Title of Invention


Abstract The invention relates to a process for melt dip coating a strip of high-tensile steel with various alloy constituents including zinc and/or aluminium. For this purpose, the strip is heated in a continuous furnace initially in a reductive atmosphere to a temperature of approx. 650°C, at which the alloy constituents diffuse to the surface merely in small amounts. The surface, consisting predominantly of pure iron, is converted into an iron oxide layer by a very short heat treatment at a temperature of up to 750°C in a reaction chamber which is integrated in a continuous furnace and has an oxidising atmosphere. In a subsequent annealing treatment at a higher temperature in a reductive atmosphere, this iron oxide layer prevents the alloy constituents from diffusing to the surface. In the reductive atmosphere, the iron oxide layer is converted into a pure iron layer to which the zinc and/or aluminium are applied in the molten bath with optimum adhesion.
Full Text 1
KN/be 041387WO
Process for melt dip coating a strip high-tensile steel
In the construction of motor vehicle bodyworks, hot or cold-rolled, surface-refined steel
sheets are used for reasons of corrosion protection. Sheets of this type are subject to numerous
requirements. They have, on the one hand, to be readily deformable and, on the other hand, to
have high -strength. The high strength is achieved by the addition to the iron of specific alloy
constituents such as Mn, Si, Al and Cr. In order to optimise the property profile of steels of
this type, it is conventional to anneal the sheets immediately prior to the coating with zinc
and/or aluminium in the molten bath. Whereas the melt dip coating of steel strips containing
merely low contents of the aforementioned alloy constituents is unproblematic, the melt dip
coating of*steel sheet having higher alloy contents presents difficulties. On the surface of the
steel sheet, there result defects in the adhesion of the coating, and uncoated points even form.
In the prior art, there have been a large number of attempts to avoid these difficulties.
However, there does not yet appear to have been an optimum solution to the problem.
In a known process for melt dip coating a steel strip with zinc, the strip to be coated passes
through a directly heated preheater (direct fired furnace - DFF). In the gas burners used,
changing the gas/air mixture can result in an increase in the oxidation potential in the
atmosphere surrounding the strip. The increased oxygen potential leads to oxidation of the
iron on the surface of the strip. The iron oxide layer thus formed is reduced in a subsequent
furnace stretch. Purposeful adjustment of the thickness of the oxide layer at the surface of the
strip is very difficult. It is thinner at high strip speed than it is at low strip speed. A clearly
defined composition of the surface of the strip therefore cannot be produced in the reductive
atmosphere. Again, this can lead to problems of adhesion of the coating to the surface of the
In contrast to the above-described known system, modern melt dip coating lines comprising
an RTF (radiant tube furnace) preheater do not use gas-heated burners. The iron therefore
cannot be pre-oxidised by changing the gas/air mixture. Instead, in these systems, the
complete Annealing treatment of the strip is carried out in an inert gas atmosphere. However,
during such annealing treatment of a steel strip comprising relatively high alloy constituents,

these alloy constituents can diffuse to the surface of the strip, where they form non-reducible
oxides. These oxides prevent optimum coating with zinc and/or aluminium in the molten bath.
The patent literature discloses various processes for melt dip coating a steel strip with various
coating materials.
DE 689 12 243 T2 discloses a process for continuous hot dip coating a steel strip with
aluminium, wherein the strip is heated in a continuous furnace. In a first zone, surface
impurities are removed. For this purpose, the furnace atmosphere has a very high temperature.
However, as the strip passes through this zone at high speed, it is heated merely to
approximately half the atmospheric temperature. In the subsequent second zone, which is
under inert gas, the strip is heated to the temperature of the coating material, aluminium.
DE 695 07 977 T2 discloses a two-stage process for hot dip coating a steel alloy strip
containing chromium, wherein the strip is annealed in a first stage to obtain iron enrichment at
the surface of the strip. Subsequently, the strip is heated in a non-oxidising atmosphere to the
temperature of the coating metal.
It is known from JP 02285057 A to hot dip galvanise a steel strip in a multiple-stage process.
For this purpose, the previously cleansed strip is treated in a non-oxidising atmosphere at a
temperature of approximately 820°C. The strip is then treated at approximately 400°C to
700°C in a mildly oxidising atmosphere before it is reduced at its surface in a reductive
atmosphere. Subsequently, the strip, cooled to approximately 420°C to 500°C, is hot dip
galvanised in the conventional manner.
The object of the invention is to develop a process for melt dip coating a strip of high-tensile
steel with zinc and/or aluminium, wherein a steel strip having an optimally refined surface is
produced in an RTF system.
This object is achieved by the following process steps:
a) the strip is heated in a reductive atmosphere having an H2 content of at least 2% to 8% to a
temperature of from 650°C to 750°C, at which the alloy constituents have not yet diffused to
the surface.-or have done so merely in small amounts;

