Title of Invention


Abstract The invention relates to a process for the catalytic hydrotreating of a feedstock of petroleum origin of diesel fuel type and of a feedstock of biological origin based on vegetable oils and/or animal fats in a stationary bed catalytic hydrotreating unit, the said process being characterized in that the feedstock of petroleum origin is introduced into the said reactor upstream of the feedstock of biological origin. It also relates to a catalytic hydrotreating unit for the implementation of the said process and to a corresponding hydrorefining unit.
Full Text The invention relates to a process for hydrotreating a diesel fuel feedstock, to a
hydrotreating unit for the implementation of the said process, and to a corresponding
hydrorefining unit.
Due to the increasing strictness of pollution control standards for diesel engines,
the specifications for diesel engine fuels have changed during the last two decades and
new constraints have appeared which have resulted in a modification of the formulations
of diesel engine fuel mixtures.
Since January 2005, the specifications for diesel engine fuels have been as follows:
(European Standard EN590):
Density (at 15°C): 820-845 kg/m3
T95% (Distillation temperature for 95% of the diesel fuel): 360°C (maximum)
Sulphur content: 50 mg/kg (maximum)
Engine cetane number: 51 (minimum)
Calculated cetane index (ASTM D4737): 46 (minimum)
Cloud point: The desired bases are thus light sulphur-free bases with a high cetane index which
distil completely before 360°C.
The objectives are to further reduce the sulphur content to a value of less than
10 mg/kg by 2009 and to increase the minimum value of the engine cetane number.
One solution for improving the cetane index consists in adding a cetane number
improver. These are generally alkyl nitrates, which intervene in the basic oxidation stages
before the self-ignition of the mixture. They thus reduce the ignition delay and make it
possible to increase the cetane index by 3 to 5 points, depending on the amount added.
However, they decrease in effectiveness as the starting cetane index decreases.
Another solution consists in adding a substitute fuel to the mixture, such as a
biofuel, as esters of vegetable oils generally exhibit a good cetane index.
For this reason, European Directive 2003/30/EC is targeted in particular at
promoting the use of biofuels. In transportation, the European Community has adopted an

objective of a portion of biofuels of 5.75% of the NCV (Net Calorific Value) of fuels in
2010, that is to say that the amount of biofuel present in the mixture should provide 5.75%
of the NCV of the mixture.
Currently, the French Government has introduced a tax: the TGAP (Taxe Generate
des Activites Polluantes) [General Tax on Polluting Activities], which relates to fuels
consumed on French territory. The fuels subject to this tax are "SP95". "SP98" and "Diesel
Engine Fuel". The objective of this tax is to encourage the incorporation of biofuel by
gradually increasing the percentage of the NCV (Net Calorific Value) contributed by the
proportion of biofuel from 1.75% in 2006 to 7.00% in 2010.
This addition is carried out on the basis of the energy and the "bio" origin of the
products incorporated. Thus, the level of ETBE (ethyl tert-butyl ether) is reduced since it
comprises only 47% of ethanol (of agricultural origin) and a lower NCV than petrol.
For diesel engine fuels, the most commonly used biofuels are vegetable oil esters,
such as rapeseed oil methyl ester (RME).
These diesel engine fuels are generally obtained by mixing the biofuel with the
diesel engine fuel after treatment of the latter. These mixtures are thus often produced by
the distributors, immediately before distributing the fuel.
The mixtures obtained from vegetable oil methyl esters exhibit the advantage of a
cetane number in accordance with the standard but their density (greater than 880 kg/mJ) is
much greater than the specification of the standard, which causes formulation difficulties
at high levels of incorporation. Vegetable oil ether esters also result in excessively heavy
mixtures, without forgetting the problem of stability over time.
Processes for refining the biomass which have been developed for producing these
biofuels are already known. Thus, the documents US 4 992 605, US 5 705 722,
EP 1 396 531 and SE 520 633 describe processes for hydrotreating triglycerides present in
vegetable oils. However, the reactions employed are highly exothermic. In order to limit
the problems related to this high exothermicity, it is necessary to recirculate up to 80% of
the feedstock at the outlet of the hydrotreating reactor to the inlet of the latter, hence the
need to produce a new plant dedicated to this hydrotreating process and to hydraulically
oversize this unit with respect to the amount of the feedstock actually treated.
Furthermore, Patent Application EP 1 693 432 describes a process for
hydrotreating a mixture of a feedstock of petroleum origin and of a feedstock of biological

origin. Nevertheless, as the reactions for the hydrodeoxygenating of the triglycerides are
faster than those for the hydrorefining of the petroleum fractions, the treatment of such a
mixture of feedstocks of petroleum and biological origin at the top of the reactor results in
a fall in the hydrogen partial pressure and thus a fall in the catalytic activity in
hydrotreating the petroleum feedstock. Furthermore, parallel reactions during the
hydrorefining of the triglycerides result in the production of gases, such as carbon dioxide
CO2, methane CH4 and carbon monoxide CO. which is regarded as a reversible inhibitor
of the desulphurizing activity of the catalyst. In point of fact, in a conventional
hydrotreating unit, these gases, which comprise hydrogen H2 (recycle gas), are generally
separated from the effluent exiting from the reactor and then reinjected into the reactor
after passing through a treatment system. The presence of CO in the recycle gas thus
proves to be damaging to the reactions for the hydrorefining of the petroleum fraction.
The Applicant Company has proposed, in its French Patent Application 06.06892,
a process for the hydrotreating of a mixture of a feedstock of petroleum origin of diesel
fuel type and of a feedstock of biological origin of the vegetable oils and/or animal fats
type, without a device for recycling liquid effluent at the top of the reactor. This mixture is
introduced at the top of the reactor, in the manner of a conventional feedstock. The process
described in this patent application, in one of its alternative forms, comprises a unit for the
separation and treatment of the carbon monoxide present in the recycle gases.
Nevertheless, there exists still a need in the industry to improve the performance of
the process for hydrotreating a mixture of a feedstock of petroleum origin and of a
feedstock of biological origin, while limiting the formation of gases of the CH4 type, and
also H2O.
In particular, when triglycerides are added in a diesel fuel feedstock, it is necessary
to increase the amount of hydrogen H2 supplied in order to cover an increased
consumption of H2 and to increase the temperature of the reaction, or the volume of
catalyst, if it is desired to maintain the same hydrodesulphurization (HDS) activity, that is
to say if it is desired to achieve the same level of sulphur at the outlet in comparison with a
conventional HDS.
However, a higher reaction temperature results in a reduction in the duration of a
cycle, so that it is preferable to be able to reduce this temperature in order to increase this
duration. It is also preferable to limit the consumption of H2 for economic reasons.

