Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to a novel process for preparing 5-hydroxymethylfurfural of the formula II via a 5-acyloxymethylfurfural as an intermediate. The invention also relates to a novel process for preparing the 5-acyloxymethyifurfural intermediate.
Full Text Process for preparing 5-hydroxymethylfurfural via
5-acyloxymethylfurfural as an intermediate
The present invention relates to a novel process for
preparing 5-hydroxymethylfurfural via a 5-
acyloxymethylfurfural as an intermediate. The invention
also relates to a novel process for preparing the 5-
acyloxymethylfurfural intermediate.
5-Hydroxymethylfurfural of the following formula (I)

has, among other properties, antibacterial and corrosion-
inhibiting properties and is suitable for a multitude of
reactions. It is possible without any great difficulty to
prepare furfuryldialcohol, -dialdehyde and -dicarboxylic
acid and their derivatives therefrom; equally, the
hydrogenation of the,ring leads to difunctional
2,5-tetrahydrofuran derivatives. Difunctional furan
derivatives substituted differently on C-2 and C-5 are also
readily obtainable from 5-hydroxymethylfurfural. The
aforementioned and other useful organic intermediates
preparable from 5-hydroxymethylfurfural serve to prepare
numerous chemical products, for instance solvents,
surfactants, crop protectants and resins. In addition, the
use of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural for treatment of malignant
tumours has been reported (US-A-5, 006,551) .
5-Hydroxymethylfurfural is an intramolecular, triple
dehydration product of hexoses (aldohexoses and
ketohexoses). Renewable raw materials, such as starch,
cellulose, sucrose or inulin, are inexpensive starting
substances for preparing hexoses, such as glucose and
fructose. 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural is in principle an
intermediate of the dehydrating decomposition of hexoses to

laevulinic acid and formic acid, i.e. what is crucial is to
stop the reaction at the correct time. This makes the
removal of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural from the starting sugars
and by-products an important step in its preparation.
A large number of different processes for preparing
5-hydroxymethylfurfural on the laboratory scale is already
The catalysts which have been described for the dehydration
are different acids or salts, for example oxalic acid (cf.
W.N. Haworth et al., J. Chem. Soc. 1944, 667), salts such
as pyridine hydrochloride (cf. C. Fayet et al., Carbohydr.
Res. 122, 59 (1983)), acidic ion exchangers (cf. DE-A-
30 33 527) or Lewis acids such as zirconyl chloride (cf.
SU-A-1 054 349, cit. CA 100, 120866s) or boron trifluoride
etherate (cf. H.H. Szmant et al., J. Chem. Tech. Biotechnol
31, 135 (1981) ) .
For the industrial scale preparation of 5-hydroxymethyl-
furfural the catalyst used should be inexpensive and non-
corrosive. Solid catalysts intended for reuse are, owing to
the easy manner of formation of insoluble by-products,
unsuitable because a removal of the catalyst (e.g. ion
exchanger) from these by-products is uneconomic or
Lewis acids such as zirconyl chloride or aluminium chloride
likewise have to be rejected on the basis of considerations
relating to corrosion protection. The use of sulphuric acid
or phosphoric acid is therefore considered to be
favourable, since the acidic aqueous reaction solutions can
optionally be neutralized with bases in this case, and, for
instance in the case of use of calcium hydroxide or calcium
carbonate, the conversion of the catalyst acids to
sparingly soluble salts with removal by filtration is

The reaction medium of the dehydration of saccharides is
determined by their solubility. In addition to water,
dipolar aprotic solvents in particular, such as
dimethylformamide or dimethyl sulphoxide, have been used.
The iodine-catalysed conversion of the fructose portion of
sucrose to 5-hydroxymethylfurfurai by heating sucrose in
anhydrous dimethylformamide entails, as well as the
expensive solvent, also a complicated workup, specifically
extraction and paper chromatography (cf. T.G. Bonner et
al., J. Chem. Soc. 1960, 787).
In the decomposition of fructose with different catalysts,
good yields (> 90%) of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural are found in
dimethyl sulphoxide (cf. H.H. Szmant et al., J. Chem. Tech
Biotechnol. 31, 135 (1981)). However, the isolation of the
desired product is difficult owing to the high boiling
point of the solvent among other reasons, and entails a
multistage extraction.
DE-A-33 09 564 therefore proposes, for the isolation of the
5-hydroxymethylfurfural from solutions comprising dimethyl
sulphoxide, a derivatization to 5-acetoxymethylfurfural. As
well as a vacuum distillation, this also entails two
reaction steps -(acetylization, deacetylization) and hence
consumption of time and chemicals.
Several processes use mixtures of water and organic
solvents as a reaction medium. In US-A-2 929 823, furfural
is added to aqueous saccharide solutions and heated briefly
(0.1 - 120 s) to 250 - 380°C. Tar-like by-products are
dissolved by the organic solvent added, as is 5-hydroxy-
methylfurfural. The preparation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural
in pure form thus appears to be performable only with
A further biphasic process is described in DE-A-30 33 527.
In this process, under relatively mild conditions (below