b) the surface, consisting predominantly of pure iron, is converted into an iron oxide layer by
heat treatment, lasting from 1 to 10 sec, of the strip at a temperature of from 650°C to 750°C
in a reaction chamber which is integrated in a continuous furnace and has an oxidising
atmosphere having an O2 content of from 0.01% to 1%;
c) the strip is then annealed in a reductive atmosphere having an H2 content of from 2% to 8%
by further heating up to at most 900°C and then cooled down to the temperature of the molten
bath, the iron oxide layer being reduced to pure iron at least at its surface.
In the process according to the invention, the first step prevents basic alloy constituents from
diffusing to the surface of the strip during the heating process. Ideally, diffusion of alloy
constituents to the surface of the strip could be prevented completely, although in practice this
is hardly ..possible. The important thing is that the diffusion of alloy constituents to the surface
is suppressed to the extent that there can be formed in the following step an effective iron
oxide layer preventing further alloy constituents from diffusing to the surface at the increased
annealing temperature. The annealing treatment in the reductive atmosphere can thus yield a
pure iron layer which is highly suitable for an extensive, tightly adhering zinc and/or
aluminium coating.
The result is optimal if the iron oxide layer produced in the oxidising atmosphere is reduced
completely to pure iron, because in this case the deformation and strength properties of the
coating are also optimised.
According to one embodiment of the invention, in the treatment of the strip on the stretch
having the oxidising atmosphere the thickness of the oxide layer formed is measured and
adjusted, depending on this thickness and the treatment time, which is dependent on the
throughput rate of the strip, the O2 content, in such a way that the oxide layer can then be
completely reduced. The change in the throughput rate of the strip resulting, for example,
from disturbances may thus be allowed for without disadvantage for the quality of the surface
of the melt dip coated strip.
Good results in the carrying-out of the process were achieved when an oxide layer having a
thickness of at most 300 nanometres is produced. Good results were also achieved when the
heating, preceding the oxidation, of the strip to 650°C to 750°C lasts at most 250 sec. The heat

treatment, following the oxidation, with subsequent cooling of the strip should last longer
than 50 sec.
As alloy constituents, the high-tensile steel should contain at least a selection of the following
constituents: Mn > 0.5%, Al > 0.2%, Si > 0.1%, Cr > 0.3%. Further constituents such as, for
example, Mo, Ni, V, Ti, Nb and P can be added.
A basic feature of the invention is that the heat treatment of the strip in the reductive
atmosphere lasts longer by a multiple, during both the heating process and the subsequent
annealing, compared to the heat treatment in the oxidising atmosphere. As a result, the
volume of the oxidising atmosphere is very small compared to the remaining volume of the
reductive atmosphere. This has the advantage of allowing rapid response to changes in the
treatment process, in particular in the throughput rate and the formation of the oxidation layer.
In this sense, the heat treatment of the strip in the reductive atmosphere is carried out in a
continuous furnace with an integrated chamber having the oxidising atmosphere, the volume
of the chamber being smaller by a multiple than the remaining volume of the continuous
The process according to the invention is particularly suitable for hot dip galvanising.
However, the molten bath can also consist of zinc/aluminium or aluminium comprising
silicon additives. Regardless of whether the bath consists of zinc or aluminium in isolation or
in combination, the overall proportion of the melt formed thereby should be at least 85%.
Examples of characteristic coatings known for this purpose include:
Z: 99% Zn
ZA: 95% Zn + 5% Al
AZ: 55% Al + 43.4% Zn + 1.6% Si
AS: 89 to 92% Al + 8 to 11 % Si
In the case of a zinc coating (Z), said coating can be converted into a zinc/iron layer capable
of deformation (galvannealed coat) by heat treatment (diffusion annealing).

