Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention is based on an effective Application of compounds Caryophyllene oxide, Caryophyllene and Limonene derived from plant specie Spilanthes Calava D.C. in agriculture field as a pest repellant and insecticide. This plant specie has properties which can be utilized as a pest repellant and insecticide for the all crops, vegetables, horticulture., gardening, forestry and floriculture plants. These compounds can be easily be extracted from the flower head of said plant and plant parts through the aqueous solvent system. These three compounds are found together in one plant specie Spilanthes calava D.C, it has to be used in combination to make aerosol for imparting the knockdown effect. These compounds have three mode of action on the pest, like contact poisoning; nerve poisoning and feeding poisoning.Caryophyllene is an electron transport inhibitor, and cause interference with glucose uptake or utilization. Caryophyllene oxide thus acts as a nerve poison to pest via sodium channel modulators. Limonene is Phagostimuiant disruptor which inhibits and breaks the developed resistant power against pesticide in the pests As an insecticide limonene destroys the wax that coats the inside of the insect"s respiratory system
Full Text FORM 2
(39 of 1970)
TITLE OF INVENTION: "Application of natural compounds Caryophyllene oxide, Caryophyllene and Limonene derived from plant in agriculture field as a pest repellent and insecticide"
NAME OF APPLICANT - (1) Dr. Chetan Balar
(2) Mr. Anil Nakum
NAME OF INVENTOR - (1} Dr. Chetan Bahsr
(2) Mr. Anil Nakum
ADDRESS OF APPLICANT- (1) Dr. Chetan Balar
12, Eshwar Nagar, Hira Baug, Varachha Road, Surat-395006, Gujarat (India).
(2) Mr. Anil Nakum
Suramdam, Sheri No.5, Tirupathi Balaji Park Society Kotharia, Rajkot-360001, Gujarat (India).
The following specification particularly describes the nature of the invention and the manner in which it is to be performed.
This invention is based on effective role of compounds derived from plant specie Spilanthes Calava D.C. as a pest repellant and insecticide for all types of crops, vegetables, and horticulture, gardening, forestry and floriculture plants.
In the existing system as given in AU 2005/330073 A1 (patent application)/US 2008/0011871 A1 (patent application) wherein this invention relates to a device that allows controlled release of volatile5 materials. In particular, but not exclusively, the invention relates to a dispenser that allows controlled and sustained release of fragrances and agricultural pest control agents.
In the existing system as given in AU 2001/020780 A1 (patent application wherein the present invention relates to a composition and methods for modifying the floral scent of flowering plants and cut flowers- Additionally, the present invention can also be used to manipulate the biosynthesis and/or emission of plant' derived floral scent components. More specifically, the present invention relates to a series of methods by which chemical compositions can be introduced into flowering plants and cut flowers for the purpose of modifying the production and/or emission of volatile floral scent compounds from flowers, foliage and fruits by the application of an effective amount of at least one floral scent precursor. Additionally, the present invention further relates to methods for modifying 'he emission of floral scent from cut flowers which have been subjected to conditions of refrigerated temperatures and/or darkness over extended periods of time.
In. the existing system as given in AU 2002/250738 B2 (granted patent)/US 2005/0070576 A1 (patent application) wherein the present invention is directed to pest-controlling compositions comprising as active ingredients one or more ~ B diones, particularly 6 dlketones and B triketones and to the use of these compositions for preventing, eradicating. De straying, repelling or mitigating harmful, annoying or undesired pest's including insects, arachmds, helminthes, and molluscs. Protozoa-0 and viruses. The present invention is further directed to processes of preparing B-diones by de novo synthesis or from natural sources > such as volatile 011 bean plants from families including Alliaceae, Apiaceae, Asteraceae, Cannablaceae, Lamlaceae, Ptendaceae, ~ Myrtaceae, Myoporaceae Proteaceae, Rutaceae and Zingiberaceae
In the existing system as given in AU 2003/214243 B2 (granted patent) Information about Australian patent wherein Dihydronepetalactone, a minor natural constituent of the essential oil of catmints (Nepeta spp) such as Nepeta O cataria. has been identified as an effective insect repellent compound. Synthesis of dihydronepetalactone may be achieved by hydro> genatlo i of nepetalactone, the major constituent of commit essential Oils. This compound, which also has fragrance properties, may ~ be used commercially for its insect repellent properties