100°C) , fructose-containing aqueous solutions are
decomposed with acidic cation exchangers, an organic
solvent which is nor water-miscible but nevertheless has a
good distillation capacity for 5-hydroxymethylfurfural
being present. The great disadvantage of this process is
that a very large excess of the organic solvent, based on
the aqueous phase (> 7:1), is needed, and the solvents
required are expensive and toxic. Moreover, the very good
solubility of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in water makes any
extraction of the product with organic solvents from
aqueous solutions exceptionally difficult.
The publication by C. Fayet et al., Carbohydr. Res. 122
(1983), 59, describes the decomposition of saccharides
without solvent, but with equimolar amounts of catalyst.
The pyridine hydrochloride catalyst is, however, unsuitable
for an industrial use of the process. Furthermore, addition
of water is followed by a laborious extraction (20 h) with
ethyl acetate.
This is also expressed in the publication by D.W. Brown et
al., J. Chem. Tech. Biotechnol. 32, 920 (1982), where it is
stated analogously that the more recent methods of
preparing 5-hydroxymethylfurfural have the disadvantage
that the product is present in the aqueous phase or in a
polar solvent, from which the isolation is difficult.
EP-A 0 230 250 describes a process for preparing
5-hydroxymethylfurfural, in which saccharides are
decomposed with an acidic catalyst in aqueous solution,
optionally with addition of organic solvents, above 100°C.
After removing any solvents present, the reaction mixture
is chromatographed by means of ion exchange columns with
exclusive use of water as the solvent, a mixed fraction
obtainable when a relatively large amount is applied is
rechromatographed, and the 5-hydroxymethylfurfural is
crystallized out of the corresponding fractions. Although

the process described purportedly leads to 5-
hydroxymethylfurfural in high purity, the multiple
chromatography and crystallization is too complicated and
expensive on the industrial scale.
Further processes for preparing 5-hydroxymethylfurfural are
disclosed, for example, in Bull. Soc. Chem. France 1987, 5,
855; J. Chem. Tech. Biotechnol. 1992, 55, 139;
FR-A-2 669 635; FR-A-2 664 273; US-A-3,483,228;
US-A-2,917,520; US-A-3,071,599; US-A-3,066,150 and
As is evident from the above examples, the greatest problem
in the preparation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, particularly
on the industrial scale, is to remove this product from
starting materials, by-products and solvents. It is
therefore an object of the present invention to provide a
process for preparing 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, in which the
product is obtained in high purity. At the same time, the
preparation process should be performable with acceptable
yields of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural and in an economically
viable manner. Especially in the later use of 5-
hydroxymethylfurfural as a medicament, it is crucial that
no highly toxic substances are used in the preparation.
The object is achieved by a process for preparing
5-hydroxymethylfurfural via a 5-acyloxymethylfurfural as an
intermediate. The present invention therefore provides both
a process for preparing 5-acyloxymethylfurfural of the

in which
x = 1 or 2,
formula (II)

R is an alkyl, alkenyl, aryl or heteroaryl radical
when x = 1,
R is an alkylene, aikenylene, arylene or
heteroarylene radical when x = 2,
from a saccharide having 6 carbon atoms in the
monosaccharide unit, comprising the steps of:
(a) reacting the saccharide with
(i) an acid which is not an acidic ion exchanger in
the presence of a meral cation selected from alkali
metal ions, alkaline earth metal ions, aluminium ions
and mixtures thereof, or (ii) an acidic ion exchanger
in the H form in the presence of a polar aprotic
solvent, and
removing the acidic ion exchanger, if used,
(b) adding an anhydride and/or chloride of a carboxylic
acid R-(-COOH)x in which R and x are each as defined
above to the mixture from step (a) and allowing them
to react in order to form a 5-acyloxymethylfurfural,
(c) recovering the 5-acyloxymethylfurfural,
and the further processing of the 5-acyloxymethylfurfural
to 5-hydroxymethyifurfural