The invention will be described hereinafter with reference to a diagram schematically
showing a hot dip galvanising system comprising a continuous furnace, the temperature of the
continuous furnace being plotted over the throughput time.
A hot-rolled or cold-rolled strip 1 of high tensile steel having contents of Mn, Al, Si and Cr or
some of these alloy constituents, although optionally also comprising further alloy
constituents, in particular TRIP steel, is drawn off from a coil 2 and guided through an etchant
3 and/or another system 4 for surface cleansing. The cleansed strip 1 then passes into a
continuous furnace 5. From the continuous furnace 5, the strip 1 passes via an atmospherically
sealed sluice 6 into a molten bath 7 containing zinc. From the molten bath 7, the strip 1 passes
via a cooling stretch 8 or a means for heat treatment to a winding station 9 in the form of a
coil. In contrast to the illustration in the diagram, the strip 1 actually passes through the
continuous furnace 5 not in a straight line but rather in a meandering manner so as to allow
sufficiently long treatment times to be achieved with a practicable length of the continuous
furnace 5.
The continuous furnace 5 is divided into three zones 5a, 5b, 5c. The central zone 5b forms a
reaction chamber and is atmospherically sealed from the first and final zone 5a, 5c. Their
length is merely approximately 1/100 of the overall length of the continuous furnace 5. For
the sake of clarity, the drawing is therefore not to scale. In accordance with the differing
lengths of the zones, the treatment times of the strip 1 passing through the individual zones
5a, 5b, 5c also differ.
The first zone 5a has a reductive atmosphere. A typical composition of this atmosphere
consists of from 2% to 8% H2, the remainder being N2. In this zone 5a of the continuous
furnace 5, the strip 1 is heated to 650 to 750°C. At this temperature, the aforementioned alloy
constituents diffuse to the surface of the strip 1 merely in small amounts.
In the central zone 5b, the temperature of the first zone 5a is substantially merely maintained.
However, its atmosphere contains oxygen. The O2 content is between 0.01% and 1%. The O2
content is adjustable and depends on how long the treatment time is. If the treatment time is
short, the O2 content is high, whereas it is low in a long treatment time. During this treatment,
an iron oXide layer is formed at the surface of the strip. The thickness of this iron oxide layer
can be measured by optical means. The O2 content of the atmosphere is adjusted depending

on the measured thickness and the throughput rate. As the central zone 5b is very short
compared to the overall length of the furnace, the volume of the chamber is correspondingly
small. The reaction time for a change in the composition of the atmosphere is therefore short.
In the subsequent final zone 5c, further heating is carried out to approx. 900°C, at which the
strip 1 is annealed. This heat treatment is carried out in a reductive atmosphere having an H2
content of from 2% to 8%, the remainder being N2. During this annealing treatment, the iron
oxide layer prevents alloy constituents from diffusing to the surface of the strip. As the
annealing treatment is carried out in a reductive atmosphere, the iron oxide layer is converted
into a pure iron layer. The strip 1 is further cooled on its further path toward the molten bath
7, so on leaving the continuous furnace 5 it has approximately the temperature of the molten
bath 7 of ^Approximately 480°C. As the strip 1, after leaving the continuous furnace 5, consists
at its surface of pure iron, it provides the zinc of the molten bath 7 with an optimum base for
adhesively secure connection.

