 grams ethanol and stirred until the
acetamiprid dissolved. 1 gram of pyriproxyfen was added to this solution and stirred until it dissolved. This solution was added to the appropriate chamber in the dual chamber package.

Example 6: Preparation of Insecticide Formulation Containing Permethrin,
Dinotefuran and Pvriproyyfen
Formulation 1:
[00116] A solution was prepared containing 55% ethyl lactate (CAS # 97-64-3) and 45%
permethrin (CAS # 52645-53-1). Variation of up to ± 10% can be acceptable. The permethrin may be stored at slightly below room temperature in a solid state. If solid, then the permethrin/ethyl lactate solution is heated slightly with moderate mixing. The melting point of permethrin is 20-23° C.
Formulation 2:
[00117] The following materials were added to the mixture to a final concentration of the
indicated percentages by weight.

[00118] In a separate vessel OJM citric arid and 0.2 M sodium citraie b'-irrer solution was
prepared and set aside.
[00119] To a clean beaker, pyriproxyfen (15 gm) and olealkonium chloride (10 gm) was
added. The solution was heated to 50" C and mixed moderately until homogeneous. Note that there is no need to heat if pyriproxyfen is in liquid form. Glycerol polyethylene glycol oxystearate (hydrogenated) castor oil (75 gm), Vitamin E acetate (25 gm), PVP/VA W-735

-opoiymer(15 gm), sodium dioctyl sulfosuccinate (10 gm) were added with continuous mixing.
The mixing speed was increased as the viscosity increased.
[00120] When the solution became homogeneous, ethyl lactate (478 gm) was added and
the mixing speed was adjusted accordingly. 220 gm of the set aside buffered solution was then
added and then the dinotefuran (150 gm). The solution was heated to 40° C until the dinotefuran
fully dissolved. Then the n-octyl pyrroJidone (2 gm) was added. The solution was cooled off
and the pH was measured (pH range = 5.5-7.0).
[00121] For application to the animal the formulations can be stored in a dual chamber
package (delivery system) that allows simultaneous delivery of both formulations to the skin of
the animal. The volume of Formulation 1 can range from 0.5 - 6 ml, and the volume of
Formulation 2 can range from 0.5 - 3 ml dependent on the size (weight) of the animal.
Example 7: Stability of Formulations B, C and D
[00122] The following examples of the insecticide composition in accordance with the
embodiment of Formulations B, C and D were tested for color, appearance and uniformity in various temperatures, some over the duration of four days. The composition of these examples and the lest results are provided below. The following examples are given for purposes of illustration only and are not intended to be construed in a limiting manner:

[00128] It can be seen that insecticides in accordance with the invention can remain
liquids, without readily observable precipitation (e.g., visible crystal formation), at room temperature, preferably less than about 4°C and more preferably under about 0°C for more than 4 days, preferably more than 6 months.

[00129] It will thus be seen that the objects set forth above, among those made apparent
from the preceding description, are efficiently attained and, since certain changes may be made in carrying out the above method and in the composition set forth without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention, it is intended that all matter contained in the above description shall be interpreted as illustrative and not in a limiting sense,
[00130] It is also to be understood that the following embodiments are intended to cover
all of the generic and specific features of the invention herein described and all statements of the
scope of the invention which, as a matter of language, might be said to fall therebetween.
[00131] Particularly it is to be understood that in said embodiments, ingredients or
compounds recited in the singular are intended to include compatible mixtures of such ingredients wherever the sense permits.

What is claimed, is:
1. An insecticide formulated by combining
an insecticidably effective amount of permethrin; an insecticidably effective amount of dinotefuran; an effective amount of pyriproxyfen; and
an effective amount of a solvent component comprising N-octyl pyrrolidone and N-methyl pyrrolidone.
2. The insecticide of claim 1, wherein the insecticide comprises about 37 to 38% permethrin.
3. The insecticide of claim 1, wherein the insecticide comprises about 5 to 10% dinotefuran.
4. The insecticide of claim 1, wherein the insecticide comprises about 0.45 to 5% pyriproxyfen.
5. The insecticide of claim 1, wherein the insecticide comprises about 0 IO 6% N-octyl pyrrolidone.
6. The insecticide of claim 1, wherein the insecticide comprises about 41 to 57% N-methyl pyrrolidone.
7. The insecticide of claim 1, wherein the insecticide comprises aboui 37% permethrin.
8. The insecticide of claim 7, wherein the insecticide comprises about 5% dinotefuran.
9. The insecticide of claim 8, wherein the insecticide comprises about 0.45% pyriproxyfen.

