Title of Invention


Abstract A low swage load fastening system is provided for installing swage-type fasteners. The fastener includes a pin member having an elongated pin shank. An enlarged head at one end of the pin engages one side of the workpieces. A grooved pin portion extends past an opposite side of the workpieces. A collar includes a shank portion adapted to be swaged into the pin lock grooves in response to a relative axial swage load applied by an installation tool. One aspect of the system, the collar is as-headed and does not require thermal processing yet provides an optimum balance of reduced collar shank wall thickness and increased hardness, whereby the swage load is minimized. A low wage load thread form for the lock grooves of the pin is also provided, a reduced diameter, relatively short pull portion pin extension, installation tool improvements, and an associated method of use are also disclosed.
1. Field
The present invention relates to fasteners and, more specifically, to a
fastening system including a multi-piece, swage-type fastener and a swage tool
therefore, which exhibit an optimum balance of low swage load and high strength.
The invention also relates to a simplified installation method using a low swage
load fastening system.
2. Related Art
In many commercial applications, two-piece threaded or swaged fasteners,
commonly referred to as lockbolts, are commonly used to secure a number of
workpieces together. See, e.g. U.S. Patent Nos. 2,531,048; 3,215,024; 3,915,053;
4,472,096; and 5,090,852. The material properties (e.g., without limitation, tensile
strength and hardness) of these fasteners varies depending on the commercial
application in which the fasteners will be used. To distinguish the varying
properties of fasteners, the fasteners are typically designated by Grade. The
Grade of a fastener is indicative of its strength. Industry standards establish the
requisite strength of a fastener in order to meet a particular Grade, with the
i strength of a particular fastener being determined by the strength of the material of
the fastener bolt or pin. For example, a 1/2 inch Grade 5 fastener has a 1/2 inch
diameter pin or bolt shank portion for use in a nominal 1/2 inch diameter workpiece
opening and, in accordance with SAE J429, Grade 5 or ASTM A-325, such Grade
5 fastener must have a minimum tensile strength of 120 KSI. By way of
i comparison, in order to qualify as a Grade 8 fastener, per SAE J429, Grade 8 or
ASTM A-490, the fastener must have a minimum tensile strength of 150 KSI.
Grade 5 fasteners are often used, for example, in railroad (e.g., railcar)
applications. Grade 8 fasteners are commonly employed in commercial
transportation applications, for example, to secure truck components within the
commercial trucking industry.
Typically swage-type fasteners include a pin and a collar. Most of these
fasteners are of the pull-type variety and include a pin shank with a locking portion
having lock grooves and a pull portion having pull grooves. The pull grooves are
adapted to be gripped by matching teeth in chuck jaws of an installation tool with a
swage anvil. The swage anvil is adapted to engage the collar and apply a relative
axial force between the pin and collar, and to move over the collar and swage it
into the lock grooves. The relative axial force comprises a combination of the
tensile load on the pin caused by the chuck jaws and the compressive load on the
collar caused by the swage anvil. The pull portion of many swage-type fasteners
is connected to the lock groove portion by a breakneck groove of reduced
strength. The breakneck groove is adapted to fracture at a preselected magnitude
of axial or tensile force which is greater than that required to swage the collar.
Accordingly, the pull portion, or pintail, will be severed and removed from the pin
shank after completion of swaging. Other swage fasteners, however, have pull
portions which remain on the pin after completion of installation. See. e.g., U.S.
Patent No. 5,315,755, 5,548,889 and 5,604,968 (disclosing a threaded pull portion
which is not severed from the pin). In other words, these fasteners are pintail-less.
See, e.g., Figures 1-8 of the 755 patent.
Among the problems frequently encountered with swage-type fasteners of
relatively high strength (e.g., Grade 5 and above), is the excessive magnitude of
applied tensile load required in order to fully swage the collar. This results in
premature wear of the installation tool, particularly the pulling mechanism, and
also stripping of the pull grooves on the pin. The high swage load also
complicates the installation process in general, especially where manually
operated installation tools are used. In an attempt to overcome some of these
disadvantages, a variety of different installation tool modifications have been
made. For example, U.S. Patent No. 4,299,519, which is hereby incorporated
herein by reference as if fully set forth herein, discloses an acorn-shaped pin pull
portion and complimentary shaped tool gripping structure which are intended to
provide engagement of all of the pull grooves ofthe pull portion by the gripping
structure of the tool and, thereby resist stripping of the pull grooves. See, e.g.,
Figures 1-5 of the '519 patent. Other tools merely incorporate hydraulic and/or
pneumatic piston-cylinders, in order to assist in applying the necessary swaging
force. See, e.g., U.S. Patent Nos. 4,597,2613 and 4,878,372. However, this adds
size and weight to the tool, which can make it awkward to handle or limit
accessibility thereby potentially jeopardizing its precise application to drive the
fastener and thus the quality of the final installation. Accordingly, there is room for
improvement of the installation tool and method for swage-type fastening systems.
The high swage load is largely the result of the use of fastener collars which
have an increased wall thickness and are thus structured to overfill or overpack
the lock grooves in order to achieve the requisite strength, for a particular fastener
Grade (e.g., Grade 5 and Grade 8). See, e.g., U.S. Pat. No. 5,090,852, supra,
(disclosing a modified pin thread form to include shallow grooves and a
streamlined root contour, with the collar having an increased wall thickness with
sufficient material to overpack such shallow grooves, in order to achieve the
requisite shear strength); see also the '755 patent, supra, and U.S. Patent Nos.
5,548,889 and 5,604,968 (disclosing a shallow pin groove construction and a
collar shank with a volume having an excess of material of at least 16% in order to
overpack the grooves). Overpacking of the lock grooves is problematic. It is a
primary source of the aforementioned undesirable excessively high swage load.
Accordingly, several attempts have been made, through variations in swage-type
fastener design, to combat these disadvantages and, in particular, the prohibitively
high swage load.
For example, U.S. Patent Nos. 6,233,802 and 6,497,024, which are hereby
incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein, disclose a fastening
system for a two-piece, swage-type fastener having a wide, shallow lock groove
thread form which is designed to permit the fastener to be installed at a lower
swage load than a conventional swage-type fastener of comparable Grade yet
retain essentially the same physical properties (e.g., tensile strength; clamp load)
when installed. The lower swage load permits the advantageous use of a smaller,
lighter weight installation tool. The system is described as applied to fasteners
having pintails as well as pintail-less fasteners. For pull-type swage fasteners
having threaded pull portions which are not severed, as in the 755 patent, supra,
the invention is stated to facilitate the engagement of fewer threads on the pull
portion because the extra force required to fracture a breakneck, is hot required.
This is said to (1) result in less stress on the engaged threads of the mating
threaded thimble or nut member of the pull tool, thereby extending tool life; (2)
permit the use of a shorter, less expensive pin because less pin protrusion is
required in order to grip the reduced number of pull grooves which must be
gripped; and (3) permit the installation tool to be smaller and thus lighter and less
expensive, because lower applied loads are required for final installation. The
system also facilitates the use of an internal drive. See, e.g., Figures 17 and 18 of
the '755 patent (illustrating an internal drive including a threaded pull rod or spindle
engageable within the pull grooves of a threaded bore in the end of the pin shank).
As described in the 755 patent and U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,548,889 and 5,604,968,
which are hereby incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein, use
of such internal drive allows for a reduction in protrusion relative to the external
drive which, in turn, provides for a more efficient final fit and appearance of the
However, as disclosed in the '024 patent, supra, in order to achieve the
foregoing benefits, it was necessary to change the thread form (e.g., lock groove
structure) to a wider and shallower configuration. Although revising the thread
form is a viable option to reduce swage load, the thread forth disclosed in the '024
patent is a drastic change requiring significantly larger pitch and a plurality of
different radii with a relatively abrupt and discontinuous transition among the radii
(e.g. from one radius to another). Producing pins with the disclosed thread form
is, therefore, difficult and cost intensive. Additionally, the discontinuous transition
among radii of the thread form prevents maximizing the complimentary
engagement of the thread form by the collar grooves, when the fastener is
swaged. There, therefore, is also room for further improvement in the thread form
for pin lock grooves.
Additionally, collars of the type disclosed in the '802 and '024 patents have
a very narrow range of acceptable hardness, because too much hardness results
in a prohibitively high swage load and too little hardness has insufficient strength.
This is particularly problematic with respect to higher Grade fasteners (e.g., Grade
5 and above) with which an increase in hardness of both the bolt and collar is
required in order to meet industry tensile strength requirements. Accordingly,
known collars must be subjected to a thermal process in order to be soft enough to
swage and be compatible with the revised thread form, but strong enough to meet
industry Grade standards. This adds still further cost and complexity to the
manufacture of the fastener. For example, two such thermal processing methods
include stress relieving and quench and tempering; obtaining consistent desired
hardness by stress relieving is very difficult to accomplish and quench and
tempering is expensive and difficult to accomplish without undesirably carburizing
or decarburizing the surface of the collars. Both methods are time and cost
intensive, requiring, for example, the added expense of furnace operating costs.
It is, therefore, highly desirable to provide a high-strength, low swage load
fastening system which exhibits, among other attributes, all of the benefits of the
low swage fasteners disclosed in the '519, 755, '802, and '024 patents, supra, but
which, also does not require, for example, cost and time intensive thermal
processing of the collar.
There is, therefore, room for improvement in the art of high-strength, low
swage load fastening systems.
It is an object of the present invention to provide a swage-type fastener that
exhibits an optimum balance of reduced swage load and high strength.
It is another object of the present invention to provide a fastener that
employs an as-headed collar, which does not need to be thermally processed
(e.g., quench and tempered; stress relieved).
It is another object of the present invention to provide a high-strength collar
with a reduced wall thicKness, thereby reducing weight and the swage load,
accordingly, while maintaining strength.
It is a further object of the present invention to provide an as-headed collar
having sufficient physical properties (e.g., hardness; strength), in order to meet a
desired fastener Grade (e.g., Grade 5; Grade 8).
It is another object of the invention to provide a collar which may be
employed with existing fasteners and thread forms thereof, while exhibiting the
requisite strength of the desired Grade (e.g., without limitation, Grade 5; Grade 8).
It is another object of the present invention to reduce the swage load
necessary to set the fastener, thereby decreasing wear of installation tool
components (e.g., without limitation, the swage anvil; thimbles; half shells) and
increasing tool life.
It is yet another object of the present invention to provide a fastener which
eliminates expensive thermal processing steps (e.g., stress relieving; quench and
tempering) of the fastener collar.
It is still another object of the present invention to provide a collar which is
employable with a wide variety of swage-type fasteners expressly including, but
not limited to fasteners with a pintail and pintail-less fasteners, such fasteners
being new or part of an existing inventory with which the collar is retrofittable.
It is another object of the present invention to increase the collar hardness
in order to maintain or improve the collar strength level, but decrease the swage
load by not overpacking the lock grooves of the fastener pin.
It is a further object of the invention to provide an improved fastener lock
groove thread form designed to overcome disadvantages experienced by known
shallow or waveform thread forms.
It is another object of the invention to provide a lock groove thread form
which is structured to reduce swage load, while being relatively easy and thus
economical to make.