1. Process for hot melt coating a strip of high-tensile steel with various alloy
constituents, in particular Mn, Al, Si and/or Cr, in a molten bath of in total at least 85% zinc
and/or aluminium in a cycle involving the following process steps:
a) the strip is heated in a reductive atmosphere having an H2 content of at least 2% to 8% to a
temperature of from 650°C to 750°C, at which the alloy constituents have not yet diffused to
the surface or have done so merely in small amounts;
b) the surface, consisting predominantly of pure iron, is converted into an iron oxide layer by
heat treatment, lasting from 1 to 10 sec, of the strip at a temperature of from 650°C to 750°C
in a reaction chamber which is integrated in a continuous furnace and has an oxidising
atmosphere having an O2 content of from 0.01% to 1%;
c) the strip is then annealed in a reductive atmosphere having an H2 content of from 2% to 8%
by further heating up to at most 900°C and then cooled down to the temperature of the molten
bath, the iron oxide layer being reduced to pure iron at least at its surface.

2. Process according to claim 1, characterised in that the iron oxide layer produced is
reduced completely to pure iron.
3. Process according to claim 2, characterised in that in the treatment of the strip on the
stretch having the oxidising atmosphere the thickness of the oxide layer formed is measured
and adjusted, depending on this thickness and the treatment time, which is dependent on the
throughput rate of the strip, the O2 content, in such a way that the oxide layer is then
completely reduced.
4. Process according to claim 3, characterised in that an oxide layer having a thickness of
at most 300 nm is produced.
5. Process according to any one of claims 1 to 4, characterised in that the heating,
preceding the oxidation, of the strip to 650°C to 750°C lasts at most 250 sec.
6. Process according to any one of claims 1 to 5, characterised in that the further heat
treatment,.-following the oxidation, with subsequent cooling of the strip lasts longer than
50 sec.

7. Process according to any one of claims 1 to 6, characterised in that the high-tensile
steel contains at least a selection of the following alloy constituents: Mn > 0.5%, Al > 0.2%,
Si > 0.1%, Cr>0.3%.
8. Process according to any one of claims 1 to 7, characterised in that the heat treatment
of the strip in the reductive atmosphere is carried out in a continuous furnace with an
integrated chamber having the oxidising atmosphere, the volume of the chamber being
smaller by a multiple than the remaining volume of the continuous furnace.
9. Profeess according to any one of claims 1 to 8, characterised in that the strip is heat-
treated after the hot dip galvanising process.

The invention relates to a process for melt dip coating a strip of high-tensile steel with various alloy constituents including zinc and/or aluminium. For this purpose, the strip is heated in a continuous furnace initially in a reductive atmosphere to a temperature of approx. 650°C, at which the alloy constituents diffuse to the surface merely in small amounts. The surface, consisting predominantly of pure iron, is converted into an iron oxide layer by a very short heat treatment at a temperature of up to 750°C in a reaction chamber which is integrated in a continuous furnace and has an oxidising atmosphere. In a subsequent annealing treatment at a higher temperature in a reductive atmosphere, this iron oxide layer prevents the alloy constituents from diffusing to the surface. In the reductive atmosphere, the iron oxide layer is converted into a pure iron layer to which the zinc and/or aluminium are applied in the molten bath with optimum adhesion.



Patent Number 269832
Indian Patent Application Number 2011/KOLNP/2007
PG Journal Number 46/2015
Publication Date 13-Nov-2015
Grant Date 09-Nov-2015
Date of Filing 04-Jun-2007
Applicant Address KAISER-WILHELM-STR. 100 47166 DUISBURG
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C23C 2/02, C23C 2/40
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP2005/012942
PCT International Filing date 2005-12-02
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 102004059566.6-45 2004-12-09 Germany