Title of Invention


Abstract The transmission has a plurality of members that can be utilized in powertrains to provide eight forward speed ratios and one reverse speed ratio. The transmission includes four planetary gear sets having five torque-transmitting mechanisms, three fixed interconnections and a grounded member. The powertrain includes an engine and torque converter that is continuously connected to at least one of the planetary gear members and an output member that is continuously connected with another one of the planetary gear members. The live torque-transmilting mechanisms provide interconnections between various gear members, and the transmission housing, and are operated in combinations of three to establish at least eight forward speed ratios and at least one reverse speed ratio.
Full Text 1
[0001 ] This application claims the benefit of United States Provisional Patent Application
No. 60/909.104, filed March 30th, 2007, and which is hereby incorporated by reference in its
[0002] The present invention relates to a power transmission having four planetary gear
sets that are controlled by five torque-transmitting devices to provide eight forward speed
ratios and one reverse speed ratio.
[0003| Passenger vehicles include a powertrain that is comprised of an engine, multi-
speed transmission, and a differential or final drive. The multi-speed transmission increases
the overall operating range of the vehicle by permitting the engine to operate through its torque
ran sic a number of times. The number of forward speed ratios that are available in the
transmission determines the number of times the engine torque range is repeated. Early
automatic transmissions had two speed ranges. This severely limited the overall speed range
of the vehicle and therefore required a relatively large engine that could produce a wide speed
and torque range. This resulted in the engine operating at a specific fuel consumption point
during cruising, other than the most efficient point. Therefore, manually-shifted (countershaft
transmissions) were the most popular.
[0004] With the advent of three- and four-speed automatic transmissions, the automatic
shilting (planetary gear) transmission increased in popularity with the motoring public. These
transmissions improved the operating performance and fuel economy of the vehicle. The
increased number of speed ratios reduces the step size between ratios and therefore improves

the shift quality of the transmission by making the ratio interchanges substantially
imperceptible to the operator under normal vehicle acceleration.
100051 Six-speed transmissions offer several advantages over four- and five-speed
transmissions, including improved vehicle acceleration and improved fuel economy. While
many trucks employ power transmissions having six or more forward speed ratios, passenger
cars are still manufactured with three- and four-speed automatic transmissions and relatively
lew live or six-speed devices due to the size and complexity of these transmissions.
[0006| Seven-, eight- and nine-speed transmissions provide further improvements in
acceleration and fuel economy over six-speed transmissions. However, like the six-speed
transmissions discussed above, the development of seven-, eight- and nine-speed transmissions
has been precluded because of complexity, size and cost.
[0007| The present invention provides an improved transmission having four planetary
gear sets controlled to provide at least eight forward speed ratios and at least one reverse speed
[0008| The transmission family of the present invention has four planetary gear sets,
each of which includes a first, second and third member, which members may comprise a sun
gear, a ring gear, or a planet carrier assembly member, in any order.
[0009] In referring to the first, second, third and fourth gear sets in this description and
in the claims, these sets may be counted "first" to "fourth" in any order in the drawing (i.e.,
left to right, right to left, etc.). Additionally, the first, second or third members of each gear
set may be counted "first" to "third" in any order in the drawing (i.e., top to bottom, bottom
to top, etc.) for each gear set.
[0010| Each carrier member can be either a single-pinion carrier member (simple) or a
double-pinion carrier member (compound). Embodiments with long pinions are also possible.

[0011 j A first interconnecting member continuously connects the second member of the
first planetary gear set with the third member of the second planetary gear set.
I0012J A second interconnecting member continuously connects the first member of the
first planetary gear set with the first member of the third planetary gear set.
[00131 A third interconnecting member continuously connects the third member of the
third planetary gear set with the first member of the fourth planetary gear set.
[0014] The third member of the first planetary gear set is continuously connected with
the stationary member (transmission housing/casing).
[0015| The input member is continuously connected with the second member of the
third planetary gear set. The output member is continuously connected with the second member
of (he fourth planetary gear set.
['0016] A first torque transmitting device, such as a brake, selectively connects the first
member of the first planetary gear set with a stationary member (transmission housing/casing).
|0()17| A second torque transmitting device, such as a clutch, selectively connects the
first member of the second planetary gear set with the third member of the third planetary gear
[0018] A third torque transmitting device, such as a clutch, selectively connects the
first member of the second planetary gear set with the second member of the third planetary
gear set.
[0019] A fourth torque transmitting device, such as a clutch, selectively connects the
first member of the second planetary gear set with the third member of the fourth planetary
gear set.
[00201 A fifth torque transmitting device, such as a clutch, selectively connects the
second member of the second planetary gear set with the second member of the fourth
planetary gear set.