It is yet another object of the invention to provide a complimentary pull
groove and tool gripping structure configuration which provides, among other
benefits, one or more of the advantages of improving engagement between the
pull grooves and gripping structure, extending fatigue life of the gripping structure
(e.g., thimble) by, for example, decreasing the diameter of the pin pulling section
and increasing the thimble cross-section and thus the thickness and strength of
the pulling threads, and minimal protrusion length of the pull portion of the pin.
Therefore, it is a general object of the present invention to provide an
improved, high-strength, swage type fastener and as-headed collar therefor, which
can be installed at a reduced swage load with existing tooling and which exhibit
optimum material properties (e.g., hardness; strength) of the desired fastener
Grade, and to provide a low swage load fastening system comprising one or more
of, the as-headed collar, an improved pin pull portion and installation tool
configuration, and a superior fastener thread form.
These objects, and others, are met by the present invention which provides
a low swage load fastening system and method.
In one embodiment of the invention, the fastener of the system may include
a collar having increased hardness and a reduced collar wall thickness adapted to
avoid overpacking the lock grooves. The collar is very economical to produce and
easier to swage when compared with known fasteners of comparable Grade. This
is because the collar of the present invention is employed as-headed, thereby
eliminating the costly requirement of a thermal treatment (e.g., quench and
tempering; stress relieving). The collar also does not require modification to the
pin lock groove thread form. It is, therefore, readily employable with existing pins
and installation tools having a variety of different lock groove thread loans, and its
reduced swage load, which is attributable to its thin wall, extends installation tool
life and/or allows lighter weight tooling. The fastener and collar therefor of the
present invention, exhibit all of the foregoing advantages while further providing
the surprising and unexpected high-strength capability sufficient to meet Grade 5
and Grade 8 industry fastener standards.
Accordingly, the low swage load fastening system is for a swage-type
fastener structured to secure a plurality of workpieces together. The swage-type
fastener includes a pin member having an elongated pin shank adapted to be
located in aligned openings in the workpieces. The pin member terminates at one
end in an enlarged head adapted to engage a surface on one side of the
workpieces and at its opposite end in a grooved portion adapted to extend past an
opposite surface on the opposite side of the workpieces. The grooved portion of
the pin comprises a locking portion having a plurality of lock grooves defined by
circumferentially extending pin grooves and associated pin shoulders terminating
in pin crests.
The fastener may be selected from the group consisting of pintail fasteners
and pintail-less fasteners. The grooved portion of the pin of the fastener may be
pintail-less and include an internal threaded bore wherein the installation tool
includes an internal drive structured to threadingly engage the internal bore during
swaging of the fastener.
In another embodiment of the invention, the low swage load fastening
system includes a pin having a substantially straight pull portion extending from
the second end of the pin and including a plurality of pull grooves. The pull portion
has an outer diameter which is smaller than the outer diameter of the locking
portion of the pin. An associated installation tool has a collet with a pull section for
complimentarily engaging the pull grooves of the pull portion. The protrusion
length of pull portion from the end of the pin is relatively short. Therefore, the pull
portion may remain on the pin after swaging or may be removed by shaving it off
or fracture of a breakneck groove that is optionally provided on the pin. The
reduced diameter of the pull portion permits the installation tools to be thicker and
stronger. The straight nature of the pull portion provides superior engagement by
the installation tool.
The first tooth of the pull section of the installation tool may have a greater
diameter than the remainder of the teeth of the tool, which extends the tool life.
The tool may be further improved, and the swage load further reduced, by
including a relatively small swage load.
In yet another embodiment of the low swage load fastening system, the
fastener pin may include a thread form defined by a number of blended radii
having a substantially smooth transition between each radius of the grooves of the
thread form. Thereby improving engagement of the grooves by the collar, when it
is swaged. Such a thread form eliminates complexities in the thread rolling dies
used to roll the threads.
In another aspect of the disclosure there is a low swage load fastening
system for a swage-type fastener structured to secure a plurality of workpieces
together. The swage-type fastener includes a pin member having an elongated
pin shank adapted to be located in aligned openings in the workpieces. The pin
member terminates at one end in an enlarged head adapted to engage a surface
on one side of the workpieces and at its opposite end in a grooved portion adapted
to extend past an opposite surface on the opposite side of the workpieces.
The grooved portion comprises a locking portion having a plurality of lock
grooves defined by circumferentially extending pin grooves and associated pin
shoulders terminating in pin crests.
An installation tool includes an anvil member with a swage cavity. There is
an as-headed collar including a generally straight collar shank adapted to be
swaged into said lock grooves on said pin member in response to a relative axial
force or swage load applied between said pin member and said as-headed collar
by said installation tool.
A desired magnitude of clamp load on the workpieces which are fastened
together define a fastened joint. The swage cavity of said installation tool is
structured to engage said collar shank and to swage it radially inward. The as-
headed collar when swaged, has collar grooves and shoulders interlocking said
pin grooves and shoulders. The pin member and said as-headed collar is of
different materials having ultimate shear stresses of different magnitudes in order
that yielding of said pin member is substantially avoided upon swaging said collar
to said pin member,
The collet has a protrusion from said collet thereby extending the length of
the pull section in a direction towards the collar thereby to increase the contact
area with said anvil.
The as-headed collar does not require thermal processing, and the
generally straight collar shank of said as-headed collar has a wall thickness which
is relatively thin thereby reducing the swage load required to said as-headed
The protrusion forms a flat circular face ahead of and adjacent to the
leading thread of the collet, and then a circular forwardly angled face ahead of the
flat face, and a second flat face, and an angular flat face back tow a line of
intersection with the outer diameter of the collet.
The end of the pull is not rolled down to a diameter position in line with the
base of the groove thereby to increase the shear strength of the end pull crest of
the pull.
In yet a different aspect the last pull crest of the pull have a contour to
conform with an enlarged puller radius of the last tooth of the collet.
All of the foregoing low swage load mechanisms may be employed
individually or in any suitable combination. A swage-type fastener, and a method
of securing a plurality of work pieces together using the aforementioned low swage
load system, are also disclosed.

A full understanding of the invention can be gained from the following
description of the preferred embodiments when read in conjunction with the
accompanying drawings in which:
Figure 1 is a cross-sectional view of the low swage load fastening system
and an as-headed collar therefor in accordance with an embodiment of the
invention, as employed on a swage-type fastener, having a pin that includes a
removable pintail, with the fastener shown inserted through aligned holes in two
workpieces before being swaged by an installation tool, which is partially shown;
Figure 2 is a cross-sectional view of the low swage load fastening system
and the as-headed collar of Figure 1 as employed on a pintail-less swage-type
fastener, with the fastener shown after being swaged by installation tool, in order
to secure two workpieces together;
Figure 3 is a cross-sectional view of the low swage load fastening system
and the as-headed collar of Figure 1 as employed on a pintail-less swage-type
fastener before being swaged by an installation tool having an internal drive, in
accordance with another embodiment of the present invention;
Figure 4 is a plan view of a prior art collar for a swage-type fastener, with
the inner bore of the collar shown in hidden line drawing;
Figure 5 is an isometric view of the as-headed collar of Figures 1-3 which
has a reduced wall thickness in accordance with an embodiment of the present
invention, with a portion of the collar cut away for simplicity of illustration;
Figures 6A, 6B and 6C are cross-sectional specimen views of swaged
fasteners having waveform, deep, and hybrid lock groove thread forms,
Figure 7 is a cross-sectional view of an improved fastener pin pull portion
and installation tool configuration in accordance with an embodiment of the
invention and four sequential installation steps for swaging the fastener collar
employing the improved pin pull portion;
Figure 8 is a cross-sectional view of an end portion of the collet for the
installation tool of Figure 7;
Figure 9 is a cross-sectional view of the anvil member of Figure 7;
Figure 10 is a cross-sectional view of an improved fastener pin pull portion
and installation tool configuration in accordance with an embodiment of the
invention and four sequential installation steps for swaging the fastener collar
employing the improved pin pull portion using a different collet; and
Figure 11 is a cross-sectional view of an end portion of the different collet
for the installation tool of Figure 10.
Detailed Description
Directional phrases used herein, such as upper, lower, front, back, etc.,
relate to the orientation of the elements shown in the drawings and are not limiting
upon the claims.
As used herein, the term "number" refers to one or more than one (e.g., a
As employed herein, the term "as-headed" refers to a collar which is strain
hardened, for example, from cold working, rather than changing hardness using a
thermal process (e.g., quench and tempering; stress relieving). The collars of the
present invention exhibit high strength (e.g., Grade 5 or 8 strength), without
requiring thermal processing.
As used herein the phrase "low swage load," is used for comparative
purposes to describe the reduction in required swage load afforded by the features
{e.g., as-headed collar; reduced diameter pintail pull portion; modified thread form)
of the fastening system of the present invention in comparison with known
fasteners of a similar Grade. Representative examples of such low or reduced
swage load are quantified in the tables and corresponding disclosure herein.
Similarly, as used herein, the phrase "reduced wall thickness" is used for
comparative purposes to describe the thinner wall structure of the collar of the
present invention in comparison with collars of known fasteners of similar Grade.
For example, the wall thickness of the exemplary collar is of reduced thickness,
having less volume of material and thus being structured not to overpack the lock
grooves, unlike many known fasteners.
As employed herein, the term "pull portion" refers to the exemplary pin pull
portion of the fastener pin and complimentary installation tool pull section for
engaging the same. As will be discussed herein, the exemplary pull portion
configuration comprises a substantially straight, reduced diameter, parallel side
pull portion which protrudes less distance from the end of the lock groove portion
of the pin than, for example, the tapered, acorn-shaped pull portion and
complimenting tool section of U.S. Patent No. 4,299,519, which is incorporated
As employed herein, the phrase "thread form" refers to the exemplary
improved pin lock groove thread form of the invention. The novel thread form is a
hybrid in that, among other new features, the thread form is, in part, a hybrid of
certain features of various thread forms. It will, however, be appreciated that
various testing and experimentation was required in order to develop the
exemplary hybrid thread form and achieve the associated advantages attributable
While examples of fasteners of the present invention are defined with
reference to certain specific sizes, i.e., nominal diameters, the concepts can be
readily extended to fasteners over a wide range of sizes (e.g., diameters; lengths).
As shown in Figures 1-3 and 7, the present invention relates to
multi-component (e.g., pin and collar) swage-type fasteners, such as, for example,
the fasteners shown and described in the '024 patent, supra, which has been
incorporated herein by reference. In Figures 1-3, 6B, 6C and 7 comparable
fastener components are numbered the same in each of the Figures, but include
the distinguishing designation of the letter "a" (Figure 2), "b" (Figure 3) "c" (Figure
6B) and "d" (Figure 6C and 7) and, unless described otherwise, can be considered
to be substantially the same. A first feature of the exemplary low swage load
fastening system 50, an as-headed collar 14 is shown as employed on each of the
fasteners 10, 10a, 10b, 10c and 10d of Figures 1, 2 and 3, 6B, 6C and 7
Figure 1 shows a fastener 10 including a pin member 12 with a pintail 41
and the as-headed, low swage load collar 14 of the present invention. The pin
member 12 has an elongated shank 15, which extends through aligned openings
or bores 16 and 17 in a pair of workpieces 18, 20, respectively, which are to be
secured together. An enlarged, protruding head 22 at one end of the shank 15
engages the back surface 23 of workpiece 18. The shank 14 has a straight,
smooth cylindrical shank portion 24 adjacent the head 22 which is adapted to be
received within the aligned bores 16 and 17 with a clearance fit. However, it will
be appreciated that in some installations the straight shank portion 24 can be
sized to provide a close tolerance or interference fit with one or both of the bores
16 and 17. Adjacent and integral with the straight shank portion 24 is a locking
shank portion 25 having a plurality of circumferentially extending, annular lock
grooves 26.