comprising the further steps of:
(d) dissolving the 5-acyioxymethylfurfural in an alcohol,
(e) adding a base selected from (i) alkali metal carbonates
and hydrogencarbonates, alkaline earth metal carbonates
and hydroxides, basic salts of the alkaline earth
metals, aluminium carbonate, aluminium hydroxide,

aluminium oxide hydroxide, and basic salts of
aluminium, mixtures of the above and (ii) basic ion
exchangers in the OH form, to the solution from step
(d) and allowing them to react in order to form
5-hydroxymethylfurfural, and
(f) recovering the 5-hydroxymethylfurfural.
The starting material for preparing 5-acyloxymethylfurfural
or 5-hydroxymethyifurfural is a saccharide having 6 carbon
atoms in the monosaccharide unit. In principle, the term
"saccharide" also includes mixtures of different
saccharides. The starting materials used may also
optionally be mixtures which, as well as the saccharide,
also comprise other substances, provided that they do not
disrupt the process and the saccharide is present in
sufficient amount. The term "saccharide" means
monosaccharides, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides
Monosaccharides and oligosaccharides are also summarized as
"sugars". The monosaccharide unit having 6 carbon atoms is
also referred to as "hexose", and the term "hexose" herein
shall encompass both the aldohexoses and the ketohexoses.
Examples of monosaccharides suitable as starting materials
are fructose, glucose, mannose, allose, altrose, gulose,
idose, galactose and talose. Examples of oligosaccharides
suitable as starting materials are the disaccharides, for
instance sucrose, isomaltose, gentiobiose, melibiose,
trehalose, mannopyranosylmannopyranose, maltose, lactose,
trehalose and celiobiose, and trisaccharides, for instance
raffinose. Examples of polysaccharides suitable as starting
materials are the fructans (polysaccharides having 10 to 40
fructose units), for instance inulin, and also starch and
cellulose. The saccharide used is preferably a sugar or a
saccharide mixture which comprises sugar. The saccharide
used is more preferably selected from D-fructose in free
form, a saccharide which comprises D-fructosc in bound form
(e.g. sucrose, inulin), and a saccharide mixture which

comprises D-fructose in free form and/or a saccharide which
comprises D-fructose in bound form.
The inventive preparation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural
proceeds via a 5-acyioxymethylfurfural of the formula (II)
as an intermediate. In formula (II), R is a monovalent or
divalent group. When x = 1, R is an alkyl group, preferably
Ci- to C20-aikyl; an alkenyl group, preferably ethenyl; an
aryl group, preferably phenyl, or a heteroaryl group, for
instance pyridyl, pyrimidyl, pyrazinyl, pyrrolyl, furanyl
or thiophenyl. When x = 2, R is an alkylene group,
preferably Ci- to C2o_alkylene; an alkenylene group,
preferably ethenyiene; an arylene group, preferably
phenylene, or a heteroaryiene group, for instance
pyridylene, pyrimidylene, pyrazinylene, pyrrolylene,
furanyiene or thiophenylene. More preferably, R is methyl,
i.e. 5-acetoxymethylfurfural is prepared as the
In step (a) of the process according to the invention, the
saccharide is reacted either (i) with an acid in the
presence of a metal cation or (ii) with an acidic ion
exchanger in the H form in the presence of a polar aprotic
solvent. Among other reactions, the saccharide is
dehydrated to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural .
In variant (i), the acid may be any acid which dissolves
both the saccharide and the salt which provides the metal
cation. Particularly suitable acids are oxalic acid, acetic
acid and hydrochloric acid and combinations thereof,
preference being given to oxalic acid, and oxalic acid in
combination with acetic acid. Aside from the acid,
preferably no further solvent is added in step (a)(i), i.e.
the acid is preferably used in substantially anhydrous
form, though low water contents which might result from the
industrial preparation of the acid do not disrupt the
reaction. In variant (i), in particular, preference is

