Title of Invention


Abstract A reactance ballast device (V) is specified, in particular for an arc furnace, having an induction coil (l) and having a free-standing load stepping switch (2), with the load stepping switch (2) being designed to adjust the reactance of the induction coil (1) while on load. A transformer (T) is also specified, in particular for an arc furnace (0), having an associated reactance ballast device (V) of the type mentioned initially. An arc furnace (O) is also specified, in particular for steel smelting, and is preceded by a transformer (T) such as this.
Full Text Description
Reactance ballast device
The invention relates to a reactance ballast device for an arc
furnace, in particular for setting the additional reactance of
a transformer of the arc furnace.
An arc furnace, as is used, for example, for melting steel,
generally has a transformer connected upstream of it, which
transformer sets an AC voltage required for the arc. Since very
high powers are consumed by an arc furnace and high AC voltages
need to be transmitted by the transformers connected upstream,
such transformers are generally introduced into an insulating
material in order to avoid flashovers.
An important characteristic in the case of AC voltage and
alternating current is the reactance, i.e. the reactance of a
conductor, for example in the case of a coil through which
current is flowing.
For various operational states of an arc furnace it is
desirable to be able to set different reactances. For this
purpose it is known to integrate an apparatus for setting the
reactance with an induction coil and with an on-load tap
changer in the transformer which is connected upstream.
Typically, such apparatuses with the coils and the active part
of the transformer are introduced into a tank filled with
insulating material.
It is further known for an arc furnace plant without an
additional reactance introduced into the transformer tank to
use air-core induction coils positioned outside the
transformer, for example in an outdoor switchgear assembly, as
the additional reactance.

However, it is not possible to use additional reactances
designed in this way to set an optimum reactance for all
operational states of the arc furnace on load.
Many arc furnace plants are therefore operated in practice with
a fixedly preselected reactance. The induction coil used for
this purpose has at least one tap, which taps off the current
flowing through the coil after a specific turns number and
therefore assigns a reactance which is set in a defined manner
to the transformer. For assignment of the desired reactance,
the tap has fixed wiring. However, it is necessary for a change
to be made if it is identified after a relatively long period
of operation that the selected series reactance has not been
optimally set during operation on load, i.e. during operation
of the furnace, which results, for example, in an unnecessary
increase in the consumption of energy, or that the reactance
should be matched in a process-dependent manner. It is
disadvantageously necessary for this purpose for the power
supply to be switched off, and therefore for the furnace plant
to be shut down and for the transformer to be wired to another
tap on the induction coil.
A first object of the invention is to specify an apparatus
which makes it possible to easily set the reactance connected
upstream in particular of a transformer.
A second object of the invention is to specify a transformer
which can be used to set the reactance as precisely as
A third object of the invention is to specify an arc furnace,
in particular for melting steel, which is supplied with energy
in a manner which is as optimal and economical as possible
during operation on load.

The first object is achieved according to the invention by the
fact that a reactance ballast device is specified, in
particular for an arc furnace, with an induction coil and with
a free-standing on-load tap changer, the on-load tap

changer being formed and designed to set the reactance of the
induction coil on load.
The combination of an induction coil with a free-standing on-
load tap changer in accordance with the invention makes it
possible to set the series reactance on load, with the result
that the optimum series or additional reactance can always be
selected corresponding to the operational requirements, in
particular when applied to the operation on load of an arc
The reactance ballast device is not restricted to the use
thereof for setting the reactance for an arc furnace or for a
transformer of an arc furnace. It can also be connected
upstream of other energy consumers or plants, whose
characteristics are determined in particular by the reactance.
Advantageously, a free-standing dry-insulated air-core
induction coil is selected for the reactance ballast device.
Dry-insulated air-core induction coils do not make use of any
insulating oils, as a result of which the general complexity in
terms of maintenance and risk of fire is reduced and thus the
efficiency and environmental friendliness is increased.
Furthermore, the induction coil has a suitable number of
tapping points, each of which has an assigned turns number of
the coil. Since the inductance and therefore the impedance of a
coil depends on the number of turns through which a coil
current passes, tapping of the alternating current passing
through the coil at a tapping point can be used to predetermine
the coil impedance and therefore the reactance, i.e. the
reactance in the case of alternating current, in graduated
fashion, corresponding to the graduations of the tapping

In a preferred development of the reactance ballast device, the
free-standing on-load tap changer combined with the induction
coil has a number of input contacts, at least one output
contact and a switching element.