The fastener 10 of Figure 1, as previously discussed, includes a pintail or
pull shank portion 41 having a straight annular land 42 followed by a plurality of
annual pull groves 44. A breakneck groove 40 having a reduced root diameter is
located between the locking portion 25 and the annular land 42 of the pull portion
41 and defines the weakest section on the pin shank 15, The pull portion 41,
including the land 42 and pull grooves 44, is of a reduced diameter Da, relative to
the diameter Db of the crests 71 of the locking grooves 26 of the locking portion
25. Diameter Db is also the same as that of the straight shank portion 24. It will
be appreciated, however, that, in applications involving a close tolerance or slight
interference fit (not shown) with the bores 16 and 17, the crests 71 of the locking
grooves 26 will be of a diameter smaller (not shown) than that of the straight shank
portion 24. The pull grooves 44 are adapted to be gripped by an installation tool
100 which is employed to set the fastener 10 in the manner shown and described
in the '024 patent, supra.
Tooling 100 required for installation (e.g., swaging) of the collar 14 can be
generally constructed in a manner known to those skilled in the art and is,
therefore, only partially shown for purposes of simplicity. In summary, the tool 100
has a nose assembly 102 with a plurality of circumferentially spaced jaws 104
adapted to grip the pull grooves 44 of the pull shank portion 41. Jaws 104 are
located in a tubular collet assembly 106 which is slidably supported in an anvil
housing 108, which terminates at one end in a swage anvil section 110 having a
swage cavity 112. The jaws 104 are normally resiliently urged axially forward in
conical tracks 114 to the radially closed position, shown, by a jaw follower
assembly 116 (partially shown in Figure 1). However, it will also be appreciated
that, as discussed herein, that other suitable installation configurations (see, e.g.,
reduced diameter pintail pull portion 177 of Figures 7-9) and methods other than
those shown and described with respect to Figures 1-3 are contemplated by the
exemplary low swage load fastening system 50.

Figures 2 and 3 show the exemplary collar 14 as employed on two
representative varieties of pintail-less fasteners 10a, 10b, respectively. The
Figures further illustrate how the exemplary collar 14 is readily employable with a
wide variety of known installation tools. For example, Figure 2 shows an
installation tool 200 including an external drive 202 with an internal threaded bore
204 and a sensing rod 206. This installation tool 200 is also discussed in detail in
the '024 patent, which is incorporated herein. Briefly, the external drive 202
engages grooves 26a and drives or applies a relative axial force on the swage
anvil 210 such that it receives the collar 14 within the swage cavity 212 and
swages the collar 14 as the workpieces 18a and 20a are secured together.
Figure 3 illustrates the exemplary collar 14 as employed with another type
of pintail-less fastener 10b. The pin shank 15b includes an internal threaded bore
77 adapted for use with an installation tool 300 including an internal drive 306 with
a drive rod 302 having threads 304 corresponding to the threads of the internal
bore 77. Such installation tool is also shown and described in the '024 patent. In
summary, the internal drive 306 of the installation tool 300 engages the internal
bore 77 of the pin shank 15b and draws the swage anvil 310 toward the collar 14
such that it is received and swaged within the swage cavity 312.
Accordingly, it will be appreciated that the as-headed, low swage load collar
14 of the present invention may be employed with a wide variety of fasteners, and
tools therefor, including fasteners of both the pintail and pintail-less varieties,
which have conventional annular or helical lock groove thread forms with deeper
and narrower grooves or reduced pitch in comparison with the modified thread
form shown in Figures 2-3 and described in connection with the invention of the
'024 patent, supra. This is a significant improvement because, as will now be
briefly discussed, although the structure of the fastener of the '024 patent results in
the requisite swage load being reduced to a manageable magnitude, in order to do
so, it requires a drastically changed thread form and the collar is heat treated (e.g.,
quench and tempered; stress relieved) in order to achieve the necessary material
properties (e.g., strength). The collar 14 of the present invention, although
applicable with fasteners of the aforementioned revised thread form, (see, e.g.,
Figures 2-3) may also be readily employed with fasteners having a more traditional
or conventional thread form with narrower and deeper lock grooves. See e.g.,
Figures 7 and 7A and the accompanying disclosure in the '024 patent. As will be
discussed herein, the exemplary as-headed collar 14 may also be readily
employed with the improved hybrid thread form 26d (Figure 6) of the exemplary
fastening system 50 of the invention.
Referring to Figures 4 and 5, a known prior art collar (e.g. 14') is compared
to the exemplary collar 14 of the present invention. The collar 14' includes an
enlarged optional diameter flange 59' with a cylindrical shank 61' and a through
bore 65'. The collar shank 61' is of a generally uniform cylindrical configuration
with a generally uniform wall thickness t'. The collar 14' has a straight shank
portion 69' which terminates at its outer end in a radially outwardly flared shank
portion 67', also generally of thickness f.
Like the exemplary collar 14 (Figures 1-3, 5 and 7) of the present invention,
before being swaged, the collar 14' is adapted to be disposed over the pin shank
15 (see, e.g., Figure 1) and, with the workpieces 18, 20 (Figure 1) pulled together,
will have the collar shank 61' in radial alignment with the locking grooves 26
(Figure 1). At the same time, the flange 59' will be in engagement with the outer
surface 73 of workpiece 20. The workpieces 18 and 20 have a combined
thickness t1 (Figure 1) defining a nominal grip of the fastener (e.g., 10). However,
it will be appreciated that the fastener 10 can be employed over a predetermined
grip range, which varies from workpieces having a minimum total thickness less
than t1 (not shown) to a maximum total thickness greater than t1 (not shown).
As discussed in the '024 patent, which is incorporated herein by reference,
the relative axial load required to swage the collar shank 61' is minimized by
reducing the clearance between the straight collar bore portion 69' of uniform
diameter and the crests 71 (see, e.g.. Figure 1) of the lock grooves 26. In the
invention of the '024 patent this radial clearance is significantly reduced radially to
around one half of that of the conventional lockbolt. See e.g., Figure 7 of the '024
patent (illustrating the thread form of a typical swage-type fastener). Because of
the close radial clearance provided by the minimized inside diameter ID', the
outside diameter OD' can be reduced to the thickness t' necessary to provide the
desired volume. Thus, as discussed in the '024 patent, the inside diameter ID' and
outer diameter OD' are selected to provide the desired wall thickness t' of collar
shank 61' resulting in the necessary volume of collar material for swage and the
desired amount of lock groove fill, while providing the desired reduction in swage
However, as shown in Figures 4A, 7A, 8A and 9A of the '024 patent, and
discussed in the accompanying disclosure, such fastener and collar 14' therefor,
requires a modified thread form to include lock grooves 26, which are wider and
generally shallower (comparing the modified groove structures shown in Figures
4A, 8A and 9A of the '024 patent with the prior art fastener of Figure 7A).
Additionally, although the modified fastener thread form helps overcome the
aforementioned high swage load, it also requires cost intensive thermal processing
of the collar 14' in order to maintain the requisite material properties (e.g.,
Accordingly, in view of the foregoing known attempts to improve swage-
type fastener design, it has been a well recognized, long standing desire within the
fastener art to provide an economical, high Grade fastener which exhibits an
optimum balance of low swage load and high strength. While the aforementioned
fasteners have substantially met the goal of reducing swage load, they have, thus
far, only been able to do so through use of cost intensive collar heat treatment and
modifications to the thread form. Among the ways that the low swage fastening
system 50 of the present invention overcomes these disadvantages is by providing
the aforementioned improved collar 14 which is readily employable with a wide
variety of existing fasteners and thread forms thereof, and, is employable as-
headed, without requiring a heat treatment, while still exhibiting high Grade (e.g.,
Grade 5 and Grade 8) material properties {e.g., without limitation, strength). The
collar 14 is, therefore, retroactively employable with existing fasteners as an
improved stand alone component, or alternatively in combination with the other
low swage features of the exemplary fastening system 50.
Figure 5 shows a more detailed, isometric view of the exemplary
as-headed, low swage load collar 14, which is shown as employed with fasteners
10, 10a, 10b, 10c, 10d in Figures 1-3 and 7, respectively. A portion of the collar
14 is cut away to illustrate the exemplary reduced wail thickness t of the collar 14
(compare, for example, to thickness t' of collar 14' in Figure 4). Thus, for a
fastener of comparable Grade, the collar 14 of the present invention will have an
inside diameter ID substantially equivalent to the outer diameter Db of the lock
groove crest 71 (Figure 1), similar to ID' of the collar 14' of Figure 4. However, the
outside diameter OD of the exemplary collar 14 is less than OD' of the prior art
collar 14', thereby resulting in the exemplary reduced wall thickness t of the collar
shank 61. As will be discussed in greater detail herein, the reduced wall thickness
t results in a smaller volume of material to be swaged into the lock grooves (e.g.,
26, 26a, 26b, 26c, 26d of Figures 1-3, 6B, 6C and 7 respectively). This, in
combination with the increased hardness of the exemplary collar 14, results in the
lock grooves (e.g., 26, 26a, 26b, 26c, 26d) not being overpacked, which is directly
opposite of many known prior art collar designs. Also, by reducing the collar ID,
there is less distance traveled by the collar during swage to engage the lock
grooves. Less swage load is spent in swaging the collars of the present invention
into the lock grooves because the collars have less clearance from the outer
diameter of the crests that the prior art. In prior art lockbolt systems, more
clearance was provided between the collars and the outer diameter of the crests
so that more swage load was applied to the collar to swage it through air before
being swaged into the lock grooves. The reduced wall thickness t, not
overpacking the lock grooves 26, 26a, 26b, 26c and 26d and reduced clearance
between the collar and the outer diameter of the crests of the lock bolt reduces the
relative axial load required to swage the exemplary collar 14.
Accordingly, the present invention accomplishes the similar goal of reduced
swage load in a more economical, improved manner than the known prior art. It
will be appreciated that the exact difference or amount of reduction in the wall
thickness t of the exemplary collar 14 in comparison, for example, with wall
thickness t' of collar 14', will be partly dependent upon the size (e.g., without
limitation, 1/2 inch, 5/8 inch, 3/4 inch) of the particular fastener at issue. For
example, the difference in collar wall thickness will likely be greater between a pair
of 1/2 inch fasteners of comparable Grade, than, for example between a pair of 1/4
inch fasteners of comparable Grade. Examples of the effects of the reduced
thickness, t, of the collar shank 61 of the present invention, as well as
representative numbers for such thickness, will be further explained and
appreciated through discussion of the following examples. The examples illustrate
and discuss the results of several experiments conducted for the purpose of
evaluating the effects of reduced collar shank 61 wall thickness t on as-headed,
high-strength collars 14 and fasteners (e.g., 10, 10a, 10b, 10c and 10d). The
following examples are provided to further illustrate the improvements and are not
limiting upon the invention.