To this end, the invention provides a process for the catalytic hydrotreating of a
feedstock of petroleum origin of diesel fuel type and of a feedstock of biological origin
based on vegetable oils and/or animal fats in a stationary bed hydrotreating unit, the said
process being characterized in that the feedstock of petroleum origin is introduced into the
said unit upstream of the feedstock of biological origin.
To this end, another subject-matter of the invention is a hydrotreating unit for the
implementation of the said process, and a corresponding hydrorefining unit.
Within the meaning of the present invention, the term "feedstock of biological
origin" is understood to mean any renewable feedstock commonly defined by the term
Due to its introduction upstream of the feedstock of biological origin, the treatment
of the feedstock of petroleum origin is not disturbed by the treatment of the feedstock of
biological origin. It is then possible to carry out the reactions for hydrorefining the
petroleum fraction under more favourable conditions in comparison with a joint
introduction of the two types of feedstocks.
This is because the hydrodesulphurization of the feedstock of petroleum origin is
not disturbed by the introduction of the feedstock of biological origin which takes place
downstream. Thus, the hydrodeoxygenation of the feedstock of biological origin takes
place downstream of the hydrodesulphurization of the petroleum fraction, so that the
hydrodesulphurization can be carried out without the inhibiting effect of the CO and of the
other gases formed during the reaction for the hydrodeoxygenating of the triglycerides of
the feedstock of biological origin and so that the hydrogen partial pressure will not be
lowered by the reaction for the hydrorefining of the feedstock of biological origin, which
makes it possible to maintain a high hydrodesulphurization catalytic activity.
The downstream introduction of the feedstock of biological origin also makes it
possible to carry out the hydrodeoxygenating of the latter under more favourable
conditions (lower hydrogen partial pressure, lower temperature and the like) which limit
the formation of CH4 and H2O, which reduces the H2 consumption and the exthermocity of
the reaction.
This is because the cracking reactions which occur during the deoxygenation of the
feedstock of biological origin (by decarbonylation and/or decarboxylation) result in the
detachment of a carbon at the chain end, which will bring about a thermodynamic

equilibrium between CO/CO2/CH4 by the CO shift reaction (CO+H2OCO2+H2) and the
reactions for the methanation of CO (CO+3H2CH4+H2O) and of CO2 (C02+4H2 >CH4+2H2O).
Moreover, the CO/CO2 ratio is always under the control of the equilibrium constant
of the CO shift reaction.
Thus, a reduction in the concentration of CO, the inhibiting effect of which is a
problem, in favour of the concentration of CO2, which can be more easily removed, for
example by washing with amines, is obtained by:
- the decrease in the H2 partial pressure, obtained according to the invention in that
a large proportion of the hydrogen is consumed by the hydrotreating of the diesel fuel
feedstock upstream of the section for the hydrodeoxygenating of the feedstock of
biological origin,
- a shorter residence time of the feedstock of biological origin, obtained according
to the invention in that it is possible to reduce the volume of catalyst downstream of the
region for injection of the biological feedstock,
- a treatment of the feedstock of biological origin at the lowest possible
temperature, which can be obtained in an alternative form of the invention described later,
- the addition of water, which can be obtained in another alternative form of the
invention described later.
- the removal of the carbon monoxide from the recycle gas of the unit, as described
Another advantage of the process according to the invention is the dilution of the
feedstock of biological origin by the partially hydrotreated feedstock of petroleum origin
resulting from the introduction of the feedstock of biological origin downstream of the
feedstock of petroleum origin in the hydrotreating unit.
This is because the hydrotreating of the feedstocks of biological origin based on
vegetable and/or animal oils is highly exothermic and requires a means of control of the
reaction temperature, such as the use of a large dilution volume. For this reason, to date,
these vegetable and/or animal oils were treated in dedicated units with high recycling of
liquid effluent.

It is thus possible to limit, indeed even to eliminate, the recycling of liquid effluent
by using the process according to the invention in comparison with the known processes
for refining a feedstock of biological origin alone.
The process according to the invention also makes it possible:
- to minimize the formation of methane (CH4)
- to improve the properties of the diesel fuel produced: cetane number, density,
distillation, and the like.
- to increase the volume of diesel fuel produced with the same feedstock of petroleum
origin, which perfectly meets current requirements in Europe, where there is a lack of
diesel fuel.
The process according to the invention furthermore makes it possible to use
different catalysts in each of the catalytic regions where the feedstocks of petroleum and
biological origin are injected: for example C0M0 for the region for hydrorefining the
petroleum fraction and preferably NiMo for the second region where the triglycerides are
In a first alternative form of the process according to the invention, the
hydrotreating unit is formed of a single reactor into which the feedstocks of petroleum and
biological origin are injected.
This alternative form exhibits the advantage of making possible the use of an
existing hydrotreating unit to which will have been added an inlet for the feedstock of
biological origin.
In a second alternative form, the hydrotreating unit is formed of two separate
reactors, the feedstock of petroleum origin being injected into the first reactor and the
feedstock of biological origin being injected into the second reactor as a mixture with the
liquid effluent exiting from the first reactor.
This alternative form exhibits the advantage of making possible the treatment of
the feedstock of biological origin at a lower temperature than the temperature for treatment
of the feedstock of petroleum origin. This is because the hydrotreating of the feedstock of
biological origin can take place at a lower temperature so that it is not necessary to heat the
feedstock a great detail in order to treat it. Moreover, most of the hydrotreating of the
feedstock of petroleum origin has already taken place in the first reactor; the second
reactor then makes possible the hydrofinishing of the treatment of the feedstock of

petroleum origin and does not require temperatures which are so high. This hydrofinishing
makes it possible to obtain a much lower sulphur content in comparison with the contents
usually obtained in hydrorefining.
Moreover, generally, reactions for the recombination of olefins with H2S, which are
favoured at high temperature, are the cause of the formation of mercaptans and make it
difficult to obtain diesel fuels with a very low sulphur content. In point of fact, treatment
conditions at a lower reaction temperature in the second reactor are favourable to the
minimizing of these recombination reactions, which makes it possible to obtain a product
with a very low sulphur content ( the first reactor for a given target for sulphur produced.
This lower temperature in the second reactor also makes it possible to improve the
thermal stability of the feedstock of biological origin, in particular when the liquid effluent
exiting from the first reactor is cooled prior to being mixed with the feedstock of
biological origin. It is possible in particular to recover the heat from this effluent and to
thus lower the temperature of the latter in order to heat the feedstock of petroleum origin,
and if appropriate the feedstock of biological origin, before they enter their respective
The exothermicity of the reaction for hydrotreating the feedstock of biological
origin additionally requires a large dilution volume which is provided by the partially
hydrotreated feedstock of petroleum origin exiting from the first reactor.
The lowering of the temperature of the second reactor also favours a reduction in
the production of CO (see above).
Finally, to carry out the hydrodesulphurization reactions and the
hydrodeoxygenating reactions in two separate reactors makes possible independent
management of the catalysts in each of the reactors and makes possible the production of
biomass-free diesel fuels. It is possible, for this, either to isolate the second reactor, in
order to use only the first reactor, or to stop the feeding with vegetable oils and/or animal
fats and use the two reactors for the hydrotreating of the diesel fuel feedstock.
In a third alternative form of the process according to the invention, the
hydrotreating unit is formed of two separate reactors. The feedstock of petroleum origin is