In this case, the switching element is designed to alternately
and variably connect at least one input contact to an output
contact. In the case of a plurality of input contacts, the
switching element can therefore connect in each case one or
more input contacts to an output contact, depending on the
configuration. By respective setting of the switching element,
the output at the or at an output contact is therefore
controlled. The on-load tap changer also comprises a container
with an insulating material, which container is formed and
designed to accommodate the switching element. The insulating
material avoids a flashover as a result of high voltages. The
insulating properties of the insulating material reduces the
spark gap, with the result that the physical size is overall
The switching element correspondingly has a number of inputs
and at least one output, with one or each output having an
assigned branching node, at which at least two branches of a
bridge circuit converge, the branches in each case being
capable of being deactivated at switching points, the branches
in each case being capable of being connected variably to the
inputs, and in each case being connected in pairs to a load
switching point, in particular to a vacuum interrupter, via a
cross connection.
At the branching node assigned to an output of the switching
element, the branches belonging to a bridge circuit converge,
with a bridge circuit comprising at least two branches. The
branches produce the contact to the inputs of the switching
element, and in the process can be contact-connected
individually to various inputs, with the result that a
plurality of branches is present at one input or only in each
case one branch is present at each input. In particular, the
variable contact-making can be achieved by the branches being
shifted between various inputs. If all of the branches are

present at one input or all of the branches are in contact with
this input, a step position is predetermined. If, on the other
hand, two branches are present at two different inputs, a
bridge position is

defined. In the case of only two branches, there is only one
step position and one bridge position. A switching element
formed in such a way makes it possible to switch on load, the
switching from one step position to another taking place
successively via the formation of bridge positions.
The branches of the bridge circuit of the switching element are
connected in pairs to cross connections, which can be
deactivated via in each case one load switching point. For
their part the branches are each provided with switching points
between the branching nodes and the cross connections. If
switching points on individual branches are now deactivated,
for example in order to shift these branches from in each case
one to in each case another input, the cross connections
connected to these branches first take over the load and
additionally can compensate for current and voltage
fluctuations in the region of the branching node and prevent
overloads from occurring there during switching. Now, the cross
connections can be deactivated at the load switching points and
the branches which have thus been decoupled from the current
flow can be shifted. The load switching points are preferably
provided by vacuum interrupters since vacuum interrupters
function reliably as load switches as a result of the shielding
effect of the vacuum and are subject to little wear. In
addition, expediently the branches between the cross
connections and the input-side contact points are provided with
induction elements, which ensure a substantially uniform load
distribution in the circuit in a bridge configuration.
A desired configuration of the reactance ballast device is to
this extent one in which the number of tapping points of the
induction coil corresponds to the number of input contacts of
the on-load tap changer and in each case one tapping point is
connected to an input contact. In this case, the assignment of
the tapping points to the input contacts is preferably linear

with the result that counting of the input contacts in a
predetermined sequence corresponds to the increasing or
decreasing reactance of the induction coil. There is

therefore a desired unique assignment between the reactance
steps and the input contacts.
Furthermore, a unique assignment between the input and output
contacts of the on-load tap changer and the inputs and outputs
of the switching element is expediently provided. Thus in
particular the inputs of the switching element are uniquely
assigned to the reactance steps. The switching element as part
of the on-load tap changer therefore represents series
reactance matching of the transformer via the choice of steps
of the tapping points of the induction coil.
The second object is achieved according to the invention by a
transformer, in particular for an arc furnace, which has an
assigned reactance ballast device in accordance with the type
mentioned at the outset.
An additional apparatus for setting the reactance with an
induction coil and with an on-load tap changer is
advantageously integrated in the transformer.
The third object is achieved according to the invention by an
arc furnace, in particular for melting steel, with a
transformer of the abovementioned type connected upstream of
said arc furnace.
An exemplary embodiment of the invention will be explained in
more detail below with reference to a drawing, in which, in
each case in a schematic illustration:
figure 1 shows a reactance ballast device with an air-core
induction coil and an on-load tap changer,
figure 2 shows the switching process of a switching element
between a step position and a bridge position in six
individual figures A to F, and

figure 3 shows a single-line schematic of an arc furnace with
a transformer and a reactance ballast device of the
type mentioned at the outset.