The purpose of the first experiment was to determine if collars made to
HS5CF-R12 dimensions could be used as-headed to meet Grade 8 values. The
HS5CF-R12 fastener is a commercially available Grade 5, swage-type fastener
which is manufactured by Huck International, Inc. of Waco, Texas.
The experiment involved a test of the outer diameter (OD), hardness,
swage load, tensile and preload of standard quench and tempered Grade 8 collars
which were tested and compared against as-headed Grade 5 collars. The results
are quantified in Table 1 herein below.
Table 1 - Grade 5 As-Headed Collar

(Table Removed)
As shown in Table 1, both Collars "A" and "B" had a swage load which was
18% lower than the current standard HS8CF-R12 collar, and both meet the
minimum industry tensile and preload requirements of Grade 5. The experiment
uncovered that the as-headed collar, Collar "A", had two distinct advantages over
Collar UB":
1) Collar "A" does not require a heat treatment operation (e.g., quench and
temper; stress relieve), and therefore, also does not receive an additional step of
cleaning or decarburizing the collar; and
2) Collar "A" had a significantly higher preload margin above the minimum
industry specification than Collar "B".
Although Collar "A" did not have quite as high actual tensile and preload as
the current standard Grade 5 collar, it had a significantly (18%) lower swage load.
Accordingly, the test confirmed that as-headed collars having a reduced OD and
thus wall thickness, in accordance with the present invention, can economically
achieve a reduced swage load (18%) while exhibiting optimum material properties.
The second experiment arose out of the desire to develop an economical
way to improve installation tool life and to reduce the cost of making Grade 8
collars. Specifically, the goal of the experiment was to determine if thinner-walled,
as-headed collars can increase snub load, decrease swage load, and maintain the
same tensile and preload as standard quench and tempered collars. Snub load is
the load at which the collar 14 first engages the pin lock grooves 26, 26a, 26b,
26c, 26d. After this point, sheet (e.g., workpiece 18, 20; 18a, 20a; 18b, 20b; 18c,
20c) gap pull-out is restricted because the collar 14 is stuck on the pin 12, 12a,
12b 12c, 12d. If a gap remains after snub, clamping is reduced because collar
elongation goes into diminishing the gap instead of stretching the pin 12, 12a, 12b,
12c, 12d.
HSCF-R20 collars from the same work order and raw material (50 KSI
tensile) were divided into four groups. HSCF-R20 collars are commercially
available collars which are manufactured by Huck International, Inc. of Waco,
Group 1 was the control group and was processed in the conventional
manner (e.g., by quenching and tempering). Collar OD was 1.009".
Group 2 was as-headed and had the collar OD turned down to 1.000".
Group 3 was as-headed and had the collar OD turned down to 0.995".
Group 4 was as-headed and had the collar OD turned down to 0.990".
All of the collars were shot blasted and waxed to have the same surface
texture and lubricant. Additionally, the same work order of pins was used for all
tests, as was the same installation tooling and the same testing instruments.
Tlmee tests weie made wfth each group lot each category o1 snub load, swage
load, preload and tensile. To simplify the report, only the averages of the tests are
reported in Table 2 herein.Table 2:
Thin-Walled. As-Headed Collars

(Table Removed)The collar OD tolerance range for standard collars is 1.006" to 1.012".
Using the same tolerance range for as-headed collars, the allowable collar OD
range is between about .995" to 1.001." As shown, the OD values in Table 2
range from about 0.990" to 1.009" and can be taken as the minimum and
maximum. The average values of 1.000" and .995" can, therefore, be compared
directly against the 1.009" nominal values.
As shown from the results quantified in Table 2, as-headed collars offer the
following advantages over standard quench and tempered collars:
1. Improved mechanical values: about 44% greater snub (gap pullout) load,
about 11% lower swage load, about 5% more tensile strength and the same
preload. Preload is about 7% above the minimum industry specification with both
types of collars, but tensile strength improves from about 3% over the minimum
specification to about 9% over specification when using the as-headed collar. The
as-headed collar also provides a decrease in installation tool pressure of about
10% to 20% which is a very significant advantage resulting in reduced tool wear,
more accessible smaller tools and lighter weight tools.
2. Improved quality: Case and decarburizing problems are eliminated when
collars are not quenched and tempered. Additionally, consistency of hardness
remains the same because as-headed collars stay within a hardness range of
about 10 Rb. It is also possible that certain quenched and tempered collars might
not meet tensile requirements if hardness approaches the minimum Grade
specification of Rb 68. This is not a problem with the increased hardness of the
exemplary as-headed collars.
3. Reduced Cost: By eliminating heat treatment and the blast clean step,
associated therewith, as-headed collars reduce manufacturing costs. Additionally,
collar raw material costs can be reduced by replacing annealed AISI 1010 steel
wire, which is commonly used to produce the collars, with hot-rolled AISI 1006
wire, which may be used to produce the exemplary as-headed collars because it
work hardens substantially the same amount as annealed AISI 1010 steel wire.
As-headed collars may be made from unannealed or annealed low carbon steel. It
is also unannealed and, therefore, less expensive.
4. Reduced lead time: Eliminating heat treatment and inspection associated
therewith saves about two or three days of the time typically required to produce
the collars.
Accordingly, the results of EXAMPLE 2 further confirm the advantages of
using an as-headed collar in accordance with the present invention. Additionally,
when viewed in conjunction with EXAMPLE 1, the ability of the fastener and collar
therefor of the present invention to reduce installation tool component (e.g., anvil;
thimble) wear and thus increase tool life becomes evident. While anvil wear would
be expected to increase because the exemplary as-headed collars are harder, it
has been discovered through the present invention that, anvil wear will in fact does
not significantly change upon reducing the OD and thus wall thickness, t, of the

exemplary collar 14 and thimble life is increased as a result of the reduced tool
pressure required.
Further to the results of the first two experiments, the third experiment
further tested the effects of increasing collar hardness while decreasing collar wall
thickness, in an attempt to find an optimum balance of high strength and low
swage load. Gap pullout results in less than optimum clamp on the joint.
However, increasing collar hardness also increases the swage force to install the
collar, as evidenced in EXAMPLE 2. Decreasing the wall collar thickness lowers
the swage force disproportionately more than the snub (gap pullout) load.
Accordingly, combining the discoveries of the foregoing experiments, this
experiment was intended to overcome known fastener design limitations by
balancing increased collar hardness with a decrease in collar wall thickness in
order to maintain the same tensile and preload and increase snub load while
decreasing the swage load, thereby improving installation tool life. It was also a
goal of the experiment to accomplish the foregoing without making a change to the
standard pin or installation tool in order to keep potential future changeover to the
new collar as simple and cost effective as possible.
For consistency, the same work order of collars was used throughout the
test. Collar wall thickness was decreased by machining down the collar OD in
.010" increments. Snub load, swage load, ejection load, preload and tensile
strength were inspected for the optimum wall thickness. The most consistent way
to significantly raise collar hardness, as learned from EXAMPLES 1 and 2, was to
leave the collars as-headed, which gave a net hardness increase of between
about 20-25 Rb points. Once the optimum collar wall thickness was determined,
the same tests were done to compare standard pins with pins of the type
described hereinbefore in connection with the 024 patent, the latter having been
heat treated to the same hardness and pinbreak. This was done to determine the
effect of lock groove form. All testing was done on production test equipment
using standard test procedures.
To simplify the report and because there was insignificant variation between
tests, only the average value of three tests for each condition is reported. Table 3
herein shows the result of the exemplary reduced collar wall thickness when
employed with pins of a standard thread form.
Table 3 - Reduced Collar Wall Thickness Standard Thread Form

(Table Removed)
As can be calculated from Table 3, a calculated as-headed hard collar OD
of .975" would give identical clamp and tensile values as the current standard
collar, but snub load would increase about 54%, and swage load would decrease
about 6%. These results further confirm the attributes of the fastener and as-
headed, thin-walled, low swage load collars therefor, of the present invention.
Snub, clamp and tensile data for standard lock grooves (e.g., of the type
discussed with reverence to Figures 7 and 7A of the '024 patent) from this group
validate the first group of data in Table 3. Swage load was about 1,300 lbs lower
than predicted, or about a 12% reduction instead of the original 6% reduction.
There was no significant difference in values due to lock groove thread form.
There was a significant (about 40%) reduction of swage load associated with a
revised hybrid lock groove in combination with the hard, thin wall as-headed collar
with comparison to the swage loads associated with a standard helical lock groove
thread form and a quench and tempered collar.
In summary, the experiment confirms that hardness can be increased
consistently by using as-headed collars and collar wall thickness can be reduced
because hoop strength is increased from such higher hardness. Reducing the OD
of the collar to about .975" creates no change in actual preload or tensile values,
but increases gap pullout by about 50% and decreases swage by about 10%.
Increased hardness of about 20 Rb points also increases calculated wear
resistance of the collar by about 40%, and no change is necessary in the pin or
swage anvil in order to swage the as-headed collars. Accordingly, not only do the
fasteners and collars therefor of the fastening system 50 of the present invention
exhibit optimized physical properties, low swage load and economic efficiency, but
the collars 14 may also be readily employed with a wide variety of existing fastener
pins and thread forms thereof as well as with the improved hybrid thread form 26d
(Figure 6C.) of the invention.
It is desirable that the pin 12, 12a, 12b, 12c, 12d (Figures 1-3, 6B, 6C and
7), be hard enough relative to the hardness of the collar 14 to resist crushing or
excessive yielding in tension or necking down from the compressive swage loads.
Therefore, in one form of the invention, for example, for the Grade 5 type fastener,
the pin 12, 12a, 12b, 12c, 12d could be made of AISI 1038 steel or AIS11541 steel
or other comparable materials for the same Grade having a hardness of between
about Rc24 to about Rc35 and an ultimate tensile strength of at least 120 KSI.
Typically, conventional collars (e.g., 14') for such fasteners were made from AISI
1010 carbon steel, which had to be thermally processed to between about Rb65 to
Rb85 and an ultimate tensile strength of at least about 60 KSI.
However, as previously discussed, the exemplary collar 14 is made, for
example, from AISI 1006 steel or any other suitable annealed or unannealed low
carbon steel material. The AISI 1006 steel is not annealed. Unannealed steel
wire, commonly referred to as "green" wire, is less expensive thereby making the
exemplary collar 14 more economical to produce. The pin 12, 12a, 12b, 12c, 12d
has a sufficient hardness to accept both the high tensile preloads desired and the
swage loads on the collar 14 without substantially yielding. In addition the collar
14, like the collars discussed, for example, in the '024 patent, can be coated with a
conventional lubricant such as a water soluble polyethelene wax or cetyl alcohol.
The collar 14 could also be zinc plated. This assists in maintaining swage loads at
the desired low level and also minimizes wear of the swage cavity 112, 212, 312,
412. Thus, as shown through EXAMPLES 1-3, the shank 61 (Figure 5) of collar
14 is provided with a sufficient wall thickness t and, thus volume, in order to insure
that enough collar material will move axially in elongation, but at the same time it
will have sufficient strength, such that the pin shoulders 60 (Figure 1) and collar
shoulders, formed during swage, remain in substantially full engagement as the
design tensiie load on the joint is reached. In this regard, the required wall
thickness t (Figure 5) of the exemplary collar shank 61 will increase slightly for
larger diameter fasteners and decrease for smaller diameter fasteners, while
remaining thin enough to exhibit the advantages discovered through the present
invention, and thinner than known prior art collars of comparable size and Grade.