given to dispensing with the presence of solvents which can
be removed later only with difficulty, for instance
dimethyl sulphoxide. When acetic acid is used, partial
acetylation proceeds as early as in step (a), and
5-acetoxymethylfurfural is formed.
The metal cation in step (a)(i) is selected from alkali
metal ions, alkaline earth metal ions, aluminium ions and
mixtures thereof. Preference is given to Mg2T, Ca2+, Na+ and
AlJ+ ions, particular preference to Mg2+. The metal cation
is advantageously added in the form of a solid salt; very
suitable salts are the chlorides, e.g. MgCl2, but also the
bromides, e.g. MgBr2, and the fluorides, e.g. MgF2.
Without wishing to be bound to this theory, it is assumed
that the cation, e.g. Mg2+, stabilizes the furanose form of
the hexose, which is believed to play an important role in
the formation of the furan compound, in a "sugar-cation
complex" and hence catalyses the dehydration.
In a preferred embodiment, the saccharide and the salt
containing the metal cation are initially charged and
optionally heated, and then the acid is added. In
principle, however, any other sequence of combination is
also possible. -
Typically, the saccharide and the metal cation are used in
a molar ratio of 0.5:1 to 2:1, based on the monosaccharide
unit, preferably of 1:1 to 1.5:1, particular preference
being given to the use of saccharide and metal cation in
about equimolar amounts. Since the acid in variant (i) of
step (a) also simultaneously serves as the solvent, it is
typically-used in a large excess, for example in a 2- to
20-fold molar excess based on the monosaccharide unit.
In step (a), variant (ii), the saccharide is reacted with
an acidic ion exchanger in the H form in the presence of a
polar aprotic solvent, and the ion exchanger is removed

again before step (b) is carried out, for example by
filtration. The acidic ion exchanger is a cationic organic
or inorganic, typically organic, ion exchanger. An organic
ion exchanger is a solid polyelectrolyte, usually in
particle form, with a three-dimensional, water-insoluble,
high molecular weight polymer skeleton (matrix), into which
numerous charged "anchor groups" are incorporated. Its
loosely bound counterions can be exchanged for other ions
with the same kind of charge. The matrix resins used are
predominantly styrene copolymers, preferably
divinylbenzene-crosslinked polystyrene, and acrylic
polymers, for instance the acrylate, methacrylate and
acryionitrile copolymers which are each crosslinked with
divinylbenzene. In the case of an acidic ion exchanger in
the H form, the anchor groups are acidic groups in their
protonated form (acid form), i.e. the exchangeable
counterions are H"1". In step (a) (i) of the present
invention, preference is given to using a strongly acidic
cation exchanger in the H form, which bears sulphonic acid
groups in their protonated form as anchor groups. It is
also possible to use weakly acidic cation exchangers which
bear carboxylic acid groups in their protonated form;
however, the reaction time will be prolonged in this case.
Particular preference is given to a styrene-divinylbenzene
copolymer resin with protonated sulphonic acid groups as
anchor groups.
Typically, the acidic ion exchanger is used in an amount
which corresponds to a large molar excess of the acidic
anchor groups based on monosaccharide unit of the
saccharide used, preferably a 2- to 20-fold, with
preference 10- to 20-fold, molar excess. The number of the
acidic anchor groups and hence the required amount of the
ion exchanger is calculated from the exchange capacity,
which is typically reported in equivalents/1 or

Examples of polar aprotic solvents suitable in step (a)(ii)
include dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO), N-methylpyrrolidone
(NMP), dimethylformamide, N,N-dimethylacetamide,
acetonitrile and mixtures thereof. Preference is given to
DMSO and NMP, particular preference to NMP.
Typically, the saccharide and the polar aprotic solvent are
used in a molar ratio of 1:2 to 1:20, preferably of 1:2 to
In a preferred embodiment, step (a) is performed at a
temperature of 80 to 140°C, more preferably of 80 to 110°C,
at a reaction time of 4 to 7 h, more preferably of 4 to
6 h. In the case of correspondingly longer reaction times,
it is also possible to employ lower temperatures. The upper
limit in the temperature results from the boiling point of
the reaction mixture.
In step (b), an anhydride and/or chloride of a carboxylic
acid R-(-COOH)x in which R and x are each as defined above
is added to the mixture from step (a), and the acetylation
proceeds to give a 5-acyloxymethylfurfural. As already
mentioned above, R is preferably methyl, i.e. acetic
anhydride and/or acetyl chloride is preferably added in
step (b), particular preference being given to acetic
anhydride, and 5-acetoxymethylfurfural is formed. When
acidification has been effected in step (a) with acetic
acid and partial acetylation has thus already proceeded in
this first step, the acetylation is then completed in step
(b) by the addition of acetic anhydride and/or acetyl
Further illustrative anhydrides and chlorides which can be
used in step (b) of the present invention are immediately
evident from the aforementioned examples of the R group. It
is obvious that, when a 5-acyloxymethylfurfural where x = 2
is to be obtained, the corresponding dicarboxylic acids
have to be used. Many dicarboxylic acids form cyclic