Figure 1 illustrates a reactance ballast device V with an air-
core induction coil 1 and with a free-standing on-load tap
changer 2, as a whole. The air-core induction coil 1 is
connected to a mains power supply via the feed point 3 and has
been provided with a number of uniformly distributed tapping
points 4, via which the current flowing through the air-core
induction coil 1 can in each case be tapped off after a
multiple of a uniformly sized subsection of the coil flow. If
appropriate, the air-core induction coil 1 is introduced into a
container 5, which in this case is illustrated by dashed lines.
The free-standing on-load tap changer 2 has a steel housing 6,
whose interior 7 has been filled with an insulating material,
in particular oil. The on-load tap changer 2 has been provided
with a number of input contacts 8, which are wired to the
tapping points 4 of the air-core induction coil 1. In the
interior 7 of the steel housing 6, the input contacts 8
represent inputs for a switching element 9 which is localized
there and which in this case can be shifted variably as a
whole. The output of the switching element 9 is passed to the
outside via an output contact 10 and is connected to a
transformer of an arc furnace via a mains line 11. As a result
of a defined shift of the switching element 9 with respect to a
specific input contact 8 and the corresponding tapping point 4,
the load circuit of the reactance ballast device V is closed
between the feed point 3 and the output line 11. Thus, the
reactance 4 assigned to the tapping point 4 of the air-core
induction coil 1 is made available at the output line 11.
Figure 2 shows a schematic illustration of the switching
process of a switching element 9 shown in figure 1 between a
step position and a bridge position in the switching phases A
to F. First of all the components of the switching element 9
will be explained in detail with reference to the figure
relating to switching phase A which components have been

provided in similar fashion for the remaining switching phases
B to F. For reasons of clarity, the components of the switching
element 9 have only been provided with reference symbols

in the figures relating to switching phases B to F where it is
necessary for explaining the switching process.
The switching element 9 illustrated in figure 2 is connected to
the tapping point 4 of the air-core induction coil 1 via the
on-load tap changer 2, as can be seen in figure 1. Figure 2
illustrates two inputs 121, 12r of the switching element 9,
which are assigned to the input contacts 8 of the on-load tap
changer 2 in figure 1. In the illustration, the switching
element 9 has a left-hand line branch or branch 131 and a
right-hand line branch or branch 13r, which have each been
provided with induction coils 141, 14r, and are each connected
to toggle switches 161, 16r with a branching node 17 via
contact points 151, 15r. The branching node 17 leads to the
output 21 of the switching element 9. In each case between the
induction coils 141, 14r and the contact points 151, 15r there
is a cross connection 18 with a vacuum interrupter 20 between
the line branches 131 and 13r, which are each connected thereto
at the connection points 191 and 19r. The arrows S indicate the
inverse direction of flow.
The switching operation can be seen from the individual
switching phases A to F:
A The switching element 9 is located in step position at the
input 121. Both branches 131 and 13r are at the input 121.
The toggle switches 161 and 16r are in the closed position
at the respective contact points 151 and 15r, with the
result that the two branches 131 and 13r are on load. The
induction coils 141 and 14r ensure a symmetrical load
distribution between the branches 131 and 13r.
B The toggle switch 16r is opened, and the contact is capped
at the contact point 15r. As a result, the cross
connection 18 is on load via the closed vacuum
interrupter 20.

C The vacuum interrupter 20 is interrupted, and the
branch 13r is off load and can be shifted; the entire load
is on the branch 131.
D The off-load branch 13r is shifted from the input 121 to
the input 12r.
E The vacuum interrupter 20 is closed; the cross
connection 18 and the branch 13r are on load again; the
bridge position is active since the inputs 121 and 12r now
simultaneously produce a closed cycle via the branching
point 17.
F The toggle switch 16r is closed again; the contact is
produced again at the contact point 15r. The bridge
position is realized via the two contact points 151
and 15r, instead of via the cross connection 18.
In the inverse sequence with respect to the sequence A to F and
mirror-symmetrically with respect thereto, the branch 131 can
now be shifted in order to produce a step position of the two
branches 131, 13r at the input 12r.
In this way, the bridge circuit of the switching element 9 via
the formation of bridge positions at various inputs makes it
possible to shift from step position to step position between
these various inputs on load.
Figure 3 shows an arc furnace 0 with a furnace transformer T
and a reactance ballast device V of the type mentioned at the
outset with an induction coil 1 and an on-load tap changer 2.