injected into the first reactor and the feedstock of biological origin is injected partly into
the first reactor and partly into the second reactor, and the liquid effluent exiting from the
first reactor is injected into the second reactor.
Advantageously, the space velocity (HSV) of the feedstock of petroleum origin is
less than the space velocity of the feedstock of biological origin, as a mixture with the
effluent resulting from the treatment of the feedstock of petroleum origin.
Under the conditions of the process (P, T°), the formation of CH4 and H2O is thus
slowed down because the reactions are limited kinetically (see the CO shift and
methanation reactions described above). This results in a lower consumption of H2 and in
the production of a recycle gas which is more concentrated in hydrogen.
Advantageously, the feedstock of petroleum origin of diesel fuel type is chosen
from the diesel fuel fractions originating from the distillation of a crude oil and/or of a
synthetic crude resulting from the treatment of oil shales or of heavy and extraheavy crude
oils or of the effluent from the Fischer-Tropsch process, the diesel fuel fractions resulting
from various conversion processes, in particular those resulting from catalytic and/or
thermal cracking (FCC, coking, visbreaking, and the like).
In particular, the feedstock of biological origin based on vegetable oils and/or
animal fats is introduced up to a level of 30% by weight.
More particularly, the level of feedstock of biological origin based on vegetable
oils and/or animal fats is preferably less than or equal to 15% by weight. This is because
the introduction of such a level of feedstock of biological origin only very slightly affects
the low-temperature properties of the final product. In particular, the cloud point of the
final effluent generally exhibits only a difference of 1°C with respect to the effluent
obtained without injection of biomass. This result, which differs from that which the laws
of mixtures would have predicted, is highly advantageous as it demonstrates the synergy,
during the process according to the invention, between the two types of feedstocks.
The introduction of high levels of feedstock of biological origin is made possible
by virtue of the use of the hydrotreated feedstock of petroleum origin as diluent, without
the need for recirculation of liquid effluent upstream of the introduction of the feedstock of
biological origin.
The vegetable or animal oils present in the feedstock of biological origin used
according to the invention are composed predominantly of fatty acid triglycerides (> 90%

by weight), the chain lengths of which depend on the nature of the oil used. They can also
comprise fatty acids. Within the meaning of the invention, the vegetable oils and animal
fats can also comprise fatty acid esters.
In the context of the invention , the vegetable oils and animal fats can be used
crude. However, they are preferably refined in order to prevent fouling of the hydrotreating
unit. In this case, the term "degummed oils" is used, that is to say after withdrawal of a
large portion of the phospholipids.
Advantageously, the catalytic region for injection of the feedstock of biological
origin comprises a first metal trap catalytic bed known per se. These metal traps are
generally composed of macroporous alumina. The purpose of using such a commercially
known metal trap is to free the vegetable oils and/or animal fats from the impurities which
they might contain (Na, K, CI and the like).
The vegetable oils can in particular be palm oil, soybean oil. rapeseed oil.
sunflower oil, linseed oil, rice bran oil, maize oil, olive oil, castor oil, sesame oil, pine oil,
peanut oil, palm kernel oil. coconut oil, babasu oil or a mixture of two or more of these
oils. These oils will essentially produce C12 to C18 paraffins.
Palm oil is particularly preferred as this is one of the oils comprising the shortest
carbon chains, with close to 50% of C16 chains. As palm oil is one of the most saturated
oils, its hydrotreating requires a lower amount of hydrogen in comparison with the other
oils. Furthermore, the thermal stability of palm oil limits the fouling of the heat exchangers
situated upstream of the reactor in a conventional hydrorefining unit.
Palm oil additionally gives the advantage of having its profile centred on that of the
diesel fuel feedstock, which limits the disruption to the latter, while being economic and of
not being used to any great extent in the human diet.
Use may be made, as animal fats, for example, offish fat. of animal oil (known as
tall oil).
A particularly advantageous way of using the invention is thus to preferably use
palm oil or any other vegetable oil or oil of animal origin capable of producing, by
hydrotreating, a maximum of C15 to C18 paraffins, so as to bring about a large increase in
the cetane index of the feedstocks produced while reducing as much as possible the density
and to better enhance in value the bases with a low cetane index and a high density, such
as LCO (Light Cycle Oil), which is characterized by a high density and a very low cetane

index, and the diesel fuels resulting from sour crudes, which exhibit excellent low-
temperature properties but have the characteristics of exhibiting a high density and a low
cetane index.
According to a specific characteristic of the invention, use is made of an amount of
hydrogen introduced into the first catalytic region of from 50 to 1000 Normal litres of H2
per litre of feedstock of petroleum origin, preferably from 100 to 500 Normal litres of H2
per litre of petroleum feedstock and more preferably still from 120 to 450 Normal litres of
H2 per litre of feedstock of petroleum origin.
The hydrogen coverage in the second catalytic region, according to a specific
characteristic of the invention, is from 50 to 2000 Normal litres of H2 per litre of total
feedstock (feedstock of biological origin, as a mixture with the effluent resulting from the
treatment of the feedstock of petroleum origin), preferably from 150 to 1500 Normal litres
of H2 per litre of total feedstock and more preferably still from 200 to 1000 Normal litres
of H2 per litre of total feedstock.
According to a specific characteristic of the invention, the temperature of the first
catalytic region for treatment of the feedstock of petroleum origin is from 320 to 420°C,
preferably from 340 to 400°C. According to another preferred characteristic of the
invention, the temperature of the second catalytic region for treatment of the feedstock of
biological origin, as a mixture with the effluent resulting from the treatment of the
feedstock of petroleum origin, is from 250 to 420°C, preferably from 280 to 350°C.
According to a specific characteristic of the invention, the various feedstocks are
treated at a pressure of 25 to 150 bar, preferably of 30 to 70 bar.
According to another characteristic of the invention, the HSV of the feedstock of
petroleum origin in the first catalytic region is from 0.3 to 5, preferably from 0.6 to 3.
The HSV in the second catalytic region of the total feedstock (feedstock of
biological origin, as a mixture with the effluent resulting from the treatment of the
feedstock of petroleum origin) is from 0.5 to 10, preferably from I to 5.
Advantageously, according to the invention, the feedstock of petroleum origin is
injected into a first catalytic region of the hydrotreating unit and the feedstock of biological
origin is injected into a second catalytic region of the hydrotreating unit situated
downstream of the first catalytic region.