anhydrides owing to their molecular structure. Very
suitable anhydrides are, for instance, the inexpensive
anhydrides of maleic acid, fumaric acid, pyridyl-2,3-
dicarboxylic acid and pyrazine-2,3-dicarboxyiic acid.
In a preferred embodiment of the present invention, step
(b) is performed in the presence of a basic catalyst, for
example 4-(N,N-dimethylamino)pyridine. The basic catalyst
is typically added in catalytic amounts, for instance in a
molar ratio of catalyst to monosaccharide unit of 1:10 to
Owing to the water of reaction which forms, in variant (i)
of the present process, the anhydride and/or chloride of
the carboxylic acid R-(-COOH)x is typically added in a
large molar excess. Preference is given to using an
equivalents ratio of monosaccharide unit of the saccharide
used at the start to anhydride and/or chloride of the
carboxylic acid R-(-COOH)x of at least 1:4, more preferably
of 1:4 to 1:12.
In variant (ii) of the present process, the monosaccharide
unit and the anhydride and/or chloride of the carboxylic
acid R-(-COOH)x are used typically in an equivalents ratio
of 1:0.7 to 1:3, preferably of 1:0.8 to 1:1.2, particular
preference being given to the use of the monosaccharide
unit and of the anhydride and/or chloride of the carboxylic
acid R-(-COOH)x in about equivalent amounts (i.e. equimolar
amounts for x = 1). Without wishing to be bound to this
theory, it is suspected that the water of reaction formed
is bound to the ion exchanger.
Preference is given to effecting step (b) with stirring.
Typically, step (b) is performed at a temperature of 0 to
40°C at a reaction time of 0.5 to 3 h. For correspondingly
longer reaction times, lower temperatures can also be
employed. Since the acylation reaction is exothermic, it

may be necessary to cool. The upper limit in the
temperature arises from the boiling point of the reaction
In order to shift the equilibrium of the acylation reaction
in step (b) to the right, it is advantageous to remove the
carboxylic acid R-(-COOH}x formed from the mixture. This
can be done by customary measures, for example by
distillative removal, optionally with addition of an
aprotic water-immiscible organic solvent, for instance
toluene, xylene, tert-butyl methyl ether (MtBE), methyl
isobutyl ketone (MIBK), more preferably MtBE. In this case,
5-acyIoxymethyIfurfural is obtained dissolved in the
organic solvent. When step (a) of the process according to
the invention has been performed by variant (ii), i.e. in
the presence of a polar aprotic solvent, it is then
preferably also distilled off for the most part in step
(b). In that case too, the distillation can be effected
with addition of the abovementioned aprotic
water-immiscible organic solvents.
In the subsequent step (c), the 5-acyloxymethylfurfural is
recovered, i.e. freed from the undesired by-products,
unconverted starting materials and any solvent. The
5-acyloxymethylfurfural is purified by methods customary in
industry, for example by extraction, filtration,
distillation and combinations thereof. For the extraction,
water and an aprotic water-immiscible organic -solvent are
added as described above, if the latter has not already
been added in step (b). Also advantageous is the addition
of activated carbon in order to bind thereon polymeric by-
products which are soluble neither in water nor in the
organic solvent. The activated carbon can then be filtered
off together with the solid by-products, if appropriate
with addition of a filtering aid, for instance Celite®. The
aqueous phase is then removed from the organic phase in
which the desired 5-acyloxymethylfurfural product is

present, the organic solvent is distilled off and the
remaining 5-acyloxymethylfurfural is distilled for fine
purification, preferably under reduced pressure. The manner
of workup of the 5-acyloxymethylfurfural intermediate is,
however, not essential for the present invention, and any
other suitable process for recovering the 5-
acyloxymethylfurfural is also possible.
Typically, the yields of 5-acyloxymethylfurfural, based on
saccharide, are 20 to 80%, preferably 30 to 80%, more
preferably 40 to 80% and most preferably 42 to 80%.
If the 5-acyloxymethylfurfural is to be processed further
to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, it is dissolved in step (d) in
an alcohol, preferably an aliphatic primary or secondary
alcohol, for instance methanol, ethanol, propanol, butanol,
pentanol, hexanol, isopropanol or isobutanol, or benzyl
alcohol, if appropriate while applying heat. Particular
preference is given to using methanol as the alcohol, in
which, for example, 5-acetoxymethylfurfural dissolves
readily even at room temperature (approx. 20 - 25°C).
Typically, the 5-acyloxymethylfurfural is dissolved in the
alcohol in a molar ratio of 1:5 to 1:10.
Then, in step (e), a base selected from (i) alkali metal
carbonates and hydrogencarbonates, alkaline earth metal
carbonates and hydroxides, basic salts of the alkaline
earth metals, aluminium carbonate, aluminium hydroxide,
aluminium oxide hydroxide and basic salts of aluminium,
mixtures of the above and (ii) basic ion exchangers in the
OH form is added, and hydrolysis of the acyl group (ester
group) forms the desired 5-hydroxymethylfurfural product.
Preferred bases are a basic ion exchanger in the OH form,
potassium carbonate, sodium carbonate and calcium
carbonate, particular preference being given to a basic ion
exchanger in the OH form and potassium carbonate.
The basic ion exchanger is an anionic organic or inorganic,