Table 4 further summarizes the improvements of collar 14 by way of a comparison
between known quench and tempered collars 14' and the as-headed collar 14 of
the invention as employed with known Grade 5 and Grade 8 fasteners 10, 10a,
10b, 10c, 10d and with the improved Grade 5 and Grade 8 fasteners 10c, 10d
(Figures 6 and 7) of the exemplary low swage load fastening system 50. The
various collar dimensions are shown for three different nominal fastener sizes 1/2
inch, 5/8 inch, and 1/2 inch. For the first-two types of fastener, the collar
dimensions of the existing quenched and tempered collar 14' are shown first with
the values of the as-headed collar 14 of the invention shown indented and offset to
the right. Only the as-headed collar valves are shown for the Grade 5 and Grade
8 fasteners labeled "Next Generation". These fasteners employ the exemplary
hybrid thread form 126 (Figure 6C) of the invention, which will be discussed
Table 4: Dollar Dimension; Comparison

(Table Removed)
As shown in Table 4, it has been found with the as-headed collar of the
present invention that the ratio of the O.D. to the I.D. of an as-headed collar is
about: (i) 1.491 for an existing 5/8 inch Grade 5 fastener, (ii) 1.540 for an existing
5/8 inch Grade 8 fastener, (iii) 1.481 for a 5/8 inch next generation Grade 5
fastener, and (IV) 1.502 for a 5/8 inch next generation Grade 8 fastener. A
suitable range of the ratio of O.D. to I.D. for a collar of the present invention would
likely be about 1.47 to 1.55 or any other range falling within that range. Additional
exemplary embodiments of ranges are not set forth for the purpose of simplifying
the specification. With the prior art quench and tempered collars, it was found that
the ratio of O.D. to I.D. of the collar is about: (i) 1.509 for a 5/8 inch Grade 5
fastener and (ii) 1.557 for a 5/8 inch Grade 8 fastener.
The reduction in swage load permits a reduction in the size of the
installation tool (e.g., 100, 200, 300 of Figures 1-3, respectively; see also
installation tool 400 of Figures 7-9) resulting in a corresponding reduction in weight
of up to 40% compared to the weight of conventional installation tools. See, e.g.,
the '024 patent, supra, (discussing tool weight reduction as compared to the tool
148 of Figure 7, therein).
In view of the fact that many fasteners (e.g., 10, 10a, 10b, 10c, 10d) with
which the collar 14 of the present invention may be employed, have pull portions
and/or pintails of reduced size and/or length, it may be desirable to provide a
mechanism for holding the pin and collar together when first pre-assembling it to
workpieces, in preparation for installation. Therefore, the collar may optionally be
provided with a flexible pre-assembly tab 90 (Figure 5). See, e.g., U.S. Patent No.
4,813,834. The structure and operation of the optional assembly tab 90, if
employed, would be much the same as disclosed in the '834 patent, supra, such
disclosure being hereby incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth
herein. Briefly, the assembly tab 90 is located in the countersunk bore portion 55
of collar 14 and is of a limited circumferential length. The assembly tab 90, as
noted in the '834 patent, supra, is preferably of a flexible construction and, as
such, can be made of a plastic material such as, for example, polyurethane. The
tab 90 extends radially inwardly a distance sufficient to be located within the lock
grooves such as grooves 26, 26a, 26b, 26c, 26d. In this manner, once located in
one of the lock grooves, the collar 14 will be held onto the associated pin 12, 12a,
12b, 12c, 12d. The tab 90 is located within the countersunk bore portion 55 which
is at a point in line with the flange 59. Optional tab 90 facilitates movement of the
collar 14 onto the pin and the indexing of the tab 90 over the lock groove crests. It
will be appreciated that the tab 90 could alternatively be located at the opposite
end of the collar 14. It will also be appreciated that the collar need not employ the
optional tab 90.
It will also be appreciated that one or more portions of the collar 14 may be
of a different configuration than that which is shown and described in herein. For
example, the collar could be flangeless (not shown) or may have a flange of
reduced size (not shown) and/or the collar might not include the countersink bore
portion 55. Additionally, the collar 14 may optionally include such a countersink
bore portion at the opposite end of the collar (not shown). It will also be
appreciated that, as discussed in U.S. Patent No. 4,867,625, the optional
assembly tab (e.g., 90) may comprise a more substantial, limited thread (not
shown) of a preselected extent such that some magnitude of initial clamp of the
workpieces can be attained in addition to holding the collar 14 and associated pin
in a pre-assembled condition with the workpieces. See e.g., the '625 patent
(incorporated herein by reference the disclosure relating to the limited female
thread as if fully set forth herein).
Another means by which the low swage load fastening system 50 of the
invention reduces swaging loads is shown in Figure 6C and in particular, by way of
comparison of Figure 6C with Figures 6A and 663. Specifically, as shown in
Figure 6C, a hybrid thread form 26d is provided for the lock grooves 26d of the pin
12d. which improves upon known thread forms such as the waveform lock groove
26b and deep lock groove 26c examples of Figures 6A and 6B, respectively. The
exemplary thread form of Figure 6C is defined by a unique hybrid of features
including a number of blended radii which provide a substantially smooth transition
between the crests 28d, 30d and base of the lock grooves 26d. More specifically,
the first crest 28d has a first radius R1, the second crest 30d has a fourth radius
R4, and two intermediate radii R2, R3 define the base portion or valley 132 of the
groove 26d while simultaneously smoothly interconnecting first radius R1 and
fourth radius R4. In this manner, the hybrid thread form 26d (Figure 6C) improves
upon the relatively unsmooth and abrupt transition of the shallow and deep thread
forms 26b, 26c of Figures 6A and 6B, respectively. In particular, the relatively
shallow waveform 26b of Figure 6A requires many more radii and has a relatively
discontinuous transition between and among the radii, and the deep lock groove
thread form 26c of Figure 6B has a relatively sharp, unblended transition between
radii. Additionally, the waveform 26b of Figure 6A has a wide pitch 36b and
relatively shallow depth 38b, while the deep thread form 26c of Figure 6B
conversely has a relatively narrow pitch 36c and a much larger depth 38c, as
As can be appreciated with continued reverence to Figures 6A and 6B,
respectively, the relatively shallow waveform 26b tends to overpack when the
collar 14 is swaged, which as previously discussed, disadvantageously increases
swage load. Conversely, as shown, the abrupt changes in the deep thread form
26c of Figure 6B tend to have the opposite effect, with less than the desired
amount of engagement occurring between the lock grooves 26c of the pin 12c and
the collar 14, when it is swaged.
Referring now to Figure 6C and comparing the exemplary hybrid thread
form 26d with thread forms 26b and 26c of Figures 6A and 6B, respectively, it will
be appreciated that the hybrid thread form has a somewhat intermediate pitch 36d
and depth 38d. This, in combination with the aforementioned blended radii R1,
R2, R3, R4 provide a smooth, blended thread form 26d which accordingly
promotes the complimentary interlocking engagement of the collar grooves 62 with
the lock grooves 26d when the collar 14 is swaged, thereby reducing swage load.
The advantages of the exemplary thread form 126 can be further appreciated by
the following table of values, Table 5, which summarizes a non-limiting
comparative example of values for three different Grade 8, 5/8 inch fasteners
having pins 12b, 12c, 12d with the different thread forms 26b, 26c, 26d shown and
described with respect to Figures 6A, 6B and 6C.
Table 5: Thread Fore Comparison 5/8 inch Grade 8 Fastener

(Table Removed)
The deep lock groove thread form set forth in Table 5 was developed to
reduce the problems associated with stripping the internal threaded bore 204
depicted in FIG. 2. It was found that increasing the depth of the lock grooves 26c
was helpful in reducing damage to the internal threaded bore 204. Thereafter, it
was determined that deep lock grooves 26c were not necessary with a pull type
mechanism 177 of the type shown in FIG. 7. The hybrid lock groove thread form
set forth in Table 5 was developed for use with the pull mechanism 177 of the type
shown in FIG. 7.
As shown, the hybrid lock groove thread form 26d (Figure 6C) has a
relatively intermediate depth 38d and pitch 36d when compared with the waveform
and deep lock groove thread forms 26b, 26c, respectively, while achieving all of
the foregoing advantages, including maintaining a reduced swage load generally
comparable to the deep lock groove 26c of Figure 6B. It will also be appreciated
that the exemplary hybrid thread form 26d could be employed in combination with
the aforementioned as-headed collar 14, in order to even further reduce swage
loads. By way of example, for the 5/8 inch Grade 8 fastener of Figure 6C and
table 5, a reduction in swage load of about 11% from the wave form lock groove
can be expected when the exemplary hybrid thread form 26d of Figure 6C is used
in combination with the aforementioned as-headed collar 14. Also, for the 5/8 inch
Grade 8 fastener of Figure 6C and Table 5, a reduction in swage load of about
40% from a standard helical lock groove thread form can be expected when the
exemplary hybrid thread form 26d of Figure 6C is used in combination with the
aforementioned as-headed collar 14.
It has been found with the as-headed collar of the present invention that the
ratio of the shear strength between a pin and a collar is about: (i) 1.8 for a Grade 8
fastener and (ii) 1.6 for a Grade 5 fastener. A suitable range of the ratio of shear
strengths between a pin and a collar of the present invention would likely be about
1.5 to 2.1 or any other range falling within that range. Additional exemplary
embodiments of ranges are not set forth for the purpose of simplifying the
specification. With the prior art quench and tempered collars, it was found that the
ratio of shear strength between a pin and a collar is about: (i) 2.5 for a Grade 8
fastener and (ii) 2.2 for a Grade 5 fastener.

It has also been found with the as-headed collar of the present invention
that the lock grooves are typically packed: (i) about 40% for the deep lock groove
26c thread form and about 60% for the hybrid lock groove 26d thread form for a
Grade 8 fastener and (ii) about 30% for the deep lock groove 26c thread form and
about 50% for the hybrid lock groove 26d thread form for a Grade 5 fastener. Use
of the deeper lock groove with less than an overpacking of the lock grooves has
been found desirable from the standpoint of accommodating painted finishes that
are applied to the pin which accumulate in the troughs of the lock grooves.
It has also been found that the typical ratio of the pitch length to the depth
of the lock groove is about 2.8 for the deep lock groove thread form and about 3.6
for the hybrid lock groove thread form. A suitable range of the typical ratio of the
pitch length to the depth of the lock groove would likely be about 2.5 to 4.0 or any
other range falling within that range. The prior art wave form lock groove had a
typical ratio of the pitch length to the depth of the lock grooves of about 4.8.
Figures 7, 8 and 9 show still further mechanisms for lowering swage loads
and. thus increasing installation tool life, in accordance with the invention. Like the
hybrid thread form 26d and as-headed collar 14 previously discussed, the
following low swage load mechanisms can also be employed independently or in
any suitable combination with one or both of the aforementioned hybrid thread
form 26d (Figure 6C) and as-hea'ded collar 14 (Figures 1-3, 5, 6A, 6B and 6C).
