Title of Invention


Abstract The invention concerns a sound generator mechanism including a control member (10) and a mechanism (14) for locking/unlocking the control member (10), the control member (10) being able to move between a first position in which said control member is held by the locking/unlocking member (14) and in which it holds the vibrating member (12) away from the rest position thereof, and a second position wherein said control member is released by the locking/unlocking mechanism (14) and wherein it simultaneously releases said vibrating member (12), which starts to vibrate and to produce a sound Figure 2a
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The present invention concerns a mechanism able to produce at least one sound, to be fitted, for example, to a timepiece such as a wristwatch.
A strike mechanism commonly used in wristwatches includes a hammer which strikes a gong. The hammer is moved away from its rest position, then released and strikes the base portion of the gong which is arranged in a circle around the movement. One drawback of this type of strike mechanism is that the intensity of the sound produced is weak.
A second type of strike mechanism is similar to the strike mechanisms used in music boxes. A mechanism of this type is shown schematically in Figure 1 annexed to this Patent Application. This mechanism, designated as a whole by the general reference numeral 1, essentially includes a rotating drum 2 at the surface of which are arranged lugs 4. When drum 2 rotates, one of the lugs 4 lifts up a gong 6 and gradually moves it away from its rest position until gong 6 is released from lug 4 and abruptly relaxes. While relaxing, gong 6 vibrates and produces a sound. This mechanism has the advantage of producing sounds of greater intensity. However, driving rotating drum 2 requires a significant amount of energy, which makes it difficult to integrate this mechanism in a watch which has only a small energy reserve.
It is an object of the present invention to overcome the aforementioned drawbacks in addition to others by providing a sound generating mechanism that can easily be integrated for example in a wristwatch and that produces a sound of great intensity.
The present invention therefore concerns a sound generator mechanism including a control member, a vibrating member and a mechanism for locking/unlocking the control member, the control member being able to move between a first position in which it is retained by the locking/unlocking mechanism and a second position in which it is released by the locking/unlocking mechanism and in which it simultaneously releases the vibrating member, which starts to vibrate and to produce a sound.
Owing to these features, the present invention provides a sound generator mechanism, which, by moving the vibrating member away from its rest position then abruptly releasing it, is capable of producing a sound of great intensity.
According to a complementary feature of the invention, the sound generator mechanism is wound by an action of the user and is released when a time process reaches an end.
According to another feature of the invention, the control member moves by

pivoting between its first and second positions.
According to yet another feature of the invention, the control member includes a cam and the locking/unlocking mechanism includes a spring with a catch.
To release the cam and generate a sound, it is only sufficient to act on a spring element, which necessitates little energy and makes the sound generator mechanism of the invention particularly easy to integrate into a wristwatch for example.
Other features and advantages of the present invention will appear more clearly from the following detailed description of one embodiment of the sound generator mechanism according to the invention, this example being given purely by way of non-limiting illustration, in conjunction with the annexed drawing, in which:
- Figure 1, already cited, is a schematic diagram of a strike mechanism of the prior art;
- Figure 2a is a schematic cross-section of the sound generator mechanism in accordance with the present invention in a locked position, and
- Figure 2b is a similar view to that of Figure 2a showing the sound generator mechanism in the unlocked position thereof.
The present invention proceeds from the general inventive idea which consists in providing a sound generator mechanism able to produce sounds of high intensity while requiring little energy to be switched on, which makes this object particularly easy to integrate in a portable object such as, for example, a wristwatch. Thus, the sound generator mechanism according to the invention includes a control member, which, in a first locked position, moves a vibrating member away from its rest position and which, in a second unlocked position, releases the vibrating member which starts to vibrate and to produce a sound of high intensity.
Designated as a whole by the general reference numeral 8, the sound generator mechanism according to the invention shown in cross-section in Figure 2a essentially includes a control member 10, a vibrating member 12 and a locking/unlocking mechanism 14. More specifically, the control member 10 takes the form of a cam fitted with two diametrically opposite lugs 16a and 16b. Locking/unlocking mechanism 14 takes the form of a strip spring secured at one of the ends thereof and having a catch 18 at the free end thereof. Finally, the vibrating member 12 is formed by a strip-shaped gong.
As can be seen upon examining the Figures, cam 10 is pivotably mounted on a drive arbour 20. Thus, cam 10 has an aperture 22 formed of a central cylindrical passage 22a via which said cam 10 is mounted on drive arbour 20 and two cut portions in the shape of an arc of a circle 22b which open into central passage 22a. Cam 10 is coupled with drive arbour 20 via a retaining member 24 such as a key