It is thus possible to use specific catalysts in each catalytic region and to thus
promote the hydrodesulphurization or hydrodeoxygenating reactions.
According to a specific characteristic of the invention, the feedstock of biological
origin is treated over at least one catalytic bed in the hydrotreating unit, the catalytic bed
comprising at least one catalyst based on metal oxides chosen from oxides of metals from
Group VI-B (Mo, W. and the like) and VIII-B (Co, Ni. Pt, Pd, Ru, Rh, and the like)
supported on a support chosen from alumina, silica/alumina, zeolite, ferrierite, phosphated
alumina, phosphated silica/alumina, and the like. Preferably, the catalyst used will be
NiMo, CoMo, NiW, PtPd or a mixture of two or more of these. The catalyst used can also
be based on metals in the bulk state, such as the commercially known catalyst of Nebula
According to another specific characteristic of the invention, the feedstock of
biological origin introduced into the hydrotreating unit is treated over at least one catalytic
bed at least partially comprising a catalyst with an isomerizing role based on nickel oxides
on an acidic support, such as amorphous silica/alumina, zeolite, ferrierite, phosphated
alumina, phosphated silica/alumina, and the like.
Catalytic beds comprising NiW oxides exhibit the advantage of promoting
isomerization reactions, which can make it possible to improve, that is to say to reduce, the
cloud point of the finished product. In particular, in the case of a diesel fuel feedstock
comprising a high cloud point, a catalytic bed comprising NiW, and preferably NiW
oxides on amorphous silica/alumina, zeolite, ferrierite, phosphated alumina or phosphated
silica/alumina, by promoting isomerization reactions, will make it possible to very
markedly reduce the cloud point of the finished product.
Catalytic beds comprising catalysts of NiMo oxide type have a high hydrogenating
and hydrodeoxygenating power for triglycerides.
Advantageously, the first catalytic region intended for the treatment of the
feedstock of petroleum origin comprises one or more catalyst beds comprising catalysts
which exhibit a good performance in hydrodesulphurization, while the second catalytic
region intended for the treatment of the feedstock of biological origin comprises one or
more catalyst beds comprising catalysts exhibiting a good performance for the
deoxygenation of the triglycerides of the feedstock (for example based on NiMo) and/or
catalysts promoting isomerization reactions. Preferably, in the final bed of the second

catalytic region, use will be made of a catalyst with an isomerizing role which makes it
possible to improve the low-temperature properties of the product. This catalyst can be
composed of nickel oxides on an acidic support, such as amorphous silica/alumina, zeolite,
ferrierite. phosphated alumina, phosphated silica/alumina, and the like. Preferably, NiW
will be used.
Advantageously, water is injected into the hydrotreating unit in the region for
treatment of the feedstock of biological origin. This injection of water makes it possible to
shift the equilibrium of the CO shift reaction towards the conversion of CO to CO2, which
can be much more easily removed. The conversion to CO2 and H2 of the CO produced by
the hydrodeoxygenation reaction is thus promoted, while limiting the methanation reaction
which produces methane CH4, which results in a decrease in the exothermicity and in the
H2 consumption.
In a particularly advantageous alternative form of the process comprising a
treatment of recycle gas resulting from the hydrotreating of the total feedstock before it is
reinjected into the hydrotreating unit, an additional treatment is carried out on the carbon
monoxide present in the said recycle gas.
It is thus possible not to reinject carbon monoxide into the reactor in order not to
risk inhibiting the catalyst.
In particular, such a treatment of the CO can be carried out when the CO content of
the recycle gases reaches a predetermined value.
The separation and the treatment of the carbon monoxide can be carried out by the
introduction, into the system for treating the recycle gases, of a device for the separation
and treatment of carbon monoxide. In particular, it is possible to use CO conversion
systems (referred to as CO shift systems by experts in this field), such as those generally
supplied by hydrogen unit manufacturers. Thus, preferably, the carbon monoxide is treated
by means of a CO conversion unit using the CO shift reaction. The CO is thus converted to
CO2, which can be more easily removed.
It is also possible to use a PSA (Pressure Swing Adsorption) treatment unit. This
technology is known per se. The adsorbents are selected according to the nature of the
impurities to be removed from the hydrogen-carrying streams, which are. in our case,
carbon monoxide CO and optionally methane CH4. ethane C2H6, propane C3H8, and the

Preferably, the gases thus separated are used in a steam reformer, such as a steam
methane reformer (SMR). The CO and the other products from the deoxygenation of the
feedstock of biological origin are thus enhanced in value as synthesis gas for the
production of a hydrogen-comprising gas of biological origin. By using this configuration,
the CO is thus enhanced in value and it is thus not necessary, in order to avoid its
inhibiting effect, to reduce its concentration in favour of the concentration of CO2 which
can be more easily removed.
Advantageously, a treatment is additionally carried out during which the carbon
dioxide (CO2) and the hydrogen sulphide (H2S) present in the said recycle gas are
separated and treated before the reinjection of the recycle gas into the hydrotreating unit.
This treatment is carried out. for example, by passing the recycle gas into an amine
absorber. This additional treatment thus makes it possible to remove, from the circuit, the
gases to be treated, that is to say CO2 and H2S.
Another particularly advantageous way of using the invention, here also as soon as
the level of vegetable oils and/or animal fats is high, is to compensate for the
exothermicity which necessarily results from the addition of these oils.
Thus, advantageously, the exothermicity of the hydrotreating of the feedstock is
controlled by means of temperature control systems. In a conventional hydrotreating unit,
these are. for example, the improvement in the liquid/gas distribution, gas and/or liquid
quenches (that is to say, the supply of cold gases or liquids to the reactor), distribution of
the catalyst volume over several catalytic beds, preheating control of the feedstock at the
inlet of the reactor, in particular by action on the furnace and/or heat exchangers situated
upstream of the reactor, on bypass lines, and the like, to lower the temperature at the inlet
of the reactor.
According to a first alternative form of the invention, preference will be given to
the addition of a liquid (liquid quench) to control the exothermicity.
This liquid can, for example, be composed of a portion of the hydrorefined
feedstock exiting from the hydrorefining unit. It is introduced in the region for treating the
feedstock of biological origin, in particular when the hydrotreating unit comprises a single

When the hydrotreating unit comprises two reactors, this liquid can be composed of
a portion of the effluent from the first reactor. It is likewise introduced in the region for
treatment of the feedstock of biological origin.
According to a second alternative form of the invention in which two separate
reactors are used, a temperature control system consists in recovering the heat from the
effluent exiting from the first reactor in order to lower its temperature before it is injected
into the second reactor. This makes it possible to achieve a significant energy saving.
Advantageously, according to the invention, the hydrotreating unit operates as a
single-pass unit, without recycling of liquid effluent at the top of the reactor.
The invention also relates to a hydrorefining unit comprising at least one catalytic
hydrotreating unit as described hereafter, for the implementation of the said process.
Advantageously, the catalytic hydrotreating unit comprises at least one reactor
provided with a first inlet for the introduction of a feedstock of petroleum origin of diesel
fuel type and a second inlet for the introduction of a feedstock of biological origin based
on vegetable and/or animal oils, the second inlet being situated downstream of the first
Advantageously, the catalytic hydrotreating unit comprises a first catalytic region
intended for the treatment of the feedstock of petroleum origin and a second catalytic
region situated downstream of the first catalytic region and intended for the treatment of
the feedstock of biological origin diluted by the feedstock of petroleum origin exiting from
the first catalytic region.
In a first embodiment, this catalytic hydrotreating unit comprises a single reactor.
In a second embodiment, the catalytic hydrotreating unit comprises two separate
reactors, a first reactor provided with the said first inlet for the introduction of the
feedstock of petroleum origin and a second reactor provided with the said second inlet for
the introduction of the feedstock of biological origin, the said first reactor additionally
comprising an outlet for the treated feedstock of petroleum origin, the said outlet joining
the said second inlet of the second reactor.
In a third embodiment, the catalytic hydrotreating unit comprises two separate
reactors, a first reactor provided with the said first inlet for the introduction of the
feedstock of petroleum origin and with the said second inlet for the introduction of a
portion of the feedstock of biological origin based on vegetable and/or animal oils, the