In the existing system as given in AU 2000/044204 AI (patent application wherein The present invention relates to plant essential oils and extracts and their uses as insecticides both in medical and non-medical applications. In particular the invention relates to the oils and extracts of Spanish sage ( Salvia lavandulifolia ; syn. S . lavandulaefolia ) and S . officinalis "petite feuille Banon" and other essential oils or plant extracts such as those from Artemisia dra cunculus (Tarragon) , Ci trus limon (Lemon) , JuniperuS communis (Juniper) , laurus nobilis (Bay) , Myristi ca fragrans (Nutmeg) , Origanum vulgare (Oregano) , Piper cubeba (Cubebs), ?.loysia gra tissima (Whitebrush) and species of Salvia other than S. lavandulifolia which have the ability to kill a range of ectoparasites in a range of formulations
In the existing system as given in AU 2004/267878 B2 (p ranted patent) wherein A formulation for the control of arthropod pests comprising one or more hydrophobic or non-polar semi chemicals, water, a thickener and a rubber crumb carrier. The formulation may also include additives such as a feeding stimulant or bait, toxicant or insecticide, anti microbial agent, humectants, volatility suppressant, pigment and an anti oxidant. The invention also includes a M method of preparing a formulation for controlling arthropod pests, said method comprising the steps of admixing a carrier which includes rubber crumb with one or a plurality of hydrophobic or non-polar semiochemicals for a period of time sufficient for the rubber crumb to absorb the semlchemlcal, where the semlchemlcalls substantially dispersed throughout the rubber crumb; and combining the rubber crumb mixture of step with water or an aqueous medium comprising a thickener
In the existing system as given in US 2003/0022242 A1 (patent application) wherein A particle is disclosed that comprises a first volume of hydrophobia-rich material with tunable dissolution and solubilization characteristics and a distinct second volume of nanostructure no lamellar liquid crystalline material, said second volume containing said first domain and being capable of being in equilibrium with said first volume. Preferably, the nanostructure no lamellar liquid crystalline material is capable of being in equilibrium with a polar solvent or a water-immiscible solvent or both.
In the existing system as given in AU 2008/205516 A1 (patent application)/US 2009/0099135 A1 (patent application) wherein the present invention relates to compositions and methods related to controlling insect
In the existing system as given in US 7232844 (granted patent) wherein Dihydronepetalactone, a minor natural constituent of the essential oil of catmints (Nepeta spp.) such as Nepeta cataria, has been identified as an effective insect repellent compound. Synthesis of dihydronepetalactone may be achieved by hydrogenation of nepetalactone, the major constituent of catmint essential oils. This compound, which also has fragrance properties, may be used commercially for its insect repellent properties.
In the existing system as given in US 2010/0009002 A1 (patent application wherein The invention relates to insect control compositions, and more particularly to repellent and attractant compositions that may be used to control insect populations from damaging citrus trees. It his been found that the Asian citrus psyllid, the vector that transmits citrus greening disease, or Huanglongbing (HLB), is attracted to certain compounds in guava tree extracts. The guava-based compounds may be used to attract psyllids to traps to monitor populations and disrupt breeding cycles.
In the existing system as given in US 2008/0193387 A1 (patent application) wherein Essential-oil compositions comprising Lippia javanica essential oil in combination with one, two, three, four, five, six or more essential oils are provided. The Lippia javanica essential-oil compositions are effective for killing and/or repelling ectoparasites and/or pests, including lice, ticks, mosquitoes, mites, ants and fleas. Methods of using the compositions comprising Lippia javanica essential oil in combination with one, two, three, four, five, six or more essential oils for killing or repelling ectoparasites and/or pests also are provided. Also provided are articles of manufacture and kits that include the Lippia javanica essential-oil compositions.
In the existing system as given in WO 2008/056365 A2 (patent application) wherein The present invention relates, in general, to pediculicidal, pesticide or insecticidal compositions containing carrot seed oil, which may be used against human or animal body louse, including head lice, body lice, and pubic lice as well as any arthropods, for example without being limited, to insects and arachnids. In one aspect, the present invention relates to pediculicidal compositions containing one or more plant essential oils and/or derivatives thereof to be used as a contact pesticide and repellent against human body louse. In another aspect, the present invention relates to a method for controlling human body louse by the application of pediculicidal effective amounts of the pediculicidal compositions to a locus where control of the lice is desired.