[002 i | The five torque-transmitting mechanisms are selectively cngageable in
combinations of three to yield at least eight forward speed ratios and at least one reverse speed
ratio. Hach shift is a single transition shift, and two overdrive ratios are provided.
100221 A variety of speed ratios and ratio spreads can be realized by suitably selecting
the tooth ratios of the planetary gear sets.
[0023| The above features and other features and advantages of the present invention
arc readily apparent from the following detailed description of the best modes for carrying out
the invention when taken in connection with the accompanying drawings.
|0024| FIGURE la is a schematic representation of a powertrain including a planetary
transmission in accordance with the present invention;
[0025| FIGURE lb is a truth table and chart depicting some of the operating
characteristics of the powertrain shown in Figure la; and
[0026) FIGURE lc is a schematic representation of the powertrain of Figure la
depicted in lever diagram form.
|00271 Referring to the drawings, there is shown in Figure la a powertrain 10 having a
conventional engine and torque converter 12, a planetary transmission 14, and a conventional
final drive mechanism 16. The engine 12 may be powered using various types of fuel to
improve the efficiency and fuel economy of a particular application. Such fuels may include,
for example, gasoline; diesel; ethanol; dimethyl ether; etc.
[0028[ The planetary transmission 14 includes an input member 17 continuously
connected with the engine 12, a planetary gear arrangement 18, and an output member 19
continuously connected with the final drive mechanism 16. The planetary gear arrangement 18
includes four planetary gear sets 20, 30, 40 and 50.

|()()29] The planetary gear set 20 includes a sun gear member 22, a ring gear member
24. and a planet carrier assembly member 26. The planet carrier assembly member 26
includes a plurality of pinion gears 27 rotatably mounted on a carrier member 29 and disposed
in meshing relationship with both the sun gear member 22 and the ring gear member 24.
[0()3()| The planetary gear set 30 includes a sun gear member 32, a ring gear member
34, and a planet carrier assembly member 36. The planet carrier assembly member 36
includes a plurality of pinion gears 37 rotatably mounted on a carrier member 39 and disposed
in meshing relationship with both the ring gear member 34 and the sun gear member 32.
|()031J The planetary gear set 40 includes a sun gear member 42, a ring gear member
44 and a planet carrier assembly member 46. The planet carrier assembly member 46
includes a plurality of pinion gears 47 mounted on a carrier member 49 and disposed in
niching relationship with both the ring gear member 44 and the sun gear member 42.
{0032] The planetary gear set 50 includes a sun gear member 52, a ring gear member
54, and a planet carrier assembly member 56. The planet carrier assembly member 56
includes a plurality of pinion gears 57 mounted on a carrier member 59 and disposed in
meshing relationship with both the ring gear member 54 and the sun gear member 52.
|00331 The planetary gear arrangement also includes five torque-transmitting
mechanisms 80, 82, 84, 85 and 86. The torque transmitting device 80 is a stationary type
torque- transmitting mechanism, commonly termed a brake or reaction clutch. The torque
transmitting devices 82, 84, 85 and 86 are rotating-type torque-transmitting mechanisms,
commonly termed clutches.
10034| The input member 17 is continuously connected with the planet carrier assembly
member 46 of the planetary gear set 40. The output member 19 is continuously connected
with the planet carrier assembly member 56 of the planetary gear set 50.
100351 The ring gear member 24 is continuously connected with the transmission
housing 60.