10. The insecticide of claim 9, wherein the insecticide comprises about 0 to 6% N-octyl pyrrolidone.
] 1. The insecticide of claim to, wherein the insecticide comprises about 51 to 57% N-memyl pyrrolidone.
12. The insecticide of claim 1, wherein the insecticide comprises about 37.08% permethrin.
13. The insecticide of claim 12, wherein the insecticide comprises about 7.5 to 10% dinotefuran.
14. The insecticide of claim 13, wherein the insecticide comprises about 1 to 5% pyriproxyfen.
15. The insecticide of claim 14, wherein the insecticide comprises about 0 to 6% N-octyl pyrrolidone.
16. The insecticide of claim 15, wherein the insecticide comprises about 41 to 55% N-methyl pyrrolidone.
17. The insecticide of claim 1. wherein the insecticide comprises about 37.08% permethrin.
18. The insecticide of claim 19, wherein the
19. The insecticide of claim 20, wherein the insecticide comprises about 1 to 5% pyriproxyfen,
20. The insecticide of claim 21, wherein the insecticide comprises about 0 to 6% N-octyl pyrrolidone.

21. The insecticide of claim 22, wherein the insecticide comprises about 46 to 57% * N-methyl pyrrolidone.
22. An insecticide formulated by combining
an insecticidably effective amount of permethrin; and
an effective amount of a solvent component comprising N-octy! pyrrolidone and ethyl lactate.
23. The insecticide of ciaim 22, wherein the insecticide comprises about 45 to 48% permethrin.
24. The insecticide of claim 22, wherein the insecticide comprises about 4 io 6% N-octyl pyrrolidone.
25. The insecticide of claim 22, wherein the insecticide comprises about 48 to 51% ethyl lactate.
26. The insecticide of claim 22, wherein the insecticide comprises about 47.97% permethrin.
27. The insecticide of claim 26, wherein the insecticide comprises about 4 to 6% N-octyl pyrrolidone.
28. The insecticide of claim 27, wherein the insecticide comprises about 48.03 to 50.03% ethyl lactate.
29. The insecticide of claim 22, wherein the insecticide comprises about 45% permethrin.
30. The insecticide of claim 29, wherein the insecticide comprises about 6% N-octyl pyrrolidone.

31. The insecticide of claim 30, wherein the insecticide comprises about 49% ethyl lactate.
32. An insecticide formulated by combining
a first formulation contained in a first chamber; and
a second formulation contained in a second chamber;
wherein the first chamber and the second chamber are packaged together but separated by at least one barrier which prevents interaction between the first and second insecticide compositions prior to administration of the insecticide preparation;
wherein the first formulation comprises permethrin and ethyl lacate; and
wherein the second formulation comprises dinotefurin, pyriproxyfen, N-octyl pyrrolidone and ethyl lactate.
33. The insecticide of claim 32, wherein the insecticide comprises about 32-48% permethrin.
34. The insecticide of claim 32, wherein the insecticide comprises about 10-20% denotefurin.
35. The insecticide of claim 32, wherein the insecticide comprises about 0.25 to 5% pyriproxyfen.
36. The insecticide of claim 32, wherein the insecticide comprises about 0.15 to 0.5% N-octyl pyrrolidone.
37. The insecticide of claim 32, wherein the insecticide comprises about 52 to 58% ethyl lactate in the first chamber and about 43 to 51% ethyl lactate in the second chamber.
38. The insecticide of claim 32, wherein the insecticide comprises about 46% permethrin.

39. The insecticide of claim 38, wherein the insecticide comprises about 15%
40. The insecticide of claim 39, wherein the insecticide comprises about 1.5% pyriproxyfen.
41. The insecticide of claim 40, wherein the insecticide comprises about 0.2% N-octyl pyrrolidone.
42. The insecticide of claim'41, wherein the insecticide comprises about 54% ethyl
lactate in the first chamber and about 48% ethyl lactate in the second chamber.



Patent Number 269094
Indian Patent Application Number 5871/CHENP/2008
PG Journal Number 40/2015
Publication Date 02-Oct-2015
Grant Date 30-Sep-2015
Date of Filing 28-Oct-2008
Applicant Address 8906 ROSEHILL ROAD,LENEXA, KS 66215
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A01N43/36
PCT International Application Number PCT/US07/67699
PCT International Filing date 2007-04-27
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 60/795,677 2006-04-28 U.S.A.