Figure 7 shows a fastener 10d and installation tool 400 for securing two
workpieces 18d, 20d together wherein the fastener has a pull mechanism 177
comprising a substantially straight, relatively short pull portion 179 at the second
end 19 of the pin 12d. Additionally, four sequential steps are shown for installing
the fastener 10d using the exemplary low swage load system 50 in accordance
with a method of the invention.
The pull section 179 of the pin 12d has a relatively short length 183 and
thus extends or protrudes from the second end 19 of the pin 12d a short distance.
In fact, the protrusion length 183 of the exemplary pull section is so short that,
unlike the acorn-shaped pull section of U.S. Patent No. 4,299,519 (see, e.g.,
Figures 1-5) which has been incorporated by reference herein, the pull section 179
of the invention is not intended to be severed following installation, although
severance of the pull section 179 is conceivable by using a breakneck groove on
the pin 12d or shaving off the pull section 179 with a sharing tool in other
embodiments of the invention (not shown). This advantageously eliminates shock
loading of the installation tooling 400 known to be caused by the sudden fracture
of a break neck groove (see, e.g., break neck groove 40 of. Figure 1). It also
eliminates pintail debris, and pinbreak noise. The preferred embodiment of the
acorn-shaped pull portion of the '519 patent suffers from these disadvantages.
More specifically, by way of example, for a 5/8 inch Grade 8 fastener 10d, the
exemplary pull section 179 protrudes about 0.10 inches or less than the acorn-
shaped pull section of the '519 patent. Also unlike the acorn-shaped pull section
of the '519 patent, the exemplary pull section 179 extends substantially straight
with all of the pull grooves 181 having substantially the same diameter DB, which is
smaller than the outer diameter Da of the locking portion 25d of the pin 12d, as
shown. As will be discussed, the straight, reduced diameter DB configuration of
the exemplary pull portion 179 promotes better engagement by the installation tool
400 and extended tool life. It is also significantly easier to manufacture than, for
example, the tapered acorn-shaped configuration of the '519 patent, wherein each
groove of the pull portion of the pull portion has a different diameter.
Other improvements of the fastening system 50 of the invention are also
shown in Figures 7, 8 and 9. Specifically, the exemplary installation tool 400 for
installing fastener 10d includes a collet 402 having a pull section 404 with a
plurality of teeth 408 structured to complimentarily engage the grooves 181 of the
pull portion 179 of the pin (e.g., pin 12d), and an anvil member 410 having a
swage cavity 412 for swaging the collar 14, as previously discussed. The reduced
diameter DB but generally straight configuration of the exemplary pull portion 179
allows the cross-sectional thickness T (Figures 7 and 8) of the collet 402 (Figures
7 and 8) to be increased. Specifically, the thickness T can be increased up to the
full amount of the difference in diameters Da' and DB of the pin lock portion 25c
and pull portion 179, respectively. This makes the installation tool 400 stronger,
thus giving it a longer fatigue life. The exemplary reduced diameter pull portion
179 also results in less material being required for the manufacture of the pull
portion 179 as compared, for example, with pull and locking portion 25a of
fastener 10a of Figure 2. This in turn allows for the pull grooves 181 of the
exemplary pin pull section 179, and the corresponding teeth 408 of the installation
tool pull section 404 to have a greater thickness, thereby reducing stripping and
galling of the pull grooves 181. Stripping and galling of the pull threads are a
longstanding known disadvantage in the art. The first few threads of the tapered
acorn design of the '519 patent may be susceptible to stripping and galling as
wherein those threads have a reduced diameter, and. thus reduced strength and
resistance to stripping.
As noted, Figure 7 also shows the general method of installation using the
exemplary low swage load fastening system 50 of the invention. Specifically, as
shown, in operation, once the pin 12d is inserted through aligned openings 16d,
17d in workpieces 18d, 20d, the collar 14 is applied over the second end 19 of the
pin 12d. As previously discussed the collar may, but need not necessarily be the
aforementioned exemplary as-headed collar 14. The pull portion 179 of the pin
12d is then engaged by collet 402 of the installation tool 400. The exemplary
collet is a split gripper collet 402 which expands to an open position (Figure 7, top
illustration) and contracts to a constricted or closed position (Figure 7, second
illustration from the top) wherein the teeth 408 of the collet pull section 404
complimentarily substantially fully engage the pull grooves 181 of the pull portion
179. The installation tool 400 is then actuated thereby drawing the collet 402 into
the swage anvil 410, and closing the pull section 404 of the collet 402, in order that
the collet 402 pulls the pin 12d and collar 14 into the swage cavity 412 of the anvil
410 thereby applying a radially inward swage load, and swaging the collar 14 into
the pin lock grooves 26d. The sensing rod 406 then detects when the swaging
operation is complete by sensing when the pin 12d has been completely pulled,
and accordingly deactivates the installation tool 400 withdrawing the collet 402,
releasing the pull section 179, and ejecting the collar 14 from the anvil 410.
Accordingly, the exemplary installation system 50 and method greatly improve and
simplify fastener installation by achieving all of the advantages of a pintail-less
installation while avoiding associated disadvantages like the required higher wear
spin on thimble, which is replaced by the long wear collet 402. This also
eliminates a plurality of other separate installation tool components such as a
separate collet, release ejector, separate jaws, and follower and spring, and
replaces them with essentially one part, the exemplary split gripper collet 402. In
this manner the invention reduces the installation cycle time, cost, and complexity
of know spin on engagements and provides tooling which is faster, lighter, quieter,
and which contains less moving parts, equating to a significant cost savings.
It will be appreciated that other installation methods and configurations
other than those shown and described herein, could be employed. For example,
as previously discussed, it is conceivable that a severable pin pull section (not
shown) or an inner drive pull mechanism configuration (not shown) could be
employed without departing from the scope of the invention. It will also be
appreciated that while the pull section 179 is shown as having annual pull grooves
181, other thread forms (e.g., without limitation, helical threads) could conceivably
be employed if corresponding modifications were also made to the installation tool.
The improvements of the exemplary installation tool 400 afforded by the
exemplary pin pull portion configuration are further appreciated with reference to
Figures 8 and 9.
Figure 8 shows part of the pull section 404 of the exemplary split gripper
collet 402 for installation tool 400. The pull section 404 has an engagement end
405 (oriented to the left in Figure 8) and a plurality of teeth 408. In the example of
Figure 8, the pull section 404 has four teeth 408. The first tooth 409, which is
adjacent the engagement end 405 has a first inner diameter ID1 The remainder of
the teeth 408 have a second inner diameter ID2, which is less than ID1.
By opening up the inner diameter, ID1, of the first pulling tooth 409, as shown, the
collet design of the invention resists chipping of that tooth 409.
Specifically, the vertex (shown in phantom line drawing in Figure 8) of the
exemplary first tooth 409 is removed to open up the inner diameter, ID1, at that
location. This in turn moves the primary point of loading from this location to one
that is further back within the pull section 404, (e.g., to the right with respect to
Figure 8), thereby reducing the moment loading on the furthest forward root radius
r of tooth 409 and thus increasing fatigue life of the collet 402. More specifically,
by way of example with reference to the first tooth height h in the example of
Figure 8, a reduction in tooth height of about 30% results in a dramatic increase in
tool 400 fatigue life to about 24,000 installation cycles at about 12,000 pounds
swage pressure for a Grade 5 fastener, having the exemplary pull section I79
(Figure 7 ), whereas the front tooth 409 previously failed at 14,000 cycles. This
dramatic improvement resulted, as previously discussed, from reducing the
movement arm on the front tooth 409 by increasing the 1D1, which shifted the
failure mode back to a more robust area (e.g., the fourth tooth 408 from the left) of
the pull section 404 of the collet 402. This improvement is in addition to the
aforementioned increase in tool life afforded by the greater wall thickness T of the
collet 402. Additionally, as previously discussed, all of this is achieved through
use of the exemplary single component split gripper collet 402, which is adapted to
expand and constrict without requiring separate jaws, a separate ejector, or a
separate follower and spring. This is because the exemplary split gripper collet
402 includes one or more slits (not shown) which make it constrictable from a
relaxed or open position (top illustration of Figure 7) to a closed or constricted
position (second illustration of Figure 7) by being drawn into the inner bore 420
(Figure e)) of the anvil 410 which exerts a radially inward force in order to close
the collet pull section 404. It will, however, be appreciated that any known or
suitable alternative collet design (not shown) having, for example, without
limitation separate closeable jaws (not shown) could be employed to, for example,
engage and pull the pin pull portion 179 (Figure 7).
Figure 9 shows yet another advancement of the exemplary low swage load
fastening system 50.
Specifically, the exemplary swage anvil 410 includes the swage cavity 412,
which, as shown, has a radiused entrance section 414 in order to facilitate initial
engagement with the collar 14 (Figure 7), a swage land 416, and an inner bore
420. The swage land 416 has a first diameter D1, and the inner bore 420 has a
second diameter D2, which is greater than the first diameter D1. Accordingly, the
inner bore diameter D2, which opens up behind the swage land 416, relieves
compressive swage load on the collar 14 (Figure 7). This is made possible by the
relatively narrow (i.e., small) nature of the exemplary swage land 416 (best shown
in the sectional close-up view of Figure 9). The narrow width 418 of the swage
land defines a small swaging area because it then opens into the larger diameter
D2 inner bore 120, as opposed to having a continuous single diameter for
substantially the entire length L. of the swage anvil 410. The increased diameter,
D2, of the inner bore 420 of the exemplary anvil 410 also provides space to
accommodate the thicker and thus stronger wall thickness T of the collet 402
(Figures 7 and 8), thereby further increasing tool life. Furthermore, the length L, of
the improved anvil 410 of the invention, may also be shortened, as compared, for
example, to anvil 110 of Figure 1. Accordingly, the low swage load fastening
system 50 of the invention also provides a number of installation tool 400
improvements by reducing the number parts for the tool, decreasing the weight of
the tool, reducing swage loads required by the tool, reducing the cost to make the
tool, and increasing the expected life time of the tool.
With reference particularly to Figures 6A, 6B and 6C, the details of the
interaction of the collar and bolt are shown. When the collar first tries to the pull
the bolt in preload, the collar is not strong enough, so the first bolt crest shears the
collar, creating a void and rolling up collar material in front of the bolt crest. The
same thing happens to a lesser extent on the second bolt crest. Finally, there is
enough collar material engaged onto the bolt so voids and roll-up do not occur.
This happens sooner with as-headed collars that are harder than
quench/tempered collars because they have higher shear strength. Harder collars
stretch the bolt sooner and create more preload.
Figure 10 is a cross-sectional view of an improved fastener pin pull portion
and installation tool configuration in accordance with an embodiment of the
invention and four sequential installation steps for swaging the fastener collar
employing the improved pin pull portion using a different collet. The system there
shown is similar to Figure 7. In Figure 11, which is similar to Figure 8 there is a
cross-sectional view of an end portion of the different collet for the installation tool
of Figure 10.