\()i)M)\ A first interconnecting member 70 continuously connects the planet carrier
assembly member 26 of the planetary gear set 20 with the ring gear member 34 of the
planetary gear set 30. A second interconnecting member 72 continuously connects the sun
gear member 22 of the planetary gear set 20 with the sun gear member 42 of the planetary gear
scl 10. A third interconnecting member 74 continuously connects the ring gear member 44 of
the planetary gear set 40 with the sun gear member 52 of the planetary gear set 50.
10037] A first torque transmitting device, such as brake 80, selectively connects the sun
gear member 22 of the planetary gear set 20 with the transmission housing 60. A second
torque transmitting device, such as clutch 82, selectively connects the sun gear member 32 of
the planetary gear set 30 with the ring gear member 44 of the planetary gear set 40. A third
torc|ue transmitting device, such as clutch 84, selectively connects the sun gear member 32 of
the planetary gear set 30 with the planet carrier assembly member 46 of the planetary gear set
40. A fourth torque transmitting device, such as clutch 85, selectively connects the sun gear
member 32 of the planetary gear set 30 with the ring gear member 54 of the planetary gear set
50 A fifth torque transmitting device, such as clutch 86, selectively connects the planet
cai i ier assembly member 36 of the planetary gear set 30 with the planet carrier assembly
member 56 of the planetary gear set 50.
[0038| As shown in Figure lb, and in particular the truth table disclosed therein, the
torque-transmitting mechanisms are selectively engaged in combinations of three to provide at
least eight forward speed ratios and at least one reverse speed ratio, all with single transition
sequential shifts and two overdrive ratios.
[0039J As set forth above, the engagement schedule for the torque-transmitting
mechanisms is shown in the truth table of Figure lb. The chart of Figure lb describes the
ratio steps that are attained in the above described transmission. For example, the step ratio
between the first and second forward speed ratios is 1.48, while the step ratio between the
reverse speed ratio and first forward ratio is -0.91.

100401 Referring to Figure lc, the embodiment of powertrain 10 depicted in Fig. la is
illustrated in a lever diagram format. A lever diagram is a schematic representation of the
components ol' a mechanical device such as an automatic transmission. Fach individual lever
represents a planetary gearset, wherein the three basic mechanical components of the planetary
gear are each represented by a node. Therefore, a single lever contains three nodes: one for
the sun gear member, one for the planet gear carrier member, and one for the ring gear
member. The relative length between the nodes of each lever can be used to represent the ring
to sun ratio of each respective gearset. These lever ratios, in turn, are used to vary the gear
ralios of the transmission in order to achieve appropriate ratios and ratio progression.
Meehanical couplings or interconnections between the nodes of the various planetary gear sets
arc illustrated by thin, horizontal lines and torque transmitting devices such as clutches and
brakes are presented as interleaved fingers. If the device is a brake, one set of the fingers is
grounded. Further explanation of the format, purpose and use of lever diagrams can be found
in SAF Paper 810102, authored by Benford, Howard and Leising, Maurice, "The Fever
Analogy: A New Tool in Transmission Analysis", 1981, which is hereby fully incorporated by
[00411 The powertrain 10 includes an input member 17 continuously connected with the
engine 12, an output member 19 continuously connected with the final drive 16, a first
planetary gear set 20A having three nodes: a first node 22A, a second node 26A and a third
node 24A; a second planetary gear set 30A having three nodes: a first node 32A, a second
node 36A and a third node 34A; a third planetary gear set 40A having three nodes: a first node
12,., a second node 46A and a third node 44A; and a fourth planetary gear set 50A having
three nodes: a first node 52A, a second node 56A and a third node 54A.
[00421 The input member 17 is continuously connected with node 46A. The output
member 19 is continuously connected with the node 56A. The node 24A is continuously
connected with the transmission housing 60.