In the existing system as given in WO 2009/041814 A1 (patent application) wherein The present invention relates to the field of agriculture, in particular insect pest control of plants. Compounds and compositions comprising one or more volatile hydrocarbon compounds suitable for either repelling or attracting insect pests, such as whiteflies, are provided. Also provided are methods for making and using attractant or repellent compounds/compositions and for controlling insect infestation and damage in the field and/or in greenhouses. The compositions are suitable for controlling plant insect pests, in particular sap-sucking insects of the suborder Sternorrhyncha. Insects of the suborder Sternorrhyncha include psyllids, whiteflies, aphids, mealybugs and scale insects and share a common property, namely the utilization of plant sap as their food source. Other plant insect pests which can be controlled are thrips, mites (e.g. spider mites) and leaf hoppers. In a preferred embodiment methods and compositions for controlling whitefly infestation and whitefly damage of crop plants are provided. In a different embodiment, the compounds and/or compositions can be used for repelling insects of the family Culicidae, especially species belonging to the genera Anopheles (of which about 400 species exist, 30-40 of which transmit malaria, such as the species of the A. gambiae complex), Culex and/or Aedes. Also members of the family Ceratopogonidae, biting midges, can be attracted or repelled according to the invention, for examples the vertebrate blood sucking genera Culicoides, Forcipomyia (Lasiohelea), and Leptoconops, such as Culicoides impunctatus (the highland midge or Scottish biting midge)
In the existing system as given in WO 2005/020687 A1 (patent application) wherein A formulation for the control of arthropod pests comprising one or more hydrophobic or non-polar semi chemicals, water, a thickener and a rubber crumb carrier. The formulation may also include additives such as a feeding stimulant or bait, toxicant OY insecticide, anti-microbial agent, humectants, volatility suppressant, pigment and an anti-oxidant. The invention also includes a method of preparing a formulation for controlling arthropod pests, said method comprising the steps of (i) admixing a carrier which includes rubber crumb with one or a plurality of hydrophobic or non-polar semi chemicals for a period of time sufficient for the rubber crumb to absorb the semi chemical, wherein the semi chemical is substantially dispersed throughout the rubber crumb; and (ii) combining the rubber crumb mixture of step (i) with water or an aqueous medium comprising a thickener.
In the existing system as given in WO 2001/ 041569 wherein The present invention relates to methods for creating, manipulating, modifying and enhancing floral scent component to plants and cut flowers.
In the existing system as given in WO 2002/036232 A1 (patent application wherein A process for extracting a compound or composition of matter from a raw material containing that compound or composition as a constituent part is described. The process comprises the steps of (1) contacting the raw material with an extraction solvent comprising a heptafluoropropane so as to ■ xtract the compound or composition from the raw material into the solvent, and (2) separating the solvent containing the extracted compound or composition from raw material. The process is particularly adapted for extracting flavours, fragrances and neutraceuticals from materials of plant origin.
In the existing system as given in WO 2009/117623 A2 (patent application wherein Embodiments of the invention relate to a composition for controlling a target pest, wherein the composition includes at least two active ingredients selected from the group consisting of thymyl acetate, linalyl acetate, amyl butyrate, anise star oil, black seed oil, p-cymene, geraniol, isopropyl myristate, d-limonene, linalool, lilac flower oil, methyl salicylate, alpha-pinene, piperonal, piperonyl alcohol, tetrahydrolinalool, thyme oil white, thyme oil red, thymol, vanillin, and wintergreen oil, wherein the composition causes synergistic control of the target pest.
In the existing system as given in WO 2009/117621 A1 (patent application wherein Embodiments of the present invention provide compositions for controlling a target pest including a first agent and a second agent comprising a pest control product or a signal cascade modulator, wherein the first agent and the second agent act synergistically to control the target pest. The first agent can be capable of interacting with a receptor in the target pest. The pest control product can have a first activity against the target pest when applied without the active agent and the compositions can have a second activity against the target pest; and the second activity can be greater than the first activity. Embodiments of the invention can include compositions that modulate the signal cascade initiated by the binding of ligands to, for example, cell surface receptors. Methods of screening such compositions are also disclosed.
In the existing system as given in WO 2000/064265 A2 (patent application) wherein Insecticidal compositions are described comprising an essential oil obtained form a plant selected from the genera Salvia, Artemisia, Citrus, Juniperus, Laurus, Myristica, Origanum, Piper or Aloysia. The essential oil may be in a gel carrier, an aqueous alcoholic vehicle or a vehicle based on an alcohol/vegetable oil mixture. The compositions are particularly useful for ridding humans and animals of parasitic infestations such as lice and mites as well as for treatment of furnishings, clothing and plants.