In the disclosure of Figures 10 and 11 there is a low swage load fastening
system for a swage-type fastener structured to secure a plurality of workpieces
together. The swage-type fastener includes a pin member having an elongated
pin shank adapted to be located in aligned openings in the workpieces. The pin
member terminates at one end in an enlarged head adapted to engage a surface
on one side of the workpieces and at its opposite end in a grooved portion adapted
to extend past an opposite surface on the opposite side of the workpieces.
The grooved portion comprises a locking portion having a plurality of lock
grooves defined by circumferentially extending pin grooves and associated pin
shoulders terminating in pin crests.
An installation tool includes an anvil member 410 with a swage cavity.
There is an as-headed collar 14 including a generally straight collar shank adapted
to be swaged into said lock grooves on the pin member in response to a relative
axial force or swage load applied between the pin member and the as-headed
collar by the installation tool.
A desired magnitude of clamp load on the workpieces which are fastened
together define a fastened joint. The swage cavity of said installation tool is
structured to engage said collar shank and to swage it radially inward. The as-
headed collar when swaged, has collar grooves and shoulders interlocking said
pin grooves and shoulders. The pin member and said as-headed collar is of
different materials having ultimate shear stresses of different magnitudes in order
that yielding of said pin member is substantially avoided upon swaging said collar
to said pin member.
The collet 600 has a protrusion 602 from said collet thereby extending the
length 604 of the pull section in a direction towards the collar 14 thereby to
increase the contact area with the anvil 410. Extending puller length increases
contact area with anvil which decreases pressure and galling. It also allows for
lead angle as puller returns through smaller anvil bore.
The as-headed collar idoes not requjre thermal processing, and the
generally straight collar shank of the as-headed collar has a wall thickness which
is relatively thin thereby reducing the swage load required to the as-headed collar.
The protrusion 600 forms a flat circular face 600 ahead of and adjacent to
the leading thread 608 of the collet 600. Then there is a circular forwardly angled
face 610 ahead of the flat face 606. There is a second flat face 612, and an
angular flat face 614 back to a line of intersection 616 with the outer diameter of
the collet 600. The shear strength of the last bolt crest is increased by not rolling
down the headed blank diameter at the end of the bolt.
The end 618 of the pull 620 is not rolled down to a diameter position in line
with the base 622 of the groove 624. This increases the shear strength of the end
pull crest 626 of the pull 620. The puller teeth shears bolt threads off at line 636.
The last pull crest 626 of the pull has a contour 628 to conform with an
enlarged puller radius 630 of the last tooth 620 of the collet 600.
Also, the shortened first puller tooth 632 increasing its thickness 634 thus
reduces chipping.
In view of the foregoing, the invention provides a low swage load fastening
system and method with numerous improved fastener and installation tool
features, including an as-headed collar, a hybrid lock groove thread farm, an
improved pin pull section, and a variety of installation tool improvements, all of
which independently, and in any suitable combination, lower swage loads and
improve the installation of swage-type fasteners.
While specific embodiments of the invention have been described in detail,
it will be appreciated by those skilled in the art that various modifications and
alternatives to those details could be developed in light of the overall teachings of
the disclosure. Accordingly, the particular arrangements disclosed are meant to
be illustrative only and not limiting as to the scope of invention which is to be given
the full breadth of the claims appended and any and all equivalents thereof.

1. A low swage load fastening system for a swage-type fastener
structured to secure a plurality of workpieces together, said swage-type fastener
including a pin member having an elongated pin shank adapted to be located in
aligned openings in the workpieces, said pin member terminating at one end in an
enlarged head adapted to engage a surface on one side of the workpieces and at
its opposite end in a grooved portion adapted to extend past an opposite surface
on the opposite side of the workpieces, said grooved portion comprising a locking
portion having a plurality of lock grooves defined by circumferentially extending pin
grooves and associated pin shoulders terminating in pin crests, said low swage
load fastening system comprising:
an installation tool including an anvil member with a swage cavity;
an as-headed collar including a generally straight collar shank
adapted to be swaged into said lock grooves on said pin member in response to a
relative axial force or swage load applied between said pin member and said as-
headed collar by said installation tool, thereby providing a desired magnitude of
clamp load on the workpieces which are fastened together to define a fastened
joint, said swage cavity of said installation tool being structured to engage said
collar shank and to swage it radially inward, said as-headed collar when swaged,
having collar grooves and shoulders interlocking said pin grooves and shoulders,
said pin member and said as-headed collar being of different materials having
ultimate shear stresses of different magnitudes in order that yielding of said pin
member is substantially avoided upon swaging said collar to said pin member, and
the collet having a protrusion from said collet thereby extending the length of the
pull section in a direction towards the collar thereby to increase the contact area
with said anvil;
wherein said as-headed collar does not require thermal processing,
and the generally straight collar shank of said as-headed collar has a wall
thickness which is relatively thin thereby reducing the swage load required to said
as-headed collar.
2. The low swage load fastening system of claim I wherein the relatively
thin wall thickness of the generally straight shank of said as-headed collar is
structured to resist overpacking of said lock grooves of said pin, thereby further
reducing the swage load required to swage said as-headed collar.
3. The low swage load fastening system of claim 1 wherein said collar
exhibits physical properties, sufficient to qualify for a fastener Grade selected from
the group consisting of Grade 5 and Grade 8.
4. The low swage load fastening system of claim 3 wherein the
hardness of said as-headed collar is between about 85 Rb to 95 Rb.
5. The low swage load fastening system of claim 1 wherein said as-
headed collar is made from unannealed or annealed low carbon steel.
6. The low savage load fastening system of claim 1 including an
enlarged flange at one end of said collar shank portion, said enlarged flange
structured to engage a confronting surface on the adjacent one of said
7. The low swage load fastening system of claim 1 including an
assembly tab adapted to engage said lock grooves of said pin in order to hold said
fastener in an assembled position with an optional, predetermined preload, before
said as-headed collar is swaged.
8. The low swage load fastening system of claim 1 wherein said as-
headed collar has an outer diameter and an inner diameter; and wherein the ratio
of the outer diameter to the inner diameter of the collar is between about 1.47 to
9. A low swage load fastening system for securing a plurality of
workpieces together using a swage-type fastener, said low swage load fastening
system comprising:
a pin member having an elongated pin shank adapted to be located
in aligned openings in the workpieces and terminating at a first end in an enlarged
head which engages a surface on one side of the workpieces and at a second end
in a grooved portion which extends past an opposite surface on the opposite side
of the workpieces, said grooved portion comprising a locking portion having a
plurality of lock grooves defined by circumferentially extending pin grooves and
associated pin shoulders terminating in pin crests, said locking portion of said pin
having an outer diameter.
a substantially straight pull portion extending from the second end of
said pin, and including a plurality of pull grooves, said pull portion having an outer
diameter which is smaller than the outer diameter of said locking portion of said
an installation tool including an anvil member with a swage cavity,
and a collet having a pull section with a plurality of teeth structured to
complimentarily engage the pull grooves of said pull portion, and the collet having
a protrusion from said collet thereby extending the length of the pull section in a
direction towards the collar thereby to increase the contact area with said anvil;
a collar including a generally straight collar shank adapted to be
swaged into said lock grooves on said pin member in response to a relative axial
pulling force applied to said pull portion of said pin member by said pull section of
said installation tool thereby providing a desired magnitude of clamp load on the
workpieces, which are fastened together to define a fastened joint by said swage
cavity of said installation tool which is structured to apply a swage load by
engaging said collar shank and swaging it radially inward, said collar when
swaged, having collar grooves and shoulders interlocking said pin grooves and
shoulders, said pin member and said collar being of different materials having
ultimate shear stresses of different magnitudes in order that yielding of said pin
member is substantially avoided upon swaging said collar thereto.
10. The low swage load fastening system of claim 9 wherein said pull
portion of said pin has a length; wherein, the length of said pull portion is
substantially less than the length of said locking portion of said pin in order that the
protrusion length of said pull portion from the second end of said pin is relatively
short; and wherein said pull portion is structured to remain on the second end of
said pin after the installation of said fastener.
11. The low swage load fastening system of claim 9 wherein all of the
pull grooves of said pull portion of said pin have substantially the same diameter;
and wherein all of the teeth of said pull section of said installation tool are
structured to fully engage the pull grooves of said pull portion in order to resist
stripping and galling of said pull grooves.
12. The low swage load fastening system of claim 11 wherein said pull
section of said installation tool has an engagement end; wherein the first tooth of
said teeth of said pull section which is adjacent said engagement end has a first
inner diameter, wherein the remainder of the teeth of said pull section have a
second inner diameter; and wherein the first inner diameter of said first tooth is
greater than the second diameter.
13. The low swage load fastening system of claim 9 wherein the collet of
said installation tool has a cross-sectional thickness; and wherein the difference
between the outer diameter of the lock portion of the pin and the smaller outer
diameter of the pull portion of said pin provides for a corresponding increase in
said cross-sectional thickness of said collet, thereby extending the fatigue life of
said installation tool.
14. The low swage load fastening system of claim 9 wherein said collet
is a single split gripper collet; wherein the pull portion of said split gripper collet is
adapted to expand to receive said pull portion of said pin and constrict in order that
said teeth of said pull portion complimentarily engage said pull grooves of said pull
portion without requiring the collet to be spun onto the pull portion, and without
requiring any use of a separate ejector, a separate pair of opposing jaws, and a
separate follower and spring.
15. The low swage load fastening system of claim 9 wherein the swage
cavity of said anvil member of said installation tool has a radiused entrance
section structured to receive said collar, a swage land adjacent said entrance
section and having a first diameter, and an inner bore having a second diameter,
said swage land being structured to provide said radially inward swage load on
said collar; wherein said swage land is relatively narrow in order to reduce the
swage load required to swage said collar; and wherein the second inner diameter
of said inner bore is greater than said first inner diameter of said swage land in
order to relieve some of said radially inward swage load and thereby further
reduce said load.
16. A low swage load fastening system for securing a plurality of
workpieces together using a swage-type fastener, said low swage load fastening
system comprising:
a pin member having an elongated pin shank adapted to be located
in aligned openings in the workpieces and terminating at a first end in an enlarged
head which engages a surface on one side of the workpieces and at a second end
in a grooved portion which extends past an opposite surface on the opposite side
of the workpieces, said grooved portion comprising a locking portion having a
plurality of lock grooves defined by circumferentially extending pin grooves and
associated pin shoulders terminating in pin crests, said locking portion of said pin
having a outer diameter;
an installation tool including an anvil member with a swage cavity;
a collar including a generally straight collar shank adapted to be
swaged into said lock grooves on said pin member in response to a relative axial
force or swage load applied between said pin member and said collar by said
installation tool, thereby providing a desired magnitude of clamp load on the
workpieces which are fastened together to define a fastened joint, said swage
cavity of said installation tool being structured to engage said collar shank and to
swage it radially inward, said collar when swaged, having collar grooves and
shoulders interlocking said pin grooves and shoulders, said pin member and said
collar being of different materials having ultimate shear stresses of different
magnitudes in order that yielding of said pin member is substantially avoided upon
swaging said collar thereto; and
a collet having a protrusion from said collet thereby extending the
length of the pull section in a direction towards the collar thereby to increase the
contact area with said anvil;
wherein said lock grooves of said pin comprise a thread form defined
by a number of radii for each of said pin grooves, said pin shoulders, and said pin
crests of said lock grooves, said radii being blended in order to have a
substantially smooth transition between said radii and thereby promote the
complimentary interlocking engagement of said collar grooves with said lock
grooves when said collar is swaged, and to reduce the swage load required to
swage said collar.