100431 The node 22A is continuously connected with the node 42A. The node 44A is
continuously connected with the node 52A. The node 26A is continuously connected with the
noiie 34A.
[0044| A first torque-transmitting device, such as brake 80, selectively connects the
nocie 22A with the transmission housing 60. A second torque-transmitting device, such as
clutch 82, selectively connects the node 32A with the node 44A. A third torque-transmitting
device, such as clutch 84, selectively connects the node 32A with the node 46A. A fourth
torque transmitting device, such as clutch 85, selectively connects the node 32A with the node
54A. A filth torque-transmitting device, such as clutch 86, selectively connects the node 36A
with the node 56A.
[0045| To establish ratios, three torque-transmitting devices are engaged for each gear
stale. The engaged torque-transmitting devices are represented by an "X" in each respective
row. I or example, to establish reverse gear, the brake 80, clutch 85 and clutch 86 are
engaged. The brake 80 engages the node 22A with the transmission housing 60. The clutch
85 engages the node 32A with the node 54A. The clutch 86 engages the node 36A with the
node 56A. Likewise, the eight forward speed ratios are achieved through different
combinations of clutch engagement as per Figure lb.
[0046| The powcrtrain 10 may share components with a hybrid vehicle, and such a
combination may be operable in a "charge-depleting mode". For purposes of the present
invention, a "charge-depleting mode" is a mode wherein the vehicle is powered primarily by an
elceiric motor/generator such that a battery is depleted or nearly depicted when the vehicle
reaches its destination. In other words, during the charge-depleting mode, the engine 12 is only
operated to the extent necessary to ensure that the battery is not depleted before the destination is
reached. A conventional hybrid vehicle operates in a "charge-sustaining mode", wherein if the
battery charge level drops below a predetermined level (e.g., 25%) the engine is automatically
run to recharge the battery. Therefore, by operating in a charge-depleting mode, the hybrid
vehicle can conserve some or all of the fuel that would otherwise be expended to maintain the

?.?':•() battery charge level in a conventional hybrid vehicle. It should be appreciated that a hybrid
vehicle powertrain is preferably only operated in the charge-depleting mode ii'the battery can be
ret lunged alter the destination is reached by plugging it into an energy source.
10047) While the best modes for carrying out the invention have been described in
detail, those familiar with the art to which this invention relates will recognize various
alternative designs and embodiments for practicing the invention within the scope of the
appended claims.

1. A multi-speed transmission comprising:
an input member;
an output member;
first, second, third and fourth planetary gear sets each having first, second and
third members;
a first interconnecting member continuously connecting said second member of
said first planetary gear set with said third member of said second planetary gear set;
a second interconnecting member continuously connecting said first member of
said first planetary gear set with said first member of said third planetary gear set;
a third interconnecting member continuously connecting said third member of
sai.! third planetary gear set with said first member of said fourth planetary gear set;
said third member of said first planetary gear set being continuously connected
wish a stationary member; and
live torque-transmitting devices for selectively interconnecting said members of
said planetary gear sets with a stationary member or with other members of said planetary gear
sets, said live torque-transmitting devices being engaged in combinations of three to establish
at ieast eight forward speed ratios and at least one reverse speed ratio between said input
member and said output member.
2. The transmission of claim 1, wherein a first of said five torque
transmitting devices is operable for selectively connecting said first member of said first
phi K'tarv gear set with said stationary member.

3. The transmission of claim 2, wherein a second of said five torque
transmitting devices is operable for selectively connecting said first member of said second
planetary gear set with said third member of said third planetary gear set.
4. The transmission of claim 3, wherein a third of said five torque
transmitting devices is operable for selectively connecting said first member of said second
planetary gear set with said second member of said third planetary gear set.
5. The transmission of claim 4, wherein a fourth of said I'wc torque
transmitting devices is operable for selectively connecting said first member of said second
planetary gear set with said third member of said fourth planetary gear set.
6. The transmission of claim 5, wherein a fifth of said five torque
transmitting devices is operable for selectively connecting said second member of said second
planetary gear set with said second member of said fourth planetary gear set.
7. The transmission defined in claim 1, wherein a first of said five torque
transmitting devices comprises a brake; and a second, third, fourth and fifth of said five torque
transmitting devices comprise clutches.
8. The transmission of claim 1, wherein said first, second and third
members ol said first, second, third and fourth planetary gear sets comprise a sun gear
member, a planet carrier assembly member and a ring gear member, respectively.
9. The transmission of claim 1, wherein said input member is continuously
interconnected with said second member of said third planetary gear set, and said output