second inlet being situated downstream of the first inlet, the said first reactor additionally
comprising an outlet for the treated mixture of the two feedstocks, the said outlet joining
the inlet of the second reactor, and the second reactor comprises a third inlet for the
introduction of a portion of the feedstock of biological origin.
Preferably, the catalytic hydrotreating unit comprises at least one catalytic bed
comprising at least one catalyst based on metal oxides chosen from oxides of metals from
Group VI-B (Mo, W, and the like) and VIII-B (Co, Ni, Pt, Pd. Ru, Rh. and the like)
supported on a support chosen from alumina, silica/alumina, zeolite, ferrierite. phosphated
alumina, phosphated silica/alumina, and the like, preferably NiMo, CoMo, NiW, PtPd or a
mixture of two or more of these.
Preferably, the catalytic hydrotreating unit comprises at least one catalytic bed at
least partially comprising a catalyst with an isomerizing role preferably based on nickel
oxides on an acidic support, such as amorphous silica/alumina, zeolite, ferrierite.
phosphated alumina, phosphated silica/alumina, and the like.
Preferably, the hydrorefining unit further comprises a separator which separates the
liquid and vapour phases of the effluent exiting from the said hydrotreating unit and
comprises, downstream of the separator, a unit for separation and treatment of the carbon
monoxide (CO) present in the vapour phase of the effluent for the implementation of the
process according to the invention.
Preferably, the hydrorefining comprises, downstream of the separator, a unit for
separation and treatment of the carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen sulphide (H2S) present
in the vapour phase of the effluent for the implementation of the process according to the
The invention is now described with reference to the appended nonlimiting
drawings, in which:
- Figure 1 is a simplified diagram of a unit 1 for the conventional hydrorefining
of a feedstock of diesel fuel type;
- Figure 2 is a simplified diagram of a separation section of a conventional
hydrorefining unit;
- Figure 3 is a simplified diagram of a hydrotreating unit according to a first
embodiment of the invention comprising a single reactor;

Figure 4 is a simplified diagram of a hydrorefining unit comprising a
hydrotreating unit according to a second embodiment of the invention
comprising two reactors.
Figure 1 represents a simplified diagram of a unit 1 for the conventional
hydrorefining of a feedstock of diesel fuel type. This unit 1 comprises a reactor 2 into
which the feedstock to be treated is introduced by means of a line 3. This reactor
comprises one or more hydrorefining catalyst beds.
A line 4 recovers the effluent at the outlet of the reactor 2 and conveys it to a
separation section 5.
A heat exchanger 6 is placed downstream of the reactor on the line 4 in order to
heat the feedstock moving in the line 3 upstream of the reactor.
Upstream of this heat exchanger 6, a line 7, connected to the line 3, contributes an
H2-rich gas to the feedstock to be treated.
Downstream of the heat exchanger 6 and upstream of the reactor 2. the feedstock
mixed with the H2-rich gas moving in the line 3 is heated by a furnace 8.
Thus, the feedstock is mixed with the hydrogen-rich gas and then brought to the
reaction temperature by the heat exchanger 6 and the furnace 8 before it enters the reactor
2. It subsequently passes into the reactor 2, in the vapour state if it is a light fraction and as
a liquid/vapour mixture if it is a heavy fraction.
At the outlet of the reactor, the mixture obtained is cooled and then separated in the
separation section 5, which makes it possible to obtain:
- an H2S-rich sour gas G, a portion of which is reinjected into the H2-rich gas
mixed with the feedstock by means of a line 9,
- light products L which result from the decomposition of the impurities. This is
because the removal of sulphur, nitrogen, and the like, results in the destruction of
numerous molecules and in the production of lighter fractions,
- a hydrorefined product H with a volatility similar to that of the feedstock but with
improved characteristics.
Conventionally, the effluent exiting from the reactor 2 is cooled and partially
condensed and then enters the separation section 5.
Such a separation section 5 generally comprises (Figure 2):

- a first high-pressure knockout vessel 10 which makes it possible to separate a
hydrogen-rich gas G(H2) from the effluent, it being possible for this gas to be
a second low-pressure (10 bar) knockout vessel 11 which separates the liquid
and vapour phases obtained by reducing in pressure the liquid originating from
the high-pressure knockout vessel 10. The gas G(H2,L H2S) obtained
comprises mainly hydrogen, light hydrocarbons and a large part of the hydrogen
sulphide formed in the reactor,
- a stripper 12, the role of which is to remove the residual H2S and light
hydrocarbons L from the treated feedstock. The hydrorefined product H is
withdrawn at the base of this stripper.
a dryer 13, which makes it possible to remove the water dissolved by the hot
hydrorefined product in the stripper.
According to a first embodiment, a catalytic hydrotreating unit according to the
invention is formed of a single reactor 20, as represented in Figure 3. This reactor 20 is
provided with a first inlet 21 for the introduction of a feedstock of petroleum origin (Cp)
of diesel fuel type and a second inlet 22 for the introduction of a feedstock of biological
origin (Cb) based on vegetable and/or animal oils, the second inlet 22 being situated
downstream of the first inlet 21.
Preferably, the inlet 21 for the feedstock of petroleum origin is conventionally
situated at the top of the reactor.
The reactor 20 comprises several catalytic beds which are divided into two catalytic
regions: a first region situated upstream of the second inlet 22, intended for the treatment
of the feedstock of petroleum origin, and a second region B situated downstream of this
second inlet 22, intended for the treatment of the feedstock of biological origin.
The first catalytic region A will preferably comprise a catalyst which promotes the
hydrodesulphurization of the feedstock of petroleum origin.
The second catalytic region B will preferably comprise a catalyst which promotes
the deoxygenation of the feedstock of biological origin. Advantageously, this region B
comprises at least one first bed comprising an NiMo-based catalyst and a final bed
comprising a catalyst with an isomerizing role which makes it possible to improve the
low-temperature properties of the product.

Furthermore, the reactor 20 comprises an inlet 23 for the introduction of hydrogen
H2 in the first catalytic region A and preferably a second inlet 24 for introduction of
hydrogen H2 in the second catalytic region B. these injections of H2 acting as gaseous
Finally, it is possible to allow an inlet 25 for the introduction of water in the
catalytic region B, this injection B making it possible to promote the conversion to CO2 of
the CO which may have been formed.
The reactor forming the catalytic hydrotreating unit 20 according to the invention
can be used in a conventional hydrorefining unit such as that described with reference to
Figure 1, as replacement for the reactor 2 of this unit.
According to a second embodiment, a catalytic hydrotreating unit according to the
invention is formed of two reactors 30, 31. Figure 4 represents a hydrorefining unit
equipped with such a catalytic hydrotreating unit.
The diagram of this hydrorefining unit is very similar to that of the unit represented
in Figure 1.
The first reactor 30 of the catalytic hydrotreating unit according to the invention is
preferably identical to the reactor 2 of Figure 1. The feedstock of petroleum origin Cp is
conveyed to the top of this reactor by means of a line 32 but the liquid effluent exiting
from this first reactor, instead of being directed to a separation section, is sent to the top of
the second reactor 31 by means of a line 33.
A line 34 conveying the feedstock of biological origin Cb joins the line 33 before it
enters the top of the second reactor 31.
A line 35 recovers the liquid effluent at the outlet of the second reactor 31 and
conveys it to a separation section.
Just as for a conventional unit, a heat exchanger 36 is placed downstream of the
first reactor 30 on the line 33 in order to heat the feedstock Cp moving in the line 32
upstream of the first reactor 30.
Preferably, the hydrorefining unit according to the invention additionally comprises
a second heat exchanger 37 placed downstream of the second reactor 31 on the line 35
which also heats the feedstock Cp moving upstream of the first reactor 30. this second
exchanger 37 being, for example, placed upstream of the first exchanger 36.