typically organic, ion exchanger. Organic ion exchangers
and their matrix polymers have already been described above
in general terms. In a basic ion exchanger in the OH form,
the anchor groups are positively charged groups and the
exchangeable counterions are OH". In step (e) of the
present invention, preference is given to using a strongly
basic anion exchanger which bears quaternary ammonium
groups, especially benzyltrimethylammonium groups (known as
"type 1") or benzyldimethylethanolammonium groups (known as
"type 2") as anchor groups, and contains hydroxide ions as
counterions. It is also possible to use weakly basic anion
exchangers with tertiary amino groups. Particular
preference is given to a styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer
resin with benzyltrimethylammonium groups as anchor groups
in its OH form, e.g. AMBERLYST® A26 OH, obtainable from
Rohm and Haas Company, Philadelphia, U.S.A.
In both variants of step (e), the 5-acyloxymethylfurfural
and the base are used typically in an equivalents ratio of
1:0.9 to 1:3, preferably of 1:1 to 1:2, more preferably of
1:1 to 1:1.5, preference being given to about equivalent
amounts of the two reactants. When a basic ion exchanger is
used, the amount thereof required is calculated, taking
account of the aforementioned equivalents ratios, from the
exchange capacity, which is typically reported in
equivalents/1 or equivalents/kg.
The hydrolysis in step (e) is effected preferably at a
relatively low temperature (approx. 20 - 35°C) for a
reaction time of 1 to 3 h. According to the type of acyl
radical of the 5-acyloxymethylfurfural, however, it is also
possible to employ higher temperatures.
In the subsequent step (f), the 5-hydroxymethyIfurfural is
recovered, i.e. freed from the undesired by-products,
unconverted starting materials, solid ion exchanger if
used, and solvent. The 5-hydroxymethylfurfural is purified

by methods customary in industry, for example filtration,
distillation and/or crystallization. Preference is given to
first filtering off the solid by-products and, if used, the
ion exchanger, and then distilling the filtrate in order to
recover the 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in pure form. Since
5-hydroxymethylfurfural is thermally sensitive and tends to
form polymers and ethers among other substances, it is
advisable to carry out a molecular distillation or short-
path distillation under reduced pressure, for example with
the aid of a short-path evaporator, falling-film evaporator
or thin-film evaporator. In another preferred embodiment,
the 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, after filtration, is recovered
by crystallization from a suitable solvent, for instance
diethyl ether, diisopropyl ether, MtBE or tert-butyl ethyl
ether (EtBE), preferably MtBE, at a suitable temperature.
Typically, the yield of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, based on
saccharide, is 10 to 70%, preferably 20 to 70%, more
preferably 25 to 70% and most preferably 30 to 70%.
Typically, in the process according to the invention,
5-hydroxymethylfurfural is obtained in a purity of at least
90%, preferably at least 95%, more preferably at least 98%
and most preferably at least 99%. The purity is thus above
the purity achievable with comparable chromatography-free
processes. The high achievable purity makes the
5-hydroxymethylfurfural prepared in accordance with the
invention suitable for cosmetic or pharmaceutical purposes.
In the present invention, for the first time, a process is
provided for preparing 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, which
enables industrial scale production of 5-hydroxymethyl-
furfural in high purity.
The invention will now be illustrated in detail with
reference to working examples.