Patent Claims
1. A reactance ballast device (V), in particular for an arc
furnace, with an induction coil (1) and with a free-standing
on-load tap changer (2), the on-load tap changer (2) being
formed and designed to set the reactance of the induction coil
(1) on load.
2. The reactance ballast device (V) as claimed in claim 1,
the induction coil (1) being in the form of a free-standing
dry-insulated air-core induction coil.
3. The reactance ballast device (V) as claimed in claim 1
or 2, the induction coil (1) being provided with a number of
tapping points (4), each of which has an assigned turns number
of the induction coil (1).
4. The reactance ballast device (V) as claimed in one of
claims 1 to 3, the on-load tap changer (2) comprising a number
of input contacts (8), at least one output contact (10) and a
switching element (9), which switching element (9) is designed
in each case to connect at least one input contact (4) to an
output contact (10), and a container (6) with an insulating
material, which container (6) is formed and designed to
accommodate the switching element (9).
5. The reactance ballast device (V) as claimed in claim 4,
the switching element (9) having a number of inputs (121, 12r)
and at least one output (21) , one or each output having an
assigned branching node (17), at which at least two
branches (131, 13r) of a bridge circuit converge, the
branches (131, 13r) in each case being capable of being
deactivated at switching points (151, 15r), the branches (13L,
13r) in each case being capable of being connected variably to

inputs (121, 12r) , and in each case being connected in pairs to
a load switching point (20), in particular to a vacuum
interrupter, via a cross connection (18).

6. The reactance ballast device (V) as claimed in claim 3 and
as claimed in either of claims 4 and 5, the number of tapping
points (4) of the induction coil (1) corresponding to the
number of input contacts (8) of the on-load tap changer (2) and
in each case one tapping point (4) being connected to an input
contact (8) .
7. The reactance ballast device (V) as claimed in claim 6,
the input (8) and the output contacts (10) of the on-load tap
changer being uniquely assigned to the inputs (121, 12r) and
outputs (A) of the switching element, respectively.
8. A transformer (T) , in particular for an arc furnace (0),
which has an assigned reactance ballast device (V) as claimed
in one of the preceding claims for presetting the reactance.
9. The transformer (T) as claimed in claim 8, an additional
apparatus for setting the reactance with an induction coil and
with an on-load tap changer being integrated in the transformer
(T) .
10. An arc furnace (0), in particular for melting steel, with
a transformer (T) as claimed in claim 8 or 9 connected upstream
of said arc furnace.

A reactance ballast device (V) is specified,
in particular for an arc furnace, having an induction
coil (l) and having a free-standing load stepping switch (2), with the
load stepping switch (2) being designed to adjust
the reactance of the induction coil (1) while on load.
A transformer (T) is also specified, in particular for an arc furnace
(0), having an associated reactance ballast device (V)
of the type mentioned initially. An arc furnace (O) is also specified,
in particular for steel smelting, and is preceded by a
transformer (T) such as this.

A reactance ballast device (V) is specified,
in particular for an arc furnace, having an induction coil (l) and having a free-standing load stepping switch (2), with the load stepping switch (2) being designed to adjust the reactance of the induction coil (1) while on load. A transformer (T) is also specified, in particular for an arc furnace (0), having an associated reactance ballast device (V)
of the type mentioned initially. An arc furnace (O) is also specified, in particular for steel smelting, and is preceded by a transformer (T) such as this.



Patent Number 269595
Indian Patent Application Number 1435/KOLNP/2009
PG Journal Number 44/2015
Publication Date 30-Oct-2015
Grant Date 28-Oct-2015
Date of Filing 17-Apr-2009
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H05B 7/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP2007/059120
PCT International Filing date 2007-08-31
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 102006050624.3 2006-10-26 Germany