Upstream of these heat exchangers 36 and 37, a line 38 connected to the line 32
supplies an H2-rich gas to the feedstock Cp to be treated.
Downstream of the heat exchangers 36, 37 and upstream of the first reactor 30, the
feedstock of petroleum origin mixed with the H2-rich gas moving in the line 32 is heated
by a furnace 39.
The liquid effluent is cooled at the outlet of the second reactor 31 and then
separated in a separation section which comprises a first high-pressure "hot" knockout
vessel 40 which makes it possible to separate, from the effluent, a hydrogen-rich gas GlHl)
also comprising CO and CO2. This gas G(H2) is conveyed to another low-pressure "cold"
knockout vessel 41, then conveyed to a unit 42 for the treatment and separation of CO2, for
example an amine absorber, and then to a unit 43 for the separation and treatment of CO of
the PSA type. The CO separated in this unit 43, as well as the other gases separated, such
as CH4, C2H6, C3H8, and the like, can advantageously be sent to an SMR unit for the
production of hydrogen H2. This hydrogen can then optionally be returned in the line 44
bringing back the recycle gas to the first reactor 30 as gaseous quench and in the line 38
for the treatment of the feedstock Cp.
The liquid effluent exiting from the first knockout vessel 40 is. for its part, directed
to another low-pressure (10 bar) knockout vessel 45 which separates the liquid and vapour
phases obtained by reducing in pressure the liquid originating from the high-pressure
knockout vessel 40. The gas G(H2, L, H2S) obtained comprises mainly hydrogen, light
hydrocarbons and a large part of the hydrogen sulphide formed in the reactor. The liquid
effluent resulting from this knockout vessel 45 is conveyed to a steam stripper 46, the role
of which is to remove the residual H2S and light hydrocarbons from the treated feedstock.
The gaseous effluent exiting from the knockout vessel 45 can be sent to another knockout
vessel 47 fed with the liquid effluent exiting from the knockout vessel 41, the liquid
effluent of which is also conveyed to the stripper 46. The gas exiting from this knockout
vessel 47 can be made use of.
The hydrorefined product H is withdrawn at the base of this stripper 46.
The separation unit described above and composed of the knockout vessels 40, 41,
45 and 47, of the stripper 46 and of the treatment units 42, 43 can, of course, be used at the

outlet of the single reactor described in Figure 3. Depending on the conditions, it is also
possible to allow only two successive knockout vessels 40 and 41, the liquid effluents of
which are directed directly to the stripper 46.
A portion of the hydrorefined product H can be introduced into the second reactor
via a line 48 in order to act as liquid quench. Heat exchangers 49. 50, respectively placed
on the lines 34 and 32, can be used for the preheating of the feedstock of biological origin
and of the feedstock of petroleum origin respectively.
Just as in the preceding embodiment with one reactor, it is possible to allow for
injection of water 51 into the second reactor 31.
This unit thus makes it possible to carry out the hydrorefining of petroleum
fractions in the first reactor 30 and to finish the hydrorefining of the petroleum fractions in
the second reactor 31, and also to deoxygenate the triglycerides of the feedstock of
biological origin.
In addition, it is clearly apparent that the second reactor can be easily isolated from
the circuit by means of valves, a bypass line directly conveying the liquid effluent exiting
from the first reactor to the separation and treatment devices. Thus, this hydrorefining unit
can be used for the hydrotreating of a feedstock of petroleum origin, with or without
addition of a feedstock of biological origin.
The following examples illustrate the advantages produced by the process
according to the invention.
Feedstock studied
The feedstock based on diesel fuel studied is composed of 30% of LCO (Light
Cycle Oil) and of 70% of fractions of diesel fuel type originating from the straight-run
(SR) distillation of a crude oil. The characteristics of this diesel fuel feedstock and those of
the palm oil incorporated at approximately 15% by weight are listed in Tables 1 and 2

Plant and operational conditions
In Example 1, which acts as reference, the treatment is carried out on a unit
comprising a single hydrotreating reactor in which the catalyst volume is 54.6 m3.

Simultaneous feeding of palm oil and of the feedstock based on diesel fuel is carried out at
the top of the reactor. The hydrogen partial pressure is 63 bar and the mean treatment
temperature is 362°C. This temperature makes it possible to ensure a sulphur content of
10 ppm starting from the feedstock treated here.
tn Example 2 according to the invention, the treatment is carried out on a unit
comprising two hydrotreating reactors. The feedstock based on diesel fuel is incorporated
at the top of the first reactor and the feedstock based on palm oil is incorporated in the
effluent from the first reactor, before entering the second reactor. The overall catalytic
volume in the unit is 54.6 m3 (identical to that of Example I). The mean reaction
temperature of the second reactor is 321°C and that of the first reactor is such that the unit
(combination of the two reactors in series) makes it possible to ensure a sulphur content of
10 ppm starting from the feedstock treated here.
In Example 3 according to the invention, the treatment is also carried out on a unit
comprising two hydrotreating reactors. The feedstock based on diesel fuel is incorporated
at the top of the first reactor and the feedstock based on palm oil is incorporated in the
effluent from the first reactor, before entering the second reactor. The overall catalytic
volume is 47.4 m3. The mean reaction temperature in the first reactor is 362°C (identical to
that of Example 1) and that of the second reactor is 321°C, which makes it possible for the
unit (combination of the two reactors in series) to ensure a sulphur content of 10 ppm
starting from the feedstock treated here.
The reactors comprise a commercial hydrodesulphurization catalyst known to a
person skilled in the art composed of porous alumina on which nickel and molybdenum
oxides are deposited. This catalyst is provided in the form of extrudates with a diameter of
1 to 2 mm and a trilobe shape. The loading density is 950 kg/m3 of catalyst charged to the
The hydrogen partial pressure at the inlet of the first reactor is 63 bar. The
hydrogen coverage used in the first reactor for the examples shown is 350 Nl/1 (that is to
say, the amount of Normal litres of hydrogen per litre of feedstock).
A section for stripping the liquid effluent is present at the outlet of the reactor in
order to remove the gasses, such as H2S. NH3. CO or CO2, when these compounds are
present in the effluent.