Example 1A: Preparation of 5-acetoxymethylfurfural using
107 g (0.6 mol) of D-fructose and 122 g (0.6 mol) of
MgCl26H20 are introduced into a 2 1 three-neck flask with
stirring and heated to 75°C for 30 min. The reaction
mixture is admixed with 420 ml of anhydrous acetic acid
(glacial acetic acid) and heated to 90-95°C for 4 h.
Thereafter, approx. 80% of the acetic acid is distilled
off, the mixture is cooled to room temperature and 5 g
(0.04 mol) of 4-(N,N-dimethylamino)pyridine are added. With
stirring, 616 ml (6.5 mol) of acetic anhydride are added
dropwise to the reaction mixture at 30 - 40°C, and the
600 - 700 ml of acetic acid are distilled off. At approx.
80°C, the reaction mixture is admixed slowly with 500 ml of
water, 500 ml of MIBK and 50 g of activated carbon. After
filtration through a pressure filter, the organic phase and
aqueous phase are separated. The organic phase is freed of
the solvent on a rotary evaporator and the residue is
distilled under reduced pressure at 117-125°C/7 mbar.
Yield: 45.9 g (0.27 mol, 45%) of 5-acetoxymethylfurfural.
Example IB: Hydrolysis of 5-acetoxymethylfurfural using
potassium carbonate
17 9.1 g (1.07 mol) of the 5-acetoxymethylfurfural prepared
in Example 1A are dissolved in 1.1 1 of methanol and
admixed at 20-25°C with 140 g (1.01 mol) of potassium
carbonate with stirring. After 1 h, the reaction mixture is
admixed with 10 g of activated carbon and stirred for
20 min, and the solid constituents are filtered off and
washed with 100 ml of MeOH. The clear methanolic solution
is concentrated under reduced pressure on a rotary
evaporator. The residue is admixed with 300 ml of MtBE. The
precipitated salts are filtered off and washed with 20 ml
of MtBE. The solution is concentrated on a rotary

evaporator and the residue is distilled in a short-path
evaporator at 90°C/0.03 mbar. Yield: 85.2 g (0.68 mol, 63%
based on 5-acetoxymethylfurfural, 29% based on D-fructose).
Alternatively, the residue can also oe admixed with MtBE,
and the produce crystallized at 0°C (yield: 98.4 g)
(0.78 mol, 73% based on 5-acetoxymethylfurfural, 33% based
on D-fructose)).
Example 2A: Preparation of S-acetoxymethylfiarfural using an
acidic ion exchanger
39.4 kg (219 mol) of D-fructose and 5.9 kg of dried acidic
Dowex® 50WX8-200 ion exchanger (styrene-divinylbenzene
copolymer resin with SO3H groups, obtainable from The Dow
Chemical Company, Midland, U.S.A.) in the H form are
introduced with stirring into 90 1 of NMP and heated to
110°C for 6 h. After cooling, the reaction mixture is
filtered and washed with 8 1 of NMP. The filtrate is
admixed with stirring with 390 g (3.2 mol) of 4-(N,N-
dimethylamino)pyridine and 20.5 1 (217 mol) of acetic
anhydride at 20-25°C within 1 'h. After continuing the
reaction for 1 h, the brown reaction mixture is freed of
the solvent at 90-100°C under reduced pressure (of
50-10 mbar). After cooling, the residue is admixed with
160 1 of MtBE, 60 1 of water and 4 kg of activated carbon.
The suspension is filtered though Celite®. After the phase
separation, the solvent of the filtrate is distilled off at
50°C under reduced pressure (20 mbar) and the residue is
fractionally distilled under reduced pressure at
106-110°C/5 mbar.
Yield: 15.5 kg (92 mol, 42%) of 5-acetoxymethylfurfural

Example 2B: Hydrolysis of 5-acetoxymethylfurfural using a
basic ion exchanger
10.9 kg (65 mol) of 5-acetoxymethylfurfural are dissolved
in 60 1 of methanol and admixed with stirring with 1.1 kg
of dried strongly basic Amberlyst© A26 OH ion exchanger
(styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer resin with quaternary
ammonium groups (type 1) in OH form, obtainable from Rohm
and Haas Company, Philadelphia, U.S.A.) at 25 - 30°C. After
1 h, the reaction mixture is admixed with 1 kg of activated
carbon, stirred for 60 min, filtered through Ceiite® and
washed with 10 1 of methanol. The clear methanolic solution
is concentrated at not more than 40°C under reduced
pressure. The residue is admixed with 8 i of MtBE and
cooled slowly to 5°C. The precipitated product is filtered
off with suction, washed with 1.5 1 of ice-cold MtBE and
dried at 20°C under reduced pressure.
Yield: 7.01 kg (56 mol, 86% based on 5-
acetoxymethyifurfural, 36% based on D-fructose) of
5-hydroxymethyifurfural. Alternatively, the residue can be
distilled in a short-path evaporator at 90°C/0.03 mbar
(yield: 5.42 kg (43 mol, 67% based on 5-
acetoxymethylfurfural, 28% based on D-fructose)).
The purity of the 5-hydroxymethylfurfural prepared is > 99%
in all examples, as determined with the aid of HPLC and