secured to drive arbour 20 and the role of which is described hereinafter.
In the position shown in Figure 2a, cam 10 is locked, one of the lugs 16a abutting against catch 10 of strip spring 14, whereas via the other end 16b thereof, cam 10 holds gong 12 away from its horizontal rest position shown in dot and dash lines for example along an angle a of approximately 18°. At the end of a time process such as counting the time before the current time coincides with an alarm time, a motor mechanism (not shown) which may be driven by the watch movement moves spring 14 away downwards along arrow A. As cam 10 is no longer locked, it is free to pivot in the clockwise direction along arrow B via the effect of the bending force exerted by going 12 which is trying to return to its horizontal rest position by moving along arrow C. In order to facilitate the relative movement of cam 10 and gong 12, gong 12 advantageously has at the free end thereof an over thickness in which an inclined plane 26 is arranged, along which lug 16b can slide.
Released from the hold of cam 10, gong 12 can return to its horizontal rest position by vibrating and transmitting an acoustic signal of high intensity. As will have been understood, the only energy necessary for starting the sound generator mechanism according to the invention is that which has to be provided to move spring 14 away from the position in which it locks cam 10. The quantity of energy to be provided is thus very low, which means that it is easy to envisage integrating the mechanism according to the invention for example in a watch, which, as is known, can only store a very limited quantity of energy.
As was seen above, when the spring with a catch 14 releases cam 10, the latter pivots in the clockwise direction along arrow B. Cam 10 is however limited in its pivoting movement by retaining member 24 which is secured to drive arbour 20 and which will abut against the bottom of the portions cut out having the shape of an arc of a circle 22b formed in aperture 22 (see Figure 2b). The pivoting angle β of the cam is approximately 35°.
The sound generator mechanism according to the invention is rewound by the user who can, for example, exert pressure on a button, via the effect of which drive arbour 20 makes a 180° movement. As cam 10 has pivoted by approximately 35° and abutted, via the edges of its portions cut out having the shape of an arc of a circle 22b, against retaining element 24, drive arbour 20 will only start to drive cam 10 when the retaining element abuts against the opposite edges of the portions cut out in the arc of a circle 22b arranged in aperture 22. While drive arbour 20 completes a rotation of 180°, cam 10 will only move by 180 - 35 = 135° to return to its initial position illustrated in Figure 2a.
It will be noted that the present invention is not limited to the embodiment that

has just been described and those skilled in the art could envisage various simple alterations and variations without departing from the scope of the present invention as defined by the annexed claims. In particular, the sound generator mechanism according to the invention could be wound by means of a motor. One could also envisage arranging several mechanisms in accordance with the invention, but with different sound frequencies produced by the respective gongs, in parallel in order to generate a melody.

1. Sound generator mechanism including a control member (10), a vibrating member (12) and a mechanism (14) for locking/unlocking the control member (10), the control member (10) being able to move between a first position in which said control member is held by the locking/unlocking mechanism (14) and in which said control member holds the vibrating member (12) in a bent position away from the rest position thereof, and a second position wherein said control member is released by the locking/unlocking mechanism (14) and wherein said control member is pushed back via bending force effect by the vibrating member (12), which returns to the rest position while starting to vibrate and to produce a sound.
2. Sound generator mechanism according to claim 1, characterized in that said mechanism is wound by an action of the user and started when a time process reaches an end.
3. Sound generator mechanism according to any of claims 1 or 2, characterized in that the control member (10) moves by pivoting between the first and second positions thereof.
4. Sound generator mechanism according to any of claims 1 to 3, characterized in that the control member (10) includes a cam, in that the locking/unlocking mechanism (14) includes a spring, and in that the vibrating member (12) includes a gong.
5. Sound generator mechanism according to claim 4, characterized in that the cam is driven by a drive arbour (20) with which said cam is coupled via a retaining member (24) secured to the drive arbour (20).
6. Sound generator mechanism according to claim 5, characterized in that the cam has an aperture (22) formed of a cylindrical central passage (22a) via which said cam is mounted on the drive arbour (20) and two diametrically opposite portions cut out in the shape of an arc of a circle (22b) and which both open into the central passage (22a).
7. Sound generator mechanism according to claim 6, characterized in that the retaining member (24) projects into the portions cut out in the shape of an arc of a circle (22b) made in the aperture (22) of the cam, which limits the play of said cam around the drive arbour (20).
8. Sound generator mechanism according to any of claims 6 or 7, characterized in that the portions cut out in the arc of a circle (22b) each form an angular sector substantially equal to 35°.
9. Sound generator mechanism according to any of claims 4 to 8,

characterized in that the cam includes two lugs (16a, 16b) via which they respectively cooperate with a catch (18) arranged at a free end o the spring for the temporary immobilisation thereof, and with the gong to temporarily move the latter away from the rest position thereof.
10. Sound generator mechanism according to any of claims 4 to 9, characterized in that the gong includes an inclined plane (26) at the free end thereof.



Patent Number 269857
Indian Patent Application Number 4690/CHENP/2007
PG Journal Number 46/2015
Publication Date 13-Nov-2015
Grant Date 12-Nov-2015
Date of Filing 22-Oct-2007
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G04B 23/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP06/03011
PCT International Filing date 2006-04-03
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 05008838.4 2005-04-22 EUROPEAN UNION