The comparison of Examples 1 and 2 shows that, using the same catalyst volume
(54.6 m ), the use of the invention makes it possible to operate the first reactor at a
temperature of 357°C instead of 362°C in the case of Example 1. This difference of 5°C
has the consequence of producing a considerable energy saving, all the more so as a
portion of the heat is recovered from the effluent from the first reactor. Moreover, as the
conditions are less severe, the cycle time is found to be extended thereby. In this case, it is
possible to expect to have a cycle time extended by at least 5 months. Furthermore, the
second reactor in Example 2 will be characterized by a very long cycle time due to the
relatively low operating temperature, which is nevertheless sufficient to produce a 10 ppm
diesel fuel at the outlet.

The comparison of Examples 1 and 3 shows that, at a same mean reaction
temperature for the first reactor, the volume of catalyst necessary in order to obtain a
10 ppm diesel fuel at the outlet is lower when the invention is employed. This is because
the saving with regard to the first catalytic region is 7.2 m3 of catalyst volume, which
implies a fall of 13% in the total catalyst volume for the unit. Furthermore, the second
reactor in Example 2 will be characterized by a very long cycle time due to the relatively
low operating temperature, which is nevertheless sufficient to produce a 10 ppm diesel fuel
at the outlet.
Production of CO. CO2, CH4 and H2O
The production, at the outlet of the unit, of the gases CO, CO2. CH4 and H2O, with
respect to the palm oil feedstock studied, is illustrated in Table 4.

Table 4 demonstrates that the use of the invention exhibits the advantage of a
reduction in the hydrogen H2 consumption. This is because the formation of methane
(CH4) and of water (H2O) is reduced.
Quality of the products
The results of a detailed analysis of the effluent obtained for Examples 2 and 3 are
combined in Table 5. The incorporation of palm oil as feedstock of a
hydrodesulphurization unit, both by simultaneous incorporation at the top of the reactor

and by use of the invention, has the consequence of adding normal paraffins to the final
product, and the characteristics of the products obtained are found to be favourably
affected thereby. In particular, it is found that the cloud point of the effluents is -3°C,
whereas, with the incorporation of 15% of palm oil in the diesel fuel feedstock, a greater
impact on the cloud point might have been expected.

1. Process for the catalytic hydrotreating of a feedstock of petroleum origin of
diesel fuel type and of a feedstock of biological origin based on vegetable oils and/or
animal fats in a stationary bed hydrotreating unit, the said process being characterized in
that the feedstock of petroleum origin is introduced into the said unit upstream of the
feedstock of biological origin.
2. Hydrotreating process according to Claim 1, characterized in that the
feedstock of petroleum origin is injected into a first catalytic region of the hydrotreating
unit and in that the feedstock of biological origin is injected into a second catalytic region
of the hydrotreating unit situated downstream of the first catalytic region.
3. Hydrotreating process according to Claim 1 or Claim 2. characterized in that
the hydrotreating unit is formed of a single reactor into which the feedstocks of petroleum
and biological origin are injected.
4. Hydrotreating process according to Claim 1 or Claim 2, characterized in that
the hydrotreating unit is formed of two separate reactors and in that the feedstock of
petroleum origin is injected into the first reactor and the feedstock of biological origin is
injected into the second reactor as a mixture with the liquid effluent exiting from the first
5. Hydrotreating process according to Claim 1 or Claim 2. characterized in that
the hydrotreating unit is formed of two separate reactors and in that the feedstock of
petroleum origin is injected into the first reactor and that the feedstock of biological origin
is injected partly into the first reactor and partly into the second reactor, and in that the
liquid effluent exiting from the first reactor is injected into the second reactor.
6. Hydrotreating process according to one of the preceding claims, characterized
in that the space velocity (HSV) of the feedstock of petroleum origin is less than the space

velocity of the feedstock of biological origin, as a mixture with the effluent resulting from
the treatment of the feedstock of petroleum origin.
7. Hydrotreating process according to one of the preceding claims, in which the
feedstock of petroleum origin of diesel fuel type is chosen from the diesel fuel fractions
originating from the distillation of a crude oil and/or of a synthetic crude resulting from the
treatment of oil shales or of heavy and extraheavy crude oils or of the effluent from the
Fischer-Tropsch process, the diesel fuel fractions resulting from various conversion
processes, in particular those resulting from catalytic and/or thermal cracking (FCC,
coking, visbreaking, and the like).
8. Hydrotreating process according to one of the preceding claims, in which the
level of the feedstock of biological origin based on vegetable oils and/or animal fats is up
to 30% by weight.
9. Hydrotreating process according to Claim 8, in which the level of the
feedstock of biological origin is less than or equal to 15% by weight.

10. Hydrotreating process according to one of the preceding claims, in which the
vegetable oils present in the feedstock of biological origin are chosen from palm oil,
soybean oil, rapeseed oil, sunflower oil, linseed oil, rice bran oil, maize oil, olive oil,
castor oil, sesame oil, pine oil. peanut oil, palm kernel oil. coconut oil or babasu oil,
preferably palm oil, or a mixture of two or more of these oils.
11. Hydrotreating process according to one of the preceding claims dependent on
Claim 2, in which the catalytic region for injection of the feedstock of biological origin
comprises a first metal trap catalytic bed.
12. Hydrotreating process according to one of the preceding claims dependent on
Claim 2, in which the amount of hydrogen introduced into the first catalytic region is from
50 to 1000 Normal litres of H2 per litre of feedstock of petroleum origin, preferably from

100 to 500 Normal litres of H2 per litre of petroleum feedstock and more preferably still
from 120 to 450 Normal litres of H2 per litre of feedstock of petroleum origin.
13. Hydrotreating process according to one of the preceding claims dependent on
Claim 2, in which the amount of hydrogen introduced into the second catalytic region is
from 50 to 2000 Normal litres of H2 per litre of total feedstock (feedstock of biological
origin, as a mixture with the effluent resulting from the treatment of the feedstock of
petroleum origin), preferably from 150 to 1500 Normal litres of H2 per litre of total
feedstock and more preferably still from 200 to 1000 Normal litres of H2 per litre of total
14. Catalytic hydrotreating process according to one of the preceding claims
dependent on Claim 2, in which the temperature of the first catalytic region for treatment
of the feedstock of petroleum origin is from 320 to 420°C, preferably from 340 to 400°C.
15. Catalytic hydrotreating process according to one of the preceding claims
dependent on Claim 2, in which the temperature of the second catalytic region for
treatment of the feedstock of biological origin, as a mixture with the effluent resulting
from the treatment of the feedstock of petroleum origin, is from 250 to 420°C. preferably
from 280 to 350°C.
16. Catalytic hydrotreating process according to one of the preceding claims, in
which the various feedstocks are treated at a pressure of 25 to 150 bar, preferably of 30 to
70 bar.
17. Catalytic hydrotreating process according to one of the preceding claims
dependent on Claim 2, in which the HSV of the feedstock of petroleum origin in the first
catalytic region is from 0.3 to 5, preferably from 0.6 to 3.
18. Catalytic hydrotreating process according to one of the preceding claims
dependent on Claim 2, in which the HSV in the second catalytic region of the total
feedstock (feedstock of biological origin, as a mixture with the effluent resulting from the
treatment of the feedstock of petroleum origin) is from 0.5 to 10, preferably from 1 to 5.