In the existing system as given in WO 2009/038599 A1 (patent application) wherein Pest control compositions, blends, and formulations are disclosed. The blends contain, in a synergistic combinations, at least two ingredients such as Lilac Flower Oil, D- Limonene, Thyme Oil, Lime Oil, Black Seed Oil. Wintergreen Oil, Linalool, Tetrahydrolinalool, Vanillin, Isopropyl myristate, Piperonal (aldehyde), Geraniol, Geraniol 60, Triethyl Citrate, and Methyl Salicylate.
The main object of the invention is to introduce the application of natural compounds Caryophyllene oxide, Caryophyllene and Limonene derived from plant specie Spilanthes Calava D.C. in agriculture field as a pest repellant and insecticide. This plant specie has properties which can be utilized as a pest repellant and insecticide for the all crops, vegetables, horticulture, gardening, forestry and floriculture plants. Plant Spilanthes Calava D.C has natural Compounds Caryophyllene oxide, Caryophyllene and Limonene which have pest repellant and insecticide properties against specific and damaging pest and pathogens. Its effects on non targeted and benefitting insect and animals like honey bee, fish, birds and mammals is nil as compared to the other commonly used pesticides, some insecticides kill or harm other creatures in addition to those they are intended to kill. For example, birds may be poisoned when they eat food that was recently sprayed with insecticides or when they mistake insecticide granules on the ground for food and eat it. The proposed use of Spilanthes Calava D.C has none of the above described ill effects. Other commonly used existing insecticide and pest repellant products are very toxic to mammals and are serious environment pollutant and are relatively expensive. The proposed invention is very safe for mammals and does not contribute to environment pollution as the constituents are harmless compounds like Caryophyllene oxide, Caryophyllene and Limonene. This product is also very cost effective as the constituent compounds are synthesized naturally from the single plant Spilanthes calava D.C. The flower head of the plant is rich in Caryophyllene oxide 24.14%, Caryophyllene 22.19%, Limonene 21.79% and the said plant is wild plant and has no commercial use till date.
The main difference between the commonly used existing pesticides and insecticides and proposed product is that the currently used existing product interrupts growth of plant through the cytotoxic effect, as well as endogenous hormonal imbalance which results in poorer yield of plant. The proposed compounds are derived from natural plant and does not effect the plant growth or cause any kind of chemical imbalance in the crop but only checks and control the insects and pest infestation.
Application of compounds Caryophyllene oxide, Caryophyllene and Limonene derived from plant specie Spilanthes Calava D.C. in agriculture field as a pest repellant and insecticide. This plant specie has properties which can be utilized as a pest repellant and insecticide for the all crops, vegetables, horticulture, gardening, forestry and floriculture plants.
Pest control is as old as agriculture, as there has always been a need to keep crops free from pests. In order to maximize food production, it is advantageous to protect crops from competing species of plants, as well as from herbivores
Caryophyllene oxide, Caryophyllene and Limonene derived from plant specie Spilanthes Calava D.C. in agriculture field as a pest repellant and insecticide. This plant specie has properties which can be utilized as a pest repellant and insecticide for the all crops, vegetables, horticulture, gardening, forestry and floriculture plants.
These compounds can be easily be extracted from the flower head of said plant and plant parts through the aqueous solvent system These three compounds are found together in one plant specie Spilanthes calava D.C, it has to be used in combination to make aerosol for imparting the knockdown effect. These compounds have three mode of action on the pest, like contact poisoning, nerve poisoning and feeding poisoning.
Spilanthes Calava D.C. - It has innumerable medicinal properties and thus it finds its use on a daily basis. The plant when boiled in water is used to treat dysentery. The decoction is also given as a diuretic and lithotriptic and used as a bath for relieving rheumatism and as a lotion for scabies and psoriasis. The juice .from this Indian medicinal plant is a vulnerary. The pounded herb is used as a poultice to dress wounds. The pungent flower heads are chewed to relieve toothache and affections of the gums and throat, and paralysis of the tongue.
Caryophyllene & Caryophyllene oxide — It's a natural bicyclic sesquiterpene that is a constituent of many essential oils, especially clove oil, the oil from the stems and flowers of Syzygium aromaticum (cloves). The essential oil of hemp Cannabis sativa and rosemary Rosmarinus oficinalis.