1. Process for preparing a 5-acyloxymethylfurfural of the
rormuia (II)

in which
x = 1 or 2,
R is an alkyl, aikenyl, aryl or heteroaryl radical
when x = 1,
R is an aikyiene, alkenylene, arylene or
heteroarylene radical when x = 2,
from a saccharide having 6 carbon atoms in the
monosaccharide unit, comprising the steps of:
(a) reacting the saccharide with
(i) an acid which is not an acidic ion exchanger
in the presence of a metal cation selected from
alkali metal ions, alkaline earth metal ions,
aluminium ions and mixtures thereof, or (ii) an
acidic ion exchanger in the H form in the
presence of a polar aprotic solvent, and
removing the acidic ion exchanger, if used,
(b) adding an anhydride and/or chloride of a
carboxylic acid R-(-COOH)x in which R and x are
each as defined above to the mixture from step
(a) and allowing them to react in order to form a
5-acyloxymethyifurfurai, and
(c) recovering the 5-acyloxymethylfurfural.
2. Process according to Claim 1,

characterized in unar R is methyl.
3. Process according to Claim 2,
characterized in that acetic anhydride is added in step
(b) .
4. Process according to one of the preceding claims,
characterized in that the acid in step (a)(i) is
selected from oxalic acid, acetic acid, hydrochloric
acid and mixtures thereof.
5. Process according to one of the preceding claims,
characterized in that the metal cation in step (a)(i) is
6. Process according to one of the preceding claims,
characterized in that the saccharide used in step (a) is
a sugar or a saccharide mixture which comprises sugars.
7. Process according to one of the preceding claims,
characterized in that the saccharide used in step (a) is
selected from D-fructose in free form, a saccharide
which contains D-fructose in bound form, and a
saccharide mixture which contains D-fructose in free
form and/or a saccharide which contains D-fructose in
bound form.
8. Process according to one of the preceding claims,
characterized in that the polar aprotic solvent in step
(a)(ii) is dimethyl sulphoxide or N-methylpyrrolidone.
9. Process according to one of the preceding claims,
characterized in that step (b) is effected in the
presence of a basic catalyst.
10. Process according to one of the preceding claims,
characterized in that the basic catalyst is 4-(N,N-

11. Process for preparing 5-hydroxymethylfurfural
comprising the preparation of a 5-acyloxymethylfurfurai
according to one of Claims 1 to 10 and the further
steps of:
(d) dissolving the 5-acyloxymethylfurfural in an
(e) adding a base selected from (i) alkali metal
carbonates and hydrogencarbonates, alkaline earth
metal carbonates and hydroxides, basic salts of the
alkaline earth metals, aluminium carbonate,
aluminium hydroxide, aluminium oxide hydroxide, and
basic salts of aluminium, mixtures of the above and
(ii) basic ion exchangers in the OH form, to the
solution from step (d) and allowing them to react
in order to form 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, and
(f) recovering the 5-hydroxymethylfurfural.
12. Process according to Claim 11,
characterized in that the alcohol for dissolving the
5-hydroxymethylfurfural in step (d) is methanol.
13. Process according to Claim 11 or 12,
characterized in that the base in step (e) is potassium
14. Process according "co one of Claims 11 to 13,
characterized in that the recovery of the
5-hydroxymethylfurfural in step (f) comprises a short-
path distillation of the 5-hydroxymethylfurfural.
15. Process according to one of Claims 11 to 13,
characterized in that the recovery of the

5-hydroxymethyifurfural in step (f) comprises the
crystallization of the 5-hydroxymethylfurfural from a
suitable solvent.

The present invention relates to a novel process for
preparing 5-hydroxymethylfurfural of the formula II
via a 5-acyloxymethylfurfural as an intermediate. The
invention also relates to a novel process for preparing the
5-acyloxymethyifurfural intermediate.



Patent Number 269596
Indian Patent Application Number 229/KOL/2008
PG Journal Number 44/2015
Publication Date 30-Oct-2015
Grant Date 28-Oct-2015
Date of Filing 08-Feb-2008
Applicant Address RELLINGHAUSER STRASSE 1-11, 45128 ESSEN
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C07D307/46; C07D307/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 10 2007 007629.2 2007-02-16 Germany