19. Catalytic hydrotreating process according to one of the preceding claims, in
which the feedstock of biological origin passes through at least one catalytic bed in the
hydrotreating unit, the catalytic bed comprising at least one catalyst based on metal oxides
chosen from oxides of metals from Group VI-B (Mo, W, and the like) and VIIi-B (Co, Ni,
Pt, Pd, Ru, Rh, and the like) supported on a support chosen from alumina, silica/alumina,
zeolite, ferrierite, phosphated alumina, phosphated silica/alumina, and the like, preferably
NiMo, CoMo, NiW, PtPd or a mixture of two or more of these.
20. Catalytic hydrotreating process according to one of the preceding claims, in
which the feedstock of biological origin introduced into the hydrotreating unit is treated
over at least one catalytic bed at least partially comprising a catalyst with an isomerizing
role, preferably based on nickel oxides on an acidic support, such as amorphous
silica/alumina, zeolite, ferrierite, phosphated alumina, phosphated silica/alumina, and the
21. Catalytic hydrotreating process according to one of the preceding claims, in
which water is injected in the region for treatment of the feedstock of biological origin.
22. Catalytic hydrotreating process according to one of the preceding claims,
comprising a treatment of recycle gas resulting from the hydrotreating of the total
feedstock before it is reinjected into the hydrotreating unit, in which an additional
treatment is carried out on the carbon monoxide present in the said recycle gas.
23. Catalytic hydrotreating process according to Claim 22. in which the carbon
monoxide is treated by means of a CO conversion unit using the CO shift reaction.
24. Catalytic hydrotreating process according to Claim 22 or 23. in which the
carbon monoxide CO and optionally the methane CH4, ethane C2H6. propane C3H8, and
the like, are separated by means of a PSA treatment unit.

25. Catalytic hydrotreating process according to Claim 24. in which the carbon
monoxide CO separated and optionally the methane CH4, ethane C2H6. and propane C3H8
separated are used in a steam reformer, such as a steam methane reformer (SMR).
26. Catalytic hydrotreating process according to one of the preceding claims, in
which a treatment is additionally carried out during which the carbon dioxide (C02) and
the hydrogen sulphide (H2S) present in the said recycle gas are separated and treated
before the recycle gas is reinjected into the said hydrotreating unit.
27. Catalytic hydrotreating process according to one of the preceding claims, in
which the exothermicity of the hydrotreating of the feedstock of biological origin is
controlled by means of temperature control systems.

28. Catalytic hydrotreating process according to Claim 27. in which the
temperature control system consists of the addition of a liquid in the region for treatment
of the feedstock of biological origin.
29. Catalytic hydrotreating process according to Claim 28 dependent on Claim 4
or 5. in which the temperature control system consists in recovering heat from the effluent
exiting from the first reactor in order to lower its temperature before it is injected into the
second reactor.
30. Catalytic hydrotreating process according to one of the preceding claims, in
which the hydrotreating unit operates as a single-pass unit, without recycling of liquid
effluent at the top of the hydrotreating unit.
31. Hydrorefining unit comprising :
at least one catalytic hydrotreating unit comprising at least one reactor provided
with a first inlet for the introduction of a feedstock of petroleum origin of diesel
fuel type and a second inlet for the introduction of a feedstock of biological
origin based on vegetable and/or animal oils, the second inlet being situated
downstream of the first inlet,

a separator which separates the liquid and vapour phases of the effluent exiting
from the said catalytic hydrotreating unit,
characterized in that it comprises, downstream of the separator, a unit for
separation and treatment of the carbon monoxide (CO) present in the vapour phase
of the effluent, for the implementation of the process according to any of Claims 22
to 25.
32. Hydrorefining unit according to Claim 31. comprising, downstream of the
separator, a unit for separation and treatment of the carbon dioxide (CO:) and hydrogen
sulphide (H2S) present in the vapour phase of the effluent for the implementation of the
process according to Claim 26.
33. Hydrorefining unit according to Claim 31 or Claim 32. characterized in that
the catalytic hydrotreating unit comprises a first catalytic region intended for the treatment
of the feedstock of petroleum origin and a second catalytic region situated downstream of
the first catalytic region and intended for the treatment of the feedstock of biological origin
diluted by the feedstock of petroleum origin exiting from the first catalytic region.
34. Hydrorefining unit according to any of Claims 31 to 33, characterized in that
the catalytic hydrotreating unit comprises a single reactor.
35. Hydrorefining unit according to any of Claims 31 to 33, characterized in that
the catalytic hydrotreating unit comprises two separate reactors, a first reactor provided
with the said first inlet for the introduction of the feedstock of petroleum origin and a
second reactor provided with the said second inlet for the introduction of the feedstock of
biological origin, the said first reactor additionally comprising an outlet for the treated
feedstock of petroleum origin, the said outlet joining the said second inlet of the second
36. Hydrorefining unit according to any of Claims 31 to 33. characterized in that
the catalytic hydrotreating unit comprises two separate reactors, a first reactor provided
with the said first inlet for the introduction of the feedstock of petroleum origin and with

the said second inlet for the introduction of a portion of the feedstock of biological origin
based on vegetable and/or animal oils, the second inlet being situated downstream of the
first inlet, the said first reactor additionally comprising an outlet for the treated mixture of
the two feedstocks, the said outlet joining the inlet of the second reactor, and the second
reactor comprises a third inlet for the introduction of a portion of the feedstock of
biological origin.
37. Hydrorefining unit according to any of Claims 31 to 36. characterized in that
the catalytic hydrotreating unit comprises at least one catalytic bed comprising at least one
catalyst based on metal oxides chosen from oxides of metals from Group VI-B (Mo. W,
and the like) and Vlll-B (Co. Ni, Pt. Pd. Ru, Rh. and the like) supported on a support
chosen from alumina, silica/alumina, zeolite, ferrierite, phosphated alumina, phosphated
silica/alumina, and the like, preferably NiMo, CoMo, NiW, PtPd or a mixture of two or
more of these.
38. Hydrorefining unit unit according to Claim 37, characterized in that the
catalytic hydrotreating unit comprises at least one catalytic bed at least partially comprising
a catalyst with an isomerizing role preferably based on nickel oxides on an acidic support,
such as amorphous silica/alumina, zeolite, ferrierite. phosphated alumina, phosphated
silica/alumina, and the like.

The invention relates to a process for the catalytic hydrotreating of a feedstock of
petroleum origin of diesel fuel type and of a feedstock of biological origin based on
vegetable oils and/or animal fats in a stationary bed catalytic hydrotreating unit, the said process being characterized in that the feedstock of petroleum origin is introduced into
the said reactor upstream of the feedstock of biological origin. It also relates to a catalytic hydrotreating unit for the implementation of the said process and to a corresponding hydrorefining unit.



Patent Number 269345
Indian Patent Application Number 784/KOLNP/2009
PG Journal Number 43/2015
Publication Date 23-Oct-2015
Grant Date 16-Oct-2015
Date of Filing 02-Mar-2009
Applicant Address 24 COURS MICHELET, 92800 PUTEAUX
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C10G 3/00,C10G 45/02
PCT International Application Number PCT/FR2007/002034
PCT International Filing date 2007-12-11
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 06 11028 2006-12-18 France