member is eoniinuously interconnected with said second member of said fourth planetary gear
10. A multi-speed transmission comprising:
an input member;
an output member;
first, second, third and fourth planetary gear sets each having fist, second and
third members;
said input member being continuously interconnected with said second member
of said third planetary gear set;
said output member being continuously interconnected with said second member
of said fourth planetary gear set;
said third member of said first planetary gear set being continuously connected
willi a stationary member;
a first interconnecting member continuously connecting said second member of
said first planetary gear set with said third member of said second planetary gear set;
a second interconnecting member continuously connecting said first member of
said first planetary gear set with said first member of said third planetary gear set;
a third interconnecting member continuously connecting said third member of
said third planetary gear set with said first member of said fourth planetary gear set;
a first torque transmitting device selectively connecting said first member of said
first planetary gear set with said stationary member;
a second torque transmitting device selectively connecting said first member of
said second planetary gear set with said third member of said third planetary gear set;
a third torque transmitting device selectively connecting said first member of
saici second planetary gear set with said second member of said third planetary gear set;

a fourth torque transmitting device selectively connecting said first member of
said second planetary gear set with said third member of said fourth planetary gear set;
a fifth torque transmitting device selectively connecting said second member of
said second planetary gear set with said second member of said fourth planetary gear set; and
said torque-transmitting mechanisms being engaged in combinations of three to
establish al least eight forward speed ratios and at least one reverse speed ratio between said
input member and said output member.
11. A multi-speed transmission comprising:
an input member;
an output member;
first, second, third and fourth planetary gear sets each having a sun gear
member, planet carrier assembly member and ring gear member;
said input member being continuously interconnected with said planet carrier
assembly member of said third planetary gear set;
said output member being continuously interconnected with said planet carrier
assembly member of said fourth planetary gear set;
said ring gear member of said first planetary gear set being continuously
connected with a stationary member;
a first interconnecting member continuously connecting said planet carrier
assembly member of said first planetary gear set with said ring gear member of said second
planetary gear set;
a second interconnecting member continuously connecting said sun gear member
of said first planetary gear set with said sun gear member of said third planetary gear set;

a third interconnecting member continuously connecting said ring gear member
of said third planetary gear set with said sun gear member of said fourth planetary gear set;
a first torque transmitting device selectively connecting said sun gear member of
said first planetary gear set with said stationary member;
a second torque transmitting device selectively connecting said sun gear member
of said second planetary gear set with said ring gear member of said third planetary gear set;
a third torque transmitting device selectively connecting said sun gear member
of said second planetary gear set with said planet carrier assembly member of said third
planetary gear set;
a fourth torque transmitting device selectively connecting said sun gear member
of said second planetary gear set with said ring gear member of said fourth planetary gear set;
a fifth torque transmitting device selectively connecting said planet carrier
assembly member of said second planetary gear set with said planet carrier assembly member
of said fourth planetary gear set; and
said torque-transmitting mechanisms being engaged in combinations of three to
establish at least eight forward speed ratios and at least one reverse speed ratio between said
iit|..,i member and said output member.

The transmission has a plurality of members that can be utilized in powerirains to
provide eight forward speed ratios and one reverse speed ratio. The transmission includes four
planetary gear sets having five torque-transmitting mechanisms, three fixed interconnections and
a grounded member. The powertrain includes an engine and torque converter that is
continuously connected to at least one of the planetary gear members and an output member that
is continuously connected with another one of the planetary gear members. The live torque-transmilting
mechanisms provide interconnections between various gear members, and the
transmission housing, and are operated in combinations of three to establish at least eight
forward speed ratios and at least one reverse speed ratio.



Patent Number 269833
Indian Patent Application Number 355/KOL/2008
PG Journal Number 46/2015
Publication Date 13-Nov-2015
Grant Date 09-Nov-2015
Date of Filing 27-Feb-2008
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number F16H41/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 60/909,104 2007-03-30 U.S.A.