17. The low swage load fastening system of claim 16 wherein said crests
of each pin groove include a first crest and a second crest; wherein the distance
between said first and second crests defines the pitch of said lock grooves;
wherein said radii includes first, second, third and fourth radii; and wherein said
second radius and said third radius define the bottom portion of said pin groove,
said first, second, third, and fourth radii being blended to provide said substantially
smooth transition therebetween.
18. The low swage load fastener of claim 17 wherein the thread form
defined by said blended radii is selected from the group consisting of an annular
thread form, and a helical thread form, and a wave thread form.
19. The low swage load fastener of claim 16 wherein the ratio of the
shear strength between said pin and said collar is between about 1.5 to 2.1.
20. The low swage load fastener of claim 16 wherein each of said lock
grooves has a pitch length and a depth; and wherein the ratio of the pitch length to
the depth is between about 2.5 to 4.
21. A method of installing a swage-type fastener using a low swage load
fastening system, said swage-type fastener including a pin member having an
elongated pin shank, said pin member terminating at a first end in an enlarged
head and at a second end in a grooved portion, said grooved portion comprising a
locking portion having a plurality of lock grooves defined by circumferentially
extending pin grooves and associated pin shoulders terminating in pin crests, said
method comprising:
inserting said elongated pin shank of said pin through aligned
openings in a plurality of workpieces;
applying a collar to said pin said collar having a generally straight
collar shank adapted to be swaged into said lock grooves on said pin in order that,
when swaged, said collar has collar grooves and shoulders interlocking said pin
grooves and shoulders;
engaging a pull portion of said pin with an installation tool, said pull
portion comprising a substantially straight pull portion extending from the second
end of the pin, said pull portion including a plurality of pull grooves and having an
outer diameter which is smaller than the outer diameter of said locking portion of
said pin, said installation tool comprising an anvil member with a swage cavity,
and a collet having a pull section with a plurality of teeth structured to
complimentarily the pull groves of said pull portion, and having a protrusion from
said collet thereby extending the length of the pull section in a direction towards
the collar thereby to increase the contact area with said anvil;
actuating said installation tool thereby closing said pull section of
said collet in order that said teeth complimentarily engage the pull grooves of said
pull portion and drawing said collet into said anvil and, said collet pulling said pin
and said collar into said anvil in order to swage said collar into said lock grooves;
deactivating said installation tool in order to withdraw said collet,
releasing said pull portion and ejecting said collar when said fastener has been
installed and said workpieces are clamped together.
22. The method of claim 21 further comprising employing as said collar
an as-headed collar which does not require thermal processing
23. The method of claim 21 further comprising employing as said lock
groove of said pin, a lock groove defined by a number of radii for each of said lock
grooves, said radii being blended in order to have a substantially smooth transition
between said radii and thereby promoting complimentary interlocking engagement
of said collar grooves with said lock grooves when said collar is swaged.
24. The system of claim 1 further comprising having the protrusion form
a flat circular face ahead of and adjacent to the leading thread of the collet, and
then a circular forwardly angled face ahead of the flat face, and a second flat face,
and an angular flat face back tow a line of intersection with the outer diameter of
the collet.
25. The system of claim 9 further comprising having the protrusion form
a flat circular face ahead of and adjacent to the leading thread of the collet, and
then a circular forwardly angled face ahead of the flat face, and a second flat face,
and an angular flat face back tow a line of intersection with the outer diameter of
the collet.
26. The system of claim 16 further comprising having the protrusion form
a flat circular face ahead of and adjacent to the leading thread of the collet, and
then a circular forwardly angled face ahead of the flat face, and a second flat face,
and an angular flat face back tow a line of intersection with the outer diameter of
the collet.
27. The method of claim 21 further comprising having the protrusion
form a flat circular face ahead of and adjacent to the leading thread of the collet,
and then a circular forwardly angled face ahead of the flat face, and a second flat
face, and an angular flat face back tow a line of intersection with the outer
diameter of the collet.
28. A low swage load fastening system for a swage-type fastener
structured to secure a plurality of workpieces together, said swage-type fastener
including a pin member having an elongated pin shank adapted to be located in
aligned openings in the workpieces, said pin member terminating at one end in an
enlarged head adapted to engage a surface on one side of the workpieces and at
its opposite end in a grooved portion adapted to extend past an opposite surface
on the opposite side of the workpieces, said grooved portion comprising a locking
portion having a plurality of lock grooves defined by circumferentially extending pin
grooves and associated pin shoulders terminating in pin crests, said low swage
load fastening system comprising:
an installation tool including an anvil member with a swage cavity;
an as-headed collar including a generally straight collar shank
adapted to be swaged into said lock grooves on said pin member in response to a
relative axial force or swage load applied between said pin member and said as-
headed collar by said installation tool, thereby providing a desired magnitude of
clamp load on the workpieces which are fastened together to define a fastened
joint, said swage cavity of said installation tool being structured to engage said
collar shank and to swage it radially inward, said as-headed collar when swaged,
having collar grooves and shoulders interlocking said pin grooves and shoulders,
said pin member and said as-headed collar being of different materials having
ultimate shear stresses of different magnitudes in order that yielding of said pin
member is substantially avoided upon swaging said collar to said pin member, and
wherein the end of the pull is not rolled down to a diameter position in line with the
base of the groove thereby to increase the shear strength of the end pull crest of
the pull;
wherein said as-headed collar does not require thermal processing,
and the generally straight collar shank of said as-headed collar has a wall
thickness which is relatively thin thereby reducing the swage load required to said
as-headed collar.
29. A low swage load fastening system for a swage-type fastener
structured to secure a plurality of workpieces together, said swage-type fastener
including a pin member having an elongated pin shank adapted to be located in
aligned openings in the workpieces, said pin member terminating at one end in an
enlarged head adapted to engage a surface on one side of the workpieces and at
its opposite end in a grooved portion adapted to extend past an opposite surface
on the opposite side of the workpieces, said grooved portion comprising a locking
portion having a plurality of lock grooves defined by circumferentially extending pin
grooves and associated pin shoulders terminating in pin crests, said low swage
load fastening system comprising:
an installation tool including an anvil member with a swage cavity;
an as-headed collar including a generally straight collar shank
adapted to be swaged into said lock grooves on said pin member in response to a
relative axial force or swage load applied between said pin member and said as-
headed collar by said installation tool, thereby providing a desired magnitude of
clamp load on the workpieces which are fastened together to define a fastened
joint, said swage cavity of said installation tool being structured to engage said
collar shank and to swage it radially inward, said as-headed collar when swaged,
having collar grooves and shoulders interlocking said pin grooves and shoulders,
said pin member and said as-headed collar being of different materials having
ultimate shear stresses of different magnitudes in order that yielding of said pin
member is substantially avoided upon swaging said collar to said pin member, and
having the last pull crest of the pull have a contour to conform with an enlarged
puller radius of the last tooth of the collet;
wherein said as-headed collar does not require thermal processing,
and the generally straight collar shank of said as-headed collar has a wall
thickness which is relatively thin thereby reducing the swage load required to said
as-headed collar.
30. A method of installing a swage-type fastener using a low swage load
fastening system, said swage-type fastener including a pin member having an
elongated pin shank, said pin member terminating at a first end in an enlarged
head and at a second end in a grooved portion, said grooved portion comprising a
locking portion having a plurality of lock grooves defined by circumferentially
extending pin grooves and associated pin shoulders terminating in pin crests, said
method comprising:
inserting said elongated pin shank of said pin through aligned
openings in a plurality of workpieces;
applying a collar to said pin said collar having a generally straight
collar shank adapted to be swaged into said lock grooves on said pin in order that,
when swaged, said collar has collar grooves and shoulders interlocking said pin
grooves and shoulders'
engaging a pull portion of said pin with an installation tool, said pull
portion comprising a substantially straight pull portion extending from the second
end of the pin, said pull portion including a plurality of pull grooves and having an
outer diameter which is smaller than the outer diameter of said locking portion of
said pin, said installation tool comprising an anvil member with a swage cavity,
and a collet having a pull section with a plurality of teeth structured to
complimentarily the pull groves of said pull portion, and wherein the end of the pull
is not rolled down to a diameter position in line with the base of the groove thereby
to increase the shear strength of the end pull crest of the pull;
actuating said installation tool thereby closing said pull section of
said collet in order that said teeth complimentarily engage the pull grooves of said
pull portion and drawing said collet into said anvil and, said collet pulling said pin
and said collar into said anvil in order to swage said collar into said lock grooves;
deactivating s#id installation tool in order to withdraw said collet,
releasing said pull portion and ejecting said collar when said fastener has been
installed and said workpieces are clamped together.
31. A method of installing a swage-type fastener using a low swage load
fastening system, said swage-type fastener including a pin member having an
elongated pin shank, said pin member terminating at a first end in an enlarged
head and at a second end in a grooved portion, said grooved portion comprising a
locking portion having a plurality of lock grooves defined by circumferentially
extending pin grooves and associated pin shoulders terminating in pin crests, said
method comprising:
inserting said elongated pin shank of said pin through aligned
openings in a plurality of workpieces;
applying a collar to said pin said collar having a generally straight
collar shank adapted to be swaged into said lock grooves on said pin in order that,
when swaged, said collar has collar grooves and shoulders interlocking said pin
grooves and shoulders'
engaging a pull portion of said pin with an installation tool, said pull
portion comprising a substantially straight pull portion extending from the second
end of the pin, said pull portion including a plurality of pull grooves and having an
outer diameter which is smaller than the outer diameter of said locking portion of
said pin, said installation tool comprising an anvil member with a swage cavity,
and a collet having a pull section with a plurality of teeth structured to
complimentarily the pull groves of said pull portion, and having the last pull crest of
the pull have a contour to conform with an enlarged puller radius of the last tooth
of the collet;
actuating said installation tool thereby closing said pull section of said collet in order that
said teeth complimentarily engage the pull grooves of said pull portion and drawing said
collet into said anvil and, said collet pulling said pin and said collar into said anvil in
order to swage said collar into said lock grooves; and
deactivating said installation tool in order to withdraw said collet releasing said pull
portion and ejecting said collar when said fastner has been installed and said workpieces
are clamped together.
32. . A low swage load fastening system for a swage-type fastener structured to secure a
plurality of workpieces together substantially as herein described with reference to
the accompanying specification, examples and drawings.
33. A method of installing a swage-type fastener using a low swage load fastening
system, substantially as herein described with reference to the accompanying
specification, examples and drawings.



Patent Number 269954
Indian Patent Application Number 4117/DELNP/2008
PG Journal Number 47/2015
Publication Date 20-Nov-2015
Grant Date 19-Nov-2015
Date of Filing 14-May-2008
Applicant Address 3724 EAST COLUMBIA STREET, TUCSON, AZ 76712 (US)
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number F16B 19/08
PCT International Application Number PCT/US2006/043232
PCT International Filing date 2006-11-03
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 PCT/US2006/043232 2006-11-03 PCT