Role of Caryophyllene& Caryophyllene oxide - Caryophyllene is an electron transport inhibitor, and cause interference with glucose uptake or utilization. Carycphyllene oxide thus acts as a nerve poison to pest via sodium channel modulators.
Limonene- Limonene is a hydrocarbon, classified as a cyclic terpene. It is a colourless liquid at room temperatures with an extremely strong smell of oranges. It is commonly used in cosmetic products, biofuel thereof. D-limonene is used in food manufacturing and some medicines, example bitter alkaloids, as a flavoring; it is also used as botanical insecticide. It is added to cleaning products such as hand cleansers to give a lemon-orange fragrance (see orange oil). In contrast, L-limonene has a piney, turpentine-like odor.
Limonene is increasingly being used as a solvent for cleaning purposes, such as the removal of oil from machine parts, as it is produced from a renewable source (citrus oil, as a byproduct of orange juice manufacture). It also serves as a paint stripper when applied to painted wood. Limonene is also used as a solvent in some model airplane glues.
Role of Limonene- Limonene is Phagostimulant disruptor which inhibits and breaks the developed resistant power against pesticide in the pests. The mechanism is that it acts as pesticide and insecticide , Disturbing or inhibiting the development of the eggs, larvae, or pupae, Blocking the molting of larvae or nymphs, Disturbing mating and sexual communication , Repelling larvae and adults. Deterring females from laying eggs, Sterilizing adults, Deterring feeding. As an insecticide bmonene destroys the wax that coats the inside of the insect's respiratory system. Limonene used as an insecticide is effective as a contact spray only and has no residual effect.
We claim,
1. "Application of natural compounds Caryophyllene oxide, Caryophyllene and Limonene derived from plant specie Spilanthes Calava D.C. in agriculture field as a pest repellant and insecticide"
2. A synergistic effect for pest repellant and insecticidal is comprised of Caryophyllene oxide, Caryophyllene and Limonene.
3. A synergistic effect for pest repellant and insecticidal as recited in Claim 1 wherein These compounds are easily can be extracted from the flower head of said plant and plant parts through the aqueous solvent system These three compounds are only having in a single plant is Spilanthes calava D.C, it has to be use in combine to make aerosol fore the knockdown effect.
4. A synergistic effect for pest repellant and insecticidal as recited in Claim 1 wherein it's gives triple action on the pest like contact poisoning, nerve poisoning and feeding poisoning effect on pest.
5. A synergistic effect for pest repellant and insecticidal as recited in Claim 1 wherein Caryophyllene is Electron transport inhibitor, possibly interference with glucose uptake or utilization. Caryophyllene oxide is act as nerve poisoning by sodium channel modulators to pest and the quantity of Caryophyllene oxide is 24.14% and Caryophyllene is 22.19%,.
6. A synergistic effect for pest repellant and insecticidal as recited in Claim 1 wherein Limonene is Phagostimulant disruptor to use breaking developed resistant power against pesticide and the quantity of Limonene is 21.79%.
7. A synergistic effect for pest repellant and insecticidal as recited in Claim 1 wherein it acts as pesticide and insecticide , Disturbing or inhibiting the development of the eggs, larvae, or pupae, Blocking the molting of larvae or nymphs, Disturbing mating and sexual communication , Repelling larvae and adults, Deterring females from laying eggs. Sterilizing adults, Deterring feeding.
8. A synergistic effect for pest repellant and insecticidal as recited in Claim 1 wherein It Effects on non targeted species like honey bee, fish, birds and mammals is nil compared to the other pesticides, some insecticides kill or harm other creatures in addition to those they are intended to kill. For example, birds may be poisoned when they eat food that was recently sprayed with insecticides or when they mistake insecticide granules on the ground for food and eat it.
9. A synergistic effect for pest repellant and insecticidal as recited in Claim 1 wherein is cost effective because said compounds are synthesized naturally a single plant Spilanthes calava D.C. flower head in a good quaintly of Caryophyllene oxide 24.14%, Caryophyllene 22.19%, Limonene 21.79% and the said plant is wild plant and not have any of use for economic purpose.



Patent Number 269858
Indian Patent Application Number 1729/MUM/2010
PG Journal Number 46/2015
Publication Date 13-Nov-2015
Grant Date 12-Nov-2015
Date of Filing 07-Jun-2010
Name of Patentee CHETAN BALAR
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A